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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Rise of the Devil - Part 3A



Chapter 3

Khushi’s POV

It’s Maa’s Barsi and I am already not in my good mood. I lost my mother this day when I was hardly three. Dad said she met an accident but I know that’s not true. She was killed and Dad is still finding his enemy. I have heard few stories and theories related to my mother’s death but I don’t want to believe in any of them. The truth is all I want and only Dad will be able to give me those answers but I know he will never blurt it out. On this day, every year, he is the weakest and I will not ask him anything that can ruin his mood. The door knock brings me out of the stance. It’s Buaji.

“You aren’t ready yet?” she asks entering my room.

“Will you help me?” I pout. She readily agrees and picks a White embroidered Salwar for me. “You should wear this”

I recall Buaji has always helped me dress up. During events she would adorn me with colorful dresses and jewels. She knows what looks best on me and which dress I can be comfortable in. She is my true companion in this War house. 
“I wonder why it is so silent here?” I ask. “It’s been two days since my return and I haven’t seen blood around”

I hate to admit that I have seen hundreds of people injured by my father and though they were all bad, I don’t like him taking law in his hands.

“You should focus on your life, Titaliya. Stop bothering what happens around you”

“I don’t agree to that. I cannot ignore anything that is related to my father”

I turn around as she zips my white dress and hold her hand.

“Has Dad stopped hurting people or our enemies have lost their interest in dad?”

She gives me a stern look.

“You were always a Curious Child”

“Now a Curious woman” I correct her. “See.. I have grown up..”

I flaunt myself, twirling around and finally I see her laugh. I missed her laugh. She looks so contended when she smiles happily like that.

“I want your innocence to remain intact. You don’t deserve this life Khushi”

“I know” I hug her. “And that’s only possible if I flee from this place forever”

She pulls me away.

“Don’t even think of it” she snaps. “Fleeing away from the present to get a better future is not a solution. They will find you and when they do, things won’t be easy anymore for you Khushi. So please listen to me. Do as your father says. Marry the man he wants you to settle down with and later you can take your husband away from this place forever.”

I know she worries for me and each word she uttered is true. If I flee, there are hundred percent chances I will be caught and brought back home. But not if I flee using the brains of the Werewolf. But I am not going to give that hint to anyone, not even Buaji.

“I was kidding” I lie. “You know I like to tease you. Wish you had a son, I would happily marry him and stay with you, forever”

The moment I say this, I regret. Buaji looks down remorsefully. I was told she had a son who died years ago. She still grieves for him, I am sure. I quickly cup her face.

“I am sorry.. I should keep a control on my words. Please forgive me”

She wipes the lone tear from her eye and puts a weak smile again.

“Let’s get you ready first or else your father will be angry”

She helps to comb my hair. The gentleness with which she brushes my hair makes my heart flutter. If my mother was alive, she would have been so humble and loving like Buaji.

“You still didn’t tell me why it is so silent here?” I keep poking her with the same question and this time she doesn’t ignore it.

“Arnav has everything in control here.” she replies.

I am intrigued. If that’s so, he must be really good in what he does.

“No wonder Dad is so impressed by him. To be honest Buaji, he is indeed a killing machine..” I laugh. “His looks can kill any woman”

Buaji stares at me bewildered.

“I told you don’t even think of that man”

“I am trying” I wink. “he is way too handsome to be ignored”

She stops combing my hair.

“I mean it Khushi. He is not meant to be played with… by anyone… not even you. He is dangerous for your life and if you ever wish to stay happy, just ignore that man in the hardest possible way. Am I clear?”

I have never seen Buaji so serious so I do realize she means each and every word she just uttered. I want to adhere to her instructions but I know if I do, I will never get my freedom. I am not going to risk it because of any fear. I have to escape this place and even if that won’t be today, someday I will.


The drive to Vedgad is scary than I thought. I am in the Car with Buaji and three guards inside. There are two more vehicles following our Car, with more security. I haven’t seen the Werewolf but I am told he is in the car at the front, sitting next to Dad. He is my father’s shadow and if that keeps continuing, how will I find time to get the Werewolf on my side. I have to think of a way where he focusses on me hereon.

As we reach the temple, my guards get down first from the car to ensure we are secured. That’s when I see the Werewolf getting down from my father’s car and I might faint by this man’s persona. In tight-black jeans, white formal shirt tucked nicely in, black-brown sunglasses covering his eyes and his hair nicely gelled, he looks hotter than I have ever imagined any man to be. Whilst my eyes linger on his body lazily, I see the gun loaded at his back pocket. Damn!! I have never liked a gun but seeing it in his control, my thoughts are changing rapidly. As if sensing my crazy admiration, he turns around and meets my eyes. I feel my body burning high again. He speaks something to one of the guards and makes his way inside the temple with Dad. Uff!! What a hotness. What if I don’t use this man just to elope? What if I elope with HIM??? Nope!! That’s too much to hope for.

Dad begins the ritual, sitting before the holy fire next to me. The Priest chants some mantras and I am lost in the moment, staring at the beautiful picture of my mother. Dad says I look like her and I feel the same now. I have her beauty. It takes an hour for the Priest to complete the ritual and whilst he speaks to my father later, I turn around to stretch my aching neck only to be overwhelmed knowing the Werewolf is staring at me… I have no idea for how long.. I have no clue why… What surprises me the most is that he doesn’t even look elsewhere knowing I have caught him drooling at me. Where does he get that courage from? I decide to use this in my favor. Knowing Dad is busy, I get up and make my way to him.. None of us drop the gaze.

“You have guts Werewolf.. to look at me like that despite knowing I am your BOSS”

He still managed to look striking and unmoved despite my warning but he doesn’t reply. Instead, he studies my face and I worried if he can actually read what’s going in my head right now.

“You don’t fear anyone, do you?” he asks in return.

I find it quite alluring. His tone.. body language and most importantly, his eyes.. the way they see me..

“I don’t fear YOU” I reply in the same challenging tone. He takes a step towards me, tingling every single fiber in my body.

“You should” he whispers dangerously. “Stop dreaming of an NRI man. That’s never happening”

And warning that, he is gone. My jaw drops as I absorb what he just said. He knows I have created a profile on the matrimonial website looking for an NRI man? How? Damn!! What if he tells this to Dad? Dad will immediately stop my access to the internet and I won’t be surprised if he randomly selects a man for me, from his social circle and get me married. But wait.. I don’t think the Werewolf has any plans of sharing this info with Dad otherwise he wouldn’t have warned me first. But I can’t take his warning so lightly. I have to be cautious. This man is sharper and more dangerous than I had estimated.


After feeding the poor people and offering some basic clothes and groceries to them, I head back to the temple to offer my prayers. Buaji and Dad are still busy with the people of the town to ensure they are all been fed properly. Though I have guards following me everywhere, I still get enough privacy inside the temple to offer my prayers. I want God to bless my mother’s soul and give her the much-needed peace wherever she is and in whatever form. And while I do that, alone… I suddenly hear one of my guard shouting..


I turn to see why he shouted. The floor is in flames just few feet away from me. I see around and I am surrounded with fire everywhere. Having no clue how this happened, I scream for help. My guards are trying their best to extinguish the fire but their efforts are futile. The flames are roaring high and I see no way to exit this place.

“Dad” I shout again seeing my father running towards the other end of the temple entry. Few guards pull him away from the fire while he struggles to set me free. I cough hard as the smoke chokes my throat. I am losing my consciousness. And only when I am about to faint, I see him.. the Werewolf.. kicking the bricks of the adjacent pillar to reach me. I collapse on the floor, gasping for clean air.

To be Continued 

Note: Again short update. Posting Part B of this again tomorrow. 


  1. i think its arnavs planning for becoming khushis guard....

  2. This Khushi is like the female version of Arnav from YOTBM 3... There, he is attracted to Khushi right from their first meet & ogles & desires her openly & here Khushi is also doing something similar... But her thoughts r not that passionate for him yet as of Arnav, there... But I guess, that too is gonna happen soon as Arnav would save her from the fire.. She also reminds me of Khushi from RAIZADA GODS.. I'm liking this over confident & badass yet sweet & chirpy Khushi...

    Arnav is keeping tabs on all her movements & is aware of all her plans too, I guess.. So it's gonna b difficult for Khushi to implement her plans... Upon that her growing attraction for him is just gonna make things more difficult for her... May b after this fire accident, Shashi would make Arnav as Khushi's personal bodyguard & that way she might get to be close to him & think ways to go ahead with her plans...

    Thanks for the update Madhu..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  3. Awesome Update. Arnav like an action hero saves Khushi. Khushi is getting affected by Arnav. Arnav's personality is too hot to resist. Khushi is getting affected by him. Arnav knows about the matrimonial site and Khushi's search for an NRI. Arnav and Buaji is someway related. Khushi wants to elope with Arnav. Khushi is quite close to her mom. Arnav has an aura. Khushi's mom was killed why her dad told it's an accident. Khushi is mature not to ask her dad anything regarding it. Buaji and Khushi's bond is really nice . Khushi is really curious regarding her dad. Khushi made buaji happy. Khushi wants to run away. Khushi dad wants her to marry out of his choice is not correct. Will Arnav really help her. Is Arnav buaji's son. Khushi gave her mom's place to buaji. Arnav is really tough. Khushi is already attracted to Arnav. Though buaji warned Khushi will Khushi listen to her. Khushi wants freedom and wants to take risk. Khushi is living a controlled life. Arnav is on Shashi's side. How will he help Khushi . Khushi's description of Arnav is hot. Khushi is admiring him and has feeling for him. Khushi wants to elope with Arnav. Khushi looks like her mom. Will Arnav understand Khushi waiting for the next part 😍😍

  4. Nice Update. Khushi's mom was killed and her dad is still finding the enemy. Buaji and Khushi are extremely close. Khushi is really unhappy with her dad's profession. Khushi is a free bird and loves her freedom but is unable to escape so wants Arnav's help. Buaji 's son has died. Khushi unknowingly raised the topic. Can Arnav be buaji 's son want to know about his family and past. Khushi is deeply attracted towards Arnav the way she gazes at him and admire him it won't take time to fall in love with him. She is already feeling some sensation. Arnav seems to keep a tab on Khushi. Why he told her to stop dreaming of a NRI. Is he planning to marry her. Arnav like an hero saved Khushi from fire maybe to create some impression and to win the trust of Shashi Gupta. What's Arnav's motive who is he really eagerly waiting for this revelation. This love story will be unique one . Thanks for the Update😍😘 Please give a little Precap of the next part😍😍

  5. From day one you have uploaded this chapter it's getting thriller by arnav characters. Fantastic 👏 👏

  6. The way Khushi thoughts about arnav very hot. Can’t predict anything about arnav but why am I feeling arnav attract to Khushi. Now arnav will become bodyguard for Khushi, Khushi will have plenty of time to implement her plan. Hope Khushi won’t do anything stupid and made arnav her enemy.
    Buaji giving advice to Khushi to stay way but our Khushi hell bent to play with devil
    Waiting for next update dear

  7. The Werewolf is the one who saved her! Think he likes her..

  8. Nice update...
    Is arnav buaji's son?

    Good idea khushi elope with him..

    Arnav knew about her every step
    How the fire started?

  9. I think its Arnav only who had put this fire...It was his Plan...Waiting for Part B...

  10. Maybe Arnav wants to kill Shashi for some past reason and maybe he put the fire but Khushi got stuck in it

  11. Arnav keeps a close check on Gupta’s daughter. He saved her too. Let’s see what next.

  12. Small updates are also fine but please post regularly... ❤️❤️❤️ I never get tired of refreshing the page...

  13. i think Arnav has build Shashi's trust on him so that he can revenge on him. Arnav must have a dark past for revenge on entire Shashi family

  14. Arnav will is a dark mysterious character. He definitely has a hidden agenda. Now he will come a notch more in Shashi’s eyes as he saves his only child. Superb chapter
