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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 42



Chapter 42

After Ayush disconnected the call, Khushi glared at her husband who pretended to be calm and composed.

“Sheetal again? Seriously, Arnav?”

Arnav walked away from her and flopped on the couch.

“You know what Aman is busy at” he replied. “Dad cannot travel as he is looking after the Company in my absence. You obviously wouldn’t trust Di to bring Aarav here neither would I ask her this favor. What choice did I have?” 
“Choice?” she paced in the room. “You have a bunch of security personnel Arnav. Anyone could have got Aarav here, why Sheetal? You know I don’t like her and you also know why?”

Arnav was quiet for a long minute and then he gave her a flirtatious smile.

“Your jealousy is cute”

“Don’t try to divert me Arnav” she snapped. “I don’t trust that woman and you want her to bring Aarav here? You know she has been eyeing on you and even then, you are allowing her to intrude our private time at Auckland? I am not going to let her stay in my house and if you are planning to convince me for it, I suggest you can walk out too with your favorite employee”

That smirk never left Arnav’s lips.

“What?” she yelled again, finding no difference in his expressions.

“Come here” he leaned back on the couch, patting his arm over his thigh. Khushi’s jaw clenched at his indifference. Here she was bubbling in anger and he was romantically calling her to sit on his lap.

“Go to hell”

She was about to turn away and leave when he grasped her wrist and pulled her forcefully on his lap. Khushi struggled to set free and get off him but he had gripped her waist too tight to even move an inch away.

“You are both… my Hell and Heaven. So whichever path I take, it will always end to you”

Grimness thinned her lips.

“Let’s talk something else” his palm rubbed her feet, creating friction between their bodies and made her warm. Khushi grabbed his arm to stop that assault.

“We are not going to sort this argument with romance Arnav”

Arnav could see streaks of her old self back in Khushi. The way she fought, argued, showed her anger, it all resembled her old self. But in addition to that, he didn’t miss the love factor and possessiveness for him which was absent in her before.

“You sound like your old self” he grinned.

“How about I act like one too?”

She leaned her head on his neck and only when he thought she was kissing him, she bit him hard. His groan was the most erotic sound she had ever heard which made her stop. She got down his lap watching him frown at her actions.

“That serves you right”

Without another glance, she left the room. Arnav touched the spot where she bit him, assured it was going to leave a bad mark. Though the thought of it filled his body with a chaotic emotion, he decided to give her the explanation she needed. When he returned to their bedroom, Khushi was already on bed and pretending to be asleep. Arnav tried to pull the sheets from her body but she clutched them hard.

“Arnav stop it” she shouted.

“Talk to me” he urged.

“Talk?” she stared in his eyes again. “I was talking, you tried to mix it up with something else”

“You were not talking. That was an argument and I hate to argue with my wife”

His pouting face mellowed her anger but not for too long. Arnav pulled the sheets from her body and the next instant, he hovered on his wife, pinned her beneath his body.

“Arnav, don’t do this. I am not in a mood of romance..” she warned.

“Okay” he moved away and sat next to her on the bed. “I have purposely asked Sheetal to get Aarav here. I want her out of India”

Khushi sat on the bed, hearing him out.

“I don’t trust her either Khushi. I don’t trust anyone with respect to yours and Aarav’s safety. That’s why I am not letting her come alone with him. She is flying in my Jet, with my security and guards who know what they have to do. She will be watched full time and there wont be a single moment when Aarav will be alone with her”

“I don’t understand” Khushi exhaled. “You don’t trust her with Aarav and still you want her to accompany him. Why?”

Arnav rubbed his face with his palms. He was too stressed to talk about it but he had to.

“You recall that accident of Aarav? The one where he fell down from a merry-go-round wheel?”

Khushi remembered.


“I think she purposely pushed Aarav from that wheel.”


Khushi jerked behind.

“It’s just my theory. Sheetal has always shown me signs in your absence that she wants to have a relationship with me.. She wanted to take your place in my life and its obvious she might not want an extra baggage which is Aarav”

Khushi choked.

“But she loves Aarav. You told me she cares for him and..”

“It could be fake. We cannot trust her. Aarav is too innocent to even judge that. Only because she gets him toys and chocolates doesn’t mean she loves him”

“My God” Khushi’s palm shut her mouth. She wanted to kill this woman if that was true.

“Yesterday when I called Aman, we discussed this and we have another theory that the motorbike guy whom we are tracing badly, was hired by Sheetal to hurt you… I am not saying her intention was to kill you. Maybe she just wanted to portray how careless mother you are… Aarav was with you during that accident and she knew I would immediately put a distance between us, thinking that accident could have hurt Aarav too. She played us Khushi.”

Tears burst in her eyes.

“Why have you called her here then? How will that help?”

“She doesn’t know we are suspicious on her. If she does, she might hide that man. Since we are so close in finding him, we wanted Sheetal out of the country so that she never gets to know any of it until we catch him and make him confess. Since I personally asked her help to escort Aarav to Auckland, she thinks I trust her. She will never doubt why I am doing that and we can easily trace that man in her absence”

Khushi was finally impressed by her husband’s decisions.

“And no, she won’t be staying with us in this Villa. I have asked Aman to book a Hotel for her and she will always be under the scrutiny of my guards. I can never let anyone intrude my private time with my family”

Khushi felt every cell in her body straining for her husband’s touch. He was genuinely right and sorting the mess whilst she could only pounce and questions his decisions.

“That’s all” he gasped. “I hope I have cleared all your doubts. And since you don’t want me to romance, I accept your decision and we are only going to sleep now”

Now he was playing hard to win. Khushi clenched her jaw seeing him turning the lights off and making way to his side of the bed.

Her mouth thinned. “What if I change my mind?”

She could read his eyes even in dark. He wanted her to say this.. to ask… plead too maybe.

“You gave me a hickey and it hurt” he murmured.

“As if you would never give me one”

What the !!

“You are still arguing?”

She moved closer to him and the next instant, she was on his lap, almost straddling Arnav. She shoved her hand in his glorious hair, clenching it tight.

“I am sorry”

Arnav swallowed hard. Whenever she initiated romance, it was out of the world.

“I should have trusted you Arnav. But you are right, my jealousy took over and..”

She licked her dry lips and even if that wasn’t meant to seduce him, it did. If she didn’t stop this assault, he might cross the thin line which still kept him at bay from claiming her again… forever this time. But it was hard not to give in to those desires because he felt Khushi need the same.

“You should get back on bed” he warned. “This wont end well Khushi”

Khushi knew why he said that and on what context. She palmed his face, leisurely.

“How do you think it will end then?”

Arnav gulped. She was making a mistake if she still wants them to go slow. At this pace, he might consume all of her in the next few minutes.

“I want to know” she kissed the outer shell of his ear. “How will this end if I don’t get off you now?”

“Not funny, sweetheart” His voice thickened with desire. “You want us to take this slow”

“You mean walk before we run?”

Her fingers grazed the skin of his chest. She was on a roll tonight. He grabbed her wrist, stopping her fingers from moving lower than he could take it.

“What’s gone into you tonight?” he asked hoarsely. “I don’t want to do anything which will make you repent tomorrow morning”

She hit him softly over his chest. Anger pulsing through her body again.

“I will never repent a single moment I spend with you”

A slow heat of delight spread through his body.

“Make me yours again Arnav” She gazed in his dark eyes. She was staring into the face of a man who had passed the limits of his control.

Arnav yanked her back to bed, pinning her and capturing her into his web of love making. There wasn’t going back from here. They had finally taken this step again to complete each other in every possible way. Their lives were hollow in each other’s absence and now it was time to fill that void with love, trust and togetherness.

Khushi hadn’t thought their love making tonight would bring back the flashes of her past.. when they consummated their marriage once.. She could see it all.. feel it all.. happening to her again.. Every time he kissed her, the flashes recircled in her mind.. and it didn’t end there. She saw more.. Their love making, her fear of pregnancy, their arguments, fights, her contract to deliver the baby and walk out, Arnav’s caring attitude in those nine months of her pregnancy, she remembered everything.. right at this moment when Arnav was making love to her again. How dreadful.

Khushi pushed Arnav away clutching the sheets to her body.

“Khushi?” Arnav was hurt. Did she just.. avoid him? He didn’t touch her again. “Tum theek ho?”

She was silent for a long moment.

“Khushi, you are scaring me now. What’s wrong?”

The darkness in the room haunted her. She wanted to run away from this place.. from him.. from these flashes which were still playing in her mind.

“Khushi, talk to me dammit” he groaned pulling her back to him.

Arnav was shocked seeing tears in her eyes.

“My memories..” Her voice stuttered meeting his gaze.. “are back”

Arnav froze. Back? What the hell was that supposed to mean? It was at that point where he didn’t realize what to do? Should he embrace her, be happy or be worried that she is going to put a distance between them again? It was hard to find clues to her next actions. Khushi draped the Sheets on her and walked away, leaving an utterly confused Arnav on the bed.

To be Continued.


Note: Short part and I Stopped at a very very very crucial point, I know but … had to. I promise to post the next part tomorrow early. And don’t worry, no Arshi separation again.. They have had it enough..

Also, someone asked me which pair of Arshi from my ongoing fictions, is my favorite. It’s hard to choose. When I draft Yaadein, I think I am in love with this pair of Arshi .. so matured and full of love these days.. but when I draft You Ought to be Mine 3, I am into a different world altogether, especially when I write Arnav’s monologues. His desires from Khushi and the leading obsession towards her, sends butterflies in my stomach. I love them too much.. I love all Arshi pairs.. in each and every story.. not just mine.. even the other fan fictions that I have read so far, I have loved each one of them. Uff!!!


Standalone Romance Novel of Accidental Marriage Series Book 1 

Billionaire Viren Dewan’s sister was getting married in one month and Event Manager Tarini Kaur bagged that project to plan her wedding. She struggled organizing the wedding as Viren Dewan’s classy extravagant attitude kept hurdling her work. Least did she know they had a history together, a knot which his family easily forgot and hers denied to accept. What would happen when that past resurfaced?

A roller coaster ride of a forgotten accidental marriage, claiming its identity between Innocence versus Power.


BUY  PDF (Indian Readers ) by Netbanking/eWallet 


International Readers/Indian Readers can BUY PDF by CARD HERE


SNEAK PEEK Of Marriage Jitters. Read HERE

READ Excerpt 1 HERE

READ Excerpt 2 HERE

READ Excerpt 3 HERE 


In few minutes I am back to the Open lake-facing lawn of the resort where the Mehndi ceremony is still going on. I am thirsty. I stop a waiter to pick a glass of water but suddenly someone else grabs it before me. It’s Viren Dewan again. He gestures the waiter to leave and offers me the glass. 

“It’s okay” I reply. “I will find another one” 

“I took this for you” 

The heated look and the tone of his voice sends shivers in my body. It’s hard to ignore my bodily reactions whenever he is around me. Something I need to find why. 


“You can’t pick the glass on your own. Your Mehndi will spoil” 

I hadn’t realized it yet. He is right. Glad he didn’t let the artists effort go in vain but his unnecessary help confuses me. 

“Let me hold the glass for you” he came closer and I took a step back. 

“No thanks” I swallow the uneasiness rising in my body. “I will ask Shuby to do that” 

I cannot let him help me drink water. He is my Client. Bonding with Client is one thing and letting him get so close is another. 

“Shuby is busy and so is the rest of your team. Stop fussing and drink” 

He doesn’t let me argue. My lips touch the brim of the glass and I gulp the water slowly, trying to read the compassion for me in his eyes. I don’t want people to see us and gossip. I quickly gulp some water. 

“Thanks” I try to leave but he stops me again. 

“Did you read my note?” 

I didn’t expect him to ask but I nod. 




I fall short of words. 

“And?” he meets my eyes. I am not sure what he wants me to say? 

“And what Mr. Dewan?” 

“Viren” he takes another step closer to me. I feel caged. 


“Call me Viren” he urges. I eye him like he said something out of the world.


  1. God, that's a very cricual points. May be khushi guilty with pasts behaviour of her.
    Hope Arnav's plan won't back fire. I'm almost sure for arshi reunit second time unexpectedly khushi gained past memory.
    Waiting for next update dear.

  2. Madhu when you are updating next story?

    1. I was going to give banner and brief description on Sunday but I couldnt. I will give it this week. By Friday

    2. Ok madhu . Will be waiting to read about new story

  3. Madhu please give hint about next new story

  4. Awesome Update. Oh no Khushi got her memories back and left him. Probably Khushi is guilty her past deeds. Now that Khushi remembers everything hope there won't be further problems. Never expected Khushi will get her memory back this way. The update started with Khushi getting angry and ended with Khushi regaining her memories. Khushi has her reasons to be angry on Arnav regarding Sheetal. Arnav knows Sheetal motives and in the past she tried hurting Khushi and she is also responsible for Aarav's accident. Waiting to know how Arshi's life is going to take a new turn. Arnav and Khushi deserves to be happy. Thanks for the Update😍😘

  5. Unexpected twist. Khushi got her memories back. Eager to know how Arshi relationship will turn out now. Khushi has her own reasons to be angry on Arnav for choosing Sheetal but didn't knew Arnav was suspicious about her activities. Sheetal was always interested in Arnav but probably didn't wanted Aarav so tried to get rid of him. Arnav is so romantic but Khushi didn't gave up easily. Loved the possessive Khushi. Khushi looks cute when she is angry . Arnav was already aware of Sheetal's motive but didn't had some solid proof so he wants to caught her red handed. Sheetal is responsible for Aarav's accident. Her love for Aarav is so fake. She even tried to hurt Khushi and plant that man to hurt Khushi. Hope Sheetal falls in Arnav's trap. Loved the romantic moments between Arshi. Khushi openly admitted her jealous and got romantic. Khushi getting her past memories back is good. Now maybe she is guilty and regretting for her past behaviour so left Arnav suddenly. Please post the next part tomorrow. Eager to know Arshi's conversation and how Khushi is going to react from now. Hopefully Arnav and Khushi sort out everything Sheetal is also coming. Can't wait for the next part.

  6. Finally she remember everything...but didnt expect she'll get it like this when they were in another world of romance...Obviously Arnav will get scared seeing her reaction now...Waiting for Next Part...

  7. Madhu where u stopped Yar🙄🙄don't make Khushi repent...want to read their nok jhok and lovey dovey conversation...pls post the next part tonight...don't wait make us wait more we have already waited for this confession...
    Ashima Dhillon ❣️

  8. unexpected twist
    didn't expect at this time she would get memories
    waiting for the next

  9. Unexpected twist...waiting to know what next. Feeling sorry for Arnav.

  10. Awesome, the cliffhanger at last made me anxious about next update.

  11. I guess khushi is repenting for everything she had done in the past and having a hard time to face arnav. So she wanted hide herself. She is guilty for everything. They should sort out their romance before Arav comes. He needs the attention after he comes. So their romance has to be complete 😁 Nice update sis! Thank you!!

  12. So my guess in the previous update comment was right Madhu, that Sheetal deliberately caused Arav's accident from the giant wheel & Khushi's on the road... Arnav's logical explanation behind him calling Sheetal to Auckland with Arav is mindblowing... Sheetal won't even get an iota of doubt of Arnav's real intensions behind doing so as she would b reveling in her assumption that Arnav trusts her so much...

    Khushi got her complete memory back at their best moment turning it into a terror for Arnav of losing his love, his wife again & for herself it's gonna b a roller coaster of high emotions where she would feel upset, disappointed, guilty, repenting, apologetic for her past behaviour with Arnav but above all she would b very angry at herself for even thinking to abort her pregnancy, her Arav who has become her life now...But I'm sure, Arnav would b her pillar of support when she would pour her emotions in the next update which I feel is gonna b very emotional, but expect them to complete their incomplete love making as well 😍

    Thanks for such an awesome update, Madhu ❤️

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  13. God at this crucial point she remembered everything... Waiting for more...

  14. Hope Khushi not feel guilty or may be she will remember something useful.

  15. Superb update...
    Loved the way khushi's jealousy took over and like the way arnav finally told her all why sheetal is coming here..

    Finally they are one but eagerly waiting for khushi's response now as her memory is back

  16. Awesome update. Finally her memories are back.

  17. what a clifhanger it is...I thought that khushi memory will return but in slow p6ovess not like a tsunami...

  18. Khushi got her memory back hope they will talk and get everything behind them. Next update pls

  19. Madhu please update yaadein next chapter

  20. Madhu pls leave a note or something...don't do this to us...I'm visiting ur pg after every hour😓😓u told us that u will update early but now it's afternoon😥😥
    Ashima Dhillon ❣️

  21. Wow her memories are back. That’s awesome. They can finally move to n as a couple. I just love all your Arshi stories

  22. Wonderful update 😍 👌 arnav explaination for bringing sheetal her to Auckland was amazing he is soo smart and brilliant idea know they will get to know to that did she did the accident with aarav and khushi ?? And now she will trust him to in this way .... What The Hell Yar wen they r Finally doing lovemaking that to ime only she have to get her memories back on this crucial time ohh noo 😳😱🤦 Arnav is scaried to love her love again wen he has got her love back after soo long wait and agive she will distance him from her the fear of losing her is big for him 😳😰😩 and khushi don't know what her feelings will be i think mixed emotions of everything 🥺🥺
