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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 4


Chapter 4

Gupta House

“I am yet not a Royal Bride” she back answers. “And I am sure you wouldn’t like to waste your blessings on others”

Daadi is taken aback by her guts. Om Prakash was right. Gupta’s daughter is not what she had expected her to be.

“You cannot talk to the Royals like that” Shashi shouts her. Khushi wants to retort but she sees her mother’s nervous face and remembers she had promised to behave today.

“I extremely apologize for that Mrs. Subhadra Raizada” Khushi bows her head but she is faking that respect, anyone could say that. “But as you see, this alliance is a news for me. I cannot risk my entire life to a man whom I don’t know at all. And no offense, I have seen his traits enough yesterday which makes me think I want to reject the proposal”

Arnav Singh Raizada lounged back on the couch, admiring the guts of his would-be wife.

“What is she talking?” Shashi angrily asks his wife who is equally confused. She didn’t expect Khushi to deny the proposal directly.
“Your father has given me a word” Subhadra mutters.
“He has all rights to make promises but not on my behalf. I am sorry, but this alliance is not possible” Khushi makes her point.

Shashi gets up in rage and strides to Khushi.
“Enough of your nonsense. Let me see how you don’t accept to marry, you will remain locked until next week” he barks and is about to drag her forcibly when someone holds his hand, the same arm which has gripped Khushi’s wrist. It’s Arnav Singh Raizada.
“Leave her hand” he growls at Shashi.

Shashi Gupta fears Arnav’s tone. Khushi is flabbergasted at his intervention. Did he just stopped her from getting manhandled? Is he really what she thinks he is or does he have good qualities too, a streak of which he just demonstrated now? When Shashi Gupta leaves Khushi’s hand, Arnav grins at her.

“You can lock her after the Roka finishes” he replies.

Khushi’s eyes which had just sobered down to his earlier reactions, fumes once again. He didn’t save her but ensured that the Roka ceremony happens tonight. Subhadra Raizada smirks at her grandson’s answer. For a minute, even she was confused why he is taking her side?

“Are you deaf? Blind?” Khushi snaps at him again. “I said I don’t want to marry you”
“I am a Royal and when we commit to do something, we do it even at the cost of our own life. So, you like it or not, this marriage is inevitable”

He grips her wrist and drags her to the couch.

“Daadi… begin the ceremony”

Shashi and Garima are stunned to see his dominance. Subhadra smiles proudly and gets up from her seat.

“Leave me..” Khushi struggles to set her hand free but fails.

Arnav makes her sit beside him. Daadi takes the Veil from the Puja Thali, the one which she had specially designed for the Royal bride and covers Khushi’s head.
“Just stop all this nonsense” Khushi groans again.
“Respect the rituals” he snaps. “We Royals are very particular about that”
“Oh, is it? What else is your specialty apart from abducting innocent girls and forcing women to be their Royal Bride?”

Arnav keeps his eyes ahead, concentrating on the Puja Thali which his Daadi circles around them.

“You think I will believe all of these rituals and change my decision? I will die but not let my dignity down”
“I won’t let you die either” he murmurs looking back in her eyes. “And your dignity is connected to the Royals now which I will never let down”

That two statements shuts her mouth. Either he is one confused soul or she is. At one instance he says he wants to protect her and to do so, he is forcing her to enter into this life as his Royal bride. It’s misleading.

“Badhaai ho Gupta” Subhadra turns back to the Gupta couple. “The Roka is done. Your daughter Khushi is now officially our pride”

Khushi frowns at everyone, taking off the Veil from her head.

“You call this circus a Roka? You are a woman; don’t you have any sentiments for another? Is this how you selected all your other Royal brides so far?”
Khushi’s words annoy Daadi beyond her patience level.
“You are not the only one girl left in this Universe to get married to my Grandson. If you cannot take the pride of being a part of our family, at least don’t dishonor it. This alliance is going to end the decades long enmity between these two families. It is going to be a representation of peace and unity between us which will benefit not only these two families but also the people who depend on our mutual decisions for their wellbeing.”

Khushi is speechless yet her anger is in its place.

“I can sacrifice my happiness for the betterment of the people but not for your selfish motives. I know my father’s selfish motives and have heard a lot about the Royals true colors. This is not for others good, it’s yours. I am not a fool to accept the reasons you just gave”

Shashi’s temper rises again. But before he could do anything about it, Khushi runs back to her room, the veil she was offered in the Roka, lying lifeless on the floor. Arnav picks it up, fisting the ends of it in his palms. She is the first woman who has challenged the Royal’s ego and pride. She is a fire which when tried to put off will only blaze more.

“Subhadraji.. This girl has really crossed her limits. Please don’t take her words seriously” Shashi apologizes.
“Shashi” Daadi cuts his words. “Just ensure her mouth remains shut during the marriage. We will have prestigious guests that night. Nothing should go wrong”
“Jee” he bows his head faking to show respect. All these years he has tried to compete with the Royals and today he has to bow his head before them. But soon things will turn into his favor. This marriage is like a golden bird for him. Once done, he will be able to trap the bird in cage and make it work as per his wish.

When the Royals leave, Garima decides to talk once again with her husband. She cannot see her daughter’s suffering.

“Don’t you think we are being too harsh on Khushi?”
“Didn’t you see how she behaved with the Royals today? Wasn’t that harsh?”
“She is not prepared for this alliance. Why impose it on her against her wish?”
“Garima” he shouts. “Don’t tell me what I have to do. Khushi will be very happy in that family. At least better than what your elder daughter will be living.”

Garima’s tears roll down her cheeks.

“The class, money and status doesn’t matter but love and mutual respect for each other. Whoever Payal got married, might not be rich, but she will be happy I am sure. What we are doing to Khushi will always haunt her for the rest of the life”

“Haunt?” Shashi groans.
“She doesn’t like Arnav Singh Raizada” Garima explains.
“You didn’t like me either when we got married. But you still are with me, together. Is our marriage also haunting you?”

Garima knows he has tricked her into her own words. She cannot accept that she is unhappy with her husband because she loves him still; good or bad she still wants to be with him.

“See… you don’t have any answers.” Shashi smiles. “Have faith Garima. Khushi will eventually start loving her Royal Groom. Don’t worry too much. Just put some brains to Khushi and ask her to happily accept this alliance.”

Garima lowers her head. She hopes if this marriage happens, Khushi really starts accepting Arnav by her heart and he is worth her love.



Khushi paces in her room. Her feet aches, energy has drained from her body but she doesn’t want to stop. Her brain is exhausted thinking what she can do next to stop this marriage from happening. Her father will never be convinced neither the Royals will listen to her pleas. Now only a miracle can stop all this tragedy.

Her phone rings. She is glad her father didn’t snatch her phone yet, not that she would give it that easily. She can ask help from her phone. She has some contacts who can assist her. But she recollects her father’s warning. He can ruin the people who tries to save her from this marriage. She cannot let that happen. The phone keeps ringing. She hurries to the bed and answers the call which is from her friend Suhani.

“Suhani..” Khushi gasps. “I hope you okay”
“I am fine, Khushi. But I am worried for you now. I heard from Angad that the Royals had come to your place and the Roka is done?”

Khushi sighs in disappointment.

“Yes, unfortunately the Roka is done but I don’t want to believe it. Whatever happens I am not going to marry him”
“Angad just told me that the wedding cards have been distributed throughout the town”

That’s another disaster. Now anywhere she goes, people will see her as the Royal’s would be bride.

“And it is also going to be headlines in tomorrow’s newspaper.”
“WHAT?” Khushi sits on the bed, feeling harassed. “They are purposely pushing things ahead so that I don’t get a chance to reject and flee. These Royals are manipulative sick people”

Suhani sighs heavily.

“I also have to tell something important, Khushi. I heard Angad and Arnav talk over the phone some time back and I heard your sister’s name too.”
“Payal’s name?” Khushi is stunned.
“Yes. I don’t know what they spoke about but I feel the Royals are behind your sister’s sudden elopement”

It is too much for Khushi to absorb right now. Payal fled this place with the Royal’s assistance or is there some other story behind it? Was she abducted?

“Are you sure, Suhani?”
“I don’t know. I cannot ask Angad anything and even if I did, he is very loyal to Arnav Singh Raizada. He won’t utter a word against him. I am sorry Khushi”

Khushi feels like hurting her own self. All these years she thought her sister eloped with a man and got married. Is that even true? Or is she in any form of danger? Is that why she never turned back here? Not even called up once to anyone in the family? Not even their mother? Something is fishy!!

“I wish you get all the answers soon” Suhani continues. “But if you need my help, I am here”

Khushi thanks her for the information and hangs up. Seems like all the answers lies in the Royal’s house.. in the Raizada family and she will get to know them only if she lets this marriage happen. But it’s a huge sacrifice. She has to risk her whole life, her happiness, her choices to find these answers. Should she take that risk?



As Suhani had informed, the next morning’s newspapers have the headline of the Royal’s wedding with the Governor’s daughter Khushi Gupta.

Khushi bites the apple at the breakfast table. She is alone, eating, satiating her hunger. Last night she didn’t eat anything because she was tensed. As the clock kept ticking, she started getting hints about her sister’s sudden disappearance. The last day when she saw her sister, 2 years ago in this house, Payal looked depressed and sick. Something was bothering her. Khushi had asked Payal to share but she was a very secretive woman who would keep her joys and sorrows limited to herself. Probably her sister had seen the danger coming and yet she couldn’t ask for help or maybe before she could, the Royals managed to shut her mouth forever. Is she even alive?

Khushi takes another bite of the apple.

“Khushi” Garima touches her shoulder. “You woke up early?”
Khushi rolls her eyes.
“If I get up late you worry, if I wake up early you are still surprised. What am I supposed to do?”

That brings a smile on her mother’s nervous face. She sits next to her and caresses Khushi’s face.

“I am really proud of your bravery. So much is happening in your life and you are still positive. If Payal had been in your place, she would never stop crying and cursing her fate”

Khushi swallows hard. Should she tell her mother what hints she has got regarding Payal’s mysterious disappearance? Or maybe not until she has some solid proofs against the Royals.

“There you are!!” Shashi comes down, looking at his wife and daughter. “You have no clue how many phone calls I am receiving since morning. Everyone is congratulating me for the alliance with the Royals”

He seems to be in a very good mood.

“The Minister of the State called too. He said he wants to come in the Wedding. That man who doesn’t have time even to attend his own son’s wedding, wants to be present in my daughter’s marriage. Huhh!!”

Khushi frowns at her father’s selfishness. He just needs attention from everyone. She finishes her breakfast and gets up. Shashi notices she is fully ready to leave somewhere.

“Where do you think you are going, girl?” he shouts.

Khushi stops to reply.

“It is my marriage next week and being the Bride I need to shop. I am going to the bazaar”

Shashi grins.

“Finally!! You have accepted the alliance then” he gives himself an invisible pat. His motives are going to succeed soon, now that Khushi has agreed. “The guards will go along” he adds.
“Guards?” Khushi retorts.
“Yes. I don’t want to take any chances. What if you run away?”

Khushi presses her eyes in disappointment.

“If I had to run away, you wouldn’t have found me in the house today morning. Anyways, I don’t mind taking the guards. At least I will have someone to carry my bags” she winks at her parents and heads out.

Garima is confused. How did Khushi agree for this wedding? Until last night she was against it.

“Garima.. Teach this girl to cook and some basic stuff needed to be a good wife.”

She nods at her husband’s commands and continues to serve him.

To be Continued.


To Read THE ROYAL FLING from start. Click HERE

Books by Madhuri Tamse

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  1. nice update! i have always liked bold Khushi

  2. So kkg want to her sister
    which is why she is agreeing to it?

  3. Khushi is bold but if she marries that will just be stupid..mrg is nt a joke..that she does it cnsidering it as sacrifice

  4. I like kushis boldness. How is she going to find what happened to payal?

  5. Awesome Update. Khushi want to know about Payal so she is taking a bold step. Garima defended Khushi but she is a weak woman. Shashi Gupta is an unworthy father. Payal eloped with the help of Royals so Khushi is agreeing to this so much sacrifice is not worth. Arnav and Subhadra Raizada have some motive. Poor Khushi is trapped . Hope Khushi soon find about Payal 's whereabouts.

  6. I won't say it was awsome because it wasn't!

    I am really patient about this story to develop at its own pace and not to rush in judgements and I really hope my patience don't run out and hopes don't go in vain!

    The way Arnav Singh Raizada is treating Khushi is really disgusting! Forcing a woman to marry him when she clearly doesn't want to and forcing her to leave her career behind for him when she really loves what she does shows Arnav's character!

    Subhadra Raizada is more disgusting than her grandson! Because she is a woman who is doing a crime towards the other woman!

    Honestly I cannot find enjoyment in such cynical things! Sorry!

    Khushi might have found a secret reason to agree to the marriage but I hope it doesn't cost her own happiness!

    In the end, I hope you are not going to glorify Cynical behavior of ASR by showing that he have a reason to behave this way ( as usual problematic past) or by showing some bits and pieces of his personal traits where he is shown to be caring and committed man for his own people and isn't really that bad so that we can easily justify all his wrong doings and like a love sick puppy want to see him romance with khushi wiping out the past! Just like in the original show Ippknd where khushi easily forgave ASR for forcibly marrying her and ASR escaped without redemption or guilt!

    I really wish its something different this time and we will see something new! Because if it's not it won't be worth giving a chance!

    At least for me!

  7. Amazing update.. Interesting one ❤️ loved it 😘

  8. So much mystery in royals wait for stories progress

  9. Amazing story updates...... loved the twist of arnuv and khushi....
    I think payal got married to akash arnuv bro.....

    I think......the talk between England and arnuv was ..... to bring back Payal so dat she could attend khushi wedding

  10. Khushi will happy her sister attend her marriage...or waiting what twist wait there

  11. Forcing a women is not a real man thing....I must say the Raizada's are very good in Morals and teached the younger generation too like that

  12. Ok she will marry Arnav to find out what happened to payal .I guess Arnav's brother has married payal .but then why hide it ?

  13. awesome superb excellent amazing luv it

  14. Its good but somethings are not fitting in place as for now payals mystery is on whats the involvement of arnav in it I am clueless😗and I know love making us clueless

  15. I think the marriage going to be a disaster. So far, I am not liking any of these characters. One side Raizada's are manipulative, egoist, conservative in their thinking; on the other hand, Guptas are selfish.Shashi Gupta wants to have an upperhand on Raizadas using her daughter. Khushi though is bold, is too abrapt in her nature. The way she talks with her parents with her mother also, says a lot about her brashness.
    Arnav is like a goon here, who wants to marry someone forcibly. I think as a Royal they should have much decency, good efucation and value.

  16. It’s too much to sacrifice but khushi here is very strong

  17. Waiting for next...

  18. Nice update ... but why khushi is being a sacrificed goat

  19. Hmmm quite mysterious. Unsolved puzzles yet to be known. Awesome update

  20. Ye kya bat hui...everyone are forcing her for their own benefits like it's the only way for good beginnings...don't the gupta family communicate at all with each other that today payal became a mystery for unlock the mystery she'll do Shaadi..she's also using marriage for her own benefit like others.. thanku for the update

  21. The story so far is interesting, there is a lot of mystery and both the protagonists here have a different and unique character really looking forwrd to see how thus one unfolds. Keep the good work up❤️

  22. So Khushi ll agree to marry Arnav to only know about Payal ? But what ll happen with her career? But who is arnav brother? What is that Shashi Gupta ll get from this marriage? Why Arnav agreed for marriage ?

  23. Even I’m also thought arnav going to stand for Khushi . But his reply awesome 😁. Khushi thinking wrong may be payal also royal bahu . Let’s see . Very interesting story dear
    Waiting for next update

  24. I wish I could say an amazing update but I cannot get myself to say that.

    Shashi as a father is pathetic, an excuse of a father who is essentially "selling" his daughter for his benefit and Garima, a pathetic woman - how can she continue to "love and want t be with" a man who caused her to loose one daughter and willing to sacrifice another. As a mother and as a woman she is is ok with this, as long as she gets to be with the man she loves? She doesn't deserve to be a mother!

    Actually other than Khushi all the women characters are a little weird and regressive. Subhadra doesn't care that she is forcing another woman against her will as long as the Royals are appeased? What kind of woman is she?

    And the less said about the hero, the better :-) forcing a woman to marry him against her will. Will he also have sex with her against her will as well just to give the Royals an heir?

    I hope you wont make khushi one of those bimbettes who swoons when she sees Arnav's washboard abs and looses her mind to have a "passionate" relationship with him.

    But shall hope that this Khushi is a strong woman who can stand for herself.

    1. Completely agree with you. Garima is a pathetic excuse of a woman and a mother. How the hell is she still in love with such a man who forces her daughter? Khushi is a very strong person

  25. Interesting twist...payal git helped or kidnapped by royal on that idea khushi is ready to her whole life..
    Like the way she stood strong

  26. Khushi is modern but she should respect others moral values too. I don't like the way she didn't care for that shawl. Otherwise I like khushi. I feel payal has gone with a royal guy. So they don't want to disgrace their family and hiding them. Nice one.
