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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Wedlock - Part 42


Chapter 42

The Goldman Hotel

Khushi waits at the lobby while Arnav collects the room keys from the reception. It seems like he is not just collecting the keys but also giving them some specific instructions? What is he talking? The Reception girl flashes a cheeky smile at him which instantly picks Khushi’s attention and goosebumps of jealousy rises on her skin. This has never happened before. Her husband has that kind of personality which can immediately differentiate him from the rest.

He returns back to her and entwining their fingers again, he leads her to the Elevator. The flush on Khushi’s face remains intact as they enter the presidential suite where he has checked in. He punches the key and the lights glow, immediately making Khushi aware of their closeness and the possibilities of staying with him tonight.

“That’s our den for tonight” he murmurs leading her all the way in.

Khushi takes a minute to admire the room. It is too vast to occupy just the two of them. Her phone rings. She comes out of her stance and picks the call. It’s Anjali.

“Hello Di”
“Khushi.. How was your dinner with Chotte?”

Arnav makes his way inside while she continues her talk.

“It was good Di”
“I am sure it was. Did he drop you back? When is his flight tomorrow?”

Khushi gazes at the direction of the bedroom where he has just stepped in and taking off his Shoes. He is sitting on the recliner inside and looking breathtakingly handsome. She had never realized what a masterpiece her husband is, until today. Why?

“Khushi.. what happened?”
“Uh.. Di.. I am staying tonight with Arnav in his Hotel” Khushi bites her lip immediately after informing this to Anjali who goes quiet for a minute.
“That’s a great idea. I never thought you would. But its nice. I will hang up and call you tomorrow morning.”
“Good night Di”
“Good night” Anjali holds her blush and disconnects.

“Who was it?” Arnav’s husky voice comes straight from behind her.
“Di..” she replies. He has changed. He is in his Night pants and T shirt now. “I told her I am with you, that we are staying together” she adds.
Arnav admires her blushing face and then kisses her deep without she could even comprehend he would. They pull back after a minute when the door knocks.
“I will be right back. Wait here”

Where else can she go? She watches him making way to the door. He collects a box from the person and shuts the door again.

“That’s your night gown. You cannot sleep in these clothes”

Khushi is delighted, confused and surprised that he could manage to think so much about her comfort. So, this is what he was talking at the reception while collecting the keys.
“Go change” he whispers. She gives him a blank nod. She feels drugged already by his kindness, love and intoxicating kisses.


Khushi wears the night gown. It’s red. But decent enough not to expose much of her skin. The straps are thin and she hopes they don’t make her feel very uncomfortable before him.
When she comes out of the bathroom, she finds Arnav standing at the French windows and looking at the Vast city of San Francisco. She tries to blend in.

“It’s a beautiful view, isn’t it?” she asks looking outside

Arnav turns to her. He takes a minute to admire his wife in that gown.
“Not as beautiful as you are Mrs. Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada”
That comment adds more color to her cheeks. He removes a small box from his pocket.
“Another surprise?” she asks with a bright smile. Her husband is full of surprises for her from last night. She cannot even imagine what else he has in store for her.

He gives her the box and asks her to open it. A diamond ring shines as she opens the box. Khushi cannot contain her excitement.

“We never got engaged, did we?” he asks.
“You never proposed me” she complains shamelessly. Arnav narrows his gaze and pins her to the glass wall, weakening her laugh.
“You want me to propose?” he huskily asks. “I am afraid of denial, AGAIN”

Khushi swallows hard. When he had confessed, he wants this marriage to work, in Cape Town, she had denied him and he is still afraid of asking her again.

“How would you know my reply until you actually propose me?” she throws him a challenge and he playfully accepts it. He snatches the box from her and picks the ring in his fingers. He goes on his knees and Khushi feels her body trembling by his sudden gestures.

“Mrs. Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada, do you still want me as your husband, for now and forever?” he asks.

It’s a weird proposal but so much perfect for them. They are already married so he obviously won’t propose her for marriage but since she doesn’t take him as her husband yet, not in full sense at least, this is the best proposal question he could ask.

“I know this is going to a big promise, but I assure you won’t regret it” he adds, holding the ring lovingly towards her as an offering to accept. Khushi grins, her head slowly giving her reply as she nods and moves her left hand towards him.
“I do” she replies.
It’s like a dream come true for him. He had been waiting for her approval from past 6 months and never hoped she would give it to him so soon. He slides the ring in her finger and kisses the back of her palm. She adores the ring and watches him get back on his feet.

Their eyes lock again. She presses her palms over his chest and kisses him. Hard. When they pull back, she decides something.
“We need to click this moment, its special” she demands.

Arnav leaves his grip and she gets her phone to click a picture of theirs, together. Arnav hugs her from behind, his one arm resting on her waist while the other holding the camera in position. His possessive hold on her makes her blush really hard and that’s the exact moment when he clicks their picture.

“We make a great pair” he mumbles in her ears as keeps the phone aside.
“We do” she agrees. “I am going to keep this as my profile picture on the social account. I want to make someone jealous” she winks.

Arnav knows whom she is talking about.
“Where is Shagufta? Did you find about her?” Khushi asks
Arnav sighs.
“Yes, she is here. In San Francisco. You were right”

His reply makes her bounce back in shock.
“She is here? Why?”
“Some work. It’s nothing personal”
“How sure are you?”
“Very. But I won’t take risk. I have my people keeping a close eye on her. We will know if she plans anything evil”

Khushi rolls her eyes.
“Do you have men keeping an eye on me as well?”
“Khushi” he intervenes, his voice clearly rejecting to answer that.
“I want to know.. I won’t be pissed even if you agree to that”
“Yes, but only when it’s absolutely necessary. I know Di and Jeeju are here to watch your back. But being your protective husband, I have to ensure your safety at all costs”

Khushi absorbs that and decides not to argue about it. He puts his hands over hers, stilling her restless movements.

“I am going to miss our talks when I leave from here” he admits stroking her cheeks seductively. She closes her eyes, feeling his touch. He sweeps Khushi off her feet and carries her to the bed. She is clueless what is coming next. He shuts the lights and sleeps next to her.

Are they just sleeping? Nothing else? She doesn’t ask him.

“I miss sleeping next to you in Shantivan” he mutters. “Thanks for keeping me alive through emails”
Khushi smiles hugging him tight.
“Thanks for getting Dad here. Though it didn’t go as planned, I will talk to Kyle and try sort this”
“let me know the result” he demands.
She nods shutting her eyes again. This is not what she thought will happen.. She had expected more intimacy considering how impatient they behaved the whole day for each other. But this is also good. She snuggles closer to him and he wraps his arms possessively around.

“When will we see each other again?” she queries.
“I can come here whenever you wish to see me”

His reply doesn’t help her soothe the painful tears which pricks the back of her eyes. In few hours he will be gone and she is going to feel that vacuum again.

“Wake me up when you leave” she murmurs.
“I wont”
She raises her head and gives him a quizzical look.
“I cannot say goodbye to you, Khushi. It will hurt. It is better I leave while you are still sleeping”
“You wont do that” she hits his chest.
“I have no choice”
“Please.. It is already difficult to leave, don’t add the pain”

A stupid tear slips out the corner of her eye. He kisses it.
“We will be in touch” he assures.
“How will you send kisses in emails?” she asks followed by a chuckle.

Arnav fakes a thoughtful expression.
“I can give you them in dreams, every night”

She grins and cuddles into him again. After this, she is going to dream about him every single night.

Sleep soon overpowers them, both drowned in the warmth of peacefulness.


When Khushi wakes up in the morning, she finds the other side of the bed vacant. He is gone!! He really didn’t wake her up? She pushes the duvet aside and checks the watch. It’s 09:00. How could she sleep so leisurely? Maybe because she was in his arms.. with his touch on her. She thinks of dialing him and check. To her surprise she finds an email notification on her phone screen. She instantly opens it.


Don’t be upset that I didn’t wake you up. And please, this is not like that last time when I left you alone at the immediate morning after Suhaagraat. You know it is hard for me to tear myself apart from you. 

I enjoyed whatever hours we spend together, Khushi and I am going to cherish each one of them until we meet the next time. I hope that time comes soon. 

Keep the gown. I want you to wear it again the next time we are together and not expect me to be so decent like last night. Now before you question me why I was being decent, let me tell you, I want to take one step at a time. A lot happened between us in the past couple of hours. We met, kissed uncountable times, I proposed you, you accepted my proposal and we slept on the same bed. If I had taken the next step, it would be in the spur of the moment and it would never be enough considering the time limit we had. I promise to make it more special and worth it when it actually happens. 

I will miss you Khushi and I can’t wait to see you again. 

Your Loving Husband,


Khushi holds the mobile phone close to her heart. He really has a knack with words and he knows how to blend it with emotions. It literally made her cry. After taking another minute to absorb the fact that he is really gone, she decides to reply his email.


Whatever reasons you have, never leave me alone after spending a night with me. I don’t like waking up alone especially when I dream only about you throughout my sleep. 

I loved the gown and I will accept your wish of wearing it again the next time we stay together. Already scratching my head when that day will come? 

One step at a time – I fully agree to your concept. 

I am missing you too. 

p.s. I wish to hijack your plane. 

Your Hijacker wife, 

To be Continued



  1. First to comment 😍
    Lovely update.not only Khushi even we are waiting for their next meet.😂😍

  2. Arnav has become a goal. Gos how did that happen ���� loved every bit of it. Hopefully Shagupta won't do anything silly again rather enjoy burning in jealousy �� awesome update

  3. Wonderful update. I loved the proposal part. So Khushi has finally accepted him as her husband, thats a huge development.
    Not only them, even we are waiting desperately for their next meet.
    This one might have been short but they surely got to spend lots of lovely moments together. That will help them manage the remaining time apart a bit but now the distance will haunt even more after having been so close.

  4. I wonder why Shagufta is there though. It does seem a but fishy. Hope she doesn't create any problems between the two. Their trust for one another is strong enough now but Shagufta has an evil mind, she can create a rift.
    Its good Arnav has men keeping an eye on her. Ite better to be safe from beginning itself.

  5. i loved it.... it's so sweet of him.... good... one step at a time..
    loved it

  6. Both are made for each other... lovely update

  7. Awesome Update. Arnav has truely changed into a romantic husband. His caring side is so new also he is flirty here.The proposal and Khushi's acceptence is beautiful. Khushi's idea of making Shagufta jealous is mind blowing but hope that jealous and stupid Shagufta won't do anything to spoil Arshi relation. Along with Khushi we are also sad that they have to stay apart .Arnav and Khushi both have become mature and the best couple. Waiting for the next part.

  8. It's wonderful because now khushi will wear a ring. But what about arnav. Will he ever wear a ring? I hope that they will meet each other soon. Because we got enough of their separation. From the start till 40th part they were not together as a loving couple.

  9. Lovely update truth to be told its the best romance for couple like them because it's really happens when they decided to start fresh because firstly they need time and understanding and communication between them then only they go for next level whatever situation they can't go for consumate their marriage it's like and make him an opportunitist but this way their love going part is great and again once you proved you are a fantastic writer madhu

  10. Only one word Fab ...I love arnavs chrectrr more than khushi.hope they meet soon.till then what shgufta up to ....

  11. Wait wait Romance is on the way

  12. Awesome update. Superb. It was such a roller coaster ride from their marriage day till this day. Finally they are together with their wish. Lovely proposal. Eagerly waiting for their next meet, And to know how their email conversations after this proposal.

  13. The lovely update but i still thirsty this ff

  14. How lovely wonderful update

  15. Arnav is trully decent n mature in handling his emotion n desire....a real gentleman...😊

  16. Wonderful awesome fabulous update next part soon

  17. Arnav became a Perfect Husband...I can't believe that I am saying it.... How the hell did he happen? I still remember reading the first parts of this story and I literally hated this insensitive and worst husband he was.... From that to this....His redemption... His care...His love..... He totally changed and became the perfect husband Goals

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Awesome please one more update because yeh dil mange more. Pleaseeeeeee

  20. Waiting for their romance to continue .. This Arnav and Khushi of yours are so beautiful.. I can imagine them

  21. Beautiful update … I wish to see them together all the time … good they were sober bcoz making love in the heat of the moment is not good

  22. Very beautiful and lovely update.

  23. Lovely update loved it please give us next update on this

  24. Every word I comment will not do justice to the update ...It was beyond words to describe ....

  25. The Bestest update 2 😍❤👌 Ahh !! I am loving it yar 😍😘❤👌 cannot enough of this ff 😍 .... It was soo unexpected that arnav will propose her and the biggest change and shocker is khushi accepted it and i am soo happy for that there both r actual mein couple bangya there have started showing affection for eachother and longing too and also started loving this it soo good too see this 😍❤ but this seperation of long distance it hurts 😞😢 and i hope there meet soon again post it asap

  26. Madhu hope you are not taking a break on Monday b.cos u gave a updated on Sunday

  27. Awesome please one more update because yeh dil mange more. Pleaseeeeeee

  28. Very beautiful and cute update
    Loved it too much
    We to are waiting for theie next meet eagerly

  29. You r an amazng writer....wondrful update😍❤️

  30. He proposed her beautifully....they spend a perfect day and night together. He is such a gentleman who wants to take baby steps in their relationship. Wondering yeh Shagufta koi raita na felaye.

  31. Awesome update 😍😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤❤💋💋💋💋💋👏👏👏👏👏

  32. 😍😍🤧😍😍 this was the sweetest and i loved it.

  33. Very nice update..loved the way arshi spend time n arnav's propose her...

    Loved it
