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He Loves Me Not - Part 37

Chapter 37

Arnav’s Birthday

Khushi seems to be in a very cheerful mood today morning which surprises Shashi and makes him curious to know the reason behind her happiness. She is in the kitchen, all set to leave for work but what is she cooking this morning which has got this sweet aroma spread throughout their home? All Shashi knows is that she had been to meet Akash last evening and he hopes that boy is the reason of her happy mood today, but he could be all wrong. Khushi’s heart still beats for someone else.

“Good morning” Shashi steps in.

“Morning, Dad” Khushi wipes her palms to the hanging cloth. “Tea?”

“Sure, but what is in the microwave?”

It gets her speechless for few seconds but she doesn’t want to hide anything from her father.

“Muffins” she replies putting a soft smile on her face.

“Wow… I guess you are taking it to work”

She nods.


“Your colleagues requested for it I suppose” he keeps digging for the actual reason.

“It’s Arnav’s birthday today”

Shashi’s smile wipes off the moment he hears it. Khushi comes to him.

“He didn’t ask me to do this, but I couldn’t control myself from baking these muffins which he loves to eat”

“You are going insane for him again” he shouts back.

“If loving someone from the bottom of your heart means being insane in the world’s eyes, then yes. I am going insane again, Dad!!”

Shashi is horrified by her back answer.

“He has weaved his wand on you again. It is his words you talking, this can’t be my Khushi”

Khushi sighs in disappointment.

“I was always like this Dad.. Mad.. crazy in love with him.. I hide it inside me, from you.. from the world.. for some time even from Arnav himself. It hurt me when he didn’t accept my feelings. I still never gave up. I kept following my silly instincts and was hopeful that someday… someday he would understand my feelings and would reciprocate it. Today, when that is happening, when he has come here all the way, pushing off every barrier between us, its hard not to give him a chance”

“You can forgive him that easily?” there is a curiosity in his question.

“I am giving him a chance. Now when the tables have turned upon me, I can understand why he was holding up his feelings for me all the time. He knew Ayush Raizada and his wife would never accept this alliance, and he didn’t want to hurt them, just like I don’t want to go against your wishes and committing him of a relationship without your blessings.”

Shashi gets emotional witnessing this level of maturity from Khushi.

“You are giving me excuses on his behalf Khushi. That’s not going to change my mind about him”

Khushi sighs in disappointment. She didn’t want to have this conversation now with her father, but now that they have got into it, she doesn’t back off.

“Look” Shashi grips her forearms. “I don’t care how he has evolved himself to reach you.. going against the world. All I care is you… this temporary happiness you think he is giving you now, can be snatched away again once Ayush Singh Raizada and Revati Raizada comes back in his life. For whatever reasons he has drew a line between him and them, if that line is wiped off someday in future, you will again be in pain Khushi because that couple is never going to accept you happily in their family. Why lose your self-respect? I know it will hurt you for some time.. it will hurt me as well to see you in pain. But this momentary pain is better than a lifetime curse.”

Khushi’s eyes sting with tears. As a father his concerns are genuine. He will need time to feel the bonding she and Arnav have. Arnav has to prove to her father in a lot of ways to reassure him that she will never be left dejected in love.

“I understand your concern for me and my future, Dad. But believe me, this time I am assured Arnav is never backing off from me. Doesn’t matter if he reconciles with his foster parents or not, one thing I am very confident of and that is his determination in making me his life partner. I hope you will also see that determination in him someday and give us both your blessings”

Shashi rolls his eyes. From where does she gets these optimist thoughts? The microwave timer stops, beeping loudly. Khushi makes her way to the microwave and takes out the tray of muffins. She lovingly packs a few in a box to take away with her. Shashi heads out.

“Dad... I am making your tea” she shouts behind him but he doesn’t wait for it. Khushi still makes his tea and because she is getting late for work, ensures Buaji serves him without fail.


Arnav bites the last piece of the sandwich and gets up to leave for Office. He cannot wait to get there and take Khushi’s birthday wishes personally. Since morning he has been getting birthday wishes calls from his business associates and some old friends from college. He sincerely took them all but wondered why Aman didn’t wish him yet. It is impossible that he would have forgot his birthday.

“Hello birthday boy” Aman shouts happily from the door.

Arnav is shocked to see his best friend here in London.

“How’s my surprise?” Aman grins coming closer. The two share a quick hug. “Happy birthday Arnav”

“Thank you and I loved your surprise. When did you plan it?”

“I had to reschedule everything at the last minute but anything for my best friend. And to be honest, I had some business here too”

Mathurs have their subsidiary here in London so obviously Aman has to pay a visit there too once a year.

“How’s family?” Arnav asks.

“Surviving!!! Dad and Sheetal are off to Malaysia for a month. I was getting bored there. It gets boring when your sibling isn’t home to fight”

Arnav smiles. Aman and Sheetal have a very unique bond. They fight, argue over silly things yet take care of each other’s back in extreme times. But he knows Sheetal is upset with Aman because he didn’t take her side when her engagement was called off.

“Forget them, how is Khushi? Is she still giving you a tough time?”

“Very” he nods. “But in a controlled way. I deserve it for all the hard times I gave her”

“That’s true. You deserve it”

Arnav checks his watch.

“I am getting late for work. You are staying with me here, no arguments”

“That goes without saying” Aman laughs pointing Arnav at his bags which the servants get from behind.

“Great then see you in the evening today, looks like I am been given a surprise party, I want you to be there”

“I will. But I might be late”

“No problem. But do come. I need you by my side”

“Liar” Aman punches Arnav’s chest. “You already have your mate by your side. You don’t need me. But I will still come. Afterall I wish to meet Khushi too”

“Be my Guest” saying that Arnav hurries out to head for work.



Arnav has just stepped in office and is desperate to see Khushi but she is with her team, in a meeting. He curses for the wrong timing and heads to his cabin. After exactly an hour, the door knocks and Khushi gets inside taking his permission. It draws all his attention on her and just her. She is wearing formals and it has nothing to do with Red! He has seen the entire staff wearing Red today, then why not she?

She makes her way to his desk and forwards the muffins box to him.

“Pineapple muffins” she murmurs.

Arnav leans back on his chair.

“Why are you not in Red?”

Her face flushes at that question. He looks desperate to see her in his favorite color.

“Didn’t the team tell you the party theme is red?” he adds.

“I will change before we head for the party tonight” she mentions.

It brings the smile back on his face. Arnav gets up from the chair and before she can move away, he pulls her in his arms. Khushi freezes as his finger pulls her chin up to meet his eyes.

“And my birthday wish?” his asks shamelessly, softly.

“I wished you already” she struggles. She had always wanted this sort of moments between them. He getting romantic and she giving him hard time. Now that he is actually behaving the way she wanted, she is confused how to react.

“That is not how a girl wishes the man she loves” he teases back.

Words choke in her throat.

“The party will end by 10. Can I have another hour of yours after that?” he asks promptly.

“For?” her eyes widen.

He sighs and cocks his head to one side, looking extremely hotter than before.

“Despite of all the nuisance around us, we are a couple, remember? I need WE time. And this is the best day to start with it.”

Relief flashes across her face. She had imagined something else. Something she couldn’t give.. unlike the silly girl she was during his 22nd birthday.

“We will see. Now please taste the muffins and tell me if they are any good. I haven’t made them in years”

Arnav chuckles and loosens his grip on her. He picks a muffin and takes a soft bite. The taste immediately brings back the memories of their childhood. She had made these for him once in Shantivan and he had savored it with all his heart.

“Same taste…” he appraises.

She is happy that he liked it.

“I will get back to work and so should you” she neatens her dress to ease the wrinkles formed and then quietly makes her way out. She wanted to ask him about the call he ignored taking last night when they were conversing. She believes it was from his father but she couldn’t ask him that because spoiling his mood today is the last thing she would want to do.


Party – Evening

Khushi is sitting opposite to him, at the far end of the huge 30-seater table. He really doesn’t know why she chose to sit so much away from him. She is behaving totally normal despite knowing his eyes are just on her. If people observe him closely tonight, they can easily spot his heart is beating for this one woman only. She is wearing a red velvet frock, long enough to cover her knees but everytime she wears red, his heart flutters insanely.

Katherine clinks the glass to get everyone’s attention over the table. Arnav drags his gaze from Khushi to Katherine unwillingly. Ever since the party has started, he is unable to take his eyes off the woman he loves. Her red dress, red gloss, flushed face and sneaking glances towards him, all are affecting him in uncountable ways. She looks ravishing tonight. Wish he could erase off these extra people around them and have her all for himself.

“ASR.. We all want to get some insight of your personal life.” Katherine exclaims.

His face hardens. He can share anything with others but not his personal life because now its full of stains. Khushi notices the changing expressions on his face.

“Like… which was your best birthday so far? Any special memory of your birthday which you wish to share with us?”

Surprisingly, none of two had imagined he would be asked this. His lips curved into a smile.

“My 22nd Birthday” he grins, looking straight at the woman who gave him those beautiful memories of lifetime. His deep, low and very intimate voice stirs every muscle inside her. They never discussed that night and it is better if he keeps it that way, but from the mischievous look in his eyes she can say that he is fully prepared to make her feel uncomfortable.

“Sir, what happened on that day?” one of Khushi’s colleague interrupts.

Khushi fiddles with her phone. Will he really answer that? Arnav gauges all of her actions even if she is so far from him. In one way, its easier to admire her from a distance. He can see her directly without having the need to look around.

“A very cute innocent girl proposed me for marriage” he answers, earning some awes and gasps from the team. Khushi raises her head and meets his heated gaze. Yes, she had proposed him for marriage that night and then.. everything changed..

To be Continued

Next Part

To Read He Loves Me Not from the Start. Click HERE

Note: I had promised the flashback in this part but its already long enough to extend and very late too at my place. So, the flashback will be continued in next part which I will post tomorrow same time.. 


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  1. I liked the way khushi made clear to sashi that she loves Arnav and really looking forward for their 22nd Birthday suspense

  2. Hope you ll give some insight of flashback as precap for us to survive till u update full chapter tomorrow ? What u say Madhu?

  3. Awesome update....i am happy that khushi decided to give Arnav a chance....its easy for others to judge that she is again falling insanely for him again after so much pain...its true... May be foolishness according to someone but if we think through khushi's POV once you will get it... Something you desired and loved wanted it like your breath yet you didn't got almost thought that it's never going to happen and you gave up...gone through immense day you getting that back with so much can never show a blind eye to it ever..but just like khushi you may feel confused how to react to it....Madhu you kept it so naturally...loving it

  4. Awesome Update. Finally we get to know Khushi proposed Arnav for marriage. Shashi Gupta is concerned for Khushi but liked the way Khushi made herself clear and gave a second chance to Arnav .Was missing Aman and finally he is here . Arnav is now openly showing his love for Khushi . Really looking forward to know the entire 22nd birthday episode. Arnav will surely prove his love for Khushi and Khushi also believe in his love. One more update please.

  5. I loved it how Khushi support arnav without hurting shashi . Aman is here . Will he tell about Arnav and his adopted parents issue ? Finger crossed.

    Arnav showing his love side . Admiring Khushi , cherishing the past related to her and trying to spending time with her
    Very excited to know the past . Waiting for next update dear.

  6. Good.. atleast Arnav & Khushi both are on same page now & Khushi is no more running away from her love & she conveyed the same to her father as well.. Being a father, indeed Shashi's fears are genuine but he needs to trust his daughter's instincts & give Arnav a benefit of doubt to prove his love for Khushi...

    Aman's entry is definitely gonna give a positive atmosphere..

    Arnav's passion for Khushi is absolutely nerve tickling..

    So Khushi had proposed Arnav for marriage on his 22nd birthday... I strongly feel that they had gotten physical that night.. Waiting to know everything about his secret birthday party that night..

    Thanks for the update Madhu ❤️

  7. Looking forward to read more awesome update

  8. Oh she just proposed on his 22nd birthday and I thought something else happened (lol)...initially I was very eager to know what happened on his 22nd birthday but now more than ever I'm curious about what happened bn raizadas and arnav....

  9. Oh fabulous update. Good that Khushi let her father knows what she feels in her heart for Arnav.

  10. Interesting...... Can't wait for next update.

  11. I am very curious to know what happened on the 22nd birthday from very long time

  12. Fabulous one ❤️ Next part soon 😍

  13. Awwww it was so sweet.
    I wanted to read more.
    Waiting for it.

  14. Khushi proposed him on his 22nd girl!😍

  15. Superb update. .
    Like the maturity if khushi with which she reply to her father...
    Indeed arnav has long way to win his trust ..

    But atleast khushi is not pushing their relationship...

    Wow aman is here, that true bestie..

    Wow she baked muffins for him n gave it..

    Eagerly looking forward for his reply in the bday party

  16. I wish for a detailed update for the flashback ,so very much happy that the next update will be a long one .
    Sashi got some good answers from khushi ...loved it .

  17. Wonderful update
    Loved the way Khushi cleared her father that she still love Arnav
    And Aman's surprise for Arnav was so good
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  18. SUPEEERRRB UPDATE...This is getting interesting...I think Aman is here to meet Akash too...Waiting for flashback in Next Part...

  19. It's great that khushi gave some insight about her love to her dad. And Shashi wasn't wrong to care for his daughter he is wrong to hurt arnav talking about his parents without knowing anything. He could have talked about this with arnav. Raised his doubts about arnavs loyalty. But he straight forward gone to his parents and hurt him. Good update!

  20. I like this mature Khushi who can talk to her father so sensibly

  21. Interesting waiting for the flashback

  22. I liked the way khushi talked so matured and sensibly and clear abt her feelings toward to her father 👌... And its arnav b'day 22ndb'days mystery is abt to come finially 😍😍
