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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Rise of the Devil - Part 31



Chapter 31

Khushi’s POV

It’s been an hour since we are in Sartaj Mansion and I have met all the kinds of people whom I am even scared describing. But having Devil by my side, I didn’t fear when he introduced them. The surprising thing was, none of the men looked at me twice. As if they were given enough warnings not to meet the queen’s eyes or admire her unnecessarily. We are yet at the big hall of this mansion, and though it’s beautifully decorated, I still don’t like this place. I wonder what connection does Arnav has with this Mansion?

But amidst all this, I do realize women around here are swooning at my husband like he is some walking talking object of their entertainment. It makes me cringe and I clutch Devil’s arm tightly. He was speaking to a couple but my gestures shift his attention to me.

“You are bruising my wrists,” he whispers.

“And the women here are getting on my nerves.” I snap. “Each one of them is ogling at you as if they want to eat you up.”

Arnav’s brow twitches as he gives a wicked grin.

“They are jealous of you, Khushi. You have what they want.”

“Don’t brag your ego so much. If you come to my college reunion, you will know your wife’s worth. Boys would kill each other to go on a prom night with me.”

His icy stare doesn’t scare me so I continue.

“And not to forget, every man here is interested in me. It is just that you are next to me so they wouldn’t dare to challenge you.”

His face hardens as he slides his arm around my waist roughly, pulling me close to his body.

“Arnav?” I stutter realizing he is giving a show for the onlookers.

“No one is ever going to eye what’s Mine and these people here know that. They love their lives more than losing it for a woman.”

Wow!! He is insanely jealous. I don’t shy anymore to place my palms over his chest, scratching my nails to make sure they prick his skin.

“Why are the rules different for you and me then?” I ask. “I am the Devil Queen which means any woman who eyes you, should have the same fate as those men who stare at me.”

He gets my point and is about to respond something when an unfamiliar voice interrupts us.


Arnav’s eyes break from mine and shift to our left where a tall petite woman walked to us, keeping her gaze glued on Arnav. She didn’t even see me once as if I don’t exist. Arnav’s grip on my waist loosened and I don’t like it. Once free from his arms, I stare at this unknown woman as she stands before us and grins at Devil. That smile could affect other men, not my man!! I know.

“Swetlana,” Arnav says shaking hands with her. “Didn’t expect you in this party tonight.”

She laughs at his comment.

“Trust me, I wasn’t going to attend it but Dad couldn’t make it for this party and someone between us had to be here. So, I packed my bags and took the next flight.”

“Impressive,” Arnav responds without breaking their eyelock.

Swetlana takes a step closer to him but before she could even think of touching my husband, I step between them with a smile. My arms automatically circle around Arnav’s waist and I lean powerfully to my husband, showing Swetlana who has a right on him.

As if Devil senses my jealousy, he quickly introduces us.

“My wife, Khushi Singh Raizada,”

That’s when Swetlana checks me out. She eyes at me as if she is trying to find out what Devil saw in me to marry.

“She looks innocent,” Swetlana mocks.

Devil smirks at her comment.

“Don’t go on her innocent looks. She gets wild if any woman even thinks about me in their dreams.”

I am glad he told her that.

“I am thirsty” I purposely try to divert Arnav’s attention.

“Let’s get you a soft drink,”

Arnav is about to take me away when Swetlana blocks our way.

“We need to talk Devil. It’s urgent.”

Devil turns to me.

“Give me a moment. I will be right back.”

I want to stop him but its annoying to see him interested in speaking to Swetlana rather than being with his wife. Fine!! If that’s so, I don’t need his company either. I withdraw from his hold before he leaves me and walk away.

I don’t focus on where he took her and why and head straight to the Drinks counter where thankfully I find only women around. Right now I cannot handle any man. I am just so done with this male dominating society I am around. All rules are different for them. They can do anything, be with anyone and leave their partners alone at any moment. How unfair is that. I watch Dad busy with some other group so I don’t disturb him either. I order some soft drink for myself to quench my thirst. That’s when I hear a familiar laugh. Samrat!! Samrat Sehgal!!!

“Hello there,” Samrat reaches the counter. “How is the Devil Queen doing??”

“Good” I fake a smile. “In fact, Very good.”

“Doesn’t look so. You wanted freedom I heard but… you seemed to be entrapped for your whole life. I pity you. Life with the Devil can never be easy so what if he is the King of this dark world?”

He orders two vodka shots. Two? I don’t know why? But instead of taking in his taunts lightly, I decide to show him what it means to mess with me.

“Forget about me Samrat. Where is your wife?” I tease and his expressions are worth watching. “Oops, I am so sorry you didn’t get married yet, right? I thought after being brutally deceived on our wedding day, you would have ended up marrying another woman to give you company. Didn’t find one I guess.”

He fists his fingers which I notice and warn him instantly.

“Don’t even think of touching me, forget hurting. This is my husband’s place and even you looking in my eyes right now might cost your life.”

As if takes my words seriously, Samrat steps back and then picks the two glass of Vodkas served to him. He forwards one to me.

“You need to chill a bit Devil Queen. So much anger isn’t good for your health. Calm down. Have this. But you can always check with Devil King first. I am sure you do everything after asking him and don’t take decisions on your own.”

I realize what Samrat is doing. He is trying to turn me against Arnav which is not going to happen. I roll my eyes and look in the direction of Devil who is staring at us with so much rage and annoyance. Well!! Obviously, whatever conversation me and Samrat had, Arnav has heard it all as I have microphone in my ear like he has one in his. I hope he is glad I showed Samrat his right place then but since he looks as jealous as I was some time ago, I decide to play a bit to show Devil how I felt when he left with Swetlana, ignoring me.

I show Devil the glass of Vodka in my hand and despite being so far from me, I can still see his face turning hard, his jaw clenching and his fingers fisting. He hasn’t left his gaze from me and Samrat Sehgal which makes me even more curious to see what he would do next.

“Don’t,” I hear him saying on the microphone in my ear. Don’t? Did he even care when I denied him walking away with that woman? I don’t even know who that woman is and why she needed to talk to my Devil in private? He might be sober, he might be a man committed to his mission, but he cannot object the basic wife’s rules. When he didn’t obey me a few minutes back, I wouldn’t let him object me now. This tug of war isn’t between a husband and a wife anymore. It’s between two passionate souls who want to keep each other untouched by any third person.

I purposely avert my gaze from Arnav to Samrat who is still confused why I am delaying so much to enjoy my drink.

“I swear this wont end well if you drink that, Khushi. Put the damn glass down.” Arnav continues commanding me over the microphone. I swallow nervously at his tone. If he is really serious about this, I don’t think I am ready to handle what he will do if I go against his wishes.

“If you want to drink, we’ll drink home.” Arnav continues to warn me, giving me options. “Drop the damn glass down, Khushi.”

I am sick of his warnings but I do exactly what he says. I put the glass away and Samrat laughs at my state.

“I knew it,” Samrat mocks. “You will never go against the words of Devil King.”

“Right,” I fake a smile. “I won’t, as he is my husband and what he says, Goes.”

I know very well Arnav has heard that line loud and clear but I am not letting him win this time. He promised to let me drink at home. I will make sure he abides by that. I walk away from Samrat.. from Devil.. from this damn party at the living hall. I see the broad steps which leads to the first floor and decide to check the house instead of staying amidst people who just know to command me or mock me. I haven’t even reached the first floor when two guards block my way.

“Sorry Ma’am. Devil King wants you down in the party,” one of them says and I give him a cold stare and push him out of my way.

I keep walking. Every corner of this place is scary so I decide to check the terrace instead. I don’t think I am interested to check this place alone without knowing what connection Devil has with it. I need fresh air instead.

The terrace is better. Airy, and I can see the dark sky with few stars twinkling. I take a corner to stargaze. That’s the only thing I can do to pass the time. I hear footsteps from behind.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Devil screams behind me. I don’t respond. “I am talking to you Khushi. RESPOND.”

I turn finally and cross my arms.

“Sorry, I was suffocating down so I came here disobeying your orders. What will you do? Punish me? Scare me off? What?”

The anger on his face mellows down as she takes steps towards me. The cool air here makes me shiver. The satin dress with that slit is of no use in cold. Arnav quickly takes off his coat and drapes it around my shoulders.

“It can get really cold at night here. Let’s go down,” he insists.

“Can we go home?” I ask, hoping he will say Yes and he just stares at me with complex emotions. I don’t know why or maybe I do know. He has a mission to fulfil and I am intruding it with my silliness. “Sorry” I gulp. “I don’t mean to disturb your work. Please go down and handle whatever you have to. I will be fine here and come down in a few minutes.”

He cups my face.

“I am not leaving you alone again. I wouldn’t have left you alone earlier too but talking to Swetlana was important.”

Right!! I roll my eyes but then meet his gaze again.

“Who is Swetlana? If, I may ask.”

“Rana Pratap’s daughter. He is one of the biggest drug cartels of this country. He and my father did some of the business together back then.”

I get cold sweat. Devil is surrounded by such powerful and scary people?

“No one knew I am the Devil King Khushi, not until I revealed my identity otherwise so far, I had always controlled my operations through phone calls which obviously no one could trace it back, all thanks to the technology. Now, these people know me and everyone wants to get their work done. Rana Pratap needs my power and influence to get their shipments transported to and fro from this country but more than that, he wanted his daughter to be the Queen of the Devil king. He had dreamt of this decade ago. ”

Now I cringe.

“Swetlana and you? Seriously?” I laugh. “Well, she is beautiful and smart. Bold too. But what’s done is done. I am the devil Queen and no one can change that, right?”

His wicked grin is back.

“Right. No one can change that. Not even the queen herself.”

I feel reenergized by his reply.

“I didn’t drink” I add with a pout. “I was tempted to actually. You know I always had this dream to drink with my husband once..”

He leaned closer and his lips were back on my skin… .on my neck…

“I will fulfil your wish tonight.” He murmurs against my ears, placing a kiss on my earlobe. If I was shivering by cold earlier, now I was sweating against his burning body.

He pulls away and searches something in my eyes.

“Give me an hour and we should be out of here. Aman and my team are raiding the Sehgal’s secret villas to find Jaipal. I need the Sehgals here until that search is complete.”

He told me? He told me what the mission is and why this party? I already feel important.

“Can you manage with me here for another hour?” He seeks my permission and how could I deny when he asks me this so nicely.

“Unless you don’t leave me alone again, I am fine with you anywhere… any place … for any amount of time..”

Devil tilts my head and kisses me fully on my lips. It’s a quick burning kiss which melts every organ inside my body. I am about to kiss him back but he pulls away again.

“Later..” He promises dragging me with him downstairs.. Later? I sigh but totally understand his position. The mission is really crucial and I am ready to support him.

To be Continued.


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  1. Awesommmeeeeeeee update diii ���� these two are just soooo adorable more n moreee.. both are soooo possessive abt each other... Loved the way khushi changed for Arnav n vice versa.. they are handling their relationship so well.. lovedd the update diii❤️❤️

  2. Awesome Update. Last part was romantic. Arnav finally told Khushi about his mission and Khushi is feeling important. Their relationship is getting better. Hope it stays so forever. Thanks for the Update😍😍

  3. Khushi gets finally introduced to Arnav's world. Hope Arnav will reveal his past to Khushi soon. Khushi is bothered with Arnav getting all the attention. Like the way Khushi commented on Arnav. Arnav is too possesive of Khushi. Khushi also enjoyed Arnav's jealousy. Khushi's move towards Swetlana and Samrat was mind-blowing. Khushi gave such a fitting reply to Samrat. Khushi was teasing Arnav and making him jealous. Arnav is so protective towards Khushi. Finally Khushi understood the importance of Arnav's mission. Khushi also flaunt her right cutely. Hope Arnav will fulfill Khushi's wish. Finally Arnav revealed about his mission. Khushi just want Arnav with her. She is getting mature. And now when she is going to support Arnav his mission will be successful for sure. Waiting for the next part😍😍

  4. I'm so glad how this relationship between Arshi is progressing.. they seem so in love already.. can't wait to read next

  5. Wow all emotions displayed finally arnav is showing so trust in khushi letting her know what is happening nice

  6. It’s getting interesting now. Thank you for this beautiful update.

  7. Awesome update 👍👍
    Story getting very interesting in very part. Ooooh both Khushi and Arnav jealousies growing whom ever approaching them 😜 but love the way their closeness progressing. Nice to see Khushi giving her full support to Arnav.

  8. Nice update. ..
    Arshi hotheaded and their tug of war is too good...
    But sometime khushi is too much she knows how much danger is here still she pushes him..

    Loved their possessiveness for each other..

    Looking forward

  9. I'm glad arnav sharing about his mission and swetlana and their connection wothout any hesitation. Arshi opnely showing their posessiveness and desire to each other.
    Khushi smartly tackled and gave back to samrat.
    And terrace moments beautiful dr
    Waiting for next update dear

  10. Very interesting.... A combination of love and underworld

  11. Can't get enough if them
    As always loved it 💕💕💕

  12. Hope Arnav's mission will be successful...

  13. Madhu is there any problem in receiving email for your update? Because I’m not receiving any.

  14. Waiting for their drinking party and the cons of it 😜

  15. Awesome chapter. I am glad Arnav starting sharing his business.

  16. Fabulous awesome beautiful update dear
