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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 43



Chapter 43



Everyone retired to their rooms sooner that night and Khushi and Arnav were heading back too, when a message on Arnav’s phone stopped them. Khushi noticed the confusion on his face as he checked his phone.

“Whose message?”

“Akash..” he replied. “He is here”

“Here? Why?”

“I don’t know. I will go check on him. You head back to the room”

He kissed her hair and untangled their hands to make his way to the lobby where Akash said he was waiting. She wanted to go with him to know why Akash was suddenly here. Did he get some clue on Viraj? Or is there any threat to them here which is why Akash joined his task force to keep them safe? But she didn’t disobey Arnav’s orders. She knew whatever the circumstance would be, he will share with her. 

Arnav reached the Lobby where Akash was seen briefing one of his guard and the Hotel Manager was also standing with them, taking instructions.

“Hey” Arnav joined them.

“Hi..” Akash pressed a smile and Arnav didn’t take it long to read it wasn’t a pleasing one. “We need to talk in private. Please come”

Akash’s took Arnav to the adjoining Conference room.

“Any luck with the investigation?” Arnav queried. “What are you doing here by the way?”

“I told you I will be there if we got a problem” Akash reminded him. “And we have a problem. That’s why I took the next flight and came here”

“What problem?” Arnav tensed.

Akash removed his phone and showed a video to Arnav.

“This is the CCTV footage of the Hotel this morning when you and the entire gang were having breakfast. You see this guy” he pointed to some man on the screen.

Arnav saw a man sitting some tables away from them and clicking their pictures.

“Damn!!! He is clicking us” he grunted.

“Yes. That’s why I am here.”

“You freaking kidding me?” Arnav snapped at Akash who had expected a similar reaction from him. “You are trying to tell me that psycho was this close to us and we didn’t even know?”


“Don’t Akash” he growled. “Don’t give me excuses. My entire family is her. Khushi.. Lavanya and NK. I cannot risk their lives. I entrusted this task to you and I don’t see you doing well”

“Will you let me explain?” Akash asked rubbing his temples. “Please”

Arnav punched his fist on the table before and steadied his gaze on Akash. His silence was enough for Akash to speak.

“Viraj wasn’t here. Someone is working for him”

“Right!!” Arnav snapped again. “Do you think I care if he was here or some of his men? All I know is that I want my family safe.”

“They are safe” Akash shouted. “And please let me brief you because if you keep interjecting me like this, we will waste more time”

Arnav’s gaze darkened. No one dared to talk to him like that but since Akash was his friend, he decided to let go. Akash continued the briefing.

“When you all checked-in at this hotel, my spies already were in touch with the Hotel security team and monitoring all the CCTV feeds. When they captured this man clicking your pictures, we could come up with two options. Either he was someone from media or a freelance photographer who wanted to share ASR and Khushi Gupta’s pictures in the social media with some spicy story about your linkup and if he wasn’t one of them.. then he was our man!! The one who we are hunting for. Luckily this guy was using the hotel’s wi-fi and hence we could hack his phone. He clicked some 4 to 5 pictures of you all and then uploaded them on a chat conversation. We are still tracking that number whom he sent those pictures. We believe that’s Viraj Singh he has sent those pictures to. Our systems will take few more hours to track that number and through that we will be able to find Viraj’s location..”

Arnav was impressed.

“And what about this man? I hope someone is following him too” he asked.

“How could we miss this guy? One of my spy is already tracking him. He has checked in the neighboring resort and was here this morning for a paid breakfast. We have his identity card. He is a professional spy too but we are glad he didn’t realize he has got a tail yet. Good for us. We don’t want Viraj to get alert until we track his location. Otherwise there are chances, he might flee from that place”

Arnav nodded.

“Good work Akash”

Akash crooked his brows.

“Did I just get a compliment from you?”

Arnav rolled his eyes.

“You did. But I want the results. I want this man and I want to know what his intentions are behind sending those pictures to Khushi.”

“Once he is caught.. you can ask that yourself” Akash confidently replied.

Arnav and Akash talked for some more time.


Khushi was in Arnav’s bedroom, waiting patiently for him to return. Meanwhile she made a few calls, including the one to Bella’s caretaker. She wanted Bella to be safe and happy even without them. This short trip had really opened her up to Arnav and she was glad he knew everything about her. There were no more secrets between them anymore. Tearing that contract was another thing she was proud to have done. And all those uncountable moments she spent in the last few hours with Arnav were the highlights of their relationship. Whilst she was still busy thinking about him, she felt a pair of arms sliding around her waist.

“Thinking about me?” he nibbled her ear.

Khushi’s craned her neck to one side to meet his gaze.

“Is all okay?” she asked. “What did Akash say?”

“We are safe. Very soon we will find Viraj”

His brief reply didn’t convince her. She turned around, without moving away from his hold.

“Details Mr. Raizada”

Arnav was aware she wouldn’t be satisfied until the tells her everything in detail. So, he explained her all the updates so far. Just as expected, in the beginning she lost her calm but when she heard the countermeasures Akash and his team has taken to capture Viraj, she cooled down.

“Must say, Akash is really good” she praised.

“That’s why I have hired him for this job” he tucked a hair strand behind her ear. “I am taking you to bed” he declared before leaning down and carrying her in arms.

Khushi suppressed her laugh. He dropped her on the bed, quickly lied down on his side and then pulled her closer.

“You are spoiling me Khushi Gupta. After we go back to our respective homes, I am going to spend some sleepless nights there”

Khushi smiled and even though it was dark enough in the room, he could feel her smiling on his chest, where she had hidden her face.

“I can send Bella to you for some days to give you company” she teased.

Arnav chuckled and hugged her even more tight.

“Bella cannot give me this feeling which you do”

“Decide what you want Mr. Raizada?” she raised her head to meet his eyes again. “Feelings or sleep?”

“Both” he kissed her forehead.

They gazed at each other for long and she finally proposed.

“Let’s get engaged”

Arnav froze for an instant.

“Don’t mess with me Miss Gupta. I might take your words seriously”

“I am serious. Lets get engaged Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada”

Arnav’s body hummed with desire. Was she proposing him for marriage? She read his query and quickly explained.

“It’s a big step for me.. to commit to a relationship like this.. I told you how I never believed in marriages so far because of my parents broken bond. But it’s the only means which can keep us together, around each other all the time, without giving the society a chance to backtalk about our present connection. So, I think I am ready to take this step… with you”

His fingers stroked her cheeks.

“You know what happens after engagement?” he queried. “Marriage. And it’s a lot more than just staying around each other all the time”

“I know” she mumbled. “I am willing to learn what it really means and I will protect it with my heart and soul”

Arnav smiled but she had more to confront.

“For the first time I am trusting so deeply on someone… on something which is still alien to me Arnav. Please don’t let me lose this trust. Don’t ever leave me..” her eyes moistened. “If you leave.. I might never be able to show this trust on anything.. Not even you again”

Arnav swallowed the lump formed in his throat by her words. She was willing to put a step forward, towards him. He would never let her fall.. he would never let her repent.

“Wish I had a ring right now” he stated.

“Not so soon Mr. Raizada. I need to talk to your Nani first” she replied.

Arnav was confused.

“She is the head of your family. I don’t have anyone elder from my side to take this proposal to your Nani. So, I will do this myself. I want to know if she is ready to accept me for her grandson”

Arnav was once again impressed by her thoughts.

“What if she disagrees for this alliance?” he mocked.

Khushi was suddenly upset. Was this possible that Nani would deny? When she saw the faint teasing smile on Arnav’s face, she realized he was testing her.

“If she denies, I am going to abduct her grandson and get married to him”

Arnav’s leg entangled with hers.

“You will force me to marry?” he craned her neck upward to meet her lips. But he didn’t kiss her yet.. He was enjoying their little talk.

“I will tempt you to marry me” she winked.

Arnav groaned senselessly at her wicked words and claimed her lips. The kiss which begun with gentle touch soon took a passionate turn. But Arnav knew his limits. He wouldn’t claim her yet though they both wanted it badly. But if every single kiss turned this hot, he knew the day wasn’t far when that control would slip.


Next Morning

Arnav and Khushi were still on bed, in each other’s arms when the phone rang. Arnav stretched his arm to grab his phone placed at the bedside table. Khushi moved away to allow him pick the call.

“Hey Akash” Arnav yawned checking time on the alarm clock. It was hardly 07:00 am.

“Sorry to wake you up. But I have another update and I need to see you right now”

Khushi could hear their conversation and gestured Arnav to call Akash in this room. She would want to be a part of this meet too.

“Come over here. In my room”

“On my way” Akash replied disconnecting the call.

Khushi tied her hair and wore a robe over her night gown. Arnav looked for his T-Shirt which obviously was taken off from his body by Khushi last night. He really loved that wild side of hers where she took control of their love making.

“Here” she picked the T-Shirt and passed it on to him. “I hope we have good news from Akash” she added.

“I hope that too but if it was good news, he wouldn’t disturb us this early” Arnav quickly wore his shirt.

The bell rang and Arnav strode to open the door.

“Hey..” they both greeted to each other and Akash entered the suite. He was little surprised to see Khushi in the same room.

“Uhh..” he stammered.. “You both are dating?”

Khushi was baffled. Like seriously? That was his first question? Before Arnav could respond, she intruded.

“How does it matter with your investigation” she snapped.

“I wouldn’t have asked if it didn’t matter” he replied sternly.

“Akash.. come to the point. Why did you want to see us this early? Any update on Viraj?”

“Yes. We tracked the number to which the pictures were sent by that spy yesterday and it indeed is Viraj Singh’s number. The sim is registered on his name. We even tracked his last location which is my matter of concern right now”

Arnav and Khushi glanced at each other and then back to Akash.

“Where is he?”

“He is around the same vicinity where your Nani has gone for the Satsang”

Arnav’s heart skipped a beat.

“What… what is he doing there and.. I need to call Nani.”

“Wait.. wait” Akash stopped him. “I have already informed the guards to secure your Nani. She is fine. He cannot harm her at all. Trust me. My best guards are safeguarding her. But that’s not my point. My point is it cannot be a coincidence that he is there. I think there is a strong reason why he is at that Satsang”

“Reason?” Khushi snapped.

“Yes. Reason other than harming her.. I think he is trying to make a contact with Nani..”

Arnav gritted his teeth.

“Why does he want to contact Nani? His enmity is with the Guptas and Nani has nothing to do with the past that connects Viraj to NK and Khushi Gupta”

“Maybe to reveal the past to her … because she is now staying with the Guptas. Maybe he wants to brainwash her?” Akash shared his doubts.

Khushi fisted her fingers. If that happens, will it affect Nani’s approval for her and Arnav’s relationship? She hoped not.!! Arnav gauged her concerns and rubbed his temples.

“I think we need to cut short this trip and head back home. I will ask Nani to return too. I don’t want to take any more risk” he declared.

“Get him arrested” Khushi commanded to Akash. “If your men are so close to him and if he tries to contact Nani, get him arrested”

“We can’t” Akash shook his head in denial. “So far he hasn’t hurt anyone. Viraj has just sent those photographs to Khushi and he is trying to connect to Nani somehow. Maybe his intention is something else. We cannot arrest him based on that because he hasn’t made any kind of criminal movement yet”

“He is right” Arnav agreed to Akash. “We cannot arrest him unless he tries to do something. Don’t forget, he was hit by NK three years ago and he still has a right to file a complaint against him”

Khushi hated this part. She never felt so weak and agitated at the same time. Arnav reached her and soothed her back.

“For now, all we have to do is show patience and wait for his next move. We don’t even know if he is doing this on his own or has someone else backing him up. Let’s find these answers and frame him concretely to take him out from our lives forever. Okay?”

Khushi weakly nodded. They really didn’t have much choice, did they? Akash quickly discussed their leaving agenda and made his way out.

To be Continued.




Neil’s fingers twitched to touch her. He didn’t know what attracted him the most? Her honesty, her sense of humor or the respect she showed towards his parents. Probably he was fascinated by all of them.

“I can let you stay in my house tonight” he offered mischievously.

Was he flirting? His eyes penetrated through her eyes right into her heart.

“I don’t do sleepovers” she murmured in the same soft tone he used to put this offer.

Neil burst out into laughter. Esha knew it was so weird to say something like that. Neil wasn’t a stranger for God’s sake. He was still her legally wedded husband. Staying under his roof was her right.

“Sleepovers with husbands are legal I suppose and I am sure your in-laws would love that too” he replied holding his laugh.

Standalone Romance Book 2 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Story of Neil Thakur, a Jerk Entrepreneur who gets what he eyes on. When he and his pricey girlfriend Nyra are en route to India, his life collides with 21-year-old Esha Singhal, the daughter of his rival. Whilst his mind tries to keep that baby girl out of his way, his body and heart don't approve. A romantic tale of love, betrayal and possession. Will Esha conquer Neil’s heart? Or is she on some other mission Neil is unaware of?


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  1. Great update.. waiting for yotbm precap

  2. Khushi just decided to take a step towards committing to Arnav for engagement & this Viraj already popped up to break their alliance even before it could take place, by brainwashing nani regarding Khushi... Hope he doesn't succeed in meeting nani & even if he does I'm sure nani won't hold his words against Khushi & reject her for Arnav... Nani loves & understands Khushi quite well in that matter...

    Thanks for the awesome update Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

    1. I think there is something more than that incident with nk. Will arnav break khushi's trust ? May be khushi will not trust arnav in future for some reasons.

  3. Will you update the precap of yotbm 3 precap today and full update tomorrow?

  4. I dnt think only Viraj is involved in it....maybe khushi's parents also have any involment

  5. Yar madhu I must say your level of writing is something else...u r too good...great suspense..this ff of yours is becoming my favorite day by day...thanku so much for this lovely update😘😘

  6. Awesome Update. This Viraj is more dangerous than Gupta's. He is going to reveal Khushi's past to Nani. Viraj is taking revenge won't be surprised if Gupta's are helping him. They can go to any extent. Akash did a neat job to catch Viraj. Arnav has vowed to protect Khushi and nothing can go wrong. Khushi loves Bella and their bonding is cute. Khushi's thoughts have really changed and only Arnav can change her views on relationship. Arshi's teasing are cute and both can't stay apart from each other. Khushi proposed for engagement means she trust Arnav and the relationship and has faith on marriage. I liked Khushi's thoughts though her parents never gave her a reason to believe on love and relationship she is still thinking of marriage. Khushi just want some solace security and love. Her plead to Arnav is emotional. Khushi wants to be talk to Nani and also abducted Arnav. Akash caught Arshi's romance. Viraj is going to reveal Khushi's tragic past and they also can't arrest him as he has no criminal activity so far.Scared for Nani's reaction if Viraj get successful though Nani is good. Hope Arshi stay together and fight with evils. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  7. I don't think Nani will trust Viraj. Nani already knows Khushi and is quite fond of her. Nani is an experienced lady . Infact the Gupta's and this Viraj's plan will fail miserably. It's really unfortunate Khushi has such parents who never loved her and are only money minded and always create trouble for her. It's hard to believe such people exsist. Hope nothing can separate Arshi.

  8. Amazing update 😍👌👌Finally khushi herself proposed too arnav for engagement 😍❤️ she want arnav and she is showing trust of relationship which she doesn't believe not arnav's love made it possible 😍😘 .... I just hope nani agrees go there relationship ... Omg this viraj is a threat to there gamily and what is wants ftom nani that he went near her and akash said he want to tell wat happened in past omg i just hope that Don't affect arshi relationship already khushi has gone through soo much i hope nothing more goes wrong again .... plezs post it soon

  9. Ohh noo, so much of hinting of Arshi's separation and Khushi's trust & soul getting crushed :( is it something about her parents being behind his mother's death?

  10. Please don't let them get separated in future. Want to see them fight together with there enemies

  11. Their relationship took a major change and there’s danger waiting to harm them too. Hope this viral thing solves sooner so they could get married. Lovely update!! ❤️

  12. Loved it... Great progress in their relationship... Just hope this danger may not affect them their family...

  13. I hope nani will outsmart viraj... super cool nani... she know the real khushi so she wont fellintrap... awesome dear... 😘😘😘😘

  14. Again Khushi talk about trusting...Its like something will definitely happen between ArShi which will cause them to seperate...But will Arnav let that happen...???Waiting for Next Part...

  15. Superb update...
    Totally loved the way arnav akash is top of things ...

    Loved arshi moments n the way she proposed to get engage n her trust on him..

    Hopeall goes well in their life..

    Why he is trying to get in touch nani?

    Eagerly looking forward

  16. Awesome update
    Finally khushi trusted Arnav.
    Don't let any misunderstanding affect their relationship

  17. Good that Khushi trust Arnav and proposed him to get engaged. This Viraj guy is not giving good vibes.

  18. Awesome update. Oh this Viraj is such a headache. If He trying through Nani which will go against Khushi.

  19. I don’t think Nani will trust Viraj....I think she likes Khushi.

  20. Wonderful update loved it
    Viraj is really want to make nani against Khushi ?
    But why he will do this and who will be with him in this
    waiting for next update eagerly

  21. Just loved this chapter. I think Khushi’s parents are behind this
