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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 46



Chapter 46

Sheetal drank from her glass, staring at Arnav continuously.

“You didn’t notice I am wearing Red”

Arnav swallowed his drink, leaning back at the Bar Counter. He knew she was clearly flirting when she licked her lip teasingly putting the glass down.

“You never noticed me at work too”

“I noticed your work” he replied with a gleam of frustration in his tone. “You did a mind-blowing job so far”

Sheetal groaned in disappointment. 
“Dinner’s ready” Khushi’s voice from the dining table annoyed her further and when Arnav smiled lovingly at his wife, her heart shattered into numerous pieces. No, she was not going to mess this up. She can never see Arnav with another woman.

“Sinha’s are throwing a fit over the Contract. They want more percentage of profits.”

Arnav recalled Sinha’s were their new Clients and this entire project coordination was handled by Sheetal.

“Do they?” He led Sheetal to the table.

“I had a call with them today and they didn’t seem happy. We should talk to them sooner Arnav or they might cancel the Project. It will be a huge loss”

Khushi began to serve. She didn’t intrude their business talk though it all sounded fishy to her.

“Should I schedule a call for tomorrow?” Sheetal queried. “You can come to my Hotel and we can talk to Sinha’s privately”

Now Khushi was bothered. Sheetal was trying to find some private time with Arnav.

“Sure, I will be there”

Khushi’s grip on the spatula didn’t go unnoticed by her husband who immediately caught her wrist.

“We will serve it sweetheart” he said pulling Khushi next to him. Aarav and Sheetal sat opposite to the couple. Khushi didn’t react. Since Aarav was happily eating, she decided to keep her anger in check. The talk continued. Every statement Sheetal made showed how much she was trying to prove herself important in Arnav’s business and though Arnav wasn’t really giving into her words, his easy laughs fumed Khushi all the more. This wasn’t their plan. She wanted to make Sheetal jealous of them and get the confession from her but seemed like her husband had other things in his mind.

“You are hardly eating” Arnav turned to Khushi. “Want me to feed you?”

Khushi clenched her jaw.

“Come here” Arnav didn’t wait for her reply, he broke a piece of Roti and fed her with the Gravy. “This is extra delicious. Make it often please”

Now she softened. Sheetal coughed to break their romantic stance.

“I was thinking, what if we just, prepare a presentation together on the Sinha’s project. So, we give them better understanding on where we stand?”

Arnav focused back on Sheetal.

“I don’t want to hold you up here for long Sheetal”

“I wouldn’t mind at all” she sounded desperate. “I mean, I can do anything to make this work.. I mean I can do anything to make this Project work”

“I don’t think this is a good idea” Khushi retorted. “We have plans for tonight”

She turned to her husband who smirked hard. Her jealousy was cute and it made her only look hotter.

“And we are dead tired. The skiing has exhausted us” Khushi added.

“Work is important too, sweetheart” Arnav poked. “I think we should finish the presentation tonight”

Khushi was done with this. She was seriously pissed how Arnav was handling this situation. He was letting Sheetal stay for more hours? Here? No way. But did she have a choice? Khushi rose herself from the chair.

“I will bring the desserts”

She glanced at Sheetal who was grinning. Poor woman, if she thinks she won, she is so freaking wrong. Khushi served some more paratha to Aarav and then walked in the Kitchen to get the Desserts. She had cooked Jalebis. It was Aarav’s favorite too. But right now, she felt nothing sweeter in life. Only when she was about to pick the plate, Arnav’s arms wrapped around her waist from behind.

“Don’t be Jealous” he whispered.

“What I am feeling right now, that word isn’t in the dictionary yet.” She turned around and met his eyes.

“We need her confession” His voice was softer than before and she knew why. None of the two wanted Sheetal to hear their plans.

“She is playing her cheap tricks to get you.. And you want me to allow that? I don’t care if she confesses or not, I want that woman out of my Villa”

“Ssshh” he cupped her face. “Breathe. Inhale. Exhale”

Khushi did as told. Yes, she was losing her mind and Arnav’s touch was not comforting either. She saw Sheetal talking to Aarav and making her way to the kitchen. That’s when she decided to play her card. She pulled Arnav closer and kissed him hungrily. Arnav kissed her back, startled by her sudden move. They pulled away after hearing a knock at the door. Sheetal was here and she had witnessed their passionate moments. That’s exactly what Khushi wanted and it gave her the desired relief. Arnav turned around at Sheetal who wasn’t able to control her reactions. She was fuming but she calmed down in no time and faked a smile.

“Aarav wants some curd with the Paratha” Sheetal muttered.

“Oh yes. I will get some curd for him” Khushi purposely wiped the corner of her husband’s lips to hide her lipstick mark. Arnav read his wife’s intentions but hid it behind a smirk.

“I will take the desserts out” he picked the plate of Jalebis and strode out.

Sheetal was mostly quiet after that incident. She had to witness such a passionate romance of the man she was interested in, with his wife. That impact was not going to leave her heart and mind anytime soon. After dinner, Aarav was already tired and sleepy. He told the same to Khushi who asked him to wave a goodnight to Sheetal. This would the last time her son would see this woman or interact with her.

“I will put Aarav to sleep” Khushi said to Arnav before taking Aarav upstairs. Arnav watched Sheetal grin at Khushi’s exit. He couldn’t be more aggravated at this woman’s intentions but he had to keep a check on his anger right now.

“Let’s begin work?”

“Yeah, anytime” She followed him to the little drawing room which had a large book shelf behind the Work place Table. “This is incredible”

“My wife is an avid reader” Arnav smiled.

The word ‘wife’ from his lips tortured her.

“I shouldn’t be asking this, but how are things progressing between you two?”

She half-sat on the table where Arnav was turning his Laptop ON. Her gestures fumed him but he kept his eyes low.

“Superb” he answered. “I have never been this happy before”

“You are saying this for Aarav, isn’t it? Because he has got his mother back?” Her voice held a sharp note of anger. “I know you hated her so much. How can you change into this lovely husband? This is so not you Arnav”

Now he minded.

“I don’t deem it necessary to share my feelings about Khushi with anyone else”

“Not even me?” She snapped. “Arnav, we have known each other for years now”

She circled the desk and reached him.

“I have been your confidant all these years. How could you forget all that? You told me each and everything about Aarav. Right from his little demands to his naughtiest pranks. You told me everything”

Yes, he did and what did she do? She used that information to hurt Aarav. Wish he could say that aloud! Sheetal touched his arm and he jolted. Even the sight of this woman eyeing him made his stomach churn.

“I even proposed you indirectly so many times. You never took me seriously”

“That’s because I wasn’t looking for another woman”

He turned the laptop screen towards her.

“I thought you did” She debated. “I have always wanted you Arnav and I still feel you don’t deserve a woman who has hurt you so much in the last 8 years. You deserve more”

His fingers curled but he didn’t let that gesture show on his face.

“We used to be together once” she reminded. “Taking Aarav to parks and fairs”

Arnav swallowed. His temper rose quickly.

“Fairs” he nodded. “One such fair when I left you alone with my son and after the next one hour you tell me he fell down the ride, hurting himself badly”

Sheetal stiffened. She was unable to meet his eyes.

“I know.. that.. that was my negligence. I should have been careful”

“Was that really your negligence Sheetal? Or your masterplan to eliminate Aarav from between us?”

Sheetal watched him with horror. Arnav decided to finally unleash his anger. She didn’t deserve to be tortured slow and he had seen and heard her enough.

“That’s a huge allegation Arnav” She snapped. “Why would I do this to Aarav?”

“Because you wanted me.. not him”

She looked away. Her gestures and body language were enough to confirm he was right.

“I have proofs Sheetal. I have proofs you have done that”

Now she looked more terrified. Her face paled.

“Wh..aat… what proofs?”

“The CCTV Cameras. My team has checked the footage and it clearly shows you responsible for that act”

Sweat beads formed on her face which she roughly wiped off.

“Loving someone even when the other doesn’t love you back is the hardest thing to do. But hurting someone to get your love is the worst and you have crossed those lines not once but twice Sheetal” Arnav shouted. “You tried to kill my wife.”

“I didn’t” she snapped almost instantly. “I didn’t plan any motorbike to hit your wife”

Arnav clenched his jaw.

“You didn’t?”

“I didn’t” she stayed strong on her words.

“Then how did you know Khushi was hit by a motorbike? I never shared that incident with you”

Sheetal was tongue-tied. She knew she had lost the game. Arnav strode to her and clutched her arms.

“You planned Khushi’s murder?”

“I am sorry..” She sobbed. “I just meant to threaten her. She was.. she was taking my place in your life.. How could I let her do that?”

“You never had that place in my life. It always belonged to Khushi”

“NO” she screamed pushing him away. “She was out of your life. She didn’t have any rights to come back. I wish she never had. And only because she showed up, I planned to do anything to throw her away from between us. I don’t care what you call it Arnav. But this is exactly what I would do to everyone who comes between us.. Be it your wife.. or your irritating son”

That’s it. The moment she said this, Sheetal felt a rough pull on her arm and she was turned around. As soon as she turned, she felt a hard slap on her cheek from Khushi Singh Raizada who had witnessed this entire drama.

“Don’t you dare call my son, irritating” Khushi shouted. “And don’t you ever freaking dare to hurt him or my husband”

Sheetal touched her cheek, trying to ease the sting of that slap.

“I had warned you many a times Sheetal. But you didn’t pay any heed. Not anymore. Why do you think we called you here? Why do you think we called you to Auckland in the first place? We needed your confession” Khushi growled pointing at the laptop screen which was still pointed towards them. “The Camera has recorded it and even if you hadn’t confessed here, the man you hired to kill me already has. He is arrested and currently behind bars. He has already given all evidences which links you to my accident. It’s over”

The next immediate second, Arnav picked his Intercom and dialed someone. Two tall men who were supposedly guarding the Raizadas and who were already made aware of this situation, walked in.

“Take her” Arnav commanded. “I want her out of this country within an hour”

Arnav had already spoken to the Indian embassy and the guards knew they had to escort Sheetal to the embassy from where she would be deported to India again and arrested at the Airport. Sheetal froze when the guards clutched her arm and were about to drag her out.

“Wait” Arnav muttered striding back to them. His gaze never left Sheetal’s who was fuming in anger. She had never expected her plans to get ruined so bad. “You know why I never wanted any other woman in my life past 7 years?” he asked curling his fingers around Khushi’s waist and pulled her closer. “That’s because I loved my wife, despite all the odds we gave each other, I still loved her”

Khushi felt a pang in her chest as she heard Arnav’s confession. No matter how many times he had confronted his love for her, yet every time he said it, she felt it was the first time she heard from him. Those words were still so raw and intense.

“Which obviously a woman like you will never understand” He mocked. “Take her away”

Sheetal was dragged out from that room and once the door shut, Khushi finally heaved in relief. This Chapter finally got the much-desired closure.

To be Continued.


Soul laced 

It is mostly said, we realize the value of a person only after we have lost them. But what if we get a chance to rekindle our relationship after crossing the barriers of life and death? Can you change your mindset about a relationship after touching the footsteps of death? What chances you have to fall in love with someone in your afterlife?

Romantic Fantasy of Alisha and Dhruv Mathur, a Psychologist.

Alisha thinks she fell in love with someone in her afterlife. Is that true? Who is that mystery man? Where does Dhruv Mathur relate to all this? Read this Short Story to find it out.

A soulful love story with a twisted happy ending.

Read on Amazon Kindle
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Excerpt 1

“Alisha, that’s your tea and your bread omelet” he wakes me up. It’s 09:00 am and I am still on the bed sleeping. It’s been 5 months for our marriage and even though I have never treated him well, he has always done the best from his side to try to keep me happy. I don’t know how long will it take for him to realize I don’t want him in my life.

Excerpt 2

“Wow. I am glad that the Creator chose you for me” I admit shamelessly.

He glances at me and then ignores my words. As if he knows I am flirting. Am I flirting? That too with the Soul Transporter? It’s insane, isn’t it? But I like his company, his way of making me understand where I stand, what I lost and what my future will be. I will be sent to Hell for sure. Committing suicide is a crime in the Creator’s eyes. I have misused the life he gave me. I have taken away my life, against his will. I am not going to Heaven for sure.

“I can recommend Heaven if you want” he reads my trail of thoughts again.

“No thank you. I hate recommendations” I giggle. “But seriously, can you do that?

“I can try”

“Why? Why are you going against all your norms for me?"

I desperately want him to reply. Will he?

Also Read: Other Excerpts on Soul Laced


  1. How much I love this story!!! Wish it never ends

    1. Same here should go on and on....madhu please don't end this ff so soon...we will be very happy if you could continue this story as long as possible

  2. It was good, but I’ll like to know more about why khushi in the past was cold and arnav nd khushi relationship in the past too!?

  3. That's wonderful... I love how Khushi slapped Sheetal... So dramatic and fantastic... Much needed at this time...

  4. At last .. I never know why Arnav was telling her about his son if he never wanted any woman in his life.

  5. Yes the irritation named shit_all is out of Arshi life

  6. Awesome Update. Arnav confessed his love in front of Sheetal. Sheetal is more disgusting than I thought. She is completely mad. She faked her love for Aarav only to get Arnav. She was an outsider whom Arnav trusted with Aarav. Glad that she confessed her sins and deserves a severe punishment. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  7. Yaadein have my heart ❤️

  8. Sheetal trying to attract Arnav but poor Sheetal Arnav only praised her regarding work . Sheetal is really very cheap woman who wanted Arnav's attention who was already married. Sheetal tried to get professional as well as personal. Khushi was going to beat Sheetal. Wish she could have beaten her. For Aarav Khushi kept her anger in control. Nice to see Arnav got romantic infront of Sheetal. Khushi's jealousy is really cute when Arnav was giving Sheetal attention. Sheetal didn't have any idea. Arshi's romance continues infront of Sheetal. Not only Khushi even I can't tolerate Sheetal. Arnav comforted as well as kissed Khushi. Sheetal got burnt seeing Arshi's passion for each other. Sheetal tried to make Arnav hate Khushi. Sheetal is too much overconfident. Arnav is wrong sharing his personal life with a mere employee like Sheetal . How dare she thinks Khushi don't deserve Arnav. Arnav clean bowled her. Sheetal even tried to harm Aarav and Khushi both. She got completely mad. How dare she is to call Aarav irritating. Sheetal finally confess her sins. Arnav shouldn't have trusted Sheetal with Aarav. Glad that Arnav cleared Sheetal stands nowhere in his life and he always loved Khushi inspite of all the odds. Despite being away from each other Arnav's love never faded for Khushi. Waiting for more romance between Arshi. Please don't end the story soon😍😍. Want to see Aarav's siblings too.

  9. Fabulous fabulous and fabulous update 😍😍no words to describe how happy I'm with this chapter 💃💃 Khushi's jeoulosy part was awesome 🤩🤩and arnav's words shows how much he loves and respects his wife...
    Sheetal deserves this no she Deserves much more than this 😑😑😑😑
    Waiting for the next part 😇😇
    Thanks for the update madhu darling 😘 😘😘😘
    Ashima Dhillon ❣️

  10. Wowed fabulous update. Finally sheetal is out. Hmmm but one slap is not enough should have given some more.

  11. Pls post you ought to be mine season 3

  12. Nice Update. Finally they are going to be in peace.

  13. Wonderful part! This is my favourite ff I'm not ready to bid farewell to it so soon :'(

  14. Is the story gonna end??

  15. I really wanted arnav to slap can that evil lady plan to kill arav ,she need mental asylum.
    A small request please don't end this story soo soon. Please keep this story longer.

  16. Finally sheetal chapter over. Khushi slapped sheetal, wish she gave another two slap.. Arnav confessions in the last awesome.
    Waiting for next update dear

  17. Finally it’s over! I don’t blame arnav but his actions triggered shhetals feelings for him. But her love or attraction wasn’t sincere hence she deserved this punishment. Loved it. Thank you sis!!

  18. Yesssss... Finally, SHIT-ALL's chapter finally got a desired closure & she is out of Arshi's life for the best & forever...

    Loved the update Madhu & the jealousy part always works wonders between the couple as they get to make up in their own way after that 😉 want to see Khushi making Arnav jealous as well... It will b fun 😍

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  19. Madhu i have a request after yaadein why don't you write a story of my new boss series? Or some story in which arnav is a playboy and destroyed khushi's life they have a son and arnav realize his mistake
    Its just my idea no worries if you don't want to write on this storyline

  20. Madhu will you update yotbm3 today ?

  21. Finally Sheetal is out of their lives. Loved it.

  22. Superb totally loved the way arshi deal with evil S and finally got her confession .👏👏👏 loved the way khushi slapped her..

  23. Woww superb update 😍 👌 Soo finally sheetal is out of arshi life .... 🤩😎

  24. Wow that evil woman has got her just desserts. Awesome chapter
