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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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He Loves Me Not - Part 44


Chapter 44

Next Morning

“Shit” Arnav fetches for his mobile phone and finds it on the bedside table. Last night when he stated Khushi everything that happened between him and Ayush Singh Raizada, she comforted him and he didn’t even realize when he drifted to sleep. He has no clue what happened after that. How did Khushi manage to leave for her home? Did Aman drop her? He hopes so. He cannot imagine her going all the way alone. How can he be so irresponsible?

She picks the call after a few rings.

“Good morning lazy head” Khushi exclaims the moment she answers his call.

“Morning” he sighs. “Don’t be mad at me for dozing last night. I was mentally tired and .. I seriously didn’t realize when I slept” he apologizes.

Khushi smiles. She recalls he was broke last night; he needed a support and she stayed beside him on the bed, trying to put him to rest while he held her hand and kept gaining his strength back.

“I am not Sheetal Mathur to get frustrated on every silly reason” she teases.
“Seriously?” Arnav frowns. “You are going to get her in between us early morning?”

Khushi chuckles.

“I just did that. What will you do?” she continues to coax him.

Arnav lets out a hoarse sigh.

“Why don’t you come here and find out yourself?”

“Challenge Accepted” she replies and pushes the door of his bedroom open. Arnav’s jaw drops seeing her in the room. She didn’t go? She was here? Like the whole night? He puts his mobile phone away and strides to her. She is definitely intimidated by his predatory walk. He pins her to the door, shutting it and secluding them from the outside world.

“You stayed!!” he breathes in her hair.

“Couldn’t leave you in that state” she answers sliding her arms around him.

That reminds him of the reasons he got upset last night. His biological mother’s search had come to an end finally because she was no more. She died years ago. And he could do nothing about it. He withdraws himself from her and she instantly realizes the reasons for his mood shift. As he turns around to hide his moist eyes, she wraps her arms around his waist and hugs his back.

“You should accept it, Arnav and move on. I don’t want you to keep digging old graves. It will hurt you and you have seen enough”

Her advice is genuine but only if it was that simple to accept.

“I have to go to India” he declares.

She pulls back and turns him around.


“To pay that place a visit where she took her last breaths”

Maybe he is right. He should do this. Paying a last visit to that place will at least allow him to put it behind and move on.

“She stayed in an Old age Home in Mussourie. And she was fighting Cancer”

“What?” Khushi shouts in pain.

Arnav swallows the lump of tears formed in the back of his throat.

“I am going to go there. Visit that place once”

Khushi nods.

“I will come along” she urges.

“No” he denies. “That’s not what your father would like you to do. He has no idea about all this.. about my parents crooked past…”

“Then he should know that”

Arnav though agrees to it, doesn’t seem convinced and Khushi knows why?

“He wont judge you by your identity, by your past” she explains. “And even if he does, that still doesn’t stop me from loving you”

Arnav couldn’t thank her enough for saying this… for making him still feel important and necessary in her life. He cups her cheek and pulling her closer kisses her forehead.

“So?” she tries to brighten his mood again. “Can I join you now to Mussourie?”

Arnav bites his inner lip, smirking at her.

“You are one stubborn woman, you know that?” he pinches her nose.

“I thought you like stubborn women” she teases back.

Arnav rolls his eyes.

“If you are going to tease me by Sheetal’s name one more time, I am going to punish you” he warns.

Khushi laughs heartily seeing his frustrated state and hugs him tight. Life seems so less complicated now that he has told her everything. But there are still many hurdles between them and together, they can sort them all.


When Arnav and Khushi head down they find Aman setting the breakfast table. He is wearing a typical Chef apron and cap.

“Sir… Madam…” Aman greets them bowing his head. “Please take your seats”

Khushi chuckles at Aman’s Server skills whereas Arnav shakes his head with sarcasm.

“What will you like to eat today Sir?” Aman asks.

“Whatever Chef Aman likes to serve” he replies.

Khushi laughs heartily.

“Today’s special then.. Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs and Orange Juice for you and Aloo Poori for the young lady”

Khushi pouts.

“Aww.. thank you Aman. You are such a sweetheart” she gets up and gives him a quick hug. Arnav stares at the two.

“Sweetheart?” Arnav complains. “You never called me that”

Aman clears his throat, taking a seat opposite to them.

“Something is burning, isn’t it Khushi?”

“Yea..” she winks back at him. “The pancakes probably”

Arnav nods in dismissal. These two when together can tease him infinitely and he can do nothing about it because both of them are close to his heart. They begin to eat.

“Wouldn’t you be jealous if you see me hugging another girl? Calling her sweetheart?” Arnav raises a valid question.

“Of course not.”

“Well..” Arnav leans back on his chair. “Aman… you wanted to check on the new Pub in the city right?”

“Oh yes, you denied… You have no time for me”

“Tonight then” Arnav declares. “Lets go out and have some fun”

“And what about me?” Khushi interrupts.

“What about you?” Arnav teases. “Stay home, clean your closet, cook for yourself or the best…. Sleep.”

Her jaw drops. She wont let this happen. She too has a right to go with them and enjoy. It is just now that her life is back on track after all.


Spending the afternoon with Arnav and Aman, Khushi returns back to her apartment to collect a few things before she can head out with Arnav. They have plans to eat out and she will utilize this opportunity to convince him for taking her along in the new Pub. She knows he will eventually, but she will have to grill him a lot and he will keep pretending not to give up. This should be fun.

But before that she makes a call to her father to check on her uncle’s health. Fortunately, her uncle is out of danger and should be discharged for home in 2 -3 days which means her father and Buaji will still take a week to come back. Shashi doesn’t ask her anything about Arnav or if she is meeting him regularly, neither she informs. But she knows that he is aware of their meets and she would never break his trust.

She dresses up and waits for Arnav to show up in her apartment. She is arranging the cushions on the couch when the bell rings. An idea strikes her brain. She opens the door of her apartment and before she can face Arnav whom she thinks it is, she hides her face in her palms.

“I am not going to let you see me Arnav” she giggles. “Not until you promise to take me along with you”

She waits for him to answer but when he doesn’t, she slides away her palms to see the man standing before her. It’s not him..

“Aap?” (You?)

Her toes curl in surprise at the sight of Arnav’s foster father, Ayush Singh Raizada standing at her doorstep.

“May I come in?” he politely asks. There is no smile on his face, not that she had expected one to be. What is he doing in London? And why here? She swallows hard and gives him way to get inside. Ayush walks in, scanning the house as she shuts the door.

“You alone? Where is your father?” he asks.

Before answering any of that, she decides to inform him whats more important.

“Arnav is going to be here any moment”

Ayush’s face glows instantly at the thought of being able to see his son again but the very next instant, the glow fades and is overshadowed by the fear of facing him again after such a long time, especially when the things between them are still bitter.

“I will not take long. I wanted to meet Shashi” he replies.

“Dad has gone to India. But he should be back next week”

Ayush had no clue about this and it is evident from his disappointed look. Khushi takes a minute to stare at his distress. He looks weak and helpless. It’s like he has lost something valuable.. that’s Arnav of course. So far, she had seen Ayush Singh Raizada being a good father to Arnav and his love for the boy has always been genuine. He should have told Arnav the truth before so today’s situation might have been avoided.

“Okay. I will come next week then” he is about to leave when she interrupts.

“Water? Will you have some water?”

Ayush is confused. He doesn’t know if he should stay or leave.

“Yes.. I will have some water.. I am thirsty” he admits

Khushi feels pity for the man. She gestures him to sit and then quickly brings him a glass of water. He drinks it full and as he keeps the glass away, his eyes couldn’t hold the drop of tear which rolls down his cheek. Khushi notices it and is instantly worried.

“I should go” he mumbles. “I don’t want Arnav to shout at you for entertaining me” he gets up from the couch. “Thank you”

He reaches the door. Khushi is unable to decide how to react in this situation. He stops again and turns back to her.

“Take care of him..” his tone is pleading. “I know you will.. you love him and I had seen that love in your eyes the very same day you resigned from my company”

Khushi swallows the hard lump of pain. If he had noticed it that day, why didn’t he do anything about it? Why didn’t he stop her from leaving to London? Or probably his hands were tied. Arnav was still engaged to Sheetal that time and Ayush Singh Raizada couldn’t take any lead unless Arnav stood up for himself. She comes out of her stance as she hears Ayush speaking further.

“I hope someday… he agrees to sit down and listen to me. I hope I get that chance” he murmurs.

Yes, that’s what she wants too. They both should sit together and talk.

“I don’t mind if he blames me.. he has the right to do so. But he got to speak to me.. I … I cannot imagine him breaking away forever” he wipes his tears. “I should leave before he comes”

He opens the door.

“Uncle” she interrupts him.

This is the first time she called Ayush Singh Raizada as Uncle and not Sir. He stops. She doesn’t know why either. But she has sympathy for this man. She does not wish to take sides, instead wishes Arnav and Ayush to share the same side. They need each other.

“Why do you want to meet Dad?”

Ayush is speechless for a moment but then he tells her.

“To give my son the happiness he deserves.. That’s you”

Khushi smiles. So Ayush Singh Raizada wants to propose her father for Arnav and her marriage.

“I want him to know that he will be giving his daughter to the best man on earth who will always keep her happy. Arnav loves you tremendously, I don’t need to tell you that. But I want your father to realize the same. He might have doubts about Arnav’s identity and the bitterness that we share between each other for now. I want to clear your father’s doubts. You and Arnav have stayed without each other for long. Now you both deserve the happiness of togetherness.”

She is very glad to hear this from him. So, Ayush Singh Raizada is in their support. It’s one positive step. The doorbell rings freezing the two at the spot. Arnav Singh Raizada is here!!

To be Continued.



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  1. Beautiful update, feel Arnav should give a chance to Ayush to clarify on his doing

  2. Arnav, Khushi & Aman, this trio when together are so much fun & the best support to each other...

    Finally Ayush realised that Arnav & Khushi belong to each other & its good that he decided to take the initiative to clear the air between Shashi & himself, explaining him about Arnav's identity & his past...

    Eager to know how the father & son will react on their first meet after the distance created between them..

    Thanks for the update Madhu..

  3. Hmm! This is going to be interesting! One father down! One more to go! Cheers

  4. SUPERB UPDATE...But atleast you should have let Khushi open the door...Now will keep guessing how Arnav will react seeing his foster father here...Waiting for Next Part...

  5. Awesome Update. Felt bad for Ayush. Arnav should reconcile with Ayush. He wanted to support Arnav and also clear his identity to Shashi. Khushi also understood Ayush. Khushi is trying her best to bring Arnav out of his greif. Loved how Khushi stayed back with Arnav. It's a very painful and difficult phase for Arnav to accept that his mother is no more. Arnav state is very emotional and Khushi's assurance is very much needed for Arnav also Aman is supporting Arnav. Now waiting for Arnav Ayush meet.

  6. Good thing ayush is in their favour

  7. Finally Ayush understood Arshi's love. Waiting for the next part.

  8. OMG now wt will hpn if Arnav see's ayysh ?

  9. Awesome awesome update dear . You stopped in cliff hanger dear 😒. I’m really have respect ayush . Only I hate his helplessness infront of his wife .
    Hope everything will settle for ArShi
    Waiting for next update dear

  10. Fabulous update. Please please update next part tomorrow

  11. Hopefully Arnav does not react and give chance to His father

  12. That's very fatherly move by ayush..pure love..kind of reminded me of 2 States

  13. Amazing update.. Arnav is here.. will be waiting for next one eagerly.. loved the update.. Thanks Madhu <3

  14. Felt bad for Ayush. Arnav should listen to his father's side of a story.

  15. Arnav and Ayush both need to talk... Hope this happens. Loved the interaction between Arnav and Khushi...

  16. Amazing update 💗 I can't wait for next part

  17. A very big cliffhanger ...
    Just can't wait to know Arnav's reaction

  18. Wonderful update loved it too much
    Ayush is taking the right step his love for Arnav is pure
    Hope Khushi will able to convince Arnav to talk to his father once or may be after visiting India Arnav will know Ayush was the one who always look for her mother to
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  19. Nice update..loved arshi aman morning teasing..

    Wow khushi managed to agree arnav to take her with him..

    Surprise to see ayush raizada heren purpose of his visit
