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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Lawful Sins 2 - Part 23


Chapter 23

Throughout the wedding rituals, Arnav stayed with his Nani, focusing only on his sister Lavanya, and ignoring Khushi Gupta as much as possible. Whatever lies she had webbed around these two families had unnerved him. But right now he had better situations to focus on than that. The most important one being Nani’s grief. Ever since that drama took place between the two families today, Nani had not spoken a word to him. She was faking smiles at everyone, but he knew she was broken from within.

“Nani” Arnav touched Nani’s arm as they stood watching Nandakishore and Lavanya complete the marriage rituals. “Please talk to me..” he urged.

“Not here Chotte. And not now” she shrugged his arm.

“You are going to go with Lavanya tonight”

“That too was your decision Chotte” Nani replied sarcastically.

Arnav felt a sarcasm in her words.

“Nani, don’t you trust me?”
Nani stared back at him in disbelief.

“I believe you Chotte, I always did. But I don’t think you believe in confiding in me anymore. You have started hiding so many things from me. And it hurts when others know you better than me”

Arnav knew she was talking about Khushi Gupta. He wanted to explain her the truth, but he also realized that it would only mean giving her more stress.

“You asked me to find a prospective bride for you, that’s why I started looking for one. If you were exploring your relationship with Khushi, why did you waste my time? Most importantly why did you lie?”

Arnav swallowed hard and the innocence in his eyes didn’t go unnoticed by Nani.

“Something doesn’t link here. And I know you are hiding a lot many things these days. I wont force you to speak up or share it with me. But believe me I will always be there for you, whenever you are ready to talk” she added.

There was a promise and an unknown support in her words. She was definitely angry on him but she still believed him and was only hurt by the situations around.

“I promise to make things right Nani, for you… for Lavanya and myself” he snaked his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to his side, comforting his grandmother.

Nandakishore and Lavanya completed their marriage rituals. They were about to make their way to Khushi and take her blessings, but Khushi stopped them and turned the couple towards Nani.

“You should start from the eldest one” she declared.

Nani though liked that thought, tried not to reveal it much on her face. She blessed the newlywed couple and her eyes turned moist when Lavanya hugged her. Tears pooled in her eyes as she embraced her granddaughter with heavy heart. Finally, the marriage was done despite all the ruckus that happened.

“I am sorry Nani…” Lavanya whimpered. “I hurt you so much”

Nani knew she was talking about her unplanned pregnancy before marriage. She pulled away and cupped Lavanya’s cheeks.

“Mistakes don’t come for free. They come with a learning. I am sure you got yours”

Nani kissed her forehead and then blessed Nandakishore.

“Take care of my granddaughter. Love is never enough, but it will suffice if you add respect and trust. You both will be wrong at some point and right at some. But till you both are together, no one will ever dare to come in between.. not even any misunderstanding”

It was a golden advice and for some reason, Khushi couldn’t help glancing the man who was waiting for his share to bless his darling sister. Arnav looked miserable right now probably because of what happened a while ago and she hoped he would cope up with this loss. Lavanya then turned to Arnav. He had no words for her, his wet eyes were enough to convey how much he loved his sister and would miss her being around. But when NK hugged him, Arnav had some serious instructions for him.

“I am giving you my soul NK, don’t hurt her ever or I will chase you till eternity.

Nandakishore chuckled.

“Man… I will keep this dialogue in mind. Who knows if I have to tell you the same when you and Khush decide to get together for eternity?” he winked.

Arnav glanced at Khushi who was the source of this misunderstanding. God knew how much he wanted to break this misinterpretation from everyone’s mind.

“But on another serious note, I will never give you that opportunity because I love Lavanya and she will never be alone in any part of her life henceforth” Nandakishore promised.

“That was more a threat than blessing” Khushi said coming forward. “don’t worry Mr. Raizada. Your sister will always be happy in my house”

“Mr. Raizada?” NK laughed again. “Seriously, Khush? You call him that still?”

Khushi didn’t realize what she had to call him if not by his last name.

“Its high time you call him by his first name” NK added. “Or is it that you call him by other names only when you two are alone with each other?”

She hesitated to respond and diverted the topic.

“This is your marriage… we should focus on you both… not us. Go take wishes from the other guests”

Nani noticed the reluctance in Arnav’s expressions when NK was teasing Khushi. She decided to find the truth once she starts staying with the Guptas.


The Bidaai was emotional. Lavanya and Nani had a long list of instructions for the servants of Shantivan to ensure that Arnav doesn’t face any difficulty living here without them.

“Nani.. I will manage” Arnav stopped Nani from stressing further. “I am not a kid anymore. I can handle my own things..”

Nani wiped her teary eyes and got inside Khushi Gupta’s vehicle. NK and Lavanya were taking a separate car and Nani and Khushi Gupta decided to travel together. Khushi crossed her arms as Arnav kept the door open for her to get inside too.

“Now that I am stealing all your family members, I think you need a companion more than me” Khushi smirked. “How about I send Bella here for a few days?”

Arnav realized she was enjoying his state.

“Just Bella?” he teased sarcastically.

Khushi’s body burned with unknown desires. Was he hinting at her?

“Who else Mr. Raizada?”

“Arnav” he corrected stepping closer. Khushi’s heart skipped a beat. “Call me Arnav henceforth because unlike you.. I am a perfectionist. Even if I have to fake something, I prefer to do it perfectly”

Her brows twitched high.

“Before your sister and Nani hate you more for having feelings for me, let me get back in the car” Khushi muttered.

She was right. Arnav had already taken the brunt of being linked to Khushi Gupta, he couldn’t afford more. She gave him a final stare and then got in the car, next to Nani. The vehicles departed and slowly the remaining guests left too. Arnav stared at the lonely walls of Shantivan where he had to spend a few months, just by himself. And he knew it wasn’t going to be easy.


Gupta Villa
“And that’s where you belong now” Khushi said to Lavanya, showing her Nandakishore’s room. It was beautifully decorated with flowers and candles.

Lavanya’s eyes shone with delight. Ever since she dated NK, she had always wondered what his bedroom would be and now she knew. As expected, it had pictures of Car models on one wall. All Posh cars.

“That’s NK’s favorite wall” Khushi shared touching the pictures. “Each one of these cars are imported and I got him all of them” she proudly added.

Lavanya sighed. She knew how mad NK was for such sport cars.

“Finally” NK entered the room. He looked thrilled for having Lavanya here.

“What are you doing here?” Khushi asked. “Didn’t I ask you to show Naniji the house and her room?”

“I showed her the room but she was too tired to see the whole house tonight”

“She was bored or you too excited to hop in back in your room?” Khushi teased.

NK blushed.

“You are always right” he replied winking at his sister.

“If that’s the case, let me leave you both alone.. It’s your night.. enjoy”

Khushi made her way to the door but stopped again.

“Lavanya, one more thing. I know you have a lot many doubts about me and your brother. Don’t let them ruin your relationship with Kishu. I am sure Arnav would want the same”

Lavanya gritted her teeth which Khushi clearly noticed yet didn’t react.

“good night” she said to both and left the room.

“Phew” NK gripped her forearms and pulled Lavanya to him. “How I wish this moment never stops”

“NK wait” she placed an arm between their bodies.

“What happened?”

“You still asking me that?” she scolded. “Everything that happened this morning is haunting me still”

“Okay” NK sighed again. “I thought we have cleared that all”

“It’s not yet clear because I know ASR. He is pretending to be good with Khushi. There is more to their story than what it looks and I will find that out”

“Why are you so much gross with my sister? Khushi is just…”

“Overdominating” she interrupted. “And she has many such qualities which ASR would never like in his life partner”

“Then let them figure it out. Why are you boiling your blood?”

“Because I have seen the worst of ASR… And I don’t want that to be repeated. I want him to be happy”

“Worst?” NK mocked. “I am sure whatever that worst is… he hasn’t faced what Khushi has. She too didn’t had a very lovely childhood by the way. And I am thankful to her that she didn’t let anyone ruin my life”

“If that’s so… then they can never be good for each other.”

“I would say they are perfect for each other” NK shared. “Two hurt souls can heal each other”

Lavanya wasn’t convinced.

“I am tired NK.. I need to sleep”

She pushed him away and started taking off her jewelry. NK was unhappy by her rudeness and sudden disinterest in him. He reached her and kneeled down to help her remove the anklets.

“NK… I can do it..”

“I am willing to help” he pleaded.

She didn’t deny.

“What’s Khushi’s story with your parents?” Lavanya queried.

“Not tonight La… They are the worst subject to talk right now. Please”

She nodded deciding to give him time to reveal their bitterness with parents. She knew some day he will tell her.


The day was tiring for Khushi Gupta. As soon as she showered and lay on the bed, Bella hopped next to her feet. Bella in her room, so close to her gave her no privacy but somehow Khushi had started liking it.. the feeling of having someone so attached to you was soothing. She remembered Arnav Singh Raizada suddenly. What it would be to have Bella replaced by him? Damn!! The thought gave her goosebumps. She picked her phone and messaged him.

“Are you really sure, you don’t need Bella? She is a good company”

She waited for his reply which came almost instantly.

“I am not alone tonight… have a great company who can keep me warm and take away my solitude”

Khushi’s body burned with jealousy. She recalled Tara whom he was almost having a good time during the Bachelor party. She was missing throughout the marriage though? Is that why she was with him now? Khushi had no c lue how to handle this situation. Why did it matter to her if he spends a night with anyone? Nope!! Even the thought of it made her choke. The buzz of another message on her phone broke her stance. It was a picture message from Arnav with a photo of an old Wine.

“My company tonight”

Khushi was relieved. He was drinking!! Far better than he being with a woman. She pulled Bella closer and clicked a picture of Bella snuggling to her chest. She ensured only Bella was noticeable in the photo, not Khushi’s face. She then sent it to Arnav with two messages back to back.

“And this is mine…”

“The only difference is that… I have someone to snuggle to.. unlike you..”

Despite being in a bad mood, his lips curved with a smile. Khushi Gupta snuggling Bella was the cutest moment of the day. He hated this woman but he loved Bella. That was such a wrong combination yet… it soothed his heart tonight especially after being alone in Shantivan for the first time.. But if Khushi Gupta was waiting for him to argue, then she better knows he wasn’t interested to. He typed back a response.

“Not tonight Khushi Gupta.. Not in a mood to argue over this.. But let me remind you… I gifted you Bella.. You have her because I chose her for you”

“You just said you don’t want to argue. THIS IS ARGUMENT Arnav”

Arnav rolled his eyes. She was right. He was arguing. Suddenly he felt better.. his mood was no longer that worse. He at least had someone to chat to… he wasn’t alone.. But why was he chatting with the same woman who always got the worse out of him? He didn’t know!! And for now, he didn’t wish to think over it either.

To be Continued.


The Picture Precap I posted earlier will be in the next chapter.

Note: Hectic Week for me guys!! Lots of work and work. hence the irregular updates. Will be regular from next week again. I will post Precap for Royal Fling tomorrow and if possible only then the full update too. 


  1. Nk was right though... Abt Two hurt souls can heal eachother... Arshi's lil chat was refreshing too... Khushi is growing soft spot for Arnav day by day

  2. Thanks for the update. Was waiting all day.

    The precap you posted is for another chapter? Or was it just a random pic?

  3. MISTAKES DON'T COME FOR FREE... THEY COME WITH A LEARNING ... Such a meaningful & a well written advice it is MADHU... I loved it...

    I'm so glad that Nani & Lav both don't trust Khushi's words completely about her & Arnav being in a relationship... They very well know that they both r poles apart, like chalk & cheese & now both granny & granddaughter will try to find out the missing link...

    My heart literally pained while reading Arnav's predicament when nani showed distrust in him & shrugged his arm... On top of that he is all alone left in his house & Khushi made fun of his loneliness...

    Anyways, thanks for the awesome update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  4. I want to know both Arnav and Khushi Past...What happened with these two...Do we have to wait for long to know about their past...Khushi is already showing interest in Arnav...When will Arnav show his interest in Khushi???

  5. Finally we got the update... Thank you so much .

  6. I don't know why I'm not liking this khushi,she seeks pleasure in others sorrow. Maybe I like Arnav more and couldn't see him in any sad situation .

  7. Lovely... our best will bring our worst

  8. Awesome Update. Loved the last part. Arshi both have a painful connection. Khushi at least made Arnav smile. Nani and Arnav's relationship is at stake. Though Nani was hurt she tried to understand him. Loved Arnav's faith and confidence. Khushi did noticed Arnav's emotions. Lavanya is intelligent unlike NK who is still supporting Khushi. What's Khushi's past. Bella and Khushi's bond is cute. Nice to see Khushi refreshed Arnav's mood. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  9. I'm just waiting for when this idiotic and stupid NK will realise that there are other people in the world too other than himself and his dear Khush and that they also might have suffered a lot.. hurt is hurt.. victimizing yourself with no disregard for others sufferings just makes you an attention seeking damsel

  10. I hoped to see the gupta parents on the wedding. Really interested in knowing the past.
    Love Bella🌺

  11. Feeling really bad for Arnav. Nani's sentiment is hurt and she lost her trust on Arnav. But Nani is really sweet and Arnav is really mature. The situation is getting painful for Arnav neither he can say the truth nor back off. Nani is really sweet and Arnav is really mature. It's nice to see the change in Khushi where she is respecting elders and Nani also acknowledge the change. I guess Khushi and Nani will share a great bond in future. Lavanya and Nani's emotional moments were good. Hope Lavanya will learn from her mistakes which is changing her brother's life. Nani gave a sound advice to NK. Khushi noticed Arnav's condition . Arnav is really helpless and upon that he is all alone in Shantivan. Khushi is deeply attracted towards Arnav and her advice to Lavanya is weird. Atleast Lavanya has brains to understand her bro unlike NK. Khushi and Arnav both have a painful past. Arnav and Khushi can heal each other if Khushi dominates a little less . Arshi's conversation was cute and jealousy is brewing in Khushi. Khushi unknowingly changed Arnav's mood and somehow her company ended his lonelines. Atlast Khushi did something good. Missed your updates 😭😧

  12. Awesome update. Poor Arnav. Suddenly he became alone. Hope he'll start liking Khushi Gupta's company. Khushi has softened towards him and started feeling jealous too. Wonder if Arnav has the same feelings or not..... When are you going to reveal their past??? Both had a very terrible past it seems. Waiting to know......

  13. Superb...

    Nani can read him n loved the way she supporting him n showing her trust.

    Like nani's advice to la Nk hopethry both work on it..

    Nk is right, 2 hurt soul can heal each other..

    Nk needs to show maturity to handle la..

    Like arshi chatting

  14. Loved nanis advice for the newly weds. Waiting to know about arnavs and khushis past. They both have a bad past. But unlike khushi arnav is still a human. Khushi is a monster. I don’t know why I can’t like this khushi however I tried. She is not changing at all. May be that’s why. Hope Nani will be a mother figure to khushi and won’t ignore her at all. Nice update!!

  15. Khushi is changing for the good. I'm sure khushi has been through more than what Arnav has been through.. I'm not saying any persons hurt is less than someone else's but sometimes some hurt are worse that they can't be compared. And i feel khushis past is one of them. Arnav still had nani as an elder to support him while khushi was alone with a little brother with no help from any parent or family. Madhu di please reveal their past soon so that we can judge accordingly instead of us pointing at khushi alone for her worse attitude. I'm sure there's more to khushi than she's showing

  16. Wonderful update loved it
    Good to see that Khushi care for Arnav but she is not accepting that she like him and his presence effect her
    Nk is right that two hurt soul will make good couple
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  17. U empathise more with kush ...poor gal no one really seems to understand her and her emo towards arnav are all over the place

  18. Khushi is alone here , no one understands here . Arnav may be alone at home but everyone are with him .


  20. Fabulous wonderful update dear

  21. Màdhu since you are not sure whether you will give us full update or not.. can you please update the precap a bit sooner?

  22. I don't understand how no one seems to accept Khushi in a negative light, but are always ready to bash Arnav before even knowing his reasonings... Having read so many FFS almost all, where Khushi is shown as Mary Sue and the reawakening of Goddess herself, this is such a welcome relief to me.. good work Madhu.. :)

  23. Arshi chat was lovely, did not like Lavanya's behaviour...

  24. Some one need to understand real khushi Gupta. Hope arnav and nani both find out who khushi is what she really crave for.and khushi should remove the bond fabulous update

  25. Does he really hate Khushi... Loved it

  26. Eagerly waiting for that day when khushi gupta will have arnab to snuggle to...... Superb wonderful update .
