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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Imposed Knot Ebook Sample Chapters (1 - 4)


Arjun Raheja, a shrewd and Heartless Man who hardly had any good morals in him believed in only Self-interest. He was always driven by his negative traits to a height where no one. No one could change him back to a Good Human Being. He lived a life of Risks and still never failed in getting anything what he wanted. He never showed mercy on his Competitors or his Enemies and in fact he never feared of even taking them down using his evil tactics for his own benefits. He was never a Prince Charming who could be dreamt of by any Simple idealistic girl and now his family too had started believing him to be almost an Anti - Hero. A man with some undesirable Flaws yet very much popular in the Society for the Fame and Money that he earned in a small age.

He was driving his SUV rashly towards the Party Hall. His Mind focused on the incidents of the past few weeks. How he was cheated by his own family. How they ignored his words and against his will they took the decision which they think is right. How could they? He picked the Letter placed at the Side seat and then scanned it with his eyes once again. Crumpling the letter in the worst way possible, he slides down the glass pane of his car and threw the Letter out. He was hurt from inside. It’s said that hunting an Injured Lion is the most difficult task on this earth. So was his Case today. He was already injured enough for his Enemies to hunt him down and clear their way. It was now his Turn to show what it means to Hurt him. His Phone rang and he answered it checking the Caller's name.

“Positive or Negative??” he asked roughly.
“Positive. He has a Sister. In Mussourie”
“Track her. I need her before my Sight within a day” he commanded.

Disconnecting the Call, he increased the speed of his Car once again towards his Destination - THE PARTY HALL - The Beginning of his New Life - The Start of his Planned End.

(Few Hours Before)

St Peter's College - Mussourie


“May I come in Ma’am?” Sonia asked politely looking at her Professor.
The Lady Professor sitting on her Chair looked at the Entrance of the Classroom and saw Sonia with her Books waiting desperately for getting permission to enter inside.
“Don’t you have a Watch Sonia?? The Class has already begun. You are 10 minutes late”
“Sorry Ma’am. But I was studying in the Library for the next week’s exams and I missed to check the time”
The Professor nodded.

“Okay. Come in. But next time I won’t let the late comers attend my Class. Understood?”
Sonia smiled and rushed inside the Classroom and took her usual seat, First Bench of the Centre row. This Bench was always reserved for Sonia and her Best Friend who was yet to come.
The Professor was about to continue when there she reached at the Entrance asking for the Permission to come inside. She was Sonia's best friend. Kajal Arora.

“May I come in Ma’am”, Kajal asked in a soft polite tone.
The Lady Professor looked at her. She carried No books in her hand.
“Here she comes. That’s what I thought how come the Class is so silent today?”

A small naughty smile played on Kajal’s lips as she pleaded with her Dove shaped eyes to let her inside the Classroom.  She was the Topper of the Class and favorite Student of every Professor in this College. She was good at everything. She was excellent in academics, best in extracurricular activities like Singing, Dancing, Painting and a Medalist in Sports too. No one could win her in Basket Ball. Music was her passion. She learned playing Guitar and Violins at an age of 8. Reading Novels in free time was her hobby and Writing Short Stories and Poetries was her pass time. She was an overall Master of everything.

Though almost the entire college knew her, she was more popular among her Class Boys. She was the most important topic of discussion between the girls in her class too. No one had the charm and simplicity to win hearts like she did. She was rich and classy but she was always in her limits in terms of her dressing style and behavior. She hated people who used fowl languages. She disliked people who used their Physical power in fights for no reasons. She was her College Representative and every Function that had to be organized was been given to her by the College Staff as they knew only she could manage it all. She was the LIFE of this College. She was been termed as Soul of St Peter College.

It was obvious that the Professor could not make her plead more to come inside. She was allowed in. Kajal rushed to the first bench and sat beside Sonia.

“Why did you leave me there alone?” she murmured.
“I didn’t want to be a Kabab mein Haddi in between you and Vicky”
“Shut up Sonia. You know I Don’t like him”
“But why Kajal?? He is such a sweetheart. He is so dashing, you know. I mean every girl in this college likes him but he likes you. Isn’t that cool?”
“It may be cool. But I am not here for starting an affair with someone Sonia. Please”

The professor saw them talking.

“Kajal and Sonia, if you both want to continue your talks then the classroom door is still open.
“No Ma’am. Sorry.!!” Kajal apologized.

Both the girls then concentrated back on the Classroom board.

Present Time - Delhi

Party Hall

Arjun Raheja who had reached the Party Hall now gulped the Vodka Shots at a go and then turned back to announce the Guests. He never thought of announcing something like this in his life. He always expected someone else would do that for him. But then these days it would be irrelevant to expect his family to care of his concerns. He took the Mike in his hands and then addressed the Guests.

“Ladies and Gentlemen. It’s pleasure seeing you all at this Party at such a short notice. I am sure everyone is eager to know what made me throw this Party tonight so sudden. So, without wasting much of your time and patience let me introduce you to that person whom everyone is eager to meet. So please put your hand together for my would-be Wife, Miss Sheetal Kapoor.

Saying that he pointed towards Sheetal Kapoor who wore a Designer Blue Saree standing proudly with Arjun’s father, Ayush Raheja, smiling at the Guests. The Guests were surprised hearing this. It was all so sudden. First Tanvi Raheja, Arjun’s elder cousin sister got married to the Famous Lawyer Atul Sinha and just in the next 2 weeks even Arjun announced himself tying knot with the Daughter of the Richest Business Tycoon of London. The Guests started greeting the couple separately as they were not standing together. Sheetal was still with Arjun's father Ayush Raheja and Arjun was meeting his Clients taking the wishes from them.  That’s when someone patted on his shoulder and he turned behind. His Best friend since childhood, Aditya Mathur was here. Aditya was the Chairman of Mathur Textiles and Business Partner of Arjun as whatever Fabric came in AR Designs was all from Mathur Textile only.

Aditya passed his Bouquet to his Secretary Charlie and then hugged Arjun, before the guests, whispering something in his ears. Arjun pulled back and looked in his eyes.

“You serious??” Arjun asked.
“I was always serious. It was you who never realized this” Aditya winked.
“Let me talk to him” Arjun fisted his fingers.
“Not now ARJUN. Everyone is here. And let’s not create a yet another Father - Son Rift scene before the media. You know how much eager they are to capture every movement of yours”

Arjun had to agree this. He then looked at Charlie and the Bouquet.

“You know I hate flowers, Don’t you?”
“It’s not for you ARJUN. It’s for Sheetal Bhabhi” he replied in a teasing tone.

Arjun almost frowned at him and then gestured Aditya through his eyes to show him where Sheetal was standing.

“By any chance did you tell her that Blue is your Favorite color?”, Aditya asked looking at Sheetal’s costume.
“Yeah. I lied to her. You know I can’t see her in Red. She isn’t the one Aditya” Arjun responded.
“Then why are you marrying her ARJUN? Don’t spoil an innocent Life”
“Excuse me. Did you just call her Innocent??”
“At least she is better than you ARJUN. Anyways, let me wish her. I will be back”

Aditya walked with Charlie towards Sheetal and then wished her with the Bouquet.

“Congratulations Sheetal. My wishes with you”
Sheetal took the Bouquet and smiled.
“Thanks Aditya. I was doubtful you would come. I know you don’t like me much”
“Who said I am here for you. It’s ARJUN's party. I had to skip my appointments and be here for him. After all there should be someone at least to share his pain”
“Yes. He is tying a Knot with you. What more Painful than that can be?”

He was teasing Sheetal again and she knew that.

“Aww. Such a loyal friend you are Aditya. I wish I had one friend like you”
“Don’t even try finding. There is only one Aditya Mathur in this world. And he is already with ARJUN”

Sheetal raised her eyebrows seeing this attitude of Aditya and then excused him to attend the other guests.

Charlie left to get a drink for her Boss. Aditya came back to Arjun and they continued their conversation.


Tanvi, Arjun’s cousin was talking to Radhika, her best friend and one of the Guest tonight.

“Thank you for the wishes Radhika. This was such a sudden decision by Arjun that no one had the time to even plan this surprise properly.”

“But Tanvi. Trust me your brother is unpredictable. No one on earth can guess his next moves”

Tanvi looked at Arjun who was busy talking to some guests.

“Yeah. He was always like that. He never lets anyone knows what he feels, what he wants. Nothing. We are always the last ones to know everything about him sometimes”

“Well forget all that. So where is my Jiju Atul?”
“He actually couldn’t attend this party tonight. He is out of town”
“Out of Town? But you guys just married 2 weeks back. He should have been here with you. In fact, I thought you would be leaving for Honeymoon soon”

Tanvi showed her disappointment sighing.

“I know that Radhika. But just like my Brother, he too is very much workaholic. He had some important work and thus he had to go. But we are planning our trip next week hopefully.”
“Wow. So, Arjun is all Okay with you now?? Or is he still angry?”
“He is talking to me. But not like before. I hope he understands how much happy I am to marry Atul.”
“Don’t worry. As days would pass, Arjun would realize it too”

That sentence surely brought a smile on Tanvi's face.
The Whole Party was enjoyed by every single Guest tonight except the Host. Arjun Raheja was standing at the Bar counter ordering some Shots for himself. His eyes were already Red with Anger thinking how could he so easily announce his marriage with that Sheetal? Was she even worth being Mrs. ARJUN? No. But he still had to take this decision without his own will. Thinking all this he just gulped his next Shots and was about to another one when he was stopped by someone. He turned to see his sister Tanvi nodding a No to the next Shot which he held in his hand.

“Leave my hand” He ordered her in frustration.
“Arjun, you already had 4 shots till now. It’s enough”
Arjun took his hand off her and replied after gulping that drink.

“You still care for me?? That’s another shock of the day. I thought I am no longer in your good list”

Tanvi held his hand, making him turn around and then started walking with him.

“You are always my priority Arjun. It’s just that Atul became a part of my life too and”
“And he took my place. Right?” he interrupted.
Tanvi was blank hearing this. He was again trying to leave his sister's arms and walk but she held him tight.

“No Arjun. I share that place with him too now. You and him both mean the same to me. I can’t leave him. Nor you.”
Arjun shrugged her hands off his.

“That’s what I never wished for. You chose him on me that day Di. I knew this ought to happen one day. You had to share this special place with someone in your life once. I wouldn’t have mind you doing that. But Not with Atul. He doesn’t deserve to get that place.”

He walked from there leaving his sister alone.


St Peter College Girls Hostel - Mussourie

Same Night, Sonia was on call with her Brother.

“Bhai. You truly gave me a shock today. But I am happy for you. I need a big treat when I am back Ok? Bye”

Sonia kissed her mobile and then placed it aside. Kajal came out of the washroom wiping her face with a Towel. Sonia rushed to her and held her arms, twirled Kajal around and pushed her on the bed.

“Kajal. Kajal. Kajal. I am so happy today”
“Okay. I understand. Now get off me. I am unable to breathe.”

Sonia smiled and got off her and pulled Kajal to sit straight on the bed.

“So, what is the news?”
“Bhai. Bhai got.”
“Married?? (In shock) What has happened to all Brother's these days?”
“No No. He didn’t get married.  He is getting married soon.”
“That’s cool. Congrats. So that means after him you would be the one left from your family. I am sure your brother would search the best guy for you.”
“I am not interested in marriage so soon.  But forget me. What about you?? Would your family also start looking for proposals after college?”

Kajal placed her towel aside and then started brushing her hair.
“I Don’t know Sonia.  May be yes”
“And what about your Bodyguards? Would they be sent in your Dowry to your In law\s house?” She asked giggling

“Don’t tease me Sonia. You know I never needed them here. But my brother, he didn’t listen even once. And from past 2 years I have no option but to make them be around me. Now you tell me one thing. Who the hell is going to harm me? I mean I stay here in such a secured Zone. In a Girls Hostel which is already guarded by security. Why did my Bhai had a need to send Bodyguards for me?”

“It’s ok Kajal. He is just over worried for you. That’s fine. He treats you like his princess. Even a small Sneeze from you and he is here in Mussourie. So, it’s obvious he would be that worried for you”

Kajal picked the Picture of her Brother and then placed it on her heart.

“Yes. And that’s the reason I love my bhai so much”
“Me too” Sonia said smiling.
“What??” Kajal raised her eyebrows in surprise.
“I mean My bhai. Not yours. I too love my Bhai so much”

Kajal was little suspicious on Sonia about her feelings. But as of now she didn’t question her. Both the girls were then Off to sleep. The next day was important for them. They had to practice for the College Function Dance which the duo was doing together.

Chapter 1

rjun Raheja's announcement that he would be tying a knot with Sheetal Kapoor was such a Huge News for the Media that the news was been flashing in every channel by now. In fact, some channels also started to guess why didn’t the Couple pose together for a Picture to the Media. Was this just an arranged Marriage for some Business Benefit’s? Was Arjun Raheja truly in a mood to even marry Someone when he had clearly declared a year back before the Media that he doesn’t believe in Relationships and according to him no relationships are long lasting. People build relationships for their benefit’s and then break them when they are no more profitable, that’s what he believed in. So, a Person who had this kind of thinking, how can he easily plan to settle his life with someone?? There was much Hype created by this News and surely Miss Sheetal Kapoor was getting a lot of publicity out of no reason. Only because she was now being officially declared as the would-be Mrs. ARJUN.

It was just the next day and Arjun was in his Office Cabin checking some Pictures of the Models of AR thinking which one needs to be finalized for the Show Stopper of his Next Fashion Shoot. Aditya was also with him checking the Snaps when suddenly there was a knock at Arjun's cabin. He asked the person to come inside. Rohan, Arjun’s Manager entered in.

Rohan: Morning Arjun. Here goes the Shoot location details.
Saying that he handed the file to Arjun at his desk and stood for his next commands.
Arjun: What happened with that Mussourie Deal??
Rohan: We are Still working on it.
Arjun banged his fist on the table and stood up.
Arjun: Working on it?? How long would it take for you guys to just get that One girl here?? 1 more day? 10 Days?? or a month?  What am I paying you for? I Don’t know Rohan. If I Don’t find this Deal completed by tomorrow. You are fired.

Aditya looked at Rohan and asked him to leave for now. He knew Arjun was in a very bad mood and Rohan would only be hearing more from him if he stands here for long.

Rohan left and Aditya got up.

Aditya: Relax ARJUN. Don’t get so much of Hyper. I think you should check your Blood Pressure every day. It must be always High. Why do you get angry so easily??
Arjun: Aditya. You don’t need to deviate my mind from the topic.
Aditya: Okay. I won’t. But calm down. Please.

Arjun walked to the Window and looked outside. Aditya then gathered some words to force in ARJUN's head.

Aditya: Before I came here, I had asked Rohan about this and he told me it’s impossible to get this girl here. She is always being guarded by her Security and not just that, she stays in a Girls Hostel ARJUN. It’s not that easy.
Arjun: (Looking at Aditya): Nothing is impossible for Arjun Raheja.

Saying that he picked his mobile, dialed a number.

Arjun (On call): I want to Buy St Peter's College in Mussourie. Talk to the Head and let me know. I Don’t care about the cost. Bribe the high Officers related to this Management and do this. But I want quick results. Make the papers ready.

Saying that he cut the call and Aditya had expected something like this from him.

Arjun: (To Aditya): If she can’t come to me. I would go to her.
Aditya: (Almost laughing): Mussourie?? On a Vacation?? What reason would you give to Uncle and Sheetal?? Or would it be a Family Vacation then?
Arjun: Stop laughing Aditya. I am serious.
Aditya: (Controlling himself): Okay. Sorry. But seriously ARJUN. Mussourie?? And You?? I mean leaving all your work?? What if her Brother finds out??
Arjun: That’s nothing new. I will manage that.

Arjun once again dialed Rohan now and asked him to book his flight ticket for the next day to Japan.

Aditya: Japan?? Since when did Mussourie Shift to Japan??(He asked chuckling)
Arjun: Aditya.!!! (He looked at him seriously and Aditya controlled his laugh again)
Aditya: Okay. I got it. So, for everyone you would be in Japan. But the truth would be, you are leaving for Mussourie. Right?
Arjun: That’s like my Old Aditya.

Arjun passed a Wild Smirk to Aditya and he clearly understood that Arjun had planned something big. But what was it??

Aditya: I have heard something about this girl.
Arjun: You think I have time to know this? (He said flipping the pages of the File which Rohan just gave him and showing his disinterest at Aditya's words)
Aditya (Smiling): You may not have time now ARJUN. But I would still warn you.
Arjun (Confused and looked at Aditya): Warn? Does she have some sharp nails or teeth to tear me??
Aditya (Chuckled): Not she. But her Pets do have that.
Arjun: PETS??
Aditya: Yeah. I heard she has 4 Pet Dogs with her.
Arjun: WHAT THE.!!!

Aditya knew Arjun had to give such What The expressions. He hated Pets and specially Dogs.

Aditya: But I know she must have given them vaccines. Even if they bite, it won’t harm much.

Arjun was passing some angry glares to Aditya now. But before he could speak anything else, the door knocked and there SHE came inside. His would-be Wife Miss Sheetal Kapoor.

Sheetal: May I come in?? (She asked in a Sweet fake tone and Arjun's mood was already off seeing her here.)

He didn’t reply.
Aditya: See ARJUN. I told you Sheetal is Unique. I mean she is so different from others.
Sheetal was confused. She was for the first time seeing Aditya praising her. She walked in.
Sheetal: Aditya. What’s so Unique in me?
Aditya: People ask the permission of coming in when they are outside the door. But Our Would be Mrs. ARJUN does ask it after coming In. Isn’t that Different from others? (he said teasing her.)

Arjun didn’t care to even smile for this. He sat on his Chair and then continued typing something.  Sheetal gave an angry look to Aditya and then replied.

Sheetal: Since when did a would-be Wife need permission to enter her Fiancée’s Cabin Aditya?? Ohh. But Whom I am justifying this? A person who just broke his relationship a few days back?? (She said in a taunting tone and Aditya surely didn’t like it.)
Arjun: Enough. Sheetal you have no rights to talk to Aditya like that. (He replied angrily and Aditya liked the fact that Arjun supported him)
Aditya: ARJUN. I need some fresh air. It’s so suffocating here since past few minutes. I am out.

Saying that he left the cabin leaving Sheetal and Arjun inside.

Sheetal sat on the chair before Arjun and then stared at him.
Arjun (His eyes still on the laptop): Stop staring and come to the point. What are you doing here?
Sheetal: Shopping.!!
Arjun: (Looked at her): Since when did AR office turned to a Shopping Mall?
Sheetal (Laughing).: I mean. I am here to take you out for shopping some outfit’s.
Arjun: I am not running out of clothes.
Sheetal: Not for you.
Arjun: I am bad at shopping for Girls.
Sheetal: Not for me either.
Arjun: (Surprised): Then?
Sheetal: For someone who is very much close to me.
Arjun: Boyfriend Miss Kapoor?? (He asked still not showing any interest in her talks)

Sheetal gave a wild Grin at him and then she smiled too.

Sheetal: A friend. Just a friend ARJUN. I thought you would be jealous.
Arjun: (Continuing his work): I am Jealous Sheetal. I am jealous on your Close Friends fate that you are not with him. But with me here to waste my time.

Sheetal was getting irritated by his taunts now. She got up from the chair and took her purse.
Sheetal: So, you are not coming??
Arjun: It’s obvious.!!!
Sheetal: Fine. Bye then. I will take your Dad.

Saying that she walked out of his Cabin and Arjun then took a sigh of relief.

Raheja House

Tanvi (Hugged her Dad Ayush): Bye Paapa.
Dad:  I would still suggest you stay here till Atul is back.
Tanvi: No That’s Fine Paapa. I mean I am married now. I have a family to look after. I can’t stay here.
Dad: Proud of you. (Saying that he kissed his daughter's forehead and That’s when Arjun entered home from Office)

Dad: Good that Arjun is back. (Saying that he looked at Arjun). Arjun. Drop Tanvi to her home.
Arjun: Why?? is the Driver on leave? And if he is Dad, then why Don’t you go to drop her? Why me??
Tanvi: Arjun??? (She replied in anger). What kind of tone is this to talk to Paapa? It’s not good to raise your voice like this on your elders.
Arjun: You think I care for that Di?? And well Dad doesn’t need to do all this to bridge the gap between you and me. I Don’t wish to close this gap anytime between us now.

Saying that he walked to his room in anger. Ayush Raheja looked helplessly at his daughter Tanvi.

Tanvi: It’s Ok Paapa. He will take some time to forgive me

Arjun didn’t care to inform anyone about his Trip. He had packed his bag the last night and was off the early next morning from his Car. The distance was just 480 Kms and Arjun loved driving anytime. So, he didn’t care to book any Flight tickets and just drove alone to Mussourie. He was still driving and his Phone beeped for a message. He checked the number. It was Sheetal asking him Where he was. Maybe she had come to Raheja Mansion in the morning and not finding Arjun at home and Office she messaged him. HE replied.

" Boarding my flight to Japan. Would be back in few days. For anything that needs my attention inform Aditya or Rohan"

Saying that he switched off his Phone for not wishing to get some more messages from anyone and then continued driving. He wished to reach Mussourie sooner so that he would get some time to Visit St Peter's college and get the papers of his Ownership signed.

St Peters College

Kajal was sitting in the Corridor of the College waiting for Sonia to come out when Vicky came to her.

Vicky: Hey Beautiful. Waiting for me??
Kajal: In your Dreams Adi. I am waiting for Sonia.
Vicky: Ohh!! Lucky girl. At least you wait for someone like this.
Kajal: Would you mind getting off from here?
Vicky: You Don’t owe this college beautiful. But Yes. In case you plan to date me, maybe I can make some efforts to buy this College for you someday.

Kajal: Shut up Vicky. And mind your work. I am not interested in you or your talks.
Vicky: That’s what I want to know Kajal. Why? Why can’t you take some interest in me?
Kajal: I can do anything which I never did till now but I can never do this Vicky. leave my way.
Vicky: Wait a minute. Did you just say you can do anything but not dating me?
Kajal: Yes, I said that. Any problem??
Vicky: No. In fact, let’s do one thing. prove that to me. Prove to me that you can do anything which you never did before. And trust me if you get successful in this, I would never again chase you for my proposal's reply
Kajal: Promise??
Vicky: Promise.
Kajal: Fine. What you want me to do??
Vicky knew Kajal could be ready to do anything but RAGGING a new comer. So, he purposely gave her that task only.

Vicky: Ragging the next person who enters the Main gate.
Kajal: What?? Ragging?? No way Vicky. You know I Don’t like troubling innocent Kids.
Vicky: Kids?? You talking as if you are a Big Aunty now. Come on Kajal. Either do this or continue my chases.
Kajal: You think I can’t get you off from my path?? My Guards and My Pets can do that on one blink of mine Vicky.
Vicky: Right. Who doesn’t know that. They can do that. But then I have heard you Don’t like to use their powers for no reason. Until you are capable to handle the situation, you Don’t like the Guards interfering.
Kajal knew Vicky was totally challenging her. She hated when someone challenged her and Vicky had crossed some limit’s today. He was the only one who kept chasing her all the time just to get a reply from her, if she would be dating him or not and Kajal didn’t like him at all. So, she finally decided to give this Ragging Challenge a Try.

Kajal: Okay Done. I will do that.
Sonia who had heard everything was just surprised.
Sonia: No Way Kajal. What if we catch hold of the wrong person?
Kajal: Wrong Person? Come on Sonia. Whoever enters this College gates should be the right person, not wrong one.

Saying that she smiled and waited for the right person to enter inside when a Professor called Sonia for some urgent work and she had to leave.

Sonia: Well. All I can say is "All the Best Kajal". Make sure you Win this.

Saying that Sonia Left and Kajal waited with Vicky and some of her friends to start her mission. MISSION RAGGING

Chapter 2

rjun had reached Mussourie and the weather there was so dull and cold that he came back in his casual mood to take a walk in the St Peter's college to meet someone who belonged to his family here. Someone who was related to him though he didn’t like maintaining relationships. Since childhood he was close to none of his Family members. Not even his elder sister Tanvi. Yeah for sure he respected her a bit compared to the other family members and cared for her much than he cared for others but after she married someone against his wish, he lost that bond with her too. And the belief of "No Relationships can be permanent" stuck to his mind like a Leech. Now he hardly interfered in any of his Family members personal space and didn’t allow them to intrude in his.

He switched on his Mobile and then messaged Rohan to send that girls picture whom he is here for. He then got down from his Car with his Guard (which was assigned to him by the College Management for his Security here though he didn’t need any.) and started walking towards the gates. He asked the Guard to wait at the College gates only and not follow him inside.

The moment he entered the College gates he could feel something fresh and captivating in the air. He could feel a touch of innocence around him which he hated. He didn’t believe in innocence. If people looked innocent, then they fake it purposely to get their work done, was his thought on the word Innocence. He breathed the fresh air and moving his hands in the Pockets he started walking inside casually almost planning to take a round in the college before meeting the Management. He was in his Casual Track Pants and T - Shirt giving him a perfect College Student look and making him look much younger to his actual age.

Vicky, Kajal and the others saw this Guy entering inside.

Vicky: There he is. Your Prey. Go on Kajal. We are waiting to see you ragging him.
The moment Kajal saw him she felt as if she had seen this guy somewhere.
Vicky: Oyye. What are you thinking. ? Are you planning to give up?
Kajal: Give up??? And me?? Never Vicky. Just watch now.

Saying that she rushed hurriedly towards Arjun Raheja, a man who would be getting a major change in her life from now on. She purposely looked the other side when she neared him and then bumped into him. Arjun immediately balanced her from falling. Rarely he knew this girl was doing everything on purpose.

Kajal: Aahhh!!! My Leg. My Leg.!! (Saying that she started screaming faking a pain in her ankle and Arjun stood rooted to that place seeing this beautiful lady before him.)
Kajal screamed again for some seconds but not finding any reactions from him, she stopped and shouted.

Kajal: Ohh Hello. Mr. XYZ. Whoever you are.?? What are you looking at?? Can’t you see I am in pain?? You bumped into me, purposely right?
Arjun was quiet. He didn’t reply anything yet. What was important for him to do at the moment was try understanding that UNKNOWN feeling within him, which was pricking it somewhere near his Heart, pointing something to his brain, that This girl had something to do with him in future. WAIT!!! Did he feel something near his heart?? Or In HIS HEART?? No. Not in his heart. He doesn’t have a heart, you see. But today He himself felt his Heart beating for the first time in his life at this moment seeing this girl before him and hearing her sharp words. Not words. In fact, Sharp Irrelevant BLAMES.

Kajal was surprised seeing him not even uttering a word.

Kajal: (She waved her hands before him): Oyee Hello again. I am talking to you Dammit. You know whom you have bumped with?? The most famous Student of this College. And by bumping into me, you have not just insulted me but also the entire College. (She said putting her hands on her waist)

Arjun just kept looking at her, now being a little conscious though that she was faking a way too much. He folded his hands on his chest still staring at her.

Kajal: And by the way. Where is your College Id card? Why aren’t you wearing it in your neck?? You know it’s not allowed to roam inside the campus without the ID card. You would be punished. I am sure you must be newly joined and hence you don’t know the rules. No problem. I will tell you that. But not now. First you need to say a SORRY to me 10 times and that too doing Sit ups. Got it? Come on Start. I will count. (She said proudly and not without giving a quick glance to Vicky and her other friends who had challenged her.)

She smiled seeing them worried as she was about to fulfil her challenge now and then looked back to Arjun who was still unaffected by her commands.

Kajal: Are you Deaf?? Can’t you hear what I asked you to do?? What are you waiting for?? Without saying a S... O...R.. R.. Y. ... Sorry. You won’t be allowed to move an inch. Understood??
Arjun (Finally Spoke): Who would Stop me?? YOU?? (he said scanning her from top to bottom once quickly making her realize she was too weak to stop him or block his way)

Kajal (Dropping her Jaw seeing his attitude): Don’t think I can’t stop you. Okay?? I can. But I Don’t need to use my strength. I have better ones to do that. (Saying that Kajal Whistled lightly and there Puchpuch came running towards her jumping from the Hostel- College Common Compound wall.)

Kajal (Gesturing Arjun raising her eye brow towards Puchpuch. her pet dog,.): There He is. Puchpuch. Don’t go on his looks. He is much dangerous. He has already bit some 8 to 10 new joiners of our college who didn’t agree to my Orders. So, if you Don’t wish to be the 11th one, then say a Sorry 10 times doing Sit ups. Now.!!! (She replied in a Fake anger again)

Arjun hated DOGS. He hated them since he was just 7. It wasn’t that if he hated them then he was also scared of them. It’s just that he didn’t like them around him.

Arjun: Sit ups?? For what??
Kajal: You bumped into me and you are the reason for the pain in my Ankle Mr. XYZ.

She remembered she was faking before the pain and since past few minutes, she wasn’t. So, she started again trying to rube her ankle, almost hoping on her one feet and showing him that she was lying.

Arjun was in no interest of argument with anyone at the present. He was here for some important purpose. Not for all this. The Guard who was standing at the gate saw this girl with Arjun and then he also saw the Dog before him who was barking towards Arjun so he rushed instantly towards them. The moment the Guard came there Kajal stopped hopping and then looked at him.

Kajal: What is this guard doing with you? Have you bribed him for scaring the other students here?? Don’t you dare Bribe anyone here Mr. XYZ. I.  (Before Kajal could say anything further, he removed the Gun from his Guards Pocket and pointed it on Kajal's forehead)

The Guard, Kajal and Puchpuch all were shocked at the same instant. The other Students and Vicky and her friends could not see this Gun as they could only see Kajal's back from the place they were standing.

Arjun (With Extreme Anger): So, Miss ABC. Enough of your blabbering. I am in no mood to shoot anyone today because I am here for something else. So, you better keep your fake Ankle pain and false blames with you and move from my way. And next time I see this Dog before me, I swear he won’t even have opened his mouth to bark that the Bullet would be inside him.  (Kajal was breathing hard. Till now she had seen guns but only in Movies and here she was facing a Loaded gun that too pointed at her. Beads of sweat had already formed on her forehead imagining what would happen if the trigger is been pulled and the moment she thought this, she closed her eyes tight in more fear).

That expressions on her face surely made him pull his Gun off her and then hand it back to the Guard which the Guard securely placed it much away from this man. Kajal's eyes were still shut and she was breathing so hard as if in case she even misses inhaling even for a second, then she would die. Puchpuch was trying to jump on Kajal to make her know she was safe now. She opened her eyes and picked Puchpuch up in fear.

Arjun and the Guard walked a step ahead and then he stopped again. He turned back and saw her.

Arjun: Where's the Management's Office?
Kajal turned behind to see him. She was afraid but not so much to get suppressed by this person before her. She replied.
Kajal: I Don’t talk to people who threaten others.

Saying that she walked off that place taking her pet dog in her hand. She cursed herself for not allowing her Body guards in the College Campus. Because if they would have seen her being threatened for no reason then this Mr. XYZ wouldn’t have dared to show this much of attitude to her. All her friends and Vicky rushed behind her to know what was wrong. What had happened between the two while in all this Kajal or the other failed to notice that her Anklet (Payal) had fallen on the Ground which Mr. Attitude picked with his fingers and walked off with the Guard towards the Management Office.

In an Hour

Kajal finally could find Sonia standing and talking to a girl. She rushed to her and then hugged her from behind. Sonia was surprised. She never had seen Kajal so disturbed. She excused herself from the other girl and then turned back to Kajal.

Sonia: Kajal??? What’s wrong? Why you looking so depressed?
Kajal: I lost the bet.
Sonia was surprised. Kajal was not that type of innocent girl who would be all nervous for losing a small bet.
Sonia: SO, what? It’s ok. And I doubted on Vicky. You think even if you would have won this bet, he would have stopped chasing you for the reply?? No way.!!  So. Stop thinking so much and smile. (Saying that she settled Kajal's strands of hair which were on the forehead, tucking them behind her ears.)
Kajal: Sonia. This is not the question of losing the bet. You know what just happened there? He. He pointed a Gun at me?? How can he??? I mean who the hell is he? He also bad mouthed about my Puchpuch. He is such a Devil, I tell you.

Sonia:  Gun??? Who pointed a Gun on you?
Kajal: That Mr. XYZ. Whom I was Ragging.
Sonia: XYZ?? So that was his name?
Kajal (Hitting Sonia lightly): How can XYZ be a name?? I Don’t know his name. I didn’t ask. But that is not important. What is important is that. Who is he? And what is he doing in our College Campus.??
Sonia: OH!!! Got to investigate.!! (She said enacting someone and Kajal smiled at her words)
Kajal: Aww. Someone is missing her Mom to enact like her.
Sonia: Yes Kajal. I miss Mom so much. But That’s ok. I will meet her soon.
Kajal: What? Soon?? Sonia are you planning to go Home for some days?
Sonia: Yes. For Bhai's wedding. The date isn’t fixed yet. But then I am sure he won’t delay. DI said he is planning to get married next month at least. So, I must go.!!

Kajal: So, you won’t invite me on your Bhai's wedding? (She asked sarcastically)
Sonia: OH. Come on Kajal. You must be there. You would be the most important person in that wedding you know.
Kajal: Really?? You talking as if the wedding won’t take place without me.
Sonia: Who knows ...?? May be??

The Ragging topic was changed and both the girls left for their Final Dance practice.


Arjun Raheja signed the papers and he was finally the New Owner of the College. The management was happy to have such a Young Mind in their Board of Directors list. They asked him to attend their College Function Today evening and that he would be introduced as the New Owner of this College to the Students and the rest in the same function. He agreed.

It was evening and the College function was already On. Arjun was late for this function. He was busy in some other work at the Guest House and hence he couldn’t reach on time. SO, the function started without him and it was decided by the Management to introduce him at the end of today’s function. The function was being organized in the Open Auditorium of the College and Arjun was escorted by the Guards till the First Row where the other Management Team was sitting and watching the show. He was welcomed by the Directors there and then was made to be seated with them. He took his seat though he had no intentions of even concentrating on the Show. He was busy messaging Rohan to know why he had not sent the Picture of THAT GIRL whom he was here to meet. Rohan replied him back and finally sent the Picture through an MMS. He was opening the message and there the Host announced the Next dance performance from the two very best Students of their college who were studying in the Final Year. Miss Sonia and Kajal.

The moment Arjun heard Sonia, he stopped checking his Mobile and looked straight up. There she made an Entry on the Stage with the other girl. And no doubt Arjun's jaw was dropped seeing Sonia with the same girl who ragged him today morning.  Not Ragged. TRIED to Rag. He forgot checking the Photo on his Mobile and continued watching the dance of Sonia with that Girl.

Chapter 3

he Song started and so was the dance. It was a group dance with Sonia and Kajal as the main leads. The music was very much soothing. The song depicted a Phase which comes in every girl’s life when she feels something for an Unknown Man and when she starts dreaming a new world with him. The Side girls started singing the Chorus which was the start of the Song. Hinting the Two leads who looked completely driven in the dance.

Arjun Raheja was blown seeing the dance of these girls. In fact, not girls. The Girl. Whose name he heard from the Host was "KAJAL". She looked Cheerful from her face and expressions. So opposite to him though. He never learnt to smile. And she never learnt any expressions that didn’t contain a Smile. His pupils were stuck on her form while she danced trying to decipher her as much as he can. Why was he doing this?? He didn’t know. But he surely was Lost in the Song. In the Dance. And nevertheless. In her too.

The Song lyrics were surely hinting Kajal that the person for whom she was singing this Song had truly entered her life today. If only she could understand this. And Arjun. He was beyond any feelings today. He was feeling everything within him yet nothing. He could hear the College Students cheering up for the girls either by Whistling or by-passing comments on their Dance. Though the comments were healthy ones, Arjun didn’t like if. He got up from there and walked out. He needed some fresh air. He couldn’t wait there to see Sonia and Kajal finish the dance. He then remembered something. OH Yes, he was checking some Message from Rohan.

So finally, he checked his cell phone only to find an MMS already opened on the screen which displayed the Picture of the Girl whom he was here for. And he was shocked to see it. KAJAL?? For seconds, he was still lost seeing the picture. All the scenes of her dance with Sonia just minutes back flashed before his eyes. He thought for a while and messaged Rohan back. “I am staying here for some more days. Handle the work there." He waited out for some time. He never believed that the girl whom he was here for, was right before his eyes, he had talked to her, he had seen her and yet he couldn’t recognize she was the same girl. Well. How could he?? He never had seen her picture. And she doesn’t resemble like her other two siblings. She was so different from the two.

He walked back from the College campus towards his Guest House. He had to think something before making his next moves. Kajal for him was an Ordinary Girl. For him she meant nothing. But may be for Sonia she is much more. Nope. He couldn’t risk his moves as Sonia was also involved now. He could not hurt Sonia for taking his own revenge.


Same night - Girls Hostel - St Peters College

Sonia (On call): Bhai. Why are you asking me to come out of the Hostel Gates? (She asked getting little surprised)
Arjun (On call): Sonia. Just do what I say. Come down.
Sonia: You mean. You mean you are down.???  (She said getting up from the bed and almost looking outside the window.

Kajal just came out having her night shower and she saw Sonia talking on Phone.

Sonia: Okay. Just 2 minutes. I am coming. Don’t go.

Saying that she dropped the call and then started taking her Dupatta properly on her Night Salwar.
Kajal: (Confused): Sonia. Where are you going??
Sonia: Kajal. I am dead. Side please.  (She moved Kajal aside and checked herself in the mirror)
Kajal: Hey. Are you dating someone.?? Why are you getting so conscious of your dress? And that too now???

Sonia had no time to answer her. She just took the Dupatta properly on her neck and then wore her slippers and rushed out of the room. Kajal didn’t understand a bit what was wrong with her. She knew Sonia surely went down to meet someone. But whom?? She kept looking for her from the Window and see where she went. She saw her walking outside the gates and there she saw a White Car parked outside and a Man Standing there leaning himself on the Bonnet of the Car with his hands folded on his chest. He looked familiar. She continued checking out and there she saw Sonia Walking towards him.

The moment Sonia reached the Car and before Arjun. She just smiled at her Bhai.

Arjun: I hope I didn’t disturb your sleep.
Sonia: No. No Bhai. I was not sleeping. I was watching TV.
Arjun: TV?? Sure??
Sonia nodded making him sure that she wasn’t lying.

Arjun and Sonia talked for some more time like that. They were siblings. She was Arjun's Mama’s daughter. From past 5 years she was out. After completing her School, she was always aloof from her family for her education. She came home only on vacations and in some important Family function. She was not much close to anyone in her house. She always felt more comfortable with her friends than her family. No doubt she loved them all but she didn’t share any of her feelings with them anytime. Not even with her Sister Tanvi.

Sonia: OH!!! I forgot to congratulate you.  (Saying that she shook hands with him) Congrats on your engagement Bhai. When is the wedding???
Arjun: I didn’t get engaged yet Sonia. It’s just that I officially announced my marriage.
Sonia: Whatever. When am I meeting my Bhabhi?? Has she come here?
Arjun: No. I am alone here. And make sure even no one at home comes to know that I am here.
Sonia: But why Bhai?

Arjun just gave her a "Do not Question" look and she understood there must be some good reason for this.

Arjun and Sonia talked for some more time and there Kajal couldn’t understand whom was Sonia talking to. Who was this guy?? She couldn’t see his face clearly. After few minutes, Sonia finally finished her conversation and walked inside the gates of the Hostel. As soon as she entered the gates, Arjun saw her and then walked to his Car to drove back to his Guest house.

Sonia finally came back to the room and took her Dupatta out and then drank some water. Kajal came to her and sat beside her on bed.

Kajal: You started dating someone without letting me know?
Sonia gulped the water that she has just put in her mouth and saw her.
Sonia: What? You thought I am dating someone?? Would I date someone without telling you??

She placed the water Jug aside and then pulled the quilt on her to sleep.

Kajal: Then who was he??
Sonia: My Bhai. He is here for some work.
Kajal: Bhai?? You mean Akash???
Sonia: If Akash bhai would have come to meet me, I wouldn’t have bothered of the Dupatta.
Kajal: Then??
Sonia: Arjun Bhai. He is here. And trust me if he would have seen me without this Dupatta down, the same moment he would have removed my name from this college and take me back home.

Kajal: Eeek’s...!! So conservative.
Sonia: Just for his sisters. He is little protective towards us.
Kajal: OH, the same Bhai who is getting married??
Sonia: Yes. The same Bhai.

Saying that Sonia dozed off to sleep and so did Kajal.


A 5 Star Hotel - Mussourie

Kajal: Lagi Shart? (Bet??)
Vicky: Lagi. (Okay)
Kajal: Same rules. Same conditions. If I win, you would Stop bothering me.
Vicky: And this is the last time we are playing the same bet Kajal. Remember that.
Kajal: Done. Let someone enter in. I am ready.
Vicky (Laughing): Why Enter?? He is already here. (Saying that he pointed at Arjun Raheja who was sitting on the same Floor with some of his Clients discussing Business.)

Kajal (Surprised): He?? I mean that Shooter??
Vicky: Yeah. The same guy. I know you cannot Win Kajal. So better Stop playing such Bets. And that too with Vicky Singh
Kajal: Shut up Vicky. I lost that day doesn’t mean I would lose today too. Wait and Watch the game.

Saying that Kajal walked to the Couch at the Lobby of the Hotel. She saw him Sitting with his US Clients and talking to them something really very important. She was nervous. She knew this wasn’t her cup of tea but she couldn’t back off either. She herself had taken up the risk of betting something like this but who knew she would have to do it before the same person who had once pointed a Loaded Gun on her forehead. She turned back to see her friends who were really very excited to see if Kajal does this task today. Knowing she already had lost the Ragging bet and this was the only chance left with her to show everyone that she is the Winner, she had to do this. She gulped down her fear down and then composed herself to gain that Confidence. After few seconds, without giving a Second thought of what the outcome would be, she pushed the security guards aside and then moved at the Couch where the Gentlemen were seated down. He was addressing something important to his Clients in this informal meeting of theirs when he saw her standing a few feet away from him and looking at him with questioning eyes.
The first reaction of his on seeing her was "HOW DARESHE CAME INSIDE". Before he could ask her this or even call his guards, he heard her asking him something which blew his mind.

Kajal: Darling. You still with them?? Did you forget you promised me a Private Dinner tonight? Is this the way you treat your Girlfriend? Anyways. Wind this meeting soon. I will wait for you out. Okay??

The clients sitting there were surprised with this scene. Girl Friend?? But Arjun Raheja was marrying Sheetal Kapoor. Was this girl still his girlfriend?? Not that she didn’t suit ARJUN. She looked far better than his Fiancé. But what was happening here was it even true?? Arjun was all quiet hearing these 3 -4 sentences from her. This was heights. She had no rights to disturb his meeting like this for no reason. That Ragging part in College was still acceptable. But not the one that she did just now. She was spoiling his (Already spoilt) reputation before his Clients and he won’t let that happen. Before Kajal could move out, he roared a “STOP" and she froze at the Spot. She had no courage to turn back and look at him. Yet just to win the bet and not lose it at the last moment, she calmed herself down and turned back. His Guards came inside and was about to hold her and throw her out of the place when he stopped them too.

Arjun: Get my Girl Friend seated out. I will join her in a moment. (He said gritting his teeth, throwing sharp daggers at her, almost confirming her that she won’t be spared for this)

Chapter 4

ajal's eyes widened hearing this and her fear was increasing second by second. Did he just faked to his Clients and joined her in her Play?? Was he turning the tables now?? In What way?? The Guards walked to her and gestured her to walk out with them in a respectful way. She just moved out of here and there Arjun turned back to his Clients.

Arjun: Gentleman, we must End this meet here. I will ask Rohan to send you the exact Project Details. And the next possible Meeting Date too.
The Clients nodded in agreement and before even they all could get up, he was out of the room in full anger. He walked to the Guards and Kajal who were standing aside. Without any "Ifs" and “But", Arjun held her hand and started walking towards the Hotel Exit. The guards Followed him. Seeing this scene, surely Vicky and the rest of Kajal’s friends got up and rushed too. They Started calling for Kajal but Arjun didn’t stop walking with her. The moment her friends almost reached the Parking following Arjun Raheja and Kajal, they were stopped by Arjun’s guards and they couldn’t move further. They kept on asking the Guards where was Arjun taking their friend and the Guards didn’t answer anything.

Kajal was quite numb and scared of the entire situation. She couldn’t struggle nor was she able to open her mouth to speak up for herself. She was once being awarded to be the Strongest Girl in her College, but today’s reactions of hers failed that Award too. Arjun made her sit in his Car at the front seat and then snatched the keys from his Driver. He sat inside and drove the Car with full speed on the road. The moment Kajal felt the Car on the main road, she came back to her normal behavior and tried to open the Car Door of her side. But he had locked all the doors from his end so she couldn’t open the door.  She struggled but to no use.

Kajal: What are you doing? Let me out of this Car.
Arjun didn’t speak a word. Seeing him not even replying she was getting madder.
Kajal: I am speaking to you Mr. XYZ. Where are you taking me??

Arjun didn’t speak anything. He just took his mobile phone and dialed a number and started talking in few seconds.

Arjun: Reserve the Entire Dining Room of Hotel Oaks for tonight.
Saying that he just continued driving and Kajal’s nervousness was increasing more and more.

Kajal: Hotel Oaks?? Dinner?? (She looked at him). Look Mr. XYZ. I had bet my friends for daring this. It’s nothing in real. Let me go from here.
Hearing that she just did this all for a BET, he was more hyper. He Parked the Car inside the Gates of Hotel Oaks, The best Hotel in Mussourie and Arjun's one of the Favorite One in the List of Hotels for his Dinner. He made her get down too and took her inside. The Manager was already informed that Arjun Raheja was on way and had booked the entire Section of Special Dinning room for himself. Though it was difficult for them to make the changes in the seating arrangements of the other Guest for tonight dinning, they did it as they were being paid higher and Arjun Raheja was one of the Top Listed Guests in their Chain of Oaks Hotel in the Country. They greeted him and then seeing her with a girl, they moved aside.

She was highly confused with his behavior. Firstly, he was no one than an Unknown person whose even Name she didn’t know. Secondly, their first meeting itself was so bad that she couldn’t even think of meeting this man again in life. And thirdly her fate by her Childish acts of Bet had brought her before him once again and she was here in this Hotel for a Dinner only because she had faked before his Clients that she was his girlfriend.

He made her forcibly sit on the Chair of the Best Dinning Table and since he expected her to get up once he leaves her hand, he pulled a chair near her and sat down too, making sure she doesn’t move an inch.

Arjun: Waiter ..!! Waiter.!! (He roared in anger still looking in her eyes not even blinking. Her forehead had already started showing beads of Sweat)
The Hotel Manager came rushing to the Table where Arjun Raheja had almost pinned this girl on the Chair.

Manager: Yes Sir. (he said in a nervous tone not sure of what was happening)

Arjun (Still looking in Kajal's eyes dangerously.): Get the best food of this Hotel on this table. My Girl Friend is eager for this Dinner  with me. Don’t make her wait. (He said gritting his teeth and showering all the anger that he had inside her at the moment)

The Manager was confused. Girl Friend?? Well, whoever she was. No doubt she was in trouble.  He said a YES and walked from there. Kajal was very much nervous seeing the things progressing between them. She knew it was her Fault to even consider annoying him in between his Business meet. She shouldn’t have done that. What was happening now was just its aftereffect. She tried to move but he made her sit again.

Arjun: What’s so Hurry DARLING?? We have a long way to go. The Private Dinner I promised won’t be that quick enough. Would it?? (His smirk was surely hinting her that she was in a deep mess. She had tickled a Lion going in his Den and now he was after her to show how sharp his Wits are to pounce back ...!!!!)
Kajal: (Very Nervously): Look. Let me go. Please
Arjun (Leaning his head): You underestimated me Miss ..Whoever you are. Meeting a person like me is not that easy for anyone. But you. (He pointed his finger towards her). You not just disturbed my important meeting, but you also wasted my precious time. (Kajal looked down understanding how wrong she did in the name of Bet). Losing a Million Dollar Deal is nothing to me. But if I lose it for such idiotic reasons then I make sure I claim it from that respective person whoever he or she is..

Kajal immediately looked at his face for saying that. What does he mean by claiming that?? What was he planning to do?

Kajal: Claiming??? (She asked nervously)
Arjun: Yeah. You heard it right. Claiming. !!! (He said gritting his teeth)
Kajal was very scared. She once again tried to get up from there but he didn’t allow her.
Arjun: Don’t even give a try to escape Dammit.!! (He roared in anger and it was loud enough for the Waiters who were standing at the Corner to serve this couple to listen).

Her tears were no more in her control. They started rolling down her cheeks and he saw that.

Arjun: People who have Guts to Bet someone shouldn’t shed these Crocodile Tears later. And the ones who know me say that Even tears don’t affect me. Don’t waste them. (There was a long pause between the two and then finally he got up) I hope this little Meet of ours give  you some brains not to interfere in my Life again . But if even after this you don’t understand, then no one can save you from me. Remember that.

He got up and walked to the Manager and paid some cash for this entire wasted Dining room booking and left from there. Kajal for seconds couldn’t believe she was freed by him. Understanding the fact that he had gone, she quickly picked her phone and ran outside the hotel to find some mode of transport to get back to her Hostel.


After an Hour

St Peter's Girls Hostel

Sonia: What??? But how is this possible?? Who was he??
Seema: I have seen him on TV. I don’t know his name. Vicky knows. Yeah he knows.

Hearing that Seema and Sonia ran down to meet Vicky who was talking to Kajal's body guards informing them how she was been taken by Arjun Raheja. The Guards rushed in a Car and then Vicky saw Sonia and Seema.

Vicky: I can’t believe this stupid game can turn out to be so horrible.
Sonia: You are a Duffer Vicky.. Who asked you to Bet her there??
Vicky: What did I know this would happen??
Sonia: Where did he take her?
Vicky: You think If I had known this I would have been here. Anyways I have told her guards. They will search him and her.
Sonia: Who took her from the Hotel?
Vicky: Our new College Owner. Arjun Raheja.

Sonia was shocked. Her Arjun Bhai did this?? She cannot deny the fact that her brother had full capabilities to do something like this. He must have been pissed of her and hence decided to punish her. But how?

Sonia moved aside and started calling on Arjun’s phone. He was in his Guest House getting Fresh. He saw his sister’s call and somewhere he felt that Kajal must have informed all this to her. But Sonia had no guts to shout at him. Then why was she calling him? He answered the call

Arjun: Hello.
Sonia: Bhai.. Where have you taken Kajal?? Bhai, she is my friend. My Best friend. Please tell me she is fine. Where is she?
Arjun: Sonia. Calm down. Just calm down Okay.
Sonia: How can I calm down Bhai?? You took Kajal along with you and now from 2 hours she isn’t back. How can I calm down??  She is not even answering any calls. Her mobile is switched off. What is that supposed to mean??

Arjun was shocked. She didn’t return? He disconnected the call and dialed Hotel Oaks to confirm if Kajal was still there. They told him that she left immediately after he left. So that means she was somewhere in between. But where??

He had no idea where she was. But why was he worried? She wasn’t a school kid who didn’t know to come back home alone. She would be somewhere near. Or is she is any danger?? His mind kept on telling him that he was not at fault. Even after she did such a nasty act in the name of Bet, he didn’t punish her. Keeping in mind that she was Sonia’s best friend, he didn’t like being much Rude to her, though he was a bit more than normal. What if he left her there?? Did she expect him to get her back to Hostel and drop her? Nonsense.

Sonia kept on calling him again and again but he didn’t pick her call. He was getting irritated by the fact that his sister was somewhere considering him responsible for her Best Friend not returning back to the Hostel. He picked his Car Keys and left looking for her. He knew her Guards would be doing that but then just for Sonia he thought of checking this girl himself.


Same Day - In Delhi

There was a hard slap on the Cheeks of Miss Sheetal Kapoor in her house. The Slap was so worse that she fell on the floor due to its intensity. Falling on the floor she turned her head to see him standing before her untouched by the pain of the slap that he just gave her.

Sheetal: You Slapped me? How dare you?
Manav: Yes I did. Because you deserved it . How can you do this Sheetal?? I was not here in town doesn’t mean you fix your marriage like that? And that too with that person whom I hate like hell.

Sheetal got up from the floor and turned to the mirror to see if the slap had actually reddened her Cheeks. And yes, indeed her cheek had turned all red. She started rubbing her fingers on her cheeks to erase that pain.

Sheetal: I am not under 18 now. I have all the rights to marry a Man whom I like. And Arjun is that man. No one has the right to Stop me from taking this decision.

Maanav turned her back to face him.

Maanav: You must be close to him and his family from long time Sheetal, but that doesn’t mean you go against your brother and marry his Enemy.

Sheetal pushed her brother Maanav behind and then replied back with the same intensity.

Sheetal: Try Stopping me Maanav. And you will see the consequences.

She walked out from the room and Maanav stood there with the same angry expressions on his Face thinking how can his sister ignore his words like this?
AR Office (Delhi)

Rohan was working in his Cubicle when surprisingly Ayush Raheja (Arjun's father) entered there. Rohan got up from his Desk and wished him.

Ayush: Where is Arjun?? (Angrily)
Rohan :( Confused): Sir. He is Japan.
Ayush: Japan? You think Rohan, you can lie to me??

Rohan was little scared now. Why was he asking this to him?

Ayush: Look Rohan. I know you lying to me. So you better open your mouth and tell me where Arjun is?? And Why??
Rohan : Sir. I really don’t know where he is. I booked his tickets for Japan. So.
Ayush: And he never boarded that flight Rohan. What is that supposed to mean? His number is switched off and no one is able to contact him. I know this is a planned trip of his. So you better open your mouth before I take this decision to fire you from here.

Rohan was afraid. He knew he couldn’t hide things now. He looked down and replied.

Rohan: ARJUN is In Mussourie, Sir.
Ayush: Unbelievable. What is he doing there?
Rohan: Trust me Sir. I have no idea. He just drove there on his own. And he said he would be coming soon.
Ayush: Any contact number I can talk to him?

Rohan started thinking if he should really give Arjun's other number which he currently used there. And before he could deny ,Ayush replied.
Ayush: Rohan!!! Don’t even think of hiding it.

Rohan nodded in frustration and then wrote the number in a piece of paper and handed it to Ayush.
Rohan: That’s it. I Don’t have any other information.
Ayush: Yeah I hope so Rohan. Because if you do know anything else and you hiding it, then it won’t be good for your Career.

Saying that Ayush left Rohan's cabin with Arjun's number along.

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  1. Awesome story. I was imagined Arjun,Aditiya,BKajal charcter as Arnav,Aman & khushi.

    1. I do the same. Just name change doesn't change the image for me especially for this ff

  2. Only 3 USD!!!! Imposed Knot + Cursed Bride + Stardom i will get the pdf right

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