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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 3


Chapter 3

The morning sunlight pricked her sleepy eyes, making Khushi groan at the person who drew the curtains of her room apart.

“Can I get some sleep in this house?” she shouts.

Garima makes way to her bed and sits next to her daughter, caressing her hair.

“Khushi.. its 09:00 am. You wake up so late every day?”

Khushi tosses to the other side, away from her mother.
“Your husband is responsible for this.. How am I supposed to wake up early when I couldn’t sleep the whole night?”
Garima understands her concern.
“Khushi.. I talked to your father last night. You know how adamant he is. When he decides something, he ensures we follow it”

That kills her sleep. She gets up and sits opposite to her mother.

“Why is he punishing me? What have I done? Only because Payal eloped, doesn’t mean he can chain my freedom” she snaps.

The mention of Payal’s name gets tears in her mother’s eyes.

“I wonder how she is and where. She didn’t even show a curtesy to call back even once. I hope she is doing fine wherever she is” Garima sobs.
Khushi feels pity for her. She gives Garima a bear hug.

“I hate her for doing this to us” Khushi murmurs.
“No.. she is your elder sister Khushi. You shouldn’t hate her”
“She didn’t do any good to me. She became selfish Mumma and without thinking what consequences you, me and Dad would face, she ran away. I always thought her to be docile and very much obedient type but she proved all of us wrong”

Garima looks down wiping her tears.

“What have you decided to do now?” Garima asks her. “Will you also run away like her? Leaving me alone?” the tears are back in her eyes.

Khushi sighs in disappointment. Her mother’s tears are her weakness. This woman has always been passive her whole life, obeying husbands commands and protecting her daughters from his unnecessary wrath. Poor her!!

“I won’t run away. I am a fighter. It is my right to fight for what I want. And marrying the Royals is the last thing I will ever agree for”
Garima nods.
“But then how will you convince your father?”
“Uhh” Khushi shrugs. “Who said I will convince him?”
“Then? What will you do?”
“I will talk to the royals directly. Reject the proposal and walk away.”

Garima terrifies.

“Reject the Royals? No… that’s… that’s not what you will do, Khushi. No one dares to do that”
“Only because no one dared, I shouldn’t? Come on Mumma. I have nothing to fear of. I will tackle this my way”
“Whatever you do, just be cautious” Garima advises. “And .. I am sorry but I will not be able to support you directly. You know your father. I have to take his side. But if you need me for any other type of support, I am always there for you.”

Khushi smiles. Her mother cannot do anything in the open which can hurt her relationship with her husband. But never mind. She doesn’t want to break her parent’s marriage. She just wants to break hers from happening!!



“Keep the dry fruits basket in the Car. These will go with us to the Governor” Subhadra Raizada informs Om Prakash, the eldest of the Prakash brothers. The Prakash family have been the loyal servants of the Royals from decades. Their service and faithfulness to this family has always been an example to others. They are three brothers. Om, the eldest, then Jai Prakash and the youngest Hari Prakash. After their parents, now they have taken over their responsibilities of managing the household chores.

Subhadra notices the gloomy expressions on Om Prakash’s face while obeying her commands.

“What happened Om Prakash? You don’t seem happy doing this” she asks him.

Om Prakash bows his head.

“Daadiji.. Sorry to say, but we are skeptical about this alliance”
Daadi frowns at him.
“Why? What’s wrong?”
“The Governor is a selfish man and he has always given trouble to the Royals, poking his nose every now and then in your decisions. We have also heard his daughter has got his traits. She is adamant like him. I wonder how will she match up to the Royal’s expectations”

Subhadra smirks.

“Adamancy is the birth right of every Royals, Om Prakash and if she has those traits too, then she is already fit to be in this family. We don’t have to teach her that. It will save our time”
“But Daadiji, this has also reached my ears that she is not approving this alliance.”

Subhadra grits her teeth.

“Who is she to decide that? Royals don’t ask Om Prakash. We demand and her father has given his word to us. She will not be able to change that now.”

Om Prakash bows his head again in fear.

“And if she tries, she will have to bear some serious consequences”

Saying that, Subhadra sits in the car. Om Prakash shuts the door behind her.
“Where is Arnav?”
“Here” he comes out dressed in a casual attire. Subhadra notices him from top to bottom.
“We are not going for a party. It’s your Roka today” she interrupts him before he can get in the car.
“That’s the best I can wear today. Or else, I don’t mind asking you to leave there alone” he snaps. “Choice is yours” he crosses his arms, giving her a no-nonsense look.

Subhadra has to oblige. He gets in the car, next to her.

“I know you don’t like Guptas much” she exclaims. “But.. they are your in-laws now. Try to fit in their zone and not show them we are the Rulers”

Arnav keeps surfing on his mobile phone but his ears are grasping every single word from her.

“I am not interested in fitting in others zone, Daadi. And you very well know if I have accepted this marriage, it is solely for one reason. So, don’t expect me to be a part of this drama”

Daadi frowns at his indecency and heartlessness.

“You remind me of your brother”
Arnav grips his phone and gives her a raged look.
“I am anything but him” he growls.
Daadi smirks and turns her head to see the view outside. She knows Arnav will not agree on anything that relates him to his brother but that doesn’t change the fact that they both still have the same Raizada blood in them and similarities between the two are evident.


Gupta House 

Khushi throws the dress and jewels her father sent in her room, asking her to get dress up.

“I am not wearing that neither I am letting you tie me to the Royals forcibly” she shouts at Shashi Gupta who looks in frustration at her.
“You should be thankful I have got such a nice proposal for you. There is no reason why you shouldn’t accept it.”
“Nice proposal? Only because they are Royals? There is not even a pinch of decency in that man.”
“How would you know that? You haven’t even met”
“I met him yesterday, when his men abducted me and Suhani. He had held a knife on my neck so that I don’t interrupt Suhani and Angad’s wedding. Which sane man does that?”
“You were a threat to his agenda, that’s why he threatened you”
“Oh.. that means if I continue being a threat to him in future, he wont mind killing me as well. How about that Dad?”

Shashi sighs in frustration.

“Then stop being a threat. Be a good wife, serve him and his family. That’s what every woman should do after marriage”

Khushi cannot believe this but she hadn’t expected her father to understand the true value of a woman. He had always kept his wife the same way and is now expecting his daughter to becomes a slave of her husband and in-laws too.

“Grow up, Dad. Stop being blinded by Male Dominance. We women also have life, desires and know whats good and bad for us.”
“I don’t know about other women but you definitely are blind not to see how lucky this alliance will be to you.”

He has answers to all her accusations.

“What about my career? I have assignments to fulfil. I have signed contracts and I have even taken advance”
“How much?” he asks. “I will sign a cheque for you. Throw it on them and forget your career forever. As it is, it won’t suit if the Royal’s bride does Modelling”

Khushi’s jaw drops.

“Its my career dad. And I love doing what I do”
“Enough of arguments” he shouts. “Wear this and come down when called. If you do anything to break this alliance, I know how to cut your wings forever”
“What will you do?” she wants to know. She really wants to see how far her father can go to disappoint her.
“I am a Governor Khushi. I have many political rights in my hands which I can use to ensure no one gives you any contracts henceforth. And even if anybody gives you, his/her career will also be finished forever”

He leaves her room. Khushi shouts back at him.

“I don’t care dad. I wont let you play with my career like that. That’s now how good politicians work. You heard me?” she keeps shouting until her throat aches. Garima comes inside the room and shuts the door.

“Khushi.. quiet.. drink some water”

She makes Khushi drink water and then sit on the bed.

“Mumma.. did you hear that? Is he really my father? I cannot believe it”
Garima’s eyes become moist.
“I think you should listen to him for now” she advises.
“No.. Never”
“For now, Khushi. Look, the Royals will be here any moment. I don’t know why they are coming today without prior intimation. But we couldn’t deny them. I would say, do as your father says now and then we will find a solution to this”
“No.” Khushi keeps being adamant.
Garima is disappointed.
“Fine.. then that leaves you with only one choice. Just run away from here”

It takes a heavy heart for Garima to advise Khushi this. Khushi turns back to her mother and wipes her tears.

“I have told you Mom, I won’t run away. I am going to face the problems”

She takes a minute more to decide what has to be done.

“Go and tell Dad, I am ready to do as he wants”
“Just do as I say Mom and leave the rest on me”
“Fine” Garima wipes her tears. “But remember one thing, the Royals are our guest, please behave well with them. What is their fault in all this?”

Khushi frowns.

“They are not innocent either. But don’t worry, I won’t disappoint anyone today”

Garima has no clue what her daughter is planning but she walks out of the room, giving Khushi some time to get ready.


An hour later

“What is all this for?” Shashi Gupta asks Daadi, seeing the gifts, ornaments, dresses and dry fruits boxes their servants place in the living room.

“We are Royals, Gupta. How can you expect we come empty hand for the Roka?” she replies with pride.

Shashi and Garima had not expected the Royals to hold the Roka ceremony today.

“Yes, we will like to fix the Roka today. After all the next week is marriage. We don’t have much time to do all this later”
“But the rest of your family is not here”
“I know. They are off on Vacation and will be coming this weekend. I will inform them later about the progress of this alliance”

Shashi smirks. He is ready for anything to ensure this marriage happens. He welcomes Daadi inside the house. Arnav Singh Raizada follows in too.

“My Wife, Garima” Shashi introduces. Garima fakes a smile at the Raizadas.
Subhadra Raizada passes her a quick smile.
“I heard Khushi is not willing for this marriage”

Shashi and Garima look at each other, unable to decide what to reply. Arnav leans back on the couch, assessing their tension.

“You heard it right”

Khushi voices out coming out of the kitchen holding the tray of tea cups. Arnav stiffens seeing her so normal. She keeps the cups on the center table. Daadi is stunned to see her so fearless and casual. Usually, women tend to show some sighs of nervousness during such occasions but she seems to be strong.

“Tea?” she serves Arnav’s Daadi first.

Daadi takes the cup from her and puts it down again.
“A Royal’s bride always touches the elders feet and takes blessings first” Daadi exclaims.
Khushi smirks at her.
“I am yet not a Royal Bride” she back answers. “And I am sure you wouldn’t like to waste your blessings on others”

Daadi is taken aback by her guts. Om Prakash was right. Gupta’s daughter is not what she had expected her to be.

To be Continued.


To Read THE ROYAL FLING from start. Click HERE

Books by Madhuri Tamse

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  1. khsuhi awesome. all fireowrks now. eager di for next part

  2. So there's some selfish motive of the royals behind this marriage... Did Khushi's sis Payal elope with Arnav's brother only & are they trying to take some kind of revenge for that??

    Like this Khushi's straightforward attitude & standing for her self respect but I guess it won't help her much & she will have to marry Arnav or say he will force her to marry him...

    Thanks for the update Madhu..

  3. Awesome superb excellent amazing luv

  4. Owesum
    Cant wait for the next part
    Can you please update next part tomorrow.

  5. Both of them are very strong ...
    Arnav and khushi both are not interested in marriage .I wonder what is Arnav's motive behind this marriage !

  6. Awesome Update. Loving Khushi here. She is very courageous and has fire in her. She has a mind of her own and her self respect is more important to her. Shashi Gupta is doing an injustice with Khushi. He is the worst father he is supporting the Royals over his own daughter and is also adamant of finishing Khushi's Carrer. It's wrong to punish Khushi for Payal 's deed . Khushi hating Payal is quite natural as she is suffering because of her. Khushi's emotional conversation with her mom is touching. Compared to Khushi Garima is a weak woman who can't support her daughter. Where is Arnav's brother? Subhadra Raizada has a typical mentality the royal fixed this alliance with a motive but they can't take away Khushi's independence. Loved the way Khushi answered Daadi proving she is not a typical woman to deal with. Let's see how things progress but even after Khushi gets married to Arnav her personality should be the same.

  7. Wow Superb Update...Feel like Payal elope with Arnav brother only....Really like how Khushi defend herself before her Father...And Arnav and his attitude what to say...Both Arnav and Khushi are like Fire here...Will be interesting to see how they Fall in Love...Waiting for Next Part...

  8. I just love the attitude of Khushi ..... I remember in raizada gods her character was strong

  9. I like this Khushi. But I hope she has her own limits like respecting elders. Wish she can build a nice lovable relationship with Dadi. It's like they are forced to get married. Will the marriage happen soon?

  10. Khushi 😘😘😘😘😘. I’m loving this Khushi alooot for her attitude and fearless nature. Khushi going to give hard time for royals .
    And payal has something with arnav brother .
    Waiting for next update dear. Story awesome . Love both ArShi attitude .

  11. This is gonna be fun 😏
    Let's see what happens ahead 🤭

  12. Shashi is cruel khushi is very strong and I want to see what’s Arnav take

  13. They think wedding is a joke? Each one has an ulterior motive behind this wedding! Be it Shashi or Arnav. Poor Khushi has become a pawn in between the two. I hope she comes out of this unscathed!


  14. Madhu please give precap of badatmeez..

  15. Wow... fantastic...arnav is not interested in marriage??
    Thanku for the update

  16. Did arnav liked her or atleast attracted towards her....I can't understand arnav's feelings for khushi..

  17. Intriguing.. waiting to see how will Khushi try to break this alliance of her.. loved the update..

  18. Madhu plz dnt make it a forced marriage..let khushi win this

  19. Interesting. Let them fall for each other than marry. Forcing someone into marriage is not good. Both parties must see the goodness in one another.

    Let’s see how this fan fictions would turn out to be.

  20. Just awesome love this Khushi allot next part pls 😋

  21. Khushi is fearless but still a woman with less power and on other hand it's royal and the governer. Hope they don't ruin her modeling carrier by cutting her wings

  22. Why arnav is ready for this marriage

  23. Nice update .
    Like this fearless feisty khushi...
    The way she reply to dadi too good

  24. INTERESTING story. 💖💖💖

  25. Brilliant Khushi. Arnav seem to be quite detached

  26. Wow love this KHushi too much
    Eager to know how will Arnav get married to her

  27. Awesome.liked the feisty khushi
