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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 21


Chapter 21

Khushi was restless in the car. She had never felt so drowsy despite the urge to keep her eyes open and watch the man responsible for her sleepless nights, driving her car. Whatever plans he had with Tara was cleanly wiped off and he should have looked pissed by her but he wasn’t. He recalled something and fished for his phone from the pocket. Was he calling that Tara again? She hoped not.

“How is the party going?” he asked Lavanya.

Khushi heaved a sigh of relief as she heard Lavanya’s name.

“Good to know you are enjoying it. Okay listen, I might be little late. Just don’t bother to wait for me. Inform Nani the same if she is awake. And sleep early. It’s your big day tomorrow”

Khushi snatched the mobile from his hand and disconnected the call.

“What the” he growled at her intrusion.

“I don’t like people talking while they drive. You will get your phone once you drop me home”

She clutched his phone to her heart. Arnav rolled his eyes and accelerated the vehicle.

“Are you always this cute and… responsible?” she stared at him again. Her eyes blinked hard to stay awake.

“I don’t know about cute” he replied. “But responsibility comes automatically, when you have a family”

“Family” she let out a sarcastic laugh. “family.. family family.. I hate family”

He had guessed that but he wanted to know why? What was her story and because she was drunk now, he thought of getting some hint on it.

“Why do you hate your parents so much?” he asked directly.

Khushi’s eyes bore onto his face.

“Stop the car” she yelled. Arnav was speechless when her temper rose. He realized she didn’t like talking about her parents but he never thought she would take it seriously even in this state. “I said stop the ****ing car”

Arnav applied brakes and parked the car at the corner of the road. She unlocked the door.

“Khushi… don’t get down” Arnav shouted but she didn’t listen to him. She stumbled getting out of the car and Arnav dragged his feet to follow her out. “Give me the keys” she demanded.

“What? No. I am not letting you drive”

She clutched his shirt hard.

“I said.. give me the keys Arnav Singh Raizada. Don’t forget our deal. You will do exactly as I say”

“I wont risk your life” he snapped.

“Life” she scowled. “Who are you to save my life? Who the hell do you think you are?” she pushed him back and, in the process,, stumbled again.

Arnav was about to hold her but she shrugged him off.

“Don’t touch me you freak. You are all the same.. You..” she hit her leg to a rock behind and was going to collapse when Arnav reached and pulled her in his arms.

“I don’t know about others but I am not what you think I am” he groaned. “And its high time you realize that”

Khushi’s anger mellowed as he cocooned her in his arms. She acted like a stubborn kid every time but when drunk, she was beyond tolerable.

“You wont hurt me?” her painful voice stabbed his heart. What had she gone through?

“I wont” he promised.

“You wont.. .hit me?”

Arnav’s fingers fisted at her back. Somebody hit her? Who? Why?

“I don’t want to see their faces again Arnav” she pleaded gripping his shirt. “Make them go away”

She was definitely talking about her parents. Were they responsible for her fear?

“Please make them go away” she cried in his embrace, hugging his body, shredding that hard ego she flaunted every other time. “Please..”

Horrified, he stood frozen for a minute. Her lips quivered and her eyes grew shiny with tears.

“No one is going to hurt you ever” he said cupping her jaw. “No one”

She gave him a weak smile and allowed him to pick her up. She was delicate as a flower. He placed her back in the passenger seat and buckled her. As he was about to withdraw himself, she clutched his Shirt, pulling him closer.

“Kiss me” she demanded.

Her voice buzzed in his ears. His heart throbbed. He shouldn’t feel like this for Khushi Gupta.

“Make this pain go away” she pleaded.

However hard Arnav wanted to ease her pain but this was definitely not his style. She was drunk and if he kissed her now, she might definitely regret it tomorrow morning. He kissed her forehead and released his touch from her jaw.

“Just close your eyes and go to sleep. The pain will go away”

She shook her head violently. He shut the door and took the seat behind the wheel.

“Make my pain go” she begged touching his arm which had gripped the wheel. Her request was torturing him in unknown ways. He let her hold his arm while he drove back to Gupta Villa to put the princess to bed.


Gupta Villa

The last 15 minutes ride to Gupta Villa wasn’t easy for Arnav Singh Raizada. Khushi had unbuckled her seat and tried to get on him.. Like.. LITERALLY ON HIM. He had restricted her from doing any such thing but she had no control over herself. She was something else tonight. Was it the just drink? Can only 5 pegs of Vodka do that? Didn’t seem so. It was definitely more. Felt like someone had spiked her drink with drugs because soon she started showing other symptoms. She felt extremely hot despite the strong Air conditioner in the car. She was talking senselessly and unstoppable. At times she cried… then she suddenly laughed and when all that wasn’t enough, she even fought with him, slapped his arm and thigh. It was unbearable. What had he gotten into?

When he parked the car at the Villa, he carried her inside, asking the maid where her bedroom was. Khushi was semiconscious but she was enjoying every bit of his care. He dropped her on bed and gave another thought how to handle this hereon. Leaving her alone was not an option because whenever he tried to reach the door, she followed him. He decided to wait till NK comes back.

“Don’t get up” he scowled when she tossed on the bed to stop him from leaving.

“It’s so funny” she smirked. “You are funny Mr. Raizada”

There was no fun in doing this but Arnav couldn’t help watching this woman’s antics. She was like a robot whose batteries had malfunctioned. Bella rushed inside from the door, sensing Khushi’s arrival.

“hey you..” Arnav picked Bella before she could disturb Khushi who might even kick the puppy in this state.

He stroked Bella’s head and kissed her.

“Wish I could bestow her responsibility on you tonight and head back home”

Bella whined as her eyes fixed on Khushi Gupta who was playing with the duvet. She was pushing it down her body.

“I feel hot” she cried from the bed.

Arnav put Bella on the couch and increased the coolness in the room. He would freeze in some time if she doesn’t start to feel better.

“It hurts.. my shoes” she raised her leg to remove her shoes but obviously couldn’t do so without his help. Arnav reached her and eased her feet from those pointed heels.

“That’s where you belong” she laughed. “At my feet… always”

Arnav hardly cared what she spoke tonight because the woman had lost it. His phone buzzed. He had messaged someone to know how to handle this kind of a situation, to relieve a person from the aftereffects of a drug. He soon got a response from him and decided to do as suggested. She had to drink lots of fluid. While she was now busy with Bella, cuddling her puppy like her life depended on it, Arnav took the opportunity to head in the kitchen. He got a jug full of water and some juices to hydrate the woman. When he came back in the room, he forced Khushi to drink some of it. She played her own tantrums but drank some. Then when she urged to go to the washroom, he carried her there and even waited outside, until she finished. He was literally babysitting a fully grown up woman. God help him!!

“Now please try to sleep” he muttered putting her back to bed. Khushi felt better than before. She blinked hard to stay awake. When he pulled the duvet on her, she gripped his arm.

“Sleep with me” she demanded again.

Arnav rolled his eyes. Will her demands every satiate?

“Just close your eyes. I am going nowhere” he promised and sat down the bed, at the edge, where she was sleeping. With their hands entwined, Khushi slowly started dozing off and so did Arnav. He was too tired right now and praying silently for NK to return home soon so that he could leave.


The morning rays of sunlight hit her eyes making Khushi Gupta groan. Her head felt heavy and drumming whilst her body drained by exhaustion. She opened her eyes. She was in her room, on her bed cuddling the pillow. How on earth did she reach home while all she recalled was, she was in the Bachelor party with NK. Bella licked her feet the moment she sat, rubbing her forehead.

“Khush…” the door knocked.

It was her brother. She realized she was still wearing the same dress of the party and quickly wrapped a robe over it before opening the door.

“Hey” she rubbed her eyes.

“I cannot believe this. You were sleeping?”

“I am awake now… so. don’t worry”

“Khush.. its my wedding today”

“I know Kishu. I will be ready in an hour”

“Maid just told me ASR dropped you last night. I was wondering when you left”

Now Khushi’s brain started working again. Arnav Singh Raizada dropped her last night from the party? She slowly recalled everything. NK kept on talking to her but her mind was busy elsewhere. She remembered how she troubled him in the car.. asked him to kiss her.. cried before him… became vulnerable.. shared her fear… almost hovered over him in the car, made him take off her shoes, allowed him to carry her in the washroom, asked him to stay with her at night.

“Khush” NK snapped his fingers to get her attention. “You still look sleepy to me”

“No” she resisted. “I am fine. I will shower and come down in an hour”

“Alright” he kissed her forehead and slipped away. Khushi leaned back to the door. What the hell had gotten into her last night? How could she react that way? And did Arnav Singh Raizada really slept over in her room? When did he leave? Did anyone else see him going?

She let out a curse and sat on the edge of the bed. How could she act so childish? She had never shown such tantrums to anyone. Why him? Will he make fun of her now? Will he hold this against her or will he use these moments to hurt her as now he knew she wasn’t as strong as she pretended to be? Damn!! Why did it have to happen this early? She deserved to be punished. Yes, she did. So that she does not repeat such mistakes again.



“Where were you last night?” Nani asked Arnav whom she had seen returning home in the early morning hours. He was glad that he woke up before Khushi Gupta did and seeing her sleeping peacefully, he left for his home. Nonetheless no one had seen him leaving Gupta Villa except the security and the maid. The thoughts of last night haunted him in the shower. That woman was in pain and he was affected by it too.

“I am asking you something Chotte” Nani scolded seeing him lost again. Arnav was just back from shower.

“Nani I …”

“Nani” Lavanya entered the room. “Where is all jewelry? I am not finding them in my closet”

Nani sighed.

“Its with me. I will get it”

“Okay” she smiled and watched her grandmother leave the room. “ASR” she grabbed his arm. “Where were you last night?”

“La.. lets not talk about it”

“Really?” she giggled. “Who’s the lucky girl?”

“Its not what you think”

“Oh come on.. I know. Must be Tara. NK told me you and Tara had a good time in the Pub”

“We were just talking, dancing, drinking together. That’s all” he snapped.

“That’s it? Stop lying. If she is really good then we can take the matter ahead”

“Stop” he snapped angrily this time. His mood was clearly off because of last night and Lavanya was unnecessarily linking him with a random woman he hardly met?

“Sorry” she looked down apologetically.

He grabbed her arms and pulled her closer.

“I am sorry. It’s just that my mood is a bit off. You are marrying today and wont be around so.. I am already tensed and nervous”

“I know ASR. I myself cannot believe this is happening. You made it possible. Otherwise I was going to raise my child alone”

“Well. you have your baby’s father now for lifetime. Give him a hard time to know his responsibilities. Make him equal participant of all the joy and sorrows of your life”

“I will” she smiled and hugged him tight. She loved her brother so much. Right from their childhood, he was always a big support. He used to save her from their parent’s scolding, helped her with the homework and whenever she had no friends to play with, he would take her for cycling and volleyball. She loved spending time with her brother. Today as she would leave this house, this family, she would take those memories with her..

To be Continued.



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  1. Would like to see ASR vulnerabilities too. But hoping KKG won't make use of them.

  2. Today got to see a very vulnerable & broken Khushi Gupta. She is indeed in a lot of pain which she is hiding under the pretext of her shrewdness & arrogance in front of the world but when it comes to Arnav her pretence drops a lil bit while she is sober & completely when drunk, just like in this update... She has been a victim of physical abuse in childhood & much more I guess which has turned her in to the hard & tough woman she is today.. I really felt sympathy towards her but the moment she mocked Arnav that his place is at her feet, just wiped off all my sympathy for her.. Next morning she was even more rude in her thoughts regarding him that he might take advantage of the situation & would mock her with the same... Instead of being grateful that Arnav didn't take any advantage of her but took care of her like a kid when she was being so childish & stubborn, she is taking her own vulnerability & modesty in a very wrong way... God knows now how she will hurt herself for this...

    Raizada siblings moment was very emotional...

    Thanks for the update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

    1. his* modesty

      Sorry for the typo.

      -Kavita Wadnerkar

  3. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  4. Awesome Update. Khushi got jealous as Arnav got involved with Tara though her actions prove it she is very stubborn to accept it and made a good excuse. Finally Khushi has some good conversation with Arnav. Her past has made her bitter and she hates her family. Glad that Arnav enquired. Khushi's actions were not unexpected. Did Khushi's parents hurt her. Arnav gave little assurance that Khushi can trust him and also he comforted her. Did Khushi's parents torture her. Her vulnerability got exposed. Loved Arshi's moments. Now Arnav's views on Khushi will change. Arshi shared very emotional moments. Who spiked Khushi's drink . Loved Khushi's cuteness. Even in drunk state her arrogance is still the same. Arnav took good care of Khushi. Why can't Khushi trust him. Arnav is very much emotional and didn't like Lavanya's words. Arnav is very responsible as a brother. Loved La Arnav bonding. Will Arshi and Lavanya NK get married on the same day? Thanks for the Update 😍😘

  5. Khushi is in pain hope she will share her pain with arnav nice update

  6. Khushi's arrogance is just a facade. She has hidden lots of pain . She has her own insecurity and is running from her past. Her angry persona is just to show she is tough but inside she is very weak and lonely. Only Arnav can change her with his love and care . Khushi is really very hard to understand. . Hope we came to know about her .past to understand her better. I think it's better for Arshi to get married. Atleast Khushi won't be alone anymore. And will get a family of her own. Please give the next part soon

  7. Awesome wonderful update madhu

  8. She was a victim of physical abuse. Is she abused by only her parents or is there more? Poor khushi. But she the way take it on others is really bad. She doesn’t have any right to poke herself in others life just because she had a bad past. Being rude is okay but she can’t destroy and control others. Hope she will understand this one day. Nice update 😊

  9. She revealed some moments of her vulnerability in front of him in her drunken state... But when ever she comes to sense she will flip... She thinks he will use her...its a constant belief that got imprinted in her heart and it will take time and too much effort to get over it

  10. Lol Khushi is a kid at heart

  11. Hope arnav solve the mystery. And khushi should stop thinking wrong about arnav Fabulous update

  12. Awesome update. Loved the bonding of the siblings.

  13. Superb update. Arnav going to be there for Khushi. What punishment Khushi going to give herself ?? Arnav going to find that too.

  14. Khushi will be busy self harming herself.
    Waiting for Arnav's reaction.

    1. Same here. I'm sure Arnav would be furious and get angry on her .. Waiting to see his reaction and how khushi chooses to harm herself this time. Please post soon

  15. I feel Arnav will see her marks on her body again since she is going to punish herself by hitting herself? I feel that she has been abused as little og the abuser kind of made her think that she deserves punishment and the only way of it can be selfharm.

  16. Every coin has two sides... She is vulnerable too...

  17. Nice update..
    Loved the way arnav handled khushi too good..

    He saw khushi's vulnerable state . Hope khushi dont misunderstand him..

    Arnav is right now its upto la to make NK responsible guy

  18. Please reveal khushi's past.. Would like to know what made her what she is today.

  19. Loved the way he handle her care protective all

  20. I love this update. Energyly waiting for past enfold.

  21. So now again khushi is going to punish herself and arnab will see that . Waiting for that part when khushi will be open up . Another superb,heart touching episode .

  22. Interesting update
    Khushi is going to punish herself again Arnav will see it
    Let's what he will do after this
    Arnav and Lavanya's brother sister moment was sweet
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  23. Khushi is really a very tortured soul. That’s why she self harms herself she must have had such a bad childhood. Arnav will heal her if she gives him a chance
