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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Yaadein - Part 55



Chapter 55

The Doctor confirmed Khushi was 10 weeks pregnant and everything was fine so far. When the couple got back in the car to head back home, it was Arnav doing most of the talking of how to break this news to the family. He had already called Shashi Gupta and Anjali to Raizada Mansion stating they had to share a news. Aarav was off to school for now. When Arnav finished making calls and turned to his wife, he realized something was bothering her. Glad that they were at the backseat, Arnav pulled her close to him and stroked her cheeks.

“Where’s your smile? Did we leave it at the clinic?”

It felt so. Until they were speaking to the Doctor, she looked normal and happy.

“Sweetheart what’s wrong?” He asked, now totally panicked by her reactions. Tears slipped her eyes as she gave him a tight hug.

“I just remembered our interactions when we visited the doctor for the first time I was pregnant”
Arnav sighed stroking her back. He recalled that too but didn’t wanted to ponder over it more than necessary. Not today. Not when they had already crossed so many barriers reaching this point. But he understood it was inevitable for Khushi to remember those. Somewhere she still took it as her fault for not wanting to have a child during that period.

“It’s past Khushi” he muttered. “A past where you were not the only one at fault. I too had been adamant in having the baby knowing you were not ready. We didn’t even have this understanding those days like we have now”

He felt her tears soaking his Shirt. He cupped her face and forced Khushi to meet his eyes.

“Stop comparing both these pregnancies. Every day of this pregnancy might remind you a lot many incidents related to the previous one. Don’t let those ruin our present happiness. Please. I want you to be happy”

Khushi weakly nodded and Arnav placed a kiss on her forehead immediately after. By the time they reached home, Anjali and Shashi Gupta were already there with Ayush Singh Raizada.

“Arnav?” Ayush got up from the couch seeing the couple entering. Anjali passed her baby boy, Ansh to his nanny as he was fast asleep. “Why have you called us all together? Is everything okay?”

Arnav smirked hard as Khushi shifted in his hold, feeling extremely nervous, excited and shy but he didn’t let her go. Not yet. In fact, never. He liked seeing her all flushed because of him.

“Dad, Di and Uncle” Arnav said turning to all the three. “We are having another baby. Khushi is 10 weeks pregnant”

Everyone suddenly started congratulating them. Anjali literally jumped in excitement and kissed Khushi’s cheek. Arnav had never seen his sister so happy in a long time..

“Oh God, finally you and Chotte decided to go for a second child. I can’t believe this is happening” Anjali cheered and hugged Khushi first.

“All hugs and kisses to my wife? What about me?” Arnav teased.

“I am coming to you too, Chotte. Hold on” Anjali quickly left to the temple room and brought the Puja Thali. She quickly pushed the two to stand together and circled it before them. Ayush and Shashi kept witnessing this with smiles on their faces. Khushi tilted her head to see Arnav who looked equally surprised and happy by Anjali’s gestures. As soon as she was done, Anjali gave a tight hug to Arnav. Nothing felt right than that. They might have been the best siblings so far but there was something missing between them till now, and that was her equal participation in his happiness, especially the ones related to Khushi. Today, that changed too. Ayush and Shashi were the next to bless the couple.

“You know what’s the best about this news?” Ayush asked. Arnav and Khushi were clueless. “You too make great kids” He pinched Khushi’s cheeks.

“Very cute and intelligent too. Aarav is a live example of that” Shashi Gupta added. “And this time we need a granddaughter. What do you say Ayush?”

“I would love that. But even if it’s a grandson, I will be happy”

The thought of Aarav and sharing this news with him, excited Khushi. Whilst Anjali, Ayush and Shashi got busy discussing about this news and how they would like to celebrate it, Arnav took the opportunity to cuddle his wife again.

“Can’t wait to hold her in my arms” His fingers stroked her belly over the Cotton dress.

“You seem very confident it’s a baby girl this time. If I remember well you even decided her name 15 months back”

“Aashi” he repeated. “She will be ditto like you. Same eyes, hair, skin..”

Khushi shut her eyes as his fingers grazed her skin leisurely. The feeling was intense and despite the family being around, she didn’t want him to stop. That reminded her of the last pregnancy when her hormones craved for his touch but none of the two could do anything about it. But this time their relationship dynamics had changed. They had so much to still give to each other.

“Which I will” Arnav murmured as if reading her mind. She gave him a weak smile as he pecked her cheeks. “I am going to pamper you with everything and anything you desire, at any hour of the day or night, without complaining. So, don’t hesitate to demand sweetheart”

It made her giggle.

“Think again before making that promise Arnav. I have a feeling my present pregnancy will keep you on toes”

“Always at your service Sweetheart”

He was about to place another kiss on her cheek when Anjali cleared her throat reaching them.

“You both better get a room than making the oldies miss their partners.”

Khushi laughed.

“But seriously, keep giving each other such cozy moments” she added. “You won’t believe Shyam despite being a Doctor was so afraid to even touch me seductively, thinking he might hurt the baby”

Khushi knew that as Anjali had shared most of her stuff with Khushi on a weekly basis whenever they met. Their bond had grown over the months and finally, they were like sisters to each other.

“Anyway, whats the plan then? Who’s breaking this news to Aarav?”

Khushi and Arnav both looked at each other.

“Both” Arnav declared. “Tonight”

Khushi couldn’t agree for more.


Aarav kept tossing his head from Arnav to Khushi and then back to Arnav. His parents acted weird tonight. They said they have a surprise for him and though he looked for that surprise everywhere in the house, he couldn’t find it.

“Mom, where is my surprise?” Aarav longingly asked. “Is it in this room? In the cupboard?”

Arnav held his laugh whereas Khushi was speechless. So far she was excited but now that the moment came to share this news with Aarav, she was confused how to tell him.

“Alright, let me show you where your surprise is” Arnav pulled Aarav on his lap and then held his hand. He gently placed Aarav’s hand on Khushi’s belly. “It’s in here.. And you will get to play with it after 7 months”

Aarav was initially confused but then the boy was smart.

“You mean God blessed Mumma with a baby inside?”

Khushi met Arnav’s eyes, both hiding their little blush. God just blessed, the rest of the stuff was their doing, their efforts, wasn’t it?

“Yes Champ” Arnav nodded. “You always wanted a sibling. So, God has fulfilled your wish. You are going to be a big brother soon”

“Yehh” he jumped happily on the spot.. twirling around happily and then showered kisses to Khushi on her face, thanking her again and again and again. She was so delighted to see her son’s excitement that it brought tears in her eyes. What had she done to get such a loving son? She kissed his cheeks and took him in her embrace. Arnav was too stunned and dazed at the moment just like his wife. If his reactions to Khushi’s pregnancy was 100% enthusiastic, Aarav’s was 100000%. He was that happy.

“Mom, what is the baby doing inside? Is it sleeping now?”

Khushi chuckled.

“Maybe. I don’t know” She replied.

“Aarav” Arnav joined the conversation. “You have to look after your Mom henceforth and make sure she takes care of herself and the baby. Will you do that?”

“I will” He sounded confident. “I will not let Mom work more. I wont trouble her either”

“Aww..” Khushi kissed his head again and cupped his cheeks. “There is something I want to tell you” she added. “I know this baby will need most of my attention in the beginning few years starting from today, but that doesn’t mean I love you any less. You are our first born and will always have a special place in our heart. We love you as much as we will love this baby going forward. You understand?”

Aarav smiled proudly.

“I know Mom. I love you, dad and this baby equally and that will never change. I promise”

He gave a group hug to his parents and Arnav and Khushi took a sigh of relief. Aarav was a gem and Khushi really had to praise Arnav for the way he had raised him alone all these years.


Three weeks Later

Arnav shifted most of his work at home. He had done the same during Khushi’s first pregnancy too and nothing really changed this time except the fact that he hardly was able to work from home in her presence. And this wasn’t because of her mood swings that kept him busy but her overactive hormones. Since Arnav cancelled his abroad work trips, Ayush happily replaced him and thus left only the couple with their son at Shantivan, giving them enough chances to spend with each other without other’s intervention. Arnav used the drawing room to finish the work and kept tabs on his wife every hour to ensure she was fine and comfortable.

Finishing a conference call, when he stepped inside his bedroom, he saw Khushi shouting at someone on the phone. He quickly realized he wasn’t the only one working from home. Khushi too had to take care of few things at Gupta Office.

“Mehra didn’t send me the files yet. You know how important those are” She paced at the poolside area commandingly. “Fine. I need them emailed in an hour”

As soon as she disconnected the call, Arnav reached there.

“You can’t shout like that. Not good for the baby” He strokes her back for a few seconds. “And why are you out of the bed?”

The next instant, Arnav picked Khushi and carried her back to bed.

“Arnav, I have got to take care of a few things. I am fine now” She muttered.

Arnav didn’t believe she was doing fine. Her morning sickness had taken a toll from past two weeks and she hardly felt like eating. Despite all her favorite meals which Arnav specially asked the Chefs to cook for her, she barely ate and it angered him. The maid knocked the door and brought the food trolley. Arnav pulled it from her and she left them alone again.

“Why are we eating in the room today? I can come down” Khushi debated seeing worry in his expressions. “And I am not really hungry at the moment”

“That’s not going to work this time”

“Arnav please”

As soon as she saw food, her stomach churned and in no time, she rushed in the bathroom. Arnav followed her. That had been his routine now. To be next to her whenever she felt sick. As she threw up, Arnav tucked her hair behind and stroked her back.

“Feeling better now?” he asked as Khushi rinsed her mouth and nodded weakly. “I don’t feel like eating that food”

“Okay, what do you want to eat then?”

Her eyes sparkled at the thought of demanding something she really hadnt eaten since long.

“Pizza maybe”

Her pale face suddenly brightened and Arnav didn’t argue over it.

“Done, But no cheese burst. Just the regular hand tossed one” He mentioned.

“I don’t mind unless it tastes like Pizza and I have my husband feeding me himself”

Now she was talking, Arnav grinned and quickly placed the order from his mobile. He quickly asked the servants to take the food trolley away and then like the good husband he was, helped Khushi to finish the rest of her work. He was already planning to assist his father-in-law too in the Gupta Business realizing so his wife could take the break she needs and could focus exclusively on her health.

To be Continued.



For those who have read my recent new eBook - No Wedding Bells, know already who Ruhi Singh is. So will Ruhi find her Happily-Ever-After? Wait for eBook ROYAL VOWS to come out in June 2021 or before. Sneak Peek Below: 

Standalone Romance Novel

Ruhi Singh

Happily-Ever-After is not what I was looking for after a heart-breaking love tragedy in my life 9 years ago. I still believe in love but it’s simply not for me anymore. Burying the demons that scared me, I have stepped into a new world to make a fresh identity and only when I thought things will sort out for me now, I get an invitation from the Royals of Mahalpur for teaching Painting to someone from their family. I take it up as they are ready to pay me a huge sum for this three-month tutoring. Least did I know life was throwing a challenge named Raunak Malhotra, the eldest son of the Royal family, who had an attitude as high as Mt Everest and anger which could burn a whole city in seconds.

Raunak Malhotra

Happily-Ever-After is not what I was looking for after I lost my best friend-cum-wife, 4 years ago in a car crash. Now all I have that reminds me of her is my four-and-half year old daughter, Palak. Burying the bruises of my loss, I tried to step ahead but my family thinks I have changed. I am not the one I used to be once. To alter their beliefs, I agree to this stupid idea of learning a new skill which can calm my mind and bring me out of my loss forever. I know that’s freaking impossible but I will do it for them. Least did I know life was throwing a challenge named Ruhi Singh, my new painting teacher, who had a heart of gold and was as damaged as I am at the moment. We are both scarred, so how the hell can we soothe each other?

Can two broken souls unite and get their happily-ever-after?

Wait for this eBook – Royal Vows to find out.

Releasing in JUNE 2021.


  1. Beautiful update. Thank you.

  2. Great update.. good to see Arnav taking care of Khushi. Now that this FF is ending will u be updating a new ff?

  3. Awesome Update. Arnav is extremely caring towards Khushi. Aarav is curious but Khushi maturely made him understand that he won't be neglected. He is really a smart kid. Khushi got little emotional. Anjali and Khushi's bond is nice. Arnav and Khushi both accept their mistakes from the past and they are now the perfect couple. Thanks for the Update. Waiting for Aashi 's entry in Arshi's life.

  4. Awesome but short🙈🙈frankly speaking can't get enough of this ff❤

  5. Aree yr it was damn cute🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 Khushi demanding pizza was awesome 😍😍😍pls don't end this ff madhu😐😐it's a humble request 😌😌😌😌I wait for this ff everyday😐😐😐

  6. Beautiful Update. Khushi remembered the past and felt guilty. But Arnav maturely dealt with it and accepted his mistakes too. Anjali is happy for Arshi. Anjali's gestures made Arshi happy. Nice to see Anjali Arnav's relation progress. Arnav is confident about Aashi. He is so romantic and caring. Khushi and Anjali are equally close. Aarav is so cute and smart. His excitement to be a big brother is nice and he is so happy. Khushi got emotional seeing Aarav's excitement. Khushi made Aarav understand that he will remain their priority but Aarav is intelligent to understand that. Arshi are lucky to have a son like Aarav. Ayush replaced Arnav at work so that he could take care of Khushi. Arnav is the best husband. He soon joining the Gupta business to decrease Khushi's workload is nice. Can't wait for Aashi and finally Arshi's family will be complete. Please show little moments of Aashi with Aarav and Arshi.

  7. Beautiful update...
    Yes time to replace old memories with new one.

    Like the way anjali welcome them

    Loving the way arnav is taking care of khushi..
    Plesse write few more update atleast 2 showing khushi's all 9 months and how she kept him on toes with her craving n mood swing

  8. Such a sweet update ������

  9. What twist it wud be or how it wud be if they had a boy again not a girl 😜😜😜

  10. Loved it... Rejoicing the pregnancy period by both...

  11. Ahh arnav is just too sweet of a husband finally they will experience this joy together with both wanting the same

  12. Awww Arnav is so cute! Very happy for the Arshi's baby. Thanks Madhu!

  13. Arav is a sweetheart. Nice update! Thank you sister!

  14. Beautiful and lovely update

  15. Fabulous wonderful awesome update madhu

  16. Beautiful and cute update. Arshi enjoying their pregnancy together is lovely
