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Musings on Lawful Sins

Hey All, 

From past few chapters of Lawful Sins 2, I see a lot of debate over almost every character and character arc going on in the comments section. I don't miss to read even a single comment on all my FFs which is why its hard to miss that something like this is happening. Yes, all my readers have equal rights to comment/ provide feedback to whatever they feel like about a particular update. I will never stop you guys doing that. All I don't want on this Blog is pointing and poking at each other and using harsh language. 

This is a fiction guys and we are all here for some switch from our real lives. I do not mean to hurt your sentiments if the story is not progressing as per your angle neither I can mold the story as per everyone's opinion. That's simply impossible. I am writing this as per my thought process and I have set the flow and the end already. Yet I appreciate both positive and negative feedbacks because that gives me an insight how the update has affected each one of us. And I do mean.. EACH ONE OF US. 

Constructive criticism is duly accepted but kindly refrain from spreading any form of negativism on this blog and using harsh language for each other. 


Note: Precap for You Ought to be Mine 3 will be posted in some time and full update tonight. 





  1. Trust your writing Madhu. Even though it is just a reading of 5 to 10 minutes, it means a lot in our daily life and gives a relief. As a writer you know very well what to write and how to write. Hats of your writing.

  2. Well said Madhu. We humbly appreciate your effort of keeping Arshi alive amongst us. You do what you want. We will always be here with your writings.

  3. I am sorry Madhu, I 'll take care henceforth to not engage in war of words, esp, the last part. I admit, I could have refrained easily but didn't. I am sorry for that.

    But please believe me, while writing about NK n Khushi in my reply to a comments of people with same opinion in last chapter, I only meant to criticize not bash them. I am sorry, if it came out that way.

    Will take care from next time. Sorry dear, never intended to hurt your sentiments.

    1. If you dont mind, can I make a suggestion please?

      When you get time, can you make sign-in option compulsory in case to downvote anything like News websites?

    2. I didnt get you. Downvote is there for comments and update on this blog. News websites??

    3. At present any single person can downvote a comment as many times as they want without any check, just after refreshing the page. But with sign-in compulsory to downvote something, it 'll make sure that a person get to dislike just once not multiple times.

      I think it 'll help in curbing down the negativity.

    4. Aah Okay. Let me check what I can do with that. Thanks for the suggestion. :)

    5. This is what many News portals do.

      Madhu, pay attention to it only if you have time.

    6. You 're always welcome dear. Again deeply sorry for last chapter comments.

    7. Thank you for clearing things up Madhu.. secondly theres nothing like refresh downvote ... I just checked right now by liking a comment twice but it doesn't work even after refreshing.. so there's nothing like that thing that exists here.. however if you wish you can check for yourself ..

      One again thank you for clearing things up as defending your story alone was getting hard for me

      My apologies to you for any inconvenience Madhu. Thank you and keep writing.. you Go girl!!!!!

    8. As per my promise to Madhu, I refuse to entertain your negativity anymore. Please refrain from poking me further.

    9. 5 downvotes in 5 sec and I didnt even need to login for it. It is that easy. Madhu knows it too.


    10. Thanks Madhu, I 'll not reply to her, henceforth.

  4. Exactly dont know why these people are taking this fictions so personal and whenever an Update is here they start showing their negativity...

    It so simple if you dont like Lawful Sin2 stop reading it...Let others enjoy this fictions without your negative opinion...

    Madhu we really appreciate your writing skill on ArShi fictions...Plzzz dont ever stop writing on ArShi...We look forward for more stories of ArShi from you...

  5. Kindly write the story as you want. I really appreciate your efforts. Yes there was a debate where Khushi was blamed continuously. Always support and trust your writing. You have given us so many beautiful stories on Arshi.Its through this stories Arshi are living on. I eagerly wait for your stories every day.😍😘

  6. It's ur perspective madhu...I personally love ur way of writing and following from last 6 yrs.its through ur stories I still feel connected to my favorite Arshi...and every second I wait for ur story..just don't let negative hamper u...

  7. Di .Ignore those .You are doing fabwork. WE eagerly awiat it. It is big stress buster for me. Keep updating soon .

  8. You are a very good writer dear . I always trust and support you . You are one of my favorite writers . ❤️ from Sri lanka .

  9. You're an awesome writer I believe you,don't stress yourself. Keep writing

  10. You have given mind blowing stories and I trust you completely to give this story to different directions. Because your every story is different from each other.thats why I just love your each stories. I have read many of your stories again and don't stress .keep smiling 😃
    Stay safe and always be happy 🤗🤗

  11. I'm glad that you wrote something like this, as it was really needed. Reading and enjoying the story is important and not to criticize the reader or the characters.

  12. Aptly said Madhu! :-) One can be curious to know the plot but expecting it to head in our own thought direction won't leave the story anymore belong to the writer! :-) Its really relieving to know your stand to not change the plot according to others' need for the plot... :-) Just so you know.... your updates are the first thing i look forward to in the morning! :-D

  13. In every stories of urs I find the strong khushi or say both the characters are in best in theirs way described. I really appreciate ur writing no vulgarity no hard words only reality. Aisa lagta If IPKKND is made again must use one of ur stories they are dat excellent👍👍👍👍

  14. I simply put my views and I am sure I wasn't one of those who started debate. I didn't even bother to check what replies I got on my comments. But after reading your reply I would like to say few things for one last time :

    1. Each one of us has their own thought process. No one here wants you to write stories to please us. Our views simply state what we can't relate in your stories and nothing more. We love your stories but it doesn't mean that we will agree on each thing you write or even like it. I have felt not liking few stories of yours even before but bearing with Lawful Sins 2 was really difficult. I stopped reading it since last part because I don't have any hopes left from that one. So it's a closed chapter for me!

    2. Why readers like me react when it's just a fiction? My answer is Ippknd show was also a fiction. Just a mere fiction but it made place in our hearts and we felt connected to the show so deeply. We invested ourselves so much in the show that when the show ended abruptly it made history in Indian TV. I am sure this phenomenon is common in the world. It's just a fiction but it doesn't mean that we all are free and our time has no value. We also invest our time and energy in reading stories and we all expect something in return. Seeing a story progressing in a way which makes no sense to me will make me react. So don't say its just a fiction. Not everybody reads fan fictions to escape the boredom of daily routine life. At least I don't! My life is exciting enough! I don't need meaningless entertainment. Some people do read for the love of books, stories and literature. Following you for such a long time makes me expect different things from you!

    1. Aditi, I totally agree and respect what you wrote here. Each one of you have rights to speak out what you feel about the story and express your disappointment (if any). I don’t expect all of you to like all of my works or concepts because obviously each one of us have different opinions.

      We all (including me) had so many issues with the IPKKND track too in between and we voiced it out. But again, it was solely on the makers and the writers to mold the story and show us what they planned to. Same is the case with my works. I might not change the track based on the reviews I get here.

      Lawful Sins 2 is.. what it is.. so far. I am trying my best from my point of view to give it a fair ending. If that is not enough for some readers, I cannot do much. Some of the readers here were bashing each other and their comments were hurtful for me as the blog owner. I do understand your criticism for a story or plot, but its hard to tolerate when the readers are fighting with each other, bringing up who is Solo Khushi’s fan and who is solo Arnav’s fan, almost dividing the readers into these two categories. I am unhappy with that. This post was all of them not just one or two in particular.

    2. Also, I don’t write the fictions here to drive away my boredom either. I am equally busy and enjoying my life just like you all. I am doing this because I love to write on Arshi and I am trying my best to make my stories on this blog entertaining. But again, my “best” and the way you all perceive the best for those works, might not be the same. I do understand that following my blog from such a long time does raise the expectation bar, but if there was anything better I could do with my fictions here, trust me I would have done that much before other’s pointing it out.

  15. Hii Madhu,
    I have been reading your stories since 5 years and i have never commented anything...I am a silent reader.. But today I want to say that I have loved all your works and still loving all of them. I have read and reread many of them. Coming to this blog and reading your story update after a hectic day feels so good.. so I just wanna tell you that You are an awesome writer..Keep writing..We truly enjoy and appreciate your work❤️❤️

  16. I liked the story and the way it's going..

  17. Madhu I always trust writing ✍️ u awesome 👏
