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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 48


Chapter 48

Arnav didn’t want to get inside the house. He parked the car and texted Khushi to come out. It would be nice to admire her walking all the way from the door to the car, seeing her all flushed while she makes her way to him.

“There you are” Akash came out of the door. Arnav wasn’t really happy to be interrupted at this point of time.

“What’s up?” Arnav asked.

“Payal’s tantrums are so exhausting” he lied.

“She is your wife, Akash. If she doesn’t ask you to fulfil them, who else will she hold on to?”
“I agree. But I need a break tonight. Let’s go out and get a drink. Just the two of us. What do you think?”

“Now?” Arnav snapped.

“Yes, now.”

Arnav glanced at the door. Where the hell was his wife? Why was she taking such a long time?

“Akash, not tonight. We will go for drinks tomorrow.”

“But why?”

“I am tired” he lied.

“Really? Then why standing here? Let’s get inside the house”

Before Arnav could find another excuse to that, he saw Khushi and Aman coming out. What the hell was Aman doing with Khushi? But he didn’t let that thought tickle his brains for long because Khushi was exactly in the same red Saree he had gifted her through Suhani, the one which she also wore in the party the other day.

“Khushi?” Akash turned around. “You are going out?”

Before Khushi or Arnav could reply, Aman did.

“Yea, she and Arnav are going out”

Arnav bit the insides of his cheek. That’s contradictory to what he just told Akash.

“Really? That’s great. We all can have a drink together then” Akash added. “Aman, please join us. It will be fun. We four together”

Khushi was equally confused what was happening.

“Guys” Arnav took a step forward and held Khushi’s arm. “I am taking my wife on date tonight. That’s explains why we all cannot go together out for drinks”

Khushi’s hand trembled at his touch whereas the other two brothers laughed heartily for the couple’s helplessness.

“Sorry Bhai” Akash patted Arnav’s shoulder. “Aman told me you are going on a date and we decided to tease you both a bit. We don’t want to ruin your date ever. Just go and enjoy your time”

Arnav stared at Aman who seemed equally happy.

“Get lost now, you two” Aman pushed them to the car.

“Language, Aman” Akash teased. “Bhai doesn’t like anyone to use such words on him”

Aman knew that already but he shrugged.

“How would I know?” he faked a smile.

Arnav opened the passenger seat door for his wife who got inside the car, holding her nervousness.

Arnav took the wheels and started the engine. Akash and Aman waved at the two as the car drove out.

“It was nice fun, isn’t it?” Akash asked. “Felt like old days”

Aman wanted to hug his brother and acknowledge that he indeed felt the same but he couldn’t. He was yet to reveal the family that his memories were intact. They strode back inside the house.


The silence was awkward. Arnav was driving and Khushi extremely still on her seat until he pulled the knob of the little drawer before her seat.

“For you” he said, grabbing a chocolate bar.

“That’s my ..”

“Favorite chocolate” he completed her sentence.

“Was it just a guess or..”

“I am prepared Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada. I have done my research” his gaze bored into her.

Khushi kept the chocolate back in the drawer to have later.

“And I see we are on the same lines” he added.

“How?” she asked bemused.

“Red Saree…” His eyes lingered from her face to her neck and lower. Khushi clenched her stomach.

“I love this Saree..” she gave the best excuse she could recollect.

“I am glad you loved it. Took me 3 hours to pick this one”

Khushi was surprised. She turned to look at him.

“You picked this one? But.. Suhani..?”

“I knew you wouldn’t wear it if I had gifted you”

Khushi frowned. No wonder Suhani had insisted her so much to wear this Saree during that party.

“Where are we heading to?” she tried to divert the topic. “This route doesn’t have any good restaurants for another few miles”

“I know… who said we are going to a restaurant?”

Khushi was confused.

“But that’s where we would go for a date”

Arnav’s hand grabbed hers and pressed it gently.

“Dates and restaurants have no connection..” he replied.

Khushi had no clue what that meant and something in his deep voice stirred her. He withdrew his hand from her and gripped the wheels. They were now climbing the hills. Khushi was dazed seeing the city sprawled below the hill as they climbed higher and higher. She loved the view and knew tonight was extra ordinary. As they reached the hill top, Arnav stopped the car. There was a beautiful red canopy, just few meters away with a table for two to dine. He arranged their dinner here? A smile broke on her lips as he pulled the door open for her. She got down. The cool breeze hit her face.

“Hope you like the venue” he whispered coming closer.

Khushi’s smile was enough to answer that question. She looked around. The idea was indeed very unique. She could see the entire city from this place, the fresh breeze far better than the Air conditioner and the sounds of the night insects their current live music in the background. It was a very raw concept for a date like theirs, matching their present intensity for each other.

Arnav entwined her fingers with hers and led her to the canopy.

“Champagne or Wine?” he asked.

“Wine” she answered. “I want to be in my senses tonight”

Arnav picked the wine bottle.

“I want the same” he murmured without breaking their eye lock.

He poured the wine and then they clinked their glasses.

“For a fresh start”

Khushi smiled and sipped the Wine which was just perfect in taste.

“Let me be honest, this is more beautiful than what I had in mind” she stated.

“What did you have in mind?”

“The regular type. Posh restaurant.. live music.. lots and lots of food and then the most trickiest part.. the dance”

Arnav sipped his Wine.

“Seems like you have some experience there” his voice was no longer soft and sweet. He was clearly jealous.

“A few, yeah” she turned around to hide her laughter. She knew what that statement would instill in him.

There wasn’t any reply from Arnav for a minute and suddenly, she felt him gripped her elbow and turning her around. She was instantly serious when she met his challenging eyes.

“By the end of tonight, you will forget them all” he mumbled.

The way he looked at her, she was assured he meant each and every word he said. She sat when Arnav pulled out a chair of her and then looked at him as he served them food. Seeing her Royal husband doing such little gestures for her, was praise worthy. Khushi felt his eyes on her most of the times when they ate silently.

“Why are you so silent?” he asked. “Say something”

“Say what?” she shrugged.

“I don’t know.. You have more experience than me over such dates. You tell me what a couple talks on a date”

Khushi frowned at his reasons.

“The guys I went on a date were not Royals.” She mocked. “How would I know what can impress a Royal on this date?”

Arnav let out a laugh.

“You are out with me.. wearing my gifted saree.. of my favorite color. That’s more than enough to impress me”

Khushi suddenly became serious.

“But how is this going to work in the longer run Arnav? I have a career in Mumbai. You have work and Royal roles to look after here in this city. I am not a daily wife. You might see me rarely when I go for shoots.. sometimes even abroad. And considering we are married, your family will have some expectations from me. I don’t know how any of this will work”

“We can make this work if we both want to. You are thinking too far. Don’t”

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“Will you be so kind and affectionate towards my career even after 5 years from now?”

Arnav gave a quick thought.

“Things will be lot more different in 5 years. We might fight, argue but that’s the beauty of every relationship. I don’t want to commit something which I am yet to foresee. All I know is that I would never hurt you. If you love your work so much, I will always stand by your side”

Khushi was thrilled.

“Lets say.. its been 5 years now” he smiles thinking of a way to make the moment memorable.


“Yes. Lets say we are married for 5 years now and I have taken you out on a date. This is that date”

Khushi chuckled sipping her Wine again.

“You want me to play along?”

“Yup. Just like we role played last time. It will be fun”

Whenever he recalled their role play when she was drunk in the party last time, Khushi’s knees got weak. She literally had kept him on his toes that night.

“Okay” she kept her glass down. “Lets start. I am just back from an outdoor shoot and you are pissed because you read some article on the social media linking me with my co-star”

Arnav frowned.

“That’s not going to happen”


“Because I will wipe off those rubbish articles from every corner of the media, before people even get to read it”

Khushi giggled.

“How mean!!! My fans will hate you for that”

“I don’t care until you don’t hate me for the same” he replied.

Khushi pouted. One thing she had to confess.. He was way too handsome than all the co-stars she worked so far.

“Alright.. but you are still pissed. Because you were hoping me to come one day prior and the shoots got delayed”

“That too is never going to happen. I am going to put a clause in every agreement you sign with your Producers that they cannot hold you even for an extra second on the set”

Khushi sighed in frustrated.

“Oh Lord” she gasped. “Okay, I am out of options. You tell me the scenario then. Why are we on a date after 5 years of marriage?”

Arnav smirked hard framing a story in his mind.

“You came home from abroad and then I take you out on this date. I have something special to share” he narrated.

That was nice. Khushi got intrigued.

“I hand you a report” he faked giving her a paper to read and she took it in her hand letting out a giggle.

“I hope that’s not a Divorce paper”

“I said report baby” he gritted his teeth.

“Sorry” she pouted. “Okay…” she leaned behind. “Let me go fast forward to 5 years then..”

She cleared her throat and acted like she was reading that invisible report.

“Are these my medical reports?” she casually asked.

“Uh… hmmm”

“Oh my god” she faked a gasp. “My iron and vitamins count are low” she held her laugh. What else can she see in a medical report if not that?

“Turn the page baby” he urged.

Khushi faked that action and rose to her feet.

“My hemoglobin is low too” she mocked circling the table.

“Go to the last page” his voice cracked.

Khushi pretended to shuffle the other papers and read the last one.

“Which report is this?” she queried having no clue what exactly he wanted to convince her. After all this was his story, so only he would know.

“That’s your pregnancy report”

The moment he said that, Khushi’s body stiffened.

“You can’t stop the play now” he urged seeing her reactions, wanting her to continue. She bit her lip, trying to fake a surprise seeing that invisible report. She had no clue how to react further. Arnav grabbed her wrist and pulled her on his lap. Khushi flinched. “You know what the report says?”

His face flushed as she met his eyes.

“It says you are pregnant” he whispered softly, only for her ears. The whole play they set up right now had started to tingle her body. Arnav Singh Raizada was really going too fast forward, wasn’t he?

“I doubt this report” she challenged. “I would know if I am … pregnant”

Arnav’s brow twitched.

“Strange” he accused. “I can even recall which night made this happen”

Now that undid Khushi’s guts. It started becoming difficult to act. She wriggled to get off his hold.

“Where are your acting skills Mrs. Raizada” he brushed the tendrils of her hair and tucked them away.

Her body wrecked by an unfathomable pleasure.

“Come on Khushi..” he pleaded.. “Say something. . Continue this act”

Khushi gripped his shoulder. If he really wanted to see her act then so be it.

“Isn’t it too soon?” she pretended to be shy.

“Soon?” he was taken aback.

“Hmm.. Adi is just 3 years old”

Arnav’s eyes darted in surprise. She was framing the story well. So she meant they had one kid already. Adi!!

“And Bubbly is hardly 2” she added.

Now the mention of their second kid.. Bubbly.. almost shocked Arnav. Did she mean they had 2 kids and now expecting the third? In a span of just 5 years?

“What the”

Khushi laughed heartily seeing his confusion and got up from his lap.

“Oh my God… Look at your face..” she laughed again. “What happened Mr. Royal Raizada? Cannot imagine having 3 kids with me?” she kept laughing holding the table. Her stomach ached but she just couldn’t stop.

Arnav got up from the chair and sliding his arm pulled her closer. Her laugh stopped being that close to him but once she met his eyes, she let out another laugh. Arnav scooped her neck and tilted her closer to his face. That was enough to make her silent again.

“I can have infinite kids with you Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada. I think we will make great babies… You just need to tell me when to start..” he whispered against her lips.

Khushi was speechless. Her body ached for him and her eyes shut automatically as her lips quivered.

To be Continued



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  1. Superb update..
    Akash Aman tried to tease arnav too good..

    Wow arnav really planned well for their date..
    Loved the way he promised so many things.
    5yrs play was beautiful

  2. Beautiful Update. Loved the way they both enacted their roles. The teasing of his brothers. Nice way of foreseeing the future. Just loved Infinite Babies

  3. Awwwww... that was so so lovely & sooooo romantic... I love this role play thing they do... Last time it was funny & this time its so romantic & titillating... Arnav has definitely swept Khushi off her feet with his romantic imaginations & intense confessions & they are just half way through their date..

    Hope their date would be continued in the next part as well & we would get to read more of their romance Madhu??

    Thanks for such a beautiful update Madhu... I just loved loved loved it ❤️

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  4. Arshi date awesome.. so cute .. they 5 years plan so cute

  5. Awesome Update. Both enacted their role well. Arnav is so concern for his family he scolded Akash and his adoration for Khushi is cute. Khushi and Aman's bonding is growing well. Akash also teased Arnav. Loved the brothers bonding. Though Aman is still pretending . Arnav bought Khushi's favourite chocolate. He is really so romantic and arranged quite a unique date. Arnav's jealousy and possessiveness for Khushi is increasing. Loved Arshi's conversation that Arnav won't hurt Khushi and support her. Khushi though tried to make Arnav jealous it didn't work. Lovely family planning of Arshi with infinite babies. Loved the entire date how Arnav has changed from egoistic royal to a romantic person. Thanks for the Update 😍😘. Enjoyed the date very much.

  6. OMG.... Had seen so many dates but this is so special... Their conversation about the 5yrs.. It's beautiful

  7. Didn't knew Royal Raizada was this hard-core intense romantic person.Khushi cant ignore him now. The date and the family planning was too cute. After this date Khushi will definitely confess her love for Arnav. Beautiful Update.💗

  8. Whole update was lovely. Didn't stop my laugh while reading role play part...

  9. Superb please post next part also I can't wait to how long to go their for play plzzzz

  10. This date was beyond my imagination .
    You wrote it very beautifully.It was so romantic .🥰😍💯💗

  11. This is the royal raizada ? The date he planned for khushi. Lovely ... and wish they continue their play .... so cute arshi .. Arnav planned all the issues in khushi's career and had a solution for some too.
    Waiting for next update dear

  12. Their date was so romantic. Loved it. Hope everything goes well after this. ❤️

  13. Ha ha. Beautiful! Two can play a game!


  14. Roleplay always brings out something new and good... Waiting for next...

  15. This story turning out better and better ��...loved it ❤

  16. Why did you stop Madhu...? Not fair enough...

  17. Wonderful fabulous update madhu

  18. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting I

  19. Omg their first kiss...... awesome update

  20. Like khushi said this....... is more beautiful than what I had in mind.....
    such a wonderful update 😍😍😍😍....
    beyond my imagination....
    That's why you are writer and I am reader....😇

  21. What a lovely update amazing

  22. Mind blowing.. both ArShi surprised each other and loved to see that..

  23. It was really a beautiful update
    Loved it too much

  24. Very interesting and beautiful update. Akash and Aman really prank was nice ��. Lovely date which Arnav had arranged.

  25. The Bestest update of this ff 😍❤👌👌I loved the Role play❤ i really enjoyed it 😄👌 there future planning was soo good and creative too 😁😃 i hope now khushi will not think of leave arnav ever 😍this date is going to be the Best part of there life and arnav took all the initative make khushi fall for him and her chocolate and the hill top venue and the decoration there all of that is super awesome and khushi also worn his fav gifted Red saree 😍❤👌 waiting to see more of it post soon

  26. Wow this was so beautiful and intense. He loves her so much. She needs to give in to him now. Superb update
