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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 22


Chapter 22

Arnav was engrossed on phone calls. Today was a big day for his sister. She was getting married to the man she loved. She would be gone with NK to Gupta Villa and he will miss her presence around. But unlike the past few years, at least she would be still in the same city and he would meet her whenever he missed her. Since morning the guests had started coming. Nani was busy with the Priest, checking everything on the ritual side. Lavanya’s hair dresser reached him.

“Is she ready?” he asked.

“Yes, but she wants to talk to you”

“Talk? Now?”

“Yes Sir. And she has also called Naniji with you”

Arnav was amused what his sister wanted to speak at this hour? The Guptas would be here any moment. He informed Nani and the two headed to Lavanya’s room.
“La.. what’s going on?” Arnav asked as soon as he saw her weeping before the mirror. Nani pushed the door closed but forgot to lock. “Are you okay? Is the baby fine?”

Arnav embraced her but she gently pushed him away.

“This marriage cannot happen” Her voice was clear and words loud enough for Arnav Singh Raizada to grasp.

“Are you out of your mind?” he snapped. “Lavanya, you love Nandakishore. For God’s sake you are carrying his baby even. What the hell has happened to you to say something so tragic?”

Tears rolled down her cheeks but she wouldn’t let them weaken her.

“I love NK. I am even having his baby but for a future with him, I will not ruin my brother’s dignity”

Arnav couldn’t understand. What did she come to know? Was it the 6-month deal? It was impossible that Lavanya would know about the deal because those papers were secretly kept in their respective offices, in a place where only Arnav and Khushi had access to.

“Lavanya..” Nani came forward. “What are you talking about?”

“I am talking about this..” she showed him the legal papers of Khushi Gupta owning 50% of AR Group shares. Arnav was taken back seeing those papers with Lavanya. What the hell!! But it wasn’t the complete set, just two pages of the entire 23-page deal. Lavanya had read only these two pages which confirmed that he had transferred 50% of his AR group shares to Khushi Gupta. What she didn’t know was that it was only for the next 6 months and there was still a story behind it.

“What are these papers doing with you?” he snatched them without any delay.

“They came for you this morning. Seems you forgot to sign in one page”

Arnav clenched his jaw. This shouldn’t have been disclosed.

“It’s not what you think” he tried to explain.

“What is this? Tell me somebody” Nani shouted.

“Nani” Lavanya walked to Nani. “ASR has shared 50% of our company rights with Khushi Gupta”

“What?” Nani gasped in shock. “Why?”

“I will tell you why” Nandakishore Gupta stormed in the room.

Now his presence, at this moment shook the Raizadas. NK passed a cold stare towards Arnav who had no clue how was he involved in this conversation? Did he know too? Damn!!

“He wants to clear his image, wash up the act that has screwed my sister’s life” he muttered.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Arnav groaned.

“Don’t be so innocent ASR. I am talking about this picture” he showed Khushi’s mobile screen to Arnav whose body heated up seeing the same photo which was clicked to frame him when Khushi and he had spent a night together, in Prem Nivas, the night when he saved Khushi from her false attempts of suicide. Lavanya reached Arnav’s side and saw the picture too. Khushi was almost lying on the bed, whereas Arnav’s strong hands had cupped her face, he had almost leaned over her and it didn’t look they had any clothes on. Lavanya covered her mouth with her palm and stumbled behind.

“Lavanya.. what was it?” Nani came forward.

Arnav snatched the phone from NK’s hand before letting Nani watch it too.

“What is Khushi’s phone doing with you?” Arnav growled. And though that was still an important question to ask, he wanted to know why Khushi Gupta lied to him? Why didn’t she delete each one of those pictures when she had promised to do so when he agreed for their deal.

“I have seen the bruises ASR.. The ones my sister gave to herself after that night. I didn’t know a man like you would ever do that to my sister and then pay her half of his Company Shares to keep her mouth shut?”

The moment he said this, someone turned him around and slapped him hard. Before anyone could realize what happened, Khushi Gupta stood there frozen, for slapping her brother. She had never hurt him, but right now, he deserved it.

“Khush” NK stuttered in a low tone, touching his hurt cheek.

“Apologize to him Kishu.. Right now” Khushi muttered.

“Apologize?” NK snapped. “Never. He has hurt you”

“He hasn’t” she shouted. Arnav watched her with confused eyes. Did she really slap her little brother whom she loved more than her life? Only because he misunderstood the entire scenario and blamed him for things, he hadnt done?

“Stop lying Khush. The photo isn’t a lie”

“It could be morphed” Lavanya argued. “Your sister could do it. I know she is torturing my brother and this 50% shares were a dowry she might have asked from him.”

“Shut up” NK growled at Lavanya. “You cannot point at my sister.”

“Then you stop pointing at my brother” she yelled.

“Enough, both of you” Nani interrupted. “Its your marriage today and how are you both behaving with each other? I didn’t see the photo but I trust my grandson. He would never hurt any woman. Never”

“You mean, we are framing this, Nani?” NK asked but in a lowered tone. He didn’t want to disrespect the old woman.

“No one has lied.. No one framed anything” Khushi muttered unable to meet Arnav Singh Raizada’s eyes. She knew the moment this was over, he would pounce at her for not deleting this photo but it wasn’t her fault. That intensity they both had in this picture was her only solace these days. It strengthened her from something she was not prepared. It consumed her yet soothed her down in her most vulnerable times.

“Then what is the truth?” NK asked. “Come on Khush… we all want to know why are you supporting this man despite of what he did to you?”

“You want to know what that picture is all about and why he gave me 50% of his company shares?” Khushi scowled. “Then listen. We are deeply attracted to each other.. We are exploring the options of our relationship and he gave me this 50% of his company shares only to stabilize Gupta Industry’s financial credibility in the market which any man would do for the woman he was interested in having a future with”

Everyone was shocked. There was complete silence in the room. Arnav felt blood gushing in his brains and though she was half right about the shares part, why the hell was she linking it all to a relationship between them which they never had?

“Relationship?” Lavanya breathed hard. “ASR and you are in a.. relationship?” she turned too look at her brother who had the same confused look on his face.

“You heard it right Lavanya, so don’t make me repeat it. We didn’t want to disclose anything yet because its still very raw to both of us. We..”

“Khushi” Arnav strongly interjected. “We need to talk”

She realized by his tone that he wanted to bury her alive for all the lies she had been weaving.

“Of course” she gave a rigid look to both NK and Lavanya before walking out of the room, followed by Arnav Singh Raizada.

Nani slouched on the chair. What was she hearing? Her grandson and Khushi Gupta? This was next to impossible.

“I don’t believe them” Lavanya fumed.

“My sister wouldn’t lie. She has nothing to lie. Why will she cover up for your brother unless they are dating each other?”

“They are not dating.. ASR was with Tara last night”

“Did he tell you that?” NK scowled. “Because that’s not true. He was with Khush.. at Gupta Villa.. In her room and he left this morning. I have seen the video footage”

Lavanya felt like she would collapse any moment.

“You are lying” she cried.

“I have the footage home” NK replied confidently. “He kneeled before her and took her hands in his. “Believe me La, when I saw that video I wanted to call him up and ask him straight away what was happening. When Khushi was busy this morning, I checked her phone and that’s when I saw that picture. I had no problem if they both were dating or wanted to explore their feelings for each other. But I wouldn’t let it go until your brother assured me that he was serious about Khush. That’s why when I came here, I headed straight to meet him. I heard you asking him about the 50% shares and my blood boiled. If he was going to pay my sister instead and push her out of his life, I would never leave him.

Lavanya frowned. She wasn’t able to connect the dots anymore. She was so stressed.

“But how could you deny our marriage?” NK muttered angrily. “This day… this bond between us is so important La. Whatever happens between ASR and Khush, I don’t want to lose you”

“I cannot marry you because I know your sister is threatening ASR with something. He wouldn’t have any relationship with her. She is not his type”

“And you think ASR is my sister’s type?” NK growled. “No, he is not”

“Enough you both. Stop fighting” Nani intervened. “Let us wait for them to return. Do not take any hasty decisions which can ruin everything between these two families now. You both have already crossed many lines. It is time we set this right instead of arguing”

Lavanya remained quiet and so did Nandakishore. Now they all waited for Arnav and Khushi to come back in the room.

Arnav locked the door of the guest room where he had taken her to talk. The moment they were alone, he snapped.

“Our deal is off” he growled. “I had told you specifically to delete every single photo of that night and you clearly didn’t”

“Read the contract again Arnav. The deal would have been Off if Lavanya had got to know about this 6-month contract between us which she hasn’t so far. You are still mine.. you will be mine.. and you will do exactly what I say.. during this tenure.”

“This is over Khushi Gupta” he shouted. “And the story you framed is disgusting. I have nothing to do with you”

It hurt her. But she didn’t let it affect her pride.

“You think I want anything physical from you? No, Mr. Raizada. I have better options in men than you.”

“Then why did you lie?”

“Because that was the only way to sort this matter. Look around. The marriage mahurat is almost up. I didn’t know Kishu had a camera installed in the living room to record the footage of Lavanya’s griha pravesh tonight in a different angle. He saw you going out of my room this morning and probably that’s why he checked my phone and saw that picture. I had deleted it”

Now that was a lie. She could never delete that picture.

“The deleted pictures on my phone get stored in a trash folder for 30 days until I clear my trash too which I clearly didn’t realize to do.”

Arnav groaned in frustration. The story which she told his family would create more fuss and his Nani and Lavanya would never believe it.

“If you want to see your sister start a family with Kishu then you will have to accept what I said and proceed with the marriage”

Arnav didn’t speak a word. He kept looking elsewhere, trying to focus what decision to be taken.

“You don’t want to see Lavanya happy? She is breaking off this marriage. Is that what you want?”

“Don’t blackmail me with my sister”

“I am not blackmailing you Arnav Singh Raizada. I am asking you to think from every angle. The whole world knows they are marrying today and if this doesn’t happen, none of the two families could bear the humiliation. You think Kishu and La will be happy if they separate? I had to lie.. to save their relationship.. I have learnt this from you. And now you cannot back off”

“Learnt from me? I never lie”

“But you save relations from breaking. That’s what you did with La and Kishu. You agreed to do anything to see them together and happy”

Arnav was in fix.

“This.. this is totally wrong. They are linking us for no reason”

“We will break it officially when required” she answered. “I never said we are going to marry. We are just exploring the possibilities of our togetherness. Everyone knows we are two people with different goals and choices. We will tell them this didn’t work and we will part ways”

Arnav’s eyes bore into her.

“You have no limits Miss Gupta. This a big lie and it will not just ruin my image but also yours”

“I don’t care” she shrugged. “I just want this marriage to happen because breaking it because of us is the last thing I wish now”

Arnav fisted and unfisted his fingers, unable to take a decision. The hardest part was convincing Lavanya.

They returned back in the other room and three pair of eyes were watching them anxiously, waiting for some words which could sort this situation.

“Lavanya” Arnav reached his sister. “I want you and NK together. Living a happily married life”

“No ASR. I wont let you bear the burns of my marriage”

“You still don’t believe it? Whatever Khushi said is partly right. We… we have started to like each other. I should have told you but I wanted to be sure before I confess it to Nani and you”

“Chotte… are you in any kind of pressure. Please tell me”

“He is dating an independent businesswoman Naniji” Khushi interrupted. “Not any smuggler or Don who can blackmail him for getting things done her way. Trust him when he says we are together and like each other’s company”

“I don’t believe this” Lavanya cried.

“Hey…” Arnav cupped her jaw. “You have to trust me. Please. And don’t stress so much, it is not good for your baby”

NK pressed Lavanya’s shoulder.

“La.. if that’s what they want, we shouldn’t poke. I am glad this is not how I thought it was. I will be more than happy if my sister gets a life partner like ASR”

Khushi’s body tickled at the approval. But one thing was still pending.

“Time is up. We should get the rituals going. Kishu.. come on” Khushi gave a final stare to Arnav. NK was ready to leave down when Khushi stopped him.

“Arent you forgetting something Kishu?” she asked.

Nandakishore read her unsaid words. He knew how particular his sister was when she demanded. She had asked him to apologize to Arnav which he hadnt done yet. He nodded and looked remorsely at Arnav Singh Raizada.

“Sorrry ASR. I shouldn’t have said all that. As a brother, I was just worried if Khush is safe and.. I said all that.. Please forgive me”

Arnav swallowed and gave a gentle nod as if accepting his apology. Once Khushi and NK left the room, Arnav focused back on Lavanya and Nani. He knew whatever happened, none of two believed him that he would choose Khushi Gupta to be that woman in his life.

To be Continued.



The sequel to Bride Lost and Found (The Bride Series Book 1) is finally HERE to all those who wanted to read about Niyati and Jahaan Singh's after married life - His Destined Bride (The Bride Series Book 2)

Jahaan Singh and Niyati's marriage was accidental but there was a spark in their relationship from the moment they had seen each other at the marriage canopy. While Niyati was not interested in marriage or relationships, Jahaan couldnt lose her to maintain his Royal Tag and family status. Sorting a middle way was their only option left. But what would happen if his Ex Bride returned?

A fun loving, romantic story of a Royal Heir and his commoner destined Wife.


“Mrs. Singh. No one is going to cut your leg. It’s a hairline fracture. You will be alright in a week or two. But until then no walking”

“Oh” she sighed in relief.

He wrote some medicines which Durga immediately asked the servant to get.

“Complete bed rest, am I clear?” Durga warned her once the Doctors left. “I will check upon Jahaan”

“You don’t have to tell him this, Daayima”

“I already have. And he has started for home”

It sounded like an alarm. Jahaan Singh, leaving all his work aside and rushing home to check upon her injured leg? Is that a good sign? She hoped so. The sedatives started kicking and she preferred resting for a while before the real hurricane named Jahaan Singh returned and gave her an earful.


Hairline Fracture? The term was a combination of both relief and panic. Jahaan Singh analyzed the plaster of his wife’s leg while she snored peacefully on the bed under sedation. There was a bandage on her forehead too but just an inch longer. She really had a bad fall off Misty. He sipped his coffee which Daayima prepared the moment he reached home.

“What else did the Doctor’s say?” he asked Durga who was standing next to him.

“She can walk once the plaster is removed in 2 weeks”

“Diet restrictions?”


“Hmm” he sipped his coffee again, without moving his gaze from Niyati’s face. Even in a condition like this, she looked gorgeous. Damn! What was he thinking?

“You must be tired. I will sleep with her in this room and you can get your share of sleep in the other” Durga insisted.

“No, I will be fine here”

“But Jahaan?”

He didn’t argue and neither did she. There were streaks of worry all over his face for his wife which Durga knew would fade only when he stays in the same room and looks after her. She had always loved that quality in Jahaan. He had been a perfect gentleman in taking care of people he loved. She left the room quietly.

Also read His Destined Bride Sample Chapter 1

Read the Prequel "Bride: Lost & Found" HERE

You can Buy the Full Story "His Destined Bride" HERE @ INR 99 only. Offer limited.

Or Buy "The Bride Series Complete Edition" @ INR 119 only HERE


  1. Interesting... unable to predict anything.

  2. I ❤️ the turn 😘😘☺️

  3. Well, I think Khushi handled the situation quite smartly here.

  4. Bloody NK... So concerned for his sister Khushi's dignity & was throwing insult at Arnav that too when he isn't at fault.. Where were his words of wisdom when he slept with Arnav's sister & got her preggy before marriage... Why didn't this protective & possesive side rose for his girlfriend then... Till now he just behaved like a carefree teenager when it came to Lavanya... But as soon as its about his sis Khushi he talks & behaves like all grown ups.. Bloody double standards.. But I'm glad atleast Lav is sensible enough to not believe Khushi's lies... Khushi is such a big lier & very cunning at that.... All that matters to her is her deal with Arnav... Both Gupta siblings are very selfish whereas Raizada siblings r way too innocent & modest for them...

    Thanks for the nice update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  5. Awesome Update. Thank god Khushi didn't blackmail Arnav but proposed like a mature woman and she finally learnt something good from Arnav. So in the next part Arshi will get married. Khushi is deeply attracted towards Arnav and confessed it. Her possessiveness one day will turn to love. Khushi's feelings are pretty intense. If one photo gave her solace I am sure Arnav will remove all her pain and become her strength. Waiting to know Khushi's past which has deeply affected her . Lavanya's character is the best where she got ready to sacrifice her love. And NK is still dumb. Can't wait for Arshi's marriage. Arnav can reduce her pain and end her loneliness. She doesn't share but deep inside she is hurt and carrying the burden of her past and pain. She only knows to show her anger to hide her feelings. Thanks for the Update 😍😘

  6. Unexpected twist but l like it I don't know why but mind-blowing update. Thank you..

  7. Khushi played a big game and NK is still dumb he thinks his sister is still innocent. Not that I had any high hopes from him. I still can't believe Lavanya can fall for him. Khushi though confess her attraction told the half truth. Both Gupta siblings don't deserve Raizada. Khushi is very manipulative and cunning . I was feeling sympathetic towards her. Khushi is flying high now but will soon fall. Khushi has feelings for Arnav but her ego is too much. But I believe only Arnav and too some extent Nani can change her. Waiting for Khushi's past to unfold.

  8. Wow. I wasn't expecting this. Just wow. Glad khushi act matured unlike her usual selfish way. Looking forward to read more

  9. I feel like smacking Nk ... he's so blind to see the reality.Glad Lavanya is mature enough to understand the situations... awesome update madhu

  10. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting I

  11. deabak!!!!!!!!!!!!! such unpredictable update. Looking forward

  12. Khushi knows how to change the situation according to her way....and NK when comes to his sister he is so into himself

  13. Hmm! Twist in the tale! A fake relationship now! Urgh!


  14. I am addicted to this ff, always keeps us on our toes to know what's next. Already waiting for the next part❤️

  15. Roller coater ride.but I loved it. Hope arnav fall in love with her Khushi do have feeling but she won't confess .

  16. Can we have Arnav not at all talking to Kushi? I hate to see Arnav in helpless situation....huh...pls could you bring back that Arnav who knows how to protect himself on his own?

    1. Hey,isn't this the difference with different plot story? I want to say in many stories we read same or more arrogant character about Arnnav but now reading about Khushi being different. When we usually read Arnav character we seems to say most often it's oky,he will understand soon etc. All I want to say we can simply enjoy this ff with different personality of Arshi that's makes the story more unique.

  17. Frankly speaking I really don't hate this khusi. Ya she is cunning knows to turn situation as per her needs.But the fun fact isris side is also not that weak. I mean arnav do the things she told but he knows where to draw a stopping line. He is not all bechara types. He is one powerful character. And one request pls make this arnav all supportive type when he finally learns about khusi and what caused her to act like that. No any revenge. And about nk and Lavanya. I don't like both. I don't know why. Nk is out of question to be liked.
    Plspls give precape for yaadein

  18. NK is such a hypocrite.

  19. I think somewhere khushi's parents is behind Lavanya getting to know about the 50% shares of AR industries.Something is not right here khushi can be manipulative,cunning but not cruel.

    1. I think the same tooo.
      I think they're going to attend the wedding too

  20. I don’t like both lavanya and nk. They are the reason for this mess. They are frustrating. I’m sorry for those who like them. I just hope after they marry each other story will not concentrate on them much. I mean they are important but still I can’t like them at all. Khushi is wrong here. Why the hell she can’t delete it from her phone. And there is an archive option. She could have done that. Silly woman. Hope their contract will over soon. Nice update!

  21. Not liking both lav and NK. Who are they to point on others as if they are saint.

  22. Madhu please update yaadein precap today ..
    Also because of garima and Shashi may be arnav and Khushi will get marry.. to protect Khushi arnav may say that he will marry Khushi .. Madhu please disclose the past why is Khushi like that what happened and also arnav's past ..

  23. Wah re nandkishor...such a sick hypocrite..his sister's dignity n feeling are on priority.. the first thing he thought aftr arnav leaving gupta house n this 50% shares is arnav is using n ditching his sister? doesn't he knw the company prblm.. couldn't he think arnav might be helping financially..oh right He doesn't hav enough brain or feeling of responsibility to care about business.. n the way he had promised khushi he wouldn't marry La that if khushi didn't want even when La was pregnant he sure has no character or pride or any kind of integrity..sure he can dump La but his sister needs to be protected..La showed some courage.. really proud..khushi i dnt know what to say..but not done how she endlessly gets to manipulate evry situation...n is she kidding by the 30 day trash thing?? So only one picture stayed there ha..such a lame excuse for such cunning woman

  24. I hate both nk and lavanya��

  25. The family came to know about the partial truth. Wow Khusi is changing a lot or I should say Khushi is becoming Khushi. Feel sorry for Lavanya because if she comes to know the total truth will she be able to forgive herself.

  26. Things turn here from complicated to unpredictable....

  27. Please dont make khushi and arnav get married for some purpose like in all other stories. It'll feel like the same story reading again n again. Let them fall for each other than get married please it's a request

  28. Madhu you promised to do the online chatting with your readers .. bit I don't think you are interested in doing so anytime soon .. why so ? Are you busy or don't want to interact with your readers?

    1. I sorry if I hurt you but the way you asked is quite rude I think. Why wouldn't she want to interact with her reader. There might be some problem dear. So we would just wait some more enjoying her updates

    2. Yup. Little busy these days. Hence cannot fix a time and date for online chatting. But will try sooner.

  29. Arnav threatened khushi that if any of their pic gets revealed he would call the slavery deal off
    Then why is khushi mentioning that deal can only be off if Lavanya learns about slavery deal

  30. 🤷‍♀️ nothing much to say.

  31. I really wish to see khushi's downfall here in this story ,maybe because I think she is very manipulative or because I personally don't like to see Arnav so helpless .

  32. Yes i too hate both Lavanya and NK.They are the reason for all the mess. They are so impulsive.They dont think through before acting. They dont know how to take decisions for betterment of everyone. First they cross all the lines, get pregnant without thinking of anyone or the consequences like nani said.Then again when Arnav went to great extent to set it right, she is doing the same mistake. When Lav doesn't have problem with NK and calls off this marriage in the last minute for Arnav, it's Arnav's reputation which is going to affected utlimately. This Arnav-khushi issue can be sorted after the marriage also. If lav was suspicious of Khushi she should have not agreed for the marriage at all. Agreeing for it and calling it off when the whole world came to know it's too bad. And this NK he should have first spoken to Khushi, then ASR before accusing him directly. Feel bad for Arnav. He has become scape goat. First by Khushi. Now even though she changed, circumstances have made him one.

  33. All desi aunties here claiming NK&Lavanya wrong while khushi:

    • Thought Arnav & lavanya are trapping him

    • He wants to sleep with her n is offering prem nivas keys

    • Sends NK away a day later he learns Lavanya is pregnant while i agree NK is stupid too

    • Blackmails arnav into signing slavery deal

    • Tortures him with stupid tasks

    • Blackmails again to get 50% shares. Though her reasons can be justified but not the way she did this.

    • Makes every girl Arnav interacts run away. Its he who should be deciding.

    So get your guns against Khushi. Her troubled past should not be considered an excuse for her mistakes

    But Ooops!!! You all starting to like khushi n its convenient for your liking to hate Lavanya & NK

    1. I too don't like nk and Lavanya. But im definitely not desi aunty. Moreover I'm not even from india. I think all are saying they don't like them because both are wrong here. It is because of them all mess started. Arnav is bearing all this because of them. And Who asked arnav to sign the slavery task. It was his decision. Who on the earth sign such task even being such successful man. And where was his asr brain at that time. And about 50%share when he was sure she wouldn't harm his ar he transferred it. Not before doing his work.

      He is no any bechara character here. Why aren't they seeing it.
      He is one strong character. And khusi and arnav are supposed to be together. We love them so much that we want them to be together at the end and arnav supporting khusi is always what I wanted to see even in the serial which mostly never happened.
      And no one is saying they like khusi. They are saying they don't hate her. And everyone are curious to what tend her to be like that. When a happy go lucky child turns out to be so cold there may be big reason. So it's not wrong to be curious.

    2. Lolsss. Arnav supported Khushi in serial?. Tells how much you understood serial.
      Anyway, what if you were in his place if sister was in love with a guy and cherry on top is she is pregnant. You will accept slavery deal. Atleast its better than the humiliation your sister will face n who forced her for this ? Khushi.
      Coming to 50% shares, she said she wouldn't let the marriage happen untill he gives her 50% shares. He got into action, learnt the reason n signed cuz it was making his sister's future safe n he also wanted to help khushi.
      If we just consider this little thing that if there was no khushi in this story and another sane woman, all would have been different, you wouldn't be blaming NKLavanya.
      Khushi is the culprit n she must suffer.
      But its easy for audience to blame Nk&lavanya because they have started liking Khushi so lets be biased and its all Nk& lavanya's fault. She got pregnant. It was because of them that asr was forced. If situation wouldn't have been like that Khushi wouldn't have found anyway to torture arnav. She is a living angel.

    3. Arnav never supported khushi in serial*

    4. Is he really safeguarding his sister. He sending her to the same house where the same cunning girl is staying. She can do anything according to you. And for your information by signing such slavery deal he is not protecting his sister but giving her full responsibility to same nk who can't even take decision for himself. And for god sake who on the earth sign such task. There are thousands way to give his sister justice.

      And ya about 50% share he acted mature. And definitely everyone is liking this arnav . Who is saying he bad. I want him to act mature throughout and not lose his character just for taking revenge which is not at all the solution.

    5. Since you are suggesting he had 1000 other ways to save his sister, you might be able to list some 15?
      Btw, khushi is not threatening lavanya or her kid, she is just trying to revenge arnav & lavanya is arnav's weak point. So TheEvilBitch tried her trump card . Yes Arnav is supersuper stupid here too but he chooses his humiliation over his sister's.
      And since u suggested arnav had 1000 ways to protect his sister you might as well list some 15 ? Yes 15

  34. Awesome update. Loved the way they both handled maturedly.

    1. Why your comment often gets deleted. Trust me im very curious

  35. I really don't want la and no to get married bcuz no is not marture enough for marriage,he don't care about la but his sister eventually if they get married la will have Kno say in that family bcuz what ever khushi say will be finality for nk.

  36. Lavanya would have realised NK is im-mature and not serious with his life when she is in a relationship. She should have dumped him already. Its not like NK forced Lavanya. Its a mutual decision. So one should stop blaming only him for her pregnancy. Both are at fault.

    Khushi's posessiveness for Arnav is increasing day by day. Hope Arnav is not forced to marry Khushi in future.

  37. Wow NK so easy to jump into conclusions when its somebody else's character you are assassinating. I really wish the whole contract to be disclosed in front of them soon. I want to see what NK will have to say to his sister then for being such cunning, manipulative person that she's been so far. It'll be like a slap to him knowing its not his sister who has been a victim but its Arnav and Khushi has got a chance to demand all this nuisance because of their silliness. Being in love and taking your relation forward is fine but there is a thing called protection, for someone so young and reckless they should have known better than to let a life come into being when they are not even mature enough to handle the responsibility.

  38. Didn't Khushi hurt herself? I thought Arnav will see it :(

  39. Fabulous wonderful update madhu

  40. Madhu I want to confess one thing I am just addicted to this story .Outstanding. Eagerly waiting for next part.

  41. Interesting twist .
    Khushi has now feelings for arnav...

    What will happen when LA and NK get to know the truth ...

    Like the way arnav si far did things without telling lie ..but this time khushi though lie but did well for all

  42. Just started to read the ff from this chapter.. wil go back and read the rest..

    From reading the comments I can only say that NK is such a hypocrite and was ok for him to sleep with someone else's sister and get her pregnant but he is ready to knock out Arnav for doing the same?

    Can't Lavanya see him for the weak, self centered -and selfish man he is? She should actually get married and then walk out on him, refuse to live with him. Maybe that will force him to introspect his actions and behavior.

    And save her dignity, which I am assuming was the reason behind arnav agreeing to khushi's terms.. -and is she aware that he promised his sister not to marry her? That is the extent to which he cares about Lavanya.

    Why would you want to marry someone like that? Would be better to abort the child. Don't know the back story as yet so pardon me if I am missing something..

    Why would Arnav want to marry his sister off to a NK who would listen to khushi and not marry the woman he has impregnated unless arnav agrees to khushi's terms? Who in their right mind wants a husband like that for their sister? Would La be happy married to a man for whom his sister is more imp than his wife, than doing the right thing? What if after marriage she again asks him to leave La unless arnav does something else? Is he going to give La a marriage that is not based on love and trust between husband and wife but dictates of khushi and her whims and fancies?

    What is wrong with the Raizada siblings?

  43. Lavanya will be horrified when she finds out how her brother sacrificed so much for her and her respect. They know that Arnav would never want to be in a relationship with a rude unorthodox woman like Khushi. Superb chapter
