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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Wedlock - Part 46


Chapter 46

Cape Town

“Arnav” Khushi tries to stop him.
“Your phone”
“Let it ring” Arnav whispers in her ears while still holding her in arms and believing their togetherness.
“It might be important.” She urges him to answer the call. “At least check who it is”

Arnav sighs in frustration and pulls himself back from his wife who looks so messed up in that robe right now. Few other thoughts cloud his mind, striking the reality back and he becomes serious.

“We are not finished” his tone changes as he walks back to the couch and picks the phone he had discarded earlier. “Good you called Aman” he answers. “You have one week to handover. I am firing you”

Khushi frowns at her husband and is about to interrupt when Arnav gestures her by his arm not to.

“You knew Khushi was coming here and you didn’t inform me?” Arnav asks.
“Boss… she wanted to surprise you”
“Nothing is more important to me than her safety Aman” he continues to argue over the call.

Khushi reaches him and snatches the phone from Arnav.

“Aman.. No one is firing you. I reached here safe. Thanks for the favor. We will see you in a while downstairs.”

Arnav keeps staring at his wife who has picked up her role very seriously. She is not just leading but amending his given decisions too. Khushi hangs up and wraps her arms around Arnav’s neck.

“Please don’t be mad at me. This was supposed to be a surprise and Aman ensured the guards follow me here. Only you were not to be informed. That’s it.
“That’s it?” he snaps.
“Don’t fire him please.” She pouts.
Arnav pulls her closer.
“You are wasting your pouts” he replies.
Khushi blushes.
“I wanted to surprise you” she admits sincerely.
“I thought you hated surprises”  he stares at her amused disbelief.
“I don’t like to receive Surprises.. But don’t mind giving a few to my husband”

Arnav doesn’t reply to that. His eyes are so intensely gazing her that he wants to forget every other worry and relish the moment, but the protective husband inside him, can’t do that.

“It was too risky” he mutters.
“I am safe.. Isn’t that enough?”
“I don’t like taking chances Khushi” he brushes his fingers on her cheeks. “Never with you” he adds.
Khushi notices the fear of losing her, in his eyes. She gets serious too and cups his face.

“I will try to conform to your commands henceforth”
“TRY?” he asks argumentatively.
“Okay..” she sighs. “I will.. I will always obey whatever you ask me to do. Does that make you happy?”

A faint smile pops on his lips and she is glad that he didn’t extend this conversation further.

“You really need a Spank from me, Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada. That will remind you of this agreement between us forever”

Khushi’s cheeks flush as she hears that from him, face to face. It’s embarrassing yet so sensual. She shifts in his arms with awkwardness.

“Why are you in my Robe by the way?” he changes the topic.
“I was deadly exhausted by the journey. And you wouldn’t like to see me like that, so I showered but my bags are sealed and this is all I could wear”

He understands.
“Don’t you like me in a robe?” she teases.
“You don’t want me to answer that, trust me” he tightens his jaw because he is unable to control himself.

The doorbell rings right on time.

“Too much of distraction today” he mumbles and opens the door. The room service gets a Champagne inside.
“Mr. Aman Mathur has sent this Wine for you and your wife Sir”

Arnav turns to look at Khushi who winks at him. The woman keeps the Wine bottle on the table and leaves.

“Aman has learnt to Bribe now” he mocks.
Khushi giggles.
“He learnt it from his Boss” she replies. “Remember you had tried to bribe me with the same Wine bottle before, in Shantivan? For your errant behavior?”

Arnav recalls that incident and holds his smile.

“That was a gift. This” he points out to the bottle again… “This is a bribe”
Khushi pushes him away.
“Stop intimidating your staff, at least leave Aman. He has done a lot for us”

Arnav rolls his eyes.

“I know. And he knows me too” he replies. “He knows I will never let him go”
Khushi smiles proudly.
“Aww… you both make a very cute Boss-Employee pair. I wish there was such an award category, I would be honored to give you both”
Arnav laughs with her and then they become silent again.
“You missed your event for me?” he asks apologetically.
“That’s what a good wife would do. And to be honest, You are more important to me than any award” she pulls him by his tie.
Arnav likes to hear that. He kisses her nose taking her in his arms and looks leisurely at her face. Khushi doesn’t mind that but they also have to start for the award ceremony.

“We will be late” she murmurs. “And the sole reason of coming here to see you taking that award will be lost”
Arnav shakes his head.
“Get ready, I hope you have informed Di about your safe arrival”
“I have. But I didn’t tell Dad. He is here right?”
“Yes. And you wont believe who is accompanying him here”

Khushi notices the grin on Arnav’s face and guesses the answer.

“Yes. Kyle Gupta is here too” he confirms.
“That’s.. that’s a surprise to me. Have they taken back the divorce petition?”
“I don’t know that yet. Why don’t we ask them tonight while dinner?”
“We should. Yea.”

Arnav notices the happiness on his wife’s face on knowing her father is not separating from his present wife. He has really misjudged her always to be selfish but now that he knows her completely, he realizes the selflessness in her and he cannot admit how proud he is to have Khushi in his life.


Award Function 

Khushi is wearing a Red gown and has done her hair like a Movie Star. She already feels no less than a celebrity, walking hand in hand with her husband. People around give them an appraising look whilst few others are jealous seeing the most handsome man of this Function being taken.

“Dad” Khushi hugs her father after they enter the venue.
“Sweetheart” Shashi hugs her back. “What are you doing here? Arnav didn’t mention you coming”
“He wasn’t aware of it”
“That’s a wonderful surprise” Shashi replies.

Kyle who had been talking to someone else, reaches them.

“How are you doing Khushi?”
Khushi smiles at her step mother who still looks fabulous tonight in the black gown. No one can tell she is 50+

“I am good. Nice to see you both together again”

Shashi and Kyle give a simple glance to each other and then smile back at Khushi.
“Shall we?” Arnav interrupts.

They all head inside and take their respective seats. The event begins. After an hour almost, the award for the Best International Business Tycoon of the year award is announced and Arnav gets up to collect it. He hugs his wife first while the rest of the crowd cheer and clap unstoppingly because he truly deserves this. Khushi’s eyes prick with tears as hears his speech. He does mention her name and dedicates the award to all the people who have worked with him together to make it possible. When he comes back, he hands the trophy to her. She kisses it and holds it possessively to her heart.

Arnav likes her gesture and leans on her.

“Kissing the Trophy? Not me?” he whispers.
“You will get your share later” she replies holding her blush.
“I will wait for it” he smirks and concentrates back on the Show.

After the event is over, he introduces her to his friends who are with their wives. Khushi is glad to see he has bunch of friends and they all are very easy to go with.

“Khushi…they have been bugging me all the time to meet you” Arnav mutters.
“Of course, Arnav” Jas interrupts “We want to see who that lucky woman is who could steal your heart”
Khushi presses Arnav’s hand possessively with a smile.

“Sorry Khushi, but we always thought Arnav will marry Shagufta because she is the only one who has been his bestie so far. But to be honest, we didn’t like her much because of her attitude. I am glad he didn’t marry her but you”

Khushi fakes a smile and looks back at her husband.

“How is your bestie doing now?” she tickles him gently on his waist, whispering closely in his ears
“Long story. Will tell you in the Hotel”
Khushi rolls her eyes. She has so much to catch up, especially on Vicky Chopra and Shagufta.

They spend some more time with the Friends and then drive back to the Hotel. Khushi asks him to halt the car somewhere aloof from the rest of the world. It’s a beach and the find few couples walking far away from them at the stretched beachline.

“This place is so soothing. I have always loved beaches” she mumbles getting down the car, admiring the dark water splashing on the beachline.

Arnav gets down too.

“Let’s take a walk” he insists. She couldn’t have asked for more. The driver heads out to park the vehicle after dropping them here.
“Take off your shoes” she commands. “Trust me, that’s the best way to enjoy the sand”

Arnav sighs and takes off his shoes. She removes her sandals too and dump them at the shore. They walk together on the beachline, holding hands. Arnav shows her the light tower and tells her the background of it. She listens intently and wonders how he knows all this.

“I always wanted to buy a beach house.” He confronts.
Khushi smiles.
“Nothing impossible for you”
“I know.. I would have bought one before but then who would live in it? Just me?”

Khushi pouts. She knows what he means by that.

“Our future was undefined so far” he mutters.
“Now its not” she replies. “Whatever happens we are going to be together. As man and wife” she shows him the ring he made her wear last time when he was in San Francisco. He forgot to notice that in her finger today. He is glad she didn’t remove it.
“Yes” he stops after some distance. “Would you like a beach house too Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada?”
“Uhhh” she fakes a thoughtful look. “On one condition”
“All will be fulfilled” he interrupts without even listening to her conditions.
“You should first hear me out” she request.
“I wont ever deny your terms, whatever they are. But.. .I will listen. Name them”
“That beach house should have an occupancy of 4”
“4?” he is confused.. “Don’t tell me you expect your father and Kyle to share that beach house with us. I want some privacy with my wife”

Khushi giggles.

“I am not talking about Dad and his wife”
She closes the distance between the two and wraps her arms around his neck.
“I am talking about Junior Arnav and Junior Khushi”

Arnav doesn’t apprehend it at first but when he does, his eyes are full of love and desires for her again. It will be such a worthy life.. he .. .Khushi and their kids.

“What happened Mr. Raizada.. Didn’t think of kids yet?” she asks. “Or are you still planning to run away from being a father?”

Arnav clears his throat.

“No.. this condition of yours reminded me something”
“What did you remember?” she innocently asks.
He cuddles her in his arms.
“Babies don’t happen in long distance relationship” he reminds one of their email conversations wherein she had replied him this statement.

Khushi giggles again and pouts.

“But we are together now.. and as far as I can read in your eyes, you are hoping something more tonight”

Arnav’s face tightens and he pulls her closer. Very closer…
“Aren’t you?” he asks her the same.
Khushi bites her lower lip.
“Maybe” she murmurs.

He snorts but leaves it for time and his wife to decide if they should really consummate their marriage or not. Everything seems perfect, except one bit. Khushi and he haven’t confessed those 3 magical words yet to each other and he doubts if she has any plans of doing it during her stay this time. But he will!! And he will make it special for her..

To be Continued.




  1. Thanks for the update ok let me read first

  2. Oh such an amazing update perfect just perfect . but I know I can't get enough of it

  3. no words to describe your writing.u rtoo good in this.

  4. Tnx for the update. Madhu really u are evil u stop in a spot like that so that we go crazy imagine whats next during the weekend .“You really need a Spank from me, Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada. That will remind you of this agreement between us forever

  5. awwww lovely.
    but sd that u left at cliff hanger
    evil girl

  6. Such a lovely update...

    Arshi r so much in love.. This long distance relationship & their email chats worked wonders... They r planning for a happy future with their kids in a beach house.. Such an amazing feeling for a couple who didn't had even a hint whether their marriage would survive or not when Khushi had left him for San Francisco.... Also Khushi's father & her step mother r giving their own marriage a second chance, hopefully they aren't just faking for Khushi's happiness just like once Arshi did for Anjali...

    Now waiting for Arshi to complete their togetherness in every way but before that both should definitely confess those 3 golden words to each other ❤️

  7. Madhu again cliff hanger ? What about shagufta and vikram ? Madhu please update next part

  8. Oh god so intense I expect little more lovely update

  9. Suspense.... Not fair... Lovely..

  10. Wow superb update. Very romantic.

  11. Awesome Update. Last part was so romantic and suddenly it ended. Arshi in beach and talking about Kids.Aman got scolding but yet steal the show.Their
    relationship have turned wonderful. Arnav's anger is justified but very cutely Khushi made him understand. Loved the way Khushi said Arnav is more important to her that proves how much she respect and values their relationship. Shashi Gupta and Arnav are really lucky to have Khushi and the Gupta couple also shared cordial relation. No wonder Arnav's friends didn't like that Shagufta. Waiting for the next part.

  12. Slow and steady wins the race ....
    Beautiful update

  13. Awesome superb excellent amazing luv it thanks

  14. Finally I'm able to comment!

  15. Thank you for the update just after another loved it, good news that arnav is gonna confess, n loved their discussion on babies i always love that

  16. Such a Beautiful update....For The first time I didn't feel the need of confession between them because their actions speaks more than that...wat they feel for each other is beyond that 3 Magical words......

  17. Nice update but not too much romantic then their prior email chats. I think because of the award ceremony they didn't get the alone time. May be in next update we can see the full blown romance. Madhu by the course of the story I think it is going towards end. In how many more updates you are intending to finish the story. Update next part soon.

  18. Great update … very happy with this khushi and Arshi relationship … waiting for their new journey

  19. Poor Aman ☹️���� Though their gestures shows how much both are in love with each other yet can't wait to see how both confess to each other. Nd Arnav is soon going to go that whereas his wife already started planning for Junior Raizada's �� Can't wait for next chapter. Lovely update

  20. Wow very lovely and fantastic update. Aman Pity guy hehe.

  21. Wow!! Waiting for the next update.

  22. Awesome, waiting for their talk regarding Shaphugta and their romance too

  23. They both have come so far. Love their understanding.

  24. Wonderful update
    Loved it too much
    Arnav and Khushi's romance was beautiful
    Glad that Khushi's dad is not taking divorce so now Khushi will be Free from his side
    Let's see what they will do in their this night together
    Waiting for Arnav's clarification about Saguffta and Vickey

  25. Wonderful fabulous lovely update

  26. Superb update...loved the way khushi agreed n mellow down his anger of not informing him..

    Totally loved the way both talk freely n share what they feel..

    Khushi has changed do much ...

    Looking forward hope arnav confess his love to her in special way

  27. 😍😍😍😍 this was perfect.

  28. It was lovely update ❤😍😘👌 Arnav and khushi r soo much in love and let to say those three golden and magical three words ❤ And Love the way khushi said arnav is very important to her than anything else😍😇😘 .... Loved there talks of the beach house i am surprised khushi said abt having kids soo r they gone consummate they marriage 😍💖😘 aww awaiting for it 😍😘 post the next part soon

  29. Wonderful waiting to know what Vicky and Shagufta were planning.

  30. awesome.. loved it so much.. Thanks Madhu <3

  31. One of my favourite part...I juz loved both the updates

  32. Wow lovely update

  33. Awesome. Looking forward to the next one
