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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 29


Chapter 29

When you cannot have someone, and constantly keep bumping with that person every now and then, it meant God was testing you. Khushi Gupta felt the same. Kamal, her lawyer had taken care of her parents who were gone away from the scene but it took another round of courage for Khushi Gupta to walk to the man who still looked at her with pride. His one gaze flooded back the memories of their kiss. Not now. Please. She begged her heart and kept striding to him.

“I didn’t expect an audience” she muttered reaching closer.

“Must say, you attract a few by your powerful demeanor”

His reply startled her.

“Aap yahan kya kar rahe hai Mr. Raizada?” (What are you doing here Mr. Raizada?)

She held his gaze on to without letting him read her inner turmoil. Arnav leaned to the pillar behind, his lips twisted for a smile.

“Bachaane aaye tha kisi ko.. khud hi ghayal hogaya” (Had come here to save someone but got wounded instead, watching her guts)

Khushi couldn’t help her nervousness.

“Then you should probably visit a Doctor and get your wounds healed” she mocked. “Excuse me”

She was about to leave when he gripped her wrist and pulled her closer. Now, he was creating a scene which she hated to admit.

“We need to talk” he said hoarsely, watching her.

“I am running late for a meeting” she shrugged him off.

“You need to hear me out” he debated.

“I have no such interest”

Before he could act further, she hurried to the exit. Being anywhere close to this man would be the death of her resolve and that was the last thing she wanted to happen. Arnav watched her escape but for how long? Tonight, he was invited for dinner at Gupta Villa and he promised to make her hear out what he had to say.


Gupta Villa

“ASR” Lavanya hugged her brother the moment he got down the car. “How was your trip?”

“It was good” he replied walking in with her.

“Had to be good. My sister was there after all” NK added coming closer and gave a hug to Arnav.

Arnav’s eyes scanned the house but couldn’t find her.

“She is in the Gym” NK sensed his desperation and informed.

“Gym? At this hour?”

It was late evening. After working so hard at office, she even finds time to fix her body?

“Khushi has no fixed timing for workouts” NK replied.

“Chotte” Nani came out from the kitchen and blessed Arnav when he leaned down to touch her feet. “we all missed you so much”

“I missed you all too” Arnav confessed. Bella hoped down the stairs hearing Arnav’s voice and jumped at his feet for attention. Arnav picked Bella in his arms and stroked her. She licked his fingers instead. It felt nice to come back to the family.

Arnav sat on the couch discussing his trip but because Khushi Gupta showed no interest in coming down so he decided to check upon her.

Khushi was in the gym cycling in her black tank top and leggings. Her milky white skin shone with sweat but she kept cycling to ease off her body tension. Her body was exhausted but not her determination. The thoughts of her parents blackmailing that too with Arnav’s past had screwed her mind very bad. She couldn’t even enjoy her victory of putting them in their right place because Arnav Singh Raizada showed his presence. And then his tantalizing words ‘Bachaane aaye tha kisi ko.. khud hi ghayal hogaya’

When she had called Ruby to inform all went well, her friend told her that she informed Arnav about it. So, that’s why he was there to save her. But poor boy didn’t apprehend she didn’t his help. And what she wanted from him; he had purely rejected. She suddenly felt his gaze on her sweaty back and goosebumps erupted on her skin in no time as she watched him in the mirror. He was leaning at the gym door, showing no urgency of getting inside neither leaving.

“I am not putting a show here Mr. Raizada” she said turning her head sideways, but not meeting his eyes yet.

“You amuse me Miss Gupta. Whenever I think I know you a bit, you surprise me by revealing a completely new side of yours” he lazily walked in. “Nice Gym”

Khushi got down and wiped the sweat off her face and neck. The post workout protein shake was right next to her and she sipped some the moment her eyes met his. He was cleanly shaven, perfectly dressed for a casual dinner like this and breathtakingly handsome. If they had cross barriers that night, she would have made out again with him.. right here.. in the gym.

“What are you doing here?”

“I am invited for dinner” he promptly replied.

“I know that. I asked what are doing in my Gym when you should be sitting down with the family”

He took a step closer, invading her private space.

“I told you we need to talk”

“Even I told you I am least interested”

She tried to move away but this time he pinned her to the wall behind.

“I am done letting you control my words” he snapped, fixing his eyes on her face.

“Can’t help. Controlling people is in my nature”

“And not being submissive is in mine” he retorted.

They were just playing with words and she loved it. Making this man run behind wasn’t her motive but she still enjoyed it.

“Which part of my statement you didn’t understand Mr. Raizada? There is nothing left to talk or rile about things that happened in Singapore between us”

He placed his finger on her lip to shut her up though just his intense gaze was enough to do so.

“Firstly, stop calling me so formally. We have clearly crossed a few lines to still address each other by our last names”

She swallowed. He was so right.

“And lastly, when you can speak your heart out, I have that right too. And until you listen to me, I am letting you walk out”

Khushi squirmed with embarrassment.

“Fine” she sighed. “Speak what you have to and end this once for all”

Arnav unpinned her and took a step back. It was necessary to clear his mind and have a heathy image of hers while he confessed this.

“I don’t regret any of it that happened in Singapore between us”

Her body blazed at the revelation and she looked away. It was better not to meet his eyes when he confessed it.

“If I had, I would never come back for you after the elevator ride” he added recalling a glimpse of that night when she was fumbling with her room keys to unlock the door.

“Things are still complex between us Khushi. We are half bound by circumstances and half by the contract.” his voice tightened. “And besides I have my own demons, you have yours. I don’t want them to clash and make our lives more horrible”

Khushi stared at him unable to grasp what he wanted to convey exactly.

“But we also have something between us which can never subside” he whispered. “So, let’s just hang in here and see where this leads us both.”

She was appalled by his decision.

“As in give time to know each other better. I don’t want to sleep with a mysterious woman and wake up the next morning knowing nothing about her”

Khushi’s feet trembled. He thought that far?

“I am not talking about the files we have on each other’s past. I am talking about things, characteristics, likes, dislikes and much more which are not mentioned in those papers”

He came closer and cupped her jaw, trying to stroke away the tension with his thumb.

“I never do one-night stands and if I happen to sleep with a woman giving in to my desires, then I will ensure she becomes my wife in future”

Was he soothing her tension or raising them? One-night stands… wife…? It all made no sense to her right now.

“I don’t even know if you would ever want to marry” his voice was filled with pain.

Marriage? No!! She never thought about it. This was way too private and.. scary. She had seen couples fighting and separating. She had seen people cheating on each other. She had seen way too much hatred in her life than love. So, committing to a man for marriage was her last resort. She would never give it a thought until absolutely necessary. But she realized Arnav Singh Raizada believed in marriages.. in commitment. He had decent set of desires which clearly didn’t match hers. They were so wrong for each other yet felt so right. If she had her objections and opinions about some things, he too had a right to have some of his own.

“I know what you mean” she whispered. “We are completely dysfunctional couple right now and …” she paused to take a breath. “And it sucks. You are right to stay away from me and I from you”

Realization hit her and it hit like a ton of bricks. But she wasn’t going to back down with whatever she felt for him.

“My entire life has been a war zone and I wouldn’t let you catch fire” she continued. “So, you better stop giving me those looks if you don’t want to end up on the bed”

Arnav realized he was still admiring her hungrily. He moved his fingers off her face and smiled. She gulped the remaining Protein shake because suddenly she felt all hungry and thirsty.

“I will shower and see you downstairs”

She was about to leave when he gripped her wrist again, but didn’t pull her to him.

“Whatever you did today to protect my image, I will always be thankful and indebted for it Khushi”

He was talking about her parents blackmailing about his medical report. Khushi turned around. He had still held her wrist.

“You gave me 50% shares of AR and I saved your image today. We are even”

“We are not” he swallowed leaning closer again. “You are going to return me those shares after the contract”

He was right.

“How will I payback for what you did for me and my family?”

“Just by looking after yourself” she murmured. “Don’t ever… go back to the man you used to be once”

Arnav left her arm and lowered his gaze. She didn’t know what made him chose that track? What exactly was his back story? But she knew in the coming days, he would share.

“Khush” NK barged in the room. “The dinner is almost ready and you are both called down”

Khushi smiled nodding at his request and hurried out.

“I will be down in 15 minutes” she promised to her brother and slipped away.

“Ohhh… seems like I intruded an intense conversation. Sorry” he pouted at Arnav who denied arguing about it and head out.


The dinner time at the table was pleasing and less complex as Arnav and Khushi had thought. They were both in talking terms again though she kept her walls high. She hardly looked at him and focused on eating majorly.

“So, when are you both flying to Maldives?” Arnav asked turning to his sister and NK.

“My wife is yet to give a go ahead” NK frowned.

“Seriously?” Arnav snapped. “Stop being so rude to your love Lavanya. You both need this break. Just go and enjoy yourself. Life is not going to be easy in your coming trimester”

Lavanya sighed.

“Okay, we will go” she replied.

Khushi knew only Arnav could get that approval from his stubborn sister. And then everyone think she is the rudest person in this family. It was clearly Lavanya these days.

“But Nani will be left alone” Lavanya sighed again in disappointment. “Why don’t you go back to Shantivan for few days Nani? Once I am back, you can return. ASR will get your company”

“I think I will stay here” Nani argued. “I want to stick around Khushi and ensure this girl looks after herself. Besides, Chotte can always come here and give us both some company.”

Arnav was glad Nani thought so much about Khushi. Seemed like the two had been bonding behind him. Lavanya didn’t question Nani’s stand. If she wanted to stay with Khushi, she was most welcome to do so. If nothing more, at least Nani would be able to judge this woman for ASR. The rest of their dinner went fine. NK was very excited to travel with his wife and couldn’t wait to start. Lavanya was happy too and yearned to spend some time alone with him. It was almost 11:00 when Arnav decided to leave. Taking blessings from Nani and pushing Lavanya and NK to go pack their bags for the upcoming trip, he made his way out. Khushi decided to see him off till the car to ensure no one doubts their lie of being in a relationship.

Arnav saw Lavanya peeping from the window to keep an eye on them.

“Shit” he muttered. “We are been watched”

“Your sis?”

He plainly nodded.

“I really can’t tolerate her if she keeps poking between us like that” Khushi snorted.

“Hey..” he sobered down. “She wants me to be happy and aloof from dangers”

“Did you just call me danger?” her temper rose.

“A red one” he winked pulling her to him. Khushi placed her palms over his chest to stop him from closing down the distance.

“Don’t even think of crossing lines”

“I am trying to get their tails off our backs permanently and we need to invest something for such better results”

He kissed her cheek, making a sound which was enough to tickle the insides of her stomach.

“You can’t be serious” she spat about to defend when he kissed her other cheek too. Khushi wanted to punch him for giving her signals again if he didn’t want her the way she wanted him.

‘Damn you Khushi. He wants marriage.. commitment.. he wants all of it.. and this time you are the unsure one’ her subconscious mind shouted.

“I will see you tomorrow. Good night” he said opening the car door and got inside.

Khushi was left speechless and frozen. The soft kisses his mouth offered were much needed to give her a peaceful sleep tonight. This man would be the death of her someday if he keeps investing kisses like this to show off their lie.

To be Continued.


Note: Precap for The Royal Fling tonight. 

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All Samaira wanted was some seclusion from her frenzy past when flirty Rehaan invaded it with his charm. As they meet at the Airport to board the flight, sparks fly. Read this short Romantic journey of grumpy Samaira and flirty Rehaan from Boarding to Landing


In dark blue denim, white T-Shirt and a black leather jacket, he stood at the opposite counter, sipping his freshly brewed coffee.

“Excuse me?” she snapped. “What did you just say?”

“It’s not waterproof” he came ahead.

She frowned.

“Do we know each other?”

He smirked.

“We are co-passengers”

He showed his boarding pass.

“We are on the same flight” he added.

“So? I don’t need a stranger’s opinions in buying a watch for myself”

“Stranger?” he chuckled. “Are you always so fiery or does air travel makes you so?”


  1. Awesome superb excellent amazing romantic waiting 😊😊🥰🥰🥰🥰🤗🤩😍😘

  2. Very beautiful and an intense conversation between Arshi. The line
    This man would be the death of her someday . .. usually it is the other way. Loved it

  3. When I thought he is the one who is going to runaway from the commitment but looks like he wants something serious out of her which she is not ready... Her belief in marriage and commitment is shattered by her parents

  4. awesome. SUPERB. The much awaited conversation. So happy they spoke about it. And glad KKG understood his POV too. Let's see what store for him.

  5. Awesome Update. I am liking this version of Khushi a lot.She is staying strong and keeping her desires and emotions in control.Both Arshi are fire. Their intense conversation was necessary and Arnav finally confessed he didn't regret whatever happened between them and he is right about their equation. Their relationship is really complicated and Arnav is maturely dealing with his feelings while Khushi is more emotional. Arnav's thoughts are pure. He wanted a proper commitment and not just some fun. Nani can change Khushi's thoughts regarding marriage. Khushi and Arnav's ideology doesn't match. Both have opposite beliefs but opposites do attract. Sometimes two different people are perfect for each other. I love Khushi's determination to stay away from Arnav and she understands the thing and took it quite sportingly. Now she is not running after him . Arnav must realize Khushi's love for him. She herself is broken but she doesn't want bad for Arnav. Hope Arnav share his past with Khushi. Lavanya is getting quite annoying in the Update. Nani's motherly affection towards Khushi can get Arshi close. Lavanya should leave Arshi alone I completely agree with Khushi.Arnav's kiss to Khushi made the Update more beautiful. Lavanya should let Arshi deal with their relationship she doesn't need to interfere . Thanks for the Update😍😘

  6. This arnav is so confusing first he decides that Khushi cannot be his life partner now he is showing interest in her .. but I didn't like when Khushi melted for arnav .. I want Khushi to be away from Arnav .. then he will realize her importance.. but Madhu Lavanya will keep poking her nose but why dont she put some sense to her husband to earn for them ? Hope Lavanya won't get brainwashed by garima or shashi .. will be waiting for yaadein .. want to read what Khushi will do now after getting to know the truth.

    1. I agree.. I too dint want khushi to give in so easily. Was expecting the opposite and Arnav is a confused soul I must say.

  7. I love the conversation between Arshi. Like I said, none of them are sure about their feelings for each other. Although Khushi wants Arnav its completely based on lusts. She may be likes him beyond his physical appearence but not enough to commit to him. On the otherhand, Khushi is not a type of girl of Arnav's choice. When a man likes a women despite their differences, than it can be termed as love. As Arnav still counting their differences they should not get together. When Arnav would understand Khushi and wouldn’t want to change her according to his like, that day all their differences wouldn’t matter to none of them.
    Both of them deserved such kind of relationship after everything they suffered in the past, especially Khushi. Hence, they took right decision of giving space to one another and not go with the flow of their emotions.
    P.S. I don't like Lavanya and Nani in this story is a sweetheart. No comment on NK, except onething is that, his mind is one tracked and I feel in near future he could be easily manipulated by his parents and would hate Khushi. Khushi could be in for great heartbreak.

    1. I have a feeling if nk somehow gets to know about the contract. He will be very angry on khushi afterall he trust her blindly that's going to hurt khushi for sure

  8. Fabulous update. Hope lavanya don't create some problems in arshi life.

  9. Superb update.. loving it😊

  10. Amazing update, they share a mind-blowing chemistry

  11. The way their misunderstanding solved was good. But I don’t want them to rush into a relationship and then marriage. Usually that’s what we want. But this time, khushis behavior, was completely unfair and unforgivable. First she needs to repent and that can be done by ending the contract. Then she needs to understand the value of love, commitment and marriage. She needs to believe in relationships. Considering her past she needs time to adjust to that new feelings. A person who has seen only hatred doesn’t know how relationships works. Moreover her parents had affairs which were not a secret to their children. So obviously she wouldn’t believe in marriage. Therefore khushi needs time in this story. She has desires for arnav until she is sure about her heart she should not cross her line. Loved the update!!

  12. Beautiful Update...This conversations between them was much needed...Waiting for Next Part...

  13. wonderful
    Arshi conversation was delightful...Asr is so sorted about his want from his partner but yet attracted KKG...I like this Arnav...They are like character reversal...
    Loved Nani for her thoughtfulness...Khusi needs to have some elder person love & affection which would help her to change her perspectiveness about others

  14. Wonderful fabulous update dear

  15. Awesome update. Glad that both of them understood their respective point of view about their past, present and future.

  16. A wise conversation between arshi... liked it how Arnav explained his thoughts to Khushi... though I could understand why Khushi couldn't think about commitment... If her own parents made her feel marriage as a crap, how could she value it? Arnav might bring the required trust in her life... and his own past is in the dark too... Hope they could heal each other in the coming future...

    This characterization of Khushi is nearly close to Arnav in IPKKND😊...

    wonderful update👍👍

  17. Good one... They are back to square one with some understanding... Let's see what's store in their future..

  18. Nice. Finally a sensible situation between the two!


  19. Superb .

    Loved arnav's style of talk...
    Bachane aaya tha aur khud ghayal ho gaya ...

    Loved the way arshi finally spoke n thank god laN is going for honeymoon some good time for arshi..
    Nice decision nani to stay with khushi..
    Looking forward

  20. Why do I feel Ruby's friend Sanjay is going to be Interests in Khushi and Arnav is going to be jealous then only this saint Raizada will act on his hormones

  21. Wow... Arnav became naughty 😘. Happy that they had that conversation to sort their issue and are in talking terms now. I'm sure that they can handle their past too. Hope they will open up to each other soo. And thank you so much for updating this part soon.... 😊😊😊😊

  22. You are really an amazing author.....dear.

  23. Wow it wasa interesting update
    Glad that Arnav made Khushi understand his point of view he is right to tell her to give them time to know each other personally
    I think nk and lavanya gone and nani with them they will make good use of this time
    This story is getting interesting day by day
    Seems like we can read back to back to back updates
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  24. They both are at least talking nicely.
