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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Epilogue




Two Years Later

Khushi checked her watch for the tenth time in the last few minutes. Her fingers twitched to grab the phone and just type what she wanted to tell him, but it would be no fun sharing this news using an electronic medium.

“What do you think about this proposal Khush?”

NK’s sudden question related to their new Business Venture interrupts her chain of thoughts. Khushi was only physically present in this Conference, mentally she was elsewhere.

“I will give my thoughts after some more research. I don’t want to hurry up and take a decision in haste” 
She hoped her brother hadn’t read her real thoughts. She didn’t want him to think she was losing her focus on work, which she clearly wasn’t and would never do even in the next decade. Running Gupta Industries was in her blood and she would never give up on this responsibility for anything or anyone. Despite being married to Arnav Singh Raizada, she was still able to manage this side of her life and he had always given her the space she needed to run her Company. They respected each other’s individuality and that never created a problem in their married life so far. She still spent hours with her husband making love to him, even managed to cook his favorite meals and vice versa. She still accompanied him at times to his Business trips abroad and he joined Khushi during hers, freeing up his schedule. They still hosted family weekend once every month in Shantivan where apart from Khushi, NK, Arnav, Lavanya and Nani, even Ruby and Aman were involved sometimes. After one year of Arnav-Khushi’s marriage, Ruby-Aman tied a knot too and were happily settled in London where Aman continued his practiced as a Psychologist and Ruby handled her Media Company offline, planning to start her own News channel in London too.

When Khushi focused back on the attendees of the meeting, she saw them leaving the room. NK was the only one, waiting for her to realize that the meeting was over.

“All okay Khush?” His concern was genuine. Obviously, he never had seen her so lost at a Conference like this.

“More than fine” she replied putting a smile back on her face.

“You don’t look fine to me. There are dark circles under your eyes and… you look pale. I hope all is good between you and ASR. Did you guys fight?”

“We fight at least once every day” she mocked. “But none of those has a validity for more than an hour. We make up with each other in no time”

NK laughed nodding in agreement.

“You guys are the best couple in this Universe. Me and Lavanya really look up to you both”

Khushi took pride in his words. She and Arnav deserved to be acclaimed for their Love, bonding, understanding and most importantly for their Chemistry.

“You still didn’t tell me why you look all pale? Not getting enough sleep these days?” he poked again.

The smile on her lips was gone and something totally dark replaced it. Yes, from past few weeks, she didn’t get proper sleep and there was a genuine reason behind it which obviously she couldn’t share with her little brother, yet.

“I have to leave early” she grabbed her phone and rose up. “I will see you tomorrow”

“Okay..” he smiled and gave her a gentle hug. “Just take some rest okay and let me know if there is anything I can do”

He can’t. In fact, no one can help her in this situation except her husband. She slipped out of the room and headed straight out, where her car was parked and the driver and guard waited for her arrival. There were no more threats but Arnav still insisted Khushi to take the guard along whenever and wherever she went, even at her office. She didn’t mind this extra layer of security her husband had imposed on her because she knew it was the only way Arnav would be at ease at his workplace.

“Take me to AR Group” Khushi instructed the driver and got in the backseat of the car.

The drive seemed longer than usual. Why only today there was so much of traffic on the streets when she had to urgently see the man, she loved the most? She suddenly realized something and asked the Driver to stop the car at a Medical store. She rushed out and returned purchasing something, which she dumped back in her purse, continuing the ride.


AR Group

Shyam, Arnav’s assistant greeted her with a smile. In the past two years, she has both hated and appreciated this man, equally. Appreciated for his loyalty towards work and hated for intruding her and Arnav’s loving moments. If there is one person, she needs to be jealous of, its Shyam Jha because he gets to spend more time with her sexy husband, throughout the day.

“Sir didn’t inform me you were coming here” he said the moment she stepped out of the elevator at the 17th floor where Arnav’s cabin was.

“That’s because he didn’t know I was coming here” She answered. “Is he busy?”

“Yes. But..” he checked his watch. “The meeting should be over any moment now. Should I get something for you? Juice or ..”


“Coffee then” he smiled and slipped away. Khushi nervously paced in the lobby. Even the slightest delay in talking to Arnav was giving her a hard time. Shyam handed her the Coffee mug. She sipped some but then her mind changed. She put the mug away and fortunately, saw Arnav coming out of his cabin with some foreign delegates. When he saw her, a worry marred his face and he quickly winded up the talks with the delegates and escorted them to the elevator. Khushi waited for him patiently. As soon as he turned and strode back to her, she could feel the anxiety rising in her body. Had it been their bedroom, she would have crossed the remaining distance between them and put her lips on his.

“All okay with you, Sweetheart?” he pulled her closer, kissing her forehead.

“Everything is not okay” she replied curtly. “Let’s get inside and talk”

She dragged him inside the cabin and locked the door. Her hands were shivering.

“Khushi, whats going on? You look .. dull and.. are you not feeling well?”

She took a deep breath. All these hours she was desperate to share and now when he was right before her, and asking the same, she couldn’t.

“Give me a minute” she said and rushed to the restroom with her purse.

Arnav was totally confused. She had never been this nervous recently. Something was off in her today and he hoped she would tell him soon because seeing her so confused was breaking him already. She came out in a minute, hiding something behind her. Arnav had read all her worries, joy and emotional moments clearly on her face or through her behavior so far, but her present state of mind was hard to analyze.

“Your silence is killing me Khushi. What is happening?”

Khushi stretched her arm and showed him the used pregnancy test kit she was hiding behind. Arnav didn’t have to know rocket science to apprehend what it was and what the two dark blue lines on that stick meant.

“I am pregnant”

The stiffness of his body eased as he opened his mouth to react. Words failed to form in his throat. He took the kit from her and gazed at it briefly before enveloping his wife in his embrace. Tension almost had choked her until she gave this news to him but now that she was in his arms, she could feel her body relaxing.

Arnav pulled away and gaped at her.

“Is this kit 100 percent sure?” he reconfirmed.

“I think so” she nodded. “I have tried three of them and they all gave the same results”

He shook his head mutely while she tried to read his feelings. He was beyond happy. He cupped her face and kissed her lips quickly.

“I love you. Being pregnant is good. Isn’t it?”

She nodded gently, unable to reciprocate through words. Just three months ago they had decided to plan for baby and here it was.. The news of her pregnancy. After marriage, Nani or Lavanya had never pressurized her for planning babies but it was they who thought this was the right time to have one. They made love to each other more frequently these days which is why she hardly got any sleep resulting into some dark circles.

“You are thinking something..” Arnav asked scanning her face like his eyes were some machine which could literally read what she was thinking. The blank expressions on her face, terrified him. “We wanted this Khushi, didn’t we? Are you not happy?”

She exhaled nodding her head.

“I am happy. Of course, we planned this so I am happy”

Arnav watched her bewildered.

“I just..” she paused. Her mind raced. Pregnant? She touched her flat stomach and placed her palm there for longer. “Will I be a good mother?”

Arnav let out a deep sigh clutching her arms.

“You are already Godmother of Laksh.”

The mention of her 2-year-old Nephew Laksh brought a smile on her face. Yes, she was his Godmother and Arnav, his Godfather. They both had vowed to protect Laksh from every harm and look after him as one of their own child; just like they always took care of their respective siblings.

“Laksh is so fond of you” he added. “At times when I see you playing with him, I feel you have had these traits of a mother since long”

Tears welled up in her eyes and he showed no hurry to wipe them off because he knew they were happy tears.

“I am afraid” she finally opened up her thoughts. “I don’t want to pass my weakness to .. our baby.”

He listened to her patiently.

“My self-harm addiction being one of them”

“That’s not something you inherit Khushi. The lack of love in your life got you addicted to such a condition. It won’t be the same with our child. We will love him unconditionally and give him/her the best”

Yes. She will give her best to this baby, no matter what. She was just waiting to hear the same from Arnav too which is why she shared her concerns with him and he once again cleared it out from her dark mind. She wouldn’t worry too much.

She realized his stubble had grown, just the way she loved on him “I like the way you put sense in me”

Her fingers stroked his jaw.

“I am born for that” he winked back and kissed her forehead. “Give me a second”

He left her and hurried to his desk. Picking the Intercom, he informed Shyam to cancel all his meets for today.

Khushi was surprised. “You cancelling your work?”

“That’s right. I have to take you to a Doctor first and confirm the pregnancy week. We are not going to delay that. Come on”

He dragged her to the exit.

“We don’t have an appointment”

“We will get one darling. Not that hard” he slid his arm around her waist and led Khushi to the elevator. The two couldn’t wait to confirm it officially and announce this big news to the family.


Motherhood was great. Khushi had never felt this responsible, unsure, calm, nervous, happy, teary, romantic, obsessed and possessive before, like she had in the last few months. As soon as she had shared this pregnancy news with Arnav, they had visited a Doctor and got her thoroughly checked up. She was three weeks pregnant then and now, eight months later when she was saw herself in the mirror, she couldn’t help recall those cute moments she had spent with Arnav and the family around. The way each one of them had pampered her, she would never forget. All that love and attention she craved from a family, she got all of it in the last eight months and was still receiving more.

Nani had been a great support during her entire pregnancy. A small urge or demand from Khushi and Nani would fulfil it all for her. Ever since she got pregnant, Khushi’s appetite had increased and though she worried about it, the doctors had told her it was normal. Every night she would wake Arnav and ask him to feed her. One such night last week, she got the urge to eat Jalebis and since there were no sweet marts open in the city at that hour, Arnav took the cooking task in his hands and made world’s worst Jalebi’s. But despite that she savored them as if she was born to eat those over-fried and hardly sweetened Jalebis.

She even recalled her baby shower which was one of the best private events her husband hosted for her and the baby. Though quite a handful of guests were only invited, Arnav had ensured to make it a night to remember for lifetime.

Khushi focused back on the woolen socks she was crocheting. After knowing she was pregnant, she had insisted Nani to teach her to knit as she wanted to knit something on her own for the baby to wear. When Arnav learnt she had such a desire, he almost shopped an entire wool store for her. She picked the best soft baby wool balls and started knitting and crocheting. By now, she had one baby sweater, two pairs of socks, mittens and a Beanie knitted and stocked in their closet. Arnav had already bought a few toys and last week they also shopped a few diapers for the baby. They were fully prepared to welcome their first child.

“How are my babies doing?” Arnav wrapped his arms around her belly, hugging her from behind.

“Baby is fine but I am cranky”

She turned around and the sight of her shirtless husband created a havoc in her body.

“Stop looking so sexy when I cannot use your sexiness to my benefit” she grunted.

Arnav laughed.

“Who said you can’t devour me? We can afford to make out still, if not more..”

She could see a glint of mischief in his eyes but that had to wait.

“Kishu and La have left. They can come home anytime” she reminded palming his jaw. “Which means, I have to check on the Meals and get that arranged in the garden outside. I am famished actually. I hope they come soon”

“Meals checked and arranged in the garden. All you got to do is join us when they are home”

“Right. I forgot how much my husband has started helping me out in the domestic chores. Thank you”

She was all cheerful and happy and then suddenly, her smiled faded. She looked tensed and gripped Arnav’s shoulders tight.

“My water broke” she muttered feeling absolute pain in her stomach.

Arnav took few seconds to contemplate those words and the next moment he shouted for the driver to get the car ready. It was time for his wife’s labor.


Three months later

It was a girl for the Raizada couple and they named her Aashi Singh Raizada. When she was born, everyone thought she looked like Arnav but as she grew two weeks old, she resembled her mother more. She was cute, hefty with pink cheeks and was the star of their family. A lot changed for Khushi after Aashi was born. The first touch of Aashi was enough for her to embrace the beauty and bliss of motherhood. Despite herself spending sleepless nights and tireless days, she still craved to give Aashi more of her attention. Arnav had been a hands-on father. He was always available to look after Aashi when Khushi had to take bath or a short nap. He even took Khushi out for walk, with Bella, to make her feel refreshed whilst Nani took care of her great granddaughter. 

Today, Aashi was three months old. Khushi fed her and put her to sleep on the crib adjoining their bed. The door clicked open and her husband was back finishing his work from the drawing room. She gestured him not to make noise as Aashi had just fallen asleep. He tiptoed in the room, locking the door and stood by the crib, watching his wife pull the soft covers on Aashi and patting her again. Once they both were affirmed Aashi was fast asleep, they took a short walk at the poolside.

Gupta Industries was running well and NK took his role seriously in Khushi’s absence. Khushi was yet to decide when she would be full-fledged to join work again. Arnav on the other hand was mostly working from home to ensure Khushi doesn’t have to tackle all the stress alone. He was an equal participant in taking care of their daughter. Every night after Aashi was asleep, Arnav and Khushi walked at the poolside, talking about their day, their future, work issues and other stuff which they couldn’t do during the day time. Aashi was thankfully a peaceful sleeper at nights. She hardly woke up once if hungry and Khushi had to take care of that.

“NK called me today evening” Arnav mentioned. “He had some issues to discuss. Needed my guidance”

Khushi nodded.

“I know that. In fact, I am the one who asked him to take your help. I cannot focus on Business right now. Aashi is still too small and she needs my full attention”

“I agree and I am more than happy to help NK handle things. But he needs you, Khushi. The Company needs you. You know your Company, your Clients, better than anyone else”

“What’s your point?” Khushi shrugged.

“I think you should slowly start focusing back on work. I am not saying fully.. Maybe spend an hour every day and keep in touch with the progress”

Khushi was about to debate but he already had a solution.

“I will take care of Aashi during that time. Leave that on me and Nani is always there to support us both. Plus, going forward we will think of other options too”

A smile broke on her lips. Arnav had always been the best husband and now he was a wonderful father too.

“Was there ever a tinge of evil in you? I so wish to see that side of my husband too, you know.” She teased wrapping her arms around his waist. “Why are you so damn good Arnav Singh Raizada?”

Her playful, tantalizing tone teased his hormones. It felt like ages since he had made love to his wife. Khushi was already undergoing a roller-coaster ride of changing hormonal levels after delivery and he didn’t want to rush things between them. He knew her body had become tender than before and he was afraid of hurting his wife by trying to get intimate with her again. But as weeks passed, she was coming back to normal and it only heightened his desires for her once again.

“You want to see my evil side?” he grinned rubbing his nose on her cheeks and jaw.

It didn’t take long for Khushi to want the same.

"Let me take you to bed again and make love" he urged. 

“I was waiting for you to ask” she whimpered, her voice hoarse.

Pleasure overloaded within him as she gave him the affirmation. Her eyes shone with love and wicked thoughts as Arnav swayed her off her feet and carried her inside. Life couldn’t be more beautiful than this. She had nothing once, except her brother and it was her brother’s affair with Lavanya which paved her way to this lovable man, Arnav Singh Raizada. Her pace of life had quickened since then. The ghosts of her past seemed like a dissolving shadow now and the way Arnav loved her, she knew they will be vanished soon, forever.

The End.



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  2. Awesome... Wonderful... Beautiful ❤️

    The best farewell filled with only love, joy, happiness & togetherness to this much talked, much discussed, much criticised (positively & negatively both), much loved & much adored story... There wouldn't have been any better epilogue Madhu... Thank u so much for this unique & forever cherishable masterpiece... Will surely miss it though...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

    1. I totally agree with u with each and every word 😍😘👌

  3. A very beautiful story has there by come to an end. There's no better end to it than you have given.
    The characters, the plot, the depth and emotions of these story is so beautiful.
    It's sad that it ended
    But kudos to Madhu, who has written such amazing story. All the best for your future

  4. Great epilogue.. better than imagined. Will u updating yotbm tomorrow or Monday?

  5. Awesome epilogue. The most beautiful end to a beautiful story. Though there was some controversy regarding Khushi's character in the beginning. But the way she changed is appreciable. Khushi is managing both the Gupta industries and her household well. Aman also settled in life. Khushi and Arnav are really the best couple. Loved their bonding and their sizzling chemistry. Arnav's protective side is so nice. Khushi got pregnant. Khushi being jealous of Shyam as he gets to spend more time with Arnav is cute. Khushi is really passionate here . Khushi and Laksh have such a great bond. Arnav always with his maturity eases Khushi's worry. Khushi totally enjoyed her motherhood and got attention from love and family. Her cravings were sweet and Arnav turned chef for her. Khushi got Aashi and finally the family is complete. Will miss this story😥😥

  6. What a beautiful end to a beautiful story. When the story began nobody could have thought that Arnav can fall in love with this Khushi. The story was beautiful with Arnav and Khushi. Though Khushi was little rude and egoistic only Arnav could bring her back to track. There was so much controversy regarding Khushis character. But she had many shades just like Arnav had. She only appeared rude inside she was really soft. She had her own insecurities and vulnerabilities. She was actually a hurt bruised soul who only needed some love and care. Her emotions were deep buried. But Arnav with his loving and caring nature changed Khushi. Khushi did many mistakes in the beginning but later understood her mistakes and tried to rectify them. Arnavs character is the best in the story who with his caring nature and sincerity changed Khushi. He is the best brother and best husband anybody could get. Aashi is really sweet. Khushi never got her parents love but became such a beautiful mom to Aashi . Arnav is also the best father. And Arshi's desire and passion for each other never ends. Hope in future we get to see the same version of Khushi in some other story. Thanks a lot for the beautiful epilogue. With heavy heart we bid adieu to this story 😭😭😭😢

    1. U have actually written the words i wanted to write my heart feeling for the story 😍😘😘 the Bestest Arnav ...superb comment 😍

  7. My favorite beautiful story comes to end.. I Enjoyed the story. So sad is finished.. Please write one story in love rebellion concept... I loved that story a lot too... Waiting for next beautiful story

  8. Amazing..❤️❤️❤️❤️��������

  9. Thank you for a wonderful story ❤️

  10. An awesome closure to the story. It’s so cute to see the little family. Loved it. Thank you sis!!

  11. Speechless 😐😐
    Everything was too good like picture perfect
    There baby planning
    Khushi's nervousness whether she will be a good mom or not
    Arnav's worrieness about Khushi
    And finally our ASHI is here🤩🤩🤩🤩
    The epilogue was too good, it was a soothing experience
    Madhu darling u always put so much hard work in ff of urs just to make our ARSHI alive
    Will miss this ff alot "a stubborn Khushi"😜😜 especially
    Thank so much for this ff and one request pls try to give us the MUCH NEEDED EPILOGUE OF "THE ROYAL FLING"
    We r desperately waiting for it
    Ashima Dhillon ❣️

  12. Beautiful epilogue. Thank you so much Madhu.

  13. Awesome.... It was a wonderful journey throughout. Loved this fiesty gupta. Totally different. Will miss them so much and Bella too.... 😊Thank you so much for this wonderful story..... 😊😊😊😊

  14. Hey the sweet dish (epilogue) was worth wait... Thanks.. keep writing...
    Madhu did the date is set for ur book to available in Kindle???

  15. A Very Beautiful Ending to A Very Beautiful And Lovable Story 😍. This is my Best Story ever read among all the stories written by you 🤗. I loved the character of Khushi Gupta the most, Stubborn, Rude, Ruthless, Strong, Dominating, Jealous, Ambitious, Career Oriented, Successful, all of the qualities were picture perfect, along with that caring, loving, teasing, respectful towards elders and honesty 😘. Arnav was the most loving person in every relationship of his life 🥰. The most perfect story I have ever read in my entire life 👌. Words would be really less to appreciate the story 💕. Really speechless, wonderful, fabulous, amazing, fantastic, awesome and entertaining story 💞. The best epilogue for the wonderful story is filled with joy, happiness, love, togetherness, and care 🤩. A Very Big Thank you to you Madhu for writing this wonderful story 🙏😇.

  16. Absolutely 🤗 ..I loved that kush did not abruptly change fully..she matured and evolved was coming together of two souls

  17. Wonderful end .. I just love this Khushi with all her flaws.. This Arnav is just semi god

  18. Awesome end.. Love changed a ruth, arrogant girl who only had her brother in life to a loving, wonderful mother, wife, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law.. Loved this amazing journey of ArShi..

  19. Epilogue was very beautiful. Arnav and Khushi became parent of a baby girl. Life is lovely for them. Awesome ending 👏👏👏
    Thanks 🤩 Madhu for your another superb story of yours.

  20. What an amazing story So well written dear. You have enthralled me as a reader. Thanks 🙏 so much.

  21. Amazing superb story came to end.. so sad it finished because love the concept amazing story interesting.. just love journey of Arshi .. always good happy ending thank you madhu for best story 😍👏

  22. The Most Beautiful End 😍🥺👌 of the Most Beautiful and loveable story 😍😘❤️👌 The story was different khushi was different arnav was different and concept of the story was different from all the other story but altogether it was a Fabulous and Beautiful moulded and Beautifully presented and Excellently Written story 👌👌and how in starting everyone was hating khushi and her character and how rude egoistic and arrogant she was but only from outside to show and alone deal wigh this cruel world to show her cruel and worst parents 😠... But after meeting arnav she have started changing yes she have done many mistake but she rectifyed her mistakes and accepted and changed herself only with the immense love care and understanding of arnav 😍😘❤️ he is the one who brought khushi from her shell and her vulnerability and from her painful past ... The Best character of Arnav i have ever read He is the Best person Bestest Brother and Bestest supporter to khushi Bestest Boyfriend💏 Bestest and wonderful Husband 💏 and Now a Bestest Father to aashi 😍👌👌 If In really Life anyone could get this type of person arnav than his or her life is living heaven and i wish everyone should get a husband and a brother like arnav than every girl will be the Happiest of there life 😍😘.... the Pregnancy part was soo Beautifully described specially khushi feeling and fear and arnav worry concern care and love was the thing every girl desire for wich he did to khushi 😍😘❤️ .... I loved ❤️this Beautiful story ❤️😍👌and sad that it got ended but it was the Beautiful end of the story snd with aashi baby arshi kid 👪😍... Thank u soo much Madhu for the wonderful Masterpiece of ur wonderful writing 😍🤩❤️👌👌 U r winning hearts ❤️ by ur story and Fabulous and unique storylines 😍👌👏👏 god bless u😇🙌 and u achieve success in ur writing field too 🤩😇❤️

  23. It's really a beautiful and a happy ending loved it too much
    Thanks for giving us such a lovely story

  24. Beautiful epilogue..
    Somehow I missed to read earlier..
    Read today..

    One of the best stroytotally loved the way their bonding love grow
    Congratulations on completing the story 👏👏👏👏👏👏❤

  25. Madhu reading this second time amazing story interesting concept 🙏.. Arnav character is so beautiful.. .. hopefully we get season 2

  26. Awesome ending. Beautiful story.

  27. This is such a masterpiece!! I just loved the whole concept. The portrayal of all the characters, specially Arnav and Khushi, is so beautiful!! I read this whole in one go. Hope to read some more stories like this...

  28. Amazing story ❤️
