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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 41



Chapter 41

When Khushi woke up the next morning, Arnav was not on bed but she could hear his soft voice from outside their room. He probably was on call. She checked the watch, it was hardly 06:00 am which meant in India, it was still night. Who would he talk to this late? Could it be Aarav? She got down the bed and walked out. Arnav was pacing in the lobby, shirtless and mad!! She had seen Arnav Shirtless before in Shantivan but the view today gave her goosebumps. His chest was hard and defined and his muscles showed how much he loved working out in the gym though she hadn’t seen him workout much during her stay in Shantivan so far. Her husband was insanely sexy man and his face and body just enhanced her temptation.

“Good work, Aman. Just find that *******”

Khushi’s attention diverted from his body to his eyes as she focused on his conversation. Arnav saw her out and with quick steps tried to reach her, winding up the call. Khushi waited for him to finish and when he disconnected the phone call, she stared at him not so happy about it.

“What’s got your attention at this hour of the morning?” 
“Let’s get some more sleep” he dismissed her queries.

Khushi was about to protest but he swayed her off her feet and strode back in the room. He placed her on bed and then cuddled her. Khushi could feel something wrong in his behavior.

“Business Issue?” she palmed his cheek.

“Sshh. Let’s sleep”

He kissed her forehead and snuggled her close to his body. Khushi stroked his bare chest and placed a warm kiss there.

“Where is your Shirt Arnav?”

She raised her chin to look at his face but Arnav had shut his eyes. She recalled he was wearing it last night when he joined her on the bed.

“Fine” she exhaled. “Tell me when you are ready but remember one thing.. this silence of yours is not going to help me rest either until you share what’s going on”

Arnav opened his eyes and met hers.

“Stop being difficult”

“I am being difficult?” she snapped.

When he still didn’t give her a reply, she pulled away from him and turned around. If he wants to keep a secret, so be it. She shut her eyes to sleep but the next instant Arnav pulled her back to him. He nibbled her earlobe before sharing what was bothering him the most. All these years in her absence, he had shut himself up from expressing his pain to people but not anymore. He had won his wife again and there was no hiding.

“I saw a bad dream last night”

Khushi swallowed but the moment his arm slid around her waist, she held it close to her heart. She didn’t turn around yet to see him in the fear he might not reveal things if she does.

“It was more of the same incident repeating in the form of a dream…” he forced a breath. “That motorbike hitting you and… this time I lose you”

His changing voice and the wetness on her ear forced Khushi to turn around and face him. It was still dark in the room but she could feel his eyes shining with tears. Now she realized why he was shirtless. The dream left him sweating despite of the chilling weather. The sight of Arnav Singh Raizada in tears broke her heart.

“That was just a dream Arnav and its never happening again. I will be careful not to put my life in danger. Trust me” she cupped his face. “We have a long way to go and cover up all the gaps we left in our relationship so far. I wont leave you.. or this world until that happens. We are going to grow old together, see Aarav turn into a fine man like you. We will see him live a happy life with his partner. We will raise his children and even then.. I will not be ready to leave this world Arnav. I might sound greedy but that’s what your love and presence in my life has made me”

Her sweet assurance eased off his pain. He kissed her hair as she rested her head on his chest. They were quiet for some minutes.

“I want to take our marriage vows again..” she murmured.

Arnav was baffled. He had wanted the same and even expressed it to her once. But since she wanted to take things slow, he didn’t press his desires. Hearing her want the same now, filled his heart with joy.

“But I don’t want to have another wedding..” she continued, this time, meeting his eyes. “We are already married. All I want is to refresh those vows with no one around.. except us.. I don’t know how.. I just..”

He shut her mouth placing his finger on her lips.

“I exactly know how we can do this” There was a glint of relief in his eyes and she had full faith Arnav would make that moment come soon.

“We will take our vows here.. in Auckland” he added. “Give me three days and it will all be arranged Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada”

Her mind stuttered to a halt again. In 3 days?

“Let’s keep it really simple and quiet” she purred. “I don’t want anyone from the family to know this otherwise they would want to be a part of it and that will defy the whole purpose of our Private vows. I don’t want to do this for anyone else.. but us.. Just us Arnav”

She sounded very romantic at that moment and the sole reason for Arnav’s hormones to start kicking again. It terrified him of losing control over himself. Was taking things slow between them, still a restriction? 

“No family…” he nodded in agreement. “But we will take these vows before the one who is one of the reason of our togetherness again..”

Khushi was confused when he said that but when she saw a smirk on his face, she knew exactly what he meant.

“Can he come here?”

“I will make sure Aarav comes here. We both know he wants to”

Khushi couldn’t control her excitement. Taking the marriage vows again before their son, would mean special and she promised to assist Arnav with anything to make that happen. The next one hour, though on bed, they both planned out the new beginnings of their coming life, promising to fill it with love, hope and happiness.


Few Hours Later

“You still didn’t tell me why Aman called you early in the morning?” Khushi sipped the Orange Juice. They had decided to spend the day in the Villa and since they woke up late, they skipped the breakfast and enjoyed their Brunch together, instead.

“Mrs. Raizada” he sighed. “You never miss anything, do you?”

“That’s my new hobby” she winked. “To spy on my husband. Now come on, speak up. What were you both talking about? Was it anything to do with the dream you saw last night?”

Arnav nodded passively.

“That dream left me sweating in fear and I was desperate for an update on your recent accident. Aman is in touch with the Spies I have hired to find the details of the man on that motorbike.”

“Did we find him?”

“We are close”

Khushi shrugged.

“Maybe it was unintentional Arnav. This person, whoever he is, was in a hurry to reach somewhere and he broke the traffic signal. Otherwise I don’t see why would anyone want to hurt me”

“I would never take things lightly with respect to you or Aarav. I am not taking a chance here”

She knew that already. Arnav was going to dig that matter until he was thousand percent sure she and Aarav were safe. A phone call paused their conversation. Aman was on line and Arnav answered the call right there from the dining table. But Khushi got no clue what they talked. Arnav was in listening mode and the only words she heard him speaking were ‘hmmm’, ‘okay’, ‘that’s fine’.. She was annoyed trying to link this conversation and had no patience left at all, when it continued for longer than expected. She rose from her chair and the next instant, sat on her husband’s lap. Arnav was overwhelmed by her action but she didn’t care. She leaned her head to the phone speaker to hear what Aman was telling him.

“Aman, hold on” Arnav said putting the phone on Mute. “This is a private conversation Sweetheart”

“Don’t make me feel jealous of Aman Mathur now” Khushi frowned. “I want to hear what you are talking. I am not disturbing you. I am just trying to listen. So please continue”

Arnav rolled his eyes but he found her desperation cute and a mischievous idea played in his mind.

“Okay, give me a kiss, I will put the phone on speaker mode”

“Excuse me?” she snapped.

“You heard it right” He pushed his face forward so she could initiate the kiss but Khushi didn’t. She was well aware how to turn this situation into her favor without giving in to his demands.

“How about I don’t let you touch me at all today and tomorrow and until Aarav is here.. if you don’t let me hear your conversation with Aman?”

She got up from his lap, giving him a small proof that she really meant what she said. It was his chance to be shocked. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her back on his lap, turning on the phone speaker and unmuted the call.

“Continue, Aman. I am listening” he almost barked this time, without breaking his gaze from her.

Khushi held her laugh as he placed the phone on the table so they both could hear Aman, together.

“That’s all Boss. I will send you the details on the email. You can finalize the one and I will call them up and book”

“Perfect” Arnav smiled and disconnected the call.

“What details?” she asked.

Arnav gestured zipping his lips over that topic.

“This is unfair” she argued. “I didn’t get any clue what you both talked. You know the consequences of this?”

“I allowed you to hear our conversation, not my fault if Aman winded up”

Khushi gently hit his chest and got back on her feet.

“You are going to help me with the dishes today, that’s your punishment” she ordered.

“With pleasure”

Her jaw dropped when he agreed to even that instead of sharing what he and Aman were speaking about. Whatever it was, she decided to find out. She was running out of patience too fast. But while she was tempted to know what surprise Arnav was planning for her, she was also excited that Aarav was going to fly tomorrow for Auckland. Arnav had specifically called his Class teacher and requested them to allow his leave of absence for the next 10 days. That meant, after taking the marriage vows, she, Arnav and Aarav were going to stay here for a week more, enjoying their family time before heading back to India and she couldn’t wait for to create some lovely memories for the three.


Since Arnav was busy on back-to-back Business calls, Khushi dialed her father-in-law to check on Aarav’s preparation meanwhile. Ayush Singh Raizada was very happy that the couple organized Aarav’s trip with them in Auckland as the little boy was really missing his parents hard.

“I know” Khushi pouted. “We were missing him too. His class teacher was not ready to approve Aarav’s holidays but then Arnav managed to convince her”

“Ahh!!” Ayush laughed. “She had to be convinced. All of Aarav’s teachers have special soft corner for your husband, did he tell you that?”

The wife in her was alarmed knowing this secret.


“Hmm. You should see him when he attends the parents-teacher’s meet every quarter. They don’t miss a chance to give updates on Aarav’s progress, purposely taking more time with him”

Khushi was jealous that her husband was getting so much of attention but the woman inside her swelled with pride. She had the man for herself and no one could change that.

“Don’t believe him” Arnav suddenly joined them and sat next to Khushi. “Dad, you don’t want me to sleep well tonight? What are you sharing with her?”

“I just told her the truth” Ayush shrugged.

“That’s called exaggeration” Arnav muttered turning to his wife. “Don’t believe any of it. Aarav’s teachers are just being good to me because our son is brilliant. They all love him..”

“And you” Khushi spat.

Arnav eyed at her and then turned back to the phone screen.

“Not good, Dad. You just ruined my night”

“When will you use your convincing skills Son?” Ayush teased. “Use them all.. And please don’t waste time fighting with each other. Once Aarav reaches there, you might regret”

Khushi didn’t speak a word. She wasn’t angry or annoyed with her husband, she was just jealous and she had every right to feel so.

“Where’s Aarav?” Arnav asked.

“He has gone for some shopping with Anjali. He needs some warm woolen clothes before he flies. Don’t worry, I will personally drop him till the Jet tomorrow. Have you given the necessary instructions to Sheetal?”

“I have” Arnav nodded.

Sheetal? Now that picked Khushi’s interest again.

“Who is getting Aarav here?” she asked angrily turning to her husband again. Arnav bit his lip.

“Uh.. Dad, we will talk later” Arnav mentioned, hurrying to finish the call.

“Okay Son. Good night to you both and once Aarav is back home, I will dial you again”

Khushi waited till Ayush disconnected the video call while watching Arnav impatiently to know what was going on? She thought it was Aman who was getting Aarav to Auckland but seemed like she was mistaken. Sheetal was the one who was flying with their son. !! How the hell could Arnav approve this?

To be Continued


It is mostly said, we realize the value of a person only after we have lost them. But what if we get a chance to rekindle our relationship after crossing the barriers of life and death? Can you change your mindset about a relationship after touching the footsteps of death? What chances you have to fall in love with someone in your afterlife?

Romantic Fantasy of Alisha and Dhruv Mathur, a Psychologist.

Alisha thinks she fell in love with someone in her afterlife. Is that true? Who is that mystery man? Where does Dhruv Mathur relate to all this? Read this Short Story to find it out.

A soulful love story with a twisted happy ending.

Read on Amazon Kindle
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Excerpt 1

“Alisha, that’s your tea and your bread omelet” he wakes me up. It’s 09:00 am and I am still on the bed sleeping. It’s been 5 months for our marriage and even though I have never treated him well, he has always done the best from his side to try to keep me happy. I don’t know how long will it take for him to realize I don’t want him in my life.

Excerpt 2

“Wow. I am glad that the Creator chose you for me” I admit shamelessly.

He glances at me and then ignores my words. As if he knows I am flirting. Am I flirting? That too with the Soul Transporter? It’s insane, isn’t it? But I like his company, his way of making me understand where I stand, what I lost and what my future will be. I will be sent to Hell for sure. Committing suicide is a crime in the Creator’s eyes. I have misused the life he gave me. I have taken away my life, against his will. I am not going to Heaven for sure.

“I can recommend Heaven if you want” he reads my trail of thoughts again.

“No thank you. I hate recommendations” I giggle. “But seriously, can you do that?

“I can try”

“Why? Why are you going against all your norms for me?"

I desperately want him to reply. Will he?

Also Read: Other Excerpts on Soul Laced


  1. Okay
    I feel something going to happen again.

  2. Awesome Update. Thanks for Updating at this hour. Sheetal is accompanying Aarav. Really how could Arnav do this. Arnav's shirtless moment was really hot . Got goosebumps . Arnav missed Khushi very much in all these years. That motorbike incident still haunts him. He is afraid to loose her again. Arnav got emotional. Khushi assured him that they have a long way to go with Aarav. The reason behind Arnav's shirtless moment was emotional. As long as Arnav is with Khushi nothing bad will happen to her. Khushi's idea of remarriage is wonderful. Previously when Arshi got married there was no maturity in Khushi. So happy that they are going to take vows in Auckland. Arnav only need 3 days to prepare for the event. Khushi is right in keeping it a private affair. Nothing can be more beautiful that Arshi are going to remarry and take vows in front of Aarav their symbol of love and togetherness.Aarav is lucky to witness his parents remarriage. Khushi and Arnav already planned about their future. Hope Aman soon find out about the motorbike guy. Maybe that guy is Manjith. Aman is taking the matter quite seriously. Arnav is so romantic it seems he had already started planning about remarriage.Aarav is also coming. Khushi got jealous hearing about Aarav's teacher's interest in Arnav.Ayush also teased. Khushi is going to take Arnav's class now. Hope Sheetal don't create problem between Arshi.

  3. khushi is so mad at arnav right now like how could he do that. He knows that khushi doesn't like Sheetal, he should respect his wife man like so rude

  4. Awesome update. Loved the way they both are bonding with each other.

  5. Not a good idea sheetal wi th Arnav hope nothing bad happened between them again

  6. Arnav your night really going to be difficult if sheetal got arav to akuland .I feel like arnav dream is reality which is going to happen soon.

  7. Arnav so much love with khushi, the thought losing khushi made him restless and panic...
    Please no sheetal, why am i feeling sheetal and manjith join hand and arnav dream going to come true.
    Just send sheetal in same jet once aarav came. Arnav,Don't bring her home and spoil the surprise wedding.

  8. Beautiful update.... should wait for next

  9. Arnav is really inviting trouble.. Sheetal and teachers.. Khushi will blast... Let's see...

  10. Khushi is definitely gona jump on Arnav for this Sheetal bringing Aarav to Auckland...let's see how he handles her. As is she is a feisty wife.

  11. The next part is gonna be really awesome...full of jeoulosy and cute fight🤩🤩Khushi has jumped into wife's shoes😉😉😉really an awesome part and waiting for aarav to join soon... waiting for next part desperately 😁😁😁thanks for the update madhu darling 😘😘
    Ashima Dhillon ❣️

  12. Arnav's terrifying dream & Sheetal coming to Auckland, are both these happenings hinting towards any tragedy?? Hope not!!

    Arshi planning to refresh their wedding vows in front of their son Arav would complete their reunion... Just hope Sheetal won't b a hurdle in that... Why do I feel that the biker who tried to kill Khushi was plotted by Sheetal only... Also, Arav falling from the giant-wheel was also her doing as she didn't want the baggage of a child when she would marry Arnav as per her plans, then... Hope everything gets clear soon...

    Loved the update, especially Arshi's romantic moments ❤️... Thank u Madhu...

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  13. It feels like something bad gonna happen. But waiting to see their family fun too. Awesome sis! Thank you 😊

  14. Awesome, Arnav knows that Khushi does not like Sheetal but if Sheetal is bringing Arav than it must be a reason

  15. Nice update..did.arnav got the hold of who is behind the accident? He tried to hide but she is khushi like the way both discuss the way they want to take vow again..

    Haha jealous khushi..

    Now arnav is in trouble if sheetal is bringing arush here.

    Looking forward

  16. Awesome update.. excite for aarav to join them. Oh God not again sheetal!!!

  17. Hmmm 🤔 really sheetal!!! Why must she be the one😣
    Nice to see Arav coming to join their parents. Awesome 😎 update

  18. Will you update Lawful sins epilogue today?

  19. Madhu pls post lawful sins2 🙄🙄🙄

  20. Madhu pls rpy...we r tired visiting the pg again and again 😓😓😓😓
    When will u update Lawful sins2?????
    Ashima Dhillon ❣️

    1. I havent finished the draft for Lawful Sins Epilogue. So will post this tomorrow. But I am posting A precap for You Ought to be Mine in 15 mins

  21. Sheetal again....what the hell 😡. Awesome chapter dear
