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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 25


Chapter 25


Arnav Singh Raizada plunged in the pool in his swimming shorts. It had been a week since he was here in Singapore and running his business smoothly. But he missed home and his family. Talking once every day to Lavanya and Nani was still not enough to keep his mind sane. He missed someone else terribly. The same woman who kept him on toes every second. And whenever this silly thought crossed his mind, he felt his body straining with unknown feelings. He swam the length of the pool underwater without coming up for air. When he raised his head from the surface to breathe, someone approached right next to him, popping her head out of the cold water. Arnav’s heart sped seeing Khushi Gupta in the pool, just at one arm distance from him. She raised her swimming goggles over her head giving him a gentle smirk.

“No way” he mumbled. What was she doing here in Singapore?

Khushi didn’t look distracted at all. She ignored him like they never met before and retraced the swimming path towards the other edge. Arnav was too stunned to follow her. She swam on the surface until she reached the end and climbed the two stairs to get out of the pool. Arnav was insanely distracted when he saw her blue floral swimming suit. She was too fair, too thin and too gorgeous for swimming in open, amidst so many pair of ogling eyes. Mrs. Pinto, her secretary immediately passed her a robe which she wrapped around her wet body and met his eyes again. Arnav choked at the sight of her but made it to the other end and climbed out.

“Aap yahan?” (You are here?) Arnav queried little puzzled by her presence.

“I am here for work” she lied and took a step behind to leave when Arnav caught her elbow and pulled her closer. She felt her heart thudding loudly at his actions. Even his look on her body gave her goosebumps. Did he catch her lie? That she wasn’t here really for work but.. HIM?

“Careful” Arnav whispered. “It’s slippery down here”

Khushi then realized the floor was slippery and he just grabbed her arm so that she didn’t fall. She resisted the urge to touch his handsome face. The way he stared at her already created havoc to her senses. His wet body and her shivering form erupted an intense storm between them.. a storm which she wasn’t ready to fight anymore.. a tornado which might consume her completely.

“Same country, same city, same hotel, even inside the same pool” Arnav added. “And you want me to believe you are here only for work?” he laughed inwardly.

Khushi shoved off his arm.

“Well.. Now that I am here, I can throw a few tantrums on you too as per the contract. You are going to be very very busy again, Mr. Raizada”

Arnav’s gaze moved past her eyes on her lips and then back to her eyes.

“Banda aap ki khidmat mein haazir hai” (At your service, Ma’am)

Damn!! What made him say that? He couldn’t stop giving her that cocky smile. She felt vulnerable when he saw her with that look in his eyes. What the hell was wrong with her? When she had dived in the pool, knowing he was already in there, she hadn’t thought it would turn out this way. It was only when their eyes met as they resurfaced on the water and she lost the battle then and there. Arnav Singh Raizada was getting in her head and she found it great difficult to shove him out.

“Sir, you have a call”

The house keeping staff of the Hotel interrupted their sexy moment. Arnav shook his head and quickly wore a thick white robe over his body.

“See you at dinner Miss Gupta, if you have no other plans”

Khushi’s jaw dropped. Was he really asking her for a Dinner? All her teenage hormones were back and she wanted to jump with excitement and agree but she didn’t. It took a lot of efforts to control herself from accepting his invitation so easily.

“I will let Mrs. Pinto check my schedule and get back to you” she muttered.

“My pleasure”

He gave her a one thorough look, without any shame, from top to bottom and made his way to the Lobby.


Arnav finished the business call at the lobby and headed back to his room. Ever since he met Khushi Gupta again, his body had stopped reacting normal. He was painfully stiff and no amount of resilience or cold showers was going to get him back to usual. This was something else. There was a strange electric pull he never felt for any other woman. But why her? Why the same woman who had bonded him into chains of her 6-month slavery? She was wrong for him. He better doesn’t take this any further. He rubbed his palm over the back of his neck. Khushi Gupta was already a family now since Lavanya married NK. One wrong step from his end and it would break many hearts. But he had willingly invited her for Dinner tonight, how was he going to take back that invitation? One Dinner!! One dinner won’t harm, would it? His body warmed up again. He had felt this kind of restlessness only for weed and now he felt the same for a woman… for Khushi Gupta. It was all wrong. He could come out of that addiction safely, but how would he handle this? Fury rippled through him at his own bodily reactions. He had to focus on work and everyone else but her. And he would do that.


Gupta Villa

“Singapore?” Nani questioned NK at the breakfast table.

“Yes, Nani. I too didn’t know Khushi was travelling. Seems she got an urgent work. I got her call just today morning when she had already reached there”

Lavanya ate slowly. The thought of ASR and Khushi in the same country again, and probably even the same city and hotel made her clumsy.

“Surprising” Lavanya interrupted. “Both got urgent work during the same week for the same country”

Nani sighed understanding her point.

“So?” NK queried. “You mean they are together there and… exploring their relationship?”

“Can you stop talking like your sister?” she snapped.

“And can you stop accusing her unnecessarily” he argued.

“You stop believing all her lies first”

“Lavanya, Nandakishore.. Stop it” Nani shouted. “What is wrong with you two?”

Both shut their mouths.

“Arnav and Khushi are two adults and they don’t need your approvals to be together. Just like you both didn’t need theirs.” Nani scowled.

“She started it Nani” NK argued.

“I? I started?” Lavanya fumed even more.

“Enough you two. Ever since you have got married, you both have been fighting and arguing. Is this why you got together against all odds? To fight?”

Nani’s words pricked their hearts. NK pushed away his plate and stood up.

“Let me remind you one-time last La, I cannot hear one word against my sister. Not even from you” NK declared.

“Me neither. If anyone or even you try to suppress ASR, I wont like it”

She rose to her feet and left for her room. NK walked out. Nani was left alone at the table wondering how she would handle them if this continues? Both of them were sensitive towards their siblings and they wouldn’t back down.



“Nani.. calm down.. What are you saying? They are behaving like kids?” Arnav argued with his grandmother who told her what happened at the Breakfast today.

“You have to be very careful Chotte. Just getting them married wasn’t enough. They fight like cat-dogs over you and Khushi. Lavanya thinks you are been forced by Khushi to be together and NK thinks otherwise. He cannot see his sister in the bad light ever. If this continues, I wonder where their relationship will end up. I am so much worried for them”

“I know.. I … I will talk to Lavanya” he replied.

“Talk to Khushi as well” Nani added. “You both are involved in this problem and you should sort it together”

Nani was right. If Lavanya and NK were fighting today, it was because of them. He and Khushi would have to work on this together.

“I will talk to Khushi. She is here in the same hotel” he stated.

Nani was amused by that information. Something was really brewing between the two otherwise they wouldn’t be together.

“Give her my regards” she said and changed the topic. They talked about Lavanya’s next doctor visits and the tests she had to do before that and after few minutes, Arnav disconnected the call.


He had plans to cancel the dinner invite to Khushi Gupta but he didn’t. Not after what he heard from Nani. He really needed to talk to Khushi and come up with some solution towards the existing problem. Arnav was waiting at the lobby for Khushi Gupta to arrive. He had sent her a text that he was already down. An arm tapped his shoulder from behind.

“Hello Handsome” Tara greeted.

“Hi” he smiled back but his eyes searched for the woman he was waiting for.

“You are all decked up like you are going on a date” she teased.

“Not exactly a date” he muttered.

Tara passed a weak smile as she saw him searching for someone. It pricked her heart because the man she was trying to lure wasn’t exactly ready for her. Call it destiny or coincidence but she got her shoots in the same city where Arnav Singh Raizada had come for Business and they even stayed in the same Hotel. She met him the first day of his trip here and managed to drag him for a dance in the club twice. But seducing the Raizada was not a joke. He had unseen barriers around him. She really wanted to tear them down but.. she was afraid to do anything silly which could be a huge turn off for him.

“Tomorrow I am free in the evening. How about a coffee together?” she asked crossing her fingers.

Arnav was a face-reader, if not genius in that art, he at least knew when a woman wanted him more than a friend. In fact, all the women he had come in contact with since his teenage, wanted him beyond friendship and though in his teenage he took pride in himself, now he simply calculated his every move. He was not a man comfortable with short flings. He wanted a lifetime commitment and none of these beautiful women charmed him to propose. Tara was a good girl but he never saw her beyond a good company.

“We are getting late sweetheart”

The familiar voice made his heart pound and before he could meet her eyes, Khushi entwined their fingers and stood beside him.

“I had to shower again, got late” she added, putting a fake smile on her face.

Shower? Why did she have to give him those additional details? Tara was taken aback seeing NK’s sister Khushi Gupta and that too so much close to Arnav Singh Raizada.

“She is Tara, right?” Khushi smirked. “I have seen you in Kishu’s bachelor party” Tara gently nodded.

“I am NK’s friend” she introduced herself.

“Well, thanks for keeping my man busy in talks. Otherwise he goes insane even with the slightest of my delay” Khushi lied.

Arnav jolted at her lies but didn’t correct her. She was giving Tara an impression that they were dating and he knew why. He was Khushi’s possession for the next months and until then she wouldn’t let anyone even ogle at him.

“I got to go” Tara replied. “Good night to you two”

“Bye Tara” Arnav casually greeted and once she was gone, his dark eyes met Khushi’s.

“Are you out of your mind? You made her believe we are dating”

“We ARE…” she interjected. “Didn’t you promise me fidelity, Mr. Raizada”

Arnav exhaled roughly.

“What we lied to our family; you are now spreading it to the world Khushi. I don’t see how would we wind it up once this is over..”

Wind it up? Khushi clenched her teeth. What else was she thinking? He would stick to her permanently? Did she want that?

“Did you invite me to argue or Dinner?” she diverted the sensitive subject.

“Let’s go” he kept their fingers entwined for reasons unknown and led her to the restaurant.

It was only after they seated, that he paid attention to her dress. She was wearing a knee length skirt and a crop top which showed an inch of her belly. Her hair was curled at the ends which hung on either sides of her shoulders. She looked at least 5 years younger in that attire. The same stiffness he felt this morning was back in his body. He wanted it to stop but the way she looked at him, didn’t make it any easy. For a moment, they both basked in these complicated feelings they felt for each other, none of the two spoke; neither dropped their gazes. Arnav couldn’t read what he felt for her nor what she wanted from him. Khushi’s mind was a maze. The deeper he went, the riskier it felt to come out.

“Sir, what would you like to order” the head chef personally came to attend them.

Khushi ordered herself a mocktail and Arnav a hard drink to regroup his stiffened body.

“I spoke to Nani today. Seems La and NK had a fight again” he revealed.

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“Lavanya is unnecessarily poking”

“She is concerned for me” he debated.

“As if I am making you slog in heat and rain without food and water. What does she think I am?” Khushi growled.

Arnav clutched her hand over the table and pressed it gently.

“If we fight like them, there won’t be a difference Khushi. We have to sort it, not complicate”

She didn’t wave away his concern. He was right. Their handhold was still there while they continued to talk.

“They need to go on a honeymoon” Khushi decided. “They need time alone, with each other”

Arnav agreed.

“Good for starters” he replied. “But we cannot guarantee they wouldn’t fight there too”

“Immature lovers” she mumbled disapproving their insensibility in handling the marriage. “We cannot travel with them on their honeymoon to keep an eye. Heck, we got them married. Sticking to each other and sorting their relationship should be their problem, not ours”

Arnav grip on her fingers tightened.

“Love is not an illusion Khushi. It has a funny way of fixing things, fixing people. I am very sure, Lavanya and NK will fix their love too. But they need a push”

Khushi was thrown back by his explanation on love. He was lucky to get love from people close to him. Wish she too could say that for herself.

“And what is that push they need?” she queried back.

“I don’t know” he sighed. “They have problem because of us. If we look happy and contended by our so-called fake relationship, I think they both will get back to their own bubble. This should work, I am confident”

Khushi swallowed. He was always so generous for his family’s sake. He could do anything for them. Wish he could do anything for her… anything.

As the drinks were served on the table, she grabbed his hard drink and swallowed it like her life depended on it. Arnav watched her with an unexpected glare.

“Another” she shouted banging the glass on the table.

Arnav let out of rough exhale. The night was going to be long and he wasn’t prepared for it. Not yet!!

To be Continued.


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The sequel to Bride Lost and Found (The Bride Series)
Jahaan Singh and Niyati's marriage was accidental but there was a spark in their relationship from the moment they had seen each other at the marriage canopy. While Niyati was not interested in marriage or relationships, Jahaan couldnt lose her to maintain his Royal Tag and family status. Sorting a middle way was their only option left. But what would happen if his Ex Bride returned?
A fun loving, romantic story of a Royal Heir and his commoner destined Wife.


“Mrs. Singh. No one is going to cut your leg. It’s a hairline fracture. You will be alright in a week or two. But until then no walking”

“Oh” she sighed in relief.

He wrote some medicines which Durga immediately asked the servant to get.

“Complete bed rest, am I clear?” Durga warned her once the Doctors left. “I will check upon Jahaan”

“You don’t have to tell him this, Daayima”

“I already have. And he has started for home”

It sounded like an alarm. Jahaan Singh, leaving all his work aside and rushing home to check upon her injured leg? Is that a good sign? She hoped so. The sedatives started kicking and she preferred resting for a while before the real hurricane named Jahaan Singh returned and gave her an earful.


Hairline Fracture? The term was a combination of both relief and panic. Jahaan Singh analyzed the plaster of his wife’s leg while she snored peacefully on the bed under sedation. There was a bandage on her forehead too but just an inch longer. She really had a bad fall off Misty. He sipped his coffee which Daayima prepared the moment he reached home.

“What else did the Doctor’s say?” he asked Durga who was standing next to him.

“She can walk once the plaster is removed in 2 weeks”

“Diet restrictions?”


“Hmm” he sipped his coffee again, without moving his gaze from Niyati’s face. Even in a condition like this, she looked gorgeous. Damn! What was he thinking?

“You must be tired. I will sleep with her in this room and you can get your share of sleep in the other” Durga insisted.

“No, I will be fine here”

“But Jahaan?”

He didn’t argue and neither did she. There were streaks of worry all over his face for his wife which Durga knew would fade only when he stays in the same room and looks after her. She had always loved that quality in Jahaan. He had been a perfect gentleman in taking care of people he loved. She left the room quietly.

Also read His Destined Bride Sample Chapter 1

Read the Prequel "Bride: Lost & Found" HERE

You can Buy the Full Story "His Destined Bride" HERE @ INR 99 only. 

Or Buy "The Bride Series Complete Edition" @ INR 149 only HERE 


  1. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting I want arshi together kniw khushi past Plzzzz thanks u made my day my favorite story Luv u 🥰🥰🥰😍😘😘😘

  2. Amazing update i expect little long update thanks for the update dear

  3. Is she going to be drunk again? I really want her to share her pain with Arnav be it only drunk if this is the only way 😭

  4. Awesome Update. I think Khushi is already in love with Arnav and Arnav too has feelings for her.Arnav is a family oriented person and it's quite surprising that he missed Khushi. Arshi finally meet each other and Arnav's desire for Khushi is increasing but Khushi's ignorance surprised me . Khushi can lie to herself but is equally affected by Arnav. Arnav is so caring towards Khushi even after all the humiliation he faced for her. Arshi's chemistry is absolutely electrifying. Khushi is deeply attracted towards Arnav. Khushi and Arnav's bond is getting quite good. Khushi's attitude is just too much. Khushi can end Arnav 's bad habits of weed. Feelings can't be controlled though Arnav is trying to suppress it. Lavanya is concerned for Arnav and is trying to reach a conclusion but NK is still the same. NK trust Khushi too much. Liked Nani's thinking Tara will make Khushi confess her real feelings. Tara is even worse than Khushi no wonder Arnav caught her real intention.Arnav's thoughts regarding woman is clear and Khushi don't fall in that category. Khushi is jealous and she said my man and want Arnav forever. Arshi's conversation regarding their siblings was good. Hope Khushi realize Arnav's goodness and stop torturing him. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  5. Khushi in drunk state will reveal a lot of things about her past. It will help Arnav to understand her better. I want Khushi to confess what she went through in life. What's her equation with her parents. The pain which she is carrying for a long time. Next chapter is going to be too good. Both are connected by strings of their painful past. Lovely chapter ❤️

  6. Let's see what is going to happen... Another revelation I guess...

  7. Superb
    Next part tomorrow plz

  8. Man! He is losing to her& she is drinking now. God knows!

  9. Awesome. Loved Khushi's surprise entry and the way she handled Tara. Hope this stay will make them more close and expecting a little bit of past revelation. And Arnav has a long day ahead.... Poor him, Hope he can handle a drunken Khushi again.... 😉😉😉

  10. Madhu can you please give the precap of yaadein today ?

  11. Awesome update. Loved their bonding of relationship.

  12. Please please reveal khushis past. Please I guess it high time now

  13. Was the precap picture included in this chapter? Was it the saving her from slipping part? I really can't relate that picture to any event in the chapter sorry.
    So Khushi is gonna get drunk again it seems. Arnav is in for another long night. Hopefully she will share something from her past in her inebriated state.
    Also I was expecting a bit longer chapter :(
    Anyway thanks for the early update. Will be waiting for next.

    1. Picture precap is yet to come in the coming updates.

    2. Madhu you can create stories but you need to learn a thick vocabulary, better use of sentences, believable events, and very good editing skills since you're writing short books.
      Not criticizing you.
      Just a well wisher.

    3. Okay thanks for clarifying. I was getting confused. :)

  14. Superb update...
    Arshi are attracted to each other.. both read each other so well ..

    NK La really first has to handle their relationship..nani is right arshi will decide for themselves they not you guys..

    Loved the way khushi shoo away Tara..

    Drunk khushi indeed long night ahead.

    Eagerly looking forward

  15. So Tara is trying to trap Arnav for her benefits. He should be careful. How come NK has such friends? Lavanya is going overboard now! It's very annoying. Nani is right they dont need their siblings approval when nk and lavanya never bothered to take one from them. Plus Arnav and Khushi are older and more responsible than those two. La better concentrate on her own marriage instead of poking too much. Because Arnav is capable enough to handle himself. She should stop worrying. What makes Arnav think Lav will beleive their drama ever? Even when Arnav has fallen in love for real with Khushi and ready to marry her, La will still be suspicious and will never let them marry. Arnav better think over about his plan. He is simply entangling himself in a web.

    1. Your interpretation of story is very weak

  16. Awesome.. What a twist, they are missing each other and for whom they are acting are fighting

  17. Khushi is half way in love with Arnav and he is going slowly addicted to her... Don't know where it both ends them

  18. Attraction is sizzling
    Will they sleep together since they are drunk

  19. For some reason I feel bad for Khushi, she portrays herself as strong but from inside she is very emotional and lonely

  20. Madhu please give precap of royal fling or yaadein..

  21. Hi madhu will they sleep together after heavily drunk ? Gutter mind 😉😉😉😉😉 .Eagerly waiting for next part .

  22. Lavanya is poking so much. Isn’t she? Nk didn’t start the fight. She did. She was the one who connected the links. Khushi is not a pleasant person to be with. But she is not a murderer to kill arnav. She is afraid of a pain khushi may give to arnav but she doesn’t know the pain she has given to arnav by getting pregnant before the marriage. So she doesn’t have much of right to be angry with khushi and poke her nose on arshis relationship. I just hope khushi will become a good person with the guidance of arnav whether they get together or not in the future. That’s what matters to me from this story. Lavanya and nk aren’t babies to be looked after by their siblings. If they are like this they shouldn’t have dated without family’s consent. That’s my point on them. Nice update 😊

  23. Yaar madhu! This wait to know khushis past is making me impatient...
    Hope u write that soon 😁

  24. Hope khushi tell her all problems to arnav in her drunk state and arnav understand her pain and heal her. And lavanya should stop poking her nose in arshi matter.she should let them explore there relationship.

  25. Wonderful update ❤️ I can't wait for next part 😍

  26. Arnav & Khushi both r getting extremely attracted towards each other & they r very much aware too of the brewing sizzling chemistry between them .. But both have their own inhibitions to not to accept or reciprocate the same to the other.. Arnav is worried of the effect it might have on his sister's married life & Khushi is scared of her own vulnerability...

    On the other hand, NK & LA are suddenly behaving like older siblings, worrying & fighting for their respective siblings who are absolutely matured to take care of themselves.. NK & LA should concentrate on their own marriage & coming baby, instead of fighting for the issue, they aren't really aware of...

    Thanks for the update Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  27. Fabulous wonderful update madhu

  28. Lovely updates.. can understand La and Nk's feelings for their respective siblings.. ArShi were missing each other.. wow.. loved the updates.. Thanks Madhu <3

  29. Superb chapter. Khushi in her drunken state might reveal all to him. I hope so
