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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 14

Chapter 14

Shantivan – Night

Arnav was sitting alone at the poolside after dinner. Usually at this hour he watched cartoons with Aarav. But today Aarav was not interested in any of it. His boy was engrossed with Khushi narrating her each and every little detail about his school, his friends and so much more. It was like he wanted her to know everything about him in one single day. Never in these 7 years Arnav had ever seen his son contended like he was today. He missed a mother and he got one. Arnav leaned back on the chair and shut his eyes. Flashes of Khushi falling from the step stool crowded his mind, followed by the scenes when she met his brooding eyes… the way she clutched his shoulders for support.. her thudding heart.. the way she bumped their heads twice.. her confrontation that she never had a boyfriend. Was it true? No. She was lying. But her eyes didn’t lie. She meant it. Or maybe she was fooled in believing that she never had a boyfriend. But did it matter now? When he opened his eyes, he saw his sister Anjali standing at the door and watching him.

“Di” he got up. “Please come”

“Why are you here Chotte?” she queried. “You should be down with Aarav”

“Aarav is with her”

“I know. But that doesn’t mean you have to stay away” she reached him. “I know it’s difficult for you to be around her but if you don’t, she might even prepare to snatch Aarav forever from you” 

“What do you mean?” 

“I mean, Aarav is a kid. He can easily get influenced. What if after one month he decides to stay with her and not us? What will we do then? You know even the court might agree to this.” 

Arnav clenched his jaw. 

“I don’t … I don’t think Aarav can stay without me. He will choose me. only me” 

“I want the same Chotte. That’s why I am asking you not to isolate yourself. If she is playing with Aarav, just be around her. Keep an eye” 

Arnav nodded. Soon the siblings came down. 

“Aarav.. come on.. its time to sleep” Arnav reached the couch where Aarav and Khushi were playing Snakes and ladders. 

“Dad, last round. Please” 

Khushi pouted seeing her son so excited to finish the round. 

“Aarav.. you can play tomorrow. You know what the doctors said. The more you rest, the sooner these bandages on your feet will go away” Arnav argued. 

“Dad.. please” 

“We will wind it up in 5 minutes” Khushi interrupted. 

Arnav glanced her once and then stared back at his Son. 

“Aarav” This time his stern voice intimidated Aarav and he stopped playing. Khushi was unhappy but she didn’t intrude. 

“Can I sleep with Mom tonight?” Aarav softly requested. 

Arnav’s face gleamed with shock. But this time he didn’t shout. He kneeled before his son and clutched his forearms. 

“Your Mom is here for one month only. I don’t want you to get used to this habit of having her around all the time. You will sleep with me or alone in your room but not with her. Do you understand” 

Aarav had no idea about the one-month condition and he didn’t take it well either. 

“Mom, you won’t stay with us forever?” his eyes shone with tears and seeing him, even Khushi couldn’t control hers. 

“Aarav.. its not like that. I will be around.. just not here” 

“No” Aarav screamed. “I want you here.. with me and dad. You both lied to me.. Lied to me” he cried. 

Arnav was about to soothe him but Aarav moved back. 

“I don’t want to talk to you both..” he shouted again. 

Ayush came there and handled the situation. 

“Aarav.. come with me.. Tonight Aarav will sleep with Daadu. Come here my boy” 

Ayush carried Aarav in arms though he kept crying and struggling to be let alone. Anjali followed them. 

“Why did you do this?” Khushi snapped at Arnav who was about to leave. 

“He should know. I don’t want him to build hopes and I believe in keeping things simple Khushi. Hiding things and lies are not my forte” 

“Really? Then why did it take you 7 years to tell Aarav who his mother is?” 

Arnav was speechless. She was too good when she argued. 

“He is a little boy. He is our son. You cannot just show him the real picture of our complex relationship. He is too young for that” 

“Now you will teach me how to be a good parent? You?” he mocked. 

“I don’t have to teach you anything. I know you have been a wonderful hands-on father all these years. All I want to say is let’s keep our problems to ourselves. Let’s not drag Aarav in it. You hate me, fine. Don’t show it off before Aarav. I don’t want him to grow up seeing our differences. It might affect his life too in many ways. Let him feel loved by both of us. Let him see us respecting each other. Let him see we can be cordial to each other despite our differences” 

Arnav’s heart fluttered at her sensible talks. But how would he let her win this conversation? 

“So much maturity doesn’t suit you” he taunted. 

She exhaled. Talking to him was like talking to a rock. He would never melt. 

“Glad you are at least noticing me” she met his gaze. Suddenly the air between them thickened. 

Arnav swallowed the lump formed in his throat. Noticing her? Noticing her? He used to.. once.. and that’s how they ended up making a baby… their Aarav.. 

She moved away and within seconds she was out of his sight… not out of his mind though because his mind had already started fishing for the memories of that night.. that Golden night!! 

It had been 3 months almost for their arranged marriage and Khushi had flown to Dubai with her friends for a ten-day trip. Arnav initially was glad to have the room all for himself. Though they shared the same bed, there wasn’t one day when they hadn’t fought on it and their fights were for silly excuses. She liked to sleep with some light in the room while he loved darkness. He was a soft snorer and she needed silence to sleep. She would kick him in sleep and it ruined his sleep most of the times. They childishly argued over all of this. And now suddenly she wasn’t there for 10 days and Arnav had started missing her. Suddenly a day before her return she called him on his phone much to his surprise. 

“I am missing you” she confessed. 

Arnav was in the middle of a meeting when she said that and he couldn’t even react. In fact, he didn’t know how to react. He excused from the room and made his way back to the new cabin allotted to him by his father. 

“Are you drunk?” he asked. 

“If I was drunk, I would be missing you more. I don’t know why but.. I am missing our fights. Should I be worried? I have never missed my Dad so far. Why am I missing you then?” 

Khushi had always been frank. She would tell anything and everything that came up in her mind. 

“What are you missing me for?” he loosened his tie to get some air. He was practically breathless and suddenly his hormones were hyperactive. 

“I don’t know. Haven’t really thought about it. But I guess I miss you mostly at night” 

Arnav looked around from the glass walls of his office. Everyone was busy working and here he was suddenly stiffened and hot. But knowing his wife so far, he realized she might just be teasing him. 

“I get it. This is some kind of prank. Your friends must be around listening this conversation and laughing at me. But know what? You won’t get any reaction on this from me. You heard it?” 

“This” Khushi interrupted. “I was missing this tone in your voice when you shout at me… when we argue… when we fight. Gosh!! And here I thought it was something else… something more… deeper. Shit.!” She paused. “I didn’t say that.. did I? Okay, forget it. I am not missing you.. I am dropping the call. Bye” 

She disconnected and Arnav just glared at his phone. What the hell was this girl doing? Was it possible that she was really missing him? Not that he didn’t. Having her around, had been a habit now. And now not having her around didn’t look pleasant anymore. 

The next day when he returned back from home, Anjali told him Khushi was back home and in the room. He slowed down his hurrying steps because he didn’t want her to think he was desperate to see her. But was he really that desperate? It felt so. He opened the door and saw her brushing her hair before the dressing mirror. The moment their eyes met, she threw the brush away and ran into his arms. The next second her lips were on his. Arnav froze. She pulled away in terror with her palm covering her mouth. 

“Shit. I… I didn’t mean to do that? What the hell is wrong with me?” 

She wiped the beads of sweat formed on her forehead but her blabbering continued. 

“My friends… they kept on teasing me how much hot you are.. and how lucky I am to be your wife.. They literally grilled me so much these 10 days that I dreamt about this kiss... all the time I was in the return flight.. I imagined it Arnav.. Like what it would be to return home and see you again.. Oh my God. What did my friends feed me that I am getting so desperate for you? I … I am not like this.. I don’t like you.. I hate you, don’t I?” 

She scurried out of the door leaving him confused and panting. The next week was unusual. She tried to avoid him but failed. Even at nights when they slept together, he would watch her catch a glimpse of him. One morning, he even caught her stroking her finger nervously on his chest while he was pretending to be fast asleep. He didn’t know what had gotten into her but whatever she did to him turned out that he wanted that too. He wanted her. Their marriage might have been against their wishes but they still could make it real… what surprised both was that they didn’t fight that whole week. Something was changing between them for good. 

Arnav had a party to attend and because he was invited with his wife, he decided to take her along. Khushi was completely a party woman but not these kind of business parties. He reached the venue before her. It was in a Seven-star hotel lawn and he wondered if Khushi had even started from home or not. He got a call on his mobile. It was Khushi. 

“Where are you? Have you even started?” 

“I have run into a small problem” she replied. 

“Problem? What problem? Where are you?” he sounded concerned. Khushi bit her lip realizing what his reactions would be after he knows her little problem. 

“Outside… in the car..” 

“Then get down and come inside dammit” 

“I cant” 

“Can’t?” he sighed. “Khushi you are doing this again, aren’t you? Messing with me unnecessarily” 

“Shut up and listen” she scowled. “I need you to come at the parking and … fix this stupid knot of my blouse. I am unable to do this myself unless you want me to call someone else and do it on your behalf” 

Arnav’s throat constricted. Knot? What kind of knot? He hurried to the car outside which was stationed at a secluded dark parking spot. She drove herself to this venue and was still seated inside, holding the steering wheels as if they were her only source of strength. He opened the passenger side door and got in. That’s when he saw what she was wearing – A beautiful red Saree. 

“Am I looking stupid?” she gritted her teeth. “This was your dad’s idea. He said the party is traditional type and I should not wear a western outfit” 

Arnav was just listening. 

“And your sister is of no help, trust me. I told her I needed her to help me wear a Saree and she denied. In fact she left early somewhere and obviously I couldn’t let your father make me wear this..” she giggled. “So, I opened YouTube and learnt this new skill. Hope this saree doesn’t come down in the party though” 

Arnav rolled his eyes. 

“What do you want me to fix?” he asked patiently. 

“This” she turned her back to him, moving her hair at the front. The designer blouse had only one knot which was loosened and would come off any moment. Arnav realized she wouldn’t be able to fix it herself. Means she wasn’t lying. 

“Come here” he pulled her back closer and started working on the knot. It was sheer discomfort for the two. 

“Damm.. what are you doing? Its tickling me” she giggled. 

“Stop moving Khushi” 

She couldn’t help but laugh and jump when his fingers touched her back in the process. 

“You know this reminds me of all the consummation scenes which happens in Bollywood movies after such a teasing moment. So funny isn’t it? Just a touch and two people dissolve in each other.. Does that happen in real life too?” she teased. 

Arnav’s fingers shivered as they fastened her knot. This moment was indeed creating havoc to his body. 

“Done” he moved back. She checked herself in the rear mirror of the car. 

“Genius” she pinched his cheeks and got down. “If it comes off again, I will know whom to call” she winked at him. 

Arnav had realized one thing. She was pretending to be unaffected by this.. The truth was different.. She was holding those pent-up desires within her… So was he. They joined the party and she carried herself really well except the part when she realized the Saree was going to come off anytime. She slowly made her way to him and whispered the same in his ears. Arnav made an excuse and left the party with her. She was again impressed by him and in so many other ways that she couldn’t wait to thank him enough. The moment they got back home, in their room, she voluntarily cupped his face and kissed him hard. 

“Thank you” she mumbled in between the kiss. All the pent-up desires so far unleashed and that night they ended up demonstrating those desires to each other. It was one heck of a night for both of them but the next morning, she was back to normal. She said the alcohol might have led her do that and his manly ego was hurt. He knew she didn’t even touch alcohol last night and neither did he. So, whatever happened was because they really wanted it to happen. But he didn’t argue with her. Probably she needed time to affirm her changing feelings and so did he. It was just one night… that changed it all. 

Arnav’s stance broke as he stumbled with the small table before the recliner. He didn’t realize when he reached his room. The same room where it all changed. And now she was here again under the same roof. But he would never let her step in this bedroom again.. Never!! 

To be Continued. 


Note: The 2nd hint on Khushi visiting the hospital will come up in next part



Kabier’s fingers fisted.

“This.” he scowled. “This is why I left that note for. If you are so much pressurized, you are free to leave.”

Aashi’s body burned again.

“I am doing everything in my bit Mr. Kabier Sehgal to keep this relationship working. I have never complained. Not even when you don’t turn up home for weeks. Not even when, despite staying under the same roof, you work late nights avoiding my presence. Not even when we have those quiet dinners together. Not even when you take me to the parties with you and don’t even turn back to check upon me. I have never complained. And I will never do so till my last breath. You have given my mother a new life and I will always be indebted to you. So, no, I will not leave you until you push me out. This decision is no longer mine to make. It never was. You decide it and let me know. I will oblige”

Tears rolled down her cheeks, which Kabier noticed.

“You asked me what was missing between us, last night” she continued pouring her heart out. “It’s not intimacy, Kabier. Its feelings. I am a very simple human with a simple heart. I don’t crave for your money or luxury. I crave for your time, which you never have for me”


Standalone Romance Book 1 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Kabier and Aashi's is a marriage of utmost convenience. Everything about the marriage is wrong yet Aashi falls for her tycoon husband who has no time for her. While Kabier is busy earning billions, Aashi battles her solitude until she decides to give up. Jealousy creeps in Kabier's heart when his wife's friend comes into the picture. Will Kabier realize Aashi's worth? How will he woo her back? 

A romantic tale of arrogant Business Tycoon Kabier Sehgal and his Former Miss India Wife Aashi Sehgal with sparks of attraction, love, jealousy and a happily-ever-after. 






  1. Fabulous update madhu...thanku so much💕💕

  2. Awesome Update. So Khushi hurt Arnav's ego Why she said that. No wonder she is little foolish and hurt Arnav's ego.Aarav and Khushi's moments were so good but Arnav interrupted it. Arnav has feelings for Khushi only he doesn't want to acknowledge. He must trust her. Anjali has poisoned Arnav's mind. Why Khushi break Anjali's marriage. She is also using Aarav. Khushi and Aarav are coming close. I don't like the way of disclosing things to Aarav. He hurt him. Thank God Ayush came at the right moment. Can't see Aarav in pain. Khushi needs to stay strong. Khushi is so mature yet Arnav taunt her. Arnav still somewhere loves Khushi. Khushi's unique habit of kicking. Arshi's conversation made me feel she was attracted towards Arnav but was kiddish . Both had desires and ended up kissing. Why Khushi said I that and hurt Arnav's feelings. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  3. Wow. Hope Arnav notices changes in khushi now as she indeed was childish but now she's turn into a mature woman. I want Arnav to find out the truth instead of Khushi as if Khushi tries to justify herself Arnav will just not agree or believe her.but if he finds out himself he will know that she's innocent

  4. Kind of a short update after such long wait.
    Will you give precap for lawful sins today? Or direct update tomorrow?

  5. Khushi was immature and it cost her. But now she has changed into a mature wise woman . Arnav must trust her. I am waiting for Khushi's innocence to be proved. And how Arnav regret for hurting her. Aarav and Khushi are coming close and want to see more such cute moment between them. Aarav is just a kid who doesn't understand the complicated relationship between his parents. Arnav should not hurt Aarav. Arnav's is taunting Khushi and behaving really bad. Though he still loves her. Khushi was probably attracted towards Arnav and seeing Khushi in that red saree how can Arnav keep a control on his desire. So Anjali has problems with Khushi so she refused to help her. Khushi is really insane to say such things to Arnav and hurt his ego. Hope Khushi get her memory back but before that if Arnav find the truth it will be great. Please give a Precap of Lawful Sins2 😍

  6. awesome! Why do I feel Anjali is behind all these things because KKG once played prank on her which resulted in very bad way. Is she taking vengeance on KKG by making ASR and his family believe KKG has BF?

  7. Before her accident, Khushi was bold & blunt in expressing herself.. She said & did what her heart wanted.. She had fallen in love with Arnav & that's what she expressed by initiating intimacy between them & Arnav well realised it without her professing the same then how can he forget that & believe that she betrayed him with another man... There has to be some misunderstanding created by a third party, most probably by Anjali...

    Hope Khushi gains her memory soon....

    Thanks for the update Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  8. Okay from what I see both of them were attracted to each other but Khushi might have been embarrassed with how it all happened so she blamed it on the alcohol and that hurt Arnav's ego. Did Khushi build up a fake boyfriend story in order to maintain her cover of ignorance or did someone feed Arnav with lies. No matter what he says, he still feels for her and its evident, he is just deeply wounded.
    Wonder how things will pan out for them further. Hope the air clears soon because Aarav deserves a healthy childhood with both his parents together.
    Thanks for the update. Waiting to see what the hospital records will reveal.
    Please gove precap for lawful sins if possible.

  9. I don't know why but I feel like Arnav is doing a great mistake by being harsh towards Khushi and insulting her always... For god sake, he didn't even have a proof of what Khushi was doing on the day she got hit to her head and lost her memory... He just knew what the nurse told... She might not be mature that time... but I feel Arnav wasn't acting maturely either... She couldn't accept her feelings and the sudden news of pregnancy might have freaked her... and Arnav made a contract out of it...

    I don't know but I don't like how Arnav is dealing with the things... In the past, he misunderstood her... Now, he didn't want to believe that she never had a boyfriend then... Khushi was correct... Arav has the right to enjoy both his parents love... How could Arnav listen to Anjali and say that one month thing in front of Arav... He is acting like a toy played by Anjali...

  10. Definitely Anjali played her hand at separating them before....taking revenge on Khushi. Now Sheetal has decided to create a misunderstanding between Arshi in order to get close to Arnav. if Arnav had been foolish before trusting will he behave now once Sheetal plays her cards. Hope he'll have enough brains to judge for himself instead of believving in fabricated lies...& put Sheetal in her place.

  11. Where did it all change. He was mesmerized by her and she was definitely into him. Yes she was arrogant and spoilt but there is more to the past.

  12. Looks like both were in good tearm. But Hmmm 🤔 someone might have plan like Khushi got some boyfriend and show it to Arnav!! Awesome update

  13. Superb update. So arav was out of love. I really hope arnav this time clears up his own misconception bubble...

  14. Beautiful update 💖 loved it 😘

  15. Awesome. Thanks for this flashback. So they had feelings for each other and it was not a mistake in their drunken state. But both were stubborn to accept that. Then what went wrong in their budding feelings??? Is she not prepared for the baby??? But I doubt she is that much cruel to kill her own baby. Something else must have happened. Waiting for more past revelations....

  16. Fabulous wonderful update dear

  17. I don’t know what to tell about these two . Childishness , foolishness and their ego made them to realise their love and seperate with some MU . Why am I thinking Khushi’s friend reason for ArShi seperation? Like changing Khushi’s mind and all .

    Poor aarav , getting hurt bcz his parents ego .
    Waiting for next update dear

  18. Why was Khushi hiding her feelings?

  19. Superb update...
    Anjali is evil..

    Like the way khushi spoke to arnav...

    In the past she told what she felt.. wow they were falling for each other when they consummated then what went wrong?

    Looking forward

  20. Wonderful update.will u post lawful sins precap today madhu?

    1. She has posted it already actually. Remember the Aman-Khushi conversation precap? Even i had been waiting for her to say something but abhi dimaag mein ghanti baji that part never came in the last update so next update ke liye bhi its the same precap.

    2. Ohh yeah ....remembered it now.Its already posted.

  21. Hii madhu di.. I have a request.. I really like to read dark revenge love stories.. And I guess arnav's character suits it very much... So only if you are comfortable and willing to write one please do write a dark story.. It can be a gangster story or some vampire story or anything you like.. If you don't want to then that's also fine.. Don't get me wrong.. If you don't want just ignore it.. Your all stories are amazing.. Loved it..

  22. I think anjali is the devil in this story and she is behind their misunderstanding and her fall

  23. Awesome update ...looks like both of them started loving each other but someone's conspiracy led them to separate .but also arnav should not come to anjali's lies .After the hospital mishap if he search the truth then may be the present relationship would be better.He gave second chance to that sheetal for whom arav got so much injured that till now he is recovering & in khushi's matter he always impulsive .Trust & understanding is a main factor in any relationship & and this two things lack in their relation .And for this misunderstanding both of them are responsible.Let madhu di to make them realize this .��

  24. Awesome update. Glad to see a lot about their past.

  25. Awesome. I think Anjali is behind their separation....hope I am wrong. Khushi is a bindass person in her past.

  26. Seems Anjali never liked Khushi right from the beginning. Even before her engagement broke.I think there is more to Anjali's story. Broken engagement seems to be just an excuse. While Khushi has matured over the years after the accident. Arnav is still immature. Just blindly going by his sister's words. Doesn't use his brain. Neither Anjali's father nor brother seem to know about her true nature. But are quick to judge Khushi's by some hearsay stuff.

  27. Waiting for lawful sins..

  28. Update soon Madhu.. waiting eagerly for lawful sins

  29. Arnav should stop hurting khushi by his actions. For sure anjali is the one who has done all the problems in arshi life.hope khushi prove her innocence.

  30. So Anjali has negative vibes on flashback also..

  31. Awesome written concept amazing story
