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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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Yaadein - Epilogue




Three months Later

“Mom, look. Aashi has fisted my finger” Aarav exclaimed to Khushi who was folding Aashi’s clothes.

Khushi chuckled at Aarav’s excitement which hadnt really changed ever since Aashi was born. He never missed playing with Aashi, taking out time from his busy schedule. He was fond of his little sister and a bit protective too.

“She loves you and she looks upon you for strength” Khushi replied.

“I love her too Mom. When will she grow up? I want to take her out to play and even help her learn to ride a bicycle. Can I teach her to paint? You think she will like to paint with me?”
Aarav had so many plans for his sister already which he kept discussing with his parents. Aashi swayed her feet in the air smiling and kicking as if she liked all of his plans.

“Seems like Aashi is interested” Arnav mentioned returning from his work calls.

It was just a month ago when Arnav had resumed going to work and take care of things, giving rest to his father but that still didn’t mean he was ignoring his family part. He was actively present whenever Khushi, Aarav or Aashi needed him. Khushi and Arnav’s eyes locked for a brief period as he sat next to Aarav and started playing with his kids.

Khushi admired her husband like she always had. After her delivery things had changed between them. A lot of her time went in nursing the baby and resting which was must in her case. Arnav had ensured she doesn’t take any stress and he was helping her look after both their kids without putting the entire load on her alone. This was all she needed from him at the moment but then this wasn’t enough. She was aware their physical intimacy quotient had come down to zero. After 8 weeks of Aashi’s birth when they had tried to make love again, it turned out to a big failure. Khushi was prepared mentally but the timing just didn’t click. Lack of sleep, postpartum stress and a bit of body weakness didn’t let her participate in the love making like before. But Arnav being the caring and loving husband never made her feel odd about it. He prioritized her comfort before his desires and since then hadnt really shown an urgency to repeat that night. Though he never complained and they did have their share of hugs and kisses all the day, she knew this wasn’t enough.

“Khushi?” Arnav’s voice broke her stance.


“What happened? You okay?”

“Yes, I was just.. nothing” she zipped her lips.

“Sure? I know you were lost in some thoughts. Want to talk?”

Khushi rolled her eyes letting out a short laugh.

“Stop reading me so well. I am good”

Arnav wasn’t convinced but since Aarav was also in their room, he didn’t extend this conversation. Dinner was quick and after playing some more with Aashi, Aarav headed back to his room with Arnav who put him to sleep. It wasn’t really necessary anymore as Aarav had grownup but Khushi and Arnav didn’t want him to feel left out only because they had another baby to take care of. So if Aashi was asleep, Khushi would put Aarav to sleep in his room otherwise Arnav did it.

When Arnav returned back in the bedroom, he saw Aashi sleeping peacefully in her Cot, just next to their bed but Khushi was at the poolside which was lit with colorful lights. He was surprised when he saw a small cake with “Thank you” written on it, placed at the table outside next to the pool. Khushi had organized this but where was she? When he turned around, he found her standing at the French doors in a red saree. Arnav almost choked seeing his wife in his favorite color. She had definitely gained weight during her pregnancy but after Aashi was born, she had reduced quite a few kilos. There were scars on her stomach, a few dark circles under her eyes due to lack of sleep but that didn’t affect her beauty. She was still the most beautiful women for him and that would never change. She reached him, hiding the nervousness on her face and easing her shivering body.

“Long time since I saw you in this..” Arnav murmured pulling up her chin and meeting her eyes.

“I don’t look good anymore, I know. So, stop flattering me”

“You have some big misconceptions” He placed a kiss on top of her forehead and grabbing her arms, pulled her to the edge of the pool. Khushi had no clue what he wanted to do but then he pointed at her reflection in the pool water. The image of the moon shone just beside her own reflection. “If you ask me which one looks prettier, I will always point at you.”

A smile popped on her lips as she turned around to him.

“That’s because you are the best husband in this world. You never see any faults in me. And that’s exactly why I wanted to celebrate tonight. To thank you for being such a good husband and a great father”

Arnav sighed in disbelief.

“You just stole my idea and thoughts. I was going to do the same for you. Thank you for being such a good wife and the best mother to our children”

“Aww..” she pouted. “Mother is fine.. But I think the wife in me needs polishing. I am not keeping up to my promises”

“Which ones?” he asked curiously.

“I am not keeping my husband happy these days. I have no time for him neither I satiate his desires which you know I am trying hard to but..”

“Khushi” Arnav’s stern voice paused her. He looked displeased. “do you really think not able to get intimate with your husband is making you a bad wife?”

“I don’t know. I feel I am lacking something in our marriage and..”

“You are not..” He cupped her face. “This is normal. It is normal for every woman to feel this way after delivery. I have been told that by the Doctor too and I have read it almost everywhere. It will change in the due course of time”

Khushi was impressed again and the tears in her eyes proved her feelings for him right now.

“See, that’s why I said you are the best husband one could ever have”

Before he could argue, Khushi smashed her lips on his, claiming him and his goodness like she needed it the most. Their kisses had always been intense but there was something tonight which made it even more passionate than the ones before. Maybe the color Red was lucky for them or the saree she was wearing tonight for him. Both of them got carried away in the moment, finally making love to each other like they always did before Aashi’s birth. Fortunately, Aashi didn’t wake up in between their moment and the couple got their time to devour each other.

“Who said you have stopped satiating your husband?” Arnav nibbled her earlobe as Khushi returned from the washroom, freshening up.

“We just got lucky tonight” She breathed hugging him back.

“High time we cut that cake too which is freezing outside”

Khushi giggled at the remembrance and the dragged Arnav out. They cut the cake, fed each other and spent some time in each other’s arms again beside the poolside. Life finally felt complete.


Two years later

Khushi was back from work and Aashi and her nanny. Yes, Khushi had resumed her role in Gupta Office again after Aashi was one year old and since then they had appointed a nanny who could look after Aashi when Khushi was busy handing the meetings. But she didn’t leave her baby home. Arnav had suggested the only way to keep Aashi close to Khushi all the time, even at work was by making a small space for her to play at Khushi’s office. Shashi Gupta instantly got to work and readied Khushi’s cabin by creating an additional room beside hers with a connecting door, which was exclusive for Aashi’s rest and play. The nanny who was chosen after rejecting dozens of her role, was appointed full time who stayed in Shantivan with them at night and during the day she looked after Aashi at Khushi’s office. Khushi ensured to keep checking on her baby once every hour and there were enough security cameras installed in Aashi’s play room which was directly connected to Khushi and Shashi’s webtop from where they could keep an eye on her.

“Mom..” Aarav ran into her arms and though she was holding Aashi already, she didn’t miss hugging her son.

“Hey handsome” She kissed his forehead. “How was your school today?”

Aarav was growing fast and was slowly getting Arnav’s features. He was turning out to be handsome just like her husband.

“It was good. Aashi.. come to me”

The moment Aashi saw Aarav, she jumped on him and he swayed and twirled her around until she was giggling hard.

“Mom, can we go play?”

“Sure, but we will do your homework in an hour. Did you eat?”

“Dad fed me. Bye Mom.. Come on Aashi.. We will play on the swing”

“shwwwinnng” she murmured tapping her feet excitedly and holding his hand, she hurried with Aarav inside the house.

Khushi heard some voices from the kitchen and it sounded like Arnav and Ayush’s. But what were these men doing in the kitchen? So, without wasting time she decided to find out.

“Arnav, you are missing the garnishing” Ayush suggested.

“Dad, nobody garnishes Jalebis” Arnav replied.

Khushi leaned at the door, watching her husband and his father messing around in the kitchen, to make Jalebis.

“Hello Boys” Khushi interrupted and the two literally jerked.

“No way.. what are you doing home so early?” Arnav asked, hiding the plate of Jalebis from her.

“You could have called before leaving office” Ayush muttered pushing away the rest of the messed-up vessels.

Khushi faked a frown.

“If I had informed before, how would I catch you both red-hand? What are you both doing here? And why is the kitchen so messed up?”

Arnav and Ayush glanced at each other. Ayush elbowed him to handle the situation.

“Sweetheart” Arnav came forward. “We were bored so.. we thought of cleaning the kitchen. That’s all”

“Cleaning huh?” Khushi asked knowing he was lying.

He kissed her head before giving her a hug.

“What are you both hiding? I need to know before I call up Anjali and ask her to come here and support my investigation”

“She is already on her way to come here” Ayush blurted out and Arnav gave him a stern look. “Oops. Sorry. That was supposed to be a surprise too”

“Dad.. You ruined it..”

“I am sorry Son. You see old age is making me lose my mind these days”

“you are not old” Khushi pushed Arnav away and strode to Ayush. “Just aging. That’s all” she said brushing her father-in-law’s grey hair”

The three laughed at the comment and then she saw the plate full of Jalebis.

“What’s the special occasion for which you two took so much efforts to make the dessert for me?”

Arnav practically glowed at her question. Ayush cleared his throat and took off the apron he was wearing.

“I will go check where Anjali and Shyam have reached” He left the couple alone and Arnav didn’t take long to reach his wife. Every time he looked so obsessively at her, Khushi’s heart fluttered and she felt his desire charging the air between them.

“It’s our fourth anniversary today” Arnav reminded, stroking her cheeks with his knuckles.

Khushi was confused. It had been 12 years for their marriage so how can today be their fourth anniversary and then suddenly she remembered what he was talking about. Today was the fourth anniversary for their remarriage and all those vows they took in Auckland privately before Aarav.

“Oh my God. Yes. How could I forget this day?” She quickly draped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer. She kissed his heart and then raised her head and pecked his jaw.

“Happy anniversary Arnav. This really skipped my mind”

Arnav fed her the Jalebis which was her and Aarav’s favorite. Aashi was unlike the two. She was more like her father and didn’t like much sweets though she did enjoy chocolates like Aarav but no other desserts.

“They are yum” Khushi savored the Jalebi feeding one to Arnav too. He licked the extra sugar syrup from the corner of her lip turning her on instantly but it wasn’t the right place and time to kiss properly as they could hear Anjali and Shyam’s voice from the living room.

“Laters sweetheart” That phrase was enough for Arnav to promise her ample of passionate moments tonight and she couldn’t wait for it.

“I knew it” Anjali rushed in the kitchen. “Your romance is never ending”

Khushi quickly moved away from Arnav and gave Anjali a big hug.

“Thanks for coming”

“I had to. We all missed your remarriage because you two didn’t invite us.. But we could never miss this day every year”

Anjali hugged Arnav.

“Chotte, you are just topping up the charts of best husband. I think Shyam needs few lessons from you”

“Do I?” Shyam entered. “But at night you say something else to me Jaan”

Arnav laughed with Khushi seeing Anjali’s flushed face who had never expected Shyam to say that.

“Fine.. You both men are the best and me and Khushi are still struggling to compete you two. Happy?”

“That sounds right” Shyam mocked earning another laugh from the rest. The couple wished Arnav-Khushi and they all finally assembled in the living room with Ayush, Shashi, Aarav and Aashi. The Jha couple had bought the cake along which Arnav and Khushi cut together. They first fed it to Aarav and Aashi and then to the rest of the family. It was finally photo time and they clicked numerous selfies and groupies together, the best one being Aarav sitting between his mom and dad, kissing Khushi’s cheek and Aashi on Arnav’s lap, kissing his jaw. Moments after that click, Arnav and Khushi had already decided to frame it and put it on their bedroom wall. Their family had completed in every sense and it wasn’t a one-man effort. Each one amongst them had contributed to be where they were today.

The End.

Note: I am so nostalgic right now and it really aches to know I am not going to write Yaadein from today. Thank you all for our wonderful journey with this Fiction. Your comments, likes and your honest reviews just make my day and motivates me to keep thinking and writing more. I love you all!! I seriously do from the bottom of my heart. Once again, thank you for being such fabulous readers and motivators in my life.




Standalone Romance Novel

Aryan Bohra

They say ‘Patience is virtue’ and I have lived by that term for six long years. Not anymore. The woman who has possessed my dreams all these years, is back in town and she also happen to be my newly hired PR Manager. If there is anything in this world that I have so strongly wanted, it’s HER.

Avni Singh

They say ‘Coincidences mean you're on the right path’. I don’t think so. The man who has chased and stalked me six years ago is now my Boss. I wanted none of my paths to cross his and still here I am, at his Office, as his PR Manager. If there is anyone in this world whom I have so strongly ignored, it’s HIM.

A tangled web of Love, Passion and Responsibility.


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“What have you told your sister-in-law about me?”

She doesn’t waste a minute and comes to the point whereas I don’t miss to notice the calm she is trying to pretend. I know she is burning from within.

“It’s none of your business what I speak to my sister-in-law”

My reply irks her even more.

“It is my damn business if I am the one you are conversing about. I had been to her Café last night and..”

“She offered you and your friend a free meal” I completed.

She frowns.

“So, she told you that and yet you are pretending like nothing is wrong with it?”

I rise from my chair and circle the table to reach her. It’s not a point asking her to sit. I know she wouldn’t.

“Jiya is being very generous. That’s all it is about”

“Generous? Why on me? I don’t even know her unless she knows me through you”

She swallows the painful knot formed in her throat. I knew Avni would be angry but never thought she would be so hurt.

“What have you told her Aryan?” she repeats.

“Nothing that is not true” My blunt reply infuriates her.

I am playing with words just to see what level she is ready to cross to hear me out today. Avni strides to me and stands closer.

“And what is that truth you told her?” She demands.

“Are you even ready to hear that truth?” I tease her back. “Because the last time I tried explaining, you left the city Avni Singh”

She cringes and my heart pounds so hard that I think it might burst.

“You fled from the town as you had some serious issues with rich men which I assume you still do.”

“It’s my headache” she snaps. “Why do you have a problem with that?”

“Because I WANT YOU in my life, Avni. And I need to know what is standing in my way”

She freezes and stares at me doubtfully. The silence between us is excruciating. Pain twists in my chest as she looks away disapproving my desires.

I grip her elbow and turn her around. “Is it money? Class? Status? What is it that’s forcing you to reject me?” I growl.

“Let me go” she struggles to be free but I tighten my hold on her instead.

“Six years Avni. I have waited for six long years for this conversation and I am not letting you go without listening to me this time”


  1. No words to describe your writing....was a very beautiful journey of Arshi. Thank you very much dear.👏👏👏

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a lovely and happy ending though we'll miss yadein but yadein ek yaad bankar hamesha rahegi

  4. Awesome Epilogue. Thanks for writing Yaadein. Will miss Arnav Khushi's romance and Aarav Aashi 's bond. Arnav and Khushi are the most responsible parents and couple. Aashi is really cute. Arnav made jalebis. Will miss this fiction a lot. Best fiction after Teri Ore. Please write another fiction like this with Arshi and their kids in future. Thanks for the Epilogue😍😍. Will miss this story a lot😥😥

  5. Awesome update. Beautiful ending. Will miss this story.

  6. A beautiful story and beautiful ending thank u I love all ur stories

  7. Hey! lovely!! So happy for all of them! Indeed a sweet story!


  8. Will miss this FF too much... Very emotional and lovely journey.... Anyways happy ending 🤗🤗

  9. This ff was my favourite. Thanks Madhu for writing such a wonderful story.

  10. Thank you Madhu for such beautiful stories.☺️

  11. Aarav is so happy with Aashi. He loves her so much and their moments are so cute. Aarav has so many plans with his sister. Aashi is equally fond of her brother. Arnav is nicely managing his work and family. He is the best husband who is helping Khushi and also taking care of his kids. Khushi gave Arnav a nice surprise in a red Saree and the way Arnav always find Khushi beautiful is appreciable. Arnav is too romantic the way he maturely deal with Khushi is impressive. Khushi kissed Arnav and Arshi got romantic. Khushi is continuing her work and taking care of Aarav and Aashi nicely. Aarav is now quite grown up and handsome like Arnav. Aashu is so cute. She is very fond of Aarav and their bond is cute. Arnav and Ayush made jalebis. Khushi and Ayush bond is nice. Arnav nicely celebrated their remarriage anniversary. Anjali is right regarding Arshi's romance. Finally everything is perfect in Arshi's life just like their family photo . Will miss this story. I am now very emotional. Words fall short how beautifully you write every Arshi story. Thanks for keeping Arshi alive through your stories. We may or may not see Arnav and Khushi in a new show in future. But with your stories it feels that they are always with us. Keep writing. Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️

  12. Lovely story Madhu as all your other Arshi fictions. Thank you for your efforts to give us such beautiful Arshi stories. You are a gifted writer.

  13. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  14. Omg I can’t believe it finished what awesome 🤩 ending Happy Ending Love ❤️ it .. so beautiful written.. concept amazing story interesting and beautiful.. love ❤️ this Ff so much .. I will missed for sure .. again madhu thank you 🙏

  15. Awesome of my favourite FFs

  16. A very well written and we definitely missed its like day before I start to reading and soon it's comes to end. thanks Madhuji

  17. Yaadein story hamesha yaad rahegi. Thankyou for writing such a fabulous story

  18. Beautiful ending, going to miss it a loott.
    Thankyou for always writing something different😊😊And always keeping on writing more ff😍😍

  19. This is the one story i loved most i think..Awesome.

  20. Have not read the story, but this was still great! :D

  21. we fall in love with arshi again and again bcz of your excellent writing...every story a new arshi story end up winning our heart😍thank you madhu didi 😘😘

  22. Beautiful ending.. will miss this story alot.

  23. Marvelous epilogue.. loved it so much.. ArShi and their lovely duniya.. will surely miss Yaadein a lot.. Thank you Madhu for such an awesomely amazing story <3

  24. These happy endings just melts my heart away.
    Congratulations madhu on completion of an awesome story.

  25. Thank you for a wonderful ending. I have been reading your stories for many years now and it still amazes me whenever I read. Such a talented gift you have. God bless you.

  26. Lovely and happy ending Thank you for such a nice story

  27. Beautiful ending. Thank you so much.

  28. OMG! What lovely ending, I love that. Thanks very much for this beautiful ff, I'll miss Yaadein, is a marvelous story.

  29. Beautiful Ending and will surely miss Yaadein. However, you always come up with more fantastic stories.

  30. Beautiful ending...
    Will miss it a lot...

  31. Thank you sis for giving this beautiful piece. Love you too. It was a beautiful end!

  32. This is a very happy ending with the family together...lovely stories came to end and will miss it. thank you dear.

  33. Fabulous wonderful ending dear. miss this ff so much

  34. No doubt you are an awesome writer... One request please come up with bride of sheeshmahal season 3 and rebellious heart season 2

    1. Bride of Sheesh Mahal 3 is in my mind already. Have a plot for this one. Will share the banner and the sneak peek soon with you all here.

    2. waiting for Bride of Sheesh Mahal 3

  35. Fabulous epilogue 👏👏👏
    Always love your stories Madhu 😍
    Your wonderful way of writing ✍️ each and every stories of yours always touched my and most of our hearts 🥰
    Thank you once again for your time.

  36. Fabulous story with beautiful ending. You are an awesome writer dear. Keep writing.

  37. It's truly a beautiful story. I enjoyed reading it..... But this happens only when you write arshi fiction. Thank you very much to keep entertaining us...

  38. I will miss it still can't believe it ended

  39. My most favourite story come to end. Beautiful journey of arshi with aarav, in the end aashi also joined.
    I love all the character in this FF, specially Cutie and mature aarav.
    Thanks for writing this beautiful story .
    Will love to read more 🥰🥰🥰

  40. Hey loved this story. Very very nice.
    Please do write a story opposite where arnav wants to abort child and Khushi goes away .. and they meet again when child is little older and arnav has someone else in life
    It would be great to see from your perspectives... you already write such a strong character . Waiting eagerly for the story

  41. Such a beautiful story..
    Totally loved it

    Going to miss it..
    Congratulations on completing the story 👏👏👏👏👏🥳🥳🥳🥳❤..
    One more flower in your arshi garden

    Please.write.something on arshi Vs whole world . Come what may they trust each other and love is strong and full of passion

  42. thank you for taking us on another beautiful arshi jouney....and i’m really happy that you back fit and fine Madhu Di....was missing your stories like hell..... i am one of your ardent fan of you fan fiction since 2012....have no idea ow this 9 years have passed so quickly n I can’t miss reading any of your stories till now..... with every new story you manage to make us travel in a new are so talented n gifted Di..... don’t ever stop writing....👍🏼👌🏼👏🏼🥰

    1. Thanks Meena. Its so nice to see you all on this Blog, reading my works from years.. It's my pleasure to have such ardent readers.

  43. I don't know how to explain this but u r a great writer i have read all ur completed stories and every story of urs sound different intact i can't even feel the same person wrote it this is how different each stories r i read many ffs and feel every writer has common things in there story but believe me u have none every story is special and different and i love how u keep growing with each story loved this story like all ur ffs i am glad to read all these ffs from u

  44. Hi dr. Ur such a very talented writer. Pls keep writing. I read all ur stories except ongoing. I really love it . All story touchd my heart. But yaaddein it made a special place in my heart. Even I like Arshi to c with their cute n lovely family . Pls keep writng more stories dr. Stay blessed n stay safe n stay healthy. Take care.

  45. Hi dr If u have completed more Arshi stories pls do tel me. Bos I love to read Arshi stories pls dr.

  46. Hi I read all ur completed stories but couldn't comment due to some network problem . But nw I'm lucky n I comment to ur stories.all ur stories r just awesome n feel like to read again n again. Keep writng dr n pls inform wen u start writng new stories of Arshi plss. Nw should start reading ongoing stories of Arshi. Thank u dr for such a lovely very Arshi stories. Stay blessd

    1. Thank You Nishi. Yes new stories are coming soon here..

    2. Hi dr just st tel me u upload new Arshi stories k dr. Wl wait til than wl start reading ongoing stories k dr.
