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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 56



Chapter 56

“Is that a yes?” Arnav’s hands were in her hair, holding her in place as he read her eyes. He has just proposed her for marriage officially in Prem Nivas, going on his knees.

Khushi inhaled sharply and then shook her head.

“Yes, I am ready to marry you Arnav Singh Raizada. Whenever you want, however you want”

His eyes were huge and dark at her reply and then his mouth captured hers again. After minute when they broke the kiss, he had more to say. Lifting her chin with his fingers, he forced her to meet his eyes.

“I love you”

Khushi froze as her heart began to pound. Love was a very intense emotion for her with a lot of baggage already. When you loved someone, you do everything and anything to hold on to that love. She had craved for this feeling, for someone to make her believe in it and never in her dreams she thought it would knock her dark door of heart so soon. 

Swallowing hard, she whispered, “Say that again”

“I love you Khushi Gupta” He replied slowly, stressing on each and every word for her. “And this feeling will never change. Never”

Her breath caught at the look on his face.

“I always thought you are the one obsessed but I am wrong” he added. “I am addicted to you and everything about you. I don’t think I have ever wanted anything in my life the way I want you. I promise you all the happiness you deserve sweetheart and more. I pity those people who couldn’t love you back then and I feel honored to be the one to show you this new world of love. There is so much you have lost in the past and there is so much more I have to offer to you in our future. I will make every second of we together, count”

Khushi drew him into a passionate embrace, squeezing her eyes shut. If this was some dream, she didn’t want to wake up.

They cut the cake together after some time and she fed him first.

“It’s good” he said feeding her next.

“That’s my favorite flavor.. red velvet”

“I know” he ate another piece of the cake before opening the Champagne. “What time is your flight tomorrow?”

“Evening” she replied as he filled her glass. “I am not going to work tomorrow, just spend time with Kishu, Nani and your sister”

“My sister?” Arnav chuckled with the way she addressed Lavanya. “She is still cold to you, isn’t she?”

“Kind of”

They gulped the Champagne as he turned on the music. The song was romantic and just perfect for a celebration like this. He put their glasses away and pulled Khushi for a dance. It was fun to see him lip sync the song for her. Arnav’s eyes got all shiny when she played with his shirt buttons. He caught her wrist when she unbuttoned the first few. Khushi met his eyes and then retreated. She moved back to the table and stood there, unwilling to turn to him again. The next instant, his arms were around her waist and he kissed her nape. She didn’t move away neither gave in.

“What’s wrong?” he murmured.

“Ask yourself” she groaned fiddling with the table cloth.

Arnav turned her to face him and cupped her face.

“Say it..” he demanded. “I need words Khushi.”

“And I need you” she snapped. “How many times should I declare that? But again.. if you think this is still too soon, I wouldn’t insist”

He stilled. After a heartbeat or two, he lifted her in his arms.

“There’s no going back after this..” He declared.

The urge to press her face in the crook of his neck almost overwhelmed her but she didn’t..

“I am not going anywhere Arnav.. Our relationship has only one door which leads us together in the future.”

With his lips twisted ruefully, he replied. “Then let me show you what our future will be like”

He carried her to the stairs that led to the upper rooms. Tonight, they were taking another progressive step towards their relationship, the one she desired and he controlled from long.


Khushi woke up at Gupta mansion the next morning. The memories of last night she spent with Arnav in Prem Nivas, filled in fast. She cuddled her pillow to curb those memories from making her shy. Feeling shy was not her forte but Arnav Singh Raizada’s ministrations proved her wrong. They had been one in every sense last night with a promise to love each other more every second that passed. Spending few hours in Prem Nivas, Arnav had dropped Khushi back home at midnight. Obviously, none of them in the family knew when she returned neither she had any plans to share it with them. After dropping her, Arnav had texted her twice that night to check if she was doing okay and then now when she woke up, there was another text on her smartphone. She read his teasing message and blushed hard, preparing mentally to face him again today as he was going to spend some time with her and the family before seeing her off to the Airport.

Bella hopped on her bed, wagging her tail. Khushi pushed away the pillow and cuddled her instead. The wagging of Bella’s tail continued as Khushi spoke to her, stroking her back.

“We made love last night” she confronted to her only friend these days who heard all her secrets patiently.

“I wish to postpone my trip Bella… to spend more time with him. But you know I can’t”

Bella snuggled closer. Khushi kissed her head and kept stroking her back taking another quick nap with Bella in arms.

After breakfast, Khushi was back in her room to pack her stuff. She was always well prepared but this time only because she was busy with Arnav almost the whole of last week, after work hours, she couldn’t finish her packing. NK knocked the door and walked in.

“Need help?”

“No, thanks. I am almost done. Pass me that pouch”

He did and sat on the bed.

“I am going to miss you Khush” he admitted.

“I go on this tour every year and you tell me that all the time but this year.. you have your wife with you. Don’t miss me much”

He laughed.

“This is from Lavanya” he passed her a small gift box.

“What is it?”

“Gift. She wants you to keep it. She says it will be your lucky charm”

Khushi zipped her bags and took the box from NK.

“I will be right back”

Saying that, Khushi walked out with the gift box. She wanted to talk to Lavanya before heading to Singapore. Now she got the perfect chance to do so. Lavanya was in the bedroom, knitting. Nani had taught her to make baby woolen socks and she was trying to make a few pairs before her delivery. Khushi walked inside the room, forcing Lavanya to pause. She strode to the bed. Lavanya was confused by her sudden entry.

“Never send gifts through others” she said handing the box back to her. “If you don’t intend to give me this directly, it can wait”

Lavanya sighed in disbelief.

“What’s your problem Khushi?” she asked. “You cannot expect me to just forget everything and be normal”

“I am not expecting anything” Khushi replied. “Don’t stress yourself to mend things between us. It’s not your fault. Its mine. I should be the one fixing this and I will”

Lavanya was amused by her statement.

“I wanted to talk to you since you came back but… somehow I couldn’t”

“Which is because you were out with ASR most of the time” Lavanya replied. “Which is fine with me”

Yeah. Khushi had sensed that Lavanya was not interested in putting a distance between her and Arnav. She had accepted and respected her brother’s decision with all her heart. Khushi sat down on the bed and touched Lavanya’s belly gently.

“I have hurt you both.. with words and my actions. I pointed out on this baby’s identity when my heart knew you were telling the truth and this is my brother’s child. There is no sin worse than this Lavanya. I am sorry”

Lavanya froze when she saw a lone tear escape Khushi’s eye.

“It pricks me now and it always will until you forgive me. Despite having a sibling, myself, I was more into parenting NK. Giving him what my parents couldn’t give us.. Whenever I see you and Arnav I realize what I missed.. I wish someday, you and me can share that bond.. Not just being sister-in-law’s of each other but sisters”

Lavanya wiped her own eyes not letting her tears ruin the moment. She then took the box again and passed it to Khushi.

“Keep it”

Since Lavanya was offering her this time, Khushi didn’t deny.

“Please open it here” Lavanya insisted. Khushi opened the gift and saw a small heart shaped pendant. She unlocked that pendant which had a picture of her and Arnav inside.

That was the best gift she had received so far from anyone.

“I know you will miss ASR the most” Lavanya exclaimed. “And somehow.. I don’t know what makes me say that… but you both deserve to be in the same frame.. close to each other. You might be all wrong for him or right, I don’t want to judge that. All I know is that when you two are together, he is happy. You are happy. And that’s what is needed to grow a family”

Khushi smiled.

“I will keep this locked in here” she replied touching the pendant to her heart. “Please look after yourself and don’t give my brother hard time”

Lavanya’s brows twitched at her command.

“He loves you a lot” she added.

“He loves you too” Lavanya said. “And I don’t have a problem with that anymore”

Khushi pressed Lavanya’s hands gently and got up to leave. She didn’t know if Lavanya had forgiven her or not yet but this was definitely a new beginning of their relation too.


Khushi was in the drawing room, speaking to Mrs. Pinto to check on her schedule in Singapore when the door clicked open and Arnav Singh Raizada came in. His ruggedly handsome face, soft smile made him look sexy as hell. She winded up the call and reached him in few strides. Despite being fully dressed, she felt exposed to his eyes. There was nothing she had hidden from him anymore. He knew her inside out. Flushed with embarrassment and feeling a bit disoriented, Khushi stood before him flaunting the pendant on her neck. She had worn the pendant in her chain and decided to keep it that way for some weeks.

“I know what that is” he grinned.

“You do?” she frowned but when Arnav pulled her closer, her pulse raced.

“How do you think Lavanya got that picture in there?”

Khushi tried to connect the dots. It was Arnav who had given that picture to complete this Pendant?

“La had been for shopping this week with NK and she called me after picking this pendant for you to get a picture of us which she can insert in it. You know we haven’t clicked many photos so far, but I had a few. So made my choice”

“You are hiding things from me these days” She ran her palms over his Chest.

“Only to surprise you” he kissed her nose. After a few seconds of admiring each other, he asked again, “Tum theek ho?”

He had enquired that almost ten times since last night.

“If I wasn’t okay, I would have told you” she replied brushing his hair, setting it as per her like. Arnav let her do that. He would be missing this for the next few days.

“Nani was telling me you won’t be there for Lavanya’s baby shower. Is that true?”

“Unfortunately, yes. I won’t be able to make it in three weeks. Might take longer but since that Mahurat is best for the baby shower, I don’t want you all to postpone it.”

“Very unfair” he snapped. “Baby’s aunt is must in that function. Please try to come early”

“You know I will” she hugged him, letting herself immerse in his warmth. “Take care of Bella for me”

“I will come to see her every day. I promise”

They could have spent more time in seclusion if Nani hadnt intervened.

“We too need some time with Khushi” Nani teased, drawing their attention on her. She was busy in making some sweets and other stuffs for Khushi to carry with her during the trip. Though Khushi had denied her not to put so much efforts, Nani didn’t listen. She had already readied everything.

While heading back to the living room with Nani, Khushi licked her lips nervously as she knew Arnav had plans to announce something to the family. Nani took the couch next to Lavanya and NK and was hoping the other couple would get seated too but when they stood before them, holding each other’s hands, she could feel the excitement.

“We have an announcement to make” Arnav stated proudly. “Last evening, I proposed Khushi for marriage and she said Yes”

NK instantly whistled whereas Lavanya smiled gently from her heart. Nani was thrilled and waited for Arnav to finish.

“So, we have decided that after Lavanya’s delivery, me and Khushi will get married"

There was a loud cheer from NK who stood up to hug his sister. Lavanya reached Arnav and gave him a hug too. She didn’t have to convince herself if their decision to get married was right or wrong. It was easy to read on their faces how much the couple had wanted this.

“I will call Aman, Ruby and… everyone to give this news..” NK shouted happily. “God!! I am going to arrange my sister’s wedding and it will be one of the best wedding of this decade”

Nani laughed at his excitement.

“No.. we don’t want a grand wedding” Khushi interrupted. “We want a simple wedding with only our close friends and relatives. And… we have also decided the venue where the wedding will take place..” she turned to look at Arnav who gave an affirming nod. “Prem Nivas”

The family was even more delighted to host their wedding at the same place where they first met and their love story began. Bella hopped between their feet, wagging her tail, to show her excitement and participation too. Khushi picked Bella in arms and kissed her head.

“I know.. I am happy too” she whispered only for Bella’s ears and cuddled her. The next instant, Arnav’s arms wrapped around her and Bella both, drawing them close to him while he continued sharing their wedding plans with the family.

To be Continued


Note: Lawful Sins 2 will end in next two parts.


Standalone Romance Book 2 from Mr & Mrs. Series

Story of Neil Thakur, a Jerk Entrepreneur who gets what he eyes on. When he and his pricey girlfriend Nyra are en route to India, his life collides with 21-year-old Esha Singhal, the daughter of his rival. Whilst his mind tries to keep that baby girl out of his way, his body and heart don't approve. A romantic tale of love, betrayal and possession. Will Esha conquer Neil’s heart? Or is she on some other mission Neil is unaware of?


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Esha focused back on the team and the meeting. Vandana left but in next thirty seconds, Neil Thakur stormed in the room. He had a sexy messed-up look that had always suited him in every attire. Esha and her team were shocked by his intrusion. 

“We need to talk” 

“I am busy” she took a deep, shaky breath. 

“Then make yourself free” 

When Esha didn’t obey, he stared at the handful of people sitting around the table.

“Everybody out” he commanded. 

His deep voice rolled like thunder through the room. They all got up to leave and Esha lost her mind. 

“No one leaves this room” Esha shouted. “The next person who leaves will be fired” 

Now they were confused. The employees looked back and forth between Esha and Neil, waiting breathlessly to know what would happen next. 

“You won’t like me talking before them Esha. We need to talk privately” 

Her staff looked at them in fascinated silence. Neil and Esha were already topping the gossips in both Singhal and Thakur office and it was a rare chance to see them bristling with anger and some sort of attraction now. 

“How thoughtful of you Mr. Thakur but as you can see, right now, I am busy with other meets. You can either wait till I finish or leave and I will call you when I am done” 

“Did you just call me Mr. Thakur again?” he snapped. 

The staff looked nervous and deadly quiet. 

“I believe you are here for professional reasons which is why I used your last name” she folded her arms over her chest and stared at him. 

Neil watched her in fury. 

“Out. Everyone. Now. If she fires you, I’ll pay each one of you a year’s salary and find you another job” 

Now that was a great deal. The staff ushered out mouthing, Sorry, to Esha who stared back at the beast within him. Once they were alone, he strode to her. 

“You are creating a scene Mr. Thakur” 

“Call me Mr. Thakur again and I will do more than just talking” he challenged.


  1. Wow.. sad that this FF is ending but glad to see them all happy.. now excited to see the new FF prologue.. please do give us a hint soon

  2. Awesome Update. Sad that the story is coming to an end. Arnav proposed Khushi for marriage and she accepting it is beautiful. Arnav and Khushi has come a long way. Arnav's love finally changed Khushi and she also realized the importance of love and relationships. Only Arnav managed the way to Khushi's heart. Arnav accepting he misjudged Khushi is nice. His beautiful confession on how much he loves Khushi was awesome. Arnav and Khushi danced and shared some romantic moments. Khushi finally got her love.Love changed Khushi and she become shy. Bella and Khushi have the cutest bond. Lavanya gave Khushi a nice gift. Khushi realized her mistakes and tried to rectify herself that is the most important thing. Khushi and Lavanya's emotional moment was nice. Lavanya is happy for her brother and finally Lavanya Khushi's relationship is not that bad. Arnav gave Lavanya the picture was a surprise for Khushi. Khushi will definitely attend Lavanya's baby shower. Nani is really sweet. Arnav declared about his proposal to Khushi. Arshi are soon going to get married at Prem Nivas from where the story started. Sad that this fiction is coming to an end😢 Thanks for the Update😍😘

  3. Madhu please update last two parts back to back and finish and please share which is the new story you are going to update

  4. Beautiful story . Bella and Arshi are already a perfect family. Arshi are soon going to get married. When the story started one couldn't have never imagined that this day will come. Arnav bought Khushi out of darkness and filled her life with happiness. Lavanya is also not that bad she is just hurt. Khushi cares for Lavanya and her baby too. She accepted her mistakes. She is delicate from inside. Khushi Lavanyas relationship has taken a beautiful turn where Khushi consider her as sister. Lavanya also accepted Arshis relationship. Lavanya and Khushi finally sort out their differences. Arnav choosing the photo is cute. Arnav is really the ideal partner for Khushi . He is so caring towards her. Hopefully Khushi will attend the baby shower. Nani is so nice she made arrangements for Khushis trip. NK is happy for his sister Lavanya looks happy too. Arshi going to marry at Prem Nivas where the love hate story started. Bella and Arshi are already a perfect family. Will miss this story .

  5. Beautiful update..totally loved the way Arnav proposed khushi n his promises to her..

    Finally la khushi's conversation happen.

    Wow arshi getting marry soon..

    Cant believe only 2 updates left

  6. Awesome story .. took little time to warmed to it .. But now I love it

  7. Superb Update...Finally Khushi said Yes for Marriage...Cant believe this Fictions is ending in next two parts... :( But any New ArShi Fictions coming soon on this page Madhu...

  8. Going to miss this story.awesome

  9. Awww. It going to end? I am alreadt missing it...

  10. Awesome update madhu darling 😘😘 this ff is going to end??🙄🙄 Will miss this ff badly😑😑this ff deserves an epilogue...
    Madhu 1 request please give us an epilogue..we want to see Arshi's babies pretty plssssss
    Ashima Dhillon

  11. Beautiful and awesome update. Finally wedding happening soon. Lovely ☺️

  12. Fabulous fantastic update dear💕

  13. Lovely update"❤ Only 2 updates more :( gonna miss this..

  14. Omg madhu u will end fabulous Ff .. love arshi getting married... I can’t believe next two chapters will finish... just love your work on ff so amazing just continue read and read 😍

  15. No updates yesterday..any possibility today...pls reply

  16. When can we expect the next update madhu...

  17. Hey Madhu! Is everything okay at your end?

  18. Wonderful lovely update 😍😘👌 I soo loved Arnav's proposing khushi for marriage and the words and promise he get was soo heart touching and soo love filled in and u have soo good and touching line madhu seriously you know no one can write like u write soo soulfully that even satisys the reader soo much that there r actually living the moment soo lovely 😍🥰🙌👏 god bless u yar 😇🙌 and i happy that they r one know 💞😘 and khushi and lav mending things between them and i love the pendent too 🥰👌and they announced the marriage too see nk excitement i also got excited seeing him 😉 but what is this madhu y u end it soon we get skme happy and lovely moments of arshi u end the ff yar u r this thing is not satisfied yar 😔

  19. Beautiful absolutely beautiful chapter.
