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The Pursuit (A Spy Romance)

One Hellish Desire


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My New Boss - Season 3 - Part 4


Chapter 4

Khushi’s POV

The rest of the drive to the Ghosh Group Office is silent. Arnav Singh Raizada gets busy on his mobile phone whereas I focus on the file before me. There’s something about this Project that I don’t want to miss. I am aware how much money this Project will get to AR group. We are almost reaching when his phone rings and Arnav answers instantly.

“Yes, Mitali. We are almost at the gates. See you in 10.”

I roll my eyes.

“Don’t you think you are being too familiar with the Client’s daughter too soon?”

“All aren’t boring as you, Miss Gupta.”

His statement fuels my anger but before I could lash it out, he gets down the car. I follow him out. We are soon welcomed by the manager of Ghosh who leads us to the conference. Three hours, me and Arnav are busy discussing the project and how this venture will benefit both the companies. Mitali Ghosh is thankfully not in the conference room which I assume is due to her lack of knowledge in the business. After knowing this morning that she had sent a bouquet of roses to Arnav Singh Raizada, I had asked Aman to do some research for me about Mitali. She’s a spoilt brat of the Ghosh family, the youngest in the family who has been pampered more than necessary. She’s also had a chain of boyfriends so far and none of her relationship extended beyond 3 months. The last breakup she had was just two weeks ago.

I don’t want to interfere in her personal life or even Arnav Singh Raizada’s but we cannot afford to lose this venture because of his faults. So when the meeting ends, and Mr. Ghosh invites us for a Drink tonight in one the Hotel Bar they own, I politely decline.

“Actually, we are occupied tonight with something else.” I say.

“Not me,” Arnav cuts my words. “I will be there Mr. Ghosh.”

“Lovely..” They shake hands and I am forced to give a smile. The door of the conference room opens and Mitali Ghosh barges inside. She’s in her casual clothes and ignoring everyone’s greetings, she just rushes to us.

“My daughter, Mitali” Mr. Ghosh introduces.

“Of course.. we know each other already.” Arnav shakes hands with her first and smiles.

The way she gawks at him, churns my stomach. I might not have dated men but I can say what a woman means when she watches a man like that. She wants him on her bed!!

“You know each other? And how is that?”

“Long story Dad” Mitali intervenes. “ASR, can I have a word with you?”

“Sure.” He grins. “By the way, that’s Miss Khushi Gupta, the CEO of AR Group”

I am glad he introduced though it wasn’t really necessary. I don’t like to meet people who have no interest in me.

“Hi” I shake hands with Mitali who smiles almost as instantly as she hears my name. “My brother is your Big fan.” She adds.

Brother? Oh!! The other over pampered son of the Ghosh family – Aatish Ghosh. He’s my fan? Wow!! I turn to watch Arnav who has a not so okay look as Mitali mentioned it.

“He’s gone to Singapore. One of our Casino has some problem. So…” Mitali adds.

“Mitali..” Her father interrupts as if he doesn’t want her to spill all secrets about his son’s colorful life.

“Sorry Dad but Aatish wanted me to tell her. Anyways.. I am going to steal ASR from you Miss Gupta. I hope you don’t mind.”

I paste a fake smile again.

“I would never mind if you want to ease my headache..”

Yeah!! I called him my Headache. Arnav’s jaw clenches but Mitali doesn’t let him react to my comment. She drags him out and I exhale. How does Arnav know Mitali? And what connection do they share?


I had no interest in attending the party which Mr. Ghosh invited us this morning but when I spoke to Ayush Sir, he wanted me to go and ensure all is well. His son was attending it, so he wasn’t very sure to leave him alone. Wearing the best semi formal dress I had, a grey bodycon dress, I entered the Hotel and I am taken to the small Pub inside where I am told the Ghosh and their guests have already been enjoying. Picking a mocktail, I meet some more executives of the Ghosh industries. Women eye me like they are jealous of my attire. I know!! I always outdo myself. Men don’t stop eyeing at me which is not something I enjoy all the time. It gets awkward when every pose, expression and smile of mine is been measured and watched by everyone surrounding me. I always feel like a celebrity in such events but it has never given me any pleasure.

“Miss Gupta” Mitali rushes to me as soon as she notices me here. She’s little drunk and I can read that from her stumbling steps.

“Hey..” I smile. “You look gorgeous.”

Sometimes we have to lie! And this is that ‘Sometimes’

“Thank you. But you look no less. I liked this bracelet you wearing.”

I shrug.


“Really? Wow!! Anyways, Aatish has asked me to hug you so please don’t mind..”

Before I can mind, she gives me a tight hug. Damn her!! I keep pasting a fake smile so much that now my cheeks start to hurt. We speak for a few minutes where she again tells me how Aatish wants to celebrate his birthday next month in a Cruise and me and Arnav are already on the invite list. I really don’t want to attend that party and I am sure to find an excuse to not do so but I have full faith Arnav Singh Raizada will. Ever since I am here, that man has thrown hundreds of glances at us which obviously can’t be for me. It’s for Mitali and I still don’t understand what’s going on between them.

“Miss Gupta sounds so formal. Can I call you Khushi?” Mitali Gosh coaxes, sipping her wine.

“Sure,” I swallow my mocktail, without breaking the eye contact with her. Why do I think she is going to dig more?

“Thanks. So, you and ASR… I mean.. it must be fun working with him, isn’t it?”

I knew it!! I nod.

“Very. He’s a hardworking man and though we have just met, I sense his potential in running the business.”

Can’t believe I am praising that egoistic prick but again, I can’t defame him before my clients. We work for the same Company and we have to maintain the reputation.

“I see,” she grins, turning her gaze to Arnav Singh Raizada who is still busy speaking to her father, the director of Ghosh Group of Companies. “He’s really really something..”

I flinch!! Now I have a problem.

“You know what Miss Gosh” I interrupt. “He doesn’t mix business with pleasure. So, I suggest if you are not in for a heartbreak, don’t have much hopes from him.”

Mitali’s expressions goes stern as she looks at me with cold freezy eyes.

“You seem to know him quite a lot in hardly few days.” She taunts. “Did you become the CEO before he returning to India or after?”

Can I smack her face? I don’t like the way she’s mocking me as if she thinks I have already tried luring Arnav to get to the position I am.

“After,” I snap, curbing my frustration. “Taking my words as a free advice or a piece of warning, I leave it up to you. Thank you so much for this Drink. Excuse me.”

And with that, I am off to the ladies washroom, fully aware Arnav Singh Raizada is watching me.


I splash the water on my face, once, twice and thrice before turning off the tap and look myself in the giant mirror. I hardly wear a makeup so I still look the same but my cheeks still hurt by the constant smiling. I don’t smile usually but in events like this, I ought to. Wiping my face dry with the tissue, I recall what Mitali asked me. How can she stoop so low and think I have lured my Boss’s son to get to this position which technically should have belonged to him? Is this what the others think too? Can’t they see my efforts? Why is a woman never allowed to enjoy her position which she achieved because of her hard work and dedication?

The washroom is small and only for single person’s use. There was another big one little farther from the Bar but I ignored to walk there. I have to be quick as I don’t want other women, if any, to wait for their turn to freshen up. I quickly apply the gloss on my lips and rub them together when I see Arnav Singh Raizada entering the Washroom.

“What the hell” I shout. “This is a woman’s washroom. The men’s is at the other corner.” I snarl.

He leans to the door, crossing his arms at front.

“You think I care?”


“How dare you speak for me Miss Gupta? What do you think of yourself? You act like you created me or that I am your puppet who has to follow all your commands.”

His glare turn dangerous but I am not scared.. Not yet. I put my gloss back in the purse.

“I don’t know what you are talking about” I growl and make my way to the door where he is leaning. I am sure he has that much decency to let me walk out. But the moment I reach there, he grabs my arms and pins me to the door instead.

“What did you tell Mitali about me?” He snaps.

Oh!! So he is pissed with that?

“You don’t mix business with pleasure. That’s what I told her and I hope that’s true. If not, I am sure you are ruining your father’s impression then.”

“How dare you” He punches his fist on the door, just beside my head and something happens in my body.

It’s a rush of adrenaline to my brain! I take a glimpse of the surroundings. A closed confined little space of the washroom with me pinned by a man who is so close that I effing can’t breathe. I don’t have a good feeling about this.

“Leave… leave me…” I meant to order him but the words sound more like a plea.. “Let me.. go..” Sweat beads form on my face and my body trembles with an uneasy fear.

All his anger mellows down the moment he sees my state.

“Miss Gupta?” he calls out.. “Are you okay?”

I am breathless. I need fresh air to breathe.

“Miss…” He pauses to loosen his grip from my shoulders. I am free to go.. but I can’t walk. It’s like I am frozen to that spot. I can’t move.. I am still trembling.. “Khushi..” he pats my cheeks softly. “What’s wrong? You are scaring me dammit!!”

I swallow.

“Don’t.. don’t effing … shout..” I manage to say and he takes a moment to gauge my problem. The next instant, he manages to open the door and leaning down he carries me in his arms. I am still trembling. I don’t like him carrying me like that but the sooner we move to an open space is better. He uses the back exit and brings us out of the Hotel pub. Fresh Air!! Yes.. Fresh Air.. He puts me down to another wall so that I can balance myself but he still is close. To ensure he can support me if I fall..

“Breathe” he says. “Breathe as I count.. Okay? One..” he pauses to see if I did as I he told. I do.. I breathe.. “Two.” He adds. I breathe again.. “Three..”

I breathe… fresh air and feel better.. I am good.. I have stopped trembling. I am good. I exhale and lean my head back on the wall and shut my eyes. He stops counting.

“What the hell was that?” He asks. “Panic attack? Claustrophobia? What was that?”

“Somewhere between the two” I snap taking out my phone to book a cab. “I have to go. If Mr. Ghosh asks, let him know I am not feeling well.”

“Who told you I am going to let you drive alone?”

My brows twitch. Is he planning to drop me home? Because I am not keeping well?

“You don’t have to drive me home.. I can…”

“I never said I am driving you home. I’ll ask my driver to do that Miss Gupta. Don’t give that much importance to yourself. You mean nothing to me except the woman my father thinks can teach me some business. That’s all. No more.. No less”


I don’t say that aloud but seems like the expressions on my face just conveyed that. My phone dings.

“My ride is here. Thanks but no thanks for your driver. Good night.”

Saying that I walk to my ride!! To the Cab I just booked. I never thought the man I hate the most these days will tend me during my low moments today but I am not thankful to him exactly. I faced it because of him. If he hadnt came in the washroom and started shouting at me and invading my personal space, I would have been fine.

To be Continued.

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Grab your Kindle copies and read this Enemies to Lovers standalone romance novel and I assure you won't be disappointed 😊😊😊

BACK TO YOU - Enemies to Lovers standalone romance novel by Madhuri Tamse.



“I need a divorce,”

“You stole my line, Ananya. Doesn't matter how much our lives mismatch, this time, we are on the same page. I need a divorce too.”

“Great. So, let's catch up at your sister’s fifth wedding anniversary and get this done with.”

“Sounds perfect.”

Message conveyed!! The phone line disconnects!!!

Rajveer Chopra, CFO of a multinational telecom company in Australia, married his childhood enemy Ananya Mathur, a social media influencer for a fashion brand in New York, to satiate the long-lasting desires of the two families to see them together as a couple. If Rajveer loved East, Ananya preferred West. The only thing common between them was the passion for their respective profession and the countries they lived in. If Rajveer was adamant to stay in Australia forever, Ananya had no plans of leaving New York ever. They dragged their loveless marriage for ten months without seeing each other, with less than a dozen messages exchanged between them only on important events. Finally, they mutually agreed to put an end to this assault and move on. Breaking their family’s hearts would be difficult, but it was better than dragging a loveless marriage.

What will happen when these two meet again in India during their one-month stay? Can they ever sacrifice their priorities for each other? Can love frame an equation between the two, or will they part ways amicably?

A Standalone Enemies to Lovers Contemporary Romance Novel.

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3. Sneak Peek 1 HERE


  1. Awesome Update. Mitali is really annoying. Arnav helped Khushi. Arnav though egoistic is caring towards Khushi too. Khushi too isn't less . Khushi has some painful past with men I think. Thanks for the Update😍😍

  2. Khushi is very ambitious. Arshi's fighting continues. Mitali's history isn't good. Arnav is a charmer and Mitali is giving him attention. Khushi is bothered by that and their closeness. Hope Arnav stay away from Mitali and her brother isn't less than her. Khushi though loves attention is very lonely. Mitali continues to annoy Khushi and insulted her. Her mentality is very poor. Khushi is very capable and hard working. Like the washroom sequence. Arnav again pinned Khushi which are his famous traits. Khushi insult Arnav. Something happened in the past with Khushi. Arnav saw her vulnerability and helped her. He carried Khushi in his arms. Will it change the equation between Arshi. Khushi is as egoistic as Arnav .

  3. Awesome update dii..❤️❤️

  4. Fallen in love with this story Madhuuuu another update plzzzz cant leave this story want to keep reading it

  5. I guess I am going to enjoy this FF ..

  6. Man ..... but why she overwhelmed with anger?

  7. Superb the confident khushi...
    Ghosh kids are seems spoiled brats...

    Like the way khushi deal with mithali. But what arnav's connection with her?
    Khushi has past incidences that create the shivering for her?
    But like the way arnav took care for her though for short while..

    She is strong girl..
    Sad that woman are judge at every step

  8. Ghosh kids will create problems for arshi.what is khushi past🤔

  9. Mittali so annoying. How dare her😤. Arnav pinning khushi in washroom trick some past of Khushi. Arnav helping Khushi and getting worry, giving good sign.
    I don't like arnav being friend with mittali in future. And that flirt attaish... khushi actually trying to helped arnav from mittali who have very bad ideas for arnav.
    Waiting for next update dear...

  10. Hmmm looks like Khushi have some fear or any kind of past!!! Arnav immediately mellow down to help Khushi. Superb update

  11. Arnav & Khushi both unknowingly are striked with the sparks of jealousy due to the Ghosh Siblings' interest in them; Mitali Ghosh's towards Arnav & Aatish Ghosh's towards Khushi. Well, that's a good start for us readers 😀

    I guess Khushi's sudden panicked state has something to do with her past & so does her loneliness & boring life,too.

    Arnav screamed to her that she ain't any important to him but his care & concern towards her when she panicked showed how soft & kind-hearted he is & I'm already loving him ❤

    Thanks for the wonderful update, Madhu.

    Kavita Wadnerkar

  12. This is getting too much interesting
    As always loved it 💕💕💕

  13. Khushi is a righteous woman. She doesn’t mix personal life and business. I don’t understand why arnav was angry? She didn’t tell anything wrong about him to Mitali. Then why is he angry?
    Their love story will begin when Aatish is in the country. Waiting for the next chapter. Nice update. Thank you!

  14. Awesome wonderful fabulous update dear

  15. I don't understand how the hell people like mitali gets the guts to speak rubbish!!!! how dare they!!!! Who give them rights of it!!!!😡😡😡 I wish, khushi and arnav, both do the needed and give her back and show her her place next time.

    Its always a treat to watch arnav's soft and gentlemen behavior 😍😍😍 although his anger was unreasonable. May be, the reason was a reason and must be reveal through his pov.

    Khushi was just saving him from the bitches, it was kind of soon and unpredictable of such jealous/possessive/boiling/insecure type of behavior from her. I don't want such reactions from her so soon. It doesn't suit her character, for now. A glimpse of her deep scars, hmmm. A combination of panic attack and claustrophobic!!! Its very dangerous and can be fatal.

    After reading the khushi of prologue, i had expected drinking and smoking woman. Its suits her character and its also my long time wish and desire to see drinking, smoking and badass khushi 😜. I got excited to see this type of khushi but in the 1st part only she clarified that she doesn't drink. I so wish to see a smoking khushi and a caring arnav helping her to get rehabilitation from it😍😍😍

  16. Superb Update...But Madhu Why Khushi book a cab...???Doesnt she have her OWN Car...She's a business Woman you see...

  17. Why Khushi is doing character assassination of every single person be it Mitali ,Arnav or Aatish. She might have trust issues with men. But why she is judging Mitali , whether she change her boyfriend daily or keep a relationship of a long time period it shouldn't bother khushi. And why she is talking on behalf of Arnav ,like Arnav didn't for once said something about her....

    1. There's a difference between strong and arrogant and currently Khushi is coming across as the latter. She not only insulted her client but her colleague in front of the client - so much for being professional. She seems to be insecure instead of confident.

  18. Superb update its interesting to read 🤩👌 ... Khushi is very lonelines has made her like this towards people ...mitali ia soo annoying and her brother too ... Arnav cares for khushi in low time and helped her that shows he is good my heart 💖 ... I want to know that were is khushi's car ?? Post it soon...

  19. Fabulous chapter. I like this confident Khushi.

  20. If Khushi didn't like being judged as an opportunist by Mitali, she too had no right to slut shame Mitali or make snap judgement on Arnav's character. If Mitali wants to live a non-committed life and if Arnav wants to date/hook-up with a client, it's their prerogative. They both are consenting adults who can lead the lifestyle they want to.

    She claims Arnav doesn't care about his father's reputation but does she give it a second thought while calling him a headache in front of clients. She also called him her tail and in general shows very little respect for his talent (he did build and sell a company).

    She is an arrogant hypocrite. Please don't show Arnav melting away just cause he finds her beautiful. It's happened in reverse in a few other others and would be nice to see a hate-to-love transformation based on something other than physical attraction.

  21. Khushi mentioned she has to "fake" praise Arnav to not spoil his reputation in front of potential clients but has no qualms about calling him a headache - like really? Then she interferes in his personal life in the guise of business and gets angry when he calls her out on the same. She says he uses his father's name but she is the one hiding behind senior ASR.

    Coming to Mitali - readers are getting angry with the way she spoke to Khushi but Khushi is the one who started it. Mitali was being perfectly friendly till Khushi suggested she stay away from Arnav. Even if Mitali wasnt a client's daughter, Khushi had no right to make any assumption about her or judge her lifestyle.

    She is way too unlikeable right now

  22. Its world wide many people judge woman who are on a high levels or let me say sucessful that they seelpt with men to rich that far which is not good at all.
