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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 24


Chapter 24

Gupta Villa

Khushi came down freshly showered. Past week she couldn’t focus on work but now since the wedding was done, she wanted to concentrate on the projects that needed her attention.

“Maria, get my coffee” she shouted heading to the dining table and buttered her brown bread meanwhile. It was 07:00 am and she didn’t expect others to be awake but as soon as she saw Arnav’s Naniji coming out from the kitchen, she was startled. Maria soon followed Nani with the coffee.

“Good morning Naniji”

“Good Morning” Nani passed her a weak smile.

“Ma’am, Devyaniji has prepared breakfast for all today” Maria informed.
Khushi’s nose flared.

“Maria, she is a guest. How can you let her…”

“Khushi bitiya” Nani interrupted. “It was my decision. Don’t shout at her”

Khushi swallowed her anger. This was her home and everyone had set of orders to do their part of the work. She didn’t like that routine to be shuffled.

“Naniji, I don’t want your grandson blaming me for making you work here” she argued. “Let the chefs do their job. I pay them”

Maria had left back in the kitchen.

“He won’t mind because even at Shantivan, I cook meals for my grandchildren. Not always. Sometimes”

“But this is not Shantivan. Your granddaughter is married in this family and your grandson doesn’t stay here with us. So, I prefer you don’t waste your energy in cooking for us. Just be our guest, relax and let us serve you”

Nani was displeased by her commands. She looked down in guilt.

“I will mind my own business henceforth Khushi bitiya”

Khushi felt a pang in her heart as she saw the old woman turning back to her room. She instantly knew she had outspoken and should apologize. It wouldn’t harm if she lets this old woman cook for them. Before Nani could slip away, Khushi blocked her way.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you” Khushi mumbled. “I am sorry if you felt that way. I just want you to rest. Let the kitchen be handled by my Chefs.”

Nani observed Khushi’s face. She seemed really apologetic.

“I have nothing much to do here so..”

“Do whatever pleases you” Khushi agreed. “I won’t interfere. But please don’t stress yourself. That’s all”

Nani nodded thankfully. They saw Lavanya getting down the stairs. She was freshly showered and in a plain blue Saree. The marriage glow visible on her face but the moment she saw Khushi, her smile vanished. Not that Khushi was expecting Lavanya to be friendly with her within a day of her marriage. They would take time to bond especially after yesterday’s revelations.

“Good morning Mrs. Lavanya Gupta” Khushi addressed. “Hope you had a good sleep”

“I did” she faked a smile at Khushi and took Nani’s blessings.

“Where is Nandakishore?” Nani asked.


“He doesn’t wake up before 9:00” Khushi mentioned. “Anyways, lets have breakfast. I am famished”

“I will eat after NK wakes up” Lavanya resisted.

“Lavanya” Khushi interrupted. “You are carrying a baby inside. Don’t let it starve. Eat something now and you can always give Kishu company during his breakfast. Come on”

This wasn’t a request; it was an order. Lavanya and Nani followed her at the dining table.

“Nani… La”

Everyone turned at the main door hearing Arnav Singh Raizada’s voice. He was here!!

“ASR” Lavanya almost ran into his arms.

Hot color rose on Khushi’s cheeks seeing as his gaze landed on hers.

“It’s such a pleasant surprise. I was about to call you in some time” Lavanya mentioned.

“I was missing you all” he replied.

Khushi crossed her arms. Was he missing her too or just Nani and Lavanya?

“Just wanted to see how my little sis is doing” Arnav cupped La’s cheeks and kissed her forehead.

“Join us for breakfast Arnav” Khushi finally intruded.

“No thanks, I had some before coming”

“Please, I insist” she debated.

Nani watched the two closely. They were very formal at times but they had a chemistry and it was visible whenever their eyes met. Something sparkled when their gaze lingered on each other. Arnav reached Nani and took her blessings.

“I think your grandmother sensed you coming here today, that’s why she made breakfast for all of us” Khushi stated.

Arnav smiled. He knew his Nani so well. She showered love on everyone. As they seated for breakfast, Arnav rolled up his sleeves high. Khushi’s heart skipped a beat seeing a one-inch cut above his wrist. It was a fresh cut.

“How did this happen?” she asked curbing her frustration.

“It’s a minor cut. I am fine” he replied.

“You should be more careful” she snapped.

“Really?” he sighed. “Just me?”

His gaze dropped on her wrists where the marks of the black band which she always used to hurt her wrists, was glistening freshly. He had seen it yesterday too when they met during the wedding. Khushi Gupta’s self-harming ways had pricked his heart every time he noticed such wounds and he desperately wanted her to stop behaving so rude with her own body.

Lavanya and Nani were sitting opposite to them and watching the two intently. Couple or not, they weren’t sure, but knowingly or unknowingly the two behaved like one.

“Nani, I am going to Singapore tonight. Some urgent work has come up” Arnav declared.

Khushi was displeased by his sudden travel plans.

“You didn’t tell me” she mumbled as they all started eating. Now this conversation was only for their ears.

“Why do you think I am here? I wasn’t going to leave without your approval”

Khushi smirked. He was abiding by the contract and she loved that.

“What if I don’t approve?” she mocked. The thin smile on her lips was enough to affirm she was just teasing him. She didn’t mean that.


“I have few conditions” she uttered. “Will share in a while”

She focused back on her plate and Arnav was amused what conditions she was going to talk about. He just needed her permission to fly because he didn’t want to breach the contract from his side. It was hardly a matter of five and half months now. Besides, he felt she wouldn’t interrupt him running the Business. But conditions? What more?


“Conditions?” Arnav stated reaching his vehicle. After the breakfast, Khushi decided to drop him till his car. Nani and Lavanya stayed inside the house.

“Just two actually” she replied. “First, don’t get seen with any other woman which can complicate the existing lie we have told our families”

Arnav rolled his eyes. However business-like she sounded, she couldn’t hide the streaks of jealousy on her face and in her tone.

“Infidelity is not my thing Khushi Gupta” he assured. “What is the second condition?”

“No weed smoking”

A shocked silence filled the space between them. How did she know he used to… Damn!! Khushi read his restless expressions.

“I have done my homework well for the contract, Arnav. Not just the business part, even the personal background. I know about your addictions and…”

“I am out of it” he said hoarsely.

“I know” she nodded looking firmly in his eyes.

Arnav unlocked his car and got inside. This was the most sensitive subject of his life and he didn’t wish to talk over it. Khushi stepped behind as he started the engine. She watched him drive out. A sudden void filled her heart. She wouldn’t have poked Arnav Singh Raizada’s emotional wounds but it was necessary. Arnav was alone after Lavanya’s marriage. Since Nani too wasn’t going to be part of Shantivan for few days, he was practically going to sulk. She didn’t want him to get attracted back to the old habits. Loneliness and solitude can get a man cross any dark borders if not guided well.

When Arnav reached Office, he couldn’t focus on anything. Scenes from the past flashed before his eyes. He was so rebellious those days. Involving with one wrong group had changed his lifestyle, affected his family and poisoned his health. Whenever he thought about that part of his life, he always regretted. Today Khushi Gupta had touched his wrong nerve and induced all those painful memories back in his mind. But he had to admit, she had dug deeper into his past because only few people knew that fragment of his life and its repercussions on his family. He had spent 3 years to come out of it both physically and emotionally. He would never drag himself on that path again. He was a changed man now!!


It took a week more for Nani to adjust in the Gupta Villa. Her routine had not changed much. She almost followed the same schedule she had at Shantivan but this place wasn’t her home, though Khushi didn’t leave any stone unturned in giving her the best comfort under this roof. Just two days after the marriage, she had learnt Nani’s choices and asked the chefs and servants to work accordingly. Nani was impressed by her efforts. Lavanya and NK were busy this week attending parties held by their friends for their wedding. And once this week, NK also had taken his wife for the medical check up to know the status of her pregnancy. Everything seemed good so far. Arnav called every night and talked to Nani and to Lavanya if she was around. In every call he asked Nani how Khushi Gupta treated them and if she was good host or not. Nani sensed he was worried for their safety and knowing Khushi’s traits, his concern was obvious. But she had no complaints. She was happy here and so was Lavanya. That relieved Arnav too. Bella was getting accustomed to the two new family members in the house. But the little puppy still preferred to be around Khushi Gupta more than anyone else.

Khushi was tossing on the bed, checking her phone, when an image caught her attention on social media. She had hash tagged Arnav’s name and that’s when this photo popped up. It was Arnav Singh Raizada in Singapore with Tara. They were holding hands and Arnav had a smile on his face. He looked quite contended and in conversation with Tara who was blushing hard. The background was of a night club and it just ruined Khushi’s present mood. What was Tara doing in Singapore? Ever since Arnav had been abroad, Khushi ensured not to disturb him with any of her commands. She could have kept him busy with her own set of orders but she didn’t. She wanted him to work at ease. But looked like she had become very lenient and forgot how she could still control his life. It was high time she got back on track and remind him the conditions she had put forth before he travelled.


Next Day

“Come on Khushi. Stop being so… impractical. Tara and ASR might just be friends and were hanging out with each other in a nightclub at Singapore. What harm does it do to you?” Ruby asked glancing at Khushi once while driving to the Airport.

“I am not affected Ruby. I just shared what I saw, never asked your opinion over it” Khushi snapped.

“Really? Then why are you flying to Singapore now?”

Khushi shot her a look.

“Official work. AR Group is not the only one who has clients in Singapore”

“Well” Ruby chuckled. “I believe if you say so. But have you informed him that you are coming to Singapore?”

Nope. She hadn’t and that was the fun. She wanted to see his reactions personally. Ruby parked the car at the private charter which was ready to fly Khushi Gupta.

“Khushi, I forgot to tell you. Your father had called me up last night. He wanted my help to convince you”

Khushi stood frozen, her gut knotted. When will her parents stop bothering them?

“I have told you not to pick their calls and you are telling me this now Ruby?”

“Hey.. I am sorry. He called from a different number and I was about to tell you the moment we met today but you started off with this Tara and ASR’s topic so it skipped my mind”

Rage fired her blood.

“Anyway, I will handle them once I am back” Khushi replied and giving a hug to her best friend, she stepped inside the Charter.


Shashi Gupta disconnected the call and turned to his Wife Garima who was busy scrolling down her phone.

“She is flying to Singapore” he said disappointedly but grabbed his wife’s attention.

The couple had been staying in Delhi ever since they returned to India but yet they couldn’t meet their Children, neither successful in attending Nandakishore’s wedding.

“Singapore? So, that means we can go to Gupta villa and meet NK at least?” Garima asked.

Shashi nodded in denial.

“No. If we meet him without her consent, she will create more problems for us. Enough of running behind Khushi. Now its time she runs after us. She has been ignoring us from a long time, no more. I see a perfect opportunity how to force Khushi to meet us”

Garima prayed silently. She just hoped that her husband becomes successful this time because she couldn’t wait to meet her son and daughter-in-law.

To be Continued.


Short Updates for a while guys!! :( 

Note: The Picture precap is still pending. It will come up in next chapter. 


The sequel to Bride Lost and Found (The Bride Series)
Jahaan Singh and Niyati's marriage was accidental but there was a spark in their relationship from the moment they had seen each other at the marriage canopy. While Niyati was not interested in marriage or relationships, Jahaan couldnt lose her to maintain his Royal Tag and family status. Sorting a middle way was their only option left. But what would happen if his Ex Bride returned?
A fun loving, romantic story of a Royal Heir and his commoner destined Wife.


“Mrs. Singh. No one is going to cut your leg. It’s a hairline fracture. You will be alright in a week or two. But until then no walking”

“Oh” she sighed in relief.

He wrote some medicines which Durga immediately asked the servant to get.

“Complete bed rest, am I clear?” Durga warned her once the Doctors left. “I will check upon Jahaan”

“You don’t have to tell him this, Daayima”

“I already have. And he has started for home”

It sounded like an alarm. Jahaan Singh, leaving all his work aside and rushing home to check upon her injured leg? Is that a good sign? She hoped so. The sedatives started kicking and she preferred resting for a while before the real hurricane named Jahaan Singh returned and gave her an earful.


Hairline Fracture? The term was a combination of both relief and panic. Jahaan Singh analyzed the plaster of his wife’s leg while she snored peacefully on the bed under sedation. There was a bandage on her forehead too but just an inch longer. She really had a bad fall off Misty. He sipped his coffee which Daayima prepared the moment he reached home.

“What else did the Doctor’s say?” he asked Durga who was standing next to him.

“She can walk once the plaster is removed in 2 weeks”

“Diet restrictions?”


“Hmm” he sipped his coffee again, without moving his gaze from Niyati’s face. Even in a condition like this, she looked gorgeous. Damn! What was he thinking?

“You must be tired. I will sleep with her in this room and you can get your share of sleep in the other” Durga insisted.

“No, I will be fine here”

“But Jahaan?”

He didn’t argue and neither did she. There were streaks of worry all over his face for his wife which Durga knew would fade only when he stays in the same room and looks after her. She had always loved that quality in Jahaan. He had been a perfect gentleman in taking care of people he loved. She left the room quietly.

Also read His Destined Bride Sample Chapter 1

Read the Prequel "Bride: Lost & Found" HERE

You can Buy the Full Story "His Destined Bride" HERE @ INR 119 only. 

Or Buy "The Bride Series Complete Edition" @ INR 149 only HERE 


  1. Your chapters are so short but better than having nothing to read...
    Thank youuuuuu

  2. Awesome superb excellent amazing I want arshi romance and married waiting my favorite story 🥰🥰🥰🤗🤗😍😘

  3. The deal with Arnav is actually benefiting Khushi as she is learning to be polite & also accept her mistake & apologize as well... But when it comes to Arnav, she isn't able to control herself... Her jealousy, concern, care, anger, everything is pure without any filter, straight from her heart.

    Now she is headed to Singapore to surprise him out of pure jealousy... Hope they both move a step forward together positively & v get to know some more about their pasts...

    Excited for their meet in Singapore... Thanks for the update Madhu...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  4. Man I hope Nani and La don't commit a mistake which anger kkg more. Hope NK handles the situation diligently

  5. Awesome Update. Nani and Khushi's bond is cute. Khushi can't behave rude with her. Nani 's warmth and care can change Khushi. Khushi though behaved rude she also apologized for her behavior that proves she is not bad. Khushi also cares for Lavanya. Khushi has a lot of expectations from Arnav. Arnav and Lavanya's bond is cute. I hope Nani came to know about Khushi's attraction for Arnav so that she can take the matter forward. Khushi's attraction and admiration for Arnav is increasing. Khushi's wound also affected Arnav. Now every time Arnav has to take Khushi's permission is too much. I knew Khushi would place a woman related condition and I never underestimate her preparation. Waiting for Arshi's past to unfold. Khushi cares for Arnav . Arnav had a troubled past where he was under the wrong influence got addicted with such things. Nani seems to be comfortable with Khushi. Khushi's jealousy and hidden liking for Arnav forced her to go to Singapore. Waiting for Arshi meeting in Singapore. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  6. I know it's wrong but if you can give the next update tomorrow 😜😁 Khushi is changing rapidly. Her deep attraction and admiration for Arnav compelled her to go to Singapore. How Arnav will react seeing her there. Why has Khushi forbidden her parents to meet NK. I think there is something big. Somewhere Arnav and Khushi both have a terrible past and has hidden griefs . Two hurt soul will heal each other. Short but sweet update 👍

    1. Also since the picture precao is pending from long so may be you can consider😅

  7. Awesome update. Khushi is changing a lot these days. She's being polite with Nani and Lav. Glad to know that. And she's damn possessive with Arnav. God knows what she's going to do with Tara!!!! And Why her parents are behind them??? Is Khushi not their daughter?? Why they are only concerned about their son and daughter in law??? What's Arnav's past that made him an addict??? Eagerly waiting for the revelations......

  8. Yes. Is Khushi not their daughter? Or is she Garima's step daughter? Right from the beginning Garima was concerned only about NK and his wedding. As it is Lavanya doesn't like Khushi much. I hope they dont brain wash her against Khushi.

  9. Hmmm so he has issues too ? Just teenage fun or some other reasons
    Why this hate to kush cause she is a gal?? Or some thing else

  10. Is Khushi their step daughter or what? They are just looking forward to see NK and Lavanya.

  11. Is Ruby really her genuine friend aur she has motive to be with khushi. Why the hell both shashi and garima don't like khushi? Awesome update

  12. Aww Khushi is so jealous, hmm Shashi Gupta wants to bend Khushi but he doesn't know that this time Khushi has Arnav beside her

  13. Are gupta parents good or bad ❓🤔

  14. Sometimes it's better to grow up as an orphan than having parents who won't love you or for them their relatives friends and society is more important than you.. you are just an burden on them .. never love those kind of parents ... Its better to be away from them than getting hurted mentally by staying with them

  15. Nice update...

    Seems nani can see the positive tension between arshi

    Khushi really did the homework well..

    Khushi is jealous that's why flying to Singapore...

    But how did Tina is in Singapore?

    Gupts couple are digging grave they can trap khushi n ASR..

    Looking forward

  16. Awesome update.. garima only concern abt nk .. I guess Khushi is not their daughter.. maybe for property or something they would have adopted her

  17. Wish to read both arnav and khushis past. Both seem to be painful to even remember. Nice update

  18. Awesome update. Loved the way all are bonding.

  19. Awesome update. Good to see Khushi mellow down for Nani’s comfort. Ooooh Khushi flying to meet Arnav ��

  20. Waiting for Arshi meet at Singapore

  21. Why are the Guptas so sinister. I hope they don’t die something to Nani or Lavanya. Khushi is obviously going to Singapore out of jealousy although she won’t admit it. So she knows about Arnav’s weed smoking addiction. Hope she doesn’t use that against him
