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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

He Loves Me Not - Part 47


Chapter 47


Ayush trembles seeing his son at the doorstep. How did Arnav find out his location? Is he really at here or is it just his hallucination? Ayush blinks twice before confirming that Arnav is really here to see him. He feels unprepared. Arnav though hadn’t expected himself to fall weak at their meet, tries his best to compose and lead their talk.

“You wanted to talk to me” he mutters.

Ayush gulps nervously. Yes he wants to talk but now that he is here, Ayush feels blank.

“Yes.. I .. I ..”

Arnav walks in the room without his father’s permission. It is messy. Ayush’s bag is open and lying on the couch and then not to forget his cigars are on the table too, half burnt. He was smoking. Arnav scans the room, taking in the other side of his father’s life which he had never seen in all these years. This was not him. This was not the man whom he used to live with.

Ayush feels discomfort for letting Arnav witness how messed up he is right now. Arnav leans down and picks up the half-lit cigar, looking at his father.

“This will cause your life” he warns and puts it off.

Ayush is enthralled that Arnav even cared for him still.

“When was the last time you did allowed the housekeeping to clean your room?” he adds.

Ayush shrugs.

“It’s like I am not talking to my Son but father” Ayush mumbles.

Arnav is still the same though, unaffected by that tease. He walks to the window and opens the curtains of the room to let the light in.

“I am glad you came here to see me” Ayush speaks

“Khushi… She told me to do this. I wouldn’t have done it otherwise”

Arnav’s direct reply pricks his heart.

“And I have no hopes that doing this would change anything between us” Arnav adds turning around. “You should go back to India and look after the business. Being here, waiting for Shashi Gupta to come so that you can propose him for Khushi and my marriage is a waste of time. I am capable of handling things for my own”

“I know” Ayush replies. “You are a strong man, Arnav. You can win Shashi’s heart but I too feel responsible for doing this”

“Responsible?” Arnav scoffs. “Where was this responsibility when you kept my identity hidden all these years?”

Ayush is again speechless.

“What kept you from telling me I belonged to your family? I might have been very young when you adopted me but you could have told me this later? All these years… Don’t you think I needed to know that? I deserved it”

“Yes you did” Ayush breaks in. “You deserved to know everything and I would have told you that hadn’t your mother denied me to do so”

Arnav is stunned. Mother? That means Anita Raizada?

“Yes, Arnav. Your mother. Anita… She denied me to do so. And it was my mistake that I agreed to her”

“My son? He… he is my son?” Anita Raizada touched the picture of the 6-year-old Arnav which Ayush showed her during one of his visits to the prison where she was serving the punishment.

“Yes… he is your son. Arnav.. I found him. He is good now. At my home. I found him and he is safe” Ayush replies.

Anita sobs holding the picture of Arnav to her heart. She didn’t even know what happened to her boy after he was sent away from her in the orphanage. It was only when month ago, Ayush Singh Raizada visited her again and reopened her case in the court, promising to have enough proofs to get her released from this punishment, that she got to know about her son being missing from years.

“Very soon you will be released Anita and then.. you can meet him. You will get your son back and you can start a new life”

The mention of this terrified Anita.

“No.. This cant happen Ayush. This can never happen”

“But why? Don’t you want to see him? Stay with him?”

“I want to. But it is better if I don’t. I am sick, Ayush. You know I am sick. I don’t even know how many more days or years I will live. What will happen to Arnav when I leave him again and this time forever? He is still small, he doesn’t know who his parents are. When he gets to know that his own father tried to kill him even before his birth, he would break down. And … I cannot give him a good life he deserves, Ayush”

“All that can be thought about later” Ayush answers.

“He deserves more, Ayush” Anita argues. “He deserves a good family, not a mother who served punishment because she killed his father. Not a mother who is sick and on the death bed. Not a mother who had lost hopes from starting a new life”

Ayush finally realizes what she means. The boy will be left alone again after Anita dies. Already Arnav has went through a lot of trauma in the past years and he really deserves best.

“I will pray to God that some good family will adopt him and change his life. I will pray for my son” she cries.

“Why another family, Anita?” Ayush argues. “Don’t you trust me?”

Anita stands clueless while Ayush decides to put forth his decision.

“Me and Revati will adopt Arnav and raise him as our own child. God has never been kind on us despite our begging for a child. When I met Arnav, for the first time I didn’t feel like I am childless. I promise to keep him happy throughout, Anita. If you let us adopt him”

Anita smiles happily.

“Really? Despite what my husband did with you, will you still adopt Arnav?”

“It is not his fault. Arnav is like a blessing to me. Let me have him”

Anita nods. She couldn’t have asked for more. She joins her palms and sobs again, thanking him in her cries.

Arnav helplessly looks at Ayush for breaking out this past before him. So it was his mother’s decision and Ayush Singh Raizada abided by that?

“She gave me the best gift of my life. She gave me you.. son” Ayush cries. “And all of this was only on the condition that I never let you know who you are. What your real identity is.. that… that you are a Raizada by blood and not just by legal papers”

Arnav looks away feeling disgusted. Whom should he blame now? His mother for pushing him away or Ayush Singh Raizada for abiding by the conditions his mother put forth?

“All her intention that time was to save you from further loss. She didn’t want you to have any affection for her because that would make it more painful for you, Son”

“Is it less painful now?” Arnav snaps. “None of you .. none of you two even thought what would I go through when the truth comes out. You wanted a son.. you got me.. She wanted to get rid of me because she couldn’t give me a good life. What was my fault in all this? I deserved to know who my real parents were, however good or bad, I had the rights to know about them. And today… today when I know who they are… they are not even alive… how do you think I will react to that?? How do you expect me to forget that?”

Arnav slams his fist on the wall hurting himself. His anger, pain is justified.

“Forgive us” Ayush pleads. “That’s all I could ask from you now… forgiveness for our decision to hold on the truth from you”

Arnav clenches his jaw.

“Believe me, Arnav. There were so many times when I wished to tell you about them, at least about Anita but … I couldn’t. Initially it was just Anita’s promise but later… as years passed.. I became selfish.. I didn’t want to lose you.. I knew Revati wouldn’t accept you knowing who you are. Either you would split from us or she would ask you to leave and either ways it would be me suffering. I was scared.. to lose you… I was scared” Ayush cries softly. “You don’t deserve this.. son… It is all my fault”

Arnav shuts his eyes unable to decide what to do. Now that all the truth is clear, he has nowhere to go, no one to blame and no one to punish either. Because doing so is going to hurt him equally. He places his arm on Ayush’s shoulder to soothe him and when that doesn’t stop the old man from weeping, Arnav embraces his father. That’s the least and the best he could do for the two. Ayush completes the hug and breaks down again. He hadn’t Arnav expected to comfort him and he is still worried if things would sort out between them or not.


Khushi bites her nails looking anxiously at the door. Aman chuckles seeing her pacing around like that.

“You will hurt your legs dear. Come and sit down” he advices.

“I don’t want to sit. I hope they have talked to each other” she mutters. “Both are headstrong people”

“Especially the junior Raizada” Aman interrupts with another chuckle.

“Yes, his arrogance is like touching heaven these days” Khushi agrees.

“Are you back bitching my friend?” Aman teases.

Khushi’s jaw drops.

“Wasn’t that you who started?” she snaps.

“Kind of.. but I am his friend.. I can say anything about him. You are his better half.”

“Still to be better-half” she corrects sitting on the couch. “dad is coming this weekend. And Arnav wants to meet him again before leaving to India”

Arnav has plans to visit the place where his mother took her last breaths. She stayed in an Old age home, worked there until her final stage of Cancer. Khushi wants to accompany him there too and it wouldn’t happen without her father’s permission. Hence Arnav is going to talk to her father which she knows is not going to be easy.

“Uncle is coming back? So, no more late-night visits to AK villa?” Aman queries.

Khushi scans the house. The villa!! Yes, this place… this house which Arnav has named after her and his initials.

“Unless dad allows” she pouts.

“He might.. if I talk”

Khushi giggles.

“Okay, why don’t you try then? Speak to him.. See if he listens to you..”

“Don’t challenge me, I can do anything for my friend”

“we will see” she winks at him and he winks back at her, both desperately waiting for Arnav Singh Raizada to show up.

“There he comes” Aman shouts getting down the couch. “Hey buddy… how did it go?”

Khushi waits impatiently for Arnav to answer.

“Did you just wink at him?” Arnav scowls at Khushi but she knows he isn’t serious about that.

“I did… what will you do about it?” she challenges him.

His brow deepens as he comes closer.

“Khushi, give him a wink too. That should sort it” Aman teases from behind. Khushi giggles seeing the smirk on Arnav’s face and she can easily read his mood. Probably things have sorted out between him and his father, that’s why he is in a funny mood.

“Arnav… what happened there? Did you meet him? What did he say?”

Arnav exhales turning serious again. He sits on the couch, with Aman and Khushi settling around him.

“We talked. I have asked him to leave tomorrow back to India. He should be home with Mom”

The moment he utters the word Mom, he stiffens. He might have forgiven his father. But will Revati Raizada do the same? Will she accept the bond between the father-son again? She has genuinely never expressed her love for Arnav all these years, never openly and by heart and it worries him if now after knowing his real identity will she even think about reconciling.

“Good” Aman replies. “On this note, let me make some nice sandwiches for us”

Once Aman leaves, Arnav leans his head and rests it on her lap. She brushes his hair using her fingers, as their gaze meet again.

“You happy?” she asks softly, gauging his relaxed expressions.

He entwines their fingers together and kisses her fingers in response.

“When is your father coming back?” he inquires.

“In 2 days”

He shoves her hand and then gets up from her lap.

“We are going away, for two days. You and Me” he announces, much to her surprise.


“Far away” he kisses her cheek and then gets down the couch. He looks very normal now, unlike what he did in the last few weeks.

“Arnav… but… office?”

“Make some excuse”

He picks his phone to dial Mike.

“Excuse? What excuse will I give? And Aman?”

Arnav gives the sweetest smile back to his innocent girl.

“We are ditching him baby” he winks at her and the smile which follows is to die for. Khushi doesn’t dig more for answers. “Mike, keep the charter ready tomorrow morning, I will send the destination details, make the necessary arrangements”

Khushi’s stomach tickles as she hears about his private charter plans. Where the hell is he planning to take her from his private jet?

To be Continued.



Precap for Part 48

Arnav slides the ring in Khushi’s finger with the Eiffel tower glittering with lights and pride in the background. She was his every hope, every fantasy and every beat of heart that he needed to survive. And now she was His.


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  1. Woah an engagement on the way even if unofficial

  2. Awesome Update. Ayush finally revealed the reason why he kept Arnav's identity hidden and the best thing is they sort out their differences finally. It was a very emotional moment. Arnav's pain is understood but he accepted Ayush and his love. Arnav now knows whatever Ayush did was for his better future. Shashi is also coming back. Aman played a very pivotal role in Arshi's love story. Revati has changed and finally Arnav will get the love he always deserved. Precap is too good . Arshi engagement on the way. Can't wait.

  3. My heart literally pained while reading Arnav's taunts & harsh words to him.. When he begged for forgiveness & cried infront of his son, I literally had tears in my eyes... He didn't deserve this treatment from his son whom he gave the best life any child could get.. Infact he gave Arnav literally a life altogether, otherwise he would have been dead by now the same night when Ayush saved him from that vile man & his deadly beatings..

    I feel Arnav is exaggerating this whole thing now.. Ok he was angry, upset initially on knowing the truth about his real identity but he isn't that small or insensitive to not understand his father's reasonings & his late mother's helplessness... Hope he shrugs of the anger he has been harbouring towards Ayush since he got to know the truth & unites with him soon..

    Excited for Arshi's Paris holiday & his proposal to Khushi ❤️

    Thanks for the update Madhu...

  4. Wow excellent and in precap they are in Paris

  5. Finally sorted. One at a time! Next is Revati!

    Also, they are engaged and that too without Khushi's dad's approval.

  6. Fabulous updates.. good to see Arnav sorted things with his father.. revati too will come around as she is already missing him and he got her the presidentship of the club already.. good going Arnav.. loved reading this fabulous updates.. Thanks Madhu <3

  7. easily it was all rounded up.WORDS do magic and WONDERS.

  8. Nice update..
    Its emotional n painful but good that arnav ayush spoke...

    Loved amsn khushi bonding too..

    Wow.arnav is taking her away for 2 days too good after long time seeing him so relax..

    Eagerly waiting for their outing

  9. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting for next update

  10. It’s an emotional chapter...I have tears in my eyes when Arnav spoke to Ayush harshly and when he hugged his father.
    Next chapter seems to be very interesting.

  11. Very emotional and heart touching... Hope in future Arnav and Khushi sort out everything...

  12. Very emotional but a wonderful update
    Loved it too much
    And very interesting teaser
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  13. Is there a way to send my kisses other than😘😘😘

  14. Awesome awesome precap 😍😍😍. Finally ayush and Arnav different waved off . Now revati and Arnav meet is pending

    I can’t wait for Arshi two days holiday.
    Eagerly waiting for the update

  15. I'm glad that arnav talk to his father and sort out the mess. And arshis little moment of togetherness. It was lovely.

  16. Wow can't wait to read the next part.....its good that Arnav sort it out with his father

  17. Awesome update ... Anitha did nothing wrong..she wanted best for arnav as it is she's sick n in jail n broken , what can she do ....what Revathi did is absolutely wrong..she's evil that's y God made her childless... she could have accepted arnav but she never did, she always thought him as burden...that's the difference bn Anitha and Revathi...Ayush though loved arnav, he didn't protect him from Revathi....that's where Ayush did a blunder...

  18. Now arni will be content.Proposal wow. What will be revatis stand now?>

  19. Wow excellent update. Finally Arnav had his talk with his dad. So now how Revathi will handle this!!

  20. Amazing emotional dad-son reunion ....
    You writing skills are amazing .the story concept is beautiful .
    Precap is mind blowing .

  21. So ayush was not at fault, arnav mother suffered so much her decision of not meeting her son was totally wrong

  22. Finally Arnav sorted things with his father. Ayush is a good person. He had to balance his son and wife both. .awesome update.

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