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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 34


Chapter 34

Gupta Office

“How could they…” she paused. “No how could Aman do this? I wish to chop his head” Ruby snarled.

Khushi had shut her eyes leaning on her leather chair in the Cabin. After her fight with Arnav she had come straight to her office because going home would mean facing Naniji and she wasn’t prepared to face anyone right now. She was so mad and confused with what happened today. Ruby had arrived as usual to check upon her like she usually did these days and that’s when Khushi blurted out whatever happened.

“Okay, this is clearly invading your privacy. I know he is a Doctor but you didn’t appoint him to sort your problems. He just can’t keep fishing for patients and treat them without their approval”

“I don’t have any problems. I am fine the way I am” Khushi snapped.

Now though Ruby didn’t agree to that, she didn’t argue either.

“Okay calm down baby”

“Calm down? You know what Arnav said? He said he is disappointed in me… in me? Really? He does things to aggravate me, I should be the one disappointed”

“Maybe he meant something else. He is not exactly disappointed by you but the way you tackle your pain” 

“He has freaking no rights to judge me.. to tell me how I should cope up. These men” she slammed the paper weight off her desk. “These men just wants to control.. if things aren’t the way as they think, the whole world is wrong” 

Ruby kept her mouth shut. She knew Arnav had good intentions behind doing all this but his approach was wrong. Defending him now will piss off Khushi all the more. 


Arnav Singh Raizada didn’t drive to Shantivan from work. He knew his mind will blow up there. He needed to be somewhere safer, around good memories and somehow there was only one such place where he could spend the night. Prem Nivas. But there was this one problem even there. Prem Nivas didn’t have only memories of his Grandparent’s love but also the moments he had spent with Khushi Gupta there. Some bitter… some cute and some harsh… some comforting. He drove there and found the door open. It might be the servants whom he had specially appointed to keep the house clean and tidy. As he entered the living room, he froze seeing Khushi Gupta sprawled on the length of the Sofa, sipping her drink. 

“What are you… you doing here?” 

Khushi Gupta cringed the moment she saw him entering Prem Nivas. This was the only place she thought of getting some solace tonight and he invaded her privacy even here. 

“You gave me the keys of this house, remember? I have every right to be here whenever I want” she scowled. 

“Yea. You have” he walked straight to the little bar at the corner of the room which looked like she already had used for making her own drink a while ago. He poured some for himself and gulped it in one shot. 

Khushi watched him drink but when he was done, she looked away. He took off his jacket and headed to the stairs not without throwing a few words at her. 

“Make yourself comfortable in any of the rooms” he strode to the room on the top floor, without a backward glance. 

Emotions welled in her, tightened her chest forming a lump in her throat. It was such a shitty coincidence that despite they fought with each other so bad today morning, they ended up under the same roof looking for some peace of mind. 

It was midnight and Arnav was still tossing on the bed. Sweat brushed his face recalling their fight at his office. Her words rang in his ears. 

‘Only because we shared some moments doesn’t give you those rights on me Arnav’ 

‘Stop trying to convince yourself this thing between us is anything other than attraction.’ 

‘I am not prepared to let you invade those darkest secrets locked in my mind. 

‘We cannot be together without destroying each other. And I don’t want that to happen.’ 

‘It’s better we stick to our specific roles and never cross those lines.’ 

Damm!! He woke up with a bolt. The lines were already crossed and he didn’t know the way to back off. He realized she too was here… under this roof. Somewhere in the other rooms. He desperately wanted to see her. He slipped out of his room. There were three rooms on the same floor where he stayed and two bedrooms down but Khushi didn’t care to use any. He saw her sleeping on the same couch in the living room where he had seen her last night. She looked so tiny and fragile on that huge couch that even he could fit in there beside her. Suddenly his nerves stiffened. Why did that thought come in his mind? To sleep with her? On the stupid couch? He realized she was softly shivering and had no means to cover her body from cold. He walked back to his room and removed an extra comforter from the closet. He made his way down and stretched the soft duvet on her. She was fast asleep, her drink glass lied unattended next to the couch which he picked and placed on the table. He wanted to brush her hair with his fingers, to stroke that delicate skin of her cheeks, to rub her lower lip and part it to … STOP!! His subconscious mind snapped. They had serious fight today and he should respect her privacy. 

He headed back to his room. Was Aman right? Did only pity and sympathy connect them? The things which he never shared with even Nani, he talked to Khushi Gupta. So, what if he was drunk that night, she still was his only confidant. It wasn’t easy for him to share his past, yet he showed that courage and now he felt better doing so. Why could she not spill out her pain? 


Khushi woke up at the soft alarm on her mobile phone. She had mindfully kept one for 07:00 am considering she had to head back to Gupta Villa. She pushed away the Duvet that covered her body and got up. A Duvet? She recalled not having one when she dozed off. Did Arnav? Probably he woke up at the middle of the night and covered her. He didn’t have to do it. She was fine without his support. Where was he? Her head ached badly. She hated to drink on weekdays when the next day she had loads of work at office, but last night was different. She couldn’t get sleep without it. She found a glass of water and two tablets placed beside it with ‘Eat me’ written on a paper next to it. Arnav again!! He did this for her. He knew she would have a bad headache this morning. How thoughtful. She swallowed those tablets and then made her way to the same room where he slept last night. The door was open but she instantly realized he wasn’t there. He had left. But the sheets on the bed was still crumpled and the Shirt he wore last night was lying on it. She gently reached the bed and picked his worn shirt. Just last week they had been here.. on the same bed… cuddled to each other.. And he had said it was the best sleep of his life. She clutched the shirt to her heart. His essence was still in there.. still lingering on the shirt and now.. upon her. 


Gupta Villa 

As Khushi entered the house, she was surprised to see Nandakishore and Lavanya back. She didn’t realize they were going to return today. And that she would meet them like this… she looked messed up. 

“Khush…” NK rushed to hug her. Nani and Lavanya were seated at the couch. As soon as NK reached, she hugged him tight. “Khush” he panicked. “Are you okay?” 

He had never felt his sister so… broken and in need of his support like she did today. Khushi didn’t speak a word. Her arms around him tightened. Last night when she saw Arnav in Prem Nivas, she had this urge to break into his arms but as the situation wasn’t exactly in the favor, she had restrained from doing anything like that. But today when she saw her brother back, she couldn’t hold on her feelings. 

“Khush.. you are scaring me.. What happened?” he painfully asked. 

Khushi realized she was overdoing this and instantly pulled away putting a fake smile on her face. 

“I am glad you are back. I missed you so much Kishu” 

NK exhaled in relief. 

“You scared me. I thought.. something is wrong. Are you sure you okay and where were you last night?” 

Khushi swallowed. 

“Ruby. Had been to Ruby’s place and she forced me to stay” she lied. 

“I see” he smiled. 

“How was your honeymoon?” she asked glancing back at Lavanya who looked happier than the time she had left for the trip. 

“It was mind blowing. We really had some fun time and Lavanya has shopped for all of us..” 

He and Khushi strode to the couch where all the shopping bags were scattered. 

“How’s the baby?” Khushi asked Lavanya in particular who smiled back. 

“Doing fine so far” she replied getting up from the seat and reached Khushi. “Thanks for everything..” she murmured. “Nani told me how much you took care of her in my absence. She was praising you all the time” 

“She is being too generous” Khushi stated. 

“And sorry for bothering you and ASR so much. I was going overboard. I think you two do make a good pair and..” 

“Lavanya” Khushi interrupted. “You and NK must be tired. Go rest and we will talk over breakfast” 

“She is right” Nani answered. “Khushi bitiya, I will send you some coffee in your room” 

“Thank you” she murmured and hurried upstairs. 

“She looks .. sad” NK swallowed taking Lavanya in his embrace. 

“Hmm.. I hope everything is alright between her and ASR” Lavanya added. It was strange that despite not being confident about her brother’s relationship with Khushi Gupta, Lavanya was still worried for them. 

“Now that they have cleared our problems.. we should clear theirs.. if there are any” NK smiled. 

“You are right. I am with you” 

“No.. I am with you.. I am always with you” he kissed her forehead and Nani looked away. She was glad this couple united and were showing every signs of a healthy marriage. All thanks to Arnav who put some brains into Lavanya. 


Khushi removed his shirt from her purse and hung it in the closet. Yes! That same worn Shirt of Arnav which should have gone to the laundry straight.. She had got it along with her and didn’t want to wash it as his essence would be gone if she did so. She shut the closet and then headed for a shower. She badly needed one. When she came back, freshly showered, Bella hopped at her feet. Khushi tied the robe around herself and picked Bella in her arms. 

“I left you alone last night..” she said stroking the puppy’s back. “I am sorry Bella.. I am so sorry..” 

She kissed Bella who cuddled on her lap. 

“The next time I am all upset.. I promise to come home and talk to you..” she added. “And you will have to listen. I know you will” 

Bella licked Khushi’s fingers and palms. 

“Good girl” Khushi’s face glittered with joy again. She had to dump things what happened yesterday and be prepared to face the new challenges. Right now, the first one was Arnav’s visit here any moment. Yes, since Lavanya and NK were back, she knew he would come to see them. 


When Khushi came down after an hour, she saw Arnav had already arrived and chatting with everyone. He seemed cool and pretended to be unaffected when he saw Khushi reaching them. 

“Glad she came” Lavanya said looking at Khushi who took a seat next to Nani. Arnav was seated opposite to her. She tried not to meet his eyes and he did the same. 

“we have got some nice beach wear clothes for both of you. This was NK’s idea by the way” 

She passed a beach frock to Khushi and a floral green shirt to Arnav. 

“You both are going to wear this on our next trip to some beach resort” NK added. 

“Right. But we got to plan this sooner. Once I am in my third trimester, I cannot enjoy the beach rides” 

“You are right baby” he kissed her cheek. Their affection for each other was back and though Arnav and Khushi were delighted to see them so happy, a part of their heart wanted that same kind of affection from the other. 

“Shall we plan a Goa trip this month end?” NK asked. 

“What’s with Goa guys? Everyone just wants to go there” Arnav commented. 

“Everyone?” Lavanya asked confused who else was he talking about. 

“Aman is going with Ruby this month end to Goa” 

“Who is Aman?” NK queried. 

“Ruby? As in Khushi’s friend Ruby?” Lavanya questioned. 

“Yes. They are kind of hanging out with each other” 

“Aman is Arnav’s friend” Lavanya replied to her confused husband. 

“Great.. then if they don’t mind, we can all go together. Right Khushi? It will be so much fun. Nani, you too are joining us there” 

Nani laughed. 

“It’s a youngsters trip, what will I do? And this month end I have some Satsang to attend. I suggest you all go and enjoy” 

Khushi got up. 

“I don’t think I can come. I have serious work to handle that week and..” she checked her watch. “I should be going. I am late for work” 

She didn’t give anyone a chance to stop her. 

“What happened to her? Did you both fight?” NK turned to Arnav. 

“I guess so” he replied clenching his jaw. “I am getting late too. Bye” 

He made his way out and the remaining three gaped at each other. Only when they thought the two families are uniting for good, this had to happen? 

“Fights are normal in every relationship” Nani explained. “I am sure they will sort it out” 

“Even if they don’t, this Goa trip should do. What do you think La?” 

“I don’t know NK.. If they decide not to be a part of it.. we cannot force them” 

“Leave it on me. I know how to convince my sister. You just ensure ASR doesn’t deny to come. And please talk to his friend Aman too. I will speak to Ruby” 

“You sure of this?” she asked hopefully. 


Nani suddenly laughed getting their attention back on her. 

“When you fought, they both tried to fix you guys and now you are doing exactly the same. I am so proud of all of you” 

Lavanya and NK both embraced Nani. 

“We want to be one happy family..” they both answered together. 

To be Continued. 


Note: Precap for The Royal Fling will be posted today evening



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  1. Khushi needs him but she doesn't ready to share any of her past with him yet

  2. I can feel Khushi's feelings here. She likes Arnav and quite sure of it but apprehensive of commitment. Her past is painful (more than Arnav) and she is still distrustful of people. She doesn't want pity but love and acceptance. She will definitely talk about herself, but only after she feels it. Not forced out of her.

    Now Arnav knows how Khushi is. He knows she has her own demons, has temper and guards her feelings/fear fiercely. He has seen that she cuts herself. Hence I feel he should not push Khushi so soon to talk about it, ONLY because he did so. Everyone is different. Now he even has second thoughts about his feelings. This is so bad. He is thinking if it is attraction or pity, which honestly is not good. Let him first be sure of his feelings before expecting a number of things from Khushi.

    1. I agree.. If Arnav is doubting his feelings for Khushi then I don't think he should be with her. Any relationship with a doubt isn't true.when you're in love it's doubtless.and nothing can change it mind

    2. I agree with u arnav should not push khushi to tell her past if she feels comfortable and if she can trust him enough she will let him know she understand khushi arnav 😨😰 and plezs first make arnav know his true feeling for her and them only he can make things right for both of them 😊👍

    3. I agree too. If he thinks it's only sympathy, just leave her alone. She has her own past, she has the right even to keep it hidden, it's her choice.
      We can't expect her to share like arnav did, it's more painful past than his.

  3. Awesome Update. Prem Nivas hold a special place in Arshi's life and I want Khushi to disclose her past there. Until and unless Khushi opens up about her past their relationship will remain complicated. Arnav took good care of Khushi. He is attracted towards her but it's not out of pity or sympathy Khushi want some solace from Arnav . She keeping Arnav's shirt proves it. Arnav on the other hand is controlling his emotions. Nani is the only one positive about Arshi relationship. Thanks for the back to back Update. 😍😘

  4. Khushi being too difficult here. She have to give in to herself to let Arnav know what she went through. Awesome update

  5. Superb Update...Actually while reading this i was waiting when Arnav and Khushi will confront each other after their ugly fight but that will come next part i think...Waiting for Next Part...

  6. Khushi shouldn't get so much hyper . Her anger issue are not good . Ruby is right Khushi always misunderstand Arnav. Arnav in Prem Nivas revisiting his memories. Khushi being there was no less a shock for Arnav. It's interesting that both came to find solace in a common place. Whatever Arshi shares is beyond attraction. Khushi must share her past with Arnav to make their relationship easy otherwise how the relationship will progress. Arnav though cares for Khushi and is probably attracted to her. But is it love? Khushi is running from her past. She show herself as strong but actually she is really vulnerable. Her past may be really dark. Arnav is so good he is caring towards her. Khushi recalling their moments of togetherness is wonderful. Khushi want Arnav but can't give up on her insecurities. NK though tried to understand Khushi she knows how to hide her emotions too well and lied to NK . It's nice to see Khushi's concern for Lavanya. Khushi keeping Arnav shirt proves she needs his comfort and support. Bella and Khushi shares a beautiful bond. Why are Arshi hiding and holding their feelings back . Hope Arshi visit Goa and their equation change. Waiting for Royal Fling Precap.😍

  7. Khushi has strong feelings for Arnav but her fear & insecurities due to her painful past, doesn't let her acknowledge them to even herself, let alone Arnav.. Unless & until she opens up to him & he gives her assurance of love, support & togetherness always, their union ain't possible... Her reluctance is clouding Arnav's feelings for her as well...

    Happy to see NK & Lav worrying for Arshi & planning to end their so called fight...

    Hope this Goa trip helps to wipe out the distance & differences between Arshi..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  8. Khushi needs to decide what she wants. She can’t go back and forth like this. She is smart and even if khushi is hurt she can decide what she wants for herself. And for arnav he doesn’t know the depth of khushis pain. Even we, readers don’t know her pain. So it’s better if he doesn’t judge her. Nice update.

  9. Awesome thanks excellent 😍🥰🥰😊

  10. Madhu please give precap of royal fling

  11. Ignorance is best here... May be they will understand their feelings for each other...

  12. I hope they sort this out soon... If Khushi needs time, Arnav should understand that... She will tell when she feels like to...

  13. Awesome. She likes Arnav but she fears commitment. Both really misses each other but both are stubborn to accept that. Hope they will patch up soon. Why Aman interfered in their budding feelings. It's their personal matter. I'm sure Khushi must have opened up about her past to Arnav sometime later. But this Aman spoiled everything.

  14. Prem Niwas is a special place for both Arnav and Khushi. Let’s see if they agree to go to Goa or not. Awesome.

  15. Silent fight between the two😁😁

  16. Hope arnav amd khusi solve there problems soon.they really need to talk. Fabulous update

  17. Nice update..
    I thought they will talk but nope both are too strong headed and in pain..

    Hope NaLa ideas work.. aman ruby too help them..

    Looking forward

  18. Wonderful update but hate to see Arnav and Khushi not taking to each other
    Hope they will able to reunite in next update
    Waiting for next update

  19. So excited for the Goa trip.. hope they'll reunite there

  20. So Kishu and La want to play Cupid. Khushi is ver stubborn
