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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Rise of the Devil - Part 4



Chapter 4

Khushi’s POV

Dad stares at me with an unreadable expression.

“You want to learn to shoot?”

I nod dismissively. I have never showed interest in any of this before.

“What’s so surprising about that, Dad? You have so many enemies? What if someone tries to hurt me again? I should know self-defense. In fact, I want to learn all the self-defense tactics as well apart from shooting”

“No one can hurt you until Arnav is here” He proudly declares.

I am sure of that too.

“But you are right. You should know to defend yourself. I will ask Manoj to teach you some of this” 
Manoj trains the other guards but that’s not whom I am looking for as my tutor.

“Why not the Werewolf?”

Dad is astounded by my question. It’s like I have asked him his life.

“Arnav? No”

“Why?” I take a seat next to dad on that swing. “He is the best. Who else than him can teach me all this to perfection?”

“He is not available for such silly tasks”

“Silly task?” I frown. “Learning to save my life is a silly task for you?”

“Khushi you don’t understand. Arnav has much other work to handle”

“He is a multitasker I have heard. He can handle it all. And you pay him for all this. Why do you fear him then?”

“Fear?” Dad laughs. “There is nothing I am afraid of but the Devil is not someone who can tutor you. Ask any other man to teach but him”

I am frustrated. I get up from the Swing and cross my legs at front.

“Fine. I better die then if I cannot learn from the perfectionist”

I stride away, slowly, confident that Dad will stop me and he does.

“Alright, come back here. I will speak to Arnav today”

I am unable to hide my grin. Now let me see how the Werewolf ignores me.


“Have you lost your mind? You want to shoot at people?” Buaji scowls as I share my plans with her. “You will kill people now? Is that what you want?”

I take a bite of the apple which Buaji offered me a while ago.

“I want to keep enemies off my circle” I mumble chewing softly.

“Khushi, I don’t understand what you want. You dislike your father’s world and yet you are getting involved now”

“Buaji” I get down the kitchen slab and cuddle her. “What if someday you and me are out for shopping and some traitor scares you off? You need someone to save you”

Buaji pushes me away.

“Stop buttering me. I am against this idea”

The knock at the kitchen door interrupts our conversation. It’s Hari Prakash.

“Devil is waiting for you at the backside for the shooting lessons”

My face flush at the thought of it. He is waiting for me? Isn’t that what I want? Devil running behind me.. chasing me.?

“Tell him I am busy. I will come down soon”

Hari Prakash frowns at me for delaying Devil’s orders and what surprises me is that he doesn’t mind telling me that.

“You cannot disobey him” he commands.

What the hell? Why are everyone treating ME like a guest whereas that Devil like the owner of this place?

“Well I just did..” I snap. “Now go and complain him, I don’t care”

Buaji stares at me bewildered. Hari Prakash leaves and I glance at Buaji again.

“You shouldn’t have done that”

“Seriously Buaji? Even you are siding them and not me?”

“Why is Arnav teaching you to shoot? How did he even agree? Did you force him or dad to do this? Sankadevi, how many times should I ask you to stay away from that man?”

I have never seen Buaji so angry on me. I quickly clutch her arms.

“Buaji, relax. I know he is THE DEVIL for you all but I am not afraid of him. I have the guts to face his brutality. You don’t have to fear for me. I can take care of myself”

“You don’t understand” she snaps. “If the enemies see you with him, trying to build relationships, the first person they will pull the trigger on, will be YOU”

It sounds scary. So, Devil has more enemies than my father? How is that possible?

“That’s exactly why I am learning to shoot. To defend myself”


The growl of the Devil from the kitchen door startles us both. He is here!!

“Come out”

Damn!! Since I denied Hari Prakash’s orders and delayed the Devil, he himself came to call me? Woww!!

“My name is not YOU” I challenge.

Buaji grips my arm nodding at me. She doesn’t want me to test the Devil but I don’t care. His face hardens instantly as he takes a step inside the kitchen.

“Khushi Gupta” His stony voice makes me jerk. “If you want to learn to shoot, you will come out NOW”

“Right” I swallow trying to hide my fear. “Alright Buaji. Here I go. Will see you later” I kiss her cheek and make my way out with the Werewolf following me. But then I stop at the living room. “Oh. I have to make an urgent call to my friend. I will do that and be out in a minute”

Before he can stop me, I run to the stairs. I want him to chase me because that’s exactly what I challenged him yesterday when he pushed me out of his house. I cannot wait to see that happen. Devil chasing Sankadevi. What a FUN!!


I waste five minutes in my bedroom but the Devil doesn’t chase me. Ten more minutes and still no signs of his presence. I wait for the door knock for another 10 minutes and when he still doesn’t turn up, I realize my present attempts to make him run behind me, are futile. I open the door and promptly make my way to the backyard lawn and there he is!! In a rugged blue jeans and Black T shirt hugging his V-shaped body and biceps. God!! Every time I see this man, I feel my heart racing. He is loading the gun with bullets.

“I am here” I say aloud standing next to him. Before I can say anything further, he pulls my arm and forces me to hold the gun. The next instant, he points that gun on his forehead. I am terrified.

“Shoot” he orders.

What? Shoot? Him? No way.

“Are you out of your mind?” I snap.

“I said SHOOT the damn Gun Khushi”

Again!! The way my name sounds on his lips.. My body burns realizing even a slight pressure of my fingers on that trigger can blow his head off.

“No” I wriggle to get off his hold. “I can’t”


The force with which he commands, gives the needed push to my fingers and I pull the trigger. In that fraction of second I shut my eyes, knowing I am about to kill someone.. not someone.. it’s the Devil.. my Werewolf.. I am killing him. I will have to go to Jail now. I am waiting for to hear the gunshot or the cries of people around knowing what I just did, but when none of this happens, I open my eyes. He is still alive.. Standing right before and staring deep in my eyes. I turn to the table aside where I see the bullets still intact. He hadn’t loaded the gun yet when he handed me the gun and commanded to shoot. Damn!! This was all an act?

“See, you can shoot” He scowls.

I am still shivering by what just happened and he is standing as cold as ice? Without any fear or remorse of my actions? I clutch his T-shirt hard.

“How dare you?”

He doesn’t break our eye lock and that intense look breaks me even more. I start hitting my fists on his manly chest.

“You scared me.. How dare you do that to me? I thought I killed you. I hate you.. do you hear me? I hate you Werewolf”

That’s it. Now he loses his patience. He grabs my wrists and pulls me hard. Everything about him is so rough and painful that it brings tears in my eyes.

“That’s right. HATE ME. I want you to hate me and stop pulling such foolish stunts”

There is heat everywhere.. in his stony voice, on my body, in his touch, everywhere. I am dripping with sweat and I wonder how he is still so unaffected by any of this? Tears spilled out my innocent eyes as I cannot this further.

“Everyone hates you Devil” I snap. “Everyone except me. I pity you. I don’t know why you want to avoid affection from others? But that’s not how life works. Be rude to your enemies but you have to sober down for people who care for you. Do whatever you like but I am not going to hate you ever. Let me see who wins at the end? Your baseless efforts to make me hate you or my fruitful hard work to soften your extravagant ego?”

With that, I shrug off his hold and run back to the house.


Three days and I don’t see him again. I wake up everyday with a hope of seeing the Werewolf but Dad tells me he is out. Where can he go? I try to seek his whereabouts from Buaji but she denies to speak about it. I am annoyed. One on side I know this is my best chance to elope this place and never come back but I don’t want to leave now. It’s not that I love challenges all the time. Devil’s absence will help me elope safely without much problems but I don’t try it. I will not run away without HIM.. I mean.. without knowing more about him.

On the fourth day when I wake up, I see him with Dad on the Couch. They are talking something important but the moment I reach, they stop. Dad smiles at me whereas the Devil.. he ignores me as usual. But why do I feel its hard for him to ignore me? His fisted fingers, his unevenly breathing and the expansion of his chest proves he is trying his best to avoid looking at me, but can’t. Finally, he sees me and doesn’t drop his gaze then.

“Good you are here. I have some important things to talk” Dad says pulling me next to him. “Did you finalize your groom from the pictures I gave you?”

Oh no. This is not my favorite topic.

“I didn’t”

“Then do it soon”

“You gave me one month. Just a week has passed”

“I cannot give you three more weeks for this. Arnav and I think you should be married in a week”

“What?” I rise up on my feet. “Marry in a week? Is this some kind of joke?”

“We are serious” Dad snaps. “There are too many risks involved right now and getting you married will fix it. I want our enemies to turn their heads away from my daughter. So far you are single and anyone can take advantage of that. So, after careful consideration, I have agreed to Arnav’s point. You should be married soon”

Arnav gave this idea? The Devil? How dare he brainwash my father?

“I am not ready Dad. Only seeing the pictures of these guys cannot help me pick one. It’s about my entire life”

“This is the same process people follow when they put their profiles on matrimonial sites” The Devil finally speaks.

Why is he talking about matrimonial sites again? Has he told Dad about my profile there? I don’t give up this time.

“Apart from pictures, the profiles on such sites also mentions about their personality, likes and dislikes” I debate.

“Pick one from the pics first. I will tell you their entire history” Arnav argues.

“This is impossible. I need to meet that guy too and see if we really click”

Now he loses his mind and gets up too. I am surprised how my father is silent so far and letting the Devil control this situation?

“Click?” His face hardens. “Whatever you want to click with that man.. will happen only after you marry him. Pick one picture and that’s it Khushi. Be thankful your father is giving you that much liberty to at least pick one by your choice”

I want to slap him. How can he control me before my father? Dad gets up as his phone rings. He is not going to talk before me so he leaves to the other room, leaving me and the Devil alone to argue. The moment he is gone, I take a step towards the Werewolf.

“Hurrying to see me with other man?” I ask.

“To keep you safe” he replies.

“Why do I think you only saying this casually? In here..” I point at his heart. “You cannot even stand seeing me with any other man.. forget that man touching me or making out with me”

His face hardens and I take it as a sign that I am right. So, I continue to poke him further. I am not going to marry any stranger whom my father or the Devil thinks can take care of me. If I marry, it will be to a man who really deserve my affection, my love and my body. The one who just doesn’t have to protect me, but also love me like I am the only woman on the earth. I want my man to desire me like his priceless possession and for some unknown reasons, I think the Devil here has all those traits I am looking for in my husband. But what if I am wrong? Just to be sure, I will have to spend the next 6 days with this man as much as possible and my time starts now.

“You will teach me self-defense and to shoot. And no shortcuts. I will change my clothes and be right back”

The seriousness in my tone, stuns him but I don’t wait for his reply. I rush back to my bedroom to change into my track pants and sleeveless tank top. Obviously, I am not going to learn the stunts in a Salwar. And though it will reveal my figure to him, I don’t care.

To be Continued.


  1. Wow Superb Update Madhu...This Khushi is really different and Arnav the Devil he's already attracted to Khushi but he's not revealing this..Madhu when will we get to read Arnav Pov now...We want to know about him a little more...Waiting for Next Part...

  2. Awesome Update. Khushi has some expectations and I think only Arnav is fit in that category. Khushi is also attracted towards him. Arnav is still a mystery. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  3. Khushi is really different and unique here. She wants to learn shoot and self defence and want to learn it only from Arnav. The desire and attraction between Arshi is mutual. Khushi's dad trust Arnav so much. But Arnav is still a mystery. Liked the way Khushi easily convince her dad as well as buaji. Khushi is so much smitten by Arnav but yet want an upper hand. Buaji loves Khushi so want her to stay away from Arnav as he has enemies. Khushi is really mischievous the way she wants Arnav to chase her but unfortunately it didn't happen. Arnav is too hot🔥🔥. The way Arnav points the gun at his head is and said to shoot gave goosebumps. Why Arnav wants Khushi to hate him. Khushi has a completely different ideology than Arnav. Khushi wants to run away but not without Arnav. Will Arnav help her. Khushi's dad has given her a week ultimatum to get married. Arnav also eager. Khushi is right she has some expections. Arnav is attracted towards her but has great control on his feelings. Khushi in the process of learning shooting come close to Arnav. Khushi gave a genuine reason for learning shooting. Khushi's dad also trust Arnav. Khushi has high hopes and her imagination is too good. Liked the way Khushi showed some attitude. Khushi is really daring and fearless. Who exactly is Arnav. Waiting for the revelation. Khushi wanted Arnav to chase her but nothing happened. Khushi's attraction is increasing. Arnav gave Khushi such a daring stunt. Arnav behaves roughly with Khushi and pretend unaffected but have some feeling for Khushi Only Khushi can change and melt him. Khushi wants to run away on one side on the other side her increasing interest in Arnav. Khushi's dad is giving her a week to marry who other than Arnav can be better groom for her who can protect her. Khushi is right regarding her life but Arnav got angry. Khushi has some expections and Arnav perfectly fit in it. Will Arnav fall for Khushi in the next 6 days.

  4. I love this khushi and hope that she will not change!
    I have few questions though. Will we see khushis marriage in the near future or is it going to happen at the end of story. When will we get to know how Arnav feels about khushi?

    Nice update sis! Thank you!!

  5. Arnav and Khushi have a hidden spark which is unknowingly trigger by their every act.....
    Waiting to know about Devil more......

  6. Waiting for Arnavs POV eagerly.. please when will u give us his pov as they've had a few moments by now so I really want to know what were Arnavs thoughts during those moments

  7. We want Arnav's pov. #justice for arnav's thoughts😂

  8. This feisty Khushi and Devil Arnav match really well! No doubts Arnav likes her.

  9. I am loss of words with feisty khushi and devil arnav.

  10. Simply superb ...
    Wow khushi is dare to arnav the way she spoke to him..

    Arnav has feeling for her that's why he is rushing for her to get marry..

    Love khushi's replies to him..

  11. More more more. Pls update this again today or tomorrow. Its getting interesting.

  12. This feisty and challenging khushi awesome. Arnav already attracted to khushi but something stopping him.
    Now khushi plan to choose arnav as her groom. He will win that .....
    I will love to read ArShi marraige soon. Hope arshi married soon
    Waiting for next update dear

  13. Arnav wants her to get married she n a week. Hmmm 🤔 interesting. But Khushi is not stupid and just loved her reply to him. He is a hard nut to crack though.
