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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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The Royal Fling - Part 51


Chapter 51

“Pre-planned??” Arnav grunted. “You are lying. I have seen the investigation report. It never mentioned about the brake fail”

“That’s because someone powerful has paid the cops enough to keep this a secret” Avni replied.

Arnav Singh Raizada fisted his fingers. Who can do this?

“Someone is targeting the Raizada Royals for something big” she added.

Arnav couldn’t ignore that theory because being Royals and having that kind of powerful influence in the society meant they had enemies more than allies.

“Akash’s abduction, Aman’s accident could all be related to one person” Avni shared her suspicion.

“I have the best spies to trace such threats Avni” Arnav mentioned. “It is impossible that they couldn’t sense this but you”
“That’s because they are not attached to your family Arnav Singh Raizada. They are mere employees whom you pay to do work and it wouldn’t matter to them if anything happens. But that’s not my case. I am deeply attached to Aman and if anyone hurts him, I will not sit quiet. That’s exactly why none of your detectives deduced what I have. You have a mole either in Shantivan or in your business front. Someone who wants to destroy your family. We have to find out that person before he targets the next”

Avni was right.

“Pack your stuff” he declared. “We have to leave”


She didn’t get a reply because Arnav Singh Raizada dialed Angad’s number and gave him some specific instructions. She heard him asking Angad to come here. When he hung up, she strode to him furiously.

“You cannot share this address with anyone. It’s my den. I don’t want your men around here”

“Not all.. just a few.. Angad and some best trained professionals who can take up this work further” he answered.

“What?” she groaned. “This is my work… I won’t let anyone sneak into my devices and..”

“Miss Sen” Arnav grunted. “This is no more your silly work now. It’s beyond that and much dangerous for you to handle it alone. Besides, in your absence, someone has to keep this place secure and also continue the spying”

She realized the point.

“In my absence? Where am I going?”

“Not just you… We” he replied.

Avni was not very pleased with the idea that she would have to travel somewhere with Arnav Singh Raizada.


“You will know”

He made his way out to make another call.


Same Night

Aman Singh Raizada was at the Park Hotel with his friends, dining when he saw Avni walking towards him from the other side. He was stunned to see her in Mumbai. He immediately excused himself and strode to her.

“Avni… what… what are you doing here?” he clutched her forearms. She didn’t utter a word. “I get it… you finally took off for me and came here to surprise me, didn’t you?”

He embraced her but she still didn’t speak.

“I missed you so much…” he kissed her forehead and when she didn’t say anything, he realized something was wrong. He then looked behind her and saw his brother Arnav Singh Raizada standing elegantly in his casual outfit, staring at them.

“Arnav got me here” Avni finally spoke moving aside. She had no clue until she sat in the jet with Arnav Singh Raizada that they were going to Mumbai. He hadn’t spoken a word to her about Aman. After landing, he drove her to this Hotel and asked her to get inside. That’s when she saw Aman and his friends dining together and understood what Arnav wanted to check. He wanted to test if Aman recognizes her and it would confirm that Aman was acting all these days about his memory loss. Though Avni didn’t wanted to participate in this play, she had no choice. It was too late as Aman had already seen her.

Aman took a step back noticing his brother advancing towards them. Arnav clapped mocking Aman’s sudden hesitation in meeting his eyes further.

“You should have tried acting instead of direction, Aman.. You outdid your performance of memory loss” Arnav muttered.

Aman stood frozen.

“2 years” Arnav growled. “You stayed away from the family.. from me? I don’t recall a single day you liked being away from anyone of us.”

“You” Aman pointed at him. “You made me do that. You pushed me away Bhai.. You gave me a reason to hate you”

Arnav gritted his teeth.

“For a woman, Aman? You broke ties with me because of a woman? Families don’t work that way”

Aman looked down in pain.

“Everyone believed you were dead… I was the only one who still hoped to see you alive someday. Was our bond so weak that you broke it for a woman?”

“Love” Aman snapped. “I chose my love over your baseless pride. And you would have done the same for Khushi had you been in my place”

“No” Arnav shouted. “I would have fought with my brother till my last breath but never abandoned him when he needed me the most. You became selfish Aman”

“Fine.. I was selfish.. And I am still the same. I would always choose Avni over anyone else in this world. You heard that?”

Arnav felt his throat choke. He nodded. Aman instantly felt guilty seeing Arnav’s moist eyes. But before he could do anything to rectify, Arnav’s gaze diverted to Avni.

“You will drive him to the Villa and stay there until my further commands”

Avni shook her head in approval.

“What Villa?” Aman turned to Avni while Arnav left the hotel. “And where the hell is he going?”

“Aman…” she sighed. “We need to talk”

“We do, because I really want to know how Arnav found you and why are you both here?”

“Can we just drive to the Villa first? We will be safe there”

She held his hand and dragged him out where a posh car was waiting to drive them away.

Aman had no clue but he quickly messaged his friends something urgent had come up and he had to leave.


Khushi was just out from the Shower and still in the robe when a message buzzed on her phone. She fastened the ends of the robe and checked the message which was from Arnav.

“Open the door”

Khushi frowned. Since morning she had sent him a few messages and even called him up but he responded to none. She wondered what kept him so busy that he had no time for his wife? And now, he wanted her to open the door because he might have sent a sorry card, flowers or ordered her favorite dinner. She didn’t want any of them… she wanted him!! She bit her lip curbing her desires and opened the door as told.

Her jaw dropped as she saw her husband standing at her apartment door. He had a faint smile playing on his lips. He looked messed up yet the glint in his eyes showed she was his only solace.

“Ar… rrr….nav?”

She wanted to jump on him but controlled her hormones.

“What are you doing here in Mumbai? And.. why didn’t you tell me? I would have… I would have come to pick you.”

“Will you ask me everything here or let me inside the house too?”

“Oh.. sorry.. come in”

She moved away letting him in her small apartment. He scanned the place quickly while she locked the door. The moment their gazes met again; she felt an electric jolt in the pit of her stomach. There was passion written all over his face.

“Come here” he stretched his arm for her and the next second, Khushi was in his embrace. It felt warm. She couldn’t believe he was really here. They stood holding each other for some time until she pulled away to ask.

“What is my Royal husband doing in Mumbai?”

Reality struck again and he decided to share it with his wife as well.

“Anamika is Avni… Avni Sen” he informed.

Khushi’s arms loosened around him as Arnav narrated the entire scenario, right from how he unraveled Anamika’s real identity, then all the revelations she made related to Aman’s accident, how they both travelled to Mumbai and the most important one – Aman remembers the past. Arnav told her everything. By now, Khushi and Arnav were sitting on the couch, next to each other.

“Aman was acting?” Khushi stated.

Arnav leaned back exhausted pondering over these incidents.

“Arnav… where is Avni and Aman now?”

“I have bought a Villa here in Mumbai. I don’t want Aman to stay in his rented apartment having no security. Whoever is after our family, until he is caught, Aman and you will stay under my scrutiny”

Khushi sighed.

“This apartment is safe. I can stay here and this place is quite near to my sets”

“This topic is closed for discussions Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada”

Khushi bit her lip sharply.

“Fine, let me get you something to drink”

She got up but he clutched her wrist and made her sit on his lap.

“My drink is here” his thumb grazed her lip and, in few seconds, it was replaced by his lips.

His kiss was like a promise to keep her safe from every trouble and every pain. When his fingers played with the knot of her robe, she exhaled in a rush.

“I thought we were learning to walk, before run” she mumbled.

Arnav understood her hint. It was hard not to touch her beyond this. He stroked the pads of his thumbs over her flushed cheeks.

“You are irresistible sweetheart”

She snaked her arms around his neck, their noses touched.

“I love when you praise me”

He brushed her soft hair, rubbing their noses again and then pecked her lips.

“If we don’t stop this… we might have to run” he teased.

Khushi’s lips pressed into a thin line. He put her down and gave a gentle pat to her back.

“Get me something to eat. I am starving”

“Right away” she pinched his cheeks and hurried inside.

Khushi hardly stocked any groceries in this apartment considering her irregular and unplanned visits here. But this time she had instructed Millie to load a few veggies and sauces. She quickly kept the pasta for boiling and got dressed into her usual night suit. Arnav meanwhile made a few calls from the living room. She chopped some veggies and the pasta was ready in 30 minutes.

“It looks delicious” he took his bowl from her hand. She sat next to him, flipping the channels on the TV.

“How was your Audition?”

“Good. The channel will make some decision in next 2 days. And if I am in, then I will also have to shoot the promo before I can head back to Shantivan with you”

Arnav mentally made a note of that. He had to carefully plan her security.

“Besides I have stuff to shop for Payal’s baby shower. Now that you are here, we can do this together” she happily stated.

Arnav nodded but was more engrossed in eating.

“You love pasta?” she enquired. “Or I assume you were very very hungry”

Arnav was done eating. He finished the pasta and kept the bowl away.

“My wife’s first dish for me.. just me.. how could I not relish it?”

Khushi hadn’t realized this until he pointed out. Despite staying in Shantivan, she had hardly cooked.

“I am not very good at cooking”

“Doesn’t matter. It was the best pasta I have ever eaten”

She felt shy. There was so much love in the look he gave. She willingly sat on his lap and fed him some more pasta from her bowl.

“Don’t make me so much full that I can’t eat you tonight”

Khushi’s hands shivered.

“What are your devious plans Mr. Royal Raizada?”

Arnav realized she had finished eating and hence he gently put her bowl away and pulled her closer.

“I know we promised to learn walking before running” he kissed the tips of her fingers. “But how about Brisk walking?”

Khushi’s mind went wild. His fingers dug deep onto her waist, drawing her even closer.

“Arnav..” she gasped. Her heart rate sped up. His devilish grin made her squirm on his lap. And before it could turn into more, his phone rang. He checked the caller ID and decided not to miss it. Khushi kept waiting anxiously for him to finish. Arnav didn’t speak… he just heard from the other person and disconnected the call.

“I will show you the Villa tomorrow. And for the next two days, me and Avni will stay with you and Aman” he declared.

“Hmm” she agreed. “I am very thrilled to meet Avni Sen. Not to forget.. she had spiked my drink in Bali.. I was so high that night.. Remember?”

Arnav smirked.

“Did you really change my dress that night?” she shyly asked.

Arnav let out a soft chuckle.

“No. I asked an old lady staff from that hotel to do it. She was too kind to lend me this help”

Khushi frowned but her face glowed with praises.

“But now…” he pinched her cheeks. “I regret”

She patted his chest gently.

“Shut up..”

“Then shut me up…” he commanded and she obliged. Their lips met again and this time it felt like for eternity.

To be Continued.



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This Edition includes the below mentioned Stories:

1. Bride Lost & Found
2. His Destined Bride

Bride Lost & Found

On the verge of getting married, Niyati elopes to fetch her lost life, only to be found again. They say when you are destined for someone, you find him no matter how far you run. Is Niyati ending up in a hopeless situation by tying this knot or is this beginning of something sparkling?

The elderly woman makes her sit next to the groom. He is wearing a strong masculine perfume which she is extremely allergic to. She twists her nose not to sneeze. He grips her hand and leans towards her.

“If you do this mistake again, I will chop your legs” he whispers.

Her eyes widen in shock. She knew the Zamindar is an arrogant man but his strength and powerful words is infusing fear inside her already nervous body. But she won’t let him mistake her to be his newly hired slave. She has a fitting reply ready.

“How will you sleep with a woman glued to the wheel chair for her life then?”

She finds his grip on her fingers tightening more.

A twisted tale of an unforeseen wedding fiasco


Read the Reviews of Bride Lost & Found 

His Destined Bride

The sequel to Bride Lost and Found (The Bride Series)

Jahaan Singh and Niyati's marriage was accidental but there was a spark in their relationship from the moment they had seen each other at the marriage canopy. While Niyati was not interested in marriage or relationships, Jahaan couldnt lose her to maintain his Royal Tag and family status. Sorting a middle way was their only option left. But what would happen if his Ex Bride returned?

A fun loving, romantic story of a Royal Heir and his commoner destined Wife.


Read the Reviews of His Destined Bride


  1. Thank you for the update.. but felt it's a short update... Please give precap of yaadein...

  2. Arnav is correct Aman is selfish, Arnav might be harsh but he will always love his family

  3. Awesome Update. Who planned Aman's accident and abduction. Loved the bond between Arnav and Avni. Avni loves Aman too much and is equally concerned for the family. Arnav is too protective of his loved ones. Is Shyam or his father enemies of the royals. Arnav got Avni to catch hold of Aman. Aman did a mistake. Glad that Arnav maturely made him understand. Khushi and Arnav's romantic moments were too good. Arnav revealed Avni 's trust to her and his protective nature is cute. Arnav's romance and cute gestures are so different from Royal Raizada. Khushi cooked Pasta and they had a lovely time together. Arnav never fails to compliment Khushi. Arnav is a true gentleman who admitted he didn't change Khushi's dress. Beautiful Update with lots of Arshi romance. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  4. awesome's beautiful......

  5. Aman always think from his perspective thus he is wrong. Arnav might look egoistic but he can do anything to keep his family United. There is always two sides of the same coin. Glad that finally Raizada brothers are united. Love is important so is family.

  6. Aman really hurt Arnav.
    Arnav is so caring.
    Hope khushi will take away all his pain.

  7. I really like Avni's character strong and intelligent, I also admired Trisha in badtameez. I really appreciate the way you frame the women characters in your recent stories. More power to you, much love❤️

  8. I think culprit is angad . Wild guess :-P

  9. So hot! 👌👌🔥🔥🔥 yet waiting for brothers more scenes

  10. Arnav is always protecting his family from evil. Is shyam is evil here ? Arshi cute bond. Fabulous update

  11. It's nothing wrong in prioritizing our love but that doesn't mean v just push our other relations away.. Every person should be given their deserving place in our life... Aman did very wrong that he forgot his family for Khushi & made them cry tears of blood for him for 2 damn years... His brother Arnav was burning in guilt of being the reason for his brother's death who was very much alive & living a life of his choice...

    Now after knowing the truth it should b Arnav who should be angry & upset with Aman & not vice versa.. Now Aman should struggle to get forgiveness from his older brother...

    Khushi is definitely her husband's only solace from all the pains of life... Their just simply walking in romance is so passionate then how will it be when they will start running 😜

    Loved the update Madhu... Thank u..

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  12. Arshi became a lovely couple. Aman is kind of a selfish guy. That’s why he didn’t think about arnav much. Arnav was rude and didn’t support his affair. So he hates arnav. That anger is still there in Amans heart. I still can’t guess who is the villain. Is it Shyam or Shashi? But my mind says there can be a third person who can be a villain other than these two guys. Because their intentions were somewhat clear. They might help that unknown person but they wouldn’t be the main villain. Is it Akash? But after his abduction it doesn’t seem so. If not there can be a person who we yet to meet. This is just a guess. Let’s see. Awesome work sis. Well done 🌹❤️

  13. Arnav is very particular about the security of his family... Arnav might be wrong that time but he realized his mistakes and now Aman should do the same...No benefits in fighting with each other...they must be together to fight against the evil...
    Thanks Madhu for updating...

  14. Lovely..thanks for the update madhu😘😘

  15. Love the update, I believe Aman is wrong here we know love is important so is family. if he is angry on arnav fine what is their old grandmother fault in that, that he has to abandoned her making her to think that her grandson is dead for two years Aman is selfish.

  16. The update was wow.. Dint want it to end.. I have a doubt on shyam being the mastermind behind Aman and Akashs issue. Hope the real culprit will be out soon and looking forward to more arshi moments

  17. Aww such a lovely 😍suprise arnav gave both to khushi 😍and aman meet avni 😍 .... Soo arnav got to know aman was acting of memory lose 😳 it was soo hurting wat aman said to to arnav that he would choose avni over anyone else 😢 but I want both the Bother to get together soon 😊 .... Arnav and khushi moments were so Romantic and I wish instead of walking they should run 😉😉😚 that would be more fun and interesting to read 😍😘 please post it soon 😘

  18. Thank you for the update. This is one of my most favorite story.

  19. Finally bonding btw arshi
    What arnav said is right Aman should have stood his ground convinced them or told.them.and walked out

  20. Beautiful update really loved it

  21. Awesome written superb interesting

  22. Awesome update. Loved the way Arnav is dealing with Aman, Avni and her.

  23. Awesome superb excellent amazing waiting

  24. Possible Khushi father love being have higher power...or Anjali father done,.. possible...let see

  25. Aman should earn arnavs forgiveness. Infact all brothers are hating him for no reason yes he is tough and difficult but he never let his brothers to suffer.

  26. Lovely and wonderful.... Khushi and Arnav are progressing very well and Aman needs to understand....

  27. Aman is wrong here ... Arnav may be egoist but he loves & cares for family immensely... Aman didnt do good by abandon him & family .. he should have fought for his love but stagekng own death to punish brother & family is not good

  28. Wonderful lovely update madhu

  29. Beautiful! Lovely things are getting into place! What's the mystery? Is it Anjali? Because, Shyam was still concerned about Aman!


  30. Since you have missed many updates throughout the week.. can we expect an update today?

  31. Superb update . In this story I don't think shyam is the evil . someone we yet to meet i guess .

  32. Superb

    Who the.mole shashi/shyam?

    Avni is not to harm.them?

    Loved arshi progess walk to brisk walking before running..

    Eagerly looking forward

  33. Nice update.madhu pls update yaadein

  34. Just love Khushi when she call him royal singh Raizada. What a turnaround for them

  35. Oh indeed Khushi shut him up. Loved it.
