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He Loves Me Not - Part 40 A


Chapter 40 A

“Cheers” Aman clinks his glass with Arnav’s. “It feels like I am home now” he adds.

“This is Home” Arnav mentions looking around once.

Aman notices the weak expressions on Arnav’s face which he is trying his best to hide. He is missing Shantivan and the people whom he lived with there. But he won’t mention it ever.

“Really? Is this your home?” Aman purposely asks.

Arnav’s gaze steadies on Aman again.

“I know you buddy!! More than you know yourself. You are not happy here”

Arnav puts his glass away.

“Khushi is here. And I am here for her. What else do I need? Once Shashi Gupta is convinced for our relationship, I will marry Khushi and we will get settled here permanently. Why wont I be happy then?” he replies.

Aman sighs.

“I am not talking about your future but your past” Aman mentions.

“I am not interested in my past” Arnav stiffens.

“I understand that but.”

“Aman” Arnav interrupts. “don’t spoil my mood talking about all that. Not tonight… It’s my birthday Dammit”

Aman shakes his head in dismissal. Arnav has many excuses to ignore discussing the pain he is alone suffering inside. This is not the first time Aman had tried to talk about it. But every time Arnav had just shrugged off from having this conversation.

“Fine..If that’s what you want buddy” Aman pours some more drink for himself. “What’s with Shashi Gupta then? Why is he disliking you so much?”

Arnav rolls his eyes.

“He is a father; he has all rights to be upset with me. I have hurt Khushi”

“But you came back for her. You left everything behind, pushed away all those hindrances between you two. Doesn’t that prove you love her?”

“Well, why don’t you be my love advocate then? Go and tell this to Shashi Gupta. See if he gets convinced” he challenges.

Aman chuckles.

“Seriously, I can do it” he seems to happily take that challenge.

“Please try” Arnav mutters.

“What will I get in return?”

“Another Wine date with your old friend” Arnav replies bowing his head and then both the friends share a hearty laugh.


Next Morning – Gupta Apartment

The Gupta family were eating breakfast quietly. Khushi had conversed with her father and Buaji in the morning when she came out from her room but none of them asked her about last night’s party.. Arnav Singh Raizada’s Birthday party. She didn’t tell either because obviously they wouldn’t be interested to know the details.

“Where is Akash these days? He doesn’t seem to come often” Buaji starts a fresh new topic.

“He is busy in some assignment. Plus, his parents are back from India. So he is spending his time with them” she replies biting her toast.

“What’s the use now?” Buaji sighs. “If you have decided not to think about him but stick to your old love, we have no say in it”

Khushi slows down eating. Shashi is busy buttering his bread. But now that the topic is On, he decides to add his queries too.

“What did you gift him?” he asks.

Khushi drops the bread in the plate. She hadn’t expected her father to ask her that out of all. He could have ask her about the party, how it went and what all happened there. But instead he wants to know what she gifted Arnav?

“If its personal then…” he adds.

“Shirt” Khushi interrupts him. “White.. .white formal shirt”

She has nothing to hide now. She wants to be as transparent as possible with both the men in her life – her father and Arnav.

“White” Shashi mutters. “His favorite color.. Symbol of peace and serenity”

Khushi doesn’t understand whats that supposed to mean?

“But things in his life is so opposite to that, isn’t it? He is not at peace neither letting people related to him be at peace”

“dad” Khushi tries to stop him from speaking ill about Arnav. “It’s not necessary to insult him”

Shashi frowns.

“I am not insulting him. I am just speaking the truth, Khushi. Do you know Ayush Singh Raizada is in a mess handling AR alone? Their investors have started backing out. Why? Because your Arnav is resigning in a month. Just imagine what situation he has brought upon the people who loved him and took care of him all these years”

Khushi is shocked. Is that true? She was so busy in him and thinking about him these days that she forgot to do her homework. She didn’t keep a tab on whats happening in AR. But her father is always into it. Even after resigning that company, he always keeps thinking healthily about it, especially these days because she is connecting back with Arnav Singh Raizada.

“How irresponsible that man is, can’t you see? Even now?” Shashi groans.

Khushi has no reply to that. She doesn’t want to judge anything. Not until Arnav tells her what exactly happened with Arnav and his foster parents.

“If AR shuts down, it will be Arnav’s fault” Shashi grumbles. “Think about all those people whose bread and butter depends on that company. The upper management will easily shift jobs, but what about the junior employees? Where will they go?”

“Dad” Khushi intervenes. “I know you are worried for the company. But please don’t put the entire blame on Arnav. I am sure he is doing something about it”

“Is he?” Shashi asks in sarcasm. “As far as I see it, he is busy getting you back in his life. He has no time for anything apart from you”

Khushi swallows the lump formed in her throat. But becoming weak now is not the option. She meets her father’s gaze again, Buaji is silent but ready to argue if she defends Arnav still. Khushi wipes her lips and pushes the plate aside. She is done eating.

“I will talk to him and check what he is doing about AR and its issues. Only because even I think AR doesn’t deserve this. I am sure even Arnav doesn’t want people to suffer because of him. He is not like that Dad. You know him too. You have worked with him for years”

“But the man I see him now, is not what he used to be before. That boy had empathy for every person and now he has nothing in his eyes even for his foster parents? I really don’t think any fight is so cruel to change a person’s character to this extent”

Khushi nods.

“You are right Dad and if Arnav has still changed to this extent, it means he has gone through worse. And I will always support to make him come out of it. I cannot guarantee that things will change soon, but I will try. I will make him what he was before. The way you and others liked him. The way I liked him. I promise”

She gets up and heads to the couch to pick her purse. She is leaving for office.



“Yes, I am aware of it, Mike” Arnav speaks over the call to his Assistant who is not at office right now but at some other important work which Arnav has assigned him. Khushi gets in his cabin, drawing all his attention on her. For a second, his eyes read her face and it tells him she is not in a good mood. “Call me in few minutes”

He hangs up and stares back at her.

“You don’t seem okay, what happened?” he asks.

“I just got to know whats happening in AR”

Arnav is speechless. Why is she suddenly talking about AR group now?

“Whatever is happening there, is no longer your concern” he replies after few seconds of silence.

“Is it not your concern too?” she asks instantly but in a polite way.

“Not anymore. I have resigned. Serving the last few weeks of my tenure there. I don’t really care whats happening there and so shouldn’t you now”

“How heartless”

Arnav is surprised she called him heartless, but he doesn’t defend himself.

“Or maybe you are turning blind to things that make you more defenseless. Why don’t you just tell me whats wrong between you and them?”

“It’s not necessary” he groans.

“It is.. I demand to know it, Arnav. If anything is hurting you, you are not alone to feel the pain. I feel that ache too and I cannot take it anymore. Please tell me this or else I will ask Aman. I am sure he knows everything”

Arnav doesn’t speak a word.

“So, he knows” she concludes.

“But he won’t open his mouth.” Arnav answers.

“Then you tell me. Why are you holding back” she shouts.

“Because I am scared”

“Of what?”

“Of losing you, Dammit” he finally blurts out.

There is a pin drop silence for few seconds. They stare at each other, Khushi waits for him to speak beyond his fear. Its necessary. He gets up from his chair and walks to the huge glass, looking outside the window.

“I am a Raizada, Khushi…” he confesses.

Khushi has no clue what that means. Obviously, he is a Raizada because he has been adopted by them. Then why is he repeating that statement? He finally, turns back to her and meets her eyes.

“I have Raizada blood in me” he mumbles with tears crawling in the core of his eyes.

To be Continued


Note: Short Update. But I will update Part B by evening again.

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  1. So my dout was true.. did Ayush cheated Arnav mother and married Revathi ? When they didn't have any children they adopted Arnav ? Which u ll update it soon.. please Madhu update it fast .. if possible give precap of what happened .

  2. Gosh! Such a mess!
    Arnav has Raizada blood.Is he illegitimate child.Born out of wedlock and abandoned by his unwed Mother.
    But cleverly picked up by Ayush Raizada.
    Or Revathi is a Raizada and Ayush had to marry her to save her reputation.

    Poor Arnav! He must have got the truth accidentally.Thats why he is deeply hurt.

    Somehow I am liking the shade of Shashi Gupta here.Not only is he a protective Father but a true well wisher of that company which had given a life to him.

    Its high time that Arnav shares his muddled past with Khushi atleast.She is sandwiched between right and wrong.

    No Father would support a relationship which is lying on a shaky foundation.And Khushi should respect her Fathers sentimsnts too!

  3. Awsomee.. dont tell me ki Arnav is his father's illegitimate son?? 1 request - can u plz tell me where will I read the cursed bride with the characters of Arnav & khushi?? I buy ur cursed bride e book but there is some other character who are the protagonist.. plzz will atleast answer this question of mine as I dont get any reply from you ever..

    1. Dear, Madhu had originally written Cursed bride based on Arnav and Khushi only.Later got it converted it as an e book.And she wasnt allowed to retain the old characters.Hence she had given different names.And she cant re write the same story on Arshi even in her blog due to Copyright.

    2. Dipa..yes, the characters names have changed because of copyright issues. I couldn't use the same names in these ebooks.

  4. Awesome Update. So Arnav is a Raizada by blood Ayush's son that's quite a shocking confession. Ayush probably came to know that but Revati created some misunderstanding between them. And that's why Ayush tried contacting Arnav but Arnav ignored. But why is Arnav afraid of losing Khushi . Hope Arnav share all his pain . Arnav is only suffering here. Something has happened which has hurt Arnav deeply. Aman is a loyal friend and at least Arnav has him by his side. Arnav's has hidden a lot of grief inside him and needs Khushi's support. Buaji should not have taunted Khushi their concern is understood and Shashi Gupta is judging Arnav from his perspective he was a loyal employee but he didn't know the entire matter. He also made Khushi feel guilty. In the next part hope Arnav opens up to Khushi and he needs Khushi the most now in this vulnerable situation.

  5. Please don't make Arnav illegitimate it's a request as it will be more painful for him .

  6. Wooow! Now That’s called a twist!! Am loving it! 👏👏👏👏😃👍

  7. Wow that’s unexpected
    What a twist loved it................

  8. I can understand what Shashi wants to point out. But did he think about the employees who are working under him? Didn't he resign because of a personal reason? So resigning for personal issues is only allowed to employees. It is not allowed to employers. Shashi is being unreasonable now.
    I feel bad about arnav. I'm not judging anything right now. I don't know how he is related to raizadas to have that blood. But if by any chance he is ayushs son then his anger is justified to hide such a thing and treating him as an orphan from the beginning. How cruel is ayush and revati both? Nice update!

  9. I will comment once I read the other part

  10. It's a shocker but wondering when arnav got to know about it

  11. Oh man!
    Is he illegitimate son or son of Wish brother or something?

  12. Why must Arnav change to suit Shashi? He is acting so entitled. Didnt Arnav start his own company, well he can hire the junior employees there if need be. If Ayush cant manage his own company then its his own fault. He made decisions where Shashi and even Khushi had to resign as he believed Sheetal over his loyal employees. If he is that stupid, he deserves investors moving out. How is that Arnav's fault? He can and should stand on his 2 feet without relying on his goddamn foster parents who have not noticed how unhappy he has been all his life, forcing decisions after decisions upon him. Selfish all of them!

  13. Superb update. Finally Arnav is opening up. He got Raizada blood!!! How’s the Connection ? Waiting to know more.

  14. SUPERB So he's going to tell her what went wrong or should i say the ugly truth of his life...Waiting for Next Part...

  15. Wow that's unexpected for me...He is a Raizada....and his own family kept him in dark...most probably Ayush...if he is his illegitimate child.....but Wat connection it had with khushi...why he fears that he will loss her because of it

  16. Was he either of his parents illegitimate son or something or a relatives son? Like his dad's sister's son or something?

  17. I was expecting something like this...eager to read more....awesome

  18. Thanks dear.
    If you remember , i already mention it in my previous comment. 👌

  19. I had guessed it that he is a Raizada, and Ayush is his biological father, though was not sure if he had cheated Revathi or Arnav's mother, and he adopted him when he figured out Arnav was his blood. Does that mean Arnav's biological mother is not alive or she is somewhere atound. Pls do update the Part B today itself - RealityTruth

  20. Eagerly waiting for next part 😍 wonderful

  21. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  22. I had guessed this earlier ....Ayush might be the reason for Arnav's mom death ....

  23. So that's the reason. I thought so. But waiting to know the clear picture. Hope he will tell khushi. But why he's scared of losing khushi??? Waiting eagerly for next part.

  24. Awesome he is a raizada afterall.. I think aayush knows this..but what about revati?? I dont think revati as type who will even tolarate arnav if she knows he is her husband'son..thats why arnav is so unattached to them.. But glad khushi is now with him to support arnav..

  25. Can’t wait to know full truth of arnav and Raizadas . Shashi being too harsh on Arnsv . Hope he will accept arnav soon . Awesome update dear

    Waiting for next update dear

  26. Can we have a FF named She Loves Me Not???��

    1. Good idea for a new ff based on this love me not series..will try. If not ff may be a short story

  27. Oh God u just dropped the bomb and shut down no that was awesome update will wait for next

  28. Its time arnav shld tell khushi the whole truth. Whatever he got to know which distanced him from his foster parents

  29. Yes I had this doubt un my mind for long time so it's TRUE

  30. Waiting... Interesting....

  31. Superb upadate.... I think arnav is ayush's blood son, that's why he always support him and revathi always demads things for him... Waiting for next.. Update soon....

  32. Khushi character is best plus love how arnav coming sort is love to Khushi left India

  33. Nice update..

    Like aman arnav bonding...

    What problem gupta has that they are judging arnsv so bad
    Shashi should be happy that his whole focus on khushi..

    Like the way khushi said things for him to get father..

    What a twist
