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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 51



Chapter 51

Khushi’s heart rate kicked up as she entered Aarav’s school campus. This was the first time she was attending a parent -teachers meet and hence very excited to know her son’s academic performance. After Anjali’s wedding which was three months ago, Khushi had readily invested her time in taking Aarav’s studies. She spent the whole day at work but despite that she never left checking on Aarav’s daily homework. Luckily, her son was genius like his father and hardly needed any push to study. She recalled one such incident when she was teaching Aarav Mathematics, while her husband was busy cooking Pasta for the three. Yes, Arnav Singh Raizada could cook the best Pasta in the world and she didn’t know it so far. Arnav might have taken a backseat in terms of Aarav’s studies after Khushi took up that role but he never missed looking after his son’s other needs. This month the duo had plans to go for a two days boys Trek and both father-son were waiting desperately for that weekend to come. Khushi had learnt it recently from Ayush and Arnav that such treks used to be part of their lives ever since Aarav was five. They always went on skiing, trekking and hiking during Aarav’s vacation and she didn’t want them to miss it out this year only because she too was a part of their lives now. They had their own group of other father-son pairs who joined them during such treks, most of them were Aarav’s friends and this was one such trip which Aarav eagerly waited for. Though Arnav had insisted Khushi to join them, she denied being the only odd woman out in the group and urged the duo to go without her. 
But that was still a week later. Today was Aarav’s exam results and she couldn’t wait to know if her son passed with flying colors. She was about to make her way to the main building when her phone rang.

“Hello” she answered the call from her sister-in-law, Anjali.

“Hi, what’s the result?” Anjali showed equal signs of nervousness.

“Results aren’t out yet. I am yet to meet Aarav’s class teacher and I don’t know if your brother has even reached yet. I don’t see him anywhere around”

“Chotte can never be late for this meet” Anjali mentioned. “Didn’t I tell you how much Aarav’s teachers like to see him and have a pep talk? He enjoys that too”

Khushi bit her lip in jealousy. Even the thought of Arnav being surrounded by Aarav’s teachers, wanting to grab her husband’s attention annoyed her.

“Then he better doesn’t show up here. I can handle it without him” she snapped.

Anjali laughed again.

“He is not going to miss this day, trust me. But give him a hard time if you find him flirting with the teachers”

Khushi suppressed her rising anger. She had always given hard times to Arnav by her possessiveness and her dear husband has patiently handled it all without any arguments.

“Mrs. Raizada” One of Aarav’s teacher strode to Khushi who immediately winded up the call and focused on that woman. She was the same teacher who had once accompanied Aarav and his classmates to New Zealand where Khushi and Aarav had met for the first time. “It’s so nice to see you here and you look fabulous”

Khushi was on cloud nine at that comment. She had been told that by many since her secret re-marriage to Arnav.

“Where is Mr. Raizada?”

“He must be on way. I will call him”

She was about to dial Arnav when he reached there, sliding his arm around her waist.

“Sorry, I am late. Was stuck in a meet. Hello Mrs. Pinto, how you doing?”

Khushi silently watched the ease with which her husband conversed with the teacher. He really had a good rapport with them. Soon the three dispersed for the classroom where Aarav’s grades were informed to the parents.

“Your son was always a genius but this time he has outdid it. Aarav is not just the first in his class but also in the entire Primary section. I don’t think we have a better grade left to tag him with”

Khushi was overwhelmed seeing the exam papers and report card of her son and soon enough tears sprung in her eyes. As the teacher left to attend the other parents, Arnav pulled his wife closer.

“Typical mother” he whispered placing a kiss on her forehead. “If you keep shedding tears like this, next time I am not going to let you come here for a meet”

Khushi punched his chest gently meeting his eyes.

“So that you get extra attention from all of his teachers again? Not happening Mr. Raizada. Don’t think I am blind to notice how his teachers look at you”

And then he blushed. It was rare but whenever he did, Khushi couldn’t stop swooning on her husband.

“I missed this” he added holding her hands. “coming with my wife to check on our son’s academic progress. I always saw how couples excitedly discussed their kid’s progress with the teachers and I had no one.. I had to keep things to myself.. all his complaints.. praises.. everything”

Khushi stroked her palm over his chest.

“Never again. We are never going to part again”


The shine in his eyes was back and it came with the urge of taking his wife in arms and making love to her but this wasn’t the right place to do so. Speaking to Aarav’s teachers some more, they then picked their son who was busy playing football with his friends on the school ground. Aarav was happy with his results too and quickly demanded a gift in return.

“Gift?” Khushi giggled brushing his hair. “Anything sweetheart. Tell me what you want?”

Arnav keyed the engine of his car, glancing at his over excited wife who had turned behind to speak to Aarav at the backseat.

“Mom, you and Dad have to promise me this gift first”

“Promise?” Arnav frowned. “You don’t trust us Champ?”

Aarav hopped in his seat grinning.

“First promise me”

“Okay.. We promise” Khushi promised on both their behalf. “Now tell me what do you want? A new game? Vacation with us or..”

“I want a sister”

Arnav slowed down the car the moment he heard whereas Khushi blankly stared at her husband. They had this conversation before but Arnav wanted them to take some time before planning another kid. But seemed like their son wasn’t ready to wait for long.

“Mom, Dad. You promised” Aarav added nervously.

Khushi swallowed the painful knot formed and smiled back at her son.

“Okay, you will get a sibling soon. But brother or sister, we cannot promise you that. It’s God’s wish”

Arnav kept giving her heated glares for promising something so big without another thought but Khushi didn’t take back her words. Aarav plunged on her from the backseat and she took him on his lap, discussing the same for the rest of their journey back home.

When they reached home, Aarav rushed to his grandfather’s room to announce his results. Khushi was about to follow him when Arnav clutched her wrist.

“Seriously?” he snapped. “How could you promise something so big to Aarav?”

Khushi was aware he would pounce back on this topic.

“He didn’t ask anything out of the world Arnav”

“He didn’t?” Arnav scoffed. “It’s a baby dammit!! And you know we are not ready yet”

“We are not ready or you think I AM NOT PREPARED yet to become a mother again”

Yes! Khushi knew that was his worry.. his concern. Though she had easily accepted her responsibilities towards Aarav, Arnav was still confused if a second pregnancy would turn things worse for them again, like it did the first time. Arnav’s grip on her wrist loosened and there was hurt and pain written all over his face. Khushi closed the gap between them and cupped his face.

“I know you are doubtful if I will be able to handle the second pregnancy calmly or will it change something between us again” Khushi replied. “To be honest, I don’t know that either. But that doesn’t mean we will keep waiting for that day to get our answers. I want to give Aarav a sibling. Just like you have your sister to cover your back, I want Aarav to share such a bond with someone. And most importantly, I want to have another child. I want to go through whole of that experience again with you Arnav”

Arnav gripped her wrists pulling them off his face. He had no reply right now so he just left. Khushi stood there for some more time, staring at the retreated back of her husband. Damn!! This man had so much power to hurt her despite loving her so much.


The next two days passed quickly and the weekend was here. Ever since the parent-teachers meet and their conversation on having another baby, Arnav and Khushi hadn’t spoken to each other again but they were too good at pretending everything normal before Ayush, Aarav and others. These two nights Aarav had slept in their room and it only pushed the couple away from each other. Khushi knew this distance was killing them both but she had made her stand clear. She was prepared to embrace another pregnancy because she too wanted it but since her husband still had trusting issues, she decided to give him time.

“Mom, you already packed two sweaters. I don’t need more”

Aarav’s voice interrupted her chain of thoughts. She was packing his clothes for the two-day trek.

“Umm.. yes. I .. I forgot” she zipped his bag and pulled him to her. “I know you and your dad have been to such trips before but still, look after yourself and him. Don’t ever leave his sight and … miss me”

Aarav pecked her cheeks wrapping his arms around her neck.

“I love you Mom”

“I love you more” she kissed his head and gave him a squeezing hug. The next two days were not going to be easy; she knew. She was going to miss both Arnav and Aarav like hell!! Plus, this coldness and silence between Arnav and her couldn’t be missed.

“Aarav” Arnav stepped in the room. “Go down, Daadu is calling you”

“Yes Dad”

Aarav pulled his little trek bag and hurried out. She watched Arnav take a purposeful slow stride towards her, burning her body for the contact and for a fraction of second she thought he was going to hold her and kiss her senselessly for going away for the next two days. But he leaned down to grab his phone from the bed. Khushi moved aside annoyingly to give him space and decided to leave the room . But the next instant, her husband caught her arm and turned her around. She could read it in his eyes. He was missing her already just like she was. She closed her eyes as he palmed her cheek placing a warm kiss on her forehead. FOREHEAD? Like seriously? They were alone in their bedroom and not in talking terms from past two days and yet… this is where he kissed her? Forehead? Before she could process it or argue, Arnav pulled away.

“Take care of yourself. Will be in touch”

His tone conveyed nothing and though it aggravated her she didn’t fight. She wanted her husband and son to leave for this trip on a happy note. They came down and soon she bid bye to the two as they drove away.


Aarav had called that night after reaching the trekking site. He and Khushi spoke for some ten minutes and she didn’t miss asking about Arnav whom Aarav said was busy talking to the rest of their trekking group. Aarav sent her pictures of the group and some selfies too which he clicked with Arnav on their way and at the trekking site. Khushi kept scrolling through all of these pictures, admiring her son and husband the whole night. Arnav's smile was missing, she knew why. But this man was too adamant to call her once and talk if he missed her that much.

The next day when Khushi returned home from work, Anjali’s presence at Shantivan surprised her.

“There she comes” Anjali smiled at Khushi who quickly rushed to the living room to join her father-in-law and Anjali for the evening Coffee.

“What is Mrs. Jha doing here today?” she teased.

“Don’t ask. Shyam is off to Canada for some medical conference and mummyji (Shanti Jha) is out too for some administration work. I was getting bored alone at home so thought of coming here and giving you both some company. How’s the boys? Talked to them?”

Anjali didn’t miss noticing the way Khushi swallowed at the mention of Arnav and Aarav.

“They are good. There is no much network coverage today. So didn’t talk to them but Aarav had left a message through Arnav’s phone before they started the trek” she answered.

“She is missing them” Ayush teased. “Do you know Anju, she didn’t eat well since they left and not to mention, she forgot to remind me of my medicines too this morning”

Khushi’s jaw dropped.

“Paapa, I am sorry. I .. That literally skipped my mind”

“That’s okay Daughter-in-law. I was just kidding. I took my medicines and you need not worry”

“It won’t happen again” she apologized and stood up. “I will freshen up and then will make some dinner for us”

“I will help you” Anjali added.


Khushi returned in a while and started cooking for the three. Anjali assisted her and, in the process, also noticed something was terribly wrong with Khushi. In the span of these three months, it wasn’t that she and Khushi shared everything with each other. Both were formal but cordial to one another and it worked well so far. She knew it would take a lot of time for the wounds of their past bitter relationship to heal and none of the two showed any hurry. They let it take its own course. But this time, Anjali decided to intervene.

“That’s salt, not sugar” she said stopping Khushi from pouring salt in the Kheer.

“Oh” Khushi instantly put the bottle of Salt away and sighed in disappointment. “I picked the wrong bottle.. I.. Sorry.. Hold on”

Anjali stilled her and poured some sugar in the Kheer and stirred it well.

“Something is bothering you bad” Anjali muttered. “And if I am right, this is related to Chotte”

Khushi rolled her eyes.

“Nothing important. Which couple doesn’t fight?”

“Means you both fought” Anjali sighed. “Looking at your state I can say this cant be a silly fight. Want to talk?”

No!! Khushi didn’t want to talk to anyone about it but she had to pour it out…

“Come on.. sharing such talks will only lighten your heart. But if you don’t want to talk, I am absolutely fine. I understand I should be the last person you opening up to”

“Not last” Khushi mumbled. “You are not in that list at all”

There was a total silence for a minute and then the two laughed out. It just made her mood better.

“Lets grab that chair” Khushi said turning off the gas burner and led Anjali to the side. So what if she couldn’t talk to Arnav about it, she still had his Di to vent it out all on.

To be Continued.


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  1. Awesome Update. Khushi and Anjali's relationship has changed. Ayush and Khushi also bonding well. Arnav can be angry with Khushi but still loves her a lot. Hope Anjali give some solution to Khushi. Arnav's worry is genuine but Khushi is more mature now. Aarav too need a sibling. Waiting for the next part. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  2. Khushi is nicely fulfilling her responsibility towards Aarav. Arnav is also the best husband. Aarav is finally getting the love of his parents. Anjali and Khushi's relationship is nicely shaping up. Specially Anjali is taking the extra effort. Khushi's jealousy is really cute and she is so possessive. Aarav's teacher praised Khushi. Arnav is too romantic so are his gestures. Aarav scored excellent and Khushi's motherly emotions came out. Aarav wish to get a sibling. Hope his wish come true soon. Arnav is worried but Khushi with her maturity tried to make him understand that she is ready for the responsibility. Aarav needs a sibling too. Arnav hurt Khushi due to past. But Arnav loves her too. Ayush and Khushi's bond is great. Anjali spotted Khushi's worry. For a moment I thought Khushi is still angry on Anjali. But both are cordial with each other now. Now what solution Anjali will give that could patch up Arshi's relationship again will be interesting. Loved the Update. ❤️❤️

  3. Wonderful fabulous update dear

  4. Hayyy it was too good.💞💞💞💞was waiting for this update from almost 2 months☹️☹️☹️but it was totally worth it 🤩🤩 coming to today's update Khushi is right on her part and arnav should understand her, aarav need a sibling😊😊he should act a little mature🙂🙂thanku for the update madhu darling 😘😘 god with

  5. Where's the previous parts of yaadein???

    1. Click on the PREVIOUS PART link at the start of this update. or click below link of Part 50 -

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Awesome part

  7. Awesome update.. Khushi and anjali's relationship had been improving.. 😊 loving it

  8. Hii not getting d link for yaadein chapter 3

    1. Yaadein Chapter 3 -

      Also have updated the link in Part 2.

    2. Chapter 50th link also missing..pls update in 49b

    3. Plsss update you ought to b mine....

  9. Nice update sis! What if khushi is already pregnant without them knowing. That could happen. If so would arnav be okay? He has to accept it after all. Let’s see how they solve this matter 😇

  10. It's better to talk with each other than giving silent treatment. Conversation can solve the problem. But if kept silent than it will hurt them

  11. Superb Update...Waiting for Next Part to read how will ArShi solve this problem between them...

  12. Lovely chapter. They both are perfect couple who are taking a good care of their son. I have no idea why Arnav is so scared of her second pregnancy.

  13. I understand that whatever happened the first pregnancy is making Arnav insecure but I guess Khushi has proved herself enough now for him to trust her.. I guess he should trust her on this instead of being scared

  14. Wow why is arnav so against a baby if khushi is fine

  15. Khushi different now plus understand now .: it’s Time for other siblings.. awesome written

  16. I gues Arnav’s previous experience when Khushi was pregnant was not great. He is scared to go through all that. He needs to have faith in her

  17. Hmmm Arnav is too scared 😟 to go through the same past but now things are different between both. So Khushi should be firm in her decision to make Arnav agreed. Awesome update

  18. Superb...seriously for.early primary result khushi was nervous..

    Oh my arshi got serious fight..
    Arnav is too much not talking fiving cold shoulder..

    Anjali wow what a change
