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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 27


Chapter 27

“One of us has to be sober tonight”

“A woman with not many defenses around her”

“Everyone has their own demons Khushi. You are not an exception”

“I would just not believe you but also burn the people alive who neglected you so far”

“I don’t do sleepovers”

“You have some serious… desires Miss Gupta”

“We don’t want to repeat what La and NK did. If we hold them wrong, we will be wrong too”

Khushi Gupta tossed on the bed. She was awake from past an hour and slowly the flashback of last night danced before her eyes. One side of her wanted to punish herself for revealing her desperate side to Arnav Singh Raizada but the other side wanted to go back to him and finish what they couldn’t last night. Her body was hyperventilating by imaginations. This had to stop. Her rational side took over. How would she face him after what happened? To be specific.. What didn’t happen.
She missed Bella. She wanted to cuddle her and share what she was going through. Not only because Bella and her bond were getting stronger but also because Bella was his gift to her. The most sensible gift ever. He had read her loneliness so very cleverly and showered her with Bella’s presence in her life. How practical!! And his promise to burn those people who troubled her in the past had given her the confidence she required in trusting him. Trust never came easily in her life. But today she had someone she could trust upon with her flaws… She cuddled the pillow harder. Wish the pillow could be replaced with the man himself. She kissed the pillow shutting her eyes but it didn’t feel like it had last night when she kissed him. She was done with these lifeless resources, now she wanted him. Only HIM!!


An hour later

Now that Khushi Gupta wanted someone so desperately, she had no clue what to do about it. She needed advice and who better than her friend Ruby could offer her that? She dialed Ruby and explained her everything that happened last night.

“Oh Damn” Ruby shouted. “He seems to be a very decent man. A woman was offering him everything and he just… just settled with a kiss?”

Khushi brushed her hair, sitting before the dressing mirror.

“Khushi.. please tell me if you stop liking him some day. I will be more than honored to make him mine”

Khushi gripped the hairbrush.

“Ruby… mind your intentions” she scorned.

“Alright. Though I did mean every word of it, I am not so selfish. Okay, so coming back to the main problem, did he call you or text you this morning?”

Khushi clenched her jaw. That was her complaint. He didn’t show any such courtesy.


“Maybe he is.. as confused as you are. And these men are very cunning. They want women to run behind them”

“Run behind him? And me?” Khushi asked with sarcasm. “I am never going to do that”

“Oh you will Khushi Darling. Because that’s how it always works. And please get one thing straight. It was you who tried lured him last night so now that he knows you want him, don’t act like a dumbass. Just talk to him directly”

“Talk? What will I talk about?”

“The kiss!!” Ruby rolled her eyes.

“Never. I am not going to talk about that to him again”

“Baby unless you be vocal with your feelings, a man like Arnav Singh Raizada would never reciprocate”

Ruby was right. Arnav was a thorough gentleman. He would never cross lines with her unless she clarifies her feelings for him. Speaking to Ruby for some more minutes, she made up her mind.


Arnav Singh Raizada signed the deal. It was one of the most profitable contracts for AR Group this year.

“Look forward to work with you Mr. Toshi” he shook hands with the Client.

“Same here, Mr. Raizada. Please join us for drinks tonight. It will be our pleasure”

“I will”

Exchanging few more pleasantries, Arnav made his way back to the car. He had to return to the Hotel and attend few conference calls with his team back in India. He was totally busy today and tomorrow but it was the only kick he needed to brush off the thoughts of Khushi Gupta. Last night their vulnerability made them take a step in a dark zone which he so wanted to explore but he wouldn’t. Khushi Gupta was a fire and he would never let her get close to him. She had that power to burn him down. But walking out of her bedroom today morning invoked some guilt in his heart. A message or call would have sorted the coldness between them but he didn’t. He was still preparing himself to face her again.

As soon as he got down the car and strode to the lobby, Mrs. Pinto blocked his way.

“Mr. Raizada, Ma’am wants to see you. She is in the Open cafeteria”

Arnav swallowed the uneasiness and shook her head. He wouldn’t avoid her anymore. He strolled to the Open cafeteria and scanned the place to find a woman in business attire like she always wore but the moment he met her eyes, his defenses sank. She was standing by the pool in a light pink Anarkali dress. They stared at each other for long moment. Last night’s memories flashed before their eyes, blackening everything else around them. Why did she dress traditional? Was it for him? And her hair.. she had let them loose. Her lips had the same gloss it had last night. His body perked up realizing he knew how her lip-gloss tasted. Dammit!! This was insanely wrong how his own body betrayed his resolve of not repeating last night. He took lazy steps towards her, slowly taking in every inch of her face and by the time he had reached her, he was fully dazed.

“Running away from me?” she casually asked.

Arnav came out of his stance and let out a brief chuckle.

“I would never” he tactfully answered. “Had an important meet this morning”

Khushi never felt weak or anxious like she was now.

“What’s your plans for the rest of the day?” she desperately needed to know so that they could hang out together.

“Blocked till midnight” he curtly replied. He wasn’t lying.

“Tomorrow then?”

“few more meets lined up, I…” he shook his head in dismissal.

“Are you avoiding me Mr. Raizada?” she snapped.

Arnav stared at his reflection in the pool and with a heavy heart turned back to reply.

“I am avoiding things that could repeat last night” he uttered.

Khushi clutched her phone. Why? Why was he backing off? Their attraction for each other was visible from miles away. How could he not acknowledge that even now?

“Khushi..” he came closer. “Last night we.. we were drunk and… I do realize it wasn’t the right way to…”

She placed her arm between them to stop him. Her eyes spit fire as she met his repentant gaze.

“Which part of last night are you sorry for?” she shouted. “handling a vulnerable woman? Supporting a scared woman or kissing the wrong woman? Which of this do you regret Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada?”

Arnav was confused. Why was she dragging this in unwanted zone?

“Or you regret them all?”

Astonishment widened his eyes.

“You are not understanding..” he tried to explain but the moment he touched her forearms, she pushed him hard on the chest.

“Back off.. just… back off”

Her heart thudded like it would stop beating any second due to malfunction. Rejection!! He had brutally rejected her and she wasn’t prepared for it.

“Khushi.. listen to me.”

She denied to listen. He had said enough and she would believe him. Because he was in his full senses right now unlike last night. Whatever promises he made her to burn down the people who hurt her was all a lie then. He didn’t mean any of it. She ran back to the elevator. Arnav was disheartened for this fragile soul but not enough to change his mind. They had no future together. He never would give false hopes to a woman and spoil her life. But he didn’t intend to end things like this. She didn’t even listen what he wanted to convey.

Khushi got back to her room and without wasting time tore the idiotic dress she was wearing for him. He didn’t deserve her. He didn’t deserve her!! She pulled the earrings out, almost bruising her earlobes. She rubbed the gloss from her lips and scrubbed her face with the tissue to wipe off the glow from her face. She hated to see her own self in the mirror. What had she become in just one night? She had practically taken a 180 degree turn in her attire for whom? A man who regretted being with her last night? Nope!! He was not worth it then. And she wasn’t so miserable either to cry or hurt herself for him. He wanted her to understand they weren’t meant to be together. Fine!! She understands it from hereon.


Arnav strode in his room and paced until his legs ached. He didn’t mean to hurt her yet he did. He wanted to make her realize that it might never work. He genuinely wanted to support her but if she was expecting him to give her the place of a life partner, she was wrong. They were hard opposites. He had seen enough in his life, paid enough for his mistakes and lived in guilt for long. He had to overcome his own demons and make peace with himself and his family. He wouldn’t complicate his life by involving another hurt soul in his heart. He would give her all the support she needed because she was still a family now. But anything higher than that was a strict NO!!


The evening drinks with the Clients went well but Arnav had to focus hard to stop his mind thinking about Khushi Gupta. She was like a drug he badly needed and wanted to stay away too. He faked to enjoy himself and the Business company he had around and finally head back to the Hotel. Shyam Jha called on his mobile a while later to remind him of the conference calls he had that night but Arnav was not in a mood to focus on any of them. He asked Shyam to reschedule them for the next day and made his way to the lobby. Arnav had tried to reach Khushi’s number to explain her why he was denying their togetherness but her number was switched off. He was afraid what she might do to herself because of his rejection hence hurried to the reception desk to dial the Intercom in Khushi’s room.

“Sorry Sir but Miss Gupta has already checked out this evening” the manager informed.

Checked out? Where did she go? Other hotel or. .back to India? He couldn’t wait to know. He rushed back to his room and dialed Nani. He talked to her casually for some time and in few minutes asked her if she had any clue if Khushi was returning back to India.

“Back to India? But she was in Singapore with you, wasn’t she?” Nani queried.

“Yes she was but.. she left this evening without letting me know”

“Left? You mean she left the hotel or is she travelling back home?”

“Nani” Arnav sighed. “That’s exactly I am asking you to find out. Can you check with Nandakishore if he has any idea about this? I .. I am worried for her.. that’s all.”

Nani sensed his fears. He genuinely cared for Khushi.

“I will check and let you know”

“Please do. Will call you later. Good night”

He hung up and lied down on his bed. Did he rush to reject her? Should he have dealt this in a different manner? Everything was so messed up right now. How was he suppose to sort it? Just when he thought he and Khushi will pretend to be happy in order to smoothen Lavanya and NK’s marriage, this happened. Now only God knew how he would sort the entire mess?

Late night, Nani messaged Arnav. It was already early morning in Singapore by then and Arnav had just woken up.

“She is back home. Resting for now. Should I convey her to call you?”

Arnav took a sigh of relief. At least she was home. There were people around to look after her. He typed back.

“Please give her a good company. I have made her upset which is why she left. Will sort it out once I am back”

Nani was confused. Arnav always worked for keeping his family happy and if Khushi was really his girlfriend now, he would never hurt her intentionally. Then what happened between the two in Singapore? Though her mind juggled for answers, she decided to hold them for now and focus on Arnav’s instructions. She will look after Khushi until he is back.


“I hate you… Just go away.. Shooo” Khushi scowled at Bella who innocently blinked her eyes at the woman. Last night she had made Bella sleep in the servant quarters because she was so pissed off by anything that reminded her of Arnav Singh Raizada. She didn’t want the puppy to face her wrath. But today morning Bella was curtly back in the room, probably through the window and had cuddled to her feet.

When Bella showed no signs of leaving, Khushi shut her eyes to calm down. Why was she hurting the poor animal? Bella wasn’t to be blamed. Unlike everyone else, Bella was the only one who sincerely wanted to support her. She gently pulled Bella in her arms and embraced her. The puppy rubbed her little head on Khushi’s chest and snuggled closer. She kissed Bella’s head and stroked her body. The rest of her morning passed by hugging Bella. It was only at 1:00 pm when the door knocked. Khushi had specifically informed the servants not to disturb her. She didn’t want to face anyone.. not even Nandakishore. But the constant door knocks annoyed her and she decided to give an earful to the person responsible for it. The moment she opened the door and was about to shout, she paused.

“Khushi bitiya, are you not well?” Nani asked with concern. “You didn’t even come for breakfast”

Khushi swallowed her anger and decided to shrug off this overconcern from the old woman.

“I was busy working” she lied.

Nani didn’t believe her.

“You seem tired and if you have to work, do it with your stomach full. I have asked Maria to serve your breakfast in the room”

Khushi frowned. Who did the Raizadas think they are to control her life? She will eat when she wants to eat, sleep until she wants to sleep.

“Let me remind you Naniji this is my house. I will let my servants know if I am hungry. I don’t need anybody’s interference”

Nani would have taken her words seriously but she knew the woman had a bad time in Singapore and this was just the aftereffect. So Nani ignored her orders.

“This might be your house and you rule this place but being the eldest one here, I cannot see my grandchildren starving”

Grandchild? Did she include her as her grandchild? Maria pushed the food trolley towards the door which Nani took from her.

“Thanks Maria, I will ensure she eats”

Maria was stunned but slipped away nodding.

Nani pushed the wheels of the trolley and stepped in Khushi’s bedroom. The room looked messed.

“What happened here?” Nani shouted in shock scanning the chamber.

“I command you to leave my room” Khushi snapped.

Nani was too determined not to obey her.

“You start eating, while I will neaten your room. You broke this vase?” she asked looking at the broken flower vase at the corner of the room.

Khushi’s blood boiled seeing the old woman disobeying her.

“Don’t make me shout. Just leave me alone” Khushi clenched her teeth.

Nani started collecting the broken pieces of the vase.

“These could hurt you Khushi bitiya. You should be careful”

Khushi strode to her and in no time snatched the pieces of the broken vase from Nani’s hands. She didn’t want to make this old woman work in her room. Plus, not when she wanted some space from everyone. Especially, from the Raizada family. The moment she snatched the broken pieces, one of them pricked her palm. Khushi winced in pain throwing it away.

“Khushi bitiya.. you are hurt. Show me” Nani forced her to open the palm and then dragged her to the washroom. Tears brimmed in Khushi’s eyes as the pain was intense but Nani’s gentleness in cleaning the wound made her forget all the anger bubbling inside her. Why was this old lady so good? So caring and so.. giving types? She never discriminated between her own grandchildren and NK and Khushi. She almost loved them equally these days.

“You should stop hurting yourself” Nani warned taking her back in the room. “If Chotte gets to know I didn’t look after you, he will be angry on me”

“He doesn’t care” she mumbled holding her tears from slipping down her eyes.

Nani passed a weak smile.

“He cares more than you know. You came back without informing him. He was so worried”

Was he, now? She looked away ignoring that thought. She didn’t want any third person knowing what happened between them in Singapore. Nani bandaged her palm and then served some meals in the plate. She broke a piece of aloo paratha, dipped it in curd and held it towards Khushi’s lips. It was a gesture no one had ever done for her. Khushi watched the old woman, startled.

“Eat bitiya”

Khushi opened her mouth and allowed Nani to feed her. Bella immediately hopped back on Khushi’s lap and snuggled closer. For the first time, Khushi felt she had a company despite being alone. She had Bella and this motherly figure who was feeding her meals right now.

To be Continued.



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Kajal never imagined in her dreams that her cousin’s fiancee, the shrewd Arjun Raheja would marry her on a gunpoint and her life would take a 360-degree turn. Will she ever find the reasons behind it? His known motive turns out to be the most bitter event of her life. And only when she decides to part ways from their already broken ties, the heartbreaking truth of his unconditional love for a 5-year old baby surfaces. Who is this baby? What connection does she have with Arjun? Will Kajal ever find out the other side of the man she hates? Where will this Imposed Knot lead them to?

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  1. Such a emotional update. Loved it❤️

  2. Awesome superb excellent amazing Heartouching should make arnav jealous Luv it 🥰🥰😘😍😍😍🤗🤗🤩

  3. She is hurt.....i was right...she can't handle rejection.....and she will hurt herself.... Arnav is right at his stance... As of now they are not a match for each other but he needs to be sure whether he will be able to stay away from her

  4. awww love it. But you know for once I want to see KKG handling things maturely. Rather than as a spoil brat. Hope that we can see in the next part. Yes, though I can say her matured ness comes with lot of attitude issues.

  5. I feel like khushi should let Arnav go. Let him free from her life and contract and live her life without feeling rejected and let Arnav live his life. If he has feelings for her he will come to woo her. Please don't make khushi act immature and desperate please madhu di. Pretty please it's a request

    1. No no.. for once let the girl woo the guy.. Khushi can gain the family love that she needs from nani and if possible a matured nk.. but I think it'll be awesome if we break the norm and make Khushi be the one to woo and get back Arnav.. I'm.not saying Arnav should play it hard.. just that he should not be the one to go behind her for love after what all she did with him since beginning, irrespective of her past

  6. Awesome Update. Arnav has left a deep impact on Khushi. Khushi doesn't share her vulnerability with anyone. Khushi's attraction for Arnav is increasing. Arnav is like her most prized possession of Khushi. Khushi called Ruby for advice but her advice was really bad. Arnav is not like that at all. But glad that she asked Khushi to confess her feelings for Arnav. Arnav is very much in control but deeply affected by Khushi. No wonder he is guilty for whatever happened between them. Both have raging desires. Khushi to impress Arnav switched to traditional outfits. Why Khushi cares if Arnav avoids her. I understand Arnav don't want to spoil anything as Lavanya is involved. Khushi again misunderstands Arnav and can't bear rejection. Arnav is correct at his place but hope he could understand Khushi's insecurities and vulnerability. On one Khushi is hurt while other side Arnav is dejected. How long Arshi can stay apart. I fear Khushi will hurt herself. Khushi is back home and Bella and her bonding is cute. Nani is so nice but Khushi should be more polite with her. Bella and Nani both will play an important role in Khushi's life. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  7. Before I thought khushi will reveal her past to Arnav and they'll fall in love but now I guess khushi would be the last person to disclose her past to Arnav or share her vulnerability. Please don't make khushi so vulnerable for Arnav. I don't think his worth either

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. After all that Kkg has done with him by making him her slave n all those blackmailing, he's worthless

    3. If khushi is at fault then Arnav isn't sane either. I agree that khushi made him sign a deal but so far she hasn't made him do something bad or out of the world. All she did was make him her driver or ask him to do some minor chores. She hasn't made him do anything major. Plus Arnav too was attracted to her as we read in the previous chapter. If he wanted to keep distance from her and had no intention to be with her then why did he return to her floor after dropping her at the lift? He should have avoided that. Now after feeling attracted and pulled towards a girl you both get closer to each other mutually and then at the end of the day you drop the blame on her saying you regret or dint wish for it to happen. Then it surely shows how worth Arnav is

    4. He didn't blame her he was trying to explain her and about making him slave n not doing something bad with him I agree but I guess blackmailing someone with intimate pictures of them was the worst and cannot be forgiven just like that.And by the way I didn't want to offend you or something it's just the "worth" part I didn't think was right.

    5. Neither did I want to offend you sweetie but just keeping my point of view just like you. I agree that blackmailing him wasn't right but I don't think khushi in this last case is to be blamed alone. Arnav needed to be man Enough to explain her in a better way and not wait till she loses patience and comes to him to talk. Just my opinion ☺✌

    6. Now just imagine it's reverse.. We would be sympathizing with Khushi saying she is a woman, she will have her limits and insecurities.. and expect the guy to come forward and express himself..
      So why not Arnav ? May be he has faced somthing in his past and is insecure because of it.. why is everyone making Arnav out to be some bad guy here ? He is not.. he is just a normal decent guy with some unknown past that lead to him thinking he and Khushi are unsuitable.. let's just wait it out before blaming Arnav, because unlike Khushi, he has done nothing to gain our ire in this story yet..

  8. One instant I was so happy knowing that Khushi truly wants to explore her relationship with Arnav but the next instant I was upset the way her meet with Arnav ended... Arnav was no where brutal in conveying his thoughts to her as she assessed.. Yes he could have been more clear but she didn't give him a chance to complete what he intended to say & just ran away from there... Just hope that whatever softness she had developed for him wouldn't vanish & a more cruel & hurting Khushi would strike back at him...

    Glad that Khushi atleast considered nani's care & concern for her to b genuine... Hope nani shares some parts of Arnav's past life with Khushi that could help her to understand Arnav properly...

    Thanks for the update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  9. Very beautiful and emotional. Loved Bella in this and also Nani

  10. Khushi should let Arnav alone for sometime. If he harbour the same feelings for her he will definitely come back to her. I understand Khushi's feelings and insecurities but she shouldn't act like a despo in love. Sometimes distance makes people understand their true feelings. Nani with her kind and warm attitude can change Khushi. Khushi was earlier in so much control now her this behaviour is little weird.

    1. I feel the same. Arnav needs space and khushi should leave him alone.. Let him understand his feelings

  11. Awwww awesome waiting for more

  12. I honestly like the way khushi reacted after the rejection of arnav. She didn’t plead or shout at him unnecessarily. Next thing khushi must do is understanding that she can’t control arnav and release him from the contract. My gut feeling tells me if she has done that arnav would eventually fall for her. I mean love her. I really hope this rejection would be the turning point of khushis life and she would changed for better. Love it 😍

  13. Like seriously I mean all of us do want to see arshi together but can it easily be forgotten that she made him her slave and treated him bad without any reason but just to bring him down and even played with her own brother's and his sister's relationship and baby for that same reason just because now she is showing her vulnerable side and her bad past.I seriously feel like she should feel & regret for what she has done wrong then only arnav should accept her.

    1. Regretting from her side would only mean Terminating the contract. There's no other way.

  14. Awesome wonderful update dear

  15. Great update. But madhu I have a request. Can we get to see Gurmeet chaudhry opposite khushi as a side character in any of your ffs like how you've used Arjun/mohit or Anuj sachdeva in your previous ffs. As after their song intezaar I really liked their chemistry. If possible you could use him in any Arshi ff henceforth, it'll be a treat to read. Just a request :)

  16. Hope Khushi will stay away from Arnav and so that he will realize her importance if he have any feelings for her .. may be Khushi's parents will plan something to destroy Khushi.. I hope Lavanya will not be a villian in this arshi story..
    Madhu please update royal fling precap today.. want to read what Khushi planned for arnav

  17. Awesome update. Loving the bond that she and Bella share with each other.

  18. Excellent.. I m almost in tears reading the last paragraph

  19. Let them have their own space for the time being...

  20. Emotional update.
    Plz dont change khushi character here. Some changes are good but don't make her emotionally vulnerable and dependent.

  21. Roller coaster update...
    Khushi arnav needed to talk properly not this hesity way ...
    She is vulnerable arnav should should have share with her properly why he feels it..

    But loved the way Nani take care of khushi.. looks like it's the beginning for khushi and nani's strong bond..

    Bella is with khushi to give her some solace..

    Looking forward

  22. Superb update. Nice to see Khushi’s change. Hmmm now Arnav have to do something about it.

  23. This is all she needs care and love and she'll be herself! Clearly her parents have discriminated and so she's turned out to be the lone wolf. Nice.


  24. I wonder how will Khushi's past will reveal now as I don't think khushi will tell any of it to Arnav

  25. Why???? Why Arnav has to do that??? Khushi felt hurt and rejected....... She was becoming more soft these days. More considering and not dominating. She felt she can trust him with her fears... Her feelings... She was going to confess him that and he ruined it all😢😢😢 Why??? He hurt her unknowingly. Will she trust him again??? Did Arnav not feeling anything for her??? Did he felt only sympathy??? He don't want to give her his life partner's place. Then why the hell he kissed her??? He was a TRUE gentleman till today. Then why did he do that if he didn't felt anything for Khushi??? I really felt bad for Khushi today. She thought Arnav is the one going to soothe her pains. She trusted him with her to let him know her vulnerability, her pains, And he broke her heart today.... All she needs was a little care and love. And nobody is ready to understand her and give her that. Not even Arnav..... Happy that atleat Bella is with her.......

  26. Nani is so sweet .. loving it

  27. My heart hurts for khushi awesome update loved it

  28. Khushi should terminate the contract and return his company shares she should try to be away from him .. so that she can make him realise her importance and also feelings fir her

  29. So Arnav feels they are not meant for each other and wants to only support her. I don't understand why khushi needs arnav's support. She is rich and equally powerful as arnav.She can face her own problems here. I hope they stay away from each other and realize what they want in their life.

  30. Arnav is giving mixed signals to Khushi now. He does not want her as a life partner because of their opposite personalities and their already hurt hearts. But then he gives such soothing and lovable talks, holds her hands.. that it is bound to make Khushi fall for him (as no one has talked to her like that and also because they are attracted to each other). In whatever way he plans to express, the main thing that he wanted to do was reject her. And so he did. This was definitely going to hurt Khushi. Best Khushi stays away from him. Already she has her own unexpressed suffering. One more added to it, will only make her feel more closed and unloved. Honestly Madhu, she should not make any personal move towards him, till he feels something strongly for her and acts on it.

  31. "Awesome update" Both Arnav & Khushi is right on theirs own provision for now situation is mess up to understand each other intention clearly that's all. Arnav grandmother handle the situation with Khusi maturely with so much care....

  32. Khushi is so insecure
    Hope Arshi get back soon

  33. Great update! Ok so Khushi was confident about her decision of a future with Arnav. She was not shy or hesitant. On other hand Arnav is confused about his feelings.He is attracted to her, wants to protect her but thinks he cant trust her with his emotions and life because of her nature and all those previous fights. Basically he thinks he is only pitying her though he is physically attracted to her. Seems he feels he is the only saviour for Khushi. In this confusion he gave her mixed signals and now everything back to square one again. But Khushi is strong enough. I dont think she needs his support in profession or personal life. She wants love. Seems it's either that or nothing for her. She wont accept Arnav going the middle way. It's better Khushi keeps away from him for sometime. It must be really scary for Khushi. Her vulnerabilities, all that she had kept guarded for many years suddenly got exposed to two people at the same time. Both Arnav and nani, who were no one to her before this marriage. I am glad Khushi realised Bella's worth. She will be the only one who will be loyal to her forever, support her in everything. And seems Khushi is not born to Shashi and Garima. Is she their niece or like adopted child or something? But NK must be their own child.

  34. Wonderful and heart- touching update
    Arnav was right to not give Khushi false hope when he himself is not sure for any type of relationship between them but he had hurt her he should have Lilly's careful as she is a very hurt soul already
    Let's see how he will make her understand
    Nani is very understanding loved the way she handle Khuhsi
    Khushi really need some love for become kind and sober
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  35. I had tears so beautiful impact Nani had on kushi

  36. Khushi should end her contract period with arnav because it is going to hurt her more as she crave for love and arnav ignored her approach.atleast she has the courage what she felt for him she tried her to tell him. But he the way he reacted its not like he doesn't feel for her but just because of some misconception he is reacting in different way.If this contract continue then she will be more Hurt it's better to cancel the contract and stop interacting with him.then only he will realise her part. Very emotional update.

  37. Finally, Khushi admitted her desire to her own self.

    I feel terrible for her in the scene where she meets him in a completely different attire. As much as I have understood her personality so far, it must be so hard for her to make such drastic changes in her appearance for somebody. The rejection afterwards was so heartbreaking, although I do not entirely blame Arnav for that - he is right in his place.

  38. Khushi needs to be loved and nurtured. Arnav also needs that. But he has a family who loves him. How can he say that they are not compatible when he feels for her what he hasn’t felt for another woman. Can’t wait for the next chapter. This story is so interesting
