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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 28


Chapter 28

Gupta Villa

“This is delicious. Nani, I love whatever you cook” Nandakishore exclaimed licking his fingers.

Nani had made a Paneer gravy for dinner.

“Paneer is Nani’s specialty” Lavanya added. “That’s because ASR loves Paneer”

Khushi who was eating quietly so far, suddenly paused. Even his name made her body submissive. This was so wrong considering how strong she had been so far.

“Let me tell you both a secret” Nani said turning to Khushi and Lavanya. “The path to reach your man’s heart is from his stomach. Just learn to cook whatever he likes to eat and see the magic”
Khushi froze. She imagined herself cooking for Arnav Singh Raizada and feeding him with her own hands. Goddammit. The mere thought of it was enough to make her hyperventilate. Arnav Singh Raizada teasing her with his hands while she tried cooking for him. How she desired that to happen in future. STOP!! Her rational mind took over. How many times does she have to remind herself that he doesn’t want her in his life? 

“Khushi bitiya, do you know to cook?” Nani lovingly asked.

“Uh.. no. Never tested those skills” she answered honestly and resumed eating.

“How will that work?” Lavanya commented. “ASR is so foody”

Now that surely pissed her off. Khushi turned back to Lavanya for a fitting reply.

“Nani was telling me you cannot cook well either. But Kishu is still with you. Isnt he? How do you think that worked?”

Nani got her point and so did Lavanya. NK chuckled.

“Khush.. that was such a fitting reply. But.. you scared my wife” he teased holding Lavanya’s arm over the table but soon she withdrew her hand from his and focused back on Dinner.

Khushi noticed their coldness towards each other and decided to intervene.

“Arnav and I were thinking to send you both on a honeymoon” Khushi exclaimed.

NK was elated but Lavanya was surprised.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I cannot miss my doctor appointments”

“Doctors are around the world Lavanya. Whenever you need one, I will make sure the best is available for you”

Khushi’s reply won Nani’s heart again. She had slowly started observing Khushi and reading her heart. She wasn’t that rough and strong like she seemed to be from the outside. She was a hurt soul with a fragile body. But with a sharp mind and massive courage.

“Lavanya wanted to see Maldives. How about we go to Maldives? It will be a good change for you and the baby” NK suggested looking at his wife.

Lavanya frowned.

“Can I get some time to think about it?” she asked.

“Sure” Khushi smiled. “But don’t delay it so much that the essence of it fades. Soon you will be entering your second trimester of pregnancy. Travelling then will be risky. Okay?”

Lavanya nodded gently and continued eating. That’s when Nani’s phone rang.

“Chotte?” Nani answered. “We were just having dinner. What about you? When are you returning?”

“Tomorrow Nani” he replied. “How is La and everyone else?”

“All are fine. Wait, talk to Lavanya”

She passed the phone to Lavanya who asked him about the list of items she wanted from Singapore. He promised he had bought all of those already and packed them. Nandakishore snatched the phone from Lavanya to talk.

“ASR.. Thanks for the honeymoon idea. Khush just told us about it. We appreciate it so much” NK almost bowed his head.

Arnav swallowed recalling that dinner date with Khushi Gupta when they discussed this and then also the night that followed… right from their burning desires in the elevator.. till that tantalizing kiss in her room.

“ASR? You there?”

Khushi realized he must have recalled that moment, just like she did right now.

“Yea. Sorry.. I hope you have decided where you both want to go?” Arnav queried pacing in his hotel suite.

“Maldives” he excitedly replied. “But your sister still has to give a go ahead. Anyways, I wont waste much of your time talking about us. I know you didn’t call for us but for my sweet sister Khush. So please, speak to her”

Khushi was shocked when NK handed her the phone. If she denied, they would only be suspicious but what will she speak to Arnav Singh Raizada?

“Excuse me” she took the phone and slipped away. She knew their eyes would be on her while she spoke which was fine. She just didn’t want the three to hear their conversation though.

“Hello” she stuttered pressing the phone to her ear.

Arnav shut his eyes the moment he heard her voice. He realized she was been forced to talk to him. But God knows he too wasn’t very comfortable to speak to her right now.

“Tum theek ho?” (You alright?) he managed to ask.

Khushi clutched the phone.

“I don’t see why I won’t be alright Mr. Raizada. I am perfectly fine”

Arnav could sense it from her tone that she was pretending as if they never met in Singapore.

“Because I am not” he debated.

He was not fine? How dare he said that to her now? Khushi faked a smile to Nandakishore who was watching her from far, trying to make sense of what the couple talked.

“I am very good Mr. Raizada and I don’t see why you too shouldn’t be fine. Things are going absolutely the way you wanted”

“I didn’t want you to run away” he snapped. “Not without hearing me out”

“Hearing you out?” she passed a sarcastic laugh. “You made it crystal clear to me what you want. Or rather… what you don’t want”

“You are presuming things Khushi” he gritted his teeth.

“I am saying what you were hesitating to tell me that day. Don’t keep any grudge on yourself either. It was not at fault. I lost my senses and initiated things against your will”

A sudden silence spread between them.

“In fact I am glad you stopped me and.. we didn’t… we didn’t cross any lines because that would have been terrible” she added.

“Khushi..” he tried to interrupt but she didn’t let him do.

“This wouldn’t affect the lie we have said to get Kishu and Lavanya’s relationship back on track. I can assure you that much”

“Will you just stop and listen to me?” he argued.

“Have a safe flight Arnav. Goodbye”

It took her some serious strength to end the call while her heart kept asking her to hear him out. The damage was done. Arnav Singh Raizada had broken her in some gruesome ways and she would never be able to repair herself anytime soon.


Khushi cuddled to the pillow again at night. Bella was sleeping fast at her feet. Whatever she spoke to Arnav Singh Raizada today had pulled down the walls of guilt from her mind but the vacuum will always be there. Despite being strong and self-sufficient to handle her own life, she still missed someone in whose arms she could forget the world. She didn’t want a man to protect her, she needed someone who can just hold her in arms and make her feel loved. She had thought Arnav to be that man in her life. But only when she was about to make a run to him, she realized he wasn’t prepared to accept her. And she had to stop. Not to find his replacement but to equip herself with some more strength to survive this solitude. She was a human after all and humans needed affection, love for their inner peace and survival. With that thought running in the back of her mind, she shut her eyes to sleep.


Next Day – Gupta Office 

Mrs. Pinto hurried in her cabin, intruding Khushi’s important meeting. Though Khushi Gupta was tremendously annoyed by her interference, she knew that woman wouldn’t barge in without a thorough reason. She waited for Mrs. Pinto to whisper out the reason. Her knuckles turned white as he heard her out.

“Gentleman, this meeting is over”

Everyone walked out of the room except her and Mrs. Pinto. Khushi then took the envelope from her secretary and asked her to leave. She quickly opened the envelope and read out the report which could create havoc in the Raizadas lives if this got published in the articles tomorrow. Not willing that to happen, she decided to break her resolve and meet her so called parents. It was not very surprising that they stooped so low but now that they had, she knew how to put them back to their place.

She picked her phone and dialed her mother Garima Gupta. Her hands trembled recalling all those bad incidents in her life for which they were responsible. She would never see their faces again, never let them get close to her but this time it wasn’t about her and Kishu. It was about the Raizadas and she wouldn’t let anyone hurt Arnav. Not even God himself.

“Khushi” Garima answered the call. “I am so glad you finally called”

“Cut the crap and send me your hotel address. I am coming to meet you both”

“You got the gift then which your Dad sent” Garima replied. “We didn’t want to do this but you were not willing to see us. Anyway, I will text you the address. Please come soon”

Khushi ended the call and waited for the address. As soon as it hit her phone, she messaged them the time she would be there.

“Hello beautiful woman” Ruby Khanna entered her cabin.

Khushi acknowledged her presence but didn’t had the mood to smile or welcome her any differently.

“You seem to be in a bad mood. I understand” Ruby took a seat. “Need my advice?"

“Tried taking one from you but it didn’t work the way we wanted”

“Really? You mean? He .. he doesn’t feel for you?”

Khushi’s body ached with that thought.

“Doesn’t matter to me anymore. Where are you going in that dress by the way?”

Whenever Ruby wore a frock like that, Khushi knew it had to be special. Ruby had 5 break ups so far but it wasn’t her fault entirely. Seemed like the 6th one was in queue to steal away her heart.

“Sanjay is coming from London this evening. I am going to pick him up at the airport” Ruby blushed.

“Sanjay?” Khushi tried to recall.

“Sanjay is my new friend and if things work out, my new boyfriend too”

“All the best” Khushi pressed a weak smile. “Anyways, I have to sort some things tonight. But just in case things don’t work in my favor and I don’t call you in next 3 hours, call the Police at this address. Though I am sure that wont be required. They cannot harm me anymore”

She shared the hotel address with Ruby whom she trusted by her heart.

“This doesn’t sound good to me. Whom are you going to see there?”

“My parents” she replied in a stern tone.

“No way. You won’t go there. Why do you want to meet them?”

“They are blackmailing me again but this time I am going to end this forever”

“Blackmailing is not new to them, is it?” Ruby shouted. “I wish to push them in a dark well myself if I could. Why can’t they just leave you and NK alone?”

“They will have to and they will”

She picked her purse and rose to her feet. She had so much to do before she meets her parents in that hotel, including talking to her lawyer.

“I will see you tomorrow then” Ruby gave her a hug. “Please be safe and take your guards”

“I will” she patted Ruby’s cheeks gently and hurried out. Ruby sighed in disappointment. She could feel Khushi’s pain. Though Khushi wouldn’t accept it, Ruby knew her friend needed solace and some serious love. Only if the man she wanted this from realized it.


Arnav Singh Raizada strode out from the Airport. He had plans to head to Shantivan first, freshen up and then as invited by Lavanya for dinner, drive to Gupta Villa. The thought of facing Khushi Gupta again haunted his mind though.

“Ruby?” Arnav called out seeing Ruby Khanna waiting by her car.

Ruby was equally shocked to see him but she waved at him and reached him in no time.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Came to pick a friend. And I suppose you just got back from Singapore”

Arnav knew Khushi and Ruby were close and shared most of the things. Did Khushi also tell her what happened between them in Singapore?

“She did” Ruby read his confusion. “She told me few things and I am myself shocked. But I wouldn’t intervene between you two. Don’t worry. Just that I worry for my friend too much. She is already handling so much plus her parents blackmailing and upon that ..”

“Blackmailing?” Arnav scowled.

Ruby was tongue-tied. Should she tell him?

“Sorry I can’t tell you. I am sure Khushi will handle things”

“Ruby.. speak up. Is she okay?”

Ruby sensed worry in his tone and decided to share. She told Khushi had gone to see her parents as they had blackmailed her with something very precious and though she had no clue either what that was, she still feared if the meet would end up well. Arnav checked his watch and without wasting any time, he drove to the address Ruby mentioned. 



Khushi gripped the wheels of her car which she parked at the basement of this Hotel. Within few minutes she would be meeting the couple she hated the most. But she would still do this because somewhere this kind of blackmailing had to end. Memories flooded in her mind how reckless her parents had been since her childhood. All they cared was money and their own freedom and needs. She shrugged those memories and strode inside.

“Miss Gupta, your parents are waiting for you. This way please” the receptionist guided her to the other end of the lobby.

A little further, she saw her parents sprawled on the couch, enjoying coffee and cookies. It was a huge open space for VIP’s like them to have informal meets.

“There she is” Shashi got up to welcome her.

Khushi scanned the place and smiled.

“Glad this is not a closed room meeting” she taunted.

“We wanted you to feel safe” Shashi mocked.

He gave her a gentle hug which she quickly pulled away from. She hated such artificial gestures. Her mother was next.

“You have grown into a beautiful woman dear. Just like me” Garima appraised.

“It’s awkward to see you both together though” Khushi sneered. “What happened to your respective affairs? Still there or have you decided to reconcile?”

“Forget us” Shashi commanded. “Is it true that you are dating Arnav Singh Raizada?”

“Oh, come on Shashi” Garima intruded. “if she hadn’t been dating him, why would she come here?”

Khushi rolled her eyes. They were two junk heads if they thought she was here to plead and beg to spare her and the Raizada’s dignity.

“Out of so many men, you chose a pothead?” Shashi mocked.

“Shut up and quote your price” she growled.

Shashi smirked hard. Finally, their plan was working. He had made his sources do some research on ASR, especially those years when he was passive and absent in AR Group. It was then he got to know that those 3 years, Arnav Singh Raizada was in a rehab, getting treated to put an end to his drug addiction. Now since his daughter was dating that man, she would pay any price to keep his name clean in the social circle. And it worked!!

“50 crore each in mine and Garima’s accounts” he demanded.

“And permission to meet Nandakishore whenever we like” Garima added.

Khushi let out a laugh which stunned the couple.

“What happened to all money you got from grandpa? Over? Is that why you came back to me for more?”

“It was our money” Shashi shouted. “We used it the way we liked”

“Used is an inappropriate word Dad. Doesn’t fit in for you people. You must have spent the money again in gambling, racing, boozing too probably and roaming the world with your respective partners”

Garima looked away.

“This is our money.. You snatched it from us” Shashi screamed in a dangerous tone.

“It was Grandpa’s money Dad. He slogged all these years to earn it and only because he knew you two were no good, he transferred it all on mine and Kishu’s name, leaving you both with almost nothing. Poor him, he didn’t know his son and daughter-in-law were capable of blackmailing their own children to grab more chunk of money”

“Shut up” Shashi almost pounced on her and though she feared it, she didn’t step back.

“Don’t even think of touching me or else my guards will punch you so hard that you will end up in a hospital”

Shashi was offended by her words. Garima grabbed his arm. They weren’t here for anything else but money.

“Seems like that man has taught you to stand up against your own fears” Shashi muttered.

“You know what Dad and Mom? More than anyone else in my life, I have learnt a lot from you two. I have learnt to protect me and my loved ones from selfish people like you. If you both think I am going to let you meddle in Kishu’s life then you are wrong. You will get the money but no rights on Kishu”

“You are forgetting something Khushi. I have the reports from the rehab which could spread like fire once we send this to media if you deny any of our demands”

Khushi sighed in disbelief.

“You have always underestimated me” she teased. “You thought you will blackmail me with this report? I will take no time to prove this is false. I have already spoken to the management of the rehab and threatened them of leaking such sensitive information of their patients. The man who gave his report to you has already lost his job and the rehab is willing to support me so that I don’t sue them for their staff recklessness.”

Shashi hadn’t thought even in his dreams that Khushi could go to this extent.

“So technically, your blackmailing is not going to work” she smirked.

Garima frowned.

“Then why are you even giving us the money?”

“Because that’s the last time I am giving you both a chance to move out of our lives.”

She dialed someone and asked the person to come inside. A lawyer hurried to them.

“That’s my lawyer Kamal” she introduced and grabbed some legal papers from him. “Sign them and the money will be transferred in your respective accounts. This contract says this is the last time you are getting additional share of money from me. If you both ever try to create more problems in future, I am going to take you to court. And things wouldn’t be easy thereafter”

Shashi fisted his fingers.

“You have no choice but to sign these papers and get away because without that you are not even getting the money” she crossed her arms as her lawyer passed the papers and pen to Shashi Gupta.

“But we want to meet NK and his wife.. at least allow us to see them. Besides NK is a big boy now. He can take decisions for himself. You cannot control him”

“That’s not happening mother” Khushi yelled. “And he wouldn’t go against my words. EVER”

Shashi realized this negotiation wouldn’t go well if he didn’t sign and accept her conditions. If not, they wouldn’t get money either. He signed the papers. Garima followed.

“Good. Kamal, ask my accountant to transfer the amount to them” Khushi instructed and made her way out. She didn’t even want to see their faces again. The moment she moved; her body froze. Arnav Singh Raizada stood at a distance, watching her with pride. What was he doing here? Did he.. did he witness this entire scene? Probably. And if so, then by now he had probably realized she didn’t need him to protect her, all she asked from him was Love and some warmth.

To be Continued.

Note: Hope this was a long update :)

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  1. Loved the update. Hope Arshi get together and solve their misunderstandings.

  2. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting 🥰🥰🥰

  3. Awesome waiting for next update already 😉

  4. Khushi's parents disgust me... I am happy that Khushi faced her fears and gave her parents an ultimatum... Lavanya is being cold towards Gupta siblings... but I hope someday, she could see Khushi's goodness like Nani...

    Awaiting for next arshi's conversation... Good one Madhu����...

  5. just loved! simply loved so much that read over and over. Wahhhhhhhhhhh. Awesome KKG. Looking forward for the next update dear. However, want KKG to be herself for some updates giving ASR a little cold shoulder. Wanna see how ASR will handle it.

  6. This is a very good update....Khushi definitely deserves love and warmth...and Arnav you know what to do now at least.

  7. Fabulous ....very good to see her fiery nature...nice update madhu..indeed long one

  8. Love this strong Khushi...She wanted someone to lean on, a companion she could trust/talk to and love...honestly, whatever explanation Arnav gives, his gist was to lovingly reject her and she understood.. Don't make her weak now..let Arnav make the moves in this relationship (only if he strongly feels that Khushi is the one for him)

  9. Wow... That was awesome.. And if this doesn't impress Arnav then I don't know what will...she literally faced her darkest fear for him and his dignity

    1. Arnav should reconsider his decision at least now
      If not, I don't he deserves her

  10. Can u please give back to back update for this, i just want to see their meeting

  11. Awesome Update. Arnav saw the entire conversation between Khushi and her parents. Loved the way Khushi deal with them. Khushi though has her own insecurities and fears cope up quite well with her parents. Hopefully after this there will be a change in Arshi's relationship. Arnav has already started affecting her. Nani's advice made Khushi's imagination go haywire. Very romantic imagination. Khushi will surely learn things. I liked the way Khushi back answered Lavanya. Don't live her poking nature. Khushi is so much different from the earlier rude Khushi. Her care and concern about the family is so nice. Nani seems impressed by Khushi. Nani rightly observed Khushi. Hope she take Arshi relationship forward. Khushi's change is appreciable. Lavanya only enquired about the items not Arnav is weird. Arnav is still in Khushi's thoughts. Both have some unknown connection. Arnav is lost and has emotions for Khushi and his famous dialogue Tum there ho . Arnav is very mature and practical. Khushi is really heartbroken and lonely. I liked the way Khushi is not chasing Arnav anymore. She really needs love and affection. Khushi want to protect the Raizada family. Khushi's parents are horrible who blackmail their children like this. No child deserves such parents who destroy Khushi's childhood. They had affairs and did a complete background check of Arnav and had many bad habit. But Khushi is always one step ahead. Her strong attitude impressed me. Arnav saw the conversation hopefully now the relationship will turn better. Want to know Khushi's past. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  12. I like strong Khushi who without Arnav's help solved the matter. Now that Arnav saw the meeting will Khushi reveal her past to Arnav. I want Arshi to get married soon . Yes please give another Update I want to know Arshi conversation after this Incident. Arnav dialogue Tum theek ho reminds me of Ipkknd. Khushi did so much to protect Arnav and his family. Khushi is vulnerable but it would be better if she is not weak . Arnav should be there for her but Khushi should not be dependent on anybody. She is not weak for the first time she faced her own insecurity and fears. I love this version of Khushi. Khushi is very unfortunate to have such parents. Hope she get the love she always deserve and her loneliness ends.

  13. So my assumption from the previous teaser is absolutely right...

    But boy.. how cleverly Khushi handled her selfish & greedy parents who actually don't deserve to be called as parents... They are absolutely worthy of Khushi's hatred... Seeing this avatar of hers, they won't dare to mess with her ever again... I just hope somehow her money gets saved from going to those undeserving people...

    But Khushi needs to be little bit considerate towards Arnav as well without jumping to conclusions based on her assumptions... Atleast hear him out first... Just like she has rights to talk her heart, he too does.. They both need to have a proper, rational conversation...

    Nani is finally able to see the real Khushi hidden under the many layers... I'm sure soon she would want Khushi to be a part of her grandson's life...

    Thanks for the wonderful update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  14. Okay now I'm speechless. As much as I imagined this update Turned out just better than any of my imagination. This shows what a talented writer you are. Khushi handled her parents amazingly. And Arnav heard everything. Wow. Please don't make khushi go back to Arnav or give in easily. I don't want her to go back to Arnav just by his one gesture. Let her stay professional and formal with him and move on with her life. Arnav should fall for her before she thinks about taking their relationship ahead. Looking forward to Arnavs reaction

  15. I just can go on and on reading this story 2good

  16. Please put some romance in next update. Can't see these poor souls hurt ��.
    It was an amazing update. Thank you.

  17. Was it a long update...???Why you stop it there...Wanted to read more...Want to know what will be Arnav reaction to Khushi...And hope Khushi ignore him completely...Can you update this tomorrow again if possible...

  18. Hope Madhu now Khushi parents won't try to meet Lavanya and brainwash her against Khushi.. will arnav now realise the importance of Khushi.. will he give her a chance ? Please update the next part soon ����

  19. Loved the update, no matter how long the update is we the people will always crave more. Last lines were awesome perfectly summed up❤️

  20. Awesome update.... Kushi loves Arnav and ready to go to any extent to save Arnav's dignity and feeling that he stop Kushi by transferring the money

  21. I like the way she thinks of him and the feelings that arises fro those thoughts. Wow her parents are really pathetic, but she dealt with them superbly. Awesome chapter thanks 🙏

  22. Wow. Loved it. This is the khushi we would like to see. A strong woman. Well no matter how much I tried I don’t like lavanya. She is a pampered kid. And she wants khushi to be all matured. Moreover khushi and lavanya cannot even be compared. While lavanya was pampered khushi learned to take care of herself and her brother. I know she is angry because she loves her brother. But sometimes she is irritating.
    When this story started we all wanted khushi to repent. And she must repent, at least she should learn her mistake. For that she doesn’t have to beg arnavs attention. She can repent in her own ways. Because when girl begging for love and boy begging for love, those situations are different. When a boy begs for love others pity him but when a girl begs for love others see it so cheap. I have my own experience in this kind of situation. I hope khushi will realize her mistakes and improve herself as a better woman. And if arnav is meant for her she will get him in her life. Thank you for this amazing story 🥰😍👍🏻

  23. Awesome updates madhu love it , please Post the next part

  24. This is my favorite story so far. Just love it. Please give us the next update tomorrow it self pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeee

  25. Can we get to see a jealous Arnav? Maybe some old friend of khushi interested in her.. I'll be fun to watch a jealous Arnav

  26. Awesome
    Loved the way Khushi handled the Gupta's. How can a parents be this disgusting 😡😡😡 Blackmailing their own kids. And what all they did with her in the past??? Eager to know. Hope Arnav knows that Khushi did all these for him only. Why he's hesitating to accept his feelings for Khushi?? All she needs is love and care. Hope he will give her that soon. Waiting for Arshi confrontation.....

  27. Khushi better than all of them put together even Raizada included ..And I just want to slap that bratty Lavanya she had love marriage and love is not in sight anymore .. What I can say about Khushi’sparents , just one word pathetic

  28. Probably the only time I've liked this strong Khushi! So her parents indeed have made her this!


  29. Loved this update.. pathetic parents.. I guess they will use lavanya to trouble Khushi in future

  30. First big thank for such a long update...i always love you writing skills simply amazing

  31. Wonderful awesome update dear

  32. Thanks for the long update. Khushi is very strong, that doesn't mean that she is not emotional. She needs someone to love her, someone to heal her.

  33. Yes indeed was long part. Thanks 😊
    Hope Arnav will clear things out with Khushi. Such a disgusting parents. Superb update

  34. Awesome update. Loved the way she handled the entire situation.

  35. Khushi is changing for good and Arnav should give her a Arnav khushi too had a past...and she strongly needs someone to get out of it...

  36. Now i see so much of admiration & sympathy foir Khushi from all. Many have forgotten how she manipulated && blackmailed Arnav into signing the contract. Even if the reasons of doing so is for business ppurposes, the way she chose to accomplish was very very wrong. She stooped so low in faking her suicide & trap Arnav with Ruby's help....disgusting. She has to mend her ways & face the consequences of her actions. Arnav is right in what he is doing. He has been a gentle man throughout no matter how nasty she behaved with him.

    It's only right now Khushi must repent for her disgusting actions & the torture she gave to Arnav, and rectify her mistakes, null the contract and should win Arnav's heart with her changed version. Arnav shouldn't consider getting together with her just because she was a victim in her parents hands. He has nothing to do with it...but she behaved in a vile manner. Unless she proves herself in a better version apolozise for her past actions, Arnav should be firm on his decision of not getting involved with her.

  37. Good one... Loved this Khushi.... Want to see more...

  38. That was an amazing update madhu!!! Bravo!!! Very cleverly handled.... loved it! I was visiting ur page every 15min literally for the update!!! Can you give us a back to back update on this? Pretty pleaseeeeeeeeee.... I dont think I can work in peace otherwise till the next update.... Main seh nahi paaunga yaar!!! Path nahi kaise sounga aaj mein... Love from Tamil Nadu!!!

  39. Oh my that was a great update madhuji... next part tmrw? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  40. Khushi stood up for her love .protected his name and fame.
    Amazing update

  41. Superb awesome update. Loved the way khushi handled her disgusting parents . It's better to get this type of parents being orphan is better option . Loved khushis strong personality and maturity .

  42. Simply superb update...totally loved the way khushi replied to la n the way she spoke to arnav...
    Though she should have listen to him.

    Guptas has nerve to blackmail her looks like now they might try to reach la..

    Loved the way ruby told arnav n he came n saw how smartly khushi handled evil guptas..
    Time for arnav to ckest things between them.n give themself a chance

  43. Wow interesting and beautiful update
    Loved the way Khushi handled his parents
    Arnav is really worried for Khushi
    Hope he understand her pain and fears and try to make her happy
    Thanks for giving such an long and lovely update

  44. Such a pathetic parents Khushi have.. how can they blackmail their own child for money.. liked the way Khushi handled the situation.. Arnav is here.. lets see what happens next?? lavanya needs to take care of her marriage than looking out for her brother.. he is grown up man and he knows what is good for him.. loved the update.. Thanks Madhu
