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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Yaadein - Part 43



Chapter 43

Arnav stood below the Cold shower which he badly needed after what just happened. He made love to his wife but who knew that would trigger her past memories? They just spent the most beautiful two hours of their love making only to screw it up at the end? Not fair. Yes, he wanted Khushi to regain her memories but not like this, not when they had just taken a step ahead. He rubbed his face to get a grip on himself. From past 20 minutes, he had locked himself inside the Shower, it was high time he faces his wife and her demons now. When he came out wrapping a Towel around his lower body, he realized the sheets which Khushi had took along were back on bed. She had come in the room in his absence and now it was again empty. He couldn’t even imagine what she must be going through at this hour. Without bothering to dress up, he walked out and saw her standing before the glass wall, looking outside. A Black satin robe covered her delicate body which he had just devoured hungrily some time back. Ignoring those flashes of their love making, Arnav made his way to her and stood beside his wife. She knew he was here, but chose to keep looking outside. 

“Want to talk about it?”

His voice was filled with concern and he wanted to touch her again, embrace her, soothe her worries and fight her demons, only if she lets him in. Only if!! When she didn’t speak a word, he turned her around. Tears soaked her eyes and soon fell down her cheeks.

“You don’t want to talk about it now, fine. I will not insist you do. But tell me just one thing. Do you repent the last few hours we spent together?”

Khushi’s teary eyes met his and the next instant, she cocooned herself in his arms, crying her heart out. She had no balance on her own body. Arnav pulled her up and took her to the nearby couch. He settled there with his wife on lap.

“Sshh.. Stop crying” He moved away her hair which disturbed her face as she cried. “Khushi, talk to me. It’s the best way to let your heart speak what it is going through”

“I was so bad” she muttered. “I did so bad Arnav..I .. God.!!! I don’t deserve you or Aarav..”

Arnav knew she was guilty for their past but she was alone not to be blamed.

“You are seeing this only from your angle now. I told you before, none of us were fully right. I made mistakes too in handling our relationship”

“Not as intense as mine. I was on that abortion bed Arnav.. to abort my baby. How worse is that?”

“Nothing that you didn’t know already. I had told you this. We talked on it Khushi”

“But I saw it myself now and it hurts. How will I ever.. face Aarav again”

She sobbed again, leaning her head in the crook of his neck. Arnav stroked her back, easing away her pain. They sat in that position for few minutes until her sobs subsided.

“Look at me” he cupped her face and forced her to meet his gaze. “I know its hard for you to go through each of those memories, judge them from a new angle and feel sorry for what happened. But if you ask me, its totally unnecessary. We have gone through all these situations before and we have dumped them away from our lives. Think it like a bad dream and ignore it. That’s the only way we can give each other and Aarav a good future. And did you forget? You have already apologized to Aarav and he has forgiven you. What’s the point lamenting over it again?”

Khushi watched him with hooded eyes.

“Not that easy to forget Arnav”

“I know” He kissed her lips, his thumbs stroking her cheeks. “I will help you come out of this.. We will together come out of this. I promise”

Khushi was blank for few seconds as if processing his words and then she nodded.

“Make me forget then”

Arnav was clueless of her demand.

“Make love to me infinite times Arnav and make me forget this past again.. Please”

Arnav swallowed.

“That’s… not a very good idea right now”

“You promised” she blurted.

“I have and I will. But not tonight again Khushi. Our love making has triggered those memories”

“And our love making will make me forget them all” she interrupted. “Make love to me”

Arnav rubbed his jaw, unable to decide and the next instant when he met her eyes again, he had taken his decision. He scooped her in arms and carried her back to the room to fulfil her wishes.


Arnav rubbed the back of his neck as he woke up by the sunlight in his room. His back ached bad which he didn’t mind for now. Last night was a tornedo of emotions for him and Khushi, both. Their first love making brought back her memories but the series of next ones made her forget all their problems, guilt and pain and gave her a new motive to look ahead at their future. Khushi was still draped in his arms and he didn’t want to disturb her sleep. She hardly slept for two hours so far and so did he. But he had to get up and make a few calls, check on Aarav’s travel arrangements and none of this could be ignored for now. He wanted his son safe here and soon. Though it was late morning here in Auckland and midnight in India, he decided to speak to Aman on the arrangements and also check if there was any update on that motorbike man. He couldn’t wait for all these clues to connect so that he puts an end to their problems and give a fresh start to their lives again.

Khushi stirred in her sleep as he tried to get away from her. She opened her eyes and when she saw him, her cheeks grew red recalling last night.

“Where do you think you are going?” she asked lazily, grabbing his arm.

“Nowhere” he murmured placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Go to sleep. I will make a few calls and..”

“No” she snuggled his arm to her chest.

“Just for few minutes Khushi”

“No” she pulled him closer and this time, he couldn’t leave his wife. He slept next to her and pulled Khushi in his embrace. The very next moment, she curled her feet around his and nestled her head on his chest.

“You sound like your old self and new… both” Arnav muttered.

“Which one do you like?” she raised her head and met his eyes.

“Both..” he kissed her hair. “Because they are both… you.. part of you”

His sensible words churned feelings and desires again in her body and she took over. An hour more of love making and he finally was allowed to make the necessary calls. Khushi decided to shower meanwhile and then headed to the kitchen. She was famished and had no energy to make even the breakfast. It wasn’t time for breakfast either so she decided to order some hot meals for both. She placed the online order and put her phone away when he scooped her in his arms again.

“Good decision” He pecked her cheek. “What’s the plan until the food delivers?”

“Getting Aarav’s room ready”

Arnav hadnt thought about it.

“Yes. That skipped my mind”

“If he insists, we sleep together, obviously we would but if he wants to take another room which is more of a probability, we should be ready for it. I cannot wait to see him in this house”

Arnav nodded.

“Lets set his room then”

The next two hours they ate Lunch and prepared a room for Aarav. It was right next to them.

“Do you think he can hear us from here?” Arnav teased, setting up the sheets on bed. She raised a pillow and threw it on him.

“I am not a screamer”

“You are and don’t ask me how I know that”

Khushi threw another one which Arnav caught on time.

“We have to be sober. He is hardly 7 and doesn’t need to know what we do”

“I can’t keep my hands off you though” Arnav circled the bed and reached his wife who was setting up some toys she had purchased for Aarav after she came here in Auckland.

“You think I can?” she turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Lets take this as a task.. It will be fun”

“What task?”

“Secret love making.. when our son is not around..”

“Hell yes” he kissed her lips fervently and she gave in. They had just neatened this room and not wanting to spoil it by their assault on each other, Arnav carried her on his shoulder, back to their bedroom. Aarav was going to start his journey tonight and they had so less time left to satiate their desires.


Khushi paced in the room the next morning, waiting for the doorbell to ring. They had woken up a bit early than yesterday in the excitement of seeing Aarav here. Arnav’s jet had landed an hour ago at the private airstrip and Aarav was already on way home.

“Coffee” Arnav passed her the mug.

She sipped some coffee “Where’s yours?”

Arnav took the mug back from her and sipped from the same. “Here”

Why was he so sweet and adorable?? The last two nights their love making was on fire and now her body had started complaining. Her body needed rest but not her desires for him. She sipped some more and passed the mug to her husband again. The doorbell finally rang and Khushi ran to open the door. There he was.. the bundle of their joy.

“Mom” Aarav almost jumped on her and though she was exhausted, she didn’t stop carrying him in her arms and kissed his face all over.

“I missed you sho much…” she kept kissing his face until he got down and ran to Arnav.

“Hey Champ” Arnav took him on his lap and continued talking about his journey. Khushi finally turned to Sheetal who was almost admiring Arnav openly. Khushi then realized her husband was just in his Track pants. His shirt was on their bed somewhere. Knowing Sheetal’s eyes were grazing her husband’s skin, Khushi blocked her view. Sheetal instantly frowned but then cooled down.

“That’s his bags” she said passing Aarav’s bags.

“Thank you. You must be tired. The guards will take you to the Hotel”

Arnav joined them with Aarav.

“Hotel?” Sheetal sounded disheartened.

“That’s right Sheetal. You will be staying with the other guards in the hotel. It’s not very far from here.”

“But Arnav, I thought now that I am here, we can even catch up with the work which needs your attention. It will be a waste of time to keep travelling between hotel and this Villa”

“Work can wait” Khushi snapped. “We are here on a vacation and I am not letting Arnav work or even discuss work for few days. Right Darling?”

Arnav’s eyes lit at her reply.

“As you say, Sweetheart” he pulled her closer and kissed her head. “Whatever my wife says, goes”

Sheetal fumed and Khushi enjoyed her state. Arnav walked out to meet the guards and instruct them their next agenda. Khushi crossed her arms at front.

“You look tired Sheetal. Go to the hotel and rest and one more thing. Stop ogling at my husband. I don’t like repeating instructions so consider this as my last warning. He is taken!! He was mine.. and he is mine again now!! You or any other woman on this earth, doesn’t stand a chance to snatch him from me”

Sheetal clenched her jaw.

“You are overconfident Khushi. Once you regain all your memories, you might not want this life.. You might want to go back to your old self. Have you thought what will happen to Arnav and Aarav after that?”

“That won’t be necessary to think anymore” Khushi snapped. “Because I have regained my memories and I know exactly what I want”

Sheetal was shocked.

“I want my family back and I have them now. You and the rest of the world is going to witness our togetherness and if things go as planned, who knows we might even surprise you all with good news”

“Good news?” Sheetal swallowed.

“Oh.” Khushi blushed. “Me and Arnav are planning for a second child soon”

Blood drained from Sheetal’s face as she continued to hear.

“We have even started working on it, you know what it means, right?”

Arnav was back in the house.

“What are you both so busy discussing?” he asked standing next to his wife again. Aarav was busy checking the house behind them.

“Nothing. I was inviting Sheetal for an upcoming function in our family..”


“Nothing.. leave it” Khushi pouted and turned to Sheetal again. “Alright then. Thanks for getting Aarav to us and please enjoy your stay at the hotel for whatever time you are here. We wont be bothering you there and we hope the same from you”

Sheetal gave a warning glance to both and left the house. Arnav laughed at Khushi’s behavior and he was sure his wife has proved enough where their relationship stands now, to Sheetal.

“It feels good” Khushi muttered shutting the door after Sheetal left.

“Yea.. feels good” Arnav draped her arm around his wife as they both admired their son happily playing around in the house. This feels definitely HOME now!!

To be Continued.


Advay Raj Bohra

What a perfect night at a Bar – Meeting a stranger and then making her pretend to be my girlfriend for winning a bet. Least did I know by the next morning she was going to be my legally wedded wife. I never wanted a marriage and the complications that came with it but one look at my accidental wife, Jiya and my emotions spiraled out of control, my life changed drastically.

Jiya Mathur

My Café house was at the risk of shutting down having no support from the bankers and financers. The only light at the end of that dark tunnel was the CEO of the Media Channel, Advay Raj Bohra. I was drawn into his Universe as he offered me a proposition I couldn’t deny.

Advay and Jiya’s worlds collide as they step into a Marriage Bubble promising no messy emotional entanglements. Will they ever want a real relationship?



I realize there is a fluffy blanket on me. I don’t know if it was Erica who positioned it on me or Advay. The mere thought of Advay being so caring and generous takes me back to last night when I was hanging around with him in the Bar. 

“There is a lavatory at the back. You can use it” 

I have to and I am thankful he didn’t make me ask where it is. I push away the blanket, a shiver runs down my body as the cool air in the cabin touches my bare skin again. It’s a long flight and I cannot wait to get back in the warm and cozy bed of my apartment. Nothing feels home like home. I use the lavatory, brush my teeth with the new dental kit placed neatly for my use. I neaten my dress and comb my hair to look presentable. I wonder how Advay looks so fresh and clean even after a nap, like he said. Whereas I look no less than a zombie, deprived of sleep right now. 

When I come out, Erica has arranged a meal for us. My stomach growls. I have never seen so much food in-flight and have no complains. 

“Drink or Wine?” he asks. 

“None. Because that’s what got me here in the first place” 

My reply brings another smirk on his face. We eat quietly until he decides to break the silence. 

“What have you decided?” 

I slow down. 

“I don’t think this will work with me” 

I don’t want to give Advay any false hopes. 


“Because look at me..” I snap. 

“I am” he swallows his Wine, without breaking our gaze bringing goosebumps on my skin. It’s hard how a man’s gaze can do that to my body. I try not to go in that zone.



Standalone Romance Novel of Accidental Marriage Series Book 1 

Billionaire Viren Dewan’s sister was getting married in one month and Event Manager Tarini Kaur bagged that project to plan her wedding. She struggled organizing the wedding as Viren Dewan’s classy extravagant attitude kept hurdling her work. Least did she know they had a history together, a knot which his family easily forgot and hers denied to accept. What would happen when that past resurfaced?

A roller coaster ride of a forgotten accidental marriage, claiming its identity between Innocence versus Power.


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READ Excerpt 3 HERE


  1. mindblowing update😍....loved the convo between sheetal and khushi😂
    waiting for next update of yaadein

  2. Yaadein ,Badtameez and you ought to be mine s3 are my most favorite ffs .Will never get tired of reading it again and again .

    1. same here, even though i like all stories but khushi and arnav in these stories are out of world.

    2. Can't forget Rabba ishq naa hove season 2 with all these 3 ffs ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Now nothing between our arshi all past memories not needed anymore.
    Arshi desire,love, passion and caring for each other like newly wedded couple.
    Now family completed...🥰
    Why am i feeling sheetal has some connection with manjith....
    Hope every evil chapter closed soon and very eager for second junior Raizada 😁

  4. Arnav tackled a very emotional & repenting Khushi, brilliantly... Otherwise Khushi would have drowned herself in the agony of her past mistakes... Arnav's all the dialogues, when he explains Khushi about forgetting the past & embracing their present & future are so well written, Madhu... Their romantic scenes are as always very beautiful & titillating at the same time ❤️

    Good that Khushi bursted Sheetal's bubble of hope that Khushi would leave Arnav & Arav once her memory is completely back... But I'm sure Sheetal is a stubborn pig... Won't accept defeat so easily & would definitely try to play more nasty to separate Arshi... But even our Arshi r ready to give her back on her face...

    Excited to read Arshi & Arav spending quality time together & also excited to read how Arshi fulfill their task of SECRET LOVE MAKING with Arav's presence in the house... It would b more fun & exciting if Arav decides to sleep with them only in their room 😍

    Thanks for this wonderful update Madhu ❤️

    Kavita Wadnerkar ❤️

  5. Poor Sheetal. Sheetal thought she would stay with Arnav and even tried making excuses of work. But ultimately she had to stay at hotel. Arshi's open display of affection definitely burn Sheetal's heart. Khushi is too good at warning her. Sheetal came to know Khushi got her memories back. Poor Sheetal never imagined Khushi will get her memories back this soon. She thought Khushi will be back to her previous self but unfortunately nothing such happened. Arnav is extremely caring towards Khushi. Their emotional moments were awesome. Arnav is so understanding and supportive towards Khushi. Khushi is guilty for her past deeds and can't forget it. Khushi's plea to Arnav is really heartwarming only Arnav could have bought her out of her guilt. Arshi preparing Aarav's room is really cute. Arshi also planned of secret lovemaking. Aarav finally arrived. Feel like killing this Sheetal for admiring Arnav. Waiting to see what Arnav has planned and how Sheetal falls in trap. Thanks for the Update 😍😍

  6. Fabulous update madhu... khushi's emotional part was awesome and liked how maturely arnav handled his wife😊😊and Khushi did right by showing sheetal her right place😜😜😜😜😜she deserves it...and one thing if I'm not wrong is there choti Khushi or chota arnav on the way???😀😀😀
    And now we r gonna witness some FAMILY TIME🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩yipeeeee🥳🥳🥳happy me💃💃💃💃😄😄😄
    Waiting for next part eagerly...thanks for the back to back update madhu darling😘😘😘😘
    Ashima Dhillon ❣️

  7. mindblowing update
    now it feels home
    indeed, home

  8. Loved it... Sheetal can go to h(ell)otel... This togetherness is required so that they are ready for upcoming twists or turns...

  9. Suuupeeeerbb Update...Finally they are together...Waiting for Next Part...

  10. Loving family is back. Hope everything will come to its place and they start their life fresh 😇

  11. Beautiful! Closure is due I suppose with respect to accident now. That's about it. Everything else is perfect!


  12. They are together and Khushi warned Sheetal too. Lovely chapter.

  13. Oh that’s so awesome 😎 🤩 update. So finally Khushi regain her memories. It was lovely 😊 moments of Arnav and Khushi. I like 👍 the way Khushi give back to sheetal as Mrs ASR Hahahahaha

  14. Awesome Story. I hope they find out who is Motorbike culprit while Sheetal is here in New Zealand

  15. Fantastic update. Khushi has given fit reply to sheetal. They both look soo adorable

  16. Fantastic update..

    Totally loved the way arshi is taking steps towards their future

    Wow their passion is at🔥

    Wow loved KASR form of khushi infront of sheetal..

  17. Hello Madhu, when we will be able to read Stardom for free? This is the only fanfiction written by you which I didn't read yet :(

    1. Thank you😍😍😍I am waiting,😍

    2. You can buy and read though. We should support her writing by buying them as well. We are anyway reading Arshi stories here for free.

  18. Can we have the next ff on an arranged marriage... Like meeting, knowing, growing together types.... Definitely with some drama...

  19. Eagerly waiting for the marriage bubbles.

  20. Beautiful absolutely beautiful chapter. Thanks dear
