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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

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Lawful Sins - Season 2 - Part 57



Chapter 57

Three weeks had passed already and Arnav was still counting days for Khushi’s return. She had started her trip from Singapore where she spent a week checking their Company work status, then she flew to Melbourne, Australia and now she was in Dubai. Despite her busy schedule, she called him once every day and though they didn’t speak for hours, they communicated their feelings to each other at every instance possible. Khushi was shopping some stuff for the baby to come and some for the family too when her phone vibrated in her pocket, startling her. It was Arnav’s call which she didn’t delay answering.

“I was just thinking to call you” she said strolling through the baby’s attire section.

“See… I read your thoughts even being miles away” he replied.

She smiled inwardly, pleased to know how much they affected each other. She never believed in telepathy until she fell in love with this man. Lately, since they were away, whenever she had missed him and decided to communicate with him, he had always reached her first through a message, voice or video call. It was strange.

“At office?” he asked breaking her stance. 

“I am at Shopping mall. Was busying some stuff for the baby to arrive”

“Really?” He laughed. “You started planning for our babies now?”

Khushi was glad Arnav wasn’t present here to see her blush. Just like her frequent smiles these days, the blush on her face were recurrent too. The thought of Arnav made her blush, even when she was at work and then everything was hard to concentrate. She wondered if Arnav felt the same during his routine too.

“I am talking about Gupta baby, not Raizada” she corrected. “And I need your help”

“Oh” he exhaled. “What help?”

“Any help..” she pouted. “I don’t know what to buy? I have never shopped for babies”

“You think I have done that before?”

Shrugging, she picked a pink frock.

“What do you think? Will it be a boy or girl?”

“Haven’t thought about it. Nani says it might be a girl. She has her own ways of predicting. But whether boy or girl, I want the baby to be healthy”

“I want the same” she picked few cute dresses for both boy and girl, deciding to gift them accordingly.

“Now let’s talk about us” he said leaning against his office chair. “I am missing you.”

Khushi laughed.

“You do that all the time Mr. Raizada. I seriously wonder how AR Group is still rising the charts of success”

“I can be a multitasker” he defended. “I miss that night”

Khushi froze. She knew exactly which night he was talking about. She missed it too and even the memories of those beautiful moments were enough for her to forget every other task she had to focus on.

“Focus on the Baby shower, Arnav. That might help you recover” she teased.

Arnav sighed in disbelief.

“You know what can help me recover?” he queried.

Khushi dumped some more baby clothes in her shopping bag, waiting for him to continue.

“To have you like that every other night I spend on bed”

Khushi dragged her feet to the Billing counter.

“If you keep saying such things, I don’t think I can finish my work soon and come back to you”

He groaned shutting his eyes and was quiet for few seconds.

“Come back soon Khushi Gupta. I don’t think I have ever wanted a woman as badly as I do now”

Khushi’s hands shivered as she put her shopped items on the tray for billing.

“You know what’s the first thing I am going to do when I come back?” she whispered to ensure only Arnav heard her, not the woman billing her shopped items.

“What?” He asked, his voice husky with want.

“Keep guessing”

And just saying that, she disconnected the call. She knew Arnav would have groaned again for keeping him on the edge again but that would just make their next meet even more delightful.


Baby Shower

The Raizadas and Nandakishore were set to host Lavanya’s baby shower which they were celebrating in her mayka, at Shantivan. The whole house was decorated with sparkling lights and flowers of Lavanya’s choice. Though the ritual was open only for the ladies, Arnav, NK and Aman were allowed to be a part of it. NK had even planned a small Baby shower party after the actual ritual ends tonight.

“ASR” he stopped at Arnav and Aman who were busy chatting. “Did you speak to Khushi today?”

“Today? No. Why?” He was instantly alert.

“Just asked. Her number is not reachable. I don’t think she has ever done before”

“Maybe her phone battery is dead” Aman said, being equally surprised.

“Since morning? Impossible” NK replied. Arnav pulled out his phone and dialed Khushi’s number but it was switched off. Nani and Ruby got Lavanya in the living room and made her sit before the guests. She looked lovely in a Pink Saree, with a golden netted Veil on her head. She was completely enjoying this moment but her eyes searched for someone.

“I think La needs you by her side” Arnav mentioned. “Go. I will call Khushi’s guard and check her whereabouts”

“Okay. Let me know”

NK quietly slipped away and reached his wife. He kissed her affectionately on forehead and whispered something only for her ears. She hit his arm and then asked Nani something. Arnav speed-dialed Khushi’s guard number which was ringing at the other end. But when he too didn’t answer, Arnav felt something terribly fishy. He was about to leave to check on Khushi’s security arrangement with his team when Nani blocked his way.

“Chotte, where are you going?” she asked. “Your presence is needed her. You know Lavanya wants you to be the first to bless her and the baby”

He nodded. Lavanya had shared this desire a day ago that she wanted Arnav to bless her and the baby first. He had willingly accepted to do so but right now knowing Khushi’s whereabouts was equally important.

“Nani, Khushi …”

“She is fine and if you turn behind, you will believe that too”

Nani’s cryptic reply and a teasing smile made him turn around and there he saw the woman he was so worried for at the moment. Khushi Gupta was in a designer blue Saree, making her way to the living room.

“What… what is she doing here?” Arnav gasped turning back to his grandmother.

“She reached this morning and me and Lavanya already knew that. She wanted to surprise you”

When Nani completed her statement, Khushi had almost reached them. She gave a hug to Nani first and then smiled at Arnav.

“Don’t you ever do that to me again” he scorned. “NK and I were..”

“Sorry” she murmured.

Arnav paused. A sorry from Khushi Gupta was very rare.

“I just wanted to surprise” she curled her arms around him and gave him a tight hug. Aman faked a cough whilst Nani looked away too while the couple quickly hugged each other. Their love and affection for each other was always very open to the eyes of the public which they never seemed to mind. Arnav’s arms lifted to embrace her. Khushi’s stomach fluttered when he kissed her ear before pulling away.

“Naniji” Aman spoke. “I think you should start talking to the Priest and get a date for their wedding”

Khushi faked a frown at Aman.

“How about two weddings? You and Ruby too look happy to tie a knot” Khushi snapped.

Aman was shy. He knew Ruby shared every little secret of hers with Khushi and that’s how Khushi was so updated about their relationship too.

“Talking about me?” Ruby interrupted. She too was wearing a saree but Pink. The baby shower was a theme party where the supporters for baby girl were wearing Pink and baby boy supporters were in Blue.

“I thought you will wear Pink” Ruby said giving a quick hug to Khushi.

“I am team Baby Boy” Khushi replied turning to Arnav who was also in Blue attire.

“I will always be in team Baby Girl. During your baby shower too” Ruby whispered to Khushi but loud enough for Arnav to hear.

Khushi pinched her friend for saying that aloud. The idea of having Arnav’s baby made her stomach flutter.

“Khush” NK hurried to them. “I am so happy you came back.. Whose idea was this to surprise us?”

“Totally hers” Nani replied.

“I would never miss this day when my Kishu’s baby and his wife is going to be blessed by everyone for a wonderful future”

“Thank you” he pulled her closer. “Nani.. the Mahurat is up.. we should begin”

“Yes. Let’s begin”

Everyone followed Nani. Khushi met Lavanya and stood with the family while the Priest performed the ritual. Arnav watched Khushi as she admired the rituals happening. The desire to see Khushi in the place of Lavanya someday, pregnant and enjoying her baby shower, tickled his body and the next moment, Khushi turned around and met his eyes, as if acknowledging his desire and promising to make it happen soon. They smiled at each other and focused back on Lavanya. Once the priest was done, Nani asked Arnav to give the first blessings to Lavanya who stopped him from doing so.

“I have to say something before we begin this”

Nani and the rest of the family were stunned at her request. Lavanya turned to the guests to speak.

“Being our relatives most of you know me from childhood. How I troubled Nani and gave her tough time when she fed me food, how I have never let ASR do his homework and how I demanded my parents to get a sister for me”

Arnav smiled as he listened the speech. He recalled all of that. He too had tough time babysitting his sister. His fingers automatically entwined with Khushi’s who stood next to him and they continued to listen.

“After all these years, I think my demand has finally been accepted” she added turning to Khushi. “My parents have sent me someone who I think can be my sister.. for a lifetime”

She turned around and pointed at Khushi.

“That’s her… my sister-in-law.. Khushi Gupta”

Khushi hadn’t expected this. She was speechless. Arnav’s brows lifted in similar delight. Was Lavanya really saying this? Khushi pressed his arm tight, trying to believe the same.

“During our affair, NK had already told me enough about Khushi and to be honest, I was scared. Her personality, attitude and passion to win terrified me. We didn’t get along well in our first meet and after my marriage to NK when I got to know ASR was dating her, I was very angry. Then as days passed, I saw her soft side too. She is a very strong woman. If I have seen her fighting the wrong side, I have also seen her shedding that big fat ego and apologizing for her mistakes. She has unknowingly taught me to protect whats mine.. to claim my right.. and to be ready to do anything and everything for the sake of the family. And there is so much yet, I want to learn from her”

Lavanya slowly walked to Arnav and Khushi.

“Before leaving for your trip, you desired we live like true sisters in future. I think now I wish the same Khushi. Lets put all that past behind.. all of it”

She opened her arms to hug Khushi and in no time the two embraced each other. Everyone clapped and the sound of it resonated in the whole house.

“Thank you for this lovely speech” Khushi said pulling back from the hug. “And this surprise too. I wasn’t prepared for your sisterly acceptance so soon”

Nani stroked their backs.

“If you two sisters are done, I think we should continue the rituals. Arnav.. come on.. start with your blessings”

Arnav came ahead and Lavanya pulled Khushi along with him. They were once again shocked.

“You have loved NK so much… protected him.. Just like ASR has loved and protected me. I know you both will leave no stone unturned to show the same love and protectiveness towards our baby. That’s why, I want you both to bless us together..”

Khushi’s eyes became moist. Arnav rubbed her back to make her feel better and then the two leaned over either side of Lavanya’s ears, whispering their blessings together..

The rituals continued and Khushi and Arnav finally got some time to spend alone after an hour. Khushi was in the lobby speaking to Mrs. Pinto to cancel her meetings for tomorrow, when Arnav wrapped his arms around her and pulled her behind while she continued with the call.

“Thank you, Mrs. Pinto. Have a good night”

She disconnected and turned around. Arnav admired her as she kept telling him how she spent last three weeks without him. She wasn’t very open about her feelings earlier but now she had slowly started to share… And whilst she did that, Arnav’s eyes lingered at the pendant Lavanya had gifted her which now hung loose in her neck chain. She was also wearing their engagement ring and her wrist which was once covered by her watch to hide the scars of her self-harm was now adorned by his mother’s bangle, the one he gave her recently. She was completely marked by his love. Khushi clicked her fingers to get his attention back.

“Mr. Raizada, please be attentive. Your ignorance hurts”

“Does it?” he pulled her closer. Khushi wriggled in his arms but soon gave in. Her fingers stroked his rough stubble.

“Just what I like” she muttered placing a quick kiss there.

Arnav recalled something.

“You were saying on the previous call that you wish to tell me something” he asked seriously.

Khushi nodded.

“I do..”

“Go on.. I am all ears tonight.. and forever” he grinned.

A smile teased the corner of her lips as she finally admitted what she had yearned to do from past few weeks.

“I love you dammit”

He stared at her as if she just stole his breath. So far, it was just him who had confessed it. Hearing those same feelings come out of her mouth was totally blissful.

“You are my miracle Arnav and I really want to love you in all the ways possible.. until my last breath” she added. Arnav released her waist and cupped her face. There was so much love in the look she gave him that he didn’t had to think much. All he did the next moment was capture her lips, promising he would do anything to keep that love intact between them.

To be Continued.

Note: Next Part will be the last part. 


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  1. Madhu in one place where you wrote right instead of engagement ring.
    And my request in proper way if u don't want to write epilogue. Because u promised to update royal fling epilogue which u forgot later. So please write a long and proper ending specially mentioning about raizada baby .

  2. Madhu will you give back to back update of this story? Will u update tomorrow?
    Also when we will get to read the new story prologue ?

  3. I puked at Lavanya's sister speech and i skipped it.
    Like bruh, this much character development aint possible in days. Please stop

  4. This is such a rushed ending but okay


  6. This makes me sad 🥺 acknowledging that this is gonna end soon try to post an epilogue too please please please
    As always loved it loved it loved it 💞💞💞💞

  7. Khushi's confession was beautiful . I love you dammit. Very strong and powerful words proves how much she loves Arnav. Arnav and Khushi were away from each other still they are so much in love. Glad that they communicated and it's Arnav who initiated the conversation. Arnav missed Khushi so much. Arnav and Khushi's talk about the baby was really cute. Khushi got her love finally. Arnav and Khushi actively participated in baby's shopping. Arnav's passion for Khushi is increasing. Baby shower function was nice. NK and Lavanya's moments were cute. Arnav got a nice surprise. Arnav and Khushi's hug was awesome and they are openly showing their love for each other.Aman is right about Arshi getting married soon. Khushi also teased him. Khushi is totally changed. Arnav wants to see Khushi in Lavanya's place. Hope his wish is fulfilled soon. Lavanya's speech was emotional. She finally understood Khushi. Finally Lavanya and Khushi became sisters. Lavanya wanted Arshi's blessing together. Arnav and Khushi are too romantic. Khushi's confession was absolutely beautiful. Sad that this fiction is ending. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  8. Nice Update. This story was beautiful based on love and relationships. This story definitely deserves an epilogue. Please give one. I loved both Arnav and Khushi . Whenever a story ends it makes me sad . Very unique story where Khushis character was really different from what we are used too. Want to see Arshis kids too. And a little bit of their married life. Please it would be nice if we get an epilogue. 😍😍🙏

  9. Lavanya's confession was too good and pure...liked the update😍😍but don't end this ff so soon and if still u want to end this ff please,end it with an epilogue as u still didn't update Royal Fling's epilogue and it's very disheartening 😑😑😑😑pls consider it😑😑
    Ashima Dhillon ❣️

  10. Awesome .. story started with lav getting pregnant and ending with lav delivery. Gonna miss this journey 🥰

  11. Kushi confession was beautiful and Arshi together, they are amazing. Will be missing this story

  12. Loved the way Lavanya is putting efforts to accept the Khushi. Arshi are hopelessly in love. I will miss this ff.

  13. Is it really necessary to end this story soo soon?atleast continues till khushi pregnancy please.

    Cute confession 😍😍

  14. Totally worth it... Lovely update....

  15. Beautiful update...
    Totally loved this change in khushi..

    Wow superb surprise..

    La's speech was beautiful..

    Finally khushi too confess her love for him.

    Cant believe this beautiful story is about to finish

  16. Hey dear fellow readers.. Have a request.. Please enjoy the read and don't try to influence writer.. Surly your feedback and fair comments would be a good help.. And believe me it also affects the writer positively to make the characters come clean but only that much as needed.. Don't try to make someone else's story as yours.. I had commented somedays back that khushi should clarify or apologize.. Thanks for making her do that.. But if it is making the characters do against there persona then don't do that.. Thanks for the update.. Loved it.. It was amazing

  17. Awesome updates... madhu plz don’t end soon amazing concept love story why are u ending rust quick.. just love story

  18. Love Lavanya’s speech for her sister in law...good that they all together.

  19. Such a wonderful chapter. Their love is surreal
