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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 47



Chapter 47

It had been three hours since Sheetal was out of their lives, this time forever. Arnav was still on calls with the embassy and his team in Delhi to complete the formalities of Sheetal’s arrest. His wife, Khushi was by his side the whole time while Aarav was sleeping peacefully in his room. Arnav disconnected the call and leaned back on the Sofa, where he was sitting with Khushi.

“All sorted now?” She put her coffee mug away and pressed his forehead. He didn’t reply, just opened his eyes and glanced at his concerned wife. Her idea to let the confession happen here had succeeded. Sheetal was really jealous when she saw them living as a happy couple in love and she opened up her own feelings which triggered the rest of her confession. It was finally sorted. She will be punished by law soon. 
“Where’s Aarav sleeping tonight?” He caught her wrist, stopping Khushi from pressing his forehead.

“In his room”

Arnav exhaled. Tonight, he wanted to hold Khushi as close to him as possible and it was technically possible only if they were alone in a room. He kissed her fingers without breaking their gaze.

“Make me forget this day Khushi.. all of it”

Khushi read the pain in his eyes and just when she passed him a weak nod, accepting his demand, Arnav carried her in arms and took her to their bedroom.


Next Morning

Khushi watched Arnav stir in his sleep and she was doing this from past few minutes. Shirtless, sprawled on the bed, with one arm resting below his head and the other lingering to feel her presence, he looked charming.. Damn!! Could this get any better? When Arnav couldn’t feel her next to him, he opened his eyes, yawning. But seeing her sitting at the bed edge and admiring him, brought his smirk back.

“What are you doing there?”

“Husband-gazing” she murmured.

His throaty laugh made her frown.

“Had heard about Stargazing.. Not husband-gazing before”

She crawled back on bed, right in his arms and snuggled again.

“That word is only in my dictionary because no woman on this earth has ever got such a drool worthy husband like mine”

Arnav pulled her closer and shut his eyes again. Last night was bliss and despite of what transpired here because of Sheetal, Khushi had made him forget it all by making love to him. He wanted to live in the present, not in the past anymore. He had taken some wrong stands, believed in wrong people and sidelined his own needs but not anymore. With Khushi’s presence in his life again, he could dream a future of a happy family and it was not very far.

“We are taking Vows today” he whispered pulling her close. For a moment she was blank until he raised her chin and met her eyes. He had promised of taking vows with her again and was arranging the same from past three days despite that Sheetal’s fiasco. “So, Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada? Are you ready to take these vows with me again?”

Words choked in her throat as quickly as tears filled in her eyes.

“It’s my dream come true Arnav. I will do anything to make it happen”

She leaned forward and kissed the base of his neck.

“But how are we doing this? And where? What about Aarav? We have to tell him. Do you think he will understand? And.. wait.. I want to record this too. For our personal collection. Oh my God, what will I wear?”

She sat back, looking confused and lost. Arnav sat on the bed holding her hands.

“I have everything planned. All you need to do is..” he pulled her by nape, drawing her face close to his lips. “Enjoy”

They were about to kiss when the door knocked. It was Aarav waiting to get inside the room. Khushi quickly wore a robe over her short Satin gown before opening the door for their son.

“Hey Sweetheart” she hugged him. “Woke up early?”

“Yes, where are we going today? I want to see more snow”

Aarav’s excitement was at its peak ever since he came to Auckland. He didn’t want to waste even a single day of this outdoor trip with his parents. He reached the bed and jumped on Arnav’s lap.

“Champ” Arnav smiled giving his son a High-five. “We are going to a Church today”

Khushi’s jaw dropped. Church? Is that where they would take their marriage vows again? It sounded extremely romantic.

“Church? Why Church?”

“That’s because Mom and Dad are going to make some promises there, before God”

“What promises?”

Arnav glanced at Khushi who was now folding the Quilt.

“Promises to be with each other forever”

Their eyes met and Khushi was already blushing.

“And you know what Champ?” Arnav cuddled his son. “We are going to make these promises before a very special person.. That’s You”

Aarav felt special just by knowing it.

“Wow.. when are we going to Church?”

“Today evening and I am going to get you ready. You will wear a nice suit”

“Suit? Like you wear at office?”


“Mom, I will wear a Suit” He jumped on the bed in excitement and the couple couldn’t stop admiring him and each other. Life seemed perfect and falling back on track.


In a Black Suit, Arnav looked dark, dangerous and unattainable to others but for Khushi, he was the same man she had fallen in love with. Aarav was matching his father in Black suit again but the dress which Arnav had picked for Khushi was beyond her delight. It wasn’t a wedding gown but no less than that either. The White netted gown fit her body like it was made for her. She wondered how well her husband knew her body now that without her measurements he was able to get this gown customized for her. Arnav opened the car door for Khushi as they got down at the Church. She held his hand and stopped to admire the beautiful church which was surrounded by lush green gardens and pink lilies pathway specially carved to lead them to the entrance of the Church. As promised, Arnav had made it very private and there wasn’t anyone seen around except the three of them.

“Ready, Mrs. Raizada?” He flashed a grin as she took her own sweet time to admire the surroundings. Khushi wrapped her arm around his and let him lead them inside the Church. Aarav was happily walking ahead as if his father had already guided him his part in today’s event.

The Priest blessed the couple after they reached the altar. They weren’t getting married again but needed to take those vows to keep each other happy for the rest of their lives. She didn’t realize what exact vows she had to take but when Arnav recited his, she completed her part of promises too. Aarav happily shot them on his father’s phone using all his smartphone handling skills which Arnav had taught him so far. The highlight of the day was when Arnav slid a diamond ring on her finger. She didn’t know he had any such plans. He kissed her wrist and the next instant; he cupped her face and kissed her lips too. It was their first kiss publicly before Aarav who didn’t seem to mind much. The boy had never seen his parents so happy with each other like they were today and that’s all that mattered. After the kiss, they turned to him and recorded a few videos together where Aarav kissed them both on cheeks and wished them a happy married life, surprising the two. Aarav also had a gift for them and it was in the backseat of their car – a handmade greeting card with “Happy Vows Day” written inside. Arnav and Khushi promised to cherish this day and celebrate it every year, remembering this special moment of their lives.

“Whose idea was this? To make a card for us?” Khushi asked Aarav on their way to the restaurant for Dinner.

Arnav was driving but he was equally interested to know. Aarav shied and the next moment he was uneasy. Khushi was now suspicious.

“Hey.. no secrets from Mom and Dad. Come on tell us. Who gave you this idea of making a card for us?”

Now even Arnav was confused. He knew Aarav liked painting and making such greeting cards too which he did all the time on festivals but what triggered that idea today, he wanted to know too.

“You won’t shout at me?” Aarav asked nervously to his mother.

“I won’t”


“Aarav, I promise not to shout. Now tell me”

Khushi tried her best to keep her control. She was losing it.

“When Dad told me you and him were going to take some Vows today at Church and I will be that special person to see it, I wanted to gift you both something”

Arnav glanced at his son from the front mirror while Khushi had turned around to converse. They were hardly few minutes away from the restaurant.

“So” he looked down, unable to meet his mother’s eyes.

“So what sweetheart?” Khushi boosted his confidence in speaking the truth. “Did you take help from someone on the gift suggestion?”

Aarav was stunned that she caught him.

“yes” he kept looking down in guilt.

“Whom did you ask?”

Aarav didn’t reply.

“Aarav” Arnav interrupted. He had parked the vehicle at the premises of the resto. He stopped the engine and turned around too. “Don’t be scared. You know you can talk anything and everything to us. Whom did you ask for help?”

“I asked Bua” Aarav mumbled raising his head slowly and meeting their gaze.

Khushi was startled. Anjali gave him this idea to make a handmade card for them? She looked ahead, turning away from Aarav.

“Mom” Aarav’s hurtful voice forced her to look at him again. “I am sorry if that hurt you”

Arnav glanced at his wife and then decided to pacify their son first.

“You know we had told you this was a secret event for us Aarav” Arnav mentioned. “And when Mom and Dad tells you a secret, you should never reveal it to anyone. It’s only between us.”

“I know” he pouted. “I am sorry”

Khushi sighed in disbelief and held his hand.

“That’s fine. You wanted help from someone other than us because you wished to surprise us. That’s why you took your Bua’s help which is cool. But next time, be careful Aarav. Dad is right. When we ask you to keep something only between us, it has to stay that way. You are a big boy now, aren’t you?”

He nodded; guilt unable to leave his face.

“Am I forgiven?”

“You are” both replied together. Aarav smiled at them as they got down the car. Arnav had booked the best table for this family dinner. Aarav was busy eating and so was Arnav but when he realized Khushi was lost in her own world, he held her hand below the table.

“Still thinking what Aarav did?”

“No” she sighed. “Not that exactly. But yes, I am surprised Anjali gave him that idea. She helped him with the gift and.. that itself shows she is changing”

Arnav nodded in agreement.

“She is accepting our present which is a huge step. She finally has realized her mistake and she wants to amend it in her own little ways”

Khushi smiled.

“But its too soon for me to come in cordial terms with her” she declared.

“I know. But I have decided to fix her life too Khushi. She is already showing great interest in Business which will keep going but her personal life should be on track too”

“You mean Shyam Jha?”

“Yes” he answered. “He had called Dad today and wants to take this relationship forward. He knows Di is repenting and he really wants her bad”

“Bad, huh?” Khushi leaned closer, rubbing her fingers on his stubble. “Bad as in the way you need me?”

Now he grinned. Seeing his wife taking the lead in romancing always pleasured him. He kissed her palm before entwining his fingers with hers.

“Can’t wait to love you tonight” He spoke softly, his voice pitched low for privacy. Aarav was just at the opposite end of the table and they didn’t want him to hear this.

“We have to wait” she pouted. “Aarav has plans of playing Chess tonight. Remember?”

Arnav rolled his eyes. Yes, he remembered it. Khushi had a big Chess board and since Aarav had seen it, he wanted to play with his father.

“I can checkmate him in three moves” he winked.

“Don’t underestimate our Son” she snapped. “I heard he plays too well. Better than you”

Arnav frowned. But that was true. Whenever he and Aarav played Chess, 70% it was Aarav who won. They continued eating, hoping to finish the dinner time soon and getting back home. None of the two could wait to get their hands on each other!! Though they had been married years ago, just renewing those vows again today was enough excuse to spend some time loving each other. It would be another long night for them and they awaited it with baited breath.

To be Continued.



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It wasn’t that he was in LOVE with Actress Kashish Kapoor. In fact, he didn’t even believe in Love. He and Kashish had met face to face just once when Kashish was shooting for her movie in Mauritius. The media linked them together seeing them in one Hotel Room which was just by Mistake. The same room numbers were mistakenly communicated to both of them and hence they ended up in the same room together, giving the media a much needed gossip.  Kashish tried to clear off this rumor but Arjun always remained "SILENT" and this silence gave a way to the Media and Kashish Kapoor's Fans to think there was something brewing up between them.


The moment he reached the gates of Raj Mahal, he was also totally drenched in the rain. He saw a girl whose face was hidden by her hair, lying unconscious on the wet land. Maakhan was about to touch that girl to get her inside, but before that Shravan himself kneeled on the ground, held the girls hand and pulled her on his lap.


Crumpling the letter in the worst way possible, he slid down the glass pane of his car and threw the Letter out. He was hurt from inside. It’s said that hunting an Injured Lion is the most difficult task on earth. So was his case today. He was already injured enough for his enemies to hunt him down and clear their way. It was now his turn to show what it meant to Hurt him. His phone rang and he answered it checking the Caller Id. 

“Positive or Negative??” he asked roughly. 

“Positive. He has a Sister. In Mussourie” 

“Track her. I need her before my Sight within a day” he commanded.


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Sneak Peek from Mr and Mrs Sehgal 

“What is wrong with you?” she snapped. “Why did you come here?” 

“Why not?” he shrugged.

She understood nothing.

“You should have been at work, attending meetings and conferences.”

“And you should have been home taking rest” he argued.

“I am done resting”

“And I am done working”


“I made it possible”

Sneak Peek from Mr and Mrs Thakur

“Aww. Your family truly looks complete” he mumbled putting the phone back on the table, but leaving the screen unlocked for Neil to see. 
Neil’s gaze fell on the picture. It was his father’s social media profile where he usually updated his personal pictures with his wife and now since Esha was part of their family, his father posted a picture with both his wife at one side and Esha at the other. The caption was way too interesting than the picture. 

‘With my love and my son’s arranged love’ 

Neil’s eyes were glued on the picture. His father was in his usual tuxedo, looked at least 5 years younger than he was. His mother was in a bottle green Gown, holding his father’s arm and Esha.. she was in an off-shoulder lavender dress hugging her curves like the dress was made just for her. Esha’s long black hair had curled loosely at the ends and they covered most of her creamy shoulders. The smile on her face came naturally and she looked happy posing with her in-laws. This was new!! Seemed like she was bonding well with his parents. Either she was a charmer or his parents were too kind hearted and guilty to shower so much affection on their daughter-in-law to cover up their fault of getting her married to their not-so-interested-in-marriage son. Nevertheless, the picture was ecstatic. 

“I should comment on it” Jatin snatched the phone from Neil who was still speechless. Words formed in his throat but he couldn’t articulate what he felt seeing that picture. He knew one thing for sure… this woman… Esha.. was not going to leave his side anytime soon. She was here to save her falling company, much to his dismay. But what shocked him was that his heart showed no signs of pushing her out either these days. As if it was slowly getting accustomed to this new entry in his life.


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  1. Beautiful update dear... Arshi desire and secret romance increasing day by day.
    Happy for anjali.. finally she is going to get her happily ever after.
    Manjith was close ? Hope so ....
    Waiting for next update dear

  2. Awesome Update. Arnav and Khushi are too romantic. Arnav is planning to checkmate Aarav. Khushi will take time to accept Anjali is right. Finally Khushi and Arnav took their marriage vows in front of Aarav. Thanks for the Update😍😍

  3. So lovely. Seems its going to end soon and bit sad about it 🙁

  4. Sheetal must be arrested and punished for her wrong doings. Arshi need each other so much. Arnav again got shirtless. Khushi can't get enough of her hubby. Arshi are so much in love. Arnav did a grave mistake by trusting that Sheetal. Arshi took marriage vows. Finally Arnav fulfilled Khushi's dream. And this time love bought them together. Aarav again interrupted Arshi moments. Arshi took vows in church. Aarav and Arnav wore matching dress. Both have so much common likes. Aarav is really lucky to witness his parents marriage and he shot it. Arshi kiss infront of Aarav😜. Anjali gave Aarav the suggestion to make a card for his parents. She has really changed. It will take time for Arnav and Khushi to forgive Anjali. Aarav is just a child so he mentioned to his bua but he won't surely do it again. Khushi is right not to forgive Anjali so soon. Shyam is interested in Anjali. Hope she settles down soon . Arnav got romantic with Khushi. Arnav is planning to get romantic with Khushi but Aarav wants to play chess. Hope Arnav really checkmate Aarav but he is too intelligent. Waiting for the new fiction 😍😍

  5. the update was sounding beautiful till they mentioned going to church to take vows........why is church vows romantic and not hindu phere ?? that is really wrong to insult hindu religion.........dont know what religion you belong to.......but that part honestly put me christian will ever take saath phere and say it sounds romantic........

    1. Geetanjali, its not about religion here. They already had a Hindu wedding 8 years back with Pheras and other rituals and Khushi had mentioned she didn't want to remarry with all rituals. They just wanted to renew / refresh their marriage Vows. Temple or Church doesn't matter here. I am sorry if it hurt anyone's sentiments but I have written it as per the requirement of the story, considering their location and the uniqueness in taking the vows again. Had it been a remarriage track, I would have shown them taking Pheras again in a temple.

      I request no religious debate over this comment. Please

    2. Hindu Phere is equally romantic and meaningful, but harder to arrange at a foreign country and churches easily accessible,I guess.But, personally I don’t feel that it’s wrong taking vows at a church even if you are a Hindu.And I’m a Christian,id love to take a saath phere , obviously not for the religious part but for the beauty of the tradition.

    3. I don't think ackland have any temple there's and it's a story and we should enjoy it as per it's flow not about religion basis and I don't think it's a platform for this thing sorry if I says wrong

    4. It was actually nice to see them taking vows in church..i always fascinated by church weddings though i m hindu.. it's as much beautiful as hindu wedding which also i arshi stories it was something that never happened before.. i liked it more for was different n beautiful

  6. Perfect evening loved it❤️❤️❤️

  7. A very beautiful 🤩 update. Lovely family.

  8. You are closing all loops aren't you, loving it.

  9. Wow they took vows again.. wondering what next for them now ☺️

  10. Yr it was too good😍😍but at the same time it feels like it's going to end soon 😓😓😓😓😓madhu pls don't end this ff...we would love to read it even if u will show aarav as a grown up man and he is getting married to his love...this ff is like a food to our soul😐😐I request u pls don't end it like never🙏🙏
    I wait everyday for the new update😐
    Waiting for next part...........
    Thanks for the update madhu darling 😘😘
    Ashima Dhillon ❣️

    1. Ashima, I am so overwhelmed seeing your love for this FF. But the FF has to end someday.. or else it will looked dragged unnecessarily. Don't worry, I will close all the loops, show all that Khushi missed during her first pregnancy before ending this FF. So there are few more parts for sure.

    2. Thanks Madhu darling🤩🤩😘😘

    3. Thank you so much madhu 😍😘

  11. It was so romantic and beautiful!! Thank you sis!

  12. This chapter is like the heart of the story ❤️ Arshi renewing their wedding vows, promising a lifetime of happy & blissful togetherness increased the beauty of their relationship... They r already very much into each other & now after every hurdle, every negativity thrown out of their lives, all they have to do is love, love & more love compensating the years they missed on that & have a beautiful present with their son Arav & a blissful future with more children - symbols of their love..

    They r not only an ideal couple but also ideal parents who r nurturing, raising their son with proper parental guidance, understanding, affection, attention & lots of love....

    Thanks for such a beautiful update, Madhu ❤️

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

    1. I agreed with u they r best life partner's and Best Parents too 😍🥰👌

  13. Beautiful update...
    Loved this strong understanding khushi...

    I thought you will write their vows

    Anajlj wow changing

  14. What an update... Vows that too in church... Loved it... Hope all's well... Really wish Aarav should win...

  15. Nice Update. Glad that they both are finally together.

  16. Aarav is too cute....he is a darling. Love that Arnav wants her sister to settle down with Shyam. He knows that she is repenting and Shyam loves her. I hope Khushi also forgive Anjali. Love the chapter.

  17. Fabulous wonderful update madhu

  18. It was such a Beautiful and Romantic update 😍🤩👌 ?? The Church vows were soo Romantic and lovely 🥰 ... Anjali helped aarav for greeting cards that good 😍 .... Post soon

  19. Awww 🥰 they are so cute as a family. Hope they be happy now
