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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 30


Chapter 30

The next few days were busy for both Khushi Gupta and Arnav Singh Raizada. Gladly since Lavanya and NK had flown for Maldives, they didn’t have to show off their fake relationship. Both invested this time at work, knowing when their siblings return, they will have to be back to lovey dovey mode. Not that Khushi minded but she had her own insecurities of letting a man get so close to her when she didn’t even know if they would ever get their happily ever-after.

“You are simply scared” Ruby muttered sipping the coffee at Khushi’s cabin. “The man just offered you to know each other well. Who does that unless he has healthy future plans with that person?”

“I don’t have those plans Ruby” Khushi signed the papers kept before her. “I don’t want to give him or anyone else in that matter, any false hopes”

Ruby frowned.
“You are the first woman I know who doesn’t want to commit to a good man like Arnav Singh Raizada” she taunted.

“What happened to Sanjay?” Khushi changed the topic.

Ruby rolled her eyes.

“Well.. Sanjay is old news now”

“What?” Khushi paused her work. “I thought you were going to date him”

“I would have. Seriously” she replied. “You know that day when I went to pick him up at the airport. He didn’t come alone from London. He had two more people along. One his handsome friend and the other… Sanjay’s girlfriend”

Khushi’s jaw dropped. She felt pity for her friend.

“That’s weird” Khushi mumbled. “I would have broken his jaw for giving me wrong signals if he already had a woman”

“It’s not his fault. Whenever we spoke over the phone and he asked me ideas to propose a woman, I thought he was talking about me. But he wasn’t. He has a beautiful girlfriend and I realized that day how much they were meant for each other. Sanjay just takes me as his friend. No more no less”

Khushi was disappointed but Ruby was a fighter and she never remorse for long.

“That reminds me.. I am going out with Sanjay’s friend tonight. That same guy who returned from London with him”

“God” Khushi grunted. “So now he caught your attention?”

“He is far better than Sanjay and know what? Only to ensure I wasn’t making a pass on a taken man again, I asked him right away if he was single or not. And he is perfectly Single” she proudly declared.

Ruby thought of something while all Khushi could do was roll her eyes. Ruby was too fast. She never wasted time.

“Why don’t you join us for a drink? You can meet him too”

“I don’t waste my time meeting my best friend’s flings. When its serious from your side, I will surely see him”

“Oh, come on” Ruby shoved off. “Serious or not, Aman seems to be a good company and he is not coming alone tonight. He is getting one of his friends. So, while I be busy with Aman, you can get along with his friend”

“Then I am definitely not coming” Khushi smirked.

“Damn you. I don’t care. I am seeing you tonight and if you don’t come .. I .. I will..”

Khushi met her gaze, waiting to know what she would challenge her this time.

“I will tell Arnav that you are dying to sleep with him” she grinned.

Khushi leaned back on her chair and grinned back at her friend.

“Guess he already knows that” she replied.

“Does he?” Ruby growled. “Come on Khushi, don’t be a bore. Please join us. It will be fun and besides all work and no play is making you a dull woman these days.

“Really? Was this news out in the paper today?” Khushi mocked.

“Don’t forget I own a media channel. I can publish anything about your boring life”

Khushi finally had a smile on her face. All thanks to Ruby’s silliness.

“I will see you at the club. Text me the address” she declared.

“Got you baby. Bye”

Ruby passed a flying kiss to Khushi and strode out. At evening, Khushi returned to her Villa and got dressed appropriately for the club only to bump with Nani in the living room.

“Seems like you are going somewhere again” Nani put a smile on her face.

Khushi felt guilty for leaving this woman alone because Nani didn’t go to Shantivan for her.

“Uh.. My friend invited me and.. I really didn’t think about you and..”

“Its okay” Nani replied. “I have plans too. You don’t have to worry about me. It’s not that Arnav and Lavanya always gave me company at Shantivan. I can understand. Just go and have some good time”

Khushi was glad.

“I will try to come back soon. But you please don’t stay awake for me”

“I will rest” she assured.

Khushi hurries out. She didn’t want Ruby and her friends to wait for her.



“That’s Aman Mathur” Ruby introduces Khushi to Aman.

“Khushi Gupta” Khushi shakes hands with Aman. He was charming like Ruby mentioned and had a smiling face.

“I have heard a lot about you from Ruby” Aman replied as they take the seat at the VIP area.

“Good I hope” Khushi looked at Ruby who giggled.

“Obviously Khushi. I am not like you”

“So, what do you do Aman apart from texting and phoning Ruby these days?”

Aman turned to Ruby and smiled.

“I am an addiction psychiatrist. I counsel for rehabilitation programs and stuff like that. I love my job”

“Wow” Khushi sounded impressed and so was Ruby.

“You never explained me that well. You just said you are a psychiatrist” Ruby debated.

“Depends to whom I am introducing myself Ruby Khanna” he joked.

They laughed and only then Khushi realized something.

“Ruby told me you have a friend coming with you tonight”

“Oh yes, he is getting us a drink. And there he is..”

The moment Khushi turned to see, her eyes gleamed with surprise and desire. Arnav Singh Raizada was here. When Arnav saw her with Aman and Ruby, he too was equally shocked. Firstly, he didn’t know Aman’s new friend was Ruby and secondly, he had no clue Khushi Gupta was invited too.

Ruby held her smile watching the two. Aman was only going to meet Arnav tonight in the club and when Ruby got to know Aman and Arnav Singh Raizada were friends, she thought of asking him if she can join too with her friend.

“Hey” Arnav greeted giving a quick stare to her Silver Black Sequin Mini Dress.

“Hi” she smirked with the same delight. The man looked hotter in the night lights of the club. And despite he wore casuals and not the regular three-piece suit, he could still intimidate girls to fall for him.

“You guys seem to know each other” Aman got the hint and when Ruby laughed loudly, he was assured they did.

“My brother married his sister” Khushi informed.

“Wow. World is so small” Aman answered and flopped on the couch again observing Arnav’s expressions. As Ruby was sitting next to Aman, the only place Arnav had was next to Khushi. She moved in to give him the space.

“What will you drink?” he nicely asked Khushi who nodded in denial.

“Later. You just returned from there. Don’t want to trouble you again”

That really surprised him. He leaned to her ear.

“We have a contract Khushi Gupta. You give orders, I take them and follow. Stop being a coy and tell me which drink would you like?”

Contract!! Yea. That!! It offended her but that was the truth. She had wanted to make him dance on her fingers. He was just cooperating now. So why did she hesitate now?

“Guys” Ruby interrupted. “We are together so no whispering allowed”

Arnav shrugged in defeat.

“I was just asking Madam what drink she preferred having tonight”

Khushi frowned and gulped one of the vodka shots he got for himself. There was so much in the look she gave him.

“I will have two more of those but later” she demanded in response to Arnav’s query and turned back to the other couple. “So, Aman, how do you know Arnav?”

Aman was startled at that question but he was very good at maintaining confidentiality of his patients.

“We met in London few years ago, shared each other’s life’s story and since then we are good buddies” Aman answered. “Arnav is a great guy”

Arnav gulped the other vodka shot putting a weak smile on his lips.

Ruby started narrating how Aman and she had had plans for Goa this month end. They had a long list of stuff to do there, including the underwater diving, threatening water rides and much more.

“Thrilling” Khushi appraised. “I am sure you will have a good time there. But I want my friend back in one piece”

Aman chuckled.

“I am a doctor myself, wouldn’t risk her life. Promise to get Ruby back safe and sound”

Ruby was highly impressed by Aman’s promise. The music was getting louder and Ruby forced Aman to join her for dance. He approved and soon the two were off the couch.

“I shouldn’t have come” Khushi’s tone was apologetic. “I didn’t know you were that friend Aman was getting along and Ruby insisted me a lot”

“I am glad you came” Arnav sucked in a deep breath. “Me and Aman weren’t going to discuss any secret here.. with Ruby around. I knew it was a casual meet when Aman invited”

Khushi read between those lines. Secret. His and Aman’s secret!!

“Is Aman the one who treated you in the rehab?”

His heart rate sped up as he nodded in approval.

“That’s where we met and became friends. Ruby doesn’t know it”

“I won’t tell her either. If you believe me” she gripped his arm. It was a restraining touch, as if she wasn’t sure how he would react.

Arnav placed his other palm over hers where she held him.

“I believe you especially after what you did for me against your parents”

He trusted her!! That was a huge sign. Relief coursed through her. Arnav’s penetrative gaze on her face stirred her body once again. It was either the Vodka or the man himself who made her squirm. Their lips were inches apart but his breath fanned her lips, giving her enough heat to give into the moment. They had kissed before and God knew she wanted that moment again but nope!! Not if he wanted commitment in return. She looked away to erase the chance of kissing him which stunned Arnav Singh Raizada.

“Are you shutting me out?” he asked quietly.

“Saving us both from each other’s demons” she corrected with a smirk on her face.

Arnav didn’t argue, he got up to get her some drink and give her space to think if she was doing the right thing. She watched him go but Aman’s eyes were glued on the two. Ruby turned his chin to her.

“What are you looking at?”

“They share something, don’t they?” he queried.

“What makes you say that?”

Ruby would never share her friend’s secrets with anyone.. not even if she was dating Aman Mathur.

“I am a psychiatrist, I can read people, their feelings and gestures”

“Wow. Then I must say you studied them well. They have a very weird and complex relationship right now and trust me both don’t even know where to lead it”

Aman swallowed nervously. He had to speak to Arnav about this. Having a relationship was good but he also knew how crooked Khushi Gupta’s life was for his friend to absorb. He needed a woman with less baggage and Khushi simply wasn’t one of those.


Ordering some snacks and drinks again, the four shared some gossips. Khushi was delighted to see Aman and Arnav talking about their time in London. They seemed to have bonded well and she knew whatever they shared openly with Ruby and her was the time after Arnav was out from the rehab. The two men had a great bonding and their connection could be felt. Ruby also spilled a few naughty things which she and Khushi did during their college.

“Khushi had a huge fan following” Ruby added.

“Shut up.. You were interested in half of them” Khushi argued.

“But they wanted you my dear. But of course, none of them had the courage to propose. Her one dangerous look and boys would shiver and run-away”

Khushi rolled her eyes drinking the beer. She had decided not to have more vodka shots as she had no plans of repeating Singapore incident again. Arnav though wasn’t sober like that night. He stared at her too much, at times she even caught him and he had to quickly look away. This wasn’t going to end up good, she knew. One moment he was bristling with emotions and the other he was cool as ice. She had to know what bothered him? They spend some more time in the club and then decided to leave. Arnav and Khushi both had got their respective cars whilst Aman was going to drop Ruby back to her place.

“You sure you can drive?” Aman asked Arnav as they came out. “I can drop you first and then Ruby”

“I am fine” Arnav patted his arm.


“Yup. Will see you soon” Arnav assured pushing Aman away. Ruby quickly hugged Khushi and got in the car with Aman. As they drove out, Khushi finally turned to Arnav.

“Give me your car keys. I will drop you”

“I said I am fine. I can drive safe”

“You could fool Aman not me. Just give me the damn keys or the best I will drag you to my car”

Arnav pinned her to his car door.

“You should let me go alone. It’s not safe for you to drop me home”

His warning should have offended her but instead she was suddenly melting.

“I am safer with you than anywhere else in the world” she replied.

It was a huge compliment and it took a lot of courage to say that.

“I don’t want to go home tonight” he accepted what his mind had been telling him since evening. Meeting Aman had refreshed some of his old memories and though he didn’t want to burden anyone with those, he couldn’t let them haunt him the moment he was alone in Shantivan.

Khushi sensed it and entwined their fingers.

“In that case, stay with us tonight. Nani will be happy”

“Never” he groaned. “Nani wouldn’t be happy seeing me in this state. I don’t want to .. burden her.. or you in that case.. I will drive somewhere else.. stay until I wash out these memories from my head”

Khushi had never seen him so distressed.

“I am not leaving you alone tonight” she snapped. “So, it’s either you coming to Gupta Villa or me staying in Shantivan or the least… we both spending the night in your car. Choice is yours Mr. Raizada”

His fiercely dark eyes snapped open as he made the decision.

“Take me to Prem Nivas” he urged handing her the car keys. Yup!! That place!! She didn’t have good memories of those but if it made him happy, she would go there with him. She took the keys and dragged him to his car.

To be Continued.


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  1. Will arnav tell Khushi his past ? Kr Khushi will tell arnav about her past ?

  2. Looks like it's time for some past revelations. Amazing update. Waiting for more

  3. Look like some relevations are on the way...really want to know about Arnav'S past and I am desperately waiting to read the next chapter

  4. Want to know their past. It's eating me inside out. What's the memories in prem nivas
    So eager to know
    Continue soon 🌺

  5. Okay the next chapter will be like

    Khushi in a bad place
    Arnav in a bad phase

  6. Awesome Update. Loved the entire chapter. A lot of revelation is coming up. That's why Arnav told Khushi to take him to Prem Nivas. I liked Khushi's care and concern for Arnav and her confession of feeling safe with Arnav was too good. Hope Arnav share the burden which he has been carrying for a long time. Arnav's past is going to unfold . Prem Nivas has so many memories attached and both Arshi are connected with it. Khushi should let go of her fears and insecurities. I understand that she has trust issue and Arnav wants commitment. I don't blame Khushi her parents are responsible for her this state. So Sanjay has a girlfriend. Ruby is also a wise woman who don't stick to her past. Khushi is so intelligent not to waste her time. I don't like Khushi's idea of sleeping with Arnav as Arnav is a man of principle and integrity and has high morals unlike Lavanya. Really liking Khushi's bond with Nani. She respect her and is concerned for her loneliness. Nani is really a sweetheart. Khushi has truly changed. Aman and Khushi's meeting was nice and Aman is treating Arnav and got him out of his weed addiction. Arnav and Aman are friends. Arnav is quite attentive and attracted towards Khushi. Arnav is always hot. Arnav reminding Khushi of the contract got her offended. I feel Khushi should terminate the contract to make their relationship easy. Khushi's feelings has changed . She is in love Arnav Khushi's conversation was emotional loved how Khushi lend her support. They already had a emotional connection between them and gestures matter more than physical intimacy. Arnav's trust and Khushi's attraction was nice. I thought Arshi would kiss . But never mind. I liked Khushi's resisting the urge to kiss. Khushi is turning more mature by not giving into her desires. Aman already caught them and their complicated relationship. Arnav and Khushi are a perfect couple. I understand Aman's concern for Arnav. A lot of boys have crush on Khushi. I liked Khushi's concern and her confession of feeling safe with Arnav. Arnav needs to share his past and the burden he is carrying and the past is going to unfold in Prem Nivas which has so many memories attached both with Arshi. I am waiting for the next part. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  7. Finally Aman Mathur made an entry in this story & this time in a complete different profession then his usual one... I guess now this psychiatrist Aman, who helped Arnav to come back to life will help Khushi as well...

    Hope this night together at Prem Nivas will help Arshi to share their haunting pasts to each other..

    Thanks for the lovely update Madhu...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  8. If you don't mind can you please update the next chapter tomorrow 🙏. I am waiting to know the past. And I feel after this Arshi's relationship with take a new turn. Both have a painful past which can be reduced only by sharing. Prem Nivas is the best place for Arshi to unfold their past. I feel next part is going to be very emotional and will change the equation of Arshi. Thanks💗

  9. Both are vulnerable.....and it is high time that they share their past and pain with each other if they wanted to give their relationship a chance... T

    you for the update...

  10. Awesome. Hope atleast some of their past will be revealed in next part. And did Aman know about Khushi's past? What does he mean by khushi has a lots of past baggage??? Hope this night will change something in their relation. Eagerly waiting for next part. Please update next part of this ff tomorrow.....

  11. Aman don't want kkg. What he knows about her..
    Looking forward

  12. Khushi has changed a lot since the time she met Arnav... Her rudeness was long gone and it was good to see her like that... Some bits of Khushi's past got revealed but not Arnav's... Waiting to know what made Arnav suffer...

  13. Fabulous wonderful awesome update dear

  14. Simply super ... Looking forward

  15. Very nice update plz give tomorrow another update of this story

  16. Madhu can u please give the precap of royal fling?

  17. I don't understand why some of the people think they are best for deciding what's good or bad for other's life. Didn't like Aman's thinking of Khushi not being right for Arnav's life. No wonder Arnav also thinks like Khushi and he is not compatible. If that's the case I don't think Khushi should be thinking about any relationship with Arnav. Till Arnav accepts who she really is.

  18. It's time the open up their hearts and reduce the baggage both carry! May be then they'll feel lighter and live a happy life.

    Nice update.


  19. It is so much complicated both have demons in the past

  20. Plz let us know their past. can see a difference in khushi's behaviour for arnav.
    Just can't get enough of this story❣️

  21. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  22. Awesome update. Loved the way Aman's profession is portrayed here. Aman knows about her past baggage. Lots of revelations are on way. Glad that they have their close friends with each other 🤗.

  23. Omg Madhu if u don't give us the next part Asap we all are going to die imagining what's up for Arshi in the night so please if u can give us the next update also from this ff

  24. Awesome Update... Aman babu only Khushi is the right girl for Arnav...As she will be the one to make him forget all his pain...Same for Khushi as Arnav alone can heal her pain...So now here come Prem Nivas...Both are going to spend their night there...Sharing pain and what not...Waiting for Next Part...

  25. I hope they talk to each other .. Love the story

  26. Amazing update ...

  27. Madhu will you update the royal fling precap today

  28. Så Aman can see Khushi's baggage by seeing her as he is psychiatrist? Khushi must be badly broken then 😭

  29. I feel Arnav will share his past, but Khushi's past will come from somewhere else & not her or maybe when she is in a nightmare. I feel NK or her parents will reveal it 😭

  30. Madhu di please update lawful sins tomorrow if you can please.

  31. Hope either one of them reveal their past.

  32. Interesting update
    So Arnav and Khushi are going to spend another night together
    Hope this time both share their past with each other
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  33. Lovely update...which ff will u post tomorrow madhu??

  34. Lovely and superb update. Loved this caring khushi . Arnab's past is going to unfold . Eagerly waiting for next part madhu .

  35. How do you write so amazingly Dii😍😍 I'm in complete aww of your stories ❤

  36. It’s time to reveal arnavs past. Like what made him addicted to drugs. There must be a reason. We had a glimpse of khushis past. Nice update!!

  37. May be it opens a new path for both of them... Arnav should tell everything to Khushi....

  38. Superb update..

    Finally aman enter in the story...

    Wow ruby trick khushi to come she knew aman's friend is Arnav..

    Arshi attraction is too strong..
    Loved the way both are trusting n supporting each other..

    Eagerly looking forward

  39. Superb update. Both Arnav and Khushi relationship progressing. Hopefully they talk what their past was. It would lighten both their hearts.

  40. Nice one lets where they head ahead

  41. It’s time to reveal Arnav’s past and still waiting for Khushi’s full past. Lovely story.
