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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


NEW Swoony Romance on my Premium Content

Locked - Part 11



Chapter 11

Khushi’s POV

I have never felt this happy soothing someone’s pain. Maybe because that someone is Arnav Singh Raizada. As I massage his neck, he shuts his eyes and is completely lost at my touch. I hope this makes him feel better. I made him sleep on the recliner last night and he got this neck sprain. If we had slept together, he wouldn’t be in pain. After almost 5 minutes, I pull away and he turns around, craning his neck, stretching it softly and smiles at me.

“Payal is right. Your fingers have magic,” he mentions.

“Anytime.” I smile at his compliment.

“Really? Any time?” He repeats and my smile drops.

I look away unable to comprehend how to react.

“Seven days Khushi.” Arnav says getting down the bed. “And then we will part ways. Will you like being in touch with me or..?”

I swallow nervously. To be honest, I never thought of this. I don’t have many friends, especially boys. Not that Dad minds. But I was always so engrossed in helping Dad that I never got time to make more friends. But maybe now is the time when I should start thinking from a different angle. I had a different opinion about Arnav so far, then when we met here, in these 7 days my views for him have changed. I will like to be in touch with him even after our quarantined period.

“I understand” He takes my silence as a No and looks away, probably thinking to continue his work but I extend my hand towards him.


He looks stunned, happy and his smile is back as he completes our handshake. We are still holding hands when he laughs suddenly.

“What?” I ask curious to know what made him laugh like that.

“Nothing. Just remembered that famous Bollywood movie dialogue. Love is friendship.”

My jaw drops leaving me speechless. I shrug my hand from his hold. His grin turns into a frown when my phone buzzes and it’s NK’s name displayed on the phone screen. I silence it for now.

“You have started talking to him too?” He asks. “I thought you guys just chat.”

“It’s my personal life. I don’t need to explain you why and how? See you at lunch.”

I don’t wait to debate more and walk out of his bedroom to answer NK’s call. I know why he has called me. I had messaged him this morning that we need to speak seriously about the alliance our families are deciding upon. I had to make decisions wisely.


Arnav’s POV

I pace in the room, angry and frustrated. I was so happy the moment she extended her hand for friendship but that Nandakishore had to ruin the moment. The mere thought of Khushi chatting with some other man was unbearable and now I know she even talks to him on the phone. This is happening too fast while me and her are progressing quite slow. Akash who came in my room after Khushi left asked me the reason for my frustration, and I told him all. Now he is busy munching the Poppadum which Payal fried for Lunch, while I pace clueless of my next actions.

“Bhai, you are straining your feet now. I don’t think Khushi will be free again to press your feet this time with her magical fingers” Akash teases.

“Shut up Akash” I growl. “If you cannot suggest me anything, at least don’t mock.”

Akash finished the Poppadum and dusted his palms rising to his feet.

“Bhai, your and Khushi’s relation might be growing day by day but its still moving in that old classical movie style. At this rate, you might propose her when she will be already married to that NK and have three kids.”

I glare at Akash for putting those images in my head of Khushi-NK and their little family. I shrug those images and punch Akash’s chest.

“You know what Akash? Just get out. You are seriously not helping.” I shout.

Akash grins and forces me to sit on the recliner. He then takes a seat next to me.

“Bhai, Chill. Let me come to the point.”

“You better” I scowl.

He laughs again.

“Okay see, we have just 7 days to part ways. So far, Payal doesn’t have any other suitor in her life, which means she can still focus on me and dream about me if she has even a bit of liking for me. But that’s not the case with Khushi. Her father has chosen someone else for her and she has even started talking to him. You have to do something fast to make sure she diverts her attention to you more. Show her what she will miss if she doesn’t choose you.”

I sigh. Of course, that’s what I have to do.

“I am not good at this subject Akash.” I sigh.

He nods.

“I know. You have hardly got time to look at anything else apart from your laptop and work files. But don’t worry. Why fear when I am here?”

I wait for Akash to give me an direction where to start from.

“Payal was telling me Khushi is fond of sweets, especially Jalebis.”

“So?” I query.

“Bhai.. think…” He grins and I don’t understand for another minute.

“Okay, I will order some for her tomorrow and gift her that.”

Akash pats his forehead in distress.

“Seriously Bhai? You will order Jalebis?”

“Why not?” I ask, curious to know what is wrong in that?

Akash shifts in his seat, getting closer to me this time.

“Bhai, women like it men put efforts to make them happy. There is no effort in Ordering. You need to fry Jalebis for her if you want Khushi to notice you.”

FRY JALEBIS? NO WAY!! But then if this is the only way I can get Khushi’s attention on me, I will.


Khushi’s POV

It’s evening and Akash and Payal are taking a walk in the garden outside. I had seen them both from the balcony and could see how Payal was getting serious about him. I have never seen Payal talking openly to any man before. Akash is first. She gets positive vibes from him and if that’s really so, I am happy for her. I can tell Akash is also equally interested in her but they just need to give each other some time to see if it works for them longer than this quarantine period. Only 14 days are not enough for anyone to judge their would-be life partners. I make my way down to see if I can get some book to read. This house has a small shelf with lots of fiction, non-fiction books and I could utilize my time in reading some as I am really not in a mood to do anything else. Workwise I am not very busy anymore. The pandemic has forced us to slow down businesswise and though we are not exactly going through loses, I hope the situation gets back in control again.

I suddenly get the aroma of freshly fried Jalebis. Like seriously? Jalebis? Here? I usher to the kitchen door and find Arnav taking off his Chef Apron and turning to me. The kadhai is still on the gas stove with hot oil and I don’t take long to realize he was the one who made it.

“You… you made Jalebis?” My voice remains steady but I am anything but calm.

Arnav blocks my way before I could reach the stove.

“Patience Miss Gupta and you will be rewarded.” He smirks.

“I choose Jalebis over Patience. Please can I have one? Please?”

He nods.

“Of course, I made them for you.”

I open my mouth in surprise. He made Jalebis for me? Who told him I like them so much? Arnav drags me to the little table of two and gets me seated there.

“Your desserts will be served in a minute, Ma’am.”

I hold my laugh at his formal dialogue. He gets back to the other side of the Kitchen slab to serve me and I fiddle with the plates and spoons.

“Can you hurry? Please?” I pout and he takes a quick stride back to me.


He has got an entire plate of Jalebis and I cannot wait to taste them. I pick up and put it in my mouth.

“Ummm” I savor it like never before and watch him admire me but soon something strikes in my head.


Arnav’s POV

Watching Khushi savoring the Jalebis leaves a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. I can see her like this for my whole life!! Suddenly when she goes still and doesn’t pick the next Jalebi to eat, I become conscious again.

“What happened? You didn’t like it?” I ask nervously and she gets up.

She scans the kitchen as if looking for something.

“Khushi, what are you searching for?” I get up and follow her to the slab where she finally finds the little container where I had stored the Jalebis I had cooked for her. Not the one which I Served her though. She is about to open the container when I stop her.

“Don’t” I scowl.

“So the real ones are here?” she asks, frowning at me. “And the ones you made me eat were ordered, right?”

I swallow nervously and then nod.

“I had to be ready with the backup. And thank God I did because the ones I made are terrible.”

She sighs in disappointment but there is something in her eyes which tells me she is not upset on me. She slowly pulls my hand away from the container and opens it. She picks one over fried Jalebis I made for her and puts it in her mouth. I shut my eyes unable to see her reactions. I hope she doesn’t scream at me for this horrible cooking and spoiling her favorite dish. But when I don’t hear anything like that, I open my eyes and see her eating a few more over fried ones. I stop her instantly.

“Khushi stop” I shout. “Why are you eating these when I got you the best?”

She rolls her eyes.

“Because I don’t need best. I am happy with these trial ones Arnav.”

Really? I stare at her bewildered.

“Arnav, these Jalebis you made show your sincere efforts in doing something for me which you really didn’t had to. So, they are special than the ones you ordered.”

I finally relax and smile back at her. I don’t know how to take this comment from her? I am elated for sure. Maybe if we had that connection already, I would have thanked her with a kiss, but…

I pick one and eat it myself.

“They are bad” I finish munching it, making a face.

“They are over fried and sweetness is less but they are not bad. Have this one.” She passes me another one, the best of the best and I eat it from her hand.

“Hmm” I agree. “Not really bad. A bit of practice should help me reach perfection. But how did you know the ones I fed you were ordered and not homemade?”

Khushi munches another one.

“Very simple. I run a Sweet business and have been a passive participant of this family business from quite few years. You cannot cheat me Arnav Singh Raizada. Next time you make something for me, don’t hesitate.”

I bow my head embarrassed. “Never.”

“By the way, who gave you this idea and why did you do it?” Khushi asks almost finishing the container of Jalebis and leaving two for me.

I am speechless. I never thought she would ask me the reason. I wasn’t prepared to reply this to her. Maybe I should tell her though.. That she means special to me and I wanted to do something special for her but before I could even frame that statement, Khushi guesses my reply.

“Got it.” she grins. “We became friends today and you wanted to start this relationship between us with a dessert. Right?”

No!! That’s not it. I am trying to win her love, to show her I can be the best man in her life as her partner. I don’t dare want to remain only as her friend. God!! I have imagined this woman with me doing so many things that it can embarrasses any couple. How am I supposed to tell her that?

“Khushi.. I…” I swallow. “Actually I ..”

She watches me keenly, as if waiting to hear my reply and its right on my lips but I can’t say it.

“I what, Arnav?” she questions back.

I don’t know how she would react if I tell her not to marry anyone else because I was interested in her. What if she dismisses that and ignores me?

“I…” I gulp hard this time. “I want…”

“You want?” She gets as excited to know as I am to tell her when the doorbell rings.

Khushi and I both jerk at the intrusion. It definitely cannot be Akash and Payal as they have the keys.

“Oh. I forgot to tell you. Tyagi had called and he said they are coming today to take the RT-PCR tests again as we have completed 7 days. Protocols.” She smiles and hurries out to open the door and along with Akash and Payal, two men wearing PPE kits get inside, sanitizing themselves before asking us to get ready for the tests.

I seriously feel like I missed a golden chance to confess my feelings to Khushi Gupta. I had to find some other way now.


To be Continued.


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NEW EXCERPT 2 - Just for a Click


A loyal, workaholic Myra needed a one-week break from her hectic office schedule and she told only one lie to her over-demanding Boss. That if she didn’t take this one-week off, her relationship with her boyfriend would end forever. Tables turned when her boss demanded Myra’s picture with her boyfriend when she goes on that vacation with him. That one lie decided the fate of her Job.

Crazy, wasn’t it? But Myra believed she could pull this off. So now, she wasn’t just spending her hard-earned savings to fake a holiday alone, but she also had to hunt down a man who would act like her boyfriend Just for a Click.

Did her mission succeed? Did she say farewell to the man who saved her Job or was there more to her one-week fairytale?

A short contemporary romance with a surprising twist. 

Number of Pages: 104

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“So, where are you from?” He asked, gripping my waist, making me acutely conscious of his touch.

“Is that necessary for me to answer?”

“Why? Do you want to remain a stranger to me forever?”

“I am still thinking about it”

My heart kicked into a mad beat as he looked away for a second, and then his eyes were back on me.

“Don’t you think you want to tell me something? I have been noticing it from the time we met”

Noticing what? Oh God. Did he get to know?

“If you want my picture, just ask it, Myra”

My jaw dropped. He was too sharp to guess.

“Did I make it that obvious?” I queried, flushed.

“Very,” he smirked. “Or maybe I was over attentive”

This man was openly flirting, and I didn’t mind. I still felt safe in his arms.


  1. Awesome Update. Hope Arnav finds some way to tell his feelings for Khushi. Liked the way Arnav made jalebis for Khushi and Khushi also appreciated his efforts. Thanks for the Update😍😍

  2. Khushi and Arnav finally became friends. Hope Khushi won't marry NK. Akash is teasing Arnav but he is right Arnav should initiate something. Arnav should do something romantic to woo Khushi. Glad that Akash is there to help Arnav as Arnav has no idea about romance. Akash and Payal's relationship is progressing nicely. Arnav cooked overfried jalebis for Khushi and Khushi praise Arnav .Arnav is already in some other world with Khushi. Arnav should reval his feelings for Khushi. He is so passionate about Khushi. Waiting for Khushi's reaction when Arnav propose her. Arnav should hurry up.😍😍

  3. Awesomeee update dii.. Arnav making efforts to impress khushii..eager to know what decision khushi made abt nk though.. waiting to see Arnav's confession..❤️❤️

  4. One second i got panic, khushi going to tell "I forgot to tell you , NK is coming". Thank God 🙏🏻 .
    I'm really pray khushi told NK , we can't move forward the proposals. Arnav start the jealous game with sheetal, Khushi continuing for along time. Please end this ArShi. I want atleast few sneaking romance inside the house.... before they part.

    Khushi eating arnav fried not so bad jelebi... beautiful.... 😍😍😍😍

    Waiting for next update dear

  5. The great ASR is faltering while talking...great!just say it Arnav... you can do it 👍

  6. Superb update..
    Loved the teasing side of akash. But he gave the right advice to Arnav..

    Wow he made Jalebis for her and loved the way khushi spoke..
    Haha Arnav for the first time nervous

    Looking forward

  7. Finally this update came.thankyou for updating this ff

  8. Finally the update is here. Please update soon.
    And also checkout my

  9. Arnav and his delays in expressing his feelings....

  10. Oh!!! Damn!!! The famous knocks n rings to disturb arshi!!! Come on arnav make it fast, u guys lives in the same house u will soon get the opportunity again plz utilize it before the next KNOCKS n RINGS:P

  11. Wonderful beautiful update dear

  12. Superb awesome update madhu. Madhu one request can you write like love hate stories like before , such as yotbm 1 , mnb 2 , seven vows 1 etc . Intensity of these stories are unique.
