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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Rise of the Devil - Part 2



Chapter 2

Khushi’s POV

It’s morning and the first thing I do is check the locks of my door. I can open it. Last night that Werewolf locked me back in the room after knowing I was running away. Glad he didn’t lock me here forever. I shut the door and head for a shower. I am going to complain dad about him. He touched me, carried me over his shoulders and.. dropped me to bed. Can I say that all to Dad? I will. Let’s see whose side Dad takes this time. I shower and wearing a Yellow Salwar, I head straight to the Dining room. We have a big 22-seater dining table which I still don’t understand why? It’s just me and Dad, why does he need such a big table to Dine? But when I reach the dining room, I am surprised that one more person is occupying it. The Werewolf!! I have never seen him this close in light. Yesterday I had seen glimpses of him from my room window and at night when he carried me back to the room, it was too dark. But now that I can see every inch of his face and body clearly, I do realize what tremendous courage it will take me to complain about him to my father. 
“Khushi” Dad’s voice though soft, vibrates in my ears. “What are you doing there? Come on here and eat”

I nod and make my way to the table. The Werewolf hardly glances at me. He is busy eating and I don’t see why my father would let an employee to eat with us? In fact, he has taken my seat. That’s the place I used to sit 5 years ago.

“That’s my place” I snap.

“Oh, come on” Dad laughs. “Take this one here” he points to the chair on his left, closest to him.

I stare at Dad’s negligence and Werewolf’s ignorance too. It’s like he doesn’t care. His attitude makes me feel like I am the guest in my own house. I don’t argue much and take the other seat. There are variety of dishes but I serve myself Aloo Puri.

“I knew you will pick that” Dad smiles. “That’s why I specially asked Madhumati to make Aloo Puris for you”

I realize I haven’t met Madhumati Buaji yet. She is the cook of my house and she has also been my Nanny so far. Of course, not after I left for my College.

“Madhumati Buaji is still here?”

“She is. Where else will she go? She is a family, Khushi”

I nod. Madhumati Aunty’s husband left her almost 15 years ago and no one knows why. He just vanished. And since then, Dad took her under this shelter. She is like a sister to him now but despite staying here from so many years, she still doesn’t like to take any favors from us. I call her Buaji.

“I will go see her”

“First have your breakfast” Dad shouts. “It’s bad manners to get up like that without finishing meals”

I roll my eyes but obey him for now. Again, when I glance at Werewolf, he has no eyes on me. He is so oblivious to a beautiful woman like me, how is that possible? Does he even have hormones left inside him?

I am quiet during half of my meal while Dad and this Werewolf Arnav discusses some local issue. They don’t go into specifics and that’s only because I am with them. But when they both go quiet; I decide to speak up.

“Dad, I have to complain you about someone..”

Now I get his attention. Werewolf glares at me as if he senses whom I am going to talk about. I should be scared of his eyes, but somehow, they don’t scare me. I feel tempted to know the pain and anguish behind those dark brown eyes.

“Complain?” Dad’s voice breaks my stance. “Anyone is bothering you? Just tell me who he is? I will send my best men to tackle him”

I am so happy to hear that but why isn’t Werewolf reacting? He is still so cool as if he doesn’t care.

“Well.. He”

I am about to speak when Werewolf removes something from his waistcoat and keeps it on the table. Damn!! That’s a GUN!! He doesn’t leave my gaze during this action. Is he scaring me by that toy? No way!!

“Khushi” Dad shakes my arm. “Say his name”

I swallow. What can he do to me? Nothing. I am his employer’s daughter. He has to pay me respect and not scare me off.

“His name is Werewolf” I say loud and clear.

Dad stares at me in disbelief and then he glances at Werewolf too who leans back on his chair, wiping his lips with the napkin. He is done eating, now what? He looks at me as if he wouldn’t mind making me his dessert.

“Arnav?” Dad asks and then laughs hard. “You haven’t even met him yet and you want to complain about him?”

“Dad I am serious” I snap. “You know what he did last night”

Dad stops laughing.

“He scared me by his over dominating personality. He .. he even threw me on his shoulders like I am some.. some gunny bag and he locked me in my bedroom. You tell me is that the way your guards should behave with me? Am I here to get insulted by your goons?”

“Khushi” Dad shouts, his serious face scares me a bit. “One word against Arnav and it wouldn’t be good”

I am stunned. I push away my plate and get up.

“You are believing him over me Dad?”

“Believe?” Dad lets out a short laugh. “He didn’t even defend himself for me to hear both sides. I am not saying you are lying. Maybe he did all that but this has to be some of your mistake.”

I know that. I was eloping from this house which this Werewolf was aware of but I don’t let my guard down yet.

“How much do you know him? 5 years? I am your daughter, Dad. You created me and..”

“And Arnav will do anything to protect you, I know”

Protect? My Foot!! I realize Dad is not going to accept a word against this man. And the worst is, Werewolf is not even affected. He is still glaring at me as if enjoying this show and how I made a fool of myself. Not anymore.

“I am suffocating here. I am going out to breathe some fresh air”

I walk away but I hear Dad telling my guards to follow. I know they will not leave me alone. Anywhere!!


I don’t come back until night. That whole day I spend roaming around my town, meeting some of my childhood friends here and what surprises me is the fact that the whole town knows who Werewolf is and there is no one who doesn’t fear him. In the past few hours, I have heard numerous stories of how he has tackled the entire security of this town and how much my father dotes on him. I wonder if my separation from Dad for education was the reason behind his additional extravagant affinity towards the Werewolf? As usual, my three guards keep following me everywhere and this is nothing new to the people of my Town. They all realize I need protection from my father’s foes.

When I reach back home, the first person I meet is Madhumati Buaji. She is in the kitchen as usual and has a scarf tied on her forehead which I have seen her doing mostly when her head aches bad. I tiptoe inside and give her a tight hug.

“Titaliya” she exclaims.

She calls me Titaliya (Butterfly) and that’s not because I have so many colorful Salwars. She thinks I am innocent like a Butterfly and I have wings to fly away from this place and get a better life. I wish the same. She turns around and cups my face.

“You have grown tall”

“And you are as charming as ever Buaji” I pinch her plump cheeks.

“Where had you been the whole day?”

“Don’t ask” I sigh and sit on the Kitchen counter. “And that’s only because Dad didn’t support me as usual. Do you know he is looking grooms for me?”

She plainly nods.

“I have heard”

“Buaji, I am not interested in those proposals. Believe me, none of those guys are of my type”

“Your type?” she laughs. “What is your type?”

Oh!! I have always thought about this.. My type of man!! But today when I want to describe him, I am short of words. The only image that flashes before me is that of the Werewolf. The way he glared at me this morning, tried to scare me by his Gun, I don’t think I should be even wasting my time thinking about him.

“Titaliya, you know your father. He will never let you go against his words”

“But I cannot waste my life here.. He wants his son-in-law to stay here forever and that’s strictly against my wish. You know I hate this place and this dark world dad has built”

I am interrupted by the door knock. It’s Werewolf!! I keep my gaze on him as he instructs Buaji who suddenly stiffens by his entry.

“You should be resting in your quarters. It’s late”

“I was about to leave” Buaji replies curtly.

“I kept her busy. We are talking, do you have a problem with that?” I snap at him and once again he gives me a cold stare and turns back to Buaji.

“Send her back in the room early. She has a long day tomorrow” he instructs her before walking out. Does he think I still need a Nanny? He could have told me that instead of instructing Buaji. And wait!! Long day? What is that supposed to mean?

“Buaji, what is it tomorrow? And why are you so afraid of him? He is just a guard, like the rest.. Maybe the head one but.. you are family. You don’t have to fear him”

“You won’t understand” she shrugs and continues winding up her work.

“It is people like you who have given him this much hype.”

“Khushi” she snaps. “Don’t underestimate that man and I would say, stay away from him”

I see her concern but I don’t understand why she wants me to stay away from him? Is he bad? Or very bad with Women?

“You know your father has a strict schedule. He doesn’t like any of us over working and Arnav just ensures the same. You should adhere to that too. Go to bed. Tomorrow is a big day”

“What big day?”

“We are all going to your family temple in Vedgad”

I flinch. I don’t like that place. Even the name irks me. I have some bitter memories about that place which I have never shared with anyone yet. I try not to recall those and keep questioning Buaji instead.

“Why… why are we going there?”

“It’s your mother’s Barsi tomorrow”

My jaw drops. How could I forget it? It’s Maa’s death anniversary tomorrow. I have never seen my mother or had any memories of her but Dad says she was a good woman and a wonderful mother. She loved me so much and never kept me away from her. Wish she hadn’t passed away like that when I was hardly three.

“This year since you are back, your father has kept a big Havan in that temple. People from the nearby towns will be present too”

I sense the opportunity. Can I flee from there? Who will notice me eloping amidst such huge crowd?

“Now go back to your room and get some sleep. I will wake you up early”

“Oh Buaji, I can wake up myself but I will like it if you wake me up like old times” I kiss her cheek getting down the counter and give her a goodnight hug. I am about to turn away when she grips my arm.

“Remember what I said. Stay away from him”

I swallow seeing the worry in her eyes.

“You think he can harm me? Is that why you are..”

“Don’t ask questions Titaliya. You don’t want to know who he is and what he is capable to do. Obey his orders because your father will want the same but.. don’t befriend with that man. Do you hear me?”

I gulp. Why does it sound scary? Here I was planning to make him a pawn in my eloping plan and Buaji is warning me to stay away from him? How will I adhere to that?


It’s midnight when I wake up again. It’s cold. I forgot to shut the window. I walk to the window to close it when I see him.. The Werewolf is standing in the lawn, smoking. He smokes? Not a good habit. What is he doing down there at this hour of the night? Does he even sleep? Where does he stay? In the house? Outside? Where? I don’t know anything about him and if I want this man to help me even indirectly, I will have to know everything about him first.. right from his routine, his likes, dislikes and most importantly how far can he go to protect me from harms way. But then I recall what Buaji mentioned a while ago. I should stay away from him, that’s what she told me. Why?

As if sensing my gaze, he turns around and stares at me. Taking another puff of his Cigar, he then puts it off stamping it by his feet. Once again, he does it all without breaking his gaze from mine. I don’t understand this man. The way he stares at me, its hard to read what he is thinking. Had he been a common man, normal in every sense, I would have mistaken he wants me bad!! But knowing what relationship he shares with my father, I don’t think he will ever want that or even think about. Damn!! I have never dated any man before and if I had to date him.. only for my escape purpose, it will be real challenging. So I start this game here.. right now.. I lean on the window pane, showing him no signs of being scared or any hurry to escape his gaze. I am sure he is stunned by my gestures and the next instant, his fingers clench in a fist. Is he disliking my provocation or is he controlling himself from giving in to my silly tricks? I don’t understand and by the time I think we both can play this game together, he walks away, turning his back to me. This man is so hard at everything? Why?

To be Continued. 


Note: Arnav’s POV will begin after a few chapters.



  1. Madhu i feel this story is different from all other stories. Sometimes i feel its same as raizada gods. Will vmbe waiting to read how this story unfolds.
    Madhu u need to remove lawful sins 2 from ongoing stories list and add rise of devil.

    1. Are you going to update today anything????? Please tell we wait all day for your updates

  2. Good update but I really want to reach Arnavs POV to know what he thinks.. please give us his pov sooner if possible

  3. Awesome Update. Arnav is really very mysterious type. How will Khushi manage to date him. His personality is too dark. Arnav already doesn't pay any attention to Khushi. How will Khushi became successful. Eager to know Arnav's past. There must be something which will connect both Arnav and Khushi. Maybe some sort of painful past. Thanks for the Update😍😘. Waiting for the next part.

  4. Khushi is very lonely here. She wants to complain about Arnav to her dad . But her dad adores Arnav. Werewolf is a nice name. Khushi's dad lives quite lavish lifestyle. Arnav took Khushi's place. Arnav is really tough personality and he doesn't care about Khushi much. Madhumati buaji who is Shashi Gupta's sister whom Shashi Gupta had given shelter and she seems to share a nice bond with Khushi. Khushi is quite close to her. Arnav is totally ignoring Khushi. The hormonal thing made me laugh. How will Arnav fall in love with Khushi. Khushi read Arnav's pain. Eager to know his past . Arnav's attitude is terrific as well as scary. Khushi called Arnav werewolf. Both have amazing chemistry. Khushi as Arnav's desert 😜. Knew that Shashi Gupta won't pay any heed to Khushi's complaints. He trusts Arnav too much and support him. Arnav will surely protect Khushi as he works for her dad. Khushi doesn't have any freedom. Khushi is feeling jealous of Arnav. Khushi and buaji's bond is nice. Arnav is the perfect match for Khushi. Khushi hates the dark world and don't want to stay with her dad. Buaji wants Khushi to stay away from Arnav. What bitter memories Khushi has with Vedgad. Poor Khushi never got her mom's love. Khushi is planning to run away. Who exactly is Arnav. Khushi saw Arnav smoking and is planning to be befriend him and also to date him for escape. Let's see how Arnav falls for Khushi.

  5. Can't wait to know about Arnav POV. Mystery man, all are scared of him and khushi's father blindly trust him and support him over her daughter
    Please khushi don't play with this werewolf.
    Waiting for next update dear

  6. Shashi Gupta blindly trusts Arnav not only with his life but Khushi's life as well that's y he didn't take Khushi's complain against Arnav tad bit seriously... I guess, Arnav will use this trust for his advantage when time comes....

    Khushi is planning on using Arnav as a bait for elopement but m sure her plan will backfire on her only, afterall it's Arnav v r talking here-the werewolf... Btw Madhu, I hope Arnav ain't a real werewolf here 😲 well I don't mind even if he really is... He will make the most handsome & dashing werewolf ever 😍 Madhu, just wanted to know, has this handsome devil murdered anybody with the gun he posseses?? Hope not...

    Madhumati seems to know quite many secrets of Shashi Gupta's dark world... Is Shashi himself responsible for her husband's sudden disappearance, years back?? Why is she so much scared of Arnav & warns Khushi too?? U know Madhu, while reading, suddenly I felt that Arnav is Madhumati's biological son... Lets see my intuition proves right or wrong in the coming chapters... Like other readers, even I'm desperate to read Arnav's pov...

    Thanks for this update, Madhu ❤️

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  7. He is soo mysterious. But why buaji got stared of him?

  8. There are so many mysterious things and I don’t want to predict anything at the moment. Just getting to the track as a silent spectator. Nice update sis. Thank you 😊

  9. Ha ha khishi complaint about arnav to her father and directly call him werewolf lol and her behaviour like she is some boss lady and gonna be complain about her worker but her father turned the table and trusted arnav and supports him in all this arnavs reaction is 😎 superb 👌 and she wants to date him as per her plan no khushi don't provoke him already he has something that connects with u in his past so don't provoke him madumathi aunt is right stay away from him otherwise ur plan also gonna be change in to 360 degree don't play with the fire child he has the power to burn u and ur whole surrounding khushi understand his pain and anguish in his eyes without arnavs saying always they has the bond between them so gud I think khushis mom's past is connect with arnavs it's really very interesting thriller story .wants to know mysteries behind both arshis life what connection between them because of that Arnav is here and surely for khushi but he wants protect her or harm or don't know wait and see pls update sooooooooooooon dear

  10. Awesome update..can't wait to read Arnav's pov..pls update sooon.. happy new year in advance

  11. This story is very different than your other stories Madhu. Why Madhumati asked Khushi to stay way from him. Waiting to know more.

    1. May be she knows truth about Arnav and she doesn't want khushi to suffer.

  12. Wow Superb Update...So Khushi had some bitter memories...Is that bitter memories has some connection with Arnav too...Arnav is definitely hiding something about himself...Waiting for Next Part...

  13. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  14. Khushi is playing with fire.. amazing update..

  15. Buaji warning her against Werewolf. Hmm I wonder why. He is probably dangerous. Maybe kills people. Khushi is goi g to get hurt if she tries to get him on her side. Let’s wait and see
