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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 53


Chapter 53

Mumbai – Villa

“Why are you in so much hurry to show me the house Mr. Royal Singh Raizada? I can see that later. Right now I have to chat with Avni..” Khushi faked an excuse and joined Avni in the living room who was sitting alone as Aman was busy on a call.

Arnav clenched his jaw. She was doing this on purpose. He wanted to spend some quality time with his wife and here she was busy ignoring him.

“hey” Khushi sat next to Avni. “I forgot to thank you”

“Thank me? For?”

“Taking up Daadi’s caretaker’s role. We wouldn’t have found a better person than you. She is really impressed by you. In fact, even Anjali and Payal keeps telling me how much you look after every little need of Daadi”
Avni smiled. She was reluctant to pick that role because she didn’t like Daadi much just like she had hated Arnav Singh Raizada. But that was the only way to get an entry in that house.

“She means something to me too. Though when I took up the role, I wasn’t very happy to be around the same woman who never accepted my relationship with Aman. I don’t know if she will still accept me or not.”

Khushi read her pain. Avni was rejected by the Royal Raizadas all these years. Now she truly deserved a permanent place in their hearts and family. Khushi held Avni’s arm in hers.

“I promise no one will ever separate you and Aman this time”

Avni was delighted to hear that.

“I know. Your husband has promised me the same while we came here”

Khushi’s brow raised. She glanced at her husband who was talking to Angad on the phone.

“I was so wrong about him” Avni added with a sigh.

Khushi swallowed the tension she felt inside her body.

“It took me long to understand him” Khushi replied. “He is just… tougher on the outside. I am so lucky that I didn’t push him away for long”

“Someone is in love…” Avni chuckled.

Love? Yes, she had started loving him.

“I do” Khushi bit her lip. “I do love him.. more than anyone and anything in my life”

“How cute”

Something flashed in Khushi’s mind – an idea to give a memorable night to her husband. Here! In their New Villa!! Arnav finished the call and joined the group.

“I have made arrangements for you to fly tomorrow” he mentioned to Avni.

“Tomorrow?” Khushi pouted. “Avni wont go with us?”

“No sweetheart. We cannot travel together. It will raise suspicions in the family’s eyes. She will start tomorrow for Shantivan and we three after 2 more days”

Avni agreed.

“How is my Den? I hope Angad and your team is not spoiling my machines”

Arnav rolled his eyes.

“Your machines are in good hands. Trust me on that. And if you need any more tech instruments, just let Angad know. He will provide”

“Thank you”

“And now you my darling” Arnav leaned towards Khushi, much to her surprise. “Its high time I show you our bedroom”

He tucked his arm below her knees and picked her up.

“Now? Arnav .. I am not finished talking to Avni..”


He carried his wife all the way to the stairs. Khushi blushed at Avni who was admiring their newly profound love for each other. Their chemistry was off the charts.

“Did he just do that? Before us?” Aman asked reaching Avni.

“Your brother is more romantic than you” she teased.

“I taught him”

“Really?” she pinched his cheeks while he kissed her fingers. “Don’t go tomorrow”

“Aman” she pouted. “We need to fix things before it turns horrible for all of us”

“I know” he snuggled her closer. He too had to fix a lot of things between him and his brother. And he couldn’t wait.


Their bedroom was cozy and Khushi couldn’t take her eyes off the pictures hung on the wall. It were her solo pictures from the photoshoots 2 years back. She wondered where he got these from? Even she didn’t have these pictures with her. They were solely taken for building her portfolio.

“Oh my God” she closed her mouth with palm, shocked at the pictures. “Where did you get these?”

Arnav had put her down but he didn’t let her go away. He snaked his arm around her waist from behind and pulled her closer.

“Just got them.. don’t ask me how” he whispered.

His nose rubbed on her shoulder blade sending shivers in her spine.

“You make me do lots of hard work Mrs. Royal Singh Raizada” he complained sliding the strip of her dress.

Khushi’s cheeks turned red at his romantic assault. She turned around to face him and palmed his cheeks.

“Are you happy?” he asked.

“Very.. this is like a dream.”

“Which part?”

“All of it” she circled her arms around his neck. “Marrying a Royal… who looks after me so well.. who understands me, approves my wishes, fulfills my desires”

She kissed him. Arnav felt her lips quivering after few seconds as if she broke into a sob. He pulled away and saw tears in her eyes.

“hey…” he cupped her face. “what’s wrong?”

She denied talking about it.

“tell me” he urged.

“Is this enough for you?” she queried.

“I am loving this progress… Certainly we will do more in the course of time..”

“But you will still need more” she cut him off. “You are a Royal.. the eldest one in the family.. Daadi and others will surely want to see your heir soon”

Arnav didn’t understand her point.

“My contracts” she snorted. “they won’t let me have babies for another 2 – 3 years”

Arnav rolled his eyes apprehending where this conversation was leading.

“I am in no hurry for babies” he assured. “Take your time, live your dreams first”

Khushi had no words to explain. How can he be so… so generous?

“Only because I am the eldest Royal, doesn’t mean my baby should be eldest in his generation. This is rubbish. It solely depends on the couple when they plan to have babies”

“But Daadi..”

“I will speak to her.. She will understand”

Khushi sighed in disappointment.

“She will hate me so much. What have I turned you into?”

“A monster…” he nibbled her earlobe. “A love sick… monster”

With that he sharply bit her neck.

“Don’t” she hit him gently. “I have already had trouble hiding these marks.”

“I will buy you a dozen of more concealers to hide them. You can’t get rid of them so easily”

He kissed her hard and she was lost in his web. Their brisk walking love techniques had started making her sweat. She wondered if this continued, soon, they might even make babies without their own knowledge.



“Shopping?” Arnav queried seeing his wife and Avni Sen fully dressed up to leave.

“Yes Arnav. We have so much to shop for the baby shower. Since you men seem totally disinterested, me and Avni decided to go ourselves” Khushi answered.

“If that’s the case, let me join you”

Arnav rose to his feet but Khushi pushed him back on the couch.

“Don’t. Be home with Aman. We are grown up girls and look after ourselves. Right Avni?”

“Absolutely” she smiled. “Besides your guards are coming along. We will be safe”

Only because they were taking the guards, Arnav relaxed.

“Don’t worry” Avni added looking at Arnav. “Your wife will be safe with me”

Aman was so proud of his girlfriend when she said that. She was a protector, just like his brother.

“Shall we go then?” Khushi asked her husband.

“Where’s my goodbye Kiss?” he teased.

Khushi’s cheeks colored.

“Here? Before them?”

“They too kiss. Not that we will put them to shame. Come here..”

Arnav was about to pull Khushi but she ran away.

“Bye Arnav. Bye Aman” she giggled dragging Avni along.

“This is a great idea” Avni murmured while walking out with Khushi. “The brothers needed some space alone”

Khushi nodded approving the thought. Avni had decided to take Aman and Arnav too but it was Khushi who thought the two brothers should be left alone. Only then they could talk and bridge the gap between them. She hoped by the time they return, the two of them would be at least in good talking terms. They behaved like strangers now which was saddening.



Arnav hit the gym because that was the only way to spend time without his wife. Aman was busy on calls. His producer was giving him a tough time but Aman was handling things well. He was really a good decision maker too now, unlike before when he changed his mind almost every minute. After pushups, Arnav decided to walk on the treadmill when Aman joined him in the gym.

“You hated treadmills” Aman muttered.

Arnav shrugged lazily.

“No choice here. Unlike Shantivan, there is no walking area around this place. Not to mention the pollution in this city is roaring high too”

“I know. But this city has some beautiful clubs and the sea link is best for racing high speed bikes at midnight”

Arnav let out a chuckle.

“You seem to love this city”

“A lot” Aman nodded. “It’s like a second home”

Arnav slowed the speed of the treadmill. Did he say second home?

“Shantivan has missed you terribly Aman. Every occasion, every festival, every celebration was void without you and Akash” Arnav mentioned.

“I missed them too. Shantivan is my first home and will always be” Aman replied.

Aman pulled the weights and wasn’t able to lift the usual ones without much effort. Arnav was stunned.

“You didn’t get time for gym I see”

“Yea, hardly had time for maintaining my body” Aman replied. “Did only home pushups”

“You need to tone your arms. Try these”

Arnav left his treadmill walk and assisted Aman in lifting the weights.

“Bhai. That’s… heavy”

“Start the lighter ones..”

Aman lifted the dumbbells and started working out.

“Yea.. these are better”

“Good” Arna smirked watching his brother workout.

“I have always loved your biceps” Aman declared.

“Workout for an hour every day and you will get those”

“Seriously? One hour? You still workout every day?”

“I have my cheat days too. And now looks like Khushi is not going to let me sleep any time early to work out in the mornings. The only time I can work out will be when she will go out for shoots”

Aman laughed.

“Lucky you. At least you will have time for workouts. I am going to be hell busy in the direction”

“And weekends Avni will need your time” Arnav’s eyes brightened with humor.

Aman had a deep red blush on his face.

“Yea.. that’s right. I can’t wait to marry her”

The moment he uttered this; Arnav smiled. How could he miss that love-stricken face of his brother all these years? He was clearly in love and would do anything for his girl.

“Once this is all over, I will speak to Daadi and get your marriage fixed”

Aman dropped the weights down and the next minute, he ran into his brother’s arms. The hug melted him too and he embraced his little brother like never before.

“I am sorry Bhai… I made you suffer for 2 long years.. I could have come back.. I should have fought.. I ..”

Arnav hushed him and pulled away. He gently patted Aman’s cheeks as he saw tears in Aman’s eyes.

“Fight with me as much as you want.. but never walk away.. Never turn your back against me.. United we are stronger Aman. Divided we all fall.. our family needs us together”

Aman shook his head apologetically.

“Now stop being a cry baby and continue your workout”

“Bhai.. Let’s do something more interesting”


“Like clubbing?”


“Yes” Aman snorted. “Just like earlier.. Two Royal brothers.. dancing and drinking. Its been long since we shared a drink”

“Do you want to see me divorced?” Arnav grunted.

“Khushi won’t mind. I will speak to her”

Arnav thought for a minute.

“Or.. we can ask them to join us after shopping” Aman added.

“That sounds like a good plan. Lets shower and call the girls to the club directly”

“Yes” Aman jumped in joy. Arnav was overjoyed. After a very long time, he had got his brother back and it indeed needed a grand celebration.

To be Continued.





  1. Madhu please give precap of yaadein .. today

    1. Go read swept memories you will learn full story

    2. Dear read swept memories before but it's not a completed story.. if you read Madhu note before she started this story you will get to know there will be some changes in the story even though the story line is same ..
      And it is your problem if I ask Madhu to update the precap . If u r not interested don't read .

    3. Yes will update precap of Yaadein today evening

    4. Madhu please update yaadein precap waiting to read what happens next

  2. Very heartwarming to see all of them bonding with each other!!

  3. Superb update... thanks for the update please update yathin

  4. Awesome..pls update it's next tomorrow madhu pretty plssss

  5. Happy to see them back.Fabulous update

  6. Awesome Update. Khushi purposely teasing Arnav. Avni and Khushi's bond is getting stronger. Avni is very much aware of her responsibility. Avni also has guilt regarding judging Arnav wrongly. Arshi's romance is getting so good. Arnav got Khushi's photoshoot pics.He is turning the best husband. Arnav and Aman relationship is finally going to the right direction. Arnav is lovesick . I liked Arnav and Aman conversation and their gym session. Arnav himself took Aman's responsibility of marriage. Aman apologized to Arnav and Arnav rightly made him understand family's worth. Khushi Arnav Aman Avni are going to a club and lots of sweet moments are going to come. Royal Raizada is finally at peace. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  7. Beautiful Update In this story I really admire the love Arnav has for his family. Avni now consider herself as a part of Royal family. Avni and Khushi are getting well with each other. Both Avni and Khushi misunderstood Arnav due to his strict nature. Avni teasing Khushi were sweet. Khushi is finally so much in love with Arnav. Both Avni and Khushi are an asset for the Raizada Royal family . Arnav is romancing Khushi without any hesitation openly. Arshi's romantic moments were too good. Arnav cares for Khushi too much. Loved how he gave her freedom and cleared his status regarding the baby. Hope we see Arshi baby soon. Arnav is always eager to be with Khushi and always find a way to romance Arnav is always eager to be with Khushi but Avni assured him. Arnav and Aman had a heart to heart conversation finally and Arnav got emotional. He missed Aman terribly and always longed for him. Arnav is eager to settle his brother and rectify his mistakes. Arnav loves Aman so much. I love Arnav's love for his family in the story. Arnav did clubbing and drinking with Aman earlier was quite surprising never knew this side of him . Always he appeared strict and followed lots of rules. Can't wait for Arshi and Avni Aman togetherness.

  8. Good that Aman apologized to his brother & the royal brothers have sorted out their differences & r together again..

    Arshi's romance is as always very nerve tickling & adorable ❤️ guess Khushi is planning to confess her love to her hubby as a surprise gift for him..

    So now both the royal couples r gonna have fun clubbing together... I hope to read some naughtiness & mischiefs alongwith a lot of romance between them..

    Thanks for the update Madhu ❤️

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  9. Loved it.. are we going to see a drunk and cute Arnav by any chance ?

  10. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  11. Good progress between every relationship...

  12. Beautiful update......loved it

  13. It’s great to see they are bonding. Even Avni and khushi. I hope we will get a hint about the real culprit soon. We means readers. And I have another question too. What about anjalis sister? Is her role ended or does it have any other involvement in the story? Nice update. Thank you for a weekend update!!

  14. Beautiful update..loved arshi . The way arnav has change for good things is so nice..

    Khushi accepted to avni that she is in love with arnav wow..

    Finally both brothers are together very nice..

  15. Happy to see that Arnav got his whole family back

  16. Lovely to see them past the borders and care free bothers.



  17. Wonderful fabulous update madhu

  18. Awesome update. Loved the way they are bonding with each other.

  19. Wow khushi job is setting the tone for their relationship

  20. Awesome.. so happy to see brothers back together.. Arnav have accepted his brother's love too and like his relation growing with his wife.. loved reading these awesome chapters.. Thanks Madhu <3

  21. Finally both brother solved their problem .. and khushi accept she love arnav . Arshi coming close more and arnav understands level with khushi and career unexpected
    Waiting for next update dear

  22. Beautiful update ...
    The girls knew how to give space for the brothers.

  23. Fabulous chapter. thanks so much 👏👏
