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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 35


Chapter 35

Nothing seemed right or blissful anymore. Arnav Singh Raizada could still pass time at work but after that, he felt lonely and had nothing to do. It was during this period at night when his mind and heart didn’t corelate anymore. He remembered Khushi Gupta and all those little moments spent with her and while he enjoyed it, his mind made him recall their last bitter fight. A woman with that level of Ego wasn’t going to take it well and she was proving him right. It had been three days they hadn’t seen each other or talked. Neither he made an attempt nor she.

“Goa sounds a good plan” Aman Mathur reached the table with two glass of Beer.

Tonight, after work, Arnav and Aman met in this club to spend some Boys time together.

“I don’t think I am interested” Arnav gulped.

“Not interested in the trip or only because she is coming too”

Arnav exhaled.

“I don’t know how to face her… I said so horrible things to her the other day and now when I think about it, I realize how much I hurt her. My intention was to take away her pain, not give her more. I should have taken things slow. I .. I wish I could reverse all that and..”

“Hey.. slow down… and calm down” Aman stated. “I agree what you say but at least we know she is not prepared yet”

“I don’t care anymore if she ever wants me to know her past or not” 

Aman nodded. 

“You know in Singapore when we met again after that night… I… I thought she was prepared for more and I was the one unsure. But I think all she wanted was ME… just Me… not those social obligations which can bind us into a permanent relationship. She is afraid to commit and she has her own reasons. Its fine.. fine with me if she doesn’t ever want to name these so-called feelings between us. I don’t want to pressurize her. But after that fight, she made it very clear she doesn’t want this to extend” 

He looked terribly pale. Aman tried to cheer him up. 

“I think you both should sit and talk. Hear what she wants, tell her what you want. Find a middle way and see how it works. I am sure it will do wonders. Lets all go to Goa. If not everyone, at least you and Khushi need some break” 

“I wont if she doesn’t want me to come” 

“She wants you to come, bet me on that” Aman winked. Arnav hoped that too. They finally clinked their glasses and changed the subject. 


That night when Arnav returned to Prem Nivas to spend a night there again, he realized the white shirt was missing. It had to be with Khushi!! He was more than glad she took it. This meant something.. That there was still something connecting them and she hadnt broken all ties. She wanted him still. But she was hurt and so was he. 

Khushi glanced over her laptop screen to check if Bella was licking milk from the bowl or not and then focused back on the email she was drafting. That’s when her phone beeped. 

“Do you have my shirt?” 

His message tickled her stomach and also electrified her at the same time. How did he know she got his shirt from Prem Nivas? And that’s it? He messaged her for the first time after 3 days from their fight and this is what he wants to know? If she took his shirt? She typed back a reply. 

“You lost your shirt and you want to hold me responsible for that? How careless and insensible Mr. Raizada” 

She pushed her phone away and forced her gaze on the laptop screen. Work interested her but the immediate buzz on her phone again, and she lost that interest. It was his reply. 

“You have my shirt which means I didn’t lose it. So, I am NOT careless. And it’s better we don’t talk about SENSIBLITY. It will lead to another debate Miss Gupta” 

Khushi’s brows twitched. He was so confident she collected his shirt and now it was in her wardrobe as her most prized possession. Her fingers itched to type a reply and she did it within the next few seconds. 

“People who poke in other’s past, are insensitive to the pain they are inflicting on that person” 

She hit sent and waited for his reply which was again, instant. 

“You are not the only one in pain. You said too many things that day to hurt me forever” 

Khushi exhaled and showed him the mirror of the future of their relationship. 

“Pain + Pain = More Pain. I don’t think we should both even consider going ahead TOGETHER. I am working on something important. Good night” 

Arnav shoved away his mobile and cuddled the pillow. She was clearly ignoring him. He shut his eyes to try get some sleep. It was weekend tomorrow and he was invited by Nani and Lavanya to Gupta Villa. 


Gupta Villa – Morning 

“Family time??” Khushi queried suspiciously while finishing her breakfast. “I didn’t understand” 

“Let me explain” NK stated. “After marriage, Nani is here with us and ASR is alone in Shantivan. Though he is busy all weekdays, I am sure he still misses them” 

“Not just them” Lavanya interrupted. “He must be missing Khushi too. After all you both are exploring your relationship, aren’t you?” 

Khushi sensed it wasn’t a taunt. These two were trying to fix something. She was intelligent enough to understand what they planned but she preferred to hear it from them. 

“Anyway, so we decided that from now every weekend, ASR will spend his time here. With us” Lavanya added. 

Khushi swallowed the morsel and cleared her throat. NK clutched her arm over the table. 

“We did good right? We are one big happy family now. You recall Khush…how we always wanted to have a family time but never had one. Now we got a chance. We have three more good people linked to us and we can surely make the best out of it” 

Khushi gazed at her brother and caressed his face. 

“I want to see you happy Kishu. And you are right. We do owe some good family time. Good decision” 

Lavanya and Nani glanced at each other. 

“But I have one condition” she continued. “Naniji is not going to stress herself by cooking in the kitchen.. She will take ample of rest and spend time with us.. her grandchildren..” 

“Accepted” Nani nodded in approval. “When is Chotte coming here? Did you check on him Lavanya?” 

“He said he will come directly at evening. He had some work to do. But he is staying as promised” 

Khushi didn’t react to that. Somewhere even she couldn’t wait to see him. At evening when Arnav Singh Raizada blessed them with his presence, everyone cheered up. NK and Lavanya were trying their best to make the two communicates somehow. They even decided to play some silly games to keep the entertainment going but Khushi and Arnav both declined that idea pushing it to next week. Dinner was arranged in the garden, under the open sky. It was some of the best time Khushi spent with each one of them. Though both Arnav and Khushi were sitting opposite to each other at the table, whenever they tried to serve themselves and pass the serving bowls to each other, their fingers brushed. At times Khushi pulled away, at times he did. Despite having the family around, they couldn’t shrug their solitude. Finally came the sleeping time. 

“Khush… please show ASR the guest room where he can rest the night” NK suggested. 

“You can show him the room NK. I have an important call to make” 

“Oh please. The guest room is on way to your room. You can quickly show him” 

Arnav clenched his jaw seeing her ignorance. 

“That’s fine. I will check it myself” Arnav interrupted. 

“No way” NK snapped turning again to Khushi. “What’s wrong? You and him still not sorted? Are you guys upset with something?” 

Khushi had no plans to include one more person in that list who wanted to know what was wrong with them. 

“We are good. I will show him the room” she agreed. 

“Perfect” NK kissed her forehead and let them go. 

Arnav followed Khushi to the stairs. None of them talked. She could feel the heat of his stare on her back. And if she was in his place, she would do the same. In fact, she was dying to touch him, cuddle, kiss and .. STOP” 

“You said something?” Arnav asked as she froze to the spot. 

“No.. I mean… yes. This.. is your room. Guest room” 

Arnav shook his head and giving her one last glance, made his way in. 


Khushi showered quickly and wore a knee length cotton gown which she sported only at times when she felt lifeless.. colorless and… alone. Otherwise she had dozens of colored night dresses, all types, as nightwear. Bella was fast asleep on the small couch at the corner of her room and Khushi knew somewhere in the middle of the night, she would hop on the bed and sleep at her feet. She sat on the bed, looking painfully at the mobile phone. Could she just ask Arnav if he was comfortable enough in that room? Bad idea!! The next instant her phone beeped. It was his message. 

“I feel like .. Shit. Can I keep Bella with me for few days?” 

Now he wanted to snatch even Bella from her? No ways. She texted back and what seemed like a small conversation, turned into a chain of messages. 

“No! She is mine. I cannot stay without her” 

“Then come along with her” 

“Are you asking us both out, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada?” 

“I am asking one of you and I think Bella is smart enough to understand who that lucky one is” 

“Buy another dog. Then you won’t need me and Bella both and you will get some company too” 

“I believe in small and happy families. Me… my partner and her cute little puppy. 

“Great. Then find a partner for yourself with a puppy. Problem solved” 

“I have found one” 

“I am sure you aren’t DISSAPPOINTED by her. Team up. Take her to Prem Nivas. Have some good time. Make her share her past” 

“I am not interested in her past anymore” 

“You say that now. Curiosity is a nightmare. Won’t let you sleep” 

“Wrong. I get good sleep around her” 

“And here I thought you don’t do sleepovers!! When did you sleep with her by the way?” 

“I do that every night in my dreams” 

“Dreams are temporary” 

“She is afraid to commit. Need to find other ways to make this permanent” 

When Khushi didn’t reply for almost next 5 minutes, he messaged her again. 

“Don’t shut me out” 

“I am not. Just trying to fix myself to open up” 

“Don’t try. It will happen eventually” 

“What if I never open up?” 

“I will live with that” 


“That’s far less painful than living without you” 

“Damn!! Just go to sleep” 

“Come over here if you want us both to get some good sleep. I am not too far” 

“Why do you think I will do that?” 

“Because I know you will. Door unlocked” 

“Too presumptuous Mr. Raizada. I am not coming there” 

“You will. Good night until you change your mind and come here” 

“I am not coming there. Lock your door before you get to bed please. You are being too hopeful” 

“Hope is all I have right now and it won’t ditch me. I assure you that” 

“Just go to sleep Mr. Raizada. I am already yawning” 

“I will haunt you in your dreams if you don’t come here” 

“Please do. I know how to drag you out of my dreams” 

“Why don’t you drag your feet and cross the distance between our rooms instead?” 

“Not really a great idea. We are surrounded by our families” 

“That’s why we have alarm clocks. To wake us up before them. To get back in our respective rooms without being caught” 

“My phone battery is dead. Alarms wont work” 

“Mine is fully charged. Now stop giving excuses and come here” 

“I don’t like to sleep in the guest room of my own house” 

“Not even when that guest room has your favorite man sleeping in it?” 

“I never said you are my favorite” 


The emoticon he sent made her give up her resolve. She typed back quickly. 

“Fine but on two conditions” 

“Name them please” 

“First, we will just SLEEP. Second, this still doesn’t clear that argument between us” 

“First, duly accepted with some exceptions. Second, duly noted” 


“Cuddles and kisses” 

Her face flushed. 

“No. Those are hard limits for me tonight” 

“Can we negotiate?” 

“Screw this. It is totally a bad idea. I would like to sleep in my own room” 

She was sure about this. He didn’t reply for almost two minutes, as if he needed time to process it. Finally, his message beeped on her phone again. 

“Okay. Good night. Sweet dreams Miss Khushi Gupta. It was nice chatting with you” 

That’s it? He agreed? She gripped her phone and held it to her heart. She took the right decision of not accepting his invite, didn’t she? 

Almost 20 minutes passed, Arnav was still tossing on the bed, the small bedside lamp glowing and the only light that illuminated the room. He wasn’t sleepy. In fact, he didn’t want to sleep. She seemed sure of putting a distance between them and it hurt him. Suddenly the door was pushed open and he saw her. Khushi Gupta was standing at the door, staring at him as if still making her mind to get in or not. Arnav’s gaze lingered on her face hoping she would make this decision soon. She was still gripping the door knob so hard that her knuckles turned white. Their uncontrolled breathing was the only sound in the room. She finally made up her mind. She pushed the door closed and strode to the bed. Arnav suddenly was all hot and breathless. She agreed? She shut the night lamp next to him. She wasn’t very fond of darkness, preferred having the room partially lit while sleeping, but not tonight. She was afraid Arnav would read her face.. She climbed the other side of the bed and lied down facing her back to him. She wasn’t exactly at the edge of the bed but not close to him either. Arnav didn’t make a move. Within few seconds she pushed herself behind… until her back hit his chest. His arm automatically curled on her waist, drawing her closer. His face buried in her hair and she heard him gasp. Her fingers automatically entwined with his over her waist and she shut her eyes. Their heart thudded for few minutes and then slowly their bodies relaxed. When their breathing became even again, Arnav kissed her hair and soon the two fell asleep. 

To be Continued.




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  1. Awwwww, the end was so sweeett
    It's like typical family Arnav Khushi and Bella
    I have a feeling that khushi will open up her past soon.

  2. Awesome romantic 😘😘😍😍😍

  3. Nice update �� waiting for the next one..

  4. Their story is going through a passionate way....the end scene was so sweet and adorable.... Khushi will take time to open up and he needs to be slow with her

  5. Awesome Update. Specially the last part. Arnav understand Khushi's fears and insecurities. Arshi are coming close. Arnav realized that he hurt Khushi. Arnav has great importance in Khushi's life. Arnav seems quite hopeful of their relationship. Arnav must give Khushi some space. Lavanya has turned sober. Khushi and NK both have a painful past. Khushi is caring towards Nani. Khushi is attracted towards Arnav but is it still love. Both bonded over Bella and at least communicated. Khushi came to Arnav and Arnav understand her insecurities and fears. Khushi will surely open up. But Arnav has to give her time. Thanks for the Update.😍😘

  6. Super super... Their chat was so cute...

  7. Romantic update... Arnav is now handling things in a correct way I guess... Enjoyed their chat...

  8. Very nice chapter. Aman is really wise and Arnav is quite hopeful regarding Arshi's relationship and both are in talking terms with each other. Arnav must give Khushi some space. Lavanya has turned sober. Khushi and NK's past must be terrible and painful. Khushi is quite caring towards Nani. Khushi has desires for Arnav and want him. Both bonded over Bella. Arnav's and Khushi communication was good. Arnav understand Khushi much better her insecurities and fears. They had a blissful night. Last part is beautiful both need each other. Khushi will surely reveal her past soon. Another chapter will of the same FF will be great 👍😜

  9. Khushi is juggling between her heart & mind regarding Arnav... But she wants him as much as he wants her... Both of their feelings r very much raw yet very potent...

    La, NK & dadi's efforts paved as Arshi ended up together... The last paragraph of Arshi's togetherness is the bestest & beautiful part of this update...

    Thanks for the beautiful update Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  10. Such a sweet romantic update

  11. Wonderful lovely❤❤❤ update madhu

  12. Wonderful,loveeee it......😍😍😍

  13. It's really nice and the maturity arnav showed taking first step is appreciative.The space he give to khushi to open up will remove distance between them.

  14. Madhu why I feel you are streching this story a lot ? Please give precap of royal fling or yaadein

  15. Awesome. Both are so stubborn. Both need each other like the next breath but not ready to sort out. Silly couple😊. The ending part was so sweet. They can't sleep without each other under the same roof. NK and Lav done a good job for this stubborn people. Hope they will go for this trip and it will help them to understand their feelings for each other.....

  16. Love love love loved it..
    Damn that chat was so cute...

  17. Amazing update.. wasn't expecting them to cuddle so soon without a harsh fight but glad to see the cute partial patch up.. waiting for royal fling Precap

  18. WOW What an Update Madhu...It was the BEST one...Like the conversation between Arnav and Khushi...How beautifully you have write this...Especially the Last part it just amaizing...Waiting For Next Part...

  19. Awesome update. Haizzz both making their life difficult for each other. But in the end nice to see their changes.

  20. Awesome update. Loved the way they are bonding and understanding each other.

  21. Aww the last part was soooo adorable and sweet... Loved the update..

  22. Their chatting was damn good! They are made for each other🥰😍

  23. Awwwwwwww this is so sweet awesome update ❤️❤️❤️

  24. Finally Khushi came to his room😁😁..nice update..madhu will u be giving precap of The Royal fling tonight??

  25. Madhu please update precap of royal fling or yaadein today

  26. Arnav and Khushi are in love but Khushi doesn't want to accept it. Loved the ending

  27. I love how khushi and bellas bonding grew up. Thats really beautiful. Hope Arnavs and khushis relationship will turn into a better way with more understanding and stability . Nice update sis!!

  28. Their chatting was wonderful... Playful n happening... I think soon they will be on right path...

  29. Simply worth the wait update..

    Like the way arnav spoke to aman ..I am sure arshi will go to Goa.

    Like the way arnav text her, she is tough..

    NK good idea for family time over weekend and arnav staying her.
    Like arshi chatting that was too goo like the way arnav took step to amend things between them..
    Lovely khushi came to guest room..

    One step.closer..

    Looking forward

  30. They can't leave without each other.both know this.hope arnav solve her fear and khushi let him doo that.soo adorable couple. Fabulous update

  31. wow.. awesome.. liked the chat between ArShi.. loved the update.. Thanks Madhu

  32. Awww my poor heart going pittar patter 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

  33. Beautiful update
    Their chat was really cute
    Loved the way Arnav is trying make her comfortable in their relationship hope soon Khushi can trust him much to let go of her fears for commitment
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  34. Chatting really opened them up a little and so much for just sleeping 😘😘like really

  35. Lovely 💕 I enjoyed there chatting to eachother openly for sleeping with eachother aww it was soo good and finally agreed and came to arnav there find there solace with eachother 😍🥰 they get good sleep with eachother it's a very good thing 😍😍 it was soo adorable and relaxing for both them 🥰😍

  36. Supeeeeeeeeerb. Specially masseggeing part .

  37. Too good to read...Msging session was nice...

  38. cute chapter. Romantic.

  39. Awesome chapter. Baby Steps for both of them. Just loved it
