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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

He Loves Me Not - Part 38


Chapter 38


She kept hiding behind the dark curtains. There was no way out. Either she has to wait for him to slip out of his room or she will be caught. She slowly peeps out to see if she was still around or in the bathroom so that she can escape but the sight of him shirtless made her gasp for air.

Arnav became conscious by that soft sound.

“Hello.. Who’s there?” his eyes blinked hard to stay open. His friends had forced him to drink beyond his usual limit. It was his birthday party and they wanted to enjoy it fullest. But his views were different, his choices were very simple. He would have loved to spend the day out in a different place, somewhere quiet and enjoy his Me time.. alone… or with only his close buddies. He would have implemented it too had his father didn’t plan this surprise party.

Shrugging those thoughts temporarily, he decides to check if someone is really hiding behind those thick curtains or not? He knows his friends, they can play such mischief. He was about to step towards the French door when suddenly the harsh sound of the lightning outside horrified the person hiding in his room and she came out running in fear, straight in his arms.

It felt perfect to be in his arms. The hidden feelings rose slowly, steadily inside her body, giving her goosebumps throughout. She raised her head. He seemed to be in shock and unable to decide if she is really present here.

“Khushi?” he murmured pulling her away from his body.

That brought her back to the present and she shivered thinking how he would react further. The whole day she had been dying to wish him, gift him but he wasn’t available. Hence, she had to gatecrash his birthday party secretly and head straight here in his bedroom to wait for the time when he would come back to sleep. But when he returned drunk, she felt nervous to go as per her plans.

“What… what are you doing in my room?”

“I wanted to wish you” she bit her lip. He wasn’t aware what his current half-dressed state was doing to the innocent mind of hers.

“Wish? Now? Like this?” he shouted. “It’s insane. Your father would be looking for you”

“No he wont” she denied. “I told him I am in my friend’s house, studying”

He groaned in frustration.

“You lied?” he didn’t seem impressed by her lie.

“Anything for you” she never had that guts to confess this but today somehow, she did it. He stared at her bewildered. She gently raised her arms and cupped his cheeks. “Happy birthday to you… happy birthday to you… Happy birthday to .. Arnav… Happy birthday to you”

Her innocent face, delicate touch and cute voice, affected him in countless ways. He sobered down. Khushi’s growing attraction for him was nothing new but he never imagined she would have the guts to do any of this. He initially took it as her childness and the cause of her budding hormonal changes at this age, but as months passed, he knew she was getting serious. Khushi was a good girl, highly ambitious, scholar in almost every subject, topper in her college and extremely beautiful. How can her charm not work on a simple man like him? They had some age difference, but not huge that can make them from two different generations. She was ready to adapt to whatever he liked. Her feelings for him were selfless.

He lowered his eyes to see her leisurely. She always wore frocks and jeans. But today she was wearing a Red one. The color glowed on her face or probably she was blushing by the way he was admiring her.

“You are beautiful, Khushi” he whispered, carefully enough not to scare her.

She grinned in response.

“You like me?” she asked.

“There is nothing unlikeable in you”

His reply made her jump in excitement as if she was dying to hear that.

“Then … will you marry me?” she innocently asked.

Her innocent proposal made his heart flutter like never before. At first, he let out a short laugh.

“What do you even know about marriage?”

“I know everything. I am 18+” she shrugged her shoulders proudly.

“You watch a lot of movies, I think. Only becoming eligible for marriage by age is not enough. You still need to grow up”

“I never said we will marry tonight. If you can wait until I graduate, I would be grateful”

He laughed heartily at her proposition.

“Silly girl” he pinched her cheeks. “Go back home and never tell anybody you proposed me. They will be mad”

“I don’t care what others think about us” she pouted. “What matters is what you think about me. I know I am not like those beautiful girls who always surround you at parties and office. I am leaner, thin and skinny compared to those right curved women. But I will grow. I will..”

She hadn’t even completed that statement when he pulled her hard to him, making her crash on his chest. It felt scary for her at first. She wasn’t used to this. But she knew one thing, Arnav Singh Raizada was the man she loved and he would never hurt her. She met his eyes with innocence again.

“You are perfect the way you are” he admitted with intense eyes. He was confessing the truth; she could tell that by looking in his eyes.

The urge to kiss him surfaced in her fizzy mind and she didn’t think twice. She kissed him with full passion. He froze at first but then his arms circled her waist and pulled her closer. He desired her too in his own secret ways and he couldn’t hold it to himself after this. After few minutes, when he realized it would be hard for them to stop if this continued, he used all his strength to pull back and pushed her away.

“Go back home. Now” he groaned.

Tears sprung in her eyes and it affected him. It stabbed his heart to see her in this state. Her hair all messed up and her face a mixture of anxiety, fear and pain of being pushed away.

“You lied to me that you find me perfect” she muttered in between her sobs. “Otherwise you wouldn’t ask me to leave”

Arnav clenched his jaw and strode to her. Alcohol was no longer clouding his vision or shifting his interest. His eyes were wide awake and he was totally conscious of his doings.

“You are too young to know the repercussions of your stay here even for one more minute after this” he shouted.

“I told you I am not bothered about the people outside this room. You are the one who matters to me. But if you don’t think I match your desires, I … I will leave”

She hurried to the curtains to take out the hidden gift which she had carefully kept in the hope of giving him tonight. The small box slipped from her shivering hands and the ring from inside it rolled at his feet. He bent down to pick it up. It was a gold ring and exactly matching his size.

When he met her gaze again, he saw tears rolling down continuously from her cheek.

“Where did you get so much money from to buy me this?” he growled.

“I didn’t steal from anyone. It’s my pocket money. I saved it from the last 2 years”

Arnav was shocked seeing her uniformity in loving him.

“And even if I would have to steal for you someday, I would have. I love you that much Arnav Singh Raizada. And no one can snatch that right from me. Not even you” she cried harder this time, words choked in her throat.

Arnav forgot everything else at this moment and marching towards her he pulled her in his arms for another kiss, a passionate one this time. She pushed his chest to stop but then gave up when his tears mixed with hers. He never believed anybody could love him that much. He had his foster parents who took care of him, but the love which Khushi showered on him was incomparable. None of the two realized when they joined the bed and spent the whole night in each other’s arms, mending each other’s sorrows, easing their own pain and dreaming of a life together, in future. But despite of having her so close to him, he didn’t cross his limits which could put Khushi in trouble later. His conscience kept holding his intense craving to consummate this innocent relationship at this step. He did not want to take advantage of her feelings, neither put his own in shame.

“Hello Everyone” Aman breaks the stance of the two. “I am sorry to intervene but I am invited by the birthday boy”

Arnav gets up and hugs Aman, later introduces him to everyone.

“He is Aman Mathur, Managing Director of Mathur Group of Industries and my best friend”

Katherine quickly welcomes Aman and he takes a seat next to Arnav. Khushi is surprised to see Aman here but she is glad he made it because Arnav at this stage, needs someone to support him emotionally, something which she should have offered him than anyone else. Aman scans the team and finds Khushi sitting at the opposite corner. He is about to talk to her when Arnav interrupts.

“She doesn’t want her team to know we have a past”

That startles Aman.

“Seriously? That’s unfair. I cannot pretend not knowing her”

“I respect her privacy” Arnav smirks.

“Then so should I” Aman sighs and leans back.

After a couple of drinks, the cake cutting celebration begins. The team sings the birthday song for him while he cuts the cake. He really wanted Khushi to be next to him but settles with his best friend instead and feeds him the cake. Aman senses his friend’s desperation to be with Khushi and hence shares an idea.

“Guys… The music is cool. Why don’t we all join the dance floor?”

“I will dance with ASR” Sim raises her hand.

“I want to dance with him too” Katherine, their Boss interrupts.

Arnav has no ears to their requests. All he does now is analyze what’s going in Khushi’s mind. He knows just like him, she too just reminisced the beautiful memories of that night when he discussed that topic with the team a while ago. Did that excite her or made her sad?

“Alright.. Alright” Aman shouts again. “I have a solution to all your demands. All the girls will write their respective names in a separate piece of paper and then put it in this box. Whichever name Arnav picks up will be the lucky girl to dance with him. That should be fair”

Arnav gives a screwed look to Aman. There are at leas 16 girls in the team including Khushi. What are the chances that he will pick Khushi’s name? Aman winks at him as if he knows what he is doing and gestures him to relax.

Khushi doesn’t want to enroll her name in this silliness. Firstly, fate has never played by her side. There are no chances he will pick her name and even if he did, she is too vulnerable right now to get closer to him. The girls put their names in the box and wait for Arnav to pick one. Aman has already given him the hint which one to pick.

“I swear if its not her.. you are going to get a punch from me tonight after we get back home” Arnav threatens even in a whisper.

“Chill Buddy. Just pick the one I have told you to and get your girl on floor” Aman pats his back.

“Hold your heart girls” Aman shouts, purposely igniting the crowd.

Arnav picks the little pink chit and opens it. His eyes meet hers again and with the rueful smirk on his face she knows it’s her name inside. But who did it for her? She didn’t enroll her name. Has to be Aman.

Aman snatches the piece of paper from Arnav and reads the name aloud.

“Okay.. so the lucky girl is … Khushi Gupta” Aman screams happily.

The other girls sigh at first but then cheer aloud for Khushi to come ahead and take the birthday boy on the dance floor. She hesitates for few seconds but does she have a way to escape this? Denying to dance with Arnav Singh Raizada, their client will raise even more questions in the group which she wants to avoid.

Arnav takes her to the dance floor while the rest team up with each other for the couple dance. While his eyes are fixed on hers, she tries her best not to reveal her vulnerability to him. But it’s hard to hide from the eyes of the man who loves her. He knows why she got upset. Though few years back they shared the best moments of their lives, he was the one who broke them the next day, in the fear of hurting the most valued people of his life, his foster parents!!

To be Continued .



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  1. Khushi crazily and madly love with arnav in past. Arnav gave hope in heated moment but he broke her heart after that . In past Khushi said she won’t cared for anyone but now she maintaining distance just for her dad . We Can’t blame her through bcz she gave her maximum after her return from London . Now it’s arnav time make and their love strong .

    Any chance for next update on Monday ? 🙈. I know this too much to ask . But can’t wait to see how both going to react after remembering past .

    Waiting for next update dear

  2. beautiful update. now we know what happened on his 22nd birthday x

  3. Awesome Update. Finally Arnav's birthday episode is revealed. Khushi 's love was pure and innocent at such teenage one has no control over feelings. Arnav was also attracted towards her and has been her secret admirer. Arnav was quite mature than his age and thankfully didn't cross his limits. Aman is here and he is trying to make Arshi close as always. Arnav knows and understands Khushi much better than herself he may have hurt her and pushed her away in the past for his parents but can't blame him being an adoptive child the guilt feeling is always there if the relationship blossom healthier it could have fade away but that's not in case of Arnav. He never got a normal life like other kids . Arnav is now regretting every moment he hurt Khushi. Waiting to know what happened between him and his adoptive parents.

  4. MIND BLOWING UPDATE...Okay Whatever happened at Arnav 22nd birthday night its obvious Khushi cant forget that it was that special for both of them...though Arnav reject her the next day but Khushi had stay firm with her feelings towards Arnav...Waiting for Next Part...

  5. Well well well... Now it all makes sense. I feel the past should have been revealed to us much earlier for us to get the point of view which we dint so far. But better late than never. I hope things get better between them. Now I can understand khushi as to what she is feeling is something any girl would feel in her place. Hope Arnavs and his parents part reveal soon too.

  6. I can imagine Wat khushi had felt that night and how much heartbroken she would have been when Arnav broked her heart the Next day

  7. Must be Arnav said that she tried to seduce him ? It's bad . But what happened between Ayush and Arnav ? Yet to know about that.. thank u for the update even in between Ur tight schedule ..

  8. Will Aman tell Khushi what happened between Arnav and Ayush? Hope Aman and Akash team up together to support Arshi to convince Shashi for Arshi love

  9. Their flashback was an emotional one with lots of love and desire for each other .I don't know whom to support now ..Arnav or khushi ,first he hurt her now she is doing the same thing .

  10. Loved it... It's good to know how Khushi sincerely love Arnav...

  11. Love it
    Finally flash back, we able to see

  12. Today I felt bad for both Arnav and Khushi. When I started to read this I never thought about this and I'm sorry for that sis. Khushis innocent love was so cute. I felt really bad when she started to cry and when she picked up that gift which had the ring. I felt bad for Arnav when he realised that no one had really loved him the way Khushi loved him. He let go that love because of his foster parents. I feel bad for both of them. I don't know what's going to happen next. I don't even want to guess. Just hope everything will be okay for both of them. Oh.. I'm glad that Aman is here. At least there is one person who Arnav can call his own at this crucial stage of his life. Because Khushi won't be able to give her full attention to Arnav. She still has that feeling of rejection.

  13. Finally it's revealed...It's good that they didn't consummated that day otherwise it would be more painful for Khushi to waiting to know what happened between Arnav and his parents...

  14. Beautiful update..

    Such a wonderful memory they had which he turned into sad memory next day...
    But he should count his blessing that he has his best friend and his lady love with him n supporting him..

    Too good aman loved the way he made then dance..

    Looking forward for arshi we time after party

  15. Oh they did spent that birthday night together but never cross their line 👍 that’s awesome. Aman your idea works👏 Superb update

  16. Oh God... Khushi was so crazily & madly in love with Arnav since such a tender age... But her love was neither her childishness nor mere attraction of a teenager, but pure & true love, which she revealed to him on his 22nd b'day & carried it in her heart till date even after he broke her heart right the next day of spending such beautiful night of confession in each others arms..

    The scene of his 22nd bday night is penned beautifully Madhu with raw emotions in both of their hearts for the other..Khushi confessed verbally & Arnav didn't but his actions definitely spoke louder then words that night...

    God... Don't know how Khushi must have felt & endured when Arnav must have broken her heart brutally the very next morning..

    Aman is a darling.. He is definitely gonna play a significant role in uniting Arshi forever..

    Thanks for the beautiful update Madhu.. Waiting for Badtameez ❤️

  17. Awesome update ❤️❤️❤️

  18. I think Aman will help Arnav to patch up with Shashi. Khushi was bold when she proposed him at her teens.

  19. Wow pure innocent and unconditional love 😍

  20. A very beautiful update
    Loved it too much

  21. Wow !! Beautiful
    Can’t wait for the next part

  22. Please update badtameez.
