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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 52



Chapter 52

Anjali was shocked when Khushi shared her problem but she didn’t interrupt until Khushi was done.

“I cannot believe he still doesn’t trust me” Khushi snapped. The two were seated in the kitchen, having this conversation privately.

“He trusts you Khushi” Anjali replied. “More than ever if you ask me”

“Then why is he doing this to us? If I can look after Aarav well, can’t I love our second child too? What is he scared of?”

Her doubts were genuine. Anjali clutched Khushi’s shivering hand, over the table.

“Did you ask him that?”

“You think I didn’t?” she snapped. “He is practically ignoring this conversation”

“Try again” Anjali muttered. “Keep trying until he listens and gives you a valid reason for his denial. As far as I know Chotte, he is surely having a good reason behind doing so” 
  Tears sprung in Khushi eyes but she didn’t fall weak. Anjali pressed her hand to give her the needed strength.

“At times its hard to tell what the person we love thinks about us” Anjali added. “It’s easy to misjudge them at that point and that’s exactly where a relationship breaks apart. Who better than you both know this? Arnav always was in an impression that you never wanted him and Aarav in your life. He failed to read that during the course of pregnancy your feelings had changed. And people like me fueled your lives with more misunderstandings. Don’t let things fall apart this time. You both have got your share of happiness after a long span of desertion and solitude. Don’t waste even a moment of togetherness because of such silly confusions. Talk to him when he is back”

“I will” Khushi gasped. “Thank you for this little advise. Means a lot to me”

When Khushi met Anjali’s eyes she saw similar tears in hers and it only proved how much Anjali was affected by her pain. She knew Arnav had still not forgiven his Di completely, and it might take god knows how much more time but they still were in talking terms and stood up for each other in times of need. That’s all mattered for now.


After putting Aarav to sleep, Arnav came out from their tent. After the whole day’s expedition and trekking, the group had camped in their tents. Tomorrow they were heading back to their homes and Arnav couldn’t wait to reach Shantivan and see his wife. Yes, he was missing Khushi badly and though he didn’t speak to her after leaving for this trip, he had constantly been in touch through messages, informing about their whereabouts, whenever there was some network on his phone. The last two days since he was out, he had curbed the desire to dial Khushi and hear her voice, but not anymore. He realized if he didn’t hear her voice at this instant, he might stop breathing. Arnav was suffocating inside for not opening up his worry to Khushi. Ever since she had promised Aarav to give him another sibling, Arnav had put a distance from his wife and now he painfully repented his actions. He used to get Khushi’s update from Aarav who spoke to her regularly and it pinched his heart knowing how much desperate even Khushi might have been to speak to him. It was high time he put an end to this chapter. So, sitting before the bonfire the group had lit some time ago, he dialed his wife.

He hoped Khushi wasn’t asleep yet and he was right. Just two rings and she answered. But though Khushi did that, she didn’t speak a word neither he. It was hard… to break this silence.. He could hear her sobs few seconds later and that undid his patience.

“Khushi.. I…” He felt sting of tears in his eyes but he blinked back. “Khushi stop crying”

She didn’t and he knew he was responsible for all her tears.

“Khushi… please don’t cry”

“Don’t” she finally snapped. Her eyes flooded with tears. “Don’t think I am going to forgive you for being so insensitive in the past few days”

Arnav fisted his phone, pushing it to his ear harder. He knew he had badly hurt his wife. She deserved to know his insecurities. She is the only one who deserves to know it all.

“You didn’t speak to me for four days back-to-back. For once I thought I have lost you again Arnav. That impression you created in my mind and heart” she yelled.

“You will never lose me Khushi” he vowed. “Wherever I go, however far, I will still be right next to you”

“I don’t see that happening Arnav” she muttered wiping her tears. “One difference of opinion and you stopped talking to me. This is not how marriage works”

“Ssshhh” He silenced her before she could drag this argument in the negative level.

She paused and there was another round of silence for the next few seconds until he apologized.

“I am sorry” His voice broke and a tear slid down his cheek. “I should have talked to you instead of pushing you and that conversation away.. I am sorry”

Now she felt bad. Though Khushi was relieved that Arnav was repenting on his behavior, she didn’t like to see him in so much pain either. If she had suffered the last four days, so had he. Doesn’t matter whose mistake it was, they both were hurt equally. Her heart melted instantly for snapping so hard at him.

“I am sorry too…” she stuttered. “I shouldn’t have said all that to you now.. when you are already so much in pain and away from me”

“I deserved it”

Relief coursed through her body as she felt a tinge of teasing in his tone. Her tears dried.

“How’s did the trek go?” she changed the subject.

“Good. Aarav enjoyed”

“And you?”

“I couldn’t this time.. not when my wife was away, pinning for my attention to talk”

He knew everything and yet he hurt her.

“It’s so hard to read you at times Arnav”

“Let me tell you a secret then..” he replied. “Whenever you wish to read what’s going inside my heart and mind, just give me a hug… You will know it all”

Khushi smiled. Yes, a Hug! She needed one badly from him.

“We are starting back tomorrow” he informed. “Should be home by night”

Khushi was happy to know though she still had to decide how to spend the next 18-20 hours without seeing her husband.

“Go to sleep now” she mumbled. “It’s too late”

“Can’t sleep”

“Me too” she purred. “But dark circles won’t suit you” she teased.

Finally.. after all these tears, there came a smile on his face.

“I love you dammit” He had to tell her this and he would do that infinite times if needed to make her believe he truly loved her.

“I love you too” she replied curling herself on the bed alone. “Come back soon”

“I will”

They disconnected the call, both trying to believe they had taken one step closer to each other again after their first fight since their re-marriage. Arnav promised himself silently never to let his fears affect their relationship again!!! Never.


The next whole day, Khushi was quite cheerful and excited and that difference in her mood didn’t go unnoticed by Ayush who knew his son and grandson were coming back tonight. Khushi was aware Arnav and Aarav had their dinner on way so she served her father-in-law and Anjali, who had stayed tonight at Shantivan, and joined them for meals.

“Someone is very happy today” Ayush teased. Khushi shied away sipping the soup without commenting.

“Which wife wouldn’t?” Anjali exclaimed. “We all know how much she has missed them. Especially Chotte”

“Stop it you both” Khushi tried her best not to get overexcited. “I missed Aarav the most not your Chotte”

“Really?” Anjali mocked. “In that case, I will let Aarav sleep in your room tonight. Otherwise, I had plans to put him to sleep in my room”

Now Khushi was in trouble. Whenever Anjali stayed in Shantivan, she and Aarav always slept together in her room where they played and talked for hours before dozing off. Tonight, she knew there was no exception. Just like Arnav was once inseparable from his Di, Aarav was the same now for his Bua.

“Well,” Ayush wiped his lips and got up. “Please continue with your private talks, while I make a call to Arnav and check where they have reached”

Khushi was glad her father-in-law didn’t shower her with any embarrassing teases.

“And by the way Khushi” Ayush stopped grabbing their attention again. “If Anjali isn’t letting Aarav sleep in her room, I wont mind taking the boy with me. I am sure he has so many stories of the trek to tell”

Khushi’s cheeks flushed. Anjali laughed heartily at her father’s timing to tease his Bahu who was red like a tomato. Khushi raised her napkin and threw it on Anjali to stop her from laughing so much. Ayush walked away winking at the two girls.

“Seriously, I will never be with you two alone henceforth” Khushi muttered. “I have no one to support in this house in Arnav and Aarav’s absence”

“See” Anjali intervened. “You got another reason to plan a second child. Tell that to Chotte that you need a baby girl now who can be with you every time he and Aarav goes for a trek in future”

Khushi’s smile wiped off completely and Anjali instantly realized that.

“Hey, I didn’t mean like that.. Seeing you so happy today, I thought you and Arnav have spoken about this and.. I am sorry if I have mistaken something”

“I know” Khushi pressed her arm. “I know you will purposely never hurt us again. It’s just that me and Arnav spoke last night, but we haven’t decided about the second baby. I don’t want to bring this topic again if he doesn’t wish to open up his fears to me”

Anjali nodded weakly.

“Don’t worry, even if you don’t want to bring this topic up, I am sure Chotte will. I know him. When he realizes his actions are hurting someone, he never delays in pouring his heart and energy to eradicate that problem forever.”

Anjali’s words soothed Khushi for sure. Khushi had come in Arnav’s life eight years ago and had recently started knowing him and his behavior in and out. But Anjali… she knew her brother ever since he was born. So obviously, if she thinks Arnav will speak about their baby planning to her, she was confident about it.

“I hope you are right” Khushi ended that conversation there and assisted Anjali in clearing the table.


It was past 11:00 pm when they reached Shantivan. Aarav was extremely tired and sleepy but he was excited to see his mother and cuddle her. As soon as he saw her at the porch to receive him, he jumped on her and Khushi carried him in her arms, kissing his face.

“I missed you sooo much Mom”

“I missed you more” she replied kissing his nose and then turned to her husband who was staring at her intensely as he gave instructions to the servant for unloading their luggage.

“My boys are back” Ayush pinched Aarav’s cheek and then dragged him in the house. Anjali followed them, leaving Arnav and Khushi alone at the lobby.

As soon as Arnav was done instructing the servants, he walked to his wife and gave her a bone crushing hug. Khushi hadnt expected this. Arnav had never openly romanced her before the servants of the house. It just proved how much he missed her last few days. She hugged him back. They stayed like that for no idea how long but were forced to pull away hearing Aarav’s voice who had come back looking for them. The three then headed inside. Aarav shared almost every highlight of that trek to Ayush, Anjali and Khushi. Almost an hour later, Ayush insisted them to rest and continue this discussion the next day. Arnav had already retired in his room for a shower. As Aarav was already sleepy, Anjali decided to take him along and assured Khushi she would make him bath first before getting to bed. Aarav readily agreed to stay with Anjali tonight as he knew his Bua would be returning back to her home the next day and he will have to wait for few more days to welcome her again in this house.

Khushi nervously entered her bedroom and saw Arnav dressing up for the night. She had already kept his night pant and T-Shirt on bed to wear, when he was in the shower. Seeing him back in this room, so close to her made her stomach flutter. She was so lost in admiring him that she didn’t even realize when he reached her and cupped her face. “Aashi” he whispered confusing Khushi for a moment.

“Aashi?” she mumbled. “Who is..”

“We will name her Aashi” His fingers pressed against her lips, quieting her.

Khushi was still unsure what he meant but the moment she looked in his eyes, she knew what he was talking about. He was ready for a second child and had even thought of a name if it’s a girl. She was overjoyed but that didn’t mean she would forget asking him what led him change his mind or why did he put up this fight at the first place?

To be Continued



Standalone Romance Novel of Accidental Marriage Series Book 1 

Billionaire Viren Dewan’s sister was getting married in one month and Event Manager Tarini Kaur bagged that project to plan her wedding. She struggled organizing the wedding as Viren Dewan’s classy extravagant attitude kept hurdling her work. Least did she know they had a history together, a knot which his family easily forgot and hers denied to accept. What would happen when that past resurfaced?

A roller coaster ride of a forgotten accidental marriage, claiming its identity between Innocence versus Power.


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SNEAK PEEK Of Marriage Jitters. Read HERE

READ Excerpt 1 HERE

READ Excerpt 2 HERE


Why is she hell bent to make me jealous tonight? I am jealous, yeah. I can admit it to anyone, and I am sure it’s written all over my face. She denied dancing with me earlier and now she changed her mood for Advay? How dare she? I am giving her signals that I like her and yet she is missing them all? I should probably talk openly now. Ria is right. In 2 days, she will be gone and I want her to leave this place promising me we will be in touch in every way. I have conditions laid in my mind already. I like to be planned. 

Condition 1 – We will exchange numbers and I can call her whenever I like. This includes both voice and Video calls. It’s hard only to hear her voice and not see her. 

Condition 2 – She will not see anyone, as in date anyone. If she wants to go out and needs a date, I am going to make myself available for her, doesn’t matter which city or country she is, I will be there for her. 

Condition 3 – She will take up every event Offer from Dewan Group of Industries so that I will get to see her as much as possible. 

I am about to lay my Condition number 4 when I see Tarini laughing heartily. She looks little high to me. The Wine effects? Advay joins her laugh. I am not going to stand here and watch them flirt with each other. I put my drink away and make way to the dance floor again.


  1. gud....this tym u r supposed to post u ought to be mine madhu....:;:;)))

  2. Awesome Update. Finally Arnav got ready for the second child and even selected her name Aashi. Now Arshi's family will be complete along with Aarav and Aashi. I remembered Aashi from Teri Ore. Thanks for the Update😍😘. Please give some romantic moments of Arshi in the next part.

  3. Thank you for updates.

  4. Hope Arnav answers Khushi's questions. Khushi is deeply hurt by Arnav's action but Arnav is also regretting. Anjali and Khushi have come a long way and their relationship have shaped up nicely. Anjali finally accepted her mistakes. She is regretting. Hope Arnav forgives her. Arnav missing Khushi badly. He loves her a lot and is repenting. Glad that Arnav took the initiative to erase the distance between Khushi and him. Arshi's conversation was emotional both are deeply hurt. Arnav apologize to Khushi. Arnav's confession of love was nice. He understood his mistakes. Ayush is really sweet. Anjali and Aarav are also back to their sweet bond. Ayush and Anjali both teased Khushi where Anjali unintentionally hurt Khushi. Finally Aarav and Arnav are back. Arnav already decided the name of their baby girl Aashi. Hope Khushi gets the answers of her questions and waiting for Arshi's conversation.

  5. Arnav thought of name also.. lovely update

  6. Lovely this is a good time for arnav to tell khushi what his fears are

  7. He have decided name also,soo cute.
    But he need to tell her why he was scared.

  8. Loved it... Hope all other insecurities will be overcome in time...

  9. Nice update.. looks like this story is coming to an end soon.. will u be updating a new ff? Please give some hints about the new ff if it's on way

  10. Oh that’s so awesome update. Finally Arnav and Khushi problem solved. Waiting to know why Arnav had this fear in not wanting another child.

  11. So awesome update. He agrees...that’s fantastic.

  12. Love this story. Reread it again and loved it more!

  13. Nice update.. Arnav was committing the same mistake again... not communicating and talking.... whatever be ther outcome, he needed to let khushi know instead of just shutting her out... khushi showed a lot of maturity handling him when he did finally call...

    But I have to mention a thought that was triggered by this chapter...

    Why do most FFs end up Arnav & Khushi having a baby within a year of marriage? �� yes having a baby is a beautiful expression of your love but most couples give each other time to enjoy their time together with each other before getting a baby into the picture. Because any parent will know that a baby, esp in the first 5 years, needs all your time and attention.

  14. Lovely fabulous wonderful update dear

  15. Totally loved it
    The way anjali and khushi spoke the boning has increased so the understanding..anjali is become wiser..
    Finally arnav called and loved the way both spoke ..they both took the step

    Wow what changed in arnav
