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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Rise of the Devil - Part 30



Chapter 30

Khushi’s POV

I climb down the stairs carefully, holding the shiny black gown, while my eyes fix on Devil who has a different emotion running on his face today. He is in a complete black attire tonight – black button-down silk shirt, black pant and black suit. His hair is cut short at his nape yet the ones above his forehead are untouched and long enough for my fingers to grip them. This is the first time he is going to flaunt me in his dark world, as his wife. It should have scared me but instead, I am grinning like an idiot at the prospects of this evening. He has promised to share his past with me and it begins with Sartaj Mansion. I am very excited and already feeling good knowing Devil wouldn’t have left any stone turned to keep me safe tonight.

Arnav gives my dress a thorough glance before meeting my eyes as I reach him.

“Slit?” His voice is rough. “You won’t be showing off your legs to other men Khushi.”

I knew he will reject my outfit.

“It’s the only party dress I have and please, the slit is only till my knee. Rest all is covered. See..”

I bend my leg to show him the proof of what I said and his eyes leisurely stare at my bare leg, making me burn.

“That’s not enough.” He replies taking out his phone and dials someone. “We are coming to your store. Keep a party dress ready for my wife.”

My mouth drops open knowing he was serious about making me change my dress.

“I am comfortable in this..” I debate but he holds my hand and drags me out to the car. “You can’t be serious Devil. What is wrong with this dress? And If you have so much problems of men ogling at me, I better don’t accompany you tonight.”

We reach the car and my declaration loosens his grip on my hand. He stares at me little pissed off.

“Fine, just don’t leave my side ever.”

Now he is talking. I reach closer to his already heated body and place my palms over his chest.

“I will never leave your side. I promise.”

We stay there, like that, no idea how long gazing at each other.

“Arnav?” Dad’s voice breaks our trance. I had almost forgot Dad is also accompanying us in this party tonight. I am about to pull away but Arnav holds my hand, and we both turn to my father who looks as impressive as my husband is tonight. But the only difference is that my Dad is in an off-white Suit.

“Wow Dad,” I appraise. “You look way too handsome tonight.”

Dad chuckles. I have never seen him laugh like this.

“Not as handsome as the man next to you Khushi. Beware of women tonight. They swoon over your husband.”

What? Women? Which women? I turn to Arnav who gestures at me not to be serious about it. But I am serious.

“Which women?” I poke Arnav as he opens the door for me to sit.

“We will talk later.” He urges me to get inside and I follow his command. He sits next to me and Dad takes the seat ahead, beside the driver. The car engine comes to life and soon we are off the premise of Chandra Mahal. Three black cars follow us with the guards and there are two more ahead of us. I do realize the threat but I am not worried. The car we are seated in is bullet proof but more than the car, I trust my husband to save me. To be honest, I am not worried of my life anymore, I am worried for his. I want him alive and beside me all the effing time.

I don’t realize I have been staring at Arnav constantly, who is typing something on his mobile. When he realizes that, he puts his phone in pockets and turns to me.

“Which women?” I come back to the old topic and he eyes at me to stop poking my nose but dare he remains mum over it.

Devil rolls his eyes and then finally decides to open up.

“The dark world has a lot of women too.. all kinds… wives, sisters, daughters and mistresses of all those mafias who run this world.”

His reply churns my stomach.

“A few have tried to lure me in the past..” He adds and my teeth clench on their own.

“And?” I mutter.

“And I have kept them at a distance.. always. Believe it or not. I leave it on you.”

Well!! I can feel my nostrils burning in anger. I can very well imagine how those women might have tried to lure my Devil.

“Dare they lay eyes on you ever again.” I challenge.

A soft grin appears on his face and I am very sure it’s because jealousy is written all over me at this moment.

“Don’t worry,” he replies leaning intensely towards my ear. “They know I am taken.”

And saying that, he kisses the crook of my neck, sending enough shivers to bring a storm inside my body. I am glad Dad is busy on his phone and cannot see or hear us. Our eyes meet again as Devil aims for my lips. We have kissed before but never had it been out of passion. Today the way he is looking at my lips, I know he needs more.. A lot more.!! But this is just not the right time nor the place. The driver could see us from the rear-mirror, Dad could turn around too. So, I stop him before Devil can claim my lips and he just reads my mind. I don’t have to explain. Devil joins our fingers and presses them hard while turning to the window to look out. I know he is curbing his desires, just like I am at the moment.


Sartaj Mansion

I don’t like this place already. The huge black iron gates open and our cars drive in. I see guards, guards and guards everywhere.

“Are they all here for…?”

“You” Arnav replies before I could finish. My jaw drops as he leads me out of the car. It’s a dark night plus the everything around is dark except the lights inside the Mansion where a loud music is playing in the background. Dad gets down after us and a handful of guards surround us.

“I will go inside.”

Devil nods at Dad’s statement and we both watch him leave.

“Why are we not entering in?” I ask Arnav who leads me to another pathway. “We are entering from the other door.”

I don’t understand. The guards follow us till some point and then Arnav asks them to leave and join us inside the mansion directly. We both walk through a small door at the first which takes us inside the house through a very small corridor.

“Is this some kind of a secret door?” I ask him as he leads me ahead.


“Why?” I keep poking. “Is there a threat if we had got inside the mansion from the main entrance?”

Devil finally stops at the end of the corridor which has another door leading probably to the main hall. He takes something out from his pocket and passes it to me.

“Wear this one somewhere on your dress,” he commands.

They are too small black beads.

“Which one?” I ask without much argument and he points to the left one. When I am still confused how to wear it, Devil takes it back from my fingers and finds fixes it on the front neck of my dress. The back of his rough fingers touches my skin but the man is too concealed about my present desires. The bead looks no less than a shiny button, matching my dress.

“And this one?” I pout passing him the other one too which he puts in my ear and adjusts my hair to hide it.

“This is a spy camera with GPS tracking and the one in your ear is a microphone. Just incase you are away from me, during this party, I can still see you and we can talk to each other using this microphone. Got it?”

I grin.

“Wow!! Are we doing some secret mission here? I can’t believe you are involving me in one of them.”

Arnav sighs in disbelief.

“Aman’s idea,” he replies. “Otherwise, I would never let you anywhere near my mission or this dark world.”

“Aman has so much confidence in me, you know.” I pat myself. “Which you never had.”

“That’s because you cannot protect yourself. Until you are ready to do that, I will never take a chance.”

“Whatever” I shrug. “But this is great. At least I will know if any woman approaches you in my absence tonight.. I can hear what they speak with you, can’t I?”

His million-dollar grin is back. Devil pushes me to the wall behind and holds my jaw but gently. There is no roughness in his grip. Slowly, this man has started treating me like his most beloved possession and I loved it.

“Women around here don’t speak to flirt Khushi..” his hoarse voice brings all my attention on him… just him.. Really? They don’t speak to flirt? Is he serious?

“Then… what… what do they … do to… lure you?”

He holds his grin and I hope he is only saying this for fun. I cannot even imagine any woman’s finger on my devil, forget they cornering him or something. His phone beeps and he is about to pick the call when I clutch his suit collar.

“Have you never let a woman takeover your desires?”

His mouth curves.

“I’m getting a call Khushi.”

He is purposely doing this, I know. But I don’t let him go.

“Answer me first. Was there any woman who has touched you or whom you have…” I pause to stop myself from blurting out my silly mind.

“Whom I have-?” He crushes me close.

I am raging inside with love and jealousy.

“Fill in the blanks and tell me yes or no.” I demand like a Queen would from her King!!

My anger overwhelms him but his next reply soothes my heart.

“No” he answers. “You are the first woman I have kissed and the only woman who will get all my firsts!!

Thank God!! I heave in relief. The way he looks at me right now with so much passion, makes me proud. I will be his first woman in terms of everything. Wow!!! Before he can capture my lips, I stop him.

“Focus on your mission, Devil. Rest all can wait.”

It surely pisses him off when I fail to hold my laugh and his phone keeps ringing in the background. Grabbing my hand, he leads me out of this little corridor and we enter the main hall of Sartaj Mansion.

To be Continued.

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  1. Arnav and Khushi's chemistry is absolutely scorching. Loved Arnav's possessiveness. Hope Arnav will soon share his past with Khushi. Khushi is very passionate about Arnav. Her jealousy is cute. Liked the way Arnav admitted Khushi will be his first. Hope Arnav will protect Khushi from all dangers. Thanks for the Update😍😍

  2. ❤️❤️❤️ it's high time she should stop calling him devil and start calling him Arnav... Just her ARNAV 😍 With extreme love ❤️

  3. Both are possessive for each other.and openly shows there right on each other.

  4. Arnav's description is🔥🔥. Khushi is very excited to get introduced to the dark world. Arnav is very possesive about Khushi. Love Khushi's promise to Arnav. Khushi loves Arnav so much she wants his safety. Jealous Khushi is really cute. Arshi kissed😘. Arnav is so passionate about Khushi. Nice step taken by Arnav to protect Khushi. Arshi's chemistry is scorching. Arnav's confession about Khushi being his first is romantic but Khushi interrupted their romance. Waiting for the party and hope Arnav saves Khushi. Waiting for the next part 😍😍

  5. Beautiful and romantic
    Loved Arnav and Khushi's chemistry to much
    Hope there will not be any danger and they will return safe and fine
    Plz if possible give us another update for this story
    Really loving it too much

  6. Woowww awesome update diii..hope u post another update of the same..loving arshi's romaceeee ❤️❤️

  7. It’s getting intense. Loved it. Thank you sis!

  8. I like Khushi's carefree personality in this story.

  9. Lovely update Arshi is romantic, passionate and cute

  10. Arshi posessive for each other. Hope nothing go wrong in the party . Arnav's declaration khushi will be his first in everything.. so romantic.
    Waiting for next update dear

  11. Gosh this is so amazing di!🥰🥰

  12. Amazingly interesting update.
    Arnav and Khushi chemistry lovely 🥰
    Madhu a request, please give another update of this story. Thank you 😘

  13. Back to back update please please please please please please

  14. Oh jealous khushi just got the sweetest confession

  15. Super update..

    Both are super possessive and get hyper..

    Hope he soon trained khushi...

    Loved their heating moments.. khushi is really pushing him to the edge...
    Looking forward

  16. Will khushi ever call him by his name and not devil? I kind of don't like her calling him devil still.

  17. Wonderful beautiful update madhu
