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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 33


Chapter 33

AR Office

“What a pleasant surprise” Arnav welcomed Aman Mathur in his cabin. “I thought you have no time for me”

“I was going to say that” Aman chided giving Arnav a tight hug. “Where are you these days? Gupta Villa, huh?”

Arnav’s tight expressions didn’t reveal much but Aman still could read beyond those.

“Nani is there” Arnav said while leading Aman to the couch.

“What is Nani doing there?”

Arnav was once again cornered. But he trusted Aman over his life and decided to share.

“Lavanya is pregnant”

“Oh Wow”

“Since 3 months” he added. 

Now Aman was quiet. 

“That’s why I had to hurry get her married” 

“No wonder. But I am hoping she is happy now” 

“She is. They are on honeymoon and enjoying their little time there. Coffee?” 


After the coffees arrived, Aman shared a bit more about the real reason for his trip to India and Arnav was beyond excited. 

“I can’t believe you came here for looking prospective marriage proposals. Seems like your mother is fully prepared to get you hitched by the year end” 

“That’s right. But if she knows I am doing everything else than seeing the list of brides she has finalized for me, she won’t be happy. And what will screw her further would be that I am showing interest in Ruby Khanna. No offence, but Mom has her own demands from her would-be bahu. She wants a traditional kind and Ruby isn’t a perfect match.” 

“Are you serious about Ruby? She is good woman but you hard to understand” 

“Are you recommending or scaring me?” Aman laughs. “But seriously, she is good. Makes me realize I am not a complete bore” 

“Wow” Arnav gives his friend a teasing look. 

“Stop talking about me. Tell me what’s up with you and Ruby’s friend?” 

Arnav exhaled. He didn’t understand where to start. 

“It’s complicated” he muttered. 

“I thought so” Aman sipped the coffee. “Speak up. I am in no hurry” 

Arnav let out a chuckle. 

“Who’s asking me this? My psychologist or my friend?” 

“That depends solely after you tell me everything. If there is anything I could do to support to as a friend, I will. And if there is anything that is going to hurt you in future, the psychologist will be advising you” 

Arnav took a deep breath and begun from the start – how he met Khushi first in the bid for Prem Nivas, her instant dislike for him considering her big fat ego, Lavanya’s pregnancy news, Khushi’s disinterest in getting NK – La married, then her fake suicide attempt to get their cozy pictures, her blackmailing, the six month contract, their cold war during the wedding preps and she now owning 50% of AR group shares, the insecurity around her parents which haunts her, their growing attraction for each other, Singapore trip, their first kiss, her fear of commitment, finally their changing relationship from hatred to … something more concrete. Arnav shared everything and Aman wasn’t happy. 

“I don’t want to demotivate you but if you see it from my angle, it’s just a phase Arnav” he mentioned. “I don’t see any permanent feelings here” 

It kicked Arnav’s gut. He didn’t like to hear that. 

“You know me Aman. If I am showing such intense feelings for someone, it has to permanent” 

“But what about her? Will she show the same interest?” 

Arnav shrugged. 

“Okay, tell me has she nullified the contract between you? Has she given back your company shares?” 

Arnav rolled his eyes. 

“She can’t give me those shares until her deal with that Singapore client completes. And regarding the contract, its hanging between us without much harm.” 

Aman nodded in disapproval. 

“Look Arnav. I don’t like saying this but you are hurrying. She has her own demons you just confessed that and…” 

“And I have my own. I have overcome my problems, so can she” 

“Your cases are different. She seems to have a bad childhood. You had good memories all the way.. just those 3 years devastated you but Khushi Gupta? She was raised in bitterness. Her case is much worse than yours and I don’t need to say how one mistake can make this terrible for you both” 

Arnav was not in a listening mood. 

“You are not attracted to her.. you are sympathizing her. It’s that pity which has led you to believe you share a same kind of pain and gave you hopes that two odds can make things even. But its not easy. Its risky” 

“I might like to take that risk” Arnav finished his coffee and almost slammed the cup on the table. “Now either you help me or let me handle things my way” 

Aman sighed in disbelief. 

“If you handle this alone, the risk is even worse. So, what choice do I have than to help you both?” 

Aman’s reply cheered his mood again. 


“Anytime. But tell me Arnav, will she agree to talk to me? As in… take a therapy or something” 

Arnav shook his head in denial. 

“It’s tough to get her do this” 

“hmm. Let me meet her once… And we will see how this goes” Aman added. 

Arnav agreed to that but it meant he wouldn’t have to tell Khushi yet that he knew Aman would be calling her out to meet soon. 


Five days later 

“Is it just us? Isn’t Ruby coming?” 

Aman shook his head in denial. 

“She is not coming. I didn’t want her to know we are meeting because this is about Arnav and Ruby doesn’t need to know” 

“About Arnav? Is.. is he Okay?” 

“For now, he is. I don’t know about the future though” 

“What do you mean?” 

“Khushi, I am a doctor. And Arnav is not just my patient anymore. He is also a good friend. So, let me talk this very openly. He has told me about the contract you people have and the way it all started” 

Khushi swallowed. How could Arnav tell this to Aman? He had kind of breached it by letting their details out to a complete stranger, if not to him at least to her. Khushi had known Aman from hardly 5 days now. Aman read her fury. 

“Don’t take him wrong. Just like your friend Ruby knows about it, Arnav told me too and it’s not because I am his friend but because I am his Doctor and when I saw him behaving differently around you, I wanted to know what was happening. Just to be sure that he was on the right track” 

Fright bubbled in her. 

“I still don’t understand this. I appreciate your concern for Arnav but since this is related to me, I don’t want you to intrude between us. We are mature enough to handle ourselves” 

“I am sure” he gave a half-smile. “Matured and hurt in the past. And this is a lethal combination if you plan to have future together” 

That’s it. Khushi stood up. 

“You are wasting your time. I am least interested in discussing my personal life with you” 

“What if I say Arnav wants the same?” Aman asked. 

She didn’t understand. 

“Arnav fixed this?” she groaned staring coldly at Aman. 

“Khushi that’s not the point” 

“Did Arnav Singh Raizada ask you to see me so that you can judge if we are good together or not?” she scowled again. 

Aman rolled his eyes. 

“You are simply dragging the matter in the wrong direction. Can we just talk like two adults”? 

“No” she snapped. “You and that friend of yours have no rights to intrude in my private life.” 

“I don’t.. But doesn’t he have those rights now?” Aman tried to understand what she meant. “for God’s sake you both like each other.. are attracted too” 

“So? I am attracted to a dozen of people.. I don’t keep sharing my lives with all of them” 

Aman bit his inner cheek. This was going out of hand. Khushi had temper issues.. a lot of them. Before he could handle this situation, she was gone. 


AR Office 

Arnav just came out of the conference room and checked his phone after almost an hour. He saw Aman’s missed calls and dialed him back. 

“hey.. all okay? How did it go?” 

“Worst!! She is coming to see you, I am sure. And be prepared for a fight. She didn’t even listen to me and joined the wrong dots” 

Aman told him word by word what Khushi said and Arnav was totally disappointed. 

“Sir, Miss Gupta wants to see you” Shyam knocked the door and peeped in to inform. 

“Send her in” he replied. “She is here Aman. I will call you back” 


He disconnected and prepared himself for the impact. Khushi Gupta was that storm which could devastate him if he doesn’t brace on time. 

“How dare you?” she barged in his cabin after few minutes. 

“Lock that door please” he urged. “I don’t want my staff to know we are fighting” 

“Don’t give me orders. I have that right.. not you” 

Arnav circled his desk to reach her. 

“So, I am still bind to that contract?” he painfully asked. 

“I don’t remember we quashing it ever” she scowled. “And that’s not the point. You have breached the contract. You told a stranger about it and you had that nerve to send him to me to read my past? How dare you do that?” 

She was bitterly angry with him and it was obvious from her tone. Arnav walked to the door and locked it. 

“Only because we shared some moments doesn’t give you those rights on me Arnav. Stop trying to convince yourself this thing between us is anything other than attraction. My past… my demons are mine. I don’t trust people to share it with them. So back off” 

A vein in his neck throbbed as he reached her. 

“You are attracted to a dozen of people.. You said that to Aman. Is that true?” he snapped. 

His question left her breathless. Out of all she said, this is what he had to pick? 

“I don’t need to justify myself, you have to..” she crossed her arms. 

“No, you do. Because this one reply is going to decide my future… our future” 

When she opened her mouth to retort, he interrupted her. 

“When I am this close to you… whatever your mood be, your lips tremble. Do you feel that same emotion for any other man?” 

“Don’t divert me Arnav” she shouted. 

“When I touch you..” he gripped her forearms.. “goosebumps erupt on every inch of your skin. Does any other man provoke you like that?” 

“Arnav…” she clenched her jaw. 

“When I kiss you… you surrender like you never want the moment to end. Does any other man make you feel so vulnerable?” 

“No No No” she pushed him away giving him the answers he needed. “I don’t. I don’t feel attracted to anyone else like I do to you but… but that doesn’t give you the right to be my hero. I want you. Yes, I do. But I am not prepared to let you invade those darkest secrets locked in my mind. No, Arnav!! I don’t know what future beholds for us but one thing I do agree with your Doctor friend. We cannot be together without destroying each other. And I don’t want that to happen. It’s better we stick to our specific roles and never cross those lines” 

A silence burns between them and lasts for an agonizingly long time. 

“I understand sending Aman to speak to you like that was my mistake. I apologize. But you know what Khushi? I had recently started admiring you for the guts you showed to fight against your parents. I had started respecting you for taking care of my family like your own, for everything you are and for everything you make me feel. But right now.. All I see is a quitter. When things get too close to your heart, you run away from them. You want to hide your demons forever until they consume you in darkness for eternity. I am disappointed” his voice turned flat and emotionless. “I am so disappointed in you.. that its making me sick to my stomach” 

Khushi forced herself to keep a steady gaze on him and when that failed, she turned around and walked out. 

To be Continued. 


Note: Short part but little busy today. ☹




  1. Khushi is a tough cookie to break.... She doesn't trust anyone with her past..... It will take time for her to open up...
    .but Arnav is so deeply into her... Hope he doesn't get hurt in all these

  2. Hmmmm.. so my guess was right, Khushi took Aman's interference in a wrong light.
    It was a short update. Wanted to read more on how things goes forward.
    I am sure some people are gonna hate on me but please give the next chapter for this story tomorrow. If not full update small precap maybe? Pretty pretty please.

    1. "Writer" if possible then please update next chapter for this ff.

  3. Oh God! This dint end well. It took a complete U-Turn. Why the hell does Aman need to interfer? Hope Arnav doesn't lose hope at this moment..cause if he does it'll be hard for them to get together again..and Khushi needs to take it down a notch.. she needs to make up her mind.does she want Arnav forever or not? Because with this attitude of hers she's surely gonna lose him. Please make Khushi act a little mature..she needs to let her guards down At least to Arnav.

  4. Even after knowing Khushi & her inhibitions & bad temper, Arnav was wrong in sending Aman directly to talk to Khushi without any prior intimation to her... So her reaction was natural... I guess more then a psychiatrist or anybody else, it's Arnav himself who can tear the layers bit by bit Khushi has created around her & reach to the darkest of abyss she has been hiding inside.. Then after they can take medical help...

    Good that even after her outburst, Arnav is not ready to let her go... Hope something positive comes out of this..

    Thanks for the update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  5. Aman is his good friend and also his psychologist so him interfering in order to keep Arnav from relapsing or getting hurt is fair I guess. He is bound to be worried about Arnav a bit. But yes, he could have tried a different route than be so blunt with Khushi. She didn't take that really well ruining whatever progress Arnav and Khushi had made in their relationship so far. :/

  6. It looks like Khushi's past is much more worst than Arnav's. She need counseling, love care and respect which only Arnav can give her. She has to understand that she can't run away from the past for her whole life she must has to face it one day. only then she can leave peacefully.

    Aman is so sweet who is ready to help Khushi. He understands Arnav very well. I think only Ruby can make khushi ready to meet Aman again.

  7. Awesome Update. Arshi's relationship is truly complicated. Khushi has trust issues. And has her own insecurities and vulnerability. She loves Arnav but is not ready to share her demons with him. Arnav is at least opening up to Aman who is a psychologist as well as his friend. Khushi is really difficult to understand. Khushi should terminate the contract if she wants to get into a proper relationship with Arnav. Already she doesn't believe in commitment and all and how this relationship will progress. Two different people can be partners. Aman is right as well as wrong Arshi's relationship is beyond pity. They are attracted towards each other and hopefully it will turn into love.Aman is helping Arnav is a great thing. But Khushi is completely different. Aman Khushi meeting was nice. He tried to make her understand calmly but Khushi didn't understand. Poor Arnav faced Khushi's wrath.But Khushi mentioning the contract hurt Arnav. Khushi loves Arnav but in turn deeply hurt him . Now how Khushi will pacify him it will be interesting to see. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  8. Yes yes yes its a short update Madhu...Like the conversation between Arnav and Khushi...Madhu one request only if you can continue the next part tomorrow itself as it was a short update today...Plzzz

  9. I think khushi need outburst because it will release her all sorrow and will give space for love to bloom

  10. Wonderful fabulous update dear

  11. I knew Khushi won't like Aman's interference ever. She doesn't share her vulnerability to anyone as she feels everyone will pity on her. On the other hand she can't resist her feelings for Arnav. Arshi's relationship was going so well and it's good that Arnav is not ready to let go of Khushi. Only Arnav can break the shell which Khushi has created around herself. She can trust him. Both have an unknown and unseen bond between them. Please give another Update tomorrow🙏.

  12. Oh no... What happened to them? Everything turned out wrong. They were back to square one. Both want each other. But Khushi is denying to it. Why she don't want to give her a chance for happiness. Arnav is her happiness now. She has become a different person with him. Changed to be good. Don't want that to change now. What's the meaning of her walking away???? Can't predict anything.... Eagerly waiting for next part soon. Please update next part of this ff tomorrow....

  13. It is very short update..another update pls madhu...

  14. Aman is so right.
    She was raised in bitterness. Her whole life was nothing but bitterness.
    Arnav's demons are small in front of hers
    But it's truely her wish to share or not, it shouldn't be forced.
    When she's comfortable enough she'll say.
    I think arnav should try to give her some time.

  15. Khushi needs to come out of her shell. That will help her to forget her dark past. But the question is who can help her. It’s not arnav or Aman. I don’t know how she will come out of that shell. Nice update sis 😍

  16. In this story what Khushi really want she don't want to get married to arnav in future but she want him physically with her she want to spend time with him . Did she think about future when nani want arnav to get settled in life will Khushi allow arnav to marry another girl as she don't want to marry arnav ?
    What happen to arnav then ? She is complicating the relationship between everyone here . She should let arnav go if she don't want to have a future with him. This is what Aman is also hinting to both arnav and Khushi.
    Madhu please don't keep it as a suspense make Khushi decide anything either she should accept or move away .

  17. Arnav is right... Khushi will only push herself into complete darkness because of her fears... She should stop running away from them but I don't think Arnav should have made Aman to interfere in it... that too without any prior intimation... If anyone could pull her out from the misery it would only be Arnav... Aman definitely couldn't help it as we all know how stubborn Khushi is... Arnav could only handle her...

  18. The confession which is very much needed! Loved it

  19. Khushi needs this wakeup call. She needs this push. I hope she opens up.

  20. To behave like that way I think Khushi had been a terrible childhood and also she has some trust issues because of all these... To be with her Arnav has to be patient with her or forget her...

  21. Awesome update. I loved the way Arnav confronted her about their closeness.

  22. I think something big will happen which will reveal her horrible past, maybe her parents coming back in their lives through Lavanya 😭 does NK know Khushi's whole past since he still does not know about her self harming 😭😭 her past is really terrible, more than just beating :(

    1. Yaar I'm thinking the same thing as you are .
      I think Gupta's will convince lavanya and enter and stay in gupta villa...

  23. Khushi is tooo tough nut to crack 🤦🏻‍♀️ You’re breaking Arnav’s heart 💔 Awesome update

  24. Like aman arnav bonding..
    That's not right khushi she shared with Ruby but when arnav shared with his friend and the friend spoke to her she is so angry..loved the way still arnav tried to make her understand..
    Hope khushi dont hurt him more and take a step towards him

  25. Aman was too blunt .. If his bluntness worked in Arnav it’s not necessary that it will work in Khushi too.. Aman was too hasty and Arnav let him to be . I hope it’s not backfired on their relationship

  26. Madhu can u please give one more update or precap of lawful sins 2 today or tomorrow?

  27. Really feel sad par arshi.hope they solve the problem soon.

  28. Khushi needs to come out of her shell.

  29. Superb chapter. She has a dark past. He will have to take baby steps with her
