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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Marriage Bubbles - (SAMPLE CHAPTERS 1 to 4)

Advay Raj Bohra

What a perfect night at a Bar – Meeting a stranger and then making her pretend to be my girlfriend for winning a bet. Least did I know by the next morning she was going to be my legally wedded wife. I never wanted a marriage and the complications that came with it but one look at my accidental wife, Jiya and my emotions spiraled out of control, my life changed drastically.

Jiya Mathur

My Café house was at the risk of shutting down having no support from the bankers and financers. The only light at the end of that dark tunnel was the CEO of the Media Channel, Advay Raj Bohra. I was drawn into his Universe as he offered me a proposition I couldn’t deny.

Advay and Jiya’s worlds collide as they step into a Marriage Bubble promising no messy emotional entanglements. Will they ever want a real relationship?


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Chapter 1


I can’t believe I am in Vegas, attending a rock concert to show support to my twin brother, Jeet, who is part of this band – The Rockers. After my flight landed last night, I managed to get a few hours’ sleep before preparing myself to cheer up Jeet despite my own agony. My Café is on the verge of shutting down. It’s my family’s legacy and I cannot let it go that easily. After me and Jeet got graduated three years back, I enrolled for MBA externally while taking the entire charge of the Café because Dad passed that same year. Someone between us had to lead it and Jeet was the least interested one. He was always into music and trying his luck at almost every rock band in the country but failed. And only when I thought he would be finally showing some interest and give me a helping hand at our Café, he dropped this bomb of joining a Rock Band in US. He is an excellent guitar player since he was eight and his passion for music paved his way into this amazing musical world.

I slide down the row to my designated seat. Two teenage girls on one side of me scream as the announcer makes his way to the stage. I cannot wait for the concert to begin and see Jeet. He left for this show two months back and since then we have been in touch only once or twice a week on phone. He was busy rehearsing while I was chasing the Bankers and Financers for a Loan. Loses at my Café from the past three quarters have forced me to think big. I have decided to renovate it and even add a new Chef on the list who could tweak the Menu. Social media is growing and I have plans to promote my Café on every stream online. I have so many ideas running in my head which are one step away from implementation as the only thing I am waiting for is Money. I need a loan desperately to get my business back on track.

Jeet has no idea about this. He never showed interest in the Café even when Dad was alive, but for me, that Café is my world, my life. It’s the only place where I have seen every beautiful dream of future. Every corner of that place has been no less than home and every staff member, my family. I don’t think I will ever let it shut. But two days ago, I got a call from the bankers denying me the loan. My father, when alive, had already taken a loan on the Café house which I am still repaying from whatever income we make monthly, but the truth is, it’s not enough. The banks and private financers do not see any profits even if they give me this benefit of doubt that my Café will grow again into a successful business. The news broke me but I couldn’t miss this show. I wanted to support Jeet tonight despite all the odds running in my life.

I don’t pay much attention to the announcer but then the spotlight goes dark for a moment and I hear the electric guitar playing. That’s my Jeet. The drummer joins in and then stage lights up again with four boys taking the center stage. There he is. My twin brother, Jeet, wearing a glittery T-Shirt and leather pants. He has done something to his hair. He looks young and great. The girls beside me scream his name and squeal. I wonder what their reactions would be if they know I am his twin sister?

The music is great. I cannot believe Jeet is part of something this big and wonderful. Going to concerts and dreaming about standing on a stage like this, with live audience has always been his dream and I am happy that he has got to live it. I have heard him sing in the shower and he has played his guitar for me every day to cheer my mood, but what he is playing right now, is no less than a masterpiece.

The three-hour show is finally over and I usher myself to the backstage. It’s a real mess here with everyone busy and running around. I ask the coordinator where Jeet’s room is and she shows me the way.

“Jeet” I step in his room. He has changed that glittery Shirt.

“Jiya” he reaches me and gives a tight hug. “I knew you won’t miss my show. Did you like it?”

“It was mind blowing”

I mean it. “And you were terrific”

“Yes” he jumps in joy. “It was my first live onstage performance. I can’t believe its hit already”

“I never doubted you”

His dimpled smile turns into a frown as he gives me a thorough look. I cross my fingers not wanting him to read my pain.

“You have put down your weight. Is everything alright back there? How’s the Café?”

He knows I worry only for him and the Café. My life is fenced between them.

“Cafe is..” I pause. “Good” I don’t want to spoil his mood.

“That’s nice to hear. When we do a show in Mumbai, hopefully soon, I am going to get The Rockers in your Café”

His words pierce my heart. I don’t know if this will happen, now that the banks have denied me a loan.

“Sure” I lie. “I will leave no stone unturned to welcome you guys”

“I know” he hugs me again placing a firm kiss on my temple.

I so needed this hug.

“When are you coming home?” My voice stutters. I want him home to help me take a stand on the Café. I am so alone and not in a position to decide if I have any other option than shutting that place.

“Not so soon Jiya. Our band has signed for a musical tour which means we will be travelling all over US for the next two months. We have so many shows coming up and only once that’s over, I will visit you. In fact, I was just about to tell you, once I leave from Vegas tomorrow, I might hardly be able to contact you much. We have to rehearse for 7 shows, can you believe that?”

His excitement is palpable but two months? He won’t be coming back for that long? Will I be able to hold the Café until then? I don’t want to take a decision without Jeet because he too is a part of our family business though he hardly ever showed any interest in it. But I am aware if I share this news with him now, he might want to return and assist me. That might not just affect his contract with the band, but also his performance and future.

“By the way, you told me on the call that you have something important to share”

His query puts me into another dilemma. I shouldn’t tell him now. Not at any cost. One of us at least should have a future we dreamed of.

“Yes, but it’s not very important right now. I will tell you when you come back”

“Sure?” he grins. “Why do I think my sister has found a boyfriend for herself in Vegas?”

I know he is just teasing me. He almost bullies me at times to have a life out of the Café too and make more friends.. boyfriends. But I don’t have time for that. I am so busy handling the Café that I spend almost 15 hours at that place. But since Jeet is so excited and I don’t want him to know I am bothered, I lie.

“Maybe I have found someone” I tease.

“Liar” he pinches my nose. “You didn’t find one in Mumbai despite my push and you want me to believe you got a boyfriend here? In Vegas? Impossible”

We both laugh it out and spend some more time together. He insists me to take this break and explore Vegas, but I tell him I cannot stay here for long and my return flight is next morning, as even he along with his band is travelling tomorrow to another city. I wish him all the best and he promises to be in touch as much as possible despite his hectic rehearsals. Waving goodbyes and wishes, I quietly exit the Auditorium to head back to my Hotel. I need a drink tonight. Desperately.

Chapter 2


Lover’s Bar – Las Vegas

I have visited Vegas a couple of times before but nonetheless the reason for my present visit is not the same as the previous ones. I am here for my friend Ralph who is getting married to Susan today in few hours. This Sin city is also a popular wedding spot for its iconic chapels, out-of-the-world venues and most importantly, the speedy marriage licenses. I have heard many of my friends want to plan their romantic weddings in this City but I never thought I will be forced to attend one. Checking my watch, I realize I have some time before I actually start for the Marriage license bureau where I am told Ralph and Susan will have to collect their Marriage License before heading to the Chapel where they will take their Vows. I need a drink, badly. Marriages have always made me weaker. I don’t believe in them, especially the vows which are an integral part of the wedding ceremony. I have seen people taking the best of their Vows and within a year of their wedding, they forget even the basic etiquette not to disrespect their partner before a group. I have seen worse than this happening in my social circle which is why I will be the last person to commit to this madness.

I take a seat on the high chair, facing the bartender and order my usual drink. I have already informed my cousin Aryan I will be here for some time before I show my presence at the Marriage Bureau. As my drink is served, I swallow it in one go, ordering for next. That’s when I see her and wonder why didn’t I realize that I am sitting beside a gorgeous young woman who is fiddling with her handbag to fetch something.

“Shit” she curses turning to my direction and I don’t hide the fact that I was looking at her. She has beautiful cheekbones and her eyes; they are deep and shiny. I realize almost instantly that her eyes are shiny because of the tears in them. Now I am bothered. Why would a beautiful woman like her be in tears at a Bar?

“Any problem?” I ask, holding my curiosity. I have always been hungry for the whole story which could help me connect the dots and frame the entire picture in my mind. That’s how I managed to build my Media channel - Prime Media Channel which is the top-rated News Channel of my Country and I am the proud CEO of it.

“Mind your own business” she snaps continuing her search.

The Bartender is back and waiting to take her order.

“I forgot my wallet. Will come later” she says and I instantly stop her.

“I can pay for your drink”

She gives me a weird stare as if I just proposed her.

“No thanks. I don’t like taking help from Strangers”

“It’s not a help Ma’am” I curtly reply. “You can always pay me later. I see you need a drink badly to stop your tears from overcrowding your heart”

Now she eases down but surprise doesn’t leave her face yet.

“How did you know I am.. not in my best mood today?” she asks flopping back to her seat.

“Either you can’t hide it well or I am a face-reader”

My reply brings a smile and I am so glad that I want to pat myself.

“Well, thanks for your help. I will pay you once we are done here”

“Any time” I gulp my second shot. I can feel the difference. The drink is making me hyperactive. I don’t understand if this is the drink doing it or the woman beside me. I try not to analyze that yet.

She orders a drink for herself and quietly gulps it down and then just like me, she quickly orders another one. I have seen girls drinking for fun but this woman here, she is in pain. I can feel that.

“I am Advay Raj Bohra” I introduce myself.

“Hello Advay” she smiles. “I am Jiya”

“Just Jiya?” I know I am grinning. Why would a woman like her want to hide her full name? “Worried I will stalk you Jiya?”

She laughs. This time I want to kiss myself for making a sad woman laugh.

“Jiya Mathur” she replies. “I don’t really share my name with strangers that easily but you don’t look like a stalker to me, so that’s fine”

“What do you think I am, if not a Stalker?”

She meets my eyes again and this time with seriousness. Has the drink started affecting her too? She smiles cutely the next instant.

“You look like a Model. Are you some famous Model from India? I think I have seen you before on TV”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. The world is so small. She has seen me on TV of course but not Modelling. I don’t correct her though. I like to keep her guessing.

“Come on Jiya, you can do better than that”

She raises her hands in defeat.

“I give up. I am not very good in guessing” she takes a pause and becomes serious again. “In fact, I am not good at anything. I couldn’t convince them. I suck!!”

Her head falls down on the table and my fingers itch to draw it back. I am so desperate to know what’s wrong with her life.

“Broken marriage?” I cross my fingers hoping she isn’t taken. I have never been so interested in a woman to be single. For me!!

“Worse than that.” She raises her head and turns to me. “Business problems” she adds.

“Business?” I am impressed.

“Why? Don’t I look like a businesswoman to you?”

“You look” I pause. I cannot describe what she looks like. She is really something I want to know.

“Forget it” she shrugs. “I don’t want to talk about it. You know why?”


“Because Life sucks”

“Cheers to that line” I raise my glass towards her.

“Cheers” she giggles and we gulp our respective drinks together.

I hardly recall what we talk after that but we do speak about the marriage I am going to attend and I insist she joins me as it will be fun for her and shift her mood. Jiya hesitates at first but when I promise to be in the best of my behavior, she laughs heartily and agrees to drive with me to the Marriage Bureau. We are high and I don’t know why. Isn’t that very rhyming? Shit!! What is wrong with me? I have never been so insanely confused and unsure of my own doings.

We reach the Marriage bureau after a 20-minute drive. Her eyes are closing fast but she stands beside me, balancing herself.

“I don’t trust anyone so easily” she mentions strongly.

“Neither I”

“And yet, we are here” she whirls around and almost loses her balance, but I catch her before she could fall.

“Got you young woman” I mumble as our eyes meet again. This time I know something is terribly wrong with me because even the mere touch of this woman is driving me crazy. She has gripped my suit and tears flow from her eyes the next instant.

Once she is back on feet, I hold her arms.

“Jiya? What’s wrong?”

“Everything is wrong Advay. I am losing it. I am losing my Café when I know it’s been my whole life so far. I can’t let it go but I can’t keep it either. It’s over”

I don’t understand much but I nod. I don’t like seeing her tears.

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

“No” she sobs again. “No one wants to help me. Not even the Bankers. All I asked is a loan and they don’t believe I can repay them. How dare they? Do I look like a fraudster?”

I have no clue what’s happening but I try to give her some strength.

“You are not a fraud. Know why?”

She shakes her head gently.

“Because fraudsters don’t have such cute dimples”

Yes, she has dimples and they show up every time she smiles with her heart. She giggles in between her cries at my statement and damn, I am losing something already to her. Who is she? Just a random woman I meet in a foreign country and share a drink with? I have flirted before, but with her, I didn’t have to try. Heck!! I didn’t try at all. Whatever I said to her, I mean it by heart. She is really amazing and I hate to admit that I want to help her even though I hardly know her. I don’t trust people that easily but I want to give her a benefit of doubt.

“Okay, let me understand this correctly. You want a loan for your Café to continue its business and the bankers are denying it. Right?”

“Right” she snorts.

“Okay, I can help you. I can talk to the Bankers, influence them”

“What?” she interrupts. “No way. Why would you do that?”

“Why not? I am just trying to help”

“That’s exactly my point. Why would you help me? You hardly know me”

She is right but I don’t have a reason now to provide.

“I cannot take your favors Advay. You are being too good and..”

“You can return the favor, any other time when I need it. Simple as that”

“Seriously?” she asks. “What if you never need my favor? What will I do then?”

I give it a thought and there it comes in my head.

“You could actually return my favor tonight, even before I can help you with yours”

She is confused. So am I. The drinks definitely had something wrong in it but I shrug that thought.

“Okay Look. I had lied to my friends I have a date tonight who apparently is also the one I am dating secretly. It’s a long story. Kind of a bet and I don’t want to lose it. So, why don’t you pretend..” I pause seeing the horror in her eyes. “Just pretend to be my date and that woman? It’s just to keep my friends from linking me with other girls and help me win the bet. I really don’t have patience to flirt more. I am done for tonight, Jiya. Help me out”

She laughs heartily at my pleading tone, especially in the last sentence.

“You are not serious, are you?”

She is about to fall again but I hold her tight in my arms.

“I have never been this serious”

My words turn her cheeks red and the next instant I hear my cousin Aryan crossing the street to reach us.


I hold Jiya closer and then we both turn to Aryan Bohra, my first cousin.

“You are late. Where the hell were you? And.. who is she?”

“I am his girl, Jiya Mathur”

Jiya grips my suit, her polished fingers draping my arm. The confidence she just oozes off being my date is amazing. I proudly stare at Aryan who is happy and confused at the same time.

“Finally, we get to see you. Advay, you have hidden her all this long, we almost thought you were lying”

“Now you know I wasn’t” I pull Jiya closer. Our proximity has started affecting me and I don’t want to lose myself but hell, this woman is like a magnet, pulling an iron man like me.

“Who’s he by the way?” Jiya queries, her pink lips pouting at me. It’s hard to focus on her words when she behaves so cute and irresistible. Aryan saves me by introducing himself.

“I am Aryan, Advay’s cousin”

“Oh Aryan, hmm” she grins. “Advay has told me a lot about you”

I can’t stop smiling. No one can pretend like Jiya. She is so good at acting.

“Really?” Aryan asks. “All good I hope”

“Mostly” she giggles and Aryan joins her laugh.

I don’t remember much what happens after that. I am that drunk. We both are. We walk inside the marriage bureau and meet more friends. Then I introduce Jiya to the groom Ralph and his bride Susan. We chat, they coax us for something and I am still high. I laugh it out and so does Jiya. We both know we are pretending things too good and we go with the flow. We sign some documents which I suppose is for the witness of Ralph and Susan’s wedding and after that I make Jiya wear a ring. Where the hell did that come from? I have no idea. I am too drunk and so is she. We click pictures with everyone. I feel like a king getting the center of attraction and Jiya, she is no less than a queen herself. I have no clue what time it is until we make our way out, laughing and giggling like teenage kids who just had some fun faking a fantastic drama.

“This is heights” Jiya laughs holding her stomach. “I have never been this happy recently”

“Neither I” I gulp the Champagne from the bottle I am holding in my hands now. I don’t recall when we opened a Champagne in the Marriage bureau and why?

“Okay bye now” she says putting some distance between us. “I am off to my Hotel and you should go back to your friends”

“You are leaving?” I check my watch.

“I have a flight to catch early morning, uh.. what’s your name you said?”

I can’t believe we are so high that she forgot my name. I grab her wrist and pull her closer. She stiffens when my lips inch towards her ears. Despite being drunk and high, I know my limits. I am not going to kiss her. Not until she wants me to. I move to her ears and whisper.

“I am Advay Raj Bohra, Jiya. Never forget this name”

She is breathless when I take a step back and wave for a Taxi which parks right next to us.

“Drop the lady where she wants to go” I say opening the door for her. She looks at me with those glittering eyes before getting into the Taxi and before we both can register why we are so nervous to part ways; she is gone.

Chapter 3


I feel a slight throbbing at the back of my skull and I am forced to open my eyes. I am in my Hotel room and something is ringing close to my ears. This can’t be an alarm clock. It’s my smartphone. Where the hell is it and why is it ringing constantly? The ringing stops and I want to continue sleeping but then my phone starts beeping with notifications. The vicious hangover and the constant buzzing of my phone irritates me and I lose my sleep. I get up and sit with my back to the headboard. I was dreaming about some woman.. Jiya. Yes. I recall meeting her in the Bar last night. The buzzing and beeping continue and I decide to check my phone, hoping I don’t throw it away in frustration.

“What the hell”

I have uncountable missed calls from almost everyone I know from my family, close relatives and social circle. Why would people call me at this hour of the day? I am in Vegas to attend Ralph’s wedding which I think happened yesterday but I have no much memories of it. I got too drunk which explains my present hangover. I check the notifications next and people are wishing me on messages, social media and chat threads. What are they wishing me for? Before I can open the messages, a fresh new notification from the News App on my phone beeps hard and I am shocked to read the title of that Article.

‘Advay Raj Bohra, the CEO of Prime Media Channel got hitched last night to his secret Girlfriend in Vegas’

What? Where the hell is this news coming from? Now I realize why I am getting so many calls and messages from everyone. People think I married last night? Do gossips have an end? The article is published by BigNews Channel, my rival and the only competitor who has given Prime Media Channel a tough fight all these years. I don’t understand where they got this gossip from? I am in Vegas for Ralph’s wedding, not mine. I push away my phone and head for a Shower as I badly need one. I am not going to tolerate this article. BigNews has thrown challenges at me all the time but they never targeted me personally. I want to sue them for publishing and spreading such fake news.

As I shower, memories of previous night flood in my brains. I was in a Bar to spend some time alone before heading for Ralph’s wedding. Then I met this girl, Jiya, paid for her drink. We talked. I try hard to recall beyond that but fail.

When I come out of the shower, Aryan is already in my room. I am so glad to see him but he is looking for someone else.

“I am here buddy” I say throwing the towel away after drying my hair.

“Where is Jiya?” he asks.

“Sorry, who?”

“Your wife Advay, Jiya. Where is she?”

I don’t understand how Aryan knows about the woman I spent time in the Bar last night. And wife? Excuse me? I am already unable to recall last night’s happenings and Aryan’s silly question is scaring me all the more. First the Article on almost every social media and now Aryan’s search for Jiya, whom he thinks is my wife. What the hell is happening?

But then Aryan and me have been playing pranks on each other since our childhood. I am sure this is one of it.

“I know what this is. Whose idea was this? To play a prank on me? And wait a minute, you guys just gone over the board by involving the Paparazzi this time”

He gives me an amused look.

“What are you talking about? What prank?”

I am losing my mind now. I reach for my phone and show him the article.

“I am talking about this. You made up a story of my marriage?”

Aryan stares at me completely bewildered.

“We didn’t fake a story Advay. This is the truth. Last night you got married to the woman you were secretly dating so long. Jiya Mathur. What’s wrong with you? Why are you acting like we are making this all up?”

I freeze. I married last night? How?

“Okay, hold a second”

Aryan removes his phone and shows me the picture where I am putting a ring on Jiya’s finger. Did I take her out of the bar? To the marriage bureau? Yes, I did. Those flashes start filling fast in my brain. She was in distress so I decided to take her along for Ralph’s wedding. Something happened there and I have no freaking clue what? Did the Paparazzi saw me with Jiya last night, inside the Marriage bureau and assumed I got married to her? How freaking insane.

“That’s morphed” I snap. “Who the hell did this?”

“Advay, it’s a true picture. I clicked it. Why are you saying like you don’t recall anything?”

“Because I don’t dammit” I groan raking my fingers in hair. I am losing my patience. “Look Aryan, enough of this drama. I am not going to tolerate it one more second”

“I have your marriage license copy. Just collected it from the bureau, Advay” he debates showing me the envelope. “I thought I will surprise you both by getting your marriage license and you are telling me you don’t remember marrying your girlfriend last night?”

I check the legal papers Aryan just showed me while he waits for me to recall. This is true. I really got married last night but that’s impossible considering I wouldn’t do anything like that in my sane mind. I was drunk. High!! But even that isn’t an excuse for an act like this. And whoever this woman is.. Jiya.. What about her? How did she agree? Does she even know we got married? I try hard to recollect again and this time get few more crumbs of memories of last night. I insisted Jiya to play along as my girlfriend before Aryan and my other friends and she did that brilliantly. But marriage? How did we end up getting married? I wait for Aryan to complete the rest of the story.

“You introduced us to Jiya, told us how you both met each other six months ago in a Café and instantly got connected” Aryan explains.

I met her in the bar last night, and not six months ago. Dammit. I shouldn’t have lied. Heck!! I shouldn’t have introduced Jiya as my girlfriend. Why the hell did I?

“When Ralph coaxed you to get married on the same date as him and Susan, you hesitated at first but then got convinced. Even I was surprised when you agreed and I warned you Grandfather will be upset on your sudden marriage, but you didn’t care Advay. You were so lost in your girlfriend that all you wanted was her. So, we talked to the registrar, got your details filled out. Luckily Jiya was carrying her passport and so were you, and we got you both married, just what you wanted at that moment. We even opened the Champagne and celebrated until you and Jiya decided to leave. Of course, we didn’t want you two to waste your time with us. It was your first night together, so we let you go. And now when I come here, you are telling me you don’t remember any of this?”

I seriously, don’t!! But whatever Aryan has told me confirms he is speaking the truth. Me and Aryan might be cousins, we might even play pranks on each other, but I know he will never go to this extent and lie. I have enough proofs which approves I did this mistake, of marrying a total stranger in my intoxicated state. I flop on the couch, unable to decide what to do next. Aryan takes a seat next to me.

“Advay, I am so sorry. We all wanted to keep this a secret until you tell the family which I thought you will do today, but the media clicked you both outside the bureau and this news got leaked. I am getting calls from home, from Daadu, from everyone. We have to do something about it”

I am speechless. I got married? I, Advay Raj Bohra got married? To a woman whom I don’t know anything about except her name?

“Now calm down and tell me where Jiya is? Didn’t you guys spend the night together? I mean, I hope she is fine. Where is she?”

How the freaking hell would I know how she is and where? I remember waving a Taxi for her last night and seeing her off. Aryan and everyone else thought Jiya was my girlfriend and I married her which apparently was only because me and her were both drunk and we made this irrational decision. I don’t think I can tell him, that I don’t even know who Jiya Mathur is and I met her only last night in the bar.

“Where is Jiya, Advay?” he repeats to get my attention.

I exhale. I want to punch myself for being so stupid and irresponsible.

“Did you guys fight? Is that why she is not in your Hotel room?”

I have to fix this up. I have to do this now before it’s too late. I don’t take the risk of telling Aryan anything right now or else he will freak out. I have already made a blunder and now I will have to fix it my way.

“Yes. We had a small fight last night. I.. I recall it now. Don’t worry, I will find her. I mean, I will get her. I know where she is”

“Great” he gets up. “Okay then, please talk to Daadu about your marriage. He is annoyed that you did it without letting the family know. But I am sure, once he sees you and Jiya together, all his anger will be gone”

Hell No!! Because that’s not happening. I am not going to carry the baggage of this accidental marriage forever. But what will happen when I tell my grandfather I never intended to marry and yet I got married legally in Vegas to a stranger whom I have to search now for no idea how long and where?

“Give me some time to fix this Aryan” I urge.

“Sure” he smiles. “Keep the marriage license safe. It’s a proof of your wedding brother”

“I will” I try not to show off my anger. He is not at fault. No one is. Except me and that woman. JIYA.

Aryan leaves my room and I yell out at myself for being such a dumb man. How could I do this blunder? Marriage? No way.

Chapter 4


“Excuse me, Excuse me Sir. Excuse me” I drag my feet in the crowded McCarran International Airport, struggling to reach the boarding gates. I am late and I don’t want to miss my only flight back to Mumbai. It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have drunk last night, at least not that bad to ignore setting an alarm for the early morning flight. I am never this irresponsible despite all the stress I am burdened with. But some situations are unavoidable. Vegas was good and though I couldn’t explore it much in my two-days stay, I will still miss it, especially the man I met last night in the Bar, Advay Raj Bohra. I don’t recall much what all we chatted, but I liked his company which also reminds me I didn’t pay him for the drinks. I should have taken his number but everything happened so quickly that I couldn’t process anything until I took the Taxi, he stopped for me.

I reach the boarding gates and my heart beats happily as I see passengers queued for boarding. I am glad I didn’t miss my flight. I am about to join the queue when a tall security personnel stops me.

“Miss Mathur?” he asks staring sternly in my eyes.


“You need to come with us”

“Where? I have a flight to board”

“Sorry Ma’am. But you cannot board this flight. There is an emergency and your presence is required”

“Emergency?” I chuckle. “I think you have mistaken me with someone else”

“You are Jiya Mathur who was in the Lover’s bar last night, sharing drinks with Mr. Advay Raj Bohra?”

My heart flutters. How does he know it? Is Advay some most wanted criminal and the police are after him? Damn!! He didn’t look like a criminal to me. Who is he?

“Yes, but we just shared a drink and what is this about?” My voice stutters. I can feel something totally wrong with the situation here.

“If you come with me, I can tell you everything”

“No wait” I stop him from dragging me. “I have a flight to board”

“That’s right Ma’am. You have a Charter to board with Mr. Bohra”

His reply sends a shock wave across my skin. Charter plane with Advay? What the hell is happening? I take the chance as I have no other choice but to believe the Security personnel who takes me to the Private airstrip zone where all the Charter planes are lined up. During this 10 minutes’ drive, I try to recall last night’s events where I met Advay and see what I am missed to understand. Is this because I didn’t pay him for the drinks? Did I misbehave? I don’t remember much but the tingling on my skin proves something big is up.

After another brief security check, I finally get to see a posh white Charter plane taxied at the airstrip. I have never been so lucky to witness a Private jet this close. Is Advay inside the plane? I suddenly feel nervous to face him again. Last night I do remember how he made me feel. We were complete strangers but there was something between us which kept the conversation going and it was so fast that I didn’t hesitate much when he insisted to take me to his friend’s wedding. I don’t recall attending the wedding though but we met some of his friends and his cousin whose name I don’t recall either.

“This way Ma’am”

I climb the short steps of the Jet and I feel suddenly into a different world. The cabin is luxurious, elegant with a sofa seating at the left and table and chairs at the right.

“Miss Mathur, Sir will be here shortly. Please take your seat. My name is Erica and I will be your stewardess on this flight”

The Cabin attendant is beautiful and she is wearing a white uniform with ARB Logo on it. I don’t take long to realize ARB stands for Advay Raj Bohra. That man seems to be super rich and I cannot believe I was so friendly with him last night.

“Where is Advay?” I ask instinctively unable to take this suspense. I want to know why I am on this plane and what does Advay have to do with me now?

“Sir is in the back cabin making calls”

Back cabin? I turn behind and see a small door. Is he in there? What kind of cabin is it? Blood drains from my face as the cabin door opens and he storms out. I can never forget his face even if I am intoxicated again. My brain processes the crumbs of flashes of last night and I recall clinging to his manly form when he introduced me to his friends and cousin, as his girlfriend. He had talked about some bet and needed me to play along. I would have never done something like that in my sane mind. We hold our gazes on each other until I realize the smile which glowed last night on his lips is nowhere to be seen. In an Off-white Shirt and Grey suit, he looks total business. He stops for a moment to meet my eyes again, then shrugs his jacket and hands it to Erica.

“Jiya” he says my name as if he hates me already. I don’t find that flirty, amusing tone he had yesterday. I don’t understand anything that’s happening at the present.

“Advay, what is this about?” I ask.

He turns to Erica asking her to serve us some soft drinks and once she is gone, he takes a seat opposite to me.

“I assume you haven’t read that article yet and like me, you have no much memories of last night”

His gaze cuts through me as if he is pointing my mistake.

“Article?” I snap. “What article? Is this about the money you paid for my drink?”

I know I sound foolish. A man who has that much money to buy a Private Jet wouldn’t mind spending few bucks for a stranger’s drinks.

“I make hundred times that kind of money every fraction of a second Jiya. It’s not about that”

Attitude!! I don’t like people who throw their bank balance figures at me. Before I debate, he shows me something on his 10-inch Tablet. I am forced to pay attention as I see my picture with Advay as he makes me wear a ring.

Ring? I check my finger and there it glows brightly.

“This is not mine” I try to take it out but its fixed on my finger like a glue.

“We have much bigger stuff to bother than that diamond ring”

Diamond ring? How did I miss this? Today morning when I woke up, I was so busy getting ready to leave for airport, that I hardly realized something so precious was on my finger and which didn’t belong to me.

“We got married last night”

His remark makes me jerk in my seat.

“What?” I shout and I am very sure Erica has heard me.


He hands me some paper which I read as Marriage license. It has my signature and Advay’s too.

“How? I mean.. no. That’s impossible. Why would we do this? I don’t recall any of it”

“Neither I. But we were both drunk and we have witnesses who could approve the marriage was legal”

“Heck” I push the paper away and shut my eyes.

“There’s more” he continues and this time he shows me an article which confirms that the news of this marriage has leaked in India too.

“Who are you?” I ask unable to hold my curiosity anymore. He has to be some famous big shot which is why the news is all over the media and every news channel back in our home country.

“I am the CEO of Prime Media Channel”

My throat constricts. He owns a media channel? No wonder this news has spread like fire in the country. Erica comes back with our soft drinks.

“Sir we are ready to take off” she mentions serving our drinks.

“Thanks, and Erica please do not disturb us for the next hour”

“Sure, Sir” she smiles at both of us and leaves.

I am very confused at the moment.

“I want to get down” I mutter. “I don’t know what happened last night and I don’t trust these articles either. I want to go back and handle this myself”

I try to get up but he grips my hand and pushes me back on my seat. He glares at me for not being helpful in this situation.

“You still don’t get this Jiya? We are in a gruesome situation and you alone cannot fix this”

He is right. I cannot fix anything alone. Not even my Café. I try to ignore my problems back in India for some time.

“Let’s just nullify it. We both know we didn’t want to get married, not to each other at least. So, this is the only best way to get rid of it” I suggest.

“You think I didn’t get that option in my head?”

We can’t nullify the marriage? I gasp.

“This is no longer just between us. My family knows and also my social circle. Nullifying this marriage at this point will only prove my incompetency in decision making and right now I cannot put that at risk”

“That’s your problem Advay. I am not going to carry this baggage even for a minute more. This is insane. If we have done this mistake, we will come out of it clean and make sure nothing like this happens again. Sorry, I don’t support you”

The Plane starts taxing down the runway.

“Buckle your seats” he insists calmly.

I watch him with hooded eyes unsure why should I follow his orders?

“I am not kidnapping you. We are flying back to Mumbai and before we land, we will fix this thing between us”

Fix? Is it that easy? How can we fix an accidental marriage midair? I buckle up, my pulse thrums quickly as the flight takes off. Once the plane levels in the sky and the captain makes a brief announcement freeing us to move, I am back on my feet and start pacing. This is what I do every time I am confused and trying to sort things. He watches me amused but I don’t care.

“You are just burning your calories” he pokes.

I don’t let his comment affect me. I have more meaningful questions to ask.

“Why didn’t you tell me who you were, last night?”

He stares at me bewildered.

“What difference would that make?”

“A huge difference Advay. I would never let a big shot like you pay for my drink or even mingle with me. I have enough troubles in my life already and.”

“Troubles” he frowned. “Did you just call me a trouble?”

I am intimidated by his tone.

“Yes, I did. If you hadn’t asked me to pretend being your girlfriend, we both could have easily got back to our respective lives without this fiasco”

“We both know where that pretending has led us to but if you keep nagging about it, we will never reach a conclusion. So instead of telling me what we could have done to avoid this marriage, let’s think what we could do to fix it”

He is right. We need solutions.

“You talked about some problems last night. Some bankers and financers or something. I remember” he continues.

I freeze. I told him all that? How much of it?

“What do you do for a living Jiya?”

I am not telling him. He doesn’t need to know my private life. I cross my arms giving him a cold stare.

“Look, I am trying to figure this out how we can help each other and come out of this marriage without much harm. So please talk”

I give up. Maybe he really wants to help.

“I run a Cafeteria”

“Your own Café?”

“My grandfather started it during his times then my father continued and now, it’s on me”

“Family business”

“It’s not very huge but it’s my life” I swallow the lump of tears formed in my throat.

“I can relate” he nods. “I myself started the Media channel with just an idea and a passion to do something big. It’s my life too”

Same pinch. The pain in his voice is genuine but I still decide to google about him once we land to know how true that is. Making a mental note of it, I get back to my seat.

“Okay, listen Advay. Let me put this straight. I am already walking on a thin rope to run my Café and save it from shutting down. I have a lot to deal with to make it work. I don’t think I can handle this accidental marriage disaster right now. We have to nullify it and that too at the earliest”

He takes a sip of his Soft drink, staring at me like I am speaking alien.

“I told you I can’t end it just like that. The matter has stretched too far. My family knows and I am sure your staff at the Café and your relatives might be aware of it too by now. Your picture is clear enough for anyone to recognize you even if your name is still undisclosed in that article”

“I don’t care. I will handle them all. And you sort your people. It’s done”

His mockery laugh stuns me.

“My life has already become a scandal after this news and I don’t want to make it a series of scandal by proving people it was accidental”

I feel a punch in my gut. What is he thinking?

“We will play this along Jiya, for some time”

My mouth hangs open. Is he serious?

“Until I fix my problems and you sort yours”

I just stare at him in shock. The idea of being married is already screwing my mind but taking Advay Raj Bohra, the CEO of Prime media Channel as my husband.. it is daunting.

“Play along?” I snap. “What do you think it is? Some stupid game which we can play until we like and then shut it off? Sorry Advay, I am not doing this. I have no reasons to accept your decision”

“Then let me give you one” he offers politely. “You need finance to keep your Café running. I am ready to Sponsor”

My head jerks back in shock.

“No more pleasing the bankers and financers. You have me to take care of it as long as you act like my wife. It’s just an act, a pretense for the people. I am sure we both can handle it well considering we already have pulled it off so great last night”

Silence falls between us for long.

“This is insane. To hide one mistake, I am not going to do a few more?”

“Losing the only opportunity, you have to save your Café is what I call a mistake” he debates.

His remark just pinches my sensitive nerve. The Café!! I have to think about it. It’s my life. It has been so for my father and grandfather too. Last three years I have juggled to manage it after Dad’s demise and whom am I fooling? I couldn’t handle it the way they did. Continuous losses in the business has made me knock the doors of every bank and private financers. Most of them didn’t show interest and the ones who did, changed their minds seeing no much hopes in the future of my Café. I have bared my soul to make it stand so far. I have an existing loan already on my head and even if I manage to shut the Café, I cannot repay it full. I need finance and this man here, whom I met less than 24 hours ago is ready to help me. But I don’t like his condition. He wants us to pretend something I am not comfortable with. I am 25, yet I never had time for serious relationships. I was always a back bencher at school and college, hiding myself in books and books only. I wanted to take my Café house to the next level, this was my father’s dream and I wanted to fulfil it. That was one of the reasons why I never invested time in anything else apart from studies. But even after getting an MBA degree, I didn’t have enough resources to stable my Café house. I desperately need some help to save my family’s business, to save the only dream my grandfather gave my father and my father passed on to me. My Café House