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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 32

Chapter 32


Arnav was getting ready to leave for Gupta Villa for Dinner whilst talking to Lavanya on phone. It was a video call.

“You are going somewhere?” she asked seeing him brushing his hair.

“Nani has invited me for dinner and we have plans to watch a movie too. Just like old times”

Lavanya smiled.

“Only Nani invited? Not that Khushi Gupta?”

The tone which she used to call out Khushi’s name didn’t go well with Arnav. He paused and returned to the tablet on the study table. He sat on the chair before it.

“La, you need to tone down a bit. I understand the pregnancy hormones are giving you a hard time but focus on your marriage. For God’s sake this is what you wanted. You love NK and you have his baby. Why are you behaving so cold with him? You both are on a honeymoon. This period won’t come again. And once you have the baby, you both will have more tough job to do” 
“I know. I know it all ASR. I am just worried for you. I don’t want anyone to hurt you again. Me and Nani had lost you for 3 long years and we don’t want to lose you again. Khushi has that power to destroy you by her actions.. She is bitter to everyone ASR. How can you expect love from her? She has seen worst in her childhood as NK told me and a woman like her who never has known the power of love cannot give that in return to other. I want you to be happy with a normal woman..” 

“I am happy with her” he snapped. “She is my normal now Lavanya. And I cannot explain it to you. Not when you have already made up your mind about her. You are judging her from my sister’s angle. I know she is dominant, short tempered but that’s all one side of her. I have seen the other side too. She is scared, hurt and needs love. She is lost, living in the dark but she still has values. She knows how to look after people whom she loves. Despite being alone, she can fight for herself and others. She doesn’t need support; she just needs someone to understand her and stand by her. I am willing to be that one” 

Lavanya was speechless. 

“She doesn’t believe in marriages or commitment” she argued. 

“I know but its not necessary that she will be the same throughout. People change Lavanya and to be honest, I don’t want her to change. She is powerful in her own ways and I want her to stay like that. And regarding marriage and commitment issues that she has, I am in no hurry to push her to that limit. She can take her own time” 

Lavanya broke into tears. Arnav felt guilty for making her cry but it was necessary to do so. 

“La… look at me” he urged. “I know you love and care for me a lot. But when I trusted your instincts for Nandakishore, you too have to trust mine for Khushi. Give us some time and if we are really meant for each other, it will work. You will see that someday. But until then, I don’t want you to disturb your life. Seeing you worrying for me is making me feel guilty. You want to see me happy; I understand. But what is Nandakishore’s fault in this? He needs your love and time too. Until you stop focusing on me, you cannot do justice with your own married life” 

“I am sorry” she sobbed. “I… I don’t know what happens to me these days. I do things wrong and then… repent” 

Nandakishore came behind Lavanya to see whom she was talking to. 

“God!! La.. why are you crying?” he quickly sat beside her stroked her back. Lavanya embraced him. NK turned to the phone screen. “ASR.. Is everything okay there? Why is she crying?” 

“Nothing.. she just realized she was doing wrong with you..” 

“Wrong” NK chuckled. “My Sweetheart can never be wrong” he cupped her face and kissed her tears. 

Arnav watched them in awe. This couple never shied flaunting their loving gestures. 

“Yea.. kiss each other and make up for all that bad times.. Enjoy your honeymoon guys and no more tears or worry. Bye” 

Arnav disconnected the call and continued to dress up. He was already running late. 


Gupta Villa 

Bella licked Arnav’s fingers the moment he picked her up. 

“Hey.. how’s my baby doing?” he stroked Bella like usual which she loved. It was just Arnav and Khushi she was so fond of and comfortable around. 

“You are late” Khushi came out in the living room checking her watch. “Naniji was waiting since an hour for you” 

“Just Nani?” he asked putting Bella down again. 

Her face turned pink again just like her dress. She was wearing another knee length frock which he loved seeing her in these days. 

“Where is your bag?” she changed the subject. “I thought you are staying with us tonight” 

Since they had plans to watch a movie on the big Plasma TV at the Drawing room, Khushi and Nani both wanted him to stay with them instead of going back to Shantivan. 

“I don’t do sleepovers” 

His cryptic replies just made her blush deeper. 

“You and I had two sleepovers so far and you still want me to believe that?” she teased. 

If he was going to tease her, she too decided to participate actively. Now it was Arnav’s turn to flush. His pulse raced with desire. 

“We can’t count those two. You were drunk in one and I was intoxicated in the other. And didn’t you just say.. we only slept!! Not that Slept!!!” he asked playfully. 

Khushi was once again left speechless. 

“Drink?” she changed the subject again. 

“I don’t drink around Nani” he promptly replied. 

“Oh.. Yea..” she agreed. “Soft drink then or some juice?” 

“Soft drink would do” 

Since she was asking so nicely, he didn’t upset her. 

“Maria.. please get two soft drinks for us and inform Naniji her grandson is here” 

Maria nodded and rushed in the kitchen. 

“Please…” she guided him to the living room. 

“She cooks daily?” Arnav asked taking a seat. 

“Nani? Yea. She cooks almost daily” 

“She did the same in Shantivan” 

“She told” Khushi smiled. 

They were at silence for a second and then he spoke again. 

“You know when I decided to send Nani here along with Lavanya, I didn’t realize you will treat her so well” 

“You think I am a Vampire?” she frowned. 

“Not anymore” he mumbled staring deeply in her eyes. 

“And what made you change your thoughts?” her voice turned soft. 

Arnav got quiet again. His fingers curled a strand of her hair and tucked it gently behind her ear. 

“You don’t have vampires’ tooth” he answered. “Because I didn’t bleed when we kissed” 

Embarrassment burned her cheeks. Flashes of that kiss lingered in the back of their minds and suddenly they felt hot despite the high AC in the house. 

“Chotte” Nani strode in the living room breaking their stance. Arnav got up and hugged his grandmother. He talked so normally with her like the past conversations with Khushi never happened. How could he change his mood so swiftly and here she was still panting? 

“I will ask the maids to serve the dinner” she rose to her feet and hurried in the kitchen to give the orders. 

They ate dinner discussing about Nani’s pastime in this house and it really surprised Arnav when Nani told him how Khushi massaged her feet once. 

“Really?” he turned to look at Khushi who felt conscious again. They were sitting together whereas Nani at the opposite side of the table. 

“I was just helping her relax her feet. What’s such a big deal in that?” Khushi debated. 

“No Chotte. She literally skipped her calls to attend me. I will always be thankful to her” 

“Would you thank Lavanya and Arnav too if they had done the same for you?” Khushi queried the old woman who understood her point. “Or probably you still think I am an outsider” 

“No Khushi bitiya. You are like my own grandchild now” 

“In that case, no more thank you’s here on” Khushi made it clear. 

Arnav was super happy seeing the change in Khushi and the way she was bonding with Nani. 

“But she gives a good massage” Nani added. 

Arnav was once again stunned at that information whereas Khushi flushed. 

“Is it? Then I envy you Nani” he mocked. 

Nani laughed seeing the blush on Khushi’s face. 

“Stop teasing her. Khushi is hardly eating” 

Arnav grinned back at Khushi who silently continued her meals. 

After the dinner, the three seated on the couch to watch the old movie. Nani was still skeptical about it though. 

“Chotte.. you don’t have to bore Khushi. We can watch any movie which she will enjoy too” 

“No. . No.. I am not very fond of movies.. any movies. So old or new doesn’t matter. I am just giving company to you two” Khushi stated. 

Arnav played the DVD of an old classical black and white movie during Nani’s times. 

“That’s my Dadaji’s favorite movie” Arnav mentioned. 

Nani took a seat little away from the two. She didn’t want to disturb them. Arnav and Khushi were seated next to each other, behind Nani. 

“He and my Daadi used to watch this movie like every month” 

Khushi then realized he was talking about his father’s parents. The same grandfather who had bought Prem Nivas once for his wife. She wondered how the same house can have two opposite memories for two different families. The movie begun and Nani was engrossed in the movie but she was feeling cold. Khushi quickly got a shawl and draped it around Nani. She thanked Khushi for her timing and wrapped the shawl. Arnav just gazed Khushi Gupta with pride. Who would say she was the same woman who made him her slave for 6 months? When Khushi returned to him, he clutched her arm and made her sit close to him, unlike before. It was dark in the room and the only light that glowed was the one coming from the Plasma TV. Khushi swallowed her uneasiness as Arnav entwined their fingers and during all this, he ensured he didn’t observe her. He kept his gaze fixed on the TV screen. 

Khushi allowed him to hold her hand.. it felt nice… warm and most importantly, she felt wanted!! By the same man.. whom she desired too. As the movie continued further, so did his touches.. He initially stroked his thumb on the back of her palm and her wrist. Khushi had to fake clearing her throat to curb the moan from her mouth. This had to stop. But Arnav Singh Raizada showed no signs of stopping. He was no longer interested in the movie. He turned to face her. Their eyes met. She used her other hand and forced him to look at the TV screen and not her. But again, in few seconds, he was staring her. He was glad Nani was sitting quite away from them and had no clue what happened behind. 

“Your Dadaji wont be happy to see you ignoring his favorite movie” she whispered. 

“He wont!! In fact, he will be happy I am repeating his actions” 

Khushi didn’t understand. 

“Why do you think he and Daadi watched movie every month?” he asked. 

Khushi rolled her eyes. She could connect the dots. Arnav said his grandfather was very romantic and loved his wife which means Arnav was repeating his Dadaji’s actions. 

“You are shivering” he mumbled stroking her bare forearm. Yes. She was indeed shivering but not because of the AC or her short dress. His touch, the closeness between them and his teases were enough for her to lose control of her own body. 

Arnav gently pulled away from her and the shivering intensified. It was only then she realized how much she needed his warmth right now. He didn’t make her wait for long. He grabbed another shawl from the side and draped it around her. Khushi lips curled into a smirk. 

“I thought we both were sharing this” she muttered. 

Arnav’s jaw tightened. 

“I was waiting for you to ask” 

He watched her unwrap the shawl and drape it around both of them. This indeed brought them closer to each other. She was almost cuddling him on the couch. Her legs folded and half of their weight were on his thigh. She hadn’t felt this cozier with any other man. He was the only one!! Arnav wrapped an arm around her shoulder and gazed back in her eyes. A song played on the TV as the movie continued but none of them even cared anymore. 

She had to change the subject otherwise she didn’t know where this posture would lead them to. 

“Did.. did you speak to Lavanya?” 

Arnav nodded. 

“I did. They might have kissed and patched up by now” he replied. 

Kiss!!! Khushi flushed again. This was the new normal for her these days. A woman who hardly smiled now blushed every time he looked at her with desire. She controlled the direction her thoughts were going. 

“I think by now they might have done a lot more than kiss” she teased. 

It was just supposed to be a tease.. she didn’t mean to give him a pass.. Or probably she did.. She bit her lip as his gaze shifted from her eyes to her lips. Shit!! He was about to kiss her when she placed a finger between their lips. Arnav frowned. 

“I am… I am not interrupting you. But” she swallowed. “but this kiss doesn’t have to mean more..” 

Arnav smirked. He knew what she meant. 

“It won’t mean marriage.. it wont mean commitment.. it will remain just a kiss. At least until you don’t want it to mean more” he assured. 

Her heart pounded with longing as their lips met. The thought of Nani turning behind made her cheeks burn with mortification but she didn’t pull away. This was the best moment.. the best kiss she had ever experienced in her life and she would cherish it as long as she could. When the song ended, there was a sudden silence spread in the room. Khushi frantically pulled away in the fear of being caught by Nani. Arnav held his laugh seeing her so horrified. Bella entered the room and hopped on the same couch and settled next to them. Arnav and Khushi both stroked the puppy together. Khushi then leaned her head on his shoulder and forced him to pay attention on the TV screen now. Arnav kept stroking her forearms gently to ease her rising goosebumps as they continued watching the movie again. It felt perfect. 

To be Continued. 


Note: The Aman-Khushi scene which was posted in precap yesterday will come in next part.


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All Samaira wanted was some seclusion from her frenzy past when flirty Rehaan invaded it with his charm. As they meet at the Airport to board the flight, sparks fly. Read this short Romantic journey of grumpy Samaira and flirty Rehaan from Boarding to Landing


  1. Amazing! Can't get enough of this story at all..awesome

  2. I don't understand what is happening in this story . This story is taking a turn in every update. First arnav didn't wanted Khushi to be his future wife later Khushi thought to avoid arnav .
    Later arnav showed interest in Khushi but Khushi told no commitment and also didn't wanted to get married . Now both want each other one ready for marriage other person is not ready.
    Is Khushi want one night stand or live in relationship with arnav as she desired him? Also will Khushi change her decision after her meeting with Aman ?
    So confusing also intresting. All the 3 stories are having suspense.
    Will you update the precap of royal fling today ? Like now ?

    1. Will you directly give the Full chapter update tomorrow or only precap tomorrow?

    2. Then I will be waiting to read Full chapter

  3. Khushi is so normal now. Yaar love this khushi and arnav.
    But I'm so eager to know her past, her disastrous children, her strained relationship with her parents , why she hates love commitment marriage

    So much to find out

  4. Omg i loveee this chapter...😍.Thank you Madhu😘

  5. SUPERB UPDATE...Very Romantic scene between our ArShi...Waiting for Next Update...

  6. Awesome chapter madhu...waiting for the Royal fling

  7. Awesome superb romantic arshi 😊🥰🥰🥰😍😘😘

  8. Superb update... I know Arnav will completely change Khushi and her thoughts against marriage... May be, Khushi's past will help him in that... Arshi's romance while watching an old romantic movie and the changed Khushi who cares for Arnav's family... I liked everything...

  9. Awesome Update. Arshi kissed. Thanks God Nani was engrossed in the movie. Arnav is going to stay with Khushi they are coming close. Their conversation was nice Khushi share a great bond with Nani. Arnav is sharing little insights of his life. Lavanya is too much. No wonder Arnav got upset. I liked Arnav's way of defending Khushi. Arnav knows Khushi well enough. Lavanya should not interfere much in Arshi's life. Now that Arnav is going to stay with Khushi hopefully they will connect much better. Waiting for Khushi's past to unfold. Thanks for the Update.😍😘

  10. Awesome update. Beautiful movie date along with the kiss.

  11. What a beautiful & romantic update...

    Nani is such a sweetheart.. Though Arshi had dinner with her but the movie plans turned into Arshi's movie date even in the presence of nani... All thanks to her that she gave them their space...

    Arshi have gotten so comfortable with each other.. I love their teasings & romantic talks...

    Arnav taking Khushi's side making Lavanya understand her mistake was really needed so that Lav stops worrying & interfering in her brother's life & concentrates on her own marriage..

    Thanks for the lovely update Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  12. OMG it's taking a beautiful turn... I never expected it to happen like this anywhere soon but it feels too naturally.... Both are damaged but imperfectly perfect for each other

  13. Wow.... Movie date was awe3. Loved their teasing throughout. They became more close and open with their feelings. Hope soon Arnav will erase her fears with his love. Waiting for khushi's past to reveal soon.... And Arnav did right talking to Lavanya. She has to understand his brothers choice and give him space. Hope she understood now and will change her attitude towards Khushi. Loved Nani - Khushi bonding....

  14. I don't understand, why this drastic change between Arnav and Khushi. I am not saying I don't want to see them together, but need continuation with their feelings. It felt very abrupt.

  15. Arnav has feelings for Khushi. Loved Arnav's maturity in dealing with Lavanya. Lavanya's concern is good but not her over possessive nature. Lavanya is too negative about Khushi here. Arnav knows Khushi quite well and he analysed her as well as praised her too. Will Khushi agree for commitment. I like the fact that Arnav likes the way Khushi is. Both are mature enough to take the relationship ahead. Bella and Arnav's moment was too cute. Arnav's teasing and Khushi's shying . Khushi has quite high regards for Nani. Arshi conversation was good. Nani and Khushi sharing the moment was awesome Arshi enjoyed the movie which has an emotional touch as it's Arnav's Dadaji's favourite. Will Khushi terminate the contract. Arshi has intense feelings. Arnav's Dadaji was quite a romantic person. Hope Arnav will be able to change Khushi's thought regarding marriage. Waiting for Aman's entry as he is going to play a crucial role in Arshi's life.

  16. Nice to see that Arnav and Khushi are enjoying their lives

  17. This is hard to believe a soft Khushi at once? What's the twist! There has to be one! Are their pasts interconnected too?


  18. Every chapter there is turn and twist... Hope they start their relationship...

  19. Their relationship seems to have taken a 180 degrees turn. Arnav seems determined about having a real relationship with Khushi, with her own pace ofcourse, and Khushi has also turned softer towards Arnav. This change was abrupt and I am finding it a bit hard to take in however I have no complaints. Their relationship had to start somewhere so this might as well be it.
    Coming to the update, it was really heartwarming to see the growing bind between Nani and Khushi. Massaging her feet, bringing the shawl so she wouldn't feel cold might be a small gestures from Khushi's end but it means a lot. I am sure Nani's initial perspective about Khushi has changed in the duration of her stay in Gupta Villa. I liked how Arnav handled the conversation with Lanvanya and shut her once and for all saying Khushi is his normal now, hopefully Lavanya will respect his stand now because she has started getting a bit annoying. Her being worried about Arnav is justified given their past but things change and she should accept whatever is going on.
    Arnav and Khushi's stolen moments were lovely. I am afraid things might turn a bit sour after Khushi and Aman's conversation though. Wonder how Khushi will take Aman's interference and his words and if that might again change her attitude towards Arnav.

  20. A lovely time together. Loved this chapter.

  21. Very lovely 😊 and awesome 😎 update

  22. Lovely fabulous wonderful update madhu

  23. Thank God nani doesn't have two eyes behind her head . Such a intense and romantic movie date .

  24. I love the way arnav made lavanya understand about his relationship with khushi. Nice update.

  25. Madhu will u update Royal FLing today??

  26. Madhu please update royal fling.. waiting for the update

  27. Loved the update...

    Like the way arnav made la understand hope now she wont judge the way arnav build khushi up .

    Beautiful arshi moments totally loved every bit of it.. their first mutual kiss without any alcohol involved.
    Eagerly looking forward

  28. Soo romantic. Hope they stay together always. No more misunderstanding between them. Fabulous update

  29. Very beautiful and romantic update
    Loved the way Arnav made Lavanya understand about his and Khushi's relationship
    Arnav and Khushi's romance was so sweet
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  30. I think after Aman's words Khushi will think that she doesn't deserve Arnav due to her past too. Was she sexually abused as little? I feel Khushi's parents will try to contact Lavanya and give her sob story about how evil Khushi is & La will believe them 😭

  31. Wonderful and Soo Romantic update 😍😘❤👌 I liked the way arnav made lav understand everything abt khushi too he understands khushi soo well and also said how good she is and u don't want to hurry to in there relatioship beczs he understands and supports khushi and aldo made her were she is going wrong in her relation and made her patch up with nk and stoped her worrys abt him ... Arnav dinner and movie night with nani turned out to be movie date with khushi and i loved this lovely change in them r being soo lovey davey😍❤and teasing😉 eachother and the kiss💋😘 woww it was wonderful😍😘 soo romantic😚 love it❤ nani is such a sweetheart ❤ plezs post it soon

  32. Absolutely superb chapter. It was purrfect
