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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 44



Chapter 44


“Now?” NK questioned Arnav who had just announced them that they were cutting the trip short and leaving for Delhi again. “But why? I mean is Nani okay?”

Lavanya was equally surprised.

“ASR… what are you both hiding from us?”

Arnav turned to Khushi because so far, she hadn’t told NK anything about Viraj’s return in their lives again.

“Means you are hiding something” NK added seeing their confused faces.

“Kishu” Khushi reached him. “Please listen to us for now. Pack your bags and we are flying in an hour. I am sorry that we have to leave like this but.. its an emergency. But Nani is fine and on way from her Satsang” 
NK sighed in disbelief.

“Khush..” he exhaled. “We will do as you say for now but after we reach, we want to know everything”

Khushi had to agree. She promised to share the problem with NK and Lavanya once they reach Delhi again.

On their flight back, Khushi leaned her head on Arnav’s shoulder while he played with her fingers.

“Can you stay with us tonight?” she asked raising her head to meet his eyes.

Arnav smiled and brought her fingers to his lips. He kissed them.

“If you promise to sleep in your guest room with me tonight, I might stay there forever”

His reply brought a smile on her face.

“Typical men” she mocked. “Always eager to take your woman to bed”

Arnav stared back in her eyes.

“Your man is different. You know how much patience it takes to keep my hormones in check when we sleep together”

Khushi smirked hard. She knew that and would like to give him a plus point. No matter how many times they made out, he never crossed the lines.

“Get serious Arnav” she debated. “I really want you beside me when I talk to Nani about us”

Arnav then realized why she was forcing him to stay.

“You will talk to Nani tonight? Isn’t that too early?” he queried.

Now that irked her. She pulled away from him.

“Are you not eager to have me in your life legally?”

“Of course, I am” Arnav palmed her cheek but she flinched. “Maybe I am hurrying.. You are right. We should wait..”

“No” Arnav cupped her face sensing the change in her expressions. “I just meant, you are already stressed over the Viraj thing and…” he paused shutting his eyes. He realized how sensitive Khushi Gupta was and even a single miscommunication from him might shatter their relationship. “You are right” he added. “What should we wait for? I am the one who always wanted to give a name to this relationship and now when you have agreed to, I don’t want to delay it either”

Khushi swallowed.

“No Arnav. If you want to wait.. we always can wait. I have always stressed you with Viraj’s matter. If you think we should sort it and then get engaged, I am willing to wait”

Arnav rolled his eyes.

“I am not going to repeat this Miss Gupta so listen it very carefully. I want my ring on your finger and yours on mine. I want the world to know we are made for each other. So, yes. Please talk to Nani tonight and let’s take this ahead”

Khushi’s eyes glittered with joy.

“But.. I have a request to make” he added. “Can I shave my beard before the engagement? If I don’t, I will look like a Hippie soon”

“I like Hippies too” she teased.

“Come on..” he pulled her closer and kissed her hair. “I promise to grow my stubble soon again”

Khushi blushed at his innocent promise. She loved his stubble too much and he knew that too.

When their flight landed, Arnav hugged Aman and apologized for spoiling his and Ruby’s trip too because of their emergency.

“Come on guys, nothing to apologize. We can always plan more trips like this” Aman replied.

“That’s right. I am sure whatever situation has come up, you will sort it soon and we will meet again and have loads of fun” Ruby added.

“Until then… I will have to handle this woman alone” Aman pinched Ruby’s cheeks.

“And vice versa” she snapped.

Khushi liked their little bickering with each other. She had seen her friend having multiple affairs so far, but the chemistry Ruby shared with Aman was different. Khushi wondered if this time Ruby had finally found her real match. Saying goodbyes to them, Arnav and Khushi sat in the car with NK and Lavanya to drive back to Gupta Mansion.


Gupta Mansion

Bella ran to Khushi and licked her feet to show much she missed her. Khushi picked her in arms and cuddled Bella.

“I missed you too sweetheart” Khushi stroked her. Nani was happy to see them back and was glad that Arnav would be staying with them tonight. NK and Lavanya were waiting for Arnav and Khushi to share the real problem for which they returned.

“Khush.. You promised to..” NK interrupted but Khushi didn’t let him complete.

“I remember that Kishu. And we will talk about it in some time”

“Come on Khushi, you both are scaring us” Lavanya stated. “What has happened? ASR… at least you tell us”

Arnav exhaled turning to Khushi. He didn’t know if involving Nani was right because they didn’t want Nani to take this stress but it was necessary that each one of them know about the situation because Viraj had tried to make contact with Nani. He and Khushi didn’t want Nani to be unaware and befriending with that man if he happens to show up near her.

“Should I start?” he asked Khushi who gave a gentle nod. Arnav recited the whole situation and by the end of it NK panicked.

“Virraj.. ? Are… are you sure its him? but he..”

“Its him” Khushi sighed. “But you don’t need to worry. Akash is handling this situation and he is doing good so far. We trust him.”

Nani was not very happy knowing NK’s past incident with Viraj.

“This is not good” Nani stated wryly. “Losing temper is one thing but hurting someone so bad.. I don’t support this at all. He could have died”

Lavanya had some weak idea about this because NK had shared this incident with her a year back when they were dating. But she didn’t know the gravity of it. This was a closed chapter for Lavanya but now she was terrified where this would end up.

“Nani I am sorry” NK apologized. “I really didn’t want to hurt him but he was… he was insulting my sister.. talking rubbish about her and being a brother, I couldn’t tolerate it. I swear this is the only time I have gone that far otherwise I myself don’t support violence”

Nani weakly nodded.

“ASR…” Lavanya reached Arnav. “Will he.. will he hurt NK? Are we all really safe?”

“La… relax” Arnav mentioned. “We are all safe. You know Akash already and he has assigned his best team on this. Two guards will be with NK and Khushi all the time, wherever they go and you and Nani will have additional security in Gupta Mansion to protect. Plus, Viraj’s motives is still unclear. We just have this vague idea that he might want to fill Nani’s ears against NK and Khushi..”

“I am not a fool to believe anything what a stranger says regarding my family” Nani uttered. “I don’t see how it will affect our bond with each other. If ASR and Lavanya are my grandchildren, so is Khushi bitiya and Nandakishore”

Khushi was relieved to hear that and Arnav was assured Nani meant it. If Nani was with them, they didn’t had to fear Viraj’s motives.


Soon after Dinner, when NK and Lavanya had retired to their room, Arnav insisted Khushi to utilize this opportunity and speak to Nani about them. He really was desperate to see how Khushi would lead this conversation.

“I will go sleep too. Feeling exhausted” Nani said suppressing a yawn.

“Uh.. Nani..” Khushi interrupted. “I.. I want to speak something to you”

“Sure” she smiled. “What is it?”

Arnav gestured her to talk but Khushi shifted in her seat, taking her own sweet time. She had chaired big Business conferences in different countries authoritatively, bringing people to her terms. But today to put forth this simple matter before Nani, became her wildest fear. She feared rejection from Nani because staying with her in Gupta house, Nani had learnt a lot about her attitude, behavior. Nani even had seen her roughest and weakest side too which embarrassed Khushi even more.

“You were saying something Khushi?” Arnav purposely initiated the topic to give her the necessary push. It would be a lie to say he wasn’t enjoying Khushi’s restlessness. That just proved how much she wanted this alliance to happen.. how much she wanted him to be part of her life.. forever.

Khushi eyed him whereas he grinned hard. Nani was confused by the looks they exchanged.

“What’s the matter? Why do I think you both want to talk something to me?” Nani asked glancing at the two.

“Not me Nani.. Khushi” Arnav replied. “She wants to talk to you something very important”

Khushi gritted her teeth. He was finding this funny, wasn’t he?

“Like a life and death situation” Arnav teased further.

“Life and death?” Nani snapped. “Is.. is there any more problem apart from Viraj?”

“No Nani” Khushi quickly calmed her. “It’s not what you thinking.. Actually me and Arnav…” she paused to clear her throat.. Arnav was admiring her. “I mean.. Arnav and me…”

She paused again because now Arnav was grinning.

“What?” she shouted at Arnav. “I made you stay here to be my support, not to torture me”

“What did I do? I am patiently sitting and supporting you” he argued.

“Is that how you support? By grinning?”

Nani kept shifting her gaze as they debated.

“I should better leave you both to decide” she said getting up from the couch. “If you finish your bickering then let me know. I am in my room”

She was about to go when Khushi blocked her way.

“Nani wait” she gulped. “I … I want to.. no.. I want you to …” she paused again and shut her eyes because this was really scary. Wish she had someone else to do it for her.

Nani lovingly palmed Khushi’s face, forcing her to open her eyes.

“You want what Khushi bitiya?”

Khushi met her loving gaze and got the strength and courage she needed.

“I want your grandson” she replied without hesitation. “I mean… I want to get engaged to him… for now… and… marry when we both are more comfortable”

Arnav was impressed by her direct proposal. Nani’s face was hard to read for both of them. Khushi could apprehend the old lady’s confusion and decided to reassure her. She held Nani’s hand in hers

“I know I have given him some real pain past few months. But I want to rectify it. No man has ever reached that corner of my heart which Arnav has. His presence in my life gives me motivation to do good. We started on the wrong foot but in these few weeks we have also sorted our differences and have came close to each other than before. He has changed my views on relationship and if I do see myself committing to someone, it has to be him”

A faint smile crossed Nani’s lips as she heaved in relief.

“You don’t need to give me any more reasons to prove you both deserve each other.” Nani stated. “In all these years of my life, I have seen so many couples uniting and breaking their bond. Some affected me mentally but whenever I saw you both together, I always felt you two could change each other’s life for better. I am glad you both didn’t take long to realize this. If you both want to take this relationship ahead, I will be the first one to be happy and joining hands to thank God for this joy. You both have my blessings”

Khushi took a sigh of relief and hugged Nani who stroked her back lovingly. Arnav reached them.

“I need a hug too. I have equal contribution in this relationship after all” he teased.

“Contribution?” Khushi snapped. “You were busy teasing me a while ago”

“She is right” Nani took her side. “But Khushi bitiya, he doesn’t need a hug from me. Probably he meant he needs a hug from you for taking this load from his shoulders of putting the proposal before me tonight”

Khushi shied. These days she shied a lot and it was so against her character and trait so far. But she loved it because her cheeks burned with desires.

“You are so intelligent Nani” Arnav added to make more fun of Khushi.

Nani pinched his ears and he faked a yelp.

“Don’t trouble Khushi bitiya, she is going to be your lawful Fiancée soon”

“How soon?” he queried. “I mean.. why don’t you check with the Priest for the best date to get us engaged”?

“You don’t have to remind me that” Nani replied. “I will check with him the first thing tomorrow.”

Arnav was happy and so was Khushi. They both glanced at each other and then leaned down to take Nani’s blessings together. Nani blessed them and hugged them together. As Arnav and Khushi’s fingers touched each other on Nani’s back, Arnav stroked Khushi’s fingers. She quickly pulled away.

“Did you share this with Nandakishore and Lavanya?” Nani enquired.

“Tomorrow” Khushi and Arnav replied together. Since Nani’s permission was taken, it would hardly take few more hours for them to share this news with their siblings.

To be Continued.



Neil’s fingers twitched to touch her. He didn’t know what attracted him the most? Her honesty, her sense of humor or the respect she showed towards his parents. Probably he was fascinated by all of them.

“I can let you stay in my house tonight” he offered mischievously.

Was he flirting? His eyes penetrated through her eyes right into her heart.

“I don’t do sleepovers” she murmured in the same soft tone he used to put this offer.

Neil burst out into laughter. Esha knew it was so weird to say something like that. Neil wasn’t a stranger for God’s sake. He was still her legally wedded husband. Staying under his roof was her right.

“Sleepovers with husbands are legal I suppose and I am sure your in-laws would love that too” he replied holding his laugh.

Standalone Romance Book 2 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Story of Neil Thakur, a Jerk Entrepreneur who gets what he eyes on. When he and his pricey girlfriend Nyra are en route to India, his life collides with 21-year-old Esha Singhal, the daughter of his rival. Whilst his mind tries to keep that baby girl out of his way, his body and heart don't approve. A romantic tale of love, betrayal and possession. Will Esha conquer Neil’s heart? Or is she on some other mission Neil is unaware of?


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  1. Too good update...

    Love the change in khushi..

    Good now whole family knows about evil V .

    Loved the way arnav teased khushi n the way she spoke to nani.nani is wise lady

    Looking forward

  2. First one to comment yayyyy
    Waiting to know how they solve it together....

  3. Awesome Update. Nani finally agreed and teased Arshi too. Nani is really sweet Arshi are going to get engaged soon Khushi wants to legalised their relationship and Arnav also too eager to get engaged. Khushi loves Arnav's stubble is cute. Aman and Ruby is cool too. Khushi and Bella bond is sweet. Khushi finally told about Viraj to NK. NK in anger did that. Any brother in his place will do that. Along with Viraj Gupta couple is also involved. Nani is so wise not to fall in Viraj trap. Khushi got nervous as she fears rejection.. Arnav also teased her. Poor Nani waited for them. Khushi accept her mistakes and want to rectify it. She is a pure soul. She beautifully put out her thoughts. Nani permission granted La and NK will be happy for their siblings. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  4. Finally engagement is happening 💕💕thank for the update madhu 😘😘

  5. Arshi's romance and teasing continue. Only Arnav could bring stability in Khushi's life. Arshi going to get engaged soon . Hopefully Gupta's won't play any nasty game. Even if they do nothing can separate Arshi. Ruby finally got her match in Aman. Hope Akash took good care of Viraj. Viraj and Gupta's want Khushi's properties and shares. Nani now consider Khushi and NK as family. Both the siblings deserve elders love and blessings they had such tragic childhood. Khushi is a business woman so she got little nervous while putting forth her proposal. Nani with her warm gestures helped Khushi. Khushi beautiful confession on how Arnav changed her life is admirable. Nani already knew Arshi are made for each other. With age and experience she can read people. Khushi Gupta and shy. She has changed so much. Waiting for Arshi engagement .

  6. Wow wonderful update
    Finally Khushi talk to Nani and they got her blessings and Arnav and Khushi are going to get engaged
    Glad that now full family know about Viraj
    Waiting for next update eagerly

  7. Madhu 1ques.. when you will give us the epilogue of the Royal Fling?? Pls give us a particular date😟😟

    1. Not drafted yet but I intend to give a short epilogue for Royal fling

    2. No madhu pls we want long epilogue 😁😁😁😁pretty plssssss SSS😘😘😘😘😘

    3. Yes a long epilogue for Royal Fling madhu it was my fav ff 😍😘 plezsss 😍😘

  8. Awesome.. loved it.. Khushi is changing just wish nothing bad happens with them.. loved the updates..

  9. The change in khushi is awesome. She has come along way to trust someone. Hopefully nothing will come as an impediment on their way to get married. That’s my only wish. Thank you for a weekend update sis!!!

  10. Good that Arshi shared the Viraj's issue with NK, Lav & nani as well... This would be helpful as NK would be more vigilant & nani won't get into Viraj's false words...

    Happy to know that finally Arnav & Khushi r gonna get engaged... Eagerly waiting for the same...

    Thanks for the lovely update Madhu

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  11. Lovely update 😍😘 👌 Its good that arshi sharedabtvthe viraj thing to the family there can be aware of it and Khushi was soo nervous how to talk with nani and pull on that arnav keep teasing and grinning on her in felt of nani and made it more difficult for her and but finally she could save it directly and nani agree there relationship is am soo happy abt that y beczs khushi is getting her happiness and love after soo long beczs she never got it from anyone 😥 soo very happy for her and arnav 😍😘🥳🥳❤️ post it soon

  12. It's good if there is clarity in family... This will strengthen the unity... Hope this engagement brings more good things in their life...

  13. Hey madhu i had an doubt
    Is the description of khushis past over or is it still left❓

  14. Finally engagement is on the way...ArShi engagement...But what about this Viraj...How will be his entry here...Waiting for Next Part...

  15. Awesome update. Loved the way they both are bonding with each other.

  16. Madhu will you update yotbm 3 full chapter today ?

  17. Madhu please drop message if you are updating today or not .

  18. Superb madhu ,but one request pls don't do something that would break her trust on arnab .

  19. Awesome chapter....finally they are able to Nani’s consent. Nani is really intelligent and understands her grandchildren.

  20. It’s too good to be true.....nothing should mar their happiness. Loved this chapter
